The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 20, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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MONDAY, JULY 20, 1i4.
iifflfiinnQBiini Mm
Because of the inability of a great many peo
ple to take advantage of our China Sale Sat
urday, we have decided to continue it this
week. We have only a few pieces of our
Johnson English ware left, and to fill out we
have added some more very good bargains in
Glassware and white china. We will also
continue our sale on novelty dishes at 5 cents
each. You really cannot afford to miss this
if you desire REAL bargains.
Phones 53 and 54.
l Courier.
r.harles Alii l ri Ihis week for
V;ikMi K;iu-a-', where in went
to l-H.k al'b-r his farm in tin
'Sutitl'iwiM'" stale.
Mr-. Arthur Join-- and three
1 1 i I I ! i nf llollx. T.olo.. ale here
Iiiakmi: an extended isit wilh I In
f -riiM-i's parents, .Mr. ami Mrs.
t.hri- ni-rr. who has !-1 1 very
II wild a-lhrna ami heart trouble,
i- able to li.' 1 1 and around auain
ami recuperating at Urn lnniir
..f iii- -on, Diii'ir, at Alvo.
Mrs. r.. .taml'-r reeeiv - i wnnl
'I hut -4a that her I il f le rand
il.:nrht i-, Mildred, I he siyear-
!. daui.iit.-r of Mi. ami Mrs.
1 . -1 - r- Spaii'-'I'T, of near Weeping
Water, had fallen .md di-henled
her arm.
I!. I..''.'IK has -old Ihe two
hit- al ji -in im: his plare on Ihe
imrlh. to his stepson, Yirtor
-..n. i.f A-hlaml. who will befrin
tin- -I'l-i-t ii m of a four-room Cot
i aue immediately, am! will make
tins hi- home herea 1 1 im
I In- fi-iiinls ii' I.. H. Kilifore.
who was badly hurm'il in a powder
plo-nii at tin- National quarry
alMHil I In weeks apo, w ill be
.li-:i--, in Irani that In- was able
lo have lln ho-pilal a I'riilay.
Ill is now at holm ami pi-llinp
I li-r steadily.
italph Tvviss and hi- paint
-anir an at Ihe slate lish halrh
lies paint iu'r the new hatchery
l.uiMinir. Ifc .-ays I In- new bnild
imr is a n n I ! of beauty and con-i-nii-m-i
ami that Supl. (."l.rien j.,
havimx the pruiinds lied up in
line shape.
We learn that (.ei.rpe Frater
is in. . hilt hi- family from Texas
to ..ilh IMatli. Neb., where Ihey
will make their home in Ihe
liiture. The climate of Texas did
lint aiMi-i with Mr. I'raler and
-iiici- returning to Nebraska he is
-aniiiir in health.
In-d l'l-li-r-on nf Ihis place and
Mi-s (irarc Smilii ir Fremont
sui pri-i il their friends by pell inn
mari-ii-d at Aurora last Monday.
Tin priiiim was and raised
in l.oiii- die. and is Ihe son of
j peti-r-nn. one of our oldest ami
mo- highly respected cilizens.
He is a viMinir man of exemplary
hal.ils and has heen enjraped as
Intpuisl. with the Itlake-Mrf.arly
I H up company. The bride has
i-ited in Louisville ami is a
charminp younp lady. The
Omrier extend- conpi at ulal ions.
lr. Mm. per and wife of Cozfld,
Neb., spent several days the lat
ter part of last wek visit inp wilh
friends in F.lmvvood.
Win. Ilerper relurned to his
home at Farnam, eh.. Ihe first
of" Ihe week. pode Hnskirk ac
cotiipauyinp him.
f.ast Friday a hahy hoy was
horn to Mi. and Mrs. 5eorpe
Jolmsoii, near Wabash. The Ut
ile fellow weiphed ten pounds.
Mr. (leorge llerjrer, daughter,
Bertha and Win. Merger of Far
nam. Sob., went to Louisville Fri
day and spent several days visit
ing with relatives.
A baby boy was born Sunday to
Mr. aul Mrs. Lloyd Miller. As
The Daylight Store
Ihis js the first hahy Ihey are
showered wilh congratulations
li'om their relatives and friends
and (iramlpa and .randma Lcllcr
are Ihe proudest, grandparents in
low n.
I.oren l'arrish was taken sud
denly -.jck Monday morning. lie
had just started to work excavating-
for the new church huilding
and had only heen working a
short lime when he was furred to
iiit. He is under Ihe doctor
care, hut is improving rapidly.
On last Friday Mrs. . Harl
lett had the misfortune to fall,
breaking Ihe knee-cap. It was
just dinner lime and she had
stalled to lake some water to the
chickens. wlu-n -he shsmhled.
falling in such a manner so as to
strike the sharp edii'e of a bindr
wheel which was lyiny near the
Last Thursday Mrs. M. L. !ol
laher was taken seriously ill with
an attack of appendicitis, and was
taken lo Ihe St. F.lizaheih hos
pital al Lincoln for treatment. II
was al lirst thought that an im
mediate operation was necessary,
iml later it was thought he'sl nol
lo perform an operation al Ihe
present time. she is much im
proved now and it may no he
necessary to have an operation at
.1. T. Lislon was taken serious
ly sick on Monday and for a lime
hopes for his recovery seemed to
he few. lie was troubled with his
heart and stomach. About a year
ago he had a similar attack and
was forced to give up his work at
the depot fur several weeks. He
is somewhat better al present,
hut it will be several weeks before
he will he abb to look after his
work as agent, al Ihe depot.
Has Your Child Worms?
Mosf children do. A Coaled,
Murred Tongue; Strong Ureal h;
Stomach Pains; Circles under
F.yes; Pale. Sallow Complexion;
Nervous. Fretful; CJrimling of
Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; peculiar
Hrcanis any one of these indi
cate Child has Worms, det a box
of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once.
II. kills the Worms the- cause of
your child's condition. Is Laxa
tive and aids Xalure to expel the
Worms. Supplied in candy form.
Fasy Tor children to take. 2'c, at
your Druggist.
News. $.
Henry Pollard showed us our
lirst "white" blackberries last
week. Don't laugh, Henry has
L. II. Durlon or Valley, X. n.,
came in the first of Ihe week for a
visit to his mother, Mrs. C. W.
Prof. Latimer and mother came
down from University Place Mon
day for a visit to the Fred Rose
Mrs. Walerman and her grand
daughter, Miss Dorothy dray,
returned to Omaha Monday after
a visit at the K. M. Pollard home.
D. ft. McCleary was here Sun
day from Alma, Neb., visiting his
family, who are spending the
summer at Mrs. L. C. Pollard's.
Dr. W. T. Johnson and wife
came up from Pawnee City Sun
day for a week's visit with the
home folks. Dr. Johnson return
ed Monday morning.
Nelson Pollard, one of Ihe old
Nehawka boys, who is making
good in Ihe east, came in Salur-
uav Irom l-.lizaiiet n. ,. .1.. tor a
visit to hi:
Pollard, am
mother, Mrs. L. t'
other relatives and
The railroad company had a
car of Ihe dirtiest, sharpcsi and
most uncomfortable looking cin
ders dumped on Ihe station plat
form Tuesday that were ever un
loaded. The supposition is Ihey
were iefl here to improve condi
tions around the depot, and as a
matter of fact Ihey will make it
very unpleasant for the traveling
public for some lime lo come.
Ingb O'Day came in Friday
from Maiden, Wash., and is visit
ing his friends here. He says his
father and the rest of the family
an still enlhusiasfic about the
northwest. The elder O'Day is
freight agent for the Milwaukee
al Maiden. Wayne, the oldest
boy, has a lucrative position in
Alaska, where he is a mining en
gineer. Hay has just graduated
with honor from the schools out
there and gets a scholarship, to
gether with ssimi yearly expense
nioncN al one of Ihe eastern col
leges." Surprising Cure of Stomach
When you have trouble wilh
your stomach or chronic con
stipation, don't imagine that your
case is beyond help just, because
your doctor fails to give you re
lief. Mrs. G. Slengln, Plainlield,
N. J., writes: "For over a month
past I have been troubled with
my stomach. F eryl hing I ale
upset it terribly. One of Cham
berlain's advertising booklets
came In me. After reading a few
of the letters from people who had
been cured by Chamberlain's Tab
lets, decided to try thmi. I have
taken nearly three-fourths of a
package of them and can now eat
almost everything that I want."
For sale by all dealers.
Mrs. J. H. Pierson went lo
Plaltsmouth Saturday evening to
visit a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Mary Allison. N
Cecil Finlayson and wife, whose
wedding took place in Lincoln
last week, were here Sunday to
visit the family of A. II. Chidesler.
David Amick of the vicinity of
Mynard passed through here
Tuesday, going to Arkansas to
visit his son and attend to busi
ness matters.
Miss Sadie Hurfnrd and Harry
Durford of Monmouth, 111., arriv
ed here Wednesday and are making-
a visit, with their cousin, Mrs.
Rose Kendall, and Miss Jle,ssie
and David Kendall.
Miss Iva Mougey departed on
Wednesday morning for the state
of Wyoming to spend a few
weeks visiting relatives and to
enjoy her annual vacation from
her duties a-i assistant cashier at
the Hank of .Union.
D. W. Foster, who accom
panied his daughter, Miss Mary
Foster, on her trip to Minneapolis,
arrived home last Friday looking
and feeling as if he had enjoyed
the trip to the Junjt.
Wjll .Dnun and wife of Stock
Ion, l-TasT," arrTveU here "Tuesflay
morning and made a visit, with G
N. Laltue and Dave Laltue aru
family, going from hero to Weep
ing Water to visit Mr. Drum'
mother, Mrs. John Filzpatrick.
Den R. I'rans of Kingfisher
Okla.. has been here this wee
making a visit, with the several
Frans families in this town anr
viemny. i nele uen is just, as
jolly as ever and apparently very
little older than when he residei
here a number of years ago.
Walter Scoll, familiarly known
as "Scolty," ihe jovial agent o
l lie .Missouri Pacific at Murray
was here Saturday for a shoi
visit among ins menus, and is
enjoying a few weeks' vacation
He says he asked for a lay-off am
now reallv don't know what lo do
with the time, -is he always ha
the working habit.
Beacon. $
! 2
Miss Mildred Heach of Lincoln
is visning- al. the liome oi iiei
grandmother, Mrs. Conrad Wet
enkaiiip, sr.
Will l.ralitree came ilown irom
bboll. Neb.. Wednesday after
noon lor a couple of nays visit
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Fugene Sctz of Piatt?
mouth visited the fore part of the
week at the home
of her parent
Mr. and Mrs. A.
II. Vanlanding-
Mrs. C. K. lleebncr of Ne
hawka visited the fore part, of (In
week al (lie home ol Her itaugli-
ter. Mrs. Jes.-e West lake, soiith-
eaasl of town.
Some! hing' doing" all Ihe lime a I
Faglc's seventh annual picnic,
ugust ." and ii. Watch next
week s issue and large lulls lor
Morn To Mr. and Mrs. F. 1
Oelschlager, Saturday morning.
July It, a seven-pound boy. The
mother and lillle one are report-
ed to tie gelling along nicely.
Meorge W. l.erge of Lincoln
lemocratic candidate for tin
nomination for governor of tin?
dale, was a business visitor in
own for a few hours Wednesday.
Miss Maize Dillon and Miss
iwondolyn Smith of Lincoln vis
ited from Saturday night until
snmlav evening at Hie Home ol
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Foreman.
southeast of town.
We had the privilege last Sal-
urdav to inspect F.d Carr's new
allle barn, which he is erecting
m ins iarm iiorin 01 lowu, ami
when completed will he one of Ihe
lines! ami largest in Ihis part of
Ihe count v.
Harry Wim hel of Webster City,
a., arrived in town Wednesday
md is calling on old-time friends.
Jim Hoyle, who works in a
ank at York, is spending his two
weeks vacation with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Doyle.
Miss Alice Crozier is attending
summer school al the slate uni-
ersity. She has been re-elected
on me teaching lorce ai. i nion.
John Fate and wife returned to
their home at Flkhorn Monday
morning:, .after several days' visit
with the former's parents. Dr. and
Mrs. J. C. Fate.
Jesse Davis went to Omaha
Saturday and brought his son,
red. home from the Methodist, where he had been for
ome time and hud his right leg
Mrs. Perdue and little daugh-
er, or Lincoln, lit., visneu irom
'riday until' Monday morning at
the Dr. M. M. Duller home. Mrs.
erdue was formerly Miss Vir
ginia Fenner, who was engaged in
the millinery business here a few-
years ago.
The new management of the
Weeding Water Dollling works
that we reported last week, on
information from those concern
ed, failed to properly cork Ihe
proposition and it fizzled out. J.
W. Stanton continues as owner of
the business.
August Kngelkemeier, north
east of town, accompanied his
son, Fred, to. Lincoln Tuesday,
where he will take treatment at
Ihe sanitarium. It has only been
little over two months since
"red returned from the sanitari-
w v 1
um. lie nas never iuuy recovereo
rom the operation for ap
The little in-monlhs-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kuglar was
seriously burned Wednesday
morning from pulling the stop
per out of the washing machine
just after Mrs. Kruglar had filled
it with boiling water. As it was
sitting on the floor the water
spilled 6ver its abdomen and
irjhs. ' "
County Superintendent Mi?
Marv F. Foster returned home
Saturday from St. Paul. Min
nesota, where she has been for
Ihe past few days in attendance
at the meeting of the National
Fducational association. The
meet ing was attended by the
leading educators from all over
the country and great interest
was manifested bv those who
were there. Miss Foster was
honored at this meeting- of the
educators bv being elected as
secretary of the department of
primary education, one ot tin
largest departments of the as
sociation, and the oilier carries
a great deal o respon.-ilu It v Willi
it. in looking after the work of the
department. Miss Foster keeps
slrictly up to dale in the educa
tional work and has made a spe
cial ell'orl to see thai Ihe schools
of the County are cmiiiuH'd as
thoroughly as possible with all
Ihe advantages of modern educt
ion, and the national association
in selecting this lady as secretary
of one of their mo- important
depart ment s certainly made no
mistake. The next meeting of the
issocial ion w ill be held al Oak
land. California, in August, t.M."..
Paints and Oils.
Gering & Co.
'Phone 36.
Raymond Larson was a pas-
enger this morning for Omaha.
where he will visit for a few days
with friends.
iiis .vionr ami wile oi .oca
were mi I lie env for a .-liori linn
oday, being- en route from their
lome to Omaha tor a short visil
in thai ciiy.
August Noll ing was in Ihe city
oday for a few hours looking- af-
er some (railing wilh the mer
liauts. having-driven in from his
farm home, west of the cilv.
Henry R. tiering of Omaha was
in i no citv over sumiav visiting
il'lhe home of his inolher am
family, returning to the nictropo.
; yesterday afternoon.
Miss F.tla Nickels of near Mur-
ay was among Ihe passengers
Ihis morning for Omaha, accom-
aniiig her .i.-ler. Mrs. J. D.
Wordenian, that far on her jour
ney homeward to Leith, Neb.
Mrs. Annie Drill and Mis-
Maude Mason were passen'-er-
Ihis morning for Omaha, when
Ihey will spend a lew hours look
ing after some matters of busi
Miss Margaret Mills, matron of
Ihe Eastern Star orphanage, was
passenger this morning foi
Omaha, when she was called to
nnk after some business matter
in thai city.
Will Give Reading.
Mr. Val Johnson, reader and
entertainer, of Helhany, Neb., ar-
ived in this city today and wil
give an entertainment at me .
O. U, W. hall on I ue-atay even
ing. July LMsl. at 8:l.r o'clock.
I'his entertainment will be under
the auspices of Ihe Ladies' Aid
societv of the M. E. church. Mr.
ohnson is a student of Col net
university, and while here will be
Ihe guest of his college friend
'.verell A. Ward.
Hose Reels, Calmps, Nozzles,
SDrinalers and Washers. Call
phone 400. Warga & Schuldice,
Murray, Neb.
Proposals for the erection of a
ramc school building, according
to plans and specifications by J.
C.uth, achitect, of Omaha, .Neb.,
will be received by the undersign
ed until Wednesday, the 22d day
of July, 101 i, at 12 o'clock p. m.
Plans can be obtained at Ihe
office of tjie Murray slate Dank,
Murray, Neb., -and at the ofiice of
. P. Outh, architect, rooms ri(
7, Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb.
A certified check for :i per cent
of the proposal must accompany
the bid.
The Hoard of Education re
serves the right to reject any or
all bids.
Proposals must be addressed to
Hoard of Education and must be
marked "Hid for School House"
on lbe put? We.
Si ff.nvd:- - ..
: G. y." Gilipore, Director."
Distinguished Visitors in City.
This morning lion. John. Mat
tes, democratic candidate for
state senator; A. F. Young and
Fdilor J. II. Sweet of the Nebraska
City Press motored up from the
capital of Otoe county to spend a
few hours, being en route to
Omaha to attend the editors'
meeting in that city ami lake in
the doing at the Ak-Sar-Hen den.
While in the city this trio of
genial gentlemen were callers at
the Journal ollice for a short
chat. We were delighted to see
them andjhey understand that, a
hearty welcome awaits Iheni
whenever thev are in the citv.
Given by
Experiences to
llioili ll people .
Those w ho havt
Id by Plalls-
had weak kid-
i e
useii j inaii
found the reinedv etfect-
statements prove irieril.
might doubt an utter
-I ranger.
You must believe
Here's Plaltsm.
Verily it.
Head. Investigate. 7b convinced.
You'll find why Plat fsmoul h
folks believe in Doan's.
J. L. McKinney. Lincoln. Ave..
Plaltsmouth, .-ays: "Doan's Kid
ney iiu are the ,e remedy
ever used or disordered kidnevs.
Whenever I have had occasion to
lake them they hae given the
hesl of results. Some years ago I
endorsed Doan's Kidne Pills, and
I now gladly confirm what I then
Price r,Oc. al all dealers. Jion'l
simply ask for a kidney remedy
gel Doan's Kidney Pills ihe
same thai Mr. McKinney had.
Fosler-Milhtirn Co.. Props.. Juf
fa hi. N. Y.
Mrs. J. H. Mei-inger and
Leroy. of Lincoln, who have
here for the pasf few days visit
ing w ith I heir relatives and
friends, departed yesterday for
their home in the slate capital.
Mrs. Loretta Ault departed Ihis
afternoon for Fori oCIIins. Colo.,
where she will visit with her
daughter for a short time and
enjoy Ihe invigorating Colorado
Wall Paper. Gering & Co., the
Spot Cash Family Druggists.
In order to Clear Out a lot of Odds and Ends,
we quote these Tempting Prices. We often
45 Pieces of Wash Goods
Figured Nub Crape Embroidered Crape
Satin Stripe Crape Corded Crape
Jipson Tissue French'ginghams
All the above 25c merchandise at, per yard 17c
Dress Ginghams and Chambrays
25 pieces 27-in. wide Gingham, at per yard; 8J6c
20 pieces 32-in. wide Chambray, at per yard, 12K-C
10 pieces good bleached Muslin, at per yard, 7Kc
10 pieces better bleached muslin, at per yard,
50 pieces Gingham, 5 yards to the piece, at per piece, 35c
Muslin Underwear at Clearance Sale Prices.
Ladies' Muslin Pants at 15c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 45c
Ladies' Muslin U Skirts, at 49c, 59c, 79c and 93c
Children's Muslin Pants, at per pair. 8c, 10c and 12c
Children's Muslin Waists, at each. 8c and 10c
Children's Muslin U Skirts, each 10c, 19c nnd 35c
Knit Underwear
Gentlemen's separate garments, a good lot, at per garm., 25c
Our Gentlemen's Union Suits at $1 each is a $1.25 item.
Our Ladies' Union Suits at 25c each is a bargain.
Our Ladies' Vests at 25c is also a bargain.
Ribbons of all Descriptions
We give you 60 pieces to select from, many G inches
wide, at per yard, 25c
50 pair of Ladies' Oxfords and Low Shoes, we ofler litem
to close out at, per pair 79c
Our 5c Lace and 10c Embroideries are on display.
Yesterday after norm John
Rainey, who is living on Speck -island,
some three miles south of
Ihe Iturlington bridge, di-covi-re.l
on the east shore of the island llu
bod' of a man washed up by llo
river, ami securing the body so ii
could md lloat away lie ha-lem-d
to notify Sheriff Oiiihlon of the
gruesome find, and Ibis jnoriii:r.
that o.licial. accompanied by
t'nderlaker John P. Saltier, i-il
ed the island lo -ecure the boi.
ll wa- found that the body wa
in a very bad slate, haiii'r tn-.-i i
in tin river fr some lime, .ind il
was almost impos-ihlc to make
mil any of Ihe feature-, as tin
flesh wa- dropping off in place.-.
The man wore what seemed to he
a soldier's uniform or a hunt ing
suit, of a tan color; black button
-hoes and leggings, which wi-re
also like tho-e worn by tin
soldiers. The -hoes were num
ber ' 'j in size. The man w a
feet, ; inches in height, ami
weighed, ii is thought, about I in
or l.")0 pounds. There were no
papers or other means of
idenl ilical ion on Ihe body, tin
only articles found being l.'t cents'
and a -mall chip on the saloon of.
Joli n Nil tier. M-.
Solll Ii
The body was brought lo thi
cily by Ihe sheriff and Mr. Sal
fbr and will le buried in the
cemetery here Ibis afternoon. The
aulhoi-ilie- are very desirious that
Ihe news of (he finding of the
body ami a description of Ihe man
he printed by the different papers
of the .-tale, and particularly in
Ihe towns along Ihe river, where
il might In possible the man had
disappeared from. t
t.eorge L. Mei-inger of Cedar
Creek was attending lo some im
portant business matters and
v isil ing relatives and friends in
this city today. i
Mrs. H. W. Roberts ami Mrs.
Ellen Huston were passengers
this afternoon for Omaha, where
they will be the guests of Mrs.
Oeorge Lindsay for a short lime.
.Mrs. William Drolhers of Ash-'
land, who has been here visiting
at the home of Mark Slevens and
ramily, departed this afternoon
for La Platte for a short visit,
with friends. j
M. Tritsch, refracting optician,
at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and
Saturday evenings. Examination
free. i
alo C3oi7 In
S Wte