The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 20, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAQE 4.
MONDAY, JULY 20, 1914.
Cbc ptattsmoutb Journal
Published 8aml-Weekly at Pletttmouth, Nebr.
Entered at tUe Postofflce at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publiiher
Subsorlptlon Prloe; S1.50 Per Year In Advanoi
Tlnn have no tare that
life is brief, and less thai is
J- long. Suree.-s is in the
J- silence, though fame he in
the song. Anon.
llnerta has Hew tlie coop. May
he ncer ri-tuni.
It lias hern a pleat little July
thus far for the cnin erop.
'Mo-re is always plenty of room
al the bottom, my hoy, if that is
what you are looking: for.
Pit.gressies of Gage county
h-clare independence and endorse
11. i:. Sackctl for governor.
An ptoinil is a fellow who
.-ays ho had to sleep under
blankets last night. So is a liar.
Ueniember the big Odd Fellows'
picnic occurs on Thursday, July
So. The place to enjoy a tine
Iowa republicans have turned
down a prohibition plank in their
plat form. What do you think of
thai ?
Gornor Moihead has been
eiidor-t'd by the populists. Re
member '-ry little helps, in any
Another good soaking rain may
Indp oul tin corn crop wonderful
ly, but the ote crop is what is
worrying the politicians.
Y'ii can't travel very far in
any direct ion without meeting a
candidate for congress or gover
nor. They are "shelling the
w .,!."
:o :
Metcalfe is reported to hae
been cry optimistic, as he de
parted from Washington for Ne
braska. I lid ou ever sec Met w hen
he wasn't optimistic?
lb-ports from all parts of the
country indicate that the corn
crop will l.. away ahoe the aver
age. It takes more than a few
bugs and worms to down "King
Corn" in Nebraska.
Mr. Jomvs appears to hae been
as ignorant of his vote as a re
forming director of Ihe Harvester
company as to who his associates
on the board wore.
:o :-
Huei la did not pet much chance
to execute anbody before he
skipped oul. And the constitu
tionalists are greatly disappoint
ed that they did not get an oppor
tunity to siring" him up before he
got safely out of Mexico.
It is just as well to remember
that some men advocate things in
Ihe heat of a campaign that they
would not think of voting for if
I hey were in oljice. Know the
man before giving great weight to
a campaign promise.
:o :
When you come to think of it,
the preliminaries to becomeacan
didale under present conditions,
and the lime spent and expense
incurred in seeurin the office
nought and then the possibility
of the other fellow getting it,
inakes olliee-seeking a very un
attractive proposition to say the
Ieyj;io the.? man who has any
business to look after.
Congress will not enact any ru
ral credit laws this session and
in consequence there has been
started a movement toward sup
plying credit to the agricultural
interests under the laws as they
are. A company has be,en organ
ized under the laws of Maryland,
called the "American Rural Cred
it Association," and an effort is
being- made to have its general
oJlices located in Omaha.
The plan follows very closely
those of Europe. It is proposed
to make long time loans at live
per cent. The average rate paid
by farmers at the present time,
including renewals and commis
sions, is estimated at 8j per cent.
The profit of such a concern lies
in investing the yearly payment
on loans. 11 a man norrows
1,000 for say twenty-one years,
and pays 8u annually, S0 of
that payment is on the principal
and $50 for interest the first year.
That $30 is reinvested year after
year and the income from that is
the profits of the company. The
interest grows less year by year
until the last year the borrower
has only .40, cents to pay, the re
mainder of the $8o being applied
on principal. ' ' ' ' f
That is what is called "amor
tization." It is in that principle
that lies the possibility of live per
cent money for the American far
mer and al the same time the ac
cumulation of an immense
amount of loanable money. France
has been following it for a huu-
Jred years, and France always has
any amount of money to loan, to
foreign stales or corporations.
The other day a government loan
was offered, to pay for the extra
expense caused by the three years'
service in the army instead of two
years as heretofore, and the peo
ple subscribed for it sixty times
over in less than three hours after
the offices were opened.
It will only take a little think
ing for any farmer to fully under
stand the system and it is perfect
ly sound if properly managed.
Democrats do not believe in
steam roller methods, and they
are not standing for them, either
not in Nebraska. Mark that,
will you?
It is believed in Lincoln by a
large number of republicans that
not only will Matt Gering be
nominated, but that he will carry
Lancaster county.
There is so much virtue in
genuine reform, but sadly true
that most so-called reformers
employ their wits to extoll them
selves and boost themselves into
At the meeting of the demo
cratic county central committee in
Weeping Water Saturday the fact
tliat the hospitable village of
Klmwood extends a cordial invita
tion for the democrats to come
there with their convention should
not be overlooked. They are
ready and willing to lake care of
the boys in line shape.
One of the meanest things that
the English suffragettes have
done is to try to burn the old home
of Robert Burns. If anything
should be held sacred by the peo
ple who are struggling for human
rights, it is the memory of The
great Scotch poet the man whose
voice still rings for true human
ity, for the broader views of mauV
duty to his fellowman.
We shall soon see what hap.
pens to Jones.
Wheat continues to climb, due
to the report of black rust.
Huerta is now fleeing from his
country for his country's good.
King Corn has quite a start in
the annual race with Jack Frost.
Some people say perpetual mo
tion is impossible, but there's the
Mexican revolution.
Even the most radical Kansas
candidate docs not dare propose
a gross production on wheat.
Mr. Bryan says that Roosevelt
will not. weaken Wilson, but will
add to the gaiety of the cam
The most popular candidate
right now is one who will adopt
as his campaign slogan, "Swat the
Scientists says Eve did not
realize that she lacked clothing
Well, neither do the women of to-
The riders are all up and tin
races have begun in earnest
Here's to you, boys, and may the
swiftest horse win.
The potato crop is said to be
immense in the sandhill country.
Good! When potatoes are
plentiful we are all right.
The picnic of the Burlington
employes at Capital Beach Tues-
lay was a record-breaker. And
the boys enjoyed the lime of their
The writer, by accident, was
compelled to lay over at Omaha
ast Tuesday morning, in an effort
to make a quick trip to Green
wood, and we were not at all sorry,
for it gave us an excellent chance
to pay a long promised visit to our
ood friend, Henry R. Gering. We
went immediately to his wholesale
drug house and he was as glad to
see us as some long lost, -friend.
Well, .after a few moments talk,
le stepped to the 'phone and
ordered a car. After a few mom
ents slop at a hospital, we started
out to see Omaha as we have
never seen it Itefore. e were
Eikeu through the beautiful resi
ence part of the city and then
through the several beautiful
arks, and we were a hundred
times repaid for the time it took.
t would take an abler writer than
ourself to describe the beautiful
cenery and the many objects of
interest. They cover thousands
of acres and are well taken care
of. We had visited Omaha at
various times since 187-', and it
was a surprise to us to note the
unprecedented growth of the
pride city of Nebraska since that
date. It has come to the front
with considerable rapidity, and it
would make any Nebraskan s heart
cap with joy to note the evidences
of prosperity in every section in
passing over the city. There are
no finer parks anywhere, and as
to line residences and drives there
is no city on earth of the same
size that can excel the metropolis
of Nebraska. While Mr. Gering
and the writer have been personal
friends for the past twelve years,
and we feel a deep pride away
down in our heart that we have
always retained this friendship,
as old age comes on apace we
never expect to sec the clay that
will change our views in regard to
lenry It. Gering, the gentleman
with a heart that is ever expand
ing to his true and staunch
riends. We enjoyed our trip
over Omaha, and we feel great
pride in returning our heartfelt
hanks to Mr. Gering for this
pleasure trip. Mr. Gering is pros
pering in Omaha and is proving
liniself quite an acquisition to
he business interests of that city.
There is a lot being said now
adays about the weather, but no
body' seems to be doing much
toward putting on the lid or turn
ing off the draught. It fairly
makes one boil to try to follow
all the hot weather advice that i
given by sweltering human beings
who know how to keep cool, but
who continue to suffocate with
heat just to keep company with
their friends. We have often no
iiced the fellow who is uncom
monly free with hot weather rem
edies is usually the fellow who
hunts the shade and who fumes
and frets like a safety valve try
ing to hold down a threatening
head of steam. And we have also
noticed that the fellow who tries
the hardest to keep cool in hot
weather is the worst disappointed
man in town. The truth of the
matter is, that we gel hot and
uffer from the heat in hot weath
er, whether we will or not, and
whether we go to church or go
fishing on the Sabbath day. But
suffering from the heat is largely
in proportion to our efforts to
keep cool. We noticed during tin
past week that the men who were
working under the broiling sun
were not complaining nan so
much about the heat as were the
loafers who were looking on from
the shady side of the street. Tin
most comfortable man is the man
who is too busy to mind the in
conveniences that he can not con
trol or prevent, and the most un
comfortable man is the fellow
whoso chief occupation is to
complain and who takes it upon
himself to do the suffering for
the world. The fellows who "take
n" most about the disagreeable
hing that comes whether or no,
e it weather or high water, do
the least toward mending matters.
Howling about hot weather does
just about as much good as wish
ing over your right shoulder at
the new moon, and pays about the
same. Hot weather is one among
Ihe thousand and one unpleasant
things that ihe Almighty has in
dicted upon mankind some to
ielp and some to hurt. We are
peaking especially of hot wealh
r right now, because hot weather
s (he thing that hurls the worst
thee days. However disagreeable
some of these afllictiotis may be
they come in spite of us. In win
ter we suffer from the cold, and
all the year 'round we suffer from
dekness, from want, from acci
dents and from death. These be
the common lot of man, and com-
dainiug about them is but aggra
vating our troubles. Every hu
man being has troubles enough of
lis own, and it is a patient soul
indeed who linds pleasure in lis
tening to the troubles of another.
When the weather is hot as blazes
we all get hot together and all
uffer together, and the more we
lowi about the heat the holler we
get. Everybody admires the fat
man who can sweat and swelter
in the heat and still be able to
smile, and nobody likes the skin
ny man who swears when he
sweats and who clabbers his milk
of human kindness every lime the
merrurv nears the top of the lube.
f we were called upon to give a
piece of hot weather advice, we
should edge over toward the
door. and then tell everybody to
mind his own business and slop
nocking on Ihe weather man.
Ihe weather man has been on the
job for a long lime and probably
knows what is best.
, . :0: .
While one may not lawfully
sign an initiative petition more
than once, there is nothing' to
prevent his signing petitions for
contradictory proposals. !
:o : 1
The delegates vho attend the
Elmwood convention next Satur
day should not forget that they
will find an excellent place to eat
at the Elmwood House, kept by
hat prince of good fellows,
Charley Hart. No one goes away
hungry from this hotel.
County Convention Will Meet in
Elmwood Saturday, July 25,
to Elect Delegates.
The democratic central com
mittee, at their meeting al Wcei
ing Water Saturday, decided on
holding- the county convention at
Elmwood on Saturday, July L'5lh
at 11 o'clock in the morning, am
fixed on the date of holding tin.
primaries on Thursday evening at
8 o'clock at .Ihe usual places in
the different precincts.
The meeting was presided over
by W. 1). Wheeler, chairman o
ihe county central com m it I ee. am
decided to apportion the dele-
gales as one for each tvvelv
votes cast for A. M. Morrisey for
attorney general at Ihe genera
election in l'.12, and one delegati
al large for each ward and pre
cincl in the counlv. Under thi.-
apportionment the diH'eren
wards and preciuefs will be en
tilled lo Ihe following number o
delegates :
Tipton IP
Greenwood 7
Salt Creek
Stove Creek
South Bend
Weeping Water
Mt. Plea-ant
Eicht Mile Grow
First Rock Bluffs
Second Rock Bluffs
Plattsmouth 1
IMatlsniouth City
First ward
Second ward I
Ihird ward 1 J
Fourth ward
Fill h ward ,
Weeping Waler City
i irsi ward . t
Second ward . . '.
l'h i ill ward
The counfv coneution at Klm
wood will select tweiitv delegates
o Ihe state eoucntioii that meels
al Columbus on Tuesday, July 'S
n addition lo this the personel
f the eounly central committe
will be fixed at Ihe conv en I ion ami
the organization for the eam-
aign perfected.
There was a very good altend
tnce at the meeting' from the dif
ferent precincts and anion-- these
were: . 1). Wheeler, s-ecoml
lock Bluffs: L. I-'. Langhorst.
Stove Creek: M. G. Kime, Ne-
lawka: J. E. Ruffner, Plalls-
mouth. Second ward; W. II. Puis,
Mt. JMeasant; Henry Snoke. Tip-
on; Fred Gorder, Weeping Wa
ler: Harrv Mclionald. Elmwood:
lielrich Koesler. Weeping Wa
ler; Joe Zimmerer, Avium; I). W.
'ester, Liberty; Charles L. Long,
Clmwood; P. J. Vallery, IMatls
niouth, Third ward; Ed Can-,
I'ipton; Lee Oldham, First Rock
lull's; John Wunderlich, Ne
lawka; W. E. Pailing, Salt Creek;
William powd. Greenwood; Harry
.eesley. Greenwood; C. M. Sey
erl, Louisville; A. J. Snyder.
Mattsmoulh, Second ward; Frank
r. Libershal, Rial tsmouf h. Third
ward. Count v Treasurer V fv.
'ox was present at the meeting.
nit not being a committeeman
was merely an interested onlook
er at I be gathering-.
Cut the Weeds.
Now is the proper lime bu all
irmers to mow the weeds along
their farms. The law provides
for a nenallv for failure so to do
between the of July and tlie
51 h of August. While the law
las sot the above dale, now is the
time lo mow them, as the greatest
ood can be accomplished at this
. . it i i i ...
imc. I would advise an me larm-
s along the highways of our dis
icl to get after them just as soon
possible, while they can be cut
uch easier. C. F. "Sallery,
Road Overseer Disl. No. 1.
Special Teachers' Examination.
There will be a special e-a in
itiation for teachers certificates
leld at the office of the county
superintendent, on Thursday and
riday, July 30 and Jl.
Wedding stationery at the
Journal office.
Children Cry
The Kind You Ilavo Always
la use lor over ;;u years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
llxperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
Coric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 3Iorphino nor other .Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fev :rishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Uowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
iBears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
!n Use For Over 30 Years
rrV 1 1 f ,ia iTrm-nta
W admire President Wilson's
course Jit CitnleiTinir with the
leailinp- business men of the
country, as we camliiJly believw a
real Weal of j;'ooiJ will come from
t hese conferences.
If harmony is really desirable,
whv don't the self-slyb-il leaders
how a disposition in that direc
tion? The parly can ery easily
secure harmony n the proper
plan is adopted that i for each
faction o come half wav.
: o :
Our friend. Jim TeeLiarden, re
publican candidate for stale
treasurer, is in. the race to win.
lie is a ood man, and should he
lip upon Ihe blind side of his op
ponents and be elected, the ollice
of state treasurer will be in
splendid hands.
.Mat Coring of plal (siuoulh,
me of the numerous republican
andidales for congress from Ibis
listrict, has one qualification that
tas been sadly lacking1 in the old
First for seeral terms, he is an
orator. He is not only mftetl
llong this line, but has Ihe happy
facultv of so urransing his words
is lo eoney sense and logic.
Nehawka News.
Here is what genial John I.
.oug says of Mike Kime, demo
ralic candidale for represenl-
ilive: " The editor of this paper
a republican, and he has no
ipolofries to make lo anyone for
oicing Ihe hope that the people
f Cass county will send Mike
Weyrich & Hadraba
for Fletcher's
Bonght, and which lias been
has borne the signature ot
MM Ml Vc
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision sinco its iiifancv.
no one to deceive tou In tli is-
Signature of
IV. N r W V O 9 K C IT V
' imiri--" -Sn-nrr
Kime to the legislature.'' Mr.
Long knows Mike Kime and knows
that he is a gentleman well worthy
the support of the voters of Cass
:o :
The writer paid a brief visit lo
the thriving little village of
(Jreeiiwood on Tuesday afternoon
of last week, and was pleased to
see so much improving going on.
Notwithstanding (jreeiiwood has
had her share of disastrous con
llagratious, they put up better
and more substantial buildings in
the place of those destroyed.
They are a determined class of
citizens, and thrift and prosper
ity can be seen in every direction.
One thing that is badly needed in
(Jreeiiwood is a good hotel. Since
the old hotel was destroyed by lire
they have none now at all. There
is not a town in the stale that
possesses so many beautiful resi
dences and they are kept up in
line shape. One of these days,
and not far distant either, Green
wood will start lo boom, and it
will forge right to the front as
one of the best trading points in
eastern Nebraska. They have tho
country around to support a
good town, and the people pos
sess the inclination to make it so.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts,
Burns, Sores.
Mr. E. S. Loper, Marilla, N. Y.f
writes: "I have never had a Cut,
Horn, Wound or Sore it would not
heal." Get a box of Thicklen's
Arnica Salve today. Keep handy
at all times for Burns, Sores, Cuts,
Wounds. Prevents Lockjaw. 25c,
at your Druggist.
1 :. .J7ft