The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 20, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
. MONDAY, . JULY 20, 1914.
Examination Day, in Which Sever-
at Prominent Men of Today
Took Part.
lathered from tin- inu.-ly Mies
.f the Nebraska Herald of forty
ears aj:o an account of Ihe exer
cises of the iMaltsnmnlh school
will pro iuo.-.f interesting to Hie
waders of the .Journal, as seveial
of tlie parlies mentioned in Hie
exercises liae since become
prominent in the dilVerent walks
of life. These old accounts of
happenings refreshen I he memory
of tin older residents of the city
t. thiiiiis lour foi-ffotten in the
shadowy chambers of the past,
and nce again the men and wom
en of today can feel thai they are
nice more students in the Piatts
niouth schools, although years
hae passed since last they left
that institution to take up their
life work :
Durum last week the grand ex
aminations at the close of the
sprinir term took place and were
ry interesting indeed. These
examinations were conducted by
1'rof. 'ie. the city and county
superintendent of public schools,
and lr. H. H. Livingston. the
mayo;- of the city, and also chair
man of the board of education for
the city. It has been very arduous
work, no one who has not tried
the experiment of sitting day af
ter day. listening, thinking, ask
ing questions in this hot weather-,
can fairly realize the amount of
labor it involves. .Besides all this
it is not every one who has left
school for years and is out of
practice, that can follow a Ioiijx
mathematical problem through its
windings and pronounce it right,
before the sharp eyes of those
youngsters: nor can all of us cor
rectly analyze a complex sentence
at sipht. after years of business
dulie where our thou-ht hae
run in other channels. Yet all
these things must the examiners
do and they did it. Our mayor be
came a veritable school boy again
a Tid si'imi.I loiijr hours at the black
board going through plus J i
or a plus b c x.
We certainly feel thai loo nnn h
praise cannot be bestowed on
Mayor I.iv ingsbn. his unl iring ih
tioii in this respect and to Prof.
Vi-e. We owe a debt of gratihnb
and he is reaping Uie well earned
reward of a lifetime of strict al
lention o duty.
And now to the examinations on
Friday. In my notice that we
could possibly gie and bring it
within the compass of a news-papi-r
article, it would be impos
sible to mention, by name each
scholar who merits notice. We
shall call attention to a few names
not because they are the only ones
that ib-serve credit, but simply to
show the yming folks that we see
their pood points and encourage
them in future eM'i'its. In Mr.
Mai t indab-'s class we notice Theo-doi-e
Livingston natural history,
his iest-ripl ion w as er pood. he
spoke up promptly, readily and
with confidence.
Lillie Tucker in physiology
showed a very apt memory and
also spoke out promptly and
clearly, which makes j so pleas
ing to hear and easy to under
stand for the visitors.
.harles Cummins showed him
self very bright in arithmetic,
nly he couldn't yet J into ir ju-l
right the tirst time.
Miss .lohiison put her grade
through a course of physical c.
eicisi-s that they would have
hun? a leacln-i- fot- doing twenty
years ago in some rural disiricls.
These exercises wi r- very import
ant and tend to develop every
jnuscb- in the body when the whole
course is fairly mastered. The
last part, that heel and toe ar
rangement, conies mighty near
dancing and some of the bright
eyes and trembling feel only
needed a little change in the
music lo turn it into a quirk-step,
we thought. The marching and
lime marching- almost made us be
lieve in women for soldiers. ,
Ihe end of this exhibition there
was loud clapping- and cheering.
In Miss Morse's class we notice
Miss Bennett in geography and
Master lieorge Vallery mental
arithmetic, as particularly good,
and if the latter keeps on he may
rival the Lightning" b.-u!lu'
Some specimens of drawing
wele vtry good, the accuracy of
the lines drawn with the eye alone
and without the aid of tfuitle or
rules, was wonderful.
Another exhibition of physical
exercises of a higher grade, under
the charge of Miss Morse, with
dumb bells, drew our attention. It
was very well done indeed, and Ihe
voting women that go through this
exercise every day will have to
dress hygienically and physiologi
cally. In Mr. Starbird's class. Miss
Katie limuivan read us a piece
very nicely and Miss Kale Jlobbs
lob! us all about Nebraska.
We must leave for another time
some comments on the groat im
provement in leaching of late
years, the number of new ap
pliances and the great beauty of
school rooms and school furniture
over our school boy days, and
close with a hearty wish that our
High school may increase and
grow and the scholars improve
and strengthen in wisdom and
knowledge until there would be no
further room for improvement s, if
such a thing were possible. With
such good professors, teachers
and school board, almost all
things are possible.
Of Ihe parties mentioned above
Dr. Theodore 1 Livingston has
grown up and is today one of Un
loading physicians of the stale,
and is still a resident of this city:
(Joorge W. Valb-ry has grown
prominent in his lifcvvoik, that of
rail road in-", and tills the position
of general manager of the Colo
rado Southern at Denver, and has
more than fulfilled the future pre
dicted for him in Ihe Herald.
The enterprise of the residents
on South Sixth street in getting
into the front of the inarch of
sheet improvement in the city is
certainly to be Commended and
shows a desire on the part of the
residents of that part of the city
to make their street as handsome
appearing as any in the cily.
There are a great many hand
some homes abmg this street and
it is to be hoped that in the near
future it will be possible to have
this street equipped with curb
and gutteriinr from pearl street
cb-ar to Lincoln avenue. The
success of this form of fixing Ihe
streets, where it has been fried,
has created a great deal of in
terest throughout the city and in
almost every pari of the city the
residents are beginning to tigure
mi placing- the curbing and gut
tering abnig the streets and adjoining-
their properly and this
interest shows that the spirit of
public improvement is thorough
ly aroused in every part of town.
Let tin- good work go on and each
addition fo the ranks of the street
improvement brigade is helping
to advance the value of property
along" the streets Wllere tile im
provements are made.
Yesterday Sheriff Ouinlon and
Deputy Maiispeaker were called
out to Weeping Water, where it
was reportcil mat an insane man
had boon taken up and placed in
the city jail. The otfu-ers motor
ed out and secured the man,
bringing him to this city, where
he was lodged in jail. lie gave
his name as .Joseph Tracy, and
was apparently without a fixed
place of residence, and in such
condition that he could not state
when- he hail resided and had
evidently just drifted into the
town of Weeping- Water in his
wandering over the country. lie
was without shoes or stockings
when found bv the officers, and
HskeiJ them Confidently to stop ut
a saloon on Hie corner of Douglas
unl Twelfth streets, in Omaha,
as he left his shoes there. He
was ipiitc violent last evening in
the jail here and is evidently suf
fering from a verv severe menial
The Best Medicine in the World.
"My lillie girl had dysentery
very bad. I thought she. would
die. Chamberlain's Colic', Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy cured
her, and I can truthfully say that
I think it is the best medicine in
th world." write- Mr.-. William
Orvi-, Clare, Mich, f or sale by
all dealers.
The Red Sox Simply Donate the
Game to Visitors Through
Bad Playing.
In a most heartrending game
at the baseball park yesterday af
ternoon the Armours of South
Omaha succeeded in getting home
with the bacon by a score of 0 to
'.I, and throughout errors marked
the playing on. both sides, al
though there were several very
much boiiehead plays put out by
the locals. Pike scored quite a
number of strikeouts, but when
hit it was for scores, and this,
with Ihe errors piled up, resulted
in the game being- practically
presented to tin- visitors.
Cocoran opened for the visitors
and was struck out by Pike; Col
lins went out on a lly to left field
and W. Collins jabbed one out to
Arires in center field that he
grabbed and retired the Armours.
In the Hod Sox half of the inning
All ies in center field that ho
then proceeded to hit to short and
Mr. Collins became confused and
allowed the runner to reach first
on his error and he later pilfered
the second sack and advanced to
third on the out of C. Smith,
scoring on the hit of llerobl. This
somewhat aroused the feelings of
the meat choppers and their
voices were lifted in long and
loud protest at calling llerobl
safe; Carb retired the side by a
hit to second, being thrown out
at the tirst sack.
The second inning brought
forth large clouds of gloom for
Ihe fans, as it resulted in two
scores being annexed by the
Armours. Yost, the hard hitting
catcher of the visitors, was first
at bal, and drove a clean hit over
the second sack that allowed him
to reach the first station safely;
Craves was put out on a little
grounder to pike, who threw him
out at tirst; W. Ryan vyas put out
on a little grounder to Aull at
hist, and on the oul Yost ad
vanced to third base; Clark hit to
tlie left garden which resulted in
Yost advancing to home with the
first score of the visitors; Tuttb
placed one to short that was safe
mi an error, and Ournoss. the
Iwirb-r of the visitors, rapped one
over third that brought in Clark,
but Tut lie was caught trying to
bring in the third score.
"in the third the visitors again
got busy in the adding up of their
scores by making another tally,
when, after Corcoran had struck
out Collins put one through sec
ond for a safety; C. Ryan struck
out. but Yost was able to place
one over tin- second sack which
advanced Collins, and on a wild
pilch he came home with a run:
Craves retired the visitors by
striking out, leaving Yost on
third base. In the Red Sox half
of the game there was consider
able dissatisfaction expressed
over the umpiring and the de
cision of the arbitrator of the
game was loudly disputed by both
teams. Pike opened for the lo
cals with a safe biugle to short-
slop that Ryan failed to secure;
Arries laid one down to (Hirnoss
and Pike was retired at second;
Parriotl was thrown out on a
bunt at the first, base; Smith hit
lo first and on this play there
was much confusion. The hit
was a little Hy and Arries was off
of the first sack and started to
second and then ran part way
back, but it was claimed did not
touch the first base and then ran
on to second and the Armours
finally persuaded the umpire that
tin- man was out. This ended the
inning- and Cecil Smith was sent
out to handle the indicator for
the rest of the game.
In the fourth inning Ihe Red
Sox again secured a score that
added to the brightening hopes of
the fans of winning. C. Smith
was hit by (Jurness and given his
base and was advanced to second
on the sacrifice of llerobl. Carle
hit safe over third bast- and Ma
son hit safe through short al
lowing Smith lo score. Aull was
put out on a hit to (jurness.
In the seventh it seemed lhat
the visitors wore sure lo score,
but good luck prevented Mi is mis
fortune for the inning, (luruess.
the first man up. hit lo third and
a a wild throw by Herold into
the. bleacher.- he reached first
safely; Corcoran was out on a lly
to Mason; J. Collins hit safely to
Pike; C. Ryan fpuled out to third,
and on the hit of Yost to third
Gurrfess wa out at home.
With the game tied and every,
thing going. nicely, "in the ninth
inning- the Red Sox allowed the
visitors to run away with the
game. Cuiih-sp, the first man up
for the visitors, was hit on the
knee by a pitched ball and given
his base, and being- injured so as
fo be . unable to run, .Tut He was
substituted for hirn as a base
runner: Corcoran hit to third and
Tut tie was retired at second; J.
Collins was walked by Pike, and
on the hit of W. Collins over sec
ond base Corcoran and J. Collins
scored; Yost hit to left field safe
ly; Craves hit one out to center
Held, which was dropped in the
confusion between the player at
tempting to secure it and W. Col
lins scored; Yost attempted to
score on the hit of (!. Ryan to
shortstop and was lagged at home
plate. Clark retired Ihe side on
a lly hit to left. Tn our half the
discouraged team could do nothing-
to overcome the lead of the
visitors and the tragedy closed
with the score to 3 in favor of
Ihe Armours. The line-up of the
teams was as follows:
Corcoran. ;d.... 5 I 3 1
J. Collins. K i 1 3 0
W. Collins, ss. . . 5 1 2 '2
Yost, c .r 0 1 0
Craves, of 3 I 0
C. Ryan. 1st 5 1 1 i 1 1
Clark, if . i i 1 o 0
Tut He. J, i 0 12!
Out ness, p 3 J 0 f. 0
Total 38 K 27 13 5
AIL H. O. A. K
Al l ies, or i 0 -J 0 1
Pariiott. ss n 1 2 1
C. Smith, 2d 3 1 i 0 2
llerobl, 3d 3 1 2 2 0
Carle, e i 2 1 0 1
Mason, If ' 1 0 0
Ault, 1st i 1 1 0 1
L. Smith, of S 0 2 o
Pike, p i I 2 i 1
Total .... ..3 i 7 27 S 7
The annual tennis tournament
for the city championship will bt!
held on the clay courts of tin
Plat I -mouth Tennis club July
27 to 30, inclusive. The threi
courts have had a great amount
of playvoii them since they were
built early this spring and art
now in excellent condition
Shower baths are being put in
and will be ready for use next
Any resident of Plattsmouth or
out-of-town member of the
Plattsmouth Tennis club will be
eligible to play in the lourna
ment. There is no age limit, any
boy, if he has tennis shoes and a
racquet, will be allowed to enter
An entrance fee of -SI will be
charged, for which entrant will
be eligible to play in both singles
and doubles. This foe will cover
expense of keeping courts in con
dition for play, cost of tenni
balls, prizes, elc. The fact that
consolations in both singles and
doubles will be played through,
will assure any fellow entering
of getting plenty of chances lo
A beautiful silver Irophy cup
has been donated by John Crabill
to be offered for the champion
shin in singles. Prizes will be
given for the championship in
doubles, consolation singles and
consolation doubles.
The fourth fiiler-County
tournament will be held on the
club courts two weeks after the
cily tournament, August 18 lo 21
inclusive. It is expected lhat
this tournament will bring oul
the largest entry list and the best
tennis that has ever been played
in Plaltsinouth.
All fellows desiring to enter the
cily tournament will hand their
names to Ray Larson, secretary.
Knlrios.will close on Friday evening-,
Juiy 2i; drawings will take
place the same evening at 8.
Causes of Stomach Trouble.
Sedentary habits, lack of out-
dour exercise, insutlicieut hiasli
caliou of food, constipation, a
torpid liver, worry and anxiety.
overeating, partaking of food and
drink not suited to your age and
occupation. Correct' your habits
and take Chamberlain's Tablets
and you will soon be well again.
For sale by all dealers.
For Sale.
i iu acres highly improved Cass
County, Xcb., farm, all good black
oil, no waste land, two sets of
buildings, near iood town. R. R.
side track on farm. This is one
of the best farms in Cass' Co. and
will boar-the closest 'inspection.
Can carry back 2r,oiio first
mortgage. This is a great bar
gain and wilPuot bo on the mar
ket long at our price of 127. 50
per acre.
160-aere farm. hear good
town in Cass County, no build
ings, all good, rich, black soil, no
waste land, running water; a big
bargain at $123 per acre.
320 acres in Dawson County,
miles from good town; land on
second bottom of Platte, perfect
ly level; 30 acres in alfalfa, 13
acres in cultivation. lf0 acres in
wild hay, good buildings. Can
carry back mortgage for part.
Price 8(55 per acre.
il acres near Plaltsinouth,
one-half mile from M. P. depot,
lots of fruit, 2 acres alfalfa, good
cave, good house, barn ami other
outbuildings. Price. 2,80U. Could
take some live stock in part pay
ment. 3( acres line hay land. Mills
County, Iowa, on K. C. R. IL, 2
miles south of Pacific Junction,
close to Haynie's Switch. Price,
$00 per acre.
320 acres Trego County, Kas.,
1 in acres winter wheal 25
bushels to acre this season ion
acres in corn, balance pasture,
fair buildings; land all rich, black
soil and perfectly level; f miles
from good town. Price. s35 per
Some good bargains in Plaits
mouth residences and resilience
Plattsmouth. Neb. Tel. No. 1.
Those of our citizens who can
find it possible to get away on
Wednesday, July 22. should make
it a point to attend the meeting
at Falls City to promote the for
mation of a national highway as
sociation to boost the route from
Kansas City to Omaha on the Ne
braska side of the Missouri river.
The residents of this part of Ne
braska have a line opportunity
presented them to make this
route possible, and by a united
and vigorous effort they can make
il one of the important branches
of the groat national system of
highways that will stretch
through the country from coast
to coast. Let all owners of auto
mobiles in Cass county who can
possibly find the time join in the
meeting at Falls City to secure
for Ibis section of the slate Ihe
advantages that should belong to
it. The proposed highway will
be along the Kansas City-Omaha
Scenic roule and be a branch of
the New York-Los Angeles and
Ihe Lincoln highways that will in
a few years make two of tin
greatest driveways in the world.
The eyes of the residents of the
Missouri valley are beginning to
open to the possibilities afforded
them and there should be no
hesitation in coming lo the front
and taking part in the formation
of the. great highway system. A
number from Plaltsinouth, as
well as from Ihe towns north of
tliis city will bo present to lend
llieir ecorts toward boosting the
foramtion of the highway com
mission which means so much to
the people of Nebraska.
Miss Eva Oreor of Omaha is in
the city for a week's visit at Ihe
home of II. M. Soeniiichsen and
faiuilv. Miss Cert rude Draper of
fowa City, Iowa, is also a guest at
the Soeniiichsen home for a few
Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain.
Sloan's Liniment gives inslanl
elief from Neuralgia or Sciatics.
goes straight, to the painful
part Soothes the Nerves and
Stops the Pain. It is also good
for Rheumatism, Sore lhroal,
Chest Pains and Sprains. You
lon't need to rub it penetrates.
Mr. J. R. Swinger, Louisville, Ivy.,
writes: "I suffered with quite a
. i i
severe Neuralgic neauacne lor
four months without any relief. I
used Sloan's Liniment for two or
three nights and I haven't suffer-
vvilh my head since." Get a
bottle today. .Keep iu Ihe house
all the lime for pains and all
liurts. 25c, 50c and S1.00, at your
liuckleu's Arnica Salve for all
The Last
Tuesday, July 21
Wednesday, July 22.
Thursday, July 23
Hilliard Grassman Doing Nicely.
Mrs. r.i'lle (irassiaan returned
home Saturday evening I'imih
Omaha, where .she had been at the
bedside of her son, Hilliard. who
is recovering from Ihe effects uf
an operation for appendicitis
which .was performed on him last
Friday. The vumifr man is pel
tinir alonp nicely at Ia reports
and his many friends will be well
pleased lo learn lhat he is doinp
so well ami trust that his im
provement may continue.
Try the Journal for calling
Finest Clothes
Reduced in Price,
A Clearing Sale at this store is
a CLEARING SALE in every
way, shape and manner. We always aim to
make it bigger in values than you expect it to
be. Disappointment is out of the question.
This sale is for men and young men in all
walks of life and it will prove a definite pleas
ure to everyone who calls.
en's and Voung Men's Suits
$15 to $35 Values, now $10, $14, $18
To effect a quick and absolute
clearance is our motive for this remarkable
Any light-weight suit worth up to
$1(.50, now
Any light-weight suit worth up to
$2 'J. 50, now
Any light-weight suit worth up to Csjt'fl
$35.00, now
i p ii 1. 1 -
Nebraska Military Academy
The Nebraska Military Academy offers healthful location, mod
ern fireproof buildings, the best care and instruction. Cood
rooms, good beds and good things to eat. Prepares for college
and business. Knrolhnent has begun. School Opens Sept. 16
For information, visit the school, talk to our patrons, send for
catalog. Address
D. B. HAYWARD, Superintendent. . Lincoln, Nebraska
Three Days
We will sell Boys Suits this
on y, including fine blue serges
all-wool gray mixtures,
values to $5, for
Wu will sell boys shirts for 'JDc
We will sell boys" waists for -V.
We will sell boys' knickers for ;;!,
We will sell loy.s' Ions: pants for...$l
We will sell boys' unions for 21c
We will sell boys' rompers for....2L'c
Underwear Day
We have sold a stack of underwear
during this harvest sale and there is
left two lots that we will close out at
merely nothing on this day.
(it, ft lot ;ef!j rib uriioij suit, with closed
crot'b 1"h;
The other lo. is open mesh, ecru color
Jonjr or bort sleeves. i.nion. . . .4"c
Men J'.ir..r.'iai ...
Men's fires- yachts.
Men vft :re-4 .
Men's work sTas
I Joys' M ex Jean
Hoys' dre- stra- .
.l and $1
...II and
. . . t:c. 7:c, !''.'c
... J., L'c. 2.Jc
A Good Investment.
V. I). Mapli, a well known
merchant of Whitemound, Wis.,
bought a stock of Chamberlain's
medicine so as to be able to sup
ply them to his customers. Afler
receiving them be was himself
taken sick and says that one small
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was worth more to him than the
cost of his entire slock of these
medicines. For sale by all deal
ers." Blank books of all kinds at the
Journal office
Made Radically