Neb Slate late Historical Soc $S omn 04 VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1914. NO. 58. THE CITY DADS ENJOY QUITE A LIIIELYSESSION Much Time Taken Up in a Display of Oratory, Yet Considerable Business Transacted. From Fri.ln y". Daily. Tin rity council evening lu'-l to lake up I In- burdens of the city m t-ru men t . xvhich they had m.iii'i from I.kI Monday night, and ttif meet iii-r. xxhib it Was inl tilled with the ; i n plishmcnt of ;i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 lt nl of tin rout jut-, at time-. became quite warm willi coiit nx ei s je oxer 1 1 1 ;i 1 1 t-r nl" street xxork betxxeen I hi different coiiiieilmcn. '.iPiiM'-ilrnan llal-t in of the I bird ward fl that tin' rity rk t i i'v ill county tftiriM -i..inM- to turn oxer to the rity rlain fund- in 1 1 1 i r possession that wa- to lir gixen to the rity. riif report of the finance com mittee i-it-atiti a uivai deal of in terest. a wh.'ii the item if thr -alary of -John Filzpalrii-k a-iiM-rrliant -' police, wa- read. 1 j i - i 1 : 1 1 . 1 1 1 Hani- of the lifth ward objected to the payment of tin- .-arm- until tin policeman hail appeared before tin council ainl explained lo that iiotly hov he ami to allow iut-i'lirs lo u- his gun :u;il engage in shooting in t ii city limits. The hill wa tem porarily held up. hut .Mi, l-'ifz-patrick appeared before the report wa- finally adopted and niaih' an explanation lo fin rounril that wa- accepted and hr was allowed hi- claim, hut received a lecture from Iht mayor on allowing other- lo u-r hi- weapon with danger to (he puldie . The rlairn of M. Mauy for in--1 m-t i iiu the curbing and gutter ing work on North Third street was al.-o the subject o f coil -ider aidi' iliscu-sioi) anions the mem bers of the rity dad-. as they le iieei that .Mr. Huniie -hoiild pay a part "f the hill, a- it wa- stated by onie of the rou iir i I ii nn that al limes tin workmen there would he taken oil ami placed else where, while thf inspector would hae to stand around ami await their jet urn. While thi- delay was not the fault of the city, it was !ieee--ary that the ins lor re main there. and th council thought lhat Mr. numb should pay a part of the claim. After the question hail heeu thoroughly thie-hetl out the lull was rmally pa--e( and allowed, with a motion to deduct spi in the hill of the I'lal t -nioiit ! Water 1 '.o. for the tire hvilranl at the corner of Oak and ' I'll i I streets, which had been ordered iai-ed by tin council and which hail heeu repaired a few days HpH by the water oempany. This question was finally settled hy tin referring "f this matter to the fire and water- committee to l nve-1 i ltu t e. and the (.ther hills allowed. Councilman Sir-eight asketl that Street f.iiiiiiii iss inner Lutz he in structed to -ee that workmen en gaged in work at places along Main street he nolilied to clean up all rubbish and dirt that mipht accumulate as the result of their work as it makes the streets and Mewalks xery dirty and dis agreeable. On motion of IVslor the mayor and clerk were authorized to ad vertise fop bids for the construc tion of a concrete wall at the Bee son properly on North Sixth street, where the city lias been doing grading to brinp- the street to grade, and as the fill there would make necessary the con struction of a retaining wall. The council pave the necessary authority to the mayor and clerk lo carry on t he work. A petition was presented to the council from J. V. Sage and six other signers a?king that a curb in? and guttering district be created, on South fcisth treet from Pt3t l to JNIarble street in order that this roadway might be improved and placed in proper shape to compare xvilh the Condi turn of North Sixth street. The finance commit lee of the council reported the following claims upon the city as havinp been examined and found correct, and recommended their payment: .bdin Titzpatrick. salary. :?i: lien Kaiiiey. -alary, s7.": Frank Neu mann, -alary. '.-,: M. Archer, salary. s.b': S. i. Stone, -ireet work. .Mike Lutz. street comnn'ssioner. s."u. U; M. l'ar nittle. -treet sprinklinpr. si'.S: Jdui Swansou. street work. s ."."!: Albert loin-, -anie. s:!-': Alviu Junes, same. s.T2: N". A. Tompkin, same. sj:;.o: "altir Trumphar. same. '"t'i: W aterman Limiln'i' ('... sup plies tl city. S-Ti.M.-;; I'.. J. Itichey. supplies to commissioner. r.",'0: John Iersoii. repairs hose cart, i .7 r : Frank (iobelman. two sipns for cemetery, s-j; 1 :ii lit. rd Forbes, labor for lire chief, ui'ic: .M. K. .Man-peaker. liery for police. -". rn : ;. I. l'aslw ooil. siippiies, "l-.uT: Clans lloetel. burinp one do-.-, I. S. llumminps. same, ."lie; Nebraska I.ipht i'lir Co.. slieet liphtiny. s 1 . -p ; Nebraska l.ipht inir Co.. liuhl to city hall. roc; IN-ters v Itichards. crossings. "." I'elei s iV Itichards. cross ings ami sidewalks. s-tiit.iJ; Charles Mcllride. street work, s;!.C)il; Ceorpe Jacks. same, s'i.f.0: IMattsni.Milh W'aler Co.. water for drinkinp fountains. '!'.: M. Mauzy. jnspeclinp curb inr: and putleriii". ?:i I. A MONSTER RATTLER KILLED NEAR THE BUR LINGTON BRIDGE From Frfday's Dally. Ye-lerday afternoon one of the larpe-t snakes that has been seen here in several years was killed dow n alonp the Missouri river ju-t below the ferry. The reptile was a monslej- of the rattlesnake per suasion and he was killed by the sons of Frank Tobey. who are caiupiup down alonp- the river. His snakeship was some ten feel bum and possessed of nine rattles. which show that it was several ears old and was certainly some snake. This is the fut snake of this -ize that has been killed in that locality for some time, and parlies campinp and picniekinp alonp the i-iver bank will be on the lookout to -ee that they do not pet into any more of these danperous rept ibs. TONY HILTON GOES TO PENITENTIARY UNDER INDE TERMINATE SENTENCE LAW From Friday's Dally. This inorninp' Tony Hilton, the colored man who was eharped with shoot inp Fred Low at the Missouri pacific depot in this city on July ith. with intent to wound and kill him. was arraigned in district court before .Judpe James T. J'.epley. Tony, who has been lanpuishinp in the county jail since his capture by Sheriff Ouin lon at I. a Platte, after a desperate Ii i 1 1 . decided to chanpe his plea of not puilty, which he made at his preliminary hearinp, to one of puilty. and the judpe aceordinply sentenced him to the state peni tentiary at Lincoln, where he will serxe out a sentence of from one to twenty xears under the indeter minate sentence law. The lenplh of his term will depend larpely upon his conduct, as the state board of pardons will have the decision as to how lonp he should serve in punishment for the crime with which he is eharped. The man will be taken to Lincoln as soon as possible by Sheriff Quin Ion to start servinp his sentence for the shootinp. County Treasurer W. K. Fox, Repister of Deeds A. J. Snyder and County Clerk Frank J. Liber snal and Peter VaJJery departed this morning for Weepiru? Vater to attend the meetiuj? of the democratic county central com mittee there today. MRS. ELIZABETH G WOOD FOUND DEAD Aged Lady Who Had Lived in the Vicinity for Many Years and Highly Respected. From Saturday's Daily. Last exeninp the residents of near Cullom wen preatly shocked to learn of the tindinp of the dead hotly of Mrs. F.lizahct h J.ockwood. an aped resident of that locality, who hail made her home near Culhmi for the past fifty years. The body of the aped woman was found near the farm home of W". H.'Sexbert by Miss Honor Sexhert. xv ho xvas assistinp in the search for the lady, xvhose disappear ance from home had thormiphly alarmed the xxhole countryside there. Mrs. Lockw 1 left home about 11 o'clock ami informed the family of William Hicks, xxlm are runninp the farm of Mr. I.ock- xxood. and xxilh whom she xvas makinp her home, that she xvas point: to the W. . Seybert home to spend the day. and of course nothinp further xvas thought of the matter until late in the after noon, when the Hicks family learned that Mrs. Lockxvoml had not reached the Sevbert home. They at once started a search for the aped lady and called on the members of a threshinp party at the Tiitsch farm to assist in the search. The n iphboi's and fam ily thorouphly searched throuph the xxhole locality, and about .r:."!0 Miss Seybert made the discovery of the dead body of the lady lyinp less than a block from the Sey bert home, and from all sipns she had evidently made a slnn-ple to reach the (dace before ileal h claimed her, as her comb xvas found quite a distance from the body and the broken umbrella seemed to indicate that she had attempted to use Uiis lo help her abmp. Mrs. J.ockxxood xvas quite llesby and xvas well advanced in years, beiup betxxeen 7." and 80 years of ape. and it is Huuipht that she became exhausted by the heat and the very laborious walk from her home to the Seybert home, and becotninp- exhausted lay where she fll until death came to her relief. There are txvo dauphters of the deceased rsid inp at Valpariso. Neb., and Daven port Ioxva. and they were notified at once of the death of their mother and xvill reach Cullom to day to arranpe for the funeral. A UNIQUE SUIT TO QUIET TITLE IS FILED IN DISTRICT COURT From Friday's Daily. There xvas tiled in the district court yesterday a suit that is unique in that there appears as defendants in the case some luo persons. The suit is brought by William Jean, et al., Mary K. Charbonneau and Kinnia Charbon- neau vs. Harriett Patterson, et al. The suit is one' to quiet title to the land that comprises the form er toxvnsite of Rock Muffs, and the list of names is one that made a diflicull task for the clerk to place in the record. There is hardly a person of lonp residence in this part of the county that is not made a defendant by havinp some claim to the land, either by oxxner-hip or by inheritance from their parents. Another suil to quiet title has also been filed entitled Nathan I. Schulze vs. William Street, et al. This covers the property which has been in the possession of the Schulze family for more than ten years past and consists of lot 10, block 5, in the city of Plaits, mouth. Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. Returns Home From Colorado. From Friday's Dally. V. K. Itosenerans returned home last exeninp from Colorado, where he has been for a time visit inp at Fort Collins, where he xvas called, in company xvilh his wife, to attend the funeral of the foster father of Mrs. Itosenerans. While in Colorado they also visit ed Denver to take in the F.Ik's prand lodpe. Mrs. Itosenerans stopped off at Imperial. Neb., on the xvay home to vi-it for a short lime with the family of her brother. Frank Raker, in that place. CHICKEN THIEVES ARE ANNOYING THE HEN ROOSTS ABOUT TOWN From Friday's Dally. Chicken thieves seem to be pet tinp quite numerous in ibis city, as 1. ne of the-e pelltlelnen made a visit at the home of Attorney John M. I.eyda last eeninp and attempted lo raid the hen roost there, hut xxas friphteiied axvay before lie accomplished his pur pose. Mr. I.eyda xxas awakened about 1 o'clock bx the noise made by the chickens in tin hen house, and at once started to inxe-tipate into the cause for the alarm, and pettinp up lurned on the lights and securinp his rexolxer started out to look into the matter, but afiicd lo find the party xxho had made tin attempt on the hen roost. The members of the fam ily xxho Wefe lookiup ollt of one of the xvindows claim to have a man sneakinp out of the chicken house, and Mr. I.eyda tired in the direction of the xxouid-he chicken thief, but as far a- k".rxxn did not hit the man. BASE BALL CONTEST BETWEEN TWO LOCAL TEAMS LAST EVENING From Friday's Daily. Last exeninp a number or tin loxal baseball fans of Hie city as sembled at the ball park to xvit ness a six-iuninp paiin betxxeen the Red Sox and the Athletics of this city. The pa me xvas a very pood one. and xxhib the l(ei So annexed three scores in the tirsl inninp" I hey xvere unable to do much xxith the second team after that inninp. but by the poor bat tilip of the Athletics XX ere abb to shut them out by a -core of i to u. The younper I cam shoxved pood form con siilerinp that they have had practically no team xxork. ami if they keep (heir or ganization should have a pood fast team by next season that xvill make the repulars sit up and lake notice. Carle did the Ihrowinp for the Red Sox. xxhib Lonp tilled the box for the juniors. WILL ADD ANOTHER STORY TO BUILDING ON SOUTH SIXTH STREET One of the proposed improve ments in the business section of the city for the next few months is that of the plaeinp of a second story on the brick buildinp on Sixth street occupied by the Plattsmouth Thdtlinpr Works. Mr. Nexvman. the oxxner t the plant, feels that his present quarters are not sufficient for the use of his factory and xvill place on the ad dition in order to afford more room. This xvill be a very sub stantial improvement to lhat busy street and shoxvs that the Platts mouth business men are cominp to the front in line shape in the plaeinp- of their business houses in first-class shape. The buildinp xvas purchased only a short tini a?6 by Mr. Newman and he is bo'ing: , counnendbl public spirit in seeing that it is enalrped and put in first-cla? shape. WHO'S WHO AT THE AUGUST PRIMARIES? You Pay Your Money and You Can Now Pick the Winners in the Race. The close of tile tilings for til different offices in Ibis state and county finds a laipe list confront- inp the voters of Cass county at the coiuini: primary election. The list of those eiiterinp the race is as folloxxs; State Senator. Democratic Hon. John Mat tes. Nebraska City; J. It. Hun pate. Weepinp Water. Republican A. F. Sturm. N'e haxx ka. Float Representative. D.-ii rat if W. II. Puis. .Mur ray. Republican F. L. Nulzman. Otoe county. Representative, 7th District. Democratic M. 1. Kime. e haxxka: John J. Custin. Murdock. Republican C. K. Pool, W,i bash. County Judge, Non-Partisan. Allen J. Iteeson. plattsmouth: Chaile- I.. Craxes. I'uioii. County Treasurer. Democratic W. Kelby Fox, Plattsmoulh. Republican Major A. Hall. Plattsmoulh. County Clerk. Democratic Kernard C. Wurl. Plattsmouth: Frank J. Libershal. Plattsmoulh. Republican John M. Creamer. Wabash; a. L. Anderson. Fnion. County Sheriff. Democratic lolm H. Wumler- lich. Nehaxvka; William Doxvd. lill'i'llW i. Republican Carroll D. Ouin ton. Plattsmouth: Hert Reed. F.lmxvood: Foiet R. Cunninpham. Nehaxx ka. Register of Deeds. Democratic A. J. Snyder. Plattsmouth. R e p 11 M i c a n Mont Robb. Plattsmouth. County Superintendent. Democratic Miss Marx F.. Foster. Fnion: J. II. sh.thoxxer. F.lmxvood. Republican Miss Kda Mar- quardt. Axoca: A. L. flash. Louis ville. County Coroner. Republican 15. I. Clements. F.lmxvood. County Surveyor. I emocrat ic Fred Patterson. Plattsmouth. County Attorney. Republican C. II. Taylor. Plattsmouth. County Commissioner, 2d District Democratic Charles Spohu. Ax oca. Republican C. F.. Reebner. Ne haxvka. Socialist R. D. Stine. Fnion. County Commissioner, 3d District Democratic C. R. Jordan. Alvo; Henry Snoke. F.apb; Deit rich Koester. Weepinp Water; C. T. Richards. South liend. Republican J. W. Colbert. Weepinp Water; Fred Miienchao, F.aple. Taken to the Penitentiary. From Saturday's Dally. This niorninp Tony Hilton de parted for Lincoln in company xxith Sheriff Quinton. xxhere he poes to take up the servinp of his sentence at the state penitentiary, to which institution he xvas sen tenced yesterday by Judpe Hep ley to serve from one to txventy years. The nepro seemed plad to po to the penitentiary, as he expressed the fear here several times that he miyhl he lynched, and seemed preatly alarmed xxhenexer a num ber of persons assembled near the jail, but there was never a hostile move made toward him. as most persons visitinp the jail xvere drawn ther by mre curiosity. Blank books of all kinds at the Journal office. Returns Home From Denver. From Saturday's DattT. Yesterday afternoon Dr. J. S Lixinpston returned home from Denver, xv here be has been for thf past xxeek allendinp the pram! lodpe of the l'lks. xvhich has been in session in lhat city. The doc lor states he had one of the times of his life in the Colorado capital durinp the meet inp of the lodpe and that one of the iiml import. a if t meetinps of several xears xva enjoyed by the prand lodpe. The ciliens of Denxer showed royal hospitality to the visitors and theer xxas nothing omitted 1 make tlie occasion one of the preatesi pleasure to every dele pate in attendance at the meet inp of thejodpe. KITCHEN AT THE BOB MOFFTT HOME IS BADLY SCORCHED BY BLAZE From Saturday's Dally. What miph! haxe been niot ei joiis tin was narroxvly axerled this noon at the home of Robert Mollit on West ;ranite si reel, and but for tin cooll hcadiness of Mrs. Mollit and the ail;ino' of the iieiphbors there wotihl haxe been 1 very danperous coutlapralioii. fhe tire xvas -tailed xvhen Mrs. Mollit attempted to li-ht the paso line stoxe at noon to prepare din ner, and evidently the umshIiiih had been leaking from the stoxe juile freely. and x it limit the knowledge of l he iadv. for as soon is she appli'd Hie match to the turner the xxhole stoxe blae( up iinl a portion of the pasoline eakimr onto the door also caupht-. It xxas only by rare pood fortune thai Mrs. Mollit escaped from be-ill)-' enveloped in the blaze. She at once bepan to attempt to beat lit the blaze. and one of the neighbors' runnhijr in assisted in carrvini: the hla.iup stove out in to the yard, and as the result of Ihe'tire the kitchen of the .Mo ttil inine xxas badly scoicheil. the curtains on the xvindows ami the loor of the kitchen beinp burned quite badly. The fire xvas ex- inpuished before the tire depart ment arrive.! on the scene. Visits Here With Old Friends. From SaturiTay's Dally. Last evening F.d Parriolt of 'ecu. a former old-time resident f this city, xxhere he xxas em ployed in the Hurlinptoii shops and at present a deputy for the A. o. l W.. came in unexpected ly to pay a visit to his old friends here, and it is unnecessary to sax that the visit xvas most thorough ly enjoyed, as Mr. Patriot! is one of Ihe most penial of men. Mr. Parriott last evening hail the pleasure of attending- the repular meetinp of No. X. A. O. F. W.. xvhich he joined sexeral years apo. and he xvas jirevailed upon ! preside oxer the deliberations of the lodpe. There is. no one xxho has more friends in Plattsmouth than F.d Parriott. and his visits here are always the source of much pleasure to bis friends. Visits Here With His Father. The Rex. L. M. Wiles and xvife of Soldier. Kansas, are in the cil for a xxeek's xisit at the bono of Mr. Wiles' father. Thomas Wiles, and also xxith his brother. Ted Wiles, al his farm home near this city. Rev. Wiles and xvife are en route to .Minnesota, xxhere they xvill visit xxith friends in lhat slate. Rex. Wiles will occupy the pulpit a the Christian church here Sunday inorninp. C. F. Weber came in yesterday inorninp 011 No. ' from the pacilic coast, xxhere he has been for some lime assi-tinp jn installing1 a pneumatic elevating" system at Los Angeels, tbe first to be in stalled on the coast. The pneu matic Conveyance Co. of Chi cago, with xvhich Mr. Weber is connected, is doing the work, and he has had charge of the opera tions. He xvill cnlinue op to Chicago after a -short visit hrr xvilh relatives; REGENT DOIIiGS IN THE DIS TRICT COURT From Saturday' Dally. The district court ye-terilay held a short sessi.,11. lakiup up several mailers of 11 11 li 11 i-lo-.l business and disposinp of them. Judge Hep ley. after Ihe hearing "f several motions and mailers eon. cerning litigation pfii.nmr. oe. parted for Nebraska City to lake up court xxork there. In the case of tin plalt-im-nlli Water Co. xs. the City of plalt-- nioulb. in xvhich the xxater com pany had secured a lemporarx r-s rainiiip- order apain-t the cil to prevent them from interfcrrinp xxith tin company hovering their xxater mains oM North Sixth street and in xvhich they refused lo pixe the city th amount of bond a-k- e. for the profection of the citx. . tile court found for the defend- ints. The restraining order xa tillered dissolved and the Co-t of Ihe aelioii taxed to the plaint ill'-. In Ho matter of Ihe motion of llu plaintiff for a new trial in the ase of Kaufmann x-. T. K. Parilleb. the colirl n I'I'I'llli'il the motion.- The ca-e xxa- on. hat xvas bi-ouphl to recover some s."i.noo worth of bond- xvhich the plaintiff alleged had been gixeii her by William 'ok. deceased, ami xxhii h had been efl in the ear. of defendant. The defense denied the claim of the plaintiff ami -bowed that the owner of the bonds had al different times bor rowed money from the bank of Ihe defendant, fixing the bonds as security, and that there xvas noth ing due him from the bank. The court found for the defendant. PartneJe. in ever instance. In the case of Cass Count x s. C. D. Oiiinlon. sheriff, the plain tiff xvas ordered to make more specific certain paragraphs of I heir pel it ion in I he c;fsc. HON. JOHN J. GOSTIN OF MURDOCK CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION Another candidate has gotten into the running for the ottice of stale representative from tin Seventh district, xvhich comprises Cass county. This is John J. (Justin, the present occupant of the olllce. who is seeking to be le- lurned on the democratic ticket as a candidate. Mr. Ou-tin xxas elected lo the legislature in on the democratic ticket. There U already one other deuiocra I ic. filed for this position. Mike Kime. of Nehawka. and one republican. C. K. Pool, residing near Wabash. As tin time draws near for the close of the filings there i a gen eral rush oxer the stale for the ambitious to gel into the race lor Ille olllCes they think Ihemselxes best titled for. Eagle to Hold Annual Picnic. The residents of F'.agie are working hard on their prepara tions for the seventh annual pic nic, xvhich xvill be held in that place on Wednesday and Thurs day. August Tt and '.. The citi zens of F.aple haxe made a great success of this event in the past and this year they are preparing to make it a greater success than ever before and haxe on their committees the most prominent of the business men and citizens, xxho will see that nothing i spared to make the picnic a most enjoyable event. Those xxho de sire lo enjoy a good lime should see lhat they are at F.agle on the days of the picnic and should come prepared for one of the I irnes of J heir lixes. Mrs. V. Pilney xxas amoijg- the business xisRors in the me IropMis this mornitiir. sning to that city on the early Burlington, train.