The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 16, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914.
Farm Journal Points Out the Way
That Towns Can Be Helped
or Destroyed.
Tin" f i tllo wilier letter l-printed
liniii Fa r;n Journal "f Phila
delphia. 'a.. in l the ten-
i ncy niirii;iM' limn.N from the
mail rl.T houses and its effect,
upon the liff of tli- community
has attracted a -nal l'al "1" at
tention by it- truth .-t ateim-nt s.
and a number i1' t!ii- residents of
1 1 a i vicinity it;i reipiestcd Ilia!
we 1 1 ii m i u the article that its
"!tii may In- appreciated hy all
w ho read it :
We farmer- need aw aki'iiiiiL; io
Jin fart that vvc have uuuii.-tak-ab.v
reached the period where we
mu-t think ;m .1 plan. I am one of
!h-- farmer- that ha.l to be -hovvn.
ami I am imw iinu my experi
ence lliat others may profit, for
k 1 1: w ! 1 - at !li' .-chool of experi
ence i- 1 1 i f i-xpcn-ivo now than
Ii-m i';ii's a-".
Tw "iiiy-n 1 1 s i';ir- auo I bc-an
m farm career. I had an I 1
ham an 'I --'". Ilur furniture was
i i 1 1 home-made chairs. cup-b.-ard-
ainl lojMiut- i ri from dry
I- ) t x . neatly covered i!h
! -! 1 1 i-r t 1 1 : i by my pirl wife.
We nnled i'ii:lity acre-. 15eim a
.f l: i habit- ! ,-oi all need
ed machinery ami .'.roccrie- nf our
ii i !! i a i . t s :i --- i i t . i : i ! it
fall crop- wi'i'i- -"id. The I i i t
ai- wa- a vvl mm-hii ami didn't
make emu;-!! t" pay ri'di!"!.-. I
wt-iit to cadi oil ilati- of r 1 1 : :
ari explain d n 1 1 . i i I i n -, paying
a- ;.:ii'-!i to h . j . i i ' ami
I m all carried tin- balance over
.i-mt !:! V! ar. I h cm:! inm-d to
;k ! i'i 1 1 :i da ! iff i : : i ! i ! I wa- abb'
buy a f"t t -acre piece of my
" w n .
A- -" !! a- I I'Vviifil !!.-. f.'W
ail'-; thf ina 1 1 I-' i f hi'U-f- In --
:dii:u iuf catalogues, and
-uni'.ii'lv b'--a'i -i-mb a--.- my
!....- ! i : i 1 1 ; o t.. tlmm. bl!mr my
; i 4 . i ; : : 1 - -land a! i;;v home town,
witer.- I 1 1 ; i i;i.l!tii my ai'MM-
I I "l.t ' I. ; ) will"! I I f il-'i I i i .
V- 'Inn liail nf l!if Ihrilli-
-f !,!'! i;i tic -tao-i
Ii'.f if bu-im : in all
biam-h'--. : i : t-; 1 1 ;n 1 1 - who v.'-rc
wilii..-: to li,-lp an h oi:e-f fellow
i. : a ha. vrar. aial a town lull
if pc. .;!. caim- Iwi.-f a wf-k
!.. i-a.if an. I i-it. diir lilth
(i!: !iy town -tipporf f i ;i lihrary.
i i i 1 1 -ilio.l. l.aml. hall tfam. isud
f liiii hi- !'!!;'.!:"'! cvi-ry
-a: A farm ui-ar a lovn
-mi . ! !! " i:i aliif. I -oii m;.
fo;t ai'i'f. a! ;i !i" ;ni am'i' ;::!il
I 1 1 : i i an fiuhty. ui-Htiu illy al
4ii:i: to it until I lli" aiM of
thf l.f-t ian.l in F..a. I tlo-n f.-!l
in. iiffl of a-kin: faoi's, ami
l"i;n. it a-y to p;itioiii.f thf
in.t iI-o.-.f a-f:it- thai caiiif al-
r 1 1 t wfkly io .tin- ilooi-. J rf2Tf
I" -ay thai I was t !i fir-t in tin
i'Ui;ly to makf up a nriuliliorhooi
lull ami sfinl i! o a ma il-oi ! r
lii'ii-f. Though "t hit i iy
i'!:f in a whilf. vi- -o( jn tit
haitit of .-f.miin- away for stuff.
... i it i.- t t
iiaiiuauv nil ini'.r i;s iu
-fl!fi t ll i f t'M-k of pom!- fill
iai k of pat ro:ur-f . l'inallv w
lii-pan to icalii- that whin m
ii if a holt ipiiikly fop ma-
Iiiiifiy. or rh'thinp for- -ickinv-s
or il'-alh. f lnnl to wait ami sen,
away for if. which wa.-ift -i
p!f a-ant. dm' hy o:i. inr mir
i'IiiiiiI s i!iot. to pine's w!uri
limy wfic apl'iiciatf ij. ami im-n of
lc-s ciii'i pv mof. ju. ( 'ti ailuallv
Hi' town ha- poiif il. iw ii ; m i' I'u - i
in li"ii-v- :iii' lack"in ajipfar-
ami-. a iiuinhfr arc empty, on'
-c!ioo-. churciifs walks an
pouip" ilown. we li;ii' m !aml. m
lihrary. ri"!" bail t.'-am. I'hf'f i-
no !.ii-;iif-s ini!i' in thf town, am!
i hf-i'for' no afs to keep Ihinu-
up. Ilotvl i clo-iil. for lark oi
Iravfl. ilown to tin' ifpo
whfii thf fri-i-Iit l ulls in anil yoi
-' Ihf sojiifl in mail-oiiif p;ick
apes. Nine years ;.po my farm wa
wnilli s !!." an acre: o.a IV
haw a lianl ji.altfr to -f ii at
sjr.T an acre It i- ""lo.t far- froit:
a li- town"' o every farim-r ha--aiil
lh:t wants 1 buy. !! want
a plaei near school.-, ami f hurdif
wlicre his rhil'lrrn ran have a.
r.!itaLres. I haw awakeiifl to tic
fact lh;it in hclpiupr 1" l"il ihe
town ilown. ii lia- :. s I m- s..Cuu
in nin yor. LikP 2h' n'-M-ut-of
farmers, I di'lil't fi?un- far
t-noiipli alK-a'J.
This sort of buiiucia nieaus
the oiiip away of country towns.
hal w ill it iin-an l farmers to only a few larpe cities at a
distance of fUJ or I.OOU miles.'
hat are we aoinp- to .lo with our
chililren. wlio are ilemaiitlinp- even
lietli-r ail antaK' than w hail?
Those cities we hell to huihl
return no favors; Ihey take our
money, hut oll'-r in crnlit in linn
of neeil. Ifwi'want hiph schools,
etc., we mu.-l raise the money ami
huihl near our farm homes, or
send our hoys ami yirls to the
citi4's at pr'at 'iense, amiilsl
tenijilal ions of whii'h the farm
has no equal. Neither am I Hi
only awaki'iiinp fanner. The.-e
mail-oiiier api'tits that come to
our homes every week are hecoin
inp a nuisance ami makinp- it im--afe
lo leave women ami children
alone on the farm. Willi farm
co'-iiiality we take these stranpers
into our homes, often as one of
the family, and we are sometimes
paid in havinp' them entire our
p iris (o t lie city.
I liese are some facts that need
coiisj.lf rat ion. and 1 have ih rided
ihat the safe-t proposition all
around, is fop the coulnry people
to look after their own interests,
ami huiid up th-ir own country
town- that briny value to their
farms. I. el iho-e who want to
patronize the city mail-order
house p.. there o live. p!finp
tln ir liinp where they pive their
patronage. The remainder of my
life will be pivi-n to buildinp up
tin- home town that I helped to
pull down Brother fanners, you
can take my adv ir or pel your
k;iov li-df the way I pot mine.
There ha- 1 n for -"ine time
a df-iif epre--id aui"iiu a num
ber of tin- vounp nii-n of thf city
in! -I "d in the bicyrlr to h.'.f
soriif rare or event that would
-1 -1 1 i It them to ell. joy some ex
citement. A U u mbf r hav ! ci i-alr d
enough iiiieie-t in the matter l"
arrau'-' for the holdinp "f the
rai e on Sunday. July Jt", and e'ry
rider under ' 1 vear- of ape is
idi-ible (.. i nli r. All who iif-iif
to liter the rare should ii"tily
F. i. haw-on not later than Fri
day morn i ir-. J u!y t i h. p iv inp his
name, a-e a id name or make, of
birycb' he experts Io i ll'er ami
V.lii'-h event Ii'" ill-ires lo enter
1 hf rare wiil i art. 1 nun I he
ron'.er of Third and Main street,
where ihe riders will lie Iim-d up
and started south out abmp Lin
coln avenue in squads at short
intervals. The rarers will race
around the Horn" against time,
fomiap- in on Ihirapo avenue, ami
the rare finished at the corner of
Sixth and I'earl streets. The
rider inakintr the best time will
receive the tirst prize, while his
mare- opponent will be reward
ed the -eiond of tile tine prizes
I'lferi il. After- the rare there will
be a hill climbing contest for the
riders for which there will lie (wo
This js iui'e aii event lor lh
boy- of our- city and .ill are look-
inp forward with much interest I
it. The main object of the rare is
to create interest aiuoiip the boys
of the city in a revival of biryrl.
It is thoupht thai shoub
III" event prove successful then
will be pares every few Weeks.
Thosf who are interested should
repi-n-r im ir names now. n iocs
not cos one cent to lie in any of
thf races. Fvcrylhinp is free, as
the I'latlsiuoiilh Cycle company i
fu in ish j np- the prizes. I'm- Ihe
full particulars all who intend !
enler can receive full information
by caliinp at the oilice of the cycb
company, where Hie prizes are mi
di-p! y .
Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain.
Sloan's Finunent pMves instant
relief from Ncuralpia or Sriatirs.
It poes straight to the painful
part Soothes the Nerves and
Slops (lie l'ain. It is also pood
for Hheunial ism. Sore Throat,
Che-t Pains and Sprains. Yog
.loi-rl Tteei f, i-1 1 1 i penetrates.
Mr. J. It. Swim-rer, Louisville. Ky..
wiiles; siilTeifd with ijuile a
-evere N'euralpic Headache foi
four months without afiy relief.
used Sloan's I.iniment for two or
three niehts ami f haven't suffer
ed with my head since." r.ef a
bottle today. Keep in the house
all the time for pains and all
hurts. 'J.jc, 50c and l.0D, at your
Drugisf .
Bu 'Lien's Arnica iha for all
Tho Jourual does job work.
leaves on an extended
trip to The east
From Wednesday's IJally.
Fast eveninp Key. Father .M. A.
ishine, acocnipanied by his cou
sin. Miss Uallahan. ami her uiere,
Miss Marparet Ilallahau, who has
been her for the past year, de
parted on an exfMisive trip lo the
east. Miss Marparet Ilallahau,
who resides at Sprine field, Mass..
is returuiup- home, and her aunt
will po there for a visit. Father
Shine accompanies the party to
New York and will then travel via
steamer to Norfolk. Virginia, ami
visit at W'ashinploii and Balti
more, he see of Cardinal Iib
bons, as well as Ph iladrlph ia. and
then poes to lioslon and Sprinp
lield for a visit before relurnin0.
home. The health of the eminent
clerpyman has not been of Ihe
be.-l of late ami he hopes to timi
relief in the chanpe of climate,
hurinp the absence of Father
Shine the interests of the priest
will be looked alter by Father
John Vlrek of tin- Holy llosary
The work on the Third strn-t
curbinp and pulti rinp is pro-pres-jii-
nicely and this improve
ment is bi'inu rushed in order to
have il ocuipleted before fall.
While ihe work is only partially
compleli d. it has added im
iinmsely i ihi. appearance of that
part, of the city and will be found
me of th" be.-t moves in the di
rection of makinp that thoroir-h-lare
one of !he best in the rity
Ihat has been uii'lf riakf :i. The
blork "11 1 1 ! o street briwei'U
Fourth and Third is a!-o brii)r
improved witli the curbing and
putt"rinu- and makes that street
oile o the lines t in the c i i v.
The Armours of ( imaha.
one of the slroni: ba-e bail teams
of t he no I ropol is. and one that
has been very coiisistcnlly wiu
nii'.p their p ames tin- season, will
appear on the local lot Sunday to
uu against the led Sox. If the
local- continue to play ball as
they have in the past f-w panirs
thf packers will ! i in Ihey are uj
apainst a- sliif a propo.-iliou -,
it would be possible lo find, am
ihe bovs here are coaliib'nt that
they are poinp" to leverse I In
score of the previous panic will
Ihe Armours and make the visit.
Hi's eat out of their hands. pjUi
has le-i-n in excellent form th
pas few panics and will make tin
heavy hittinp- Armours po somi
if Ihey pet a way with the poods
and the leam work of the e. Sox
is belter riplit now than it ha
been for the past Iwo seasons.
u Thursday eveninp a praclici
exhibition will be pivmi between
I he lied Soy and the At hie! ics, a
team of the younp" men of Ihe city
who will lake the opportunity Ii
practice up their playinp". Thi
panic will be absolutely free am
the boys will pive a rrd-lio ex
hibition of he arl of hamllinp Tin
borsch ide.
Surprising Cure of Stomach
When you have trouble vvilh
your stomach 'r chronic con
slipalion. don'l imapine that vein
case js beyond help .just, becausi
your doclor fails lo pive you re
lief. Mrs. (i. stenule, I'laintiebl,
X. J., writes; "For over a mouth
pas I have been troubled with
my slotnarh. Every! h inp- I air
up.-et it. terribly. One of Cham
berlain's adv i-rl isiup- booklets
came to tne. After readinp- a frvv
of the letters from people who had
b"en cured by Chamberlain's Tab
h'fs, decided to trv them. I have
taken nearly I hreefourl lis of a
packape of them and can now eat
almost everylhi.'ip- thai I want."
For sale by all dealers.
A lazy liver leads to rhoruir
lyspep-ja and constipation
weaken- tho v. hob1 system,
;-'." 'per I"x act mildly
n ihe liver and bowels. At all
drug stores.
Receives News of Cousin's Death.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon S. (Jood
iiiK and wife were called to Carl
isle, Iowa, where Ihey were culled
hy a messape anuounrin-r the
death of Frank Piice. a cousin of
Mr. (ioodinp-. The death came as
a preat shock to Mr. ;oodiup as it
was not known that t In cousin
was danperously sick until the
death messape was received. lie
was a pentleman some 5( years of
The Journal has just received
a letter from Jesse It. McYey, who
has been spindinp ihe past few
months at W indsor. Illinois, lie
is feelinp much heller in health,
but slates that the heal has been
quite intense there durinp' the
past few weeks and that the corn
there is needinp rain quite badly,
and if relief is not piven in a few
weeks the crop will no be very
heavy throiiphout that locality. If
the him ili'il rain conies lie slates
the fanners will realize a tine
corn crop. The wheat crop there
was excellent, runiiiup' from ;0 to
."o bushels tier acre, while the oat
crop was very liphl. "I nch'"
Jesse desil e- o be remembered to
all his obi friends here and has
hopes of beinp aide to come west
a a in short I v for a visit.
Hon William li. I'rice of Lin
coln, democratic candidate for the
nomination f,,r compress against
Con p ics-ma i) Mauuin. was in the
ciiy Ibis morning for a ! w limit's,
before leaviup for Louisville,
win re In- looked ill on the repub
lican county convention and visit
ed Willi Hie poo, piupje of that
l'!a -e. Mr. Price i- makinp' a
very vigorous campaign for the
oili.-e of coup res-man and is not
b-tliup Ihe pra-s prow under his
feet in an elicit to laud the prize
a! the primary election. This is
the f; r .-I time he has been i u this
city since his a n mm nee men I . and
while he was here only a short
tin e. he was able to nice! quiie a
number of the drnmc rat ir voters.
While lu-re he was a j-ue.-l ai th"
Hotel HiieV.
From Edgemont, S. D.
Firm Wf.lm-s.laVs Daily.
Malt l.euck and wife, of F.dne-
muni, S. I .. ami Miss F.I la Hose-
now. of Cre-loii, Iowa, a niece of
Mr. Leuck. arriv ed in the city this
morninp from ('.re-Ion ami will
make a lew (lavs' v isit w it h
fri -mis jn Flat I simml h. Mr.
l.euck left Plat t snioul h six years
apo, after many years' work belt
in the luirlinplon shops, to accept
a similar position in F.dpimiont,
where he is now employed. Ihi.-
bejnp his tirsi visit to Plat I simnil h
irce he lefl. Th'-v will remain
he-e a few days before returninp"
home, and will be arrompanied Iiv i
Miss Kosenow. who is poinp- to
Sju-arlish, S. i . Mr. and Mr
Leiit k also spent a few days iu
Cr--son. Mall is one of the be.-t
fellows in the land and has a
Pleat many friends here, who will
he more than plad lo see him. !!
is lakinp a thirty-day pleasure
I rip.
i;nt. inn I'yecos. i
Xi.w i lit., i.i'iiiiim' I i 1 1 1 I'oi- all
' " 1 1 ' I
fa.iners o mow the weeds abmp-
iiifir i.iruis. i lie i.iu uoue-s
for a penally for failure so o do
between the lath of July and the
ir.lh of Aupusl. While the law
has sel the above date, now is Ihe
lime n mow them, as the preatesl I
food can be accomplished at ibis
til if. I would advise all Hie larm-
ers alont. tin hiphways of our di
trict to pet after Iheni jusl as soon
as possible, while they can be cut
much easier. C. F. Vail cry, I
Itoad Overseer Dist. No. 1
Gained Wrong Impression.
Several parties nave paimm me
lll presslon ll oni I i:e -it I 'ttoo in
: i- .1... I . ri
J" -r -iartes zitka. pub-
lisueil in Illls papei. huh ne w.i-
employed by F.dward Iional at the
lime of his dea'h. when is was m
Hi.' ca.-c. a he had md worked
here for the past four years and
wu engaged in dd jobs about
own and on farms nar this ritv.
l liis explanation is mad" that no
it nwiif.. iiimv lie iloue Mr. Iional
" ,J "
in the matter. 1
Two Men Who Were Formerly
Employed in Shops Get To
gether in Bloody Fight.
From Wednesdays HaJ!y.
The Atlantic House on Third
sheet was the scene of quite a
hloody battle last, eveninp' when
Joe Wolff and Jerry Urusik, two
men who were boardinp there, pot
into a battle royal that resulted in
both of theni rereivinp" injuries
Ihat marred their personal beauty.
The men have only been here a
short time, coininp from the ea-t.
and secured employment in the
liurliiu-toii shops, and yesterday
they decided to sever their con
nection with the railroad and 1o
celebrate the event in proper
Mnisik proceeded to lake on a
larpe amount of firewater and
yesterday afternoon visited the
shops in a stale of intoxication
and was ejected by the watchman.
Mr. James Kennedy. after a
strup'-ie. as the man was filled
with a desire for war ami delied
the watchman to put him oil' lln
property of tin- company. lie
then returned to his boardin-'
place and last nipht had his ie
sire for tipht weil satisfied, as his
appearance this morninp- in police
court .showed.
'I he two men.
Hiu.-ik and Wolff, have bad
trouble nf bmp slandinp. and i t-'
eveninp- they pave full vent to
their feelings in settlinp it as
they mixed in combat, ami as the
result of the Ill'-lee Wo' was bit
ten on the breast ami al-o on one
fnper of th,. left hand, while
Hrusik had both eyes put mil of
commission by a b!oy from Ihe
list of Wolff, and his lamps ihi
morninp wore a deep shade of
purple and his whole lace was
swollen ami scratched up. He
al-o received a punch ju the
umulh that did not add anylhin
lo his appearance.
Ol'iicer Xeumann was summon
ed to t he scene of ha! I e ami
found liriisik in the bark yard
down and out. ami if required a
carriape to convey him to jail.
WoliV was apparentlv nof ,-,s badly
under the weather as his oppon
ent, and was able to walk to the
jail with the officer, and a physi
cian was summoned i" look after
their injuries. Thi- morninp
11. 1 -.1.1 ... T..1..
Ilieywere np-up-n n" I " ; e .1 1 nip t
Arclu r and n-eeived their reward
for their amusement ami combat
1 . . .
by havinp a tine assess, d apain
llir-iu. WollV was fined and
costs, amountinp to sx. vvhil
I'rusik receiv ed a prize oackape of
VT, and costs, amoiintinu lo
as he was required In pay for the
We Handle
Weber and
T"fc 3
)Uy Illy WclgOllS
hn parlOafl JOtS
aR(J gJ theill cit
rr rl vo rl r"rirQ
NOW is the time for
vnnr nnnd Plow.
j w . - - C"
I carry Grand dc
Tour, John Dccrc
anJ C3SC
i2-inch Gan plows from
$45 to $60
i fvnM
I HO impiemcni kiuii
.. MORE ..
Of our Big Harvest Sale. Watch this Circle for
Daily Specials.
..Shirt Day...
1 "
Men's Work Shirts 35c cash
Boys' Shirts 22c cash
W If m V
mm mm
We shall have another $7.50 Suit Day.
service- of a -urpi ou to di-e-- his
wounds. Itolh men paid their
fnes and wen! on lln-jr way re
,ji icinp', ati'-r a lecture by the
,;iiil-'- on tin.' eil of laimriup and
pay inp out their ha rd-earm-d coin
Fred .J. W an en of nmaha has
lib d a- a candidate mi the social
ist I ieki'l for coupres in Ihe Sec
ond district. He is not Ihe Fred
Warren who edi!s the Appeal to
Reason at (iirard. Kas.. who was
convicted several years apo for
send in:-' oh jec I jonahie mat t it
Ihrouph the mails and was afler-
ward pai'doued by Presidi-nt Tafl.
;is a n buke to the judpe who pre
sided ai the trial and passed sen
tence on him.
This Warren formerly lived at.
orth Platte. e has been active
in socialist politic- iu Nebraska
f r some y ears. On acocunj of
his name, jt js Ihoupht he will al
I met more ai lent ion and poll
more voles (ban some other man
- 0
The WorEd's Mem Wstmm
The Peter Schuttler Wag-on runs lighterwith less strain on
your horses than any other wagon in the world.
The Old Reliable
The One Sest Wagon
Saves time, harness, horses, repair expense, and pives perfect service. I. m
bnilt in the cjreful, honest, old fashioned way of the highest grade matrrialii
i thoroughly air dried) in the most completemodern wagon factory in tho world. That '.-
why it has maintained its reputation as "Tho World's Standard" for over 70 years.
Como in and sco tho Old Rctlablo
hjl 1 A&M J
Y 17.
One Day Only
MS v m W K. H I Bin
With a b'-s celeinaied copiiollleu.
Lincoln Star.
Fred Wan-en i- a former resi
dent of this city, where he was
reared to manhood, and while
here was quite prominent a- a
debater and a -lutle i! of political
subjects ami a devout believer iu
ihe doctrine of socialism. He is ,t
brother of Frank Warren of this
Enjoying Fishing Party.
I ! p o i I s from I he ca m p a I O-i la r
Creek, wlic'e Will .Mason, John
Kirkham, (ins Swan-o.i and Albert
Hheinackle are wapinu war mi the
fi II IIV I Illie. js o (he i (feci t
the li-hermeii are havinp- ureal
success and landing- all kinds of
fish and having one of the limes
of their lives. Th" boys expf-t to
j remain until Ihe end of the week
j and I heir f: jemls are pi t parinu lo
hear some verv startling- sories
on their return of the womb-i l'iil
-i.e of t h" lisll.
Mrs. F.upene Set returned
home eveniii-- on the .Mis
souri pacilic from Faule. where
she had been vi-ilim: for Ihe pa-!
tew days Willi her relatives in
that place.
The Journal does job work.
Plaftsmouth, Nebraska