PAGE 8. PLATTgfyiQUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1114. 5,000 Special Vote Coupon for Every $15 in Subscriptions to the Daily or Semi-Weekly Journal Now is the Time to Winner READ PARTICULARS CAREFULLY Announcement made today of special certificate good for Tj. m.I. s with each tuurned in ia ul-t-rijiti'n i 1m .1 li now and old , and w ill meet with the great est a.j'i al of Hi' candidates and their friends. Every interested candidate will now liu-tle to get together as many subscriptions as possible lo take advantage of this offer. The proposition is perfectly fair to all. as it ?ivts arh candidate an equal oppor tunity. of course, there is no such alu- in tliis offer as was riven with the double vole offer. In ac cordance with the promise of the Campaign Department, that was the biggest offer to lie made in the entire content, and the present proposition is an adidtiou stimu lant to the interest of Ihe contest which U certain to reap its re wards for the many hard-working candidates. The et offer means that when DISTRICT NO. 1 City of Plattsmouth At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Charles E. Martin . . . Mrs. Sybel Head Miss Adelia Sayles . . Mrs. Joseph Droegp ., Miss Iorolhy Iiritt . , Rev. F. M. Druliner Miss Anna lleisel ., Miss Marie Iionnelly Miss Madeline Miner , Miss Marie Spies Miss Ferris York DISTRICT NO. 2. Outside The City of Plattsmouth. At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Mr. Henry Hirz, jr 57105 Miss r.raee II. Nolting 231G5 i ? Joi lisi 1 3 j3 Miss Mildred Leo 15385 Mr. Martin Nelson 1500 Miss Vivian Fitzpalrick 18770 Miss Trudie Long 1500 Miss Etta Nickels 1500 Miss pearl Mclteynolds 1500 Mr. I iwight Propst 1500 Mr. Leo Tighe 1000 Miss Jenetle Young 1800 Miss Marie I'routy 3330 Miss Alma Wiedeman 8 585 Mis Daisy Langhorst 18280 Miss Elsie Opp 2280 Paul fiohrey 1500 Miss Ruth Harrison 1000 Miss Edith Peterson 2520 Miss Eula Weaver 3300 5,000 - Extra mm 5,000 EXTRA VOTES For the two-week period of The Journal's Big Booster Campaign, beginning Tuesday morning, July 7, and end ing Saturday night, July 18, at 9 o'clock p. m., the follow ing special offer will be in force: For each $15 turned in during this period in subscrip tions to the Daily or Semi-Weekly Journal in pay ments of $1.50 or more, an extra certificate pood for 5,0H) votes will be given. This certificate is additional to the regular number of votes given on subscriptions as shown by the regular vote schedule. Everv $15 . will be considered a set, and the extra votes will be given on all subscriptions. There is no change in regular schedule. There are not so many votes with this offer as were given during the double vote offre. It gives no one can didate advantage over another. Further information cheerfully given by the Campaign Manager. Make Yourself the of a Prize si 5 in subscriptions (no pay ment to be less than $1.50) has been turned in. in amounts of $1.50 or more, until the total reaches $15, the contestant turn ing in the money will be entitled lo an extra 5,000 votes. This i. in addition to the regular sched ule. As manv of these certificates will be issued as sots are furnish ed bv the candidates. This offer annlies lo both the daily and semi-weekly. Read special offer on page i. Get Busy Now. This great contest continues, and a genuine contest it is, with real friends in the race and real honors lo win. As the time prows shorter and the count at the finish of the race is less than four weeks off, the excitement and nublic interest increases. Now is I tie chance to produce me resuus that will mean an auto or piano free of expense to you. Now is C.KT 11USY TIME Watch the standing! 50070 4 ll 90 3 1 880 29C00 9015 8590 3780 2040 1810 1015 1550 Votes - 5,000 mm Alvo Notes '' Mrs.' Fred Prouty.went to Lin coln AVedhesday morning'. firandma Foreman was. on the sick list last week. Joe, John and Noel Foreman spent the Fourth in Lincoln. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson, Sunday, July 5, a son. County Commissioner C. R. Jordan had business in Lincoln Tuesday. Several from Alvo enjoyed an outing- at the beach at Lincoln on the Fourth. C. T. Edwards and family spent the Fourth at Peru with relatives and friends. Mrs. Liza Craig- returned Tues day from her visit in Omaha with her daughters. Henry Underwood of Omaha visited Saturday and Sunday with O. P. Foreman, sr. Oive your chix coop a renovat ing with Lee's Lice Killer. At Alvo Drug Store. Mrs. Orvil Quellhorst and her sister, Mrs. Mart Mikel, were trad ing in Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Wolfe came down Saturday from llave- lock to spend the Fourth. Paul Frohlich went to Lead, S. D., to visit a cousin he hail not seen for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. John Leach of Omaha took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Foreman, sr. District Supt. Rev. Embrey will preach here next Sunday morning and the quarterly meeting will be held. The Misses Anna Thurason and Welma Oeftyz of University Place visited Sunday at the Foreman homo. Ed Linch and family of Uni versity Place spent Sunday with Mrs. Linch's mother. Orandma 'oreman. Walter Rathbun and two chil dren left Saturday morning to spend the Fourth in Louisville with his parents. Why let the Hies bother your horses, when a morning and noon application of Dr. Hesse's tly chaser will keep the flies away? U Alvo Drug Store. John Murtey shipped the first car of new wheat to the Chicago market Tuesday.' It was raised by S. C. Boyles. His crop will aver age 30 bushels or better. Mrs. Herbert Moore and daugh ter, Blanche, visited friends in Lincoln from Thursday until Sun- dav. Mr. Moore joined them for a few hours Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snavely entertained at dinner July 4th Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parsell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Roelofsz. Among those going to South Bend the Fourth were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Coon and children, Oeo. lardnock and niece, Mrs. Hard- nock, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and J. II. Stroemer. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. filenn Armstrong eft Friday evening for a two days' fishing and camping trip on Salt creek. They returned Sun day evening, plentifully supplied with fish. Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey en tertained the following guests Sunday: Thomas Murtey and family of Weeping Water, Harry Towle of Wabash, and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Towle and daughter, Rhena, of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bobbitt and daughter. Hazel, of Lincoln, visit ed Mrs. Bobbitt's mother, Mrs. fr. Foreman, sr., from Wednesday ill Friday. Miss Rodrick accom panied them and will remain for some time with Mrs. Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Curyea motored to Weeping- Water Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. deorge Curyea, granddaughter, Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cachner autoed to Slmwood Saturday evening to see the display of fireworks, which were fine. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cromwell of .incoln, Mr. Melvin Kear of Plain- view and Mrs. Fred J. Kear ana son of this place left Lincoln in an auto for a trip to Yellowstone park. They expect to be gone a month and will return via Den ver, Colo. Tuesday evening at the beauti ul country home of Charles God- by more than thirty young people helped enjoy a most delightful awn party, given to the winners of the Epworth .League contest. The lawn was appropriately dec orated in red and" white, the Ep worth League colors.. Ice cream and cake and lemonade were "erved-ftn3 a"-spIefldTd"4ime-e-njoy-- ed by all. Statement pf the Condition or THE LIVINGSTON LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Of Plattsmouth, Neb., on the 30 day of June, 1914. . ASSETS First mortgage loans Stock loans Real estate contracts ..$130,323 09 .. lM.70i 00 .. 2.731 2 Cash. 50ti f Delinquent Interest. Dremlums and ftetfc and dues 1.564 08 Rent account -tft 44 Insurance and tivps nald and ad vanced 645 5S ' Total .....f 154.742 35 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock nald ud I140.C25 4S Keserve runa ,uue m Undivided profits. 3.710 70 Other liabilities-bills payable 2.400 00 Total ... f 154.742 35 Receipts and Expenditures for the Year Ending June 30. 1914. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand July 1. 1913 $ 10.072 09 Dues. '23.4:10 00 11.070 36 Interests, premiums and fines Loans repaid Real Estate Contracts 17.0H6 70 25 16 Total f 03.494 31 EXPENDITURES Loans $ 29.00 00 Expenses 1.449 95 Stock redeemed 2J.i4t5 11 Cash on hand 500 "7 Insurance and Taxes paid and ad vanced l.40V 46 Rent and Repair 444 9i Total 03,494 31 STATE OF NEBRASKA CASS COUNTY S I. C. G. Frlcke. secretary ;of the aliove named association, do solemnly swear that the foreiroinur statement of the condition of said as sociation, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge ana belier. C. U. r KICKK, Approved: Secretary. D. B. SMITH. 1 C. A. MARSHALL. J-DIrectors. F. G. EUENBERUER, ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July 1913. A. L.TIDD. Iskai. Notary Public My commission expires Oct. 5, 1915 Harold fi. Streigiit was a pas senger this afternoon for Omaha, where he was called to look after some business for the Uurlington. Henry A. (iulhmann of Murdock motored over .yesterday from his home and spent a few hours here visiting with realtives. Miss Blanche Robertson was among- the visitors in the me tropolis today for a few hours, going- to that city to look after some matters of business. Mrs. C. X. Hansen of near Weeping Water was in the city today for a few hours looking af ter some matters of business at the court house. If you're sheltered by a landlord And have long been paying rent, Get a home of your own. Till you are your own collector You will never he content Get a home of your own. If you add up ten years' rent bills You will see just how you stand, You have paid out all the house was worth And possibly the land. When you might have bought a pretty place And had a deed in hand, Get a home of your own. The I'lattsmouth Loan & Build ing Association will make you a liberal loan. For Sale. A good driving horse, wagon, y and harness. Harry John - -1 t son. o-9-tar. No. 1914 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne braska, at the close of business June 30th, 1914. RESOURCES and discounts S254.3T7.0 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. H.7:5.tS3 IT. s. bonds to secure circulation 50.000.00 Other bonds to secure Postal Sav ings. B.U00.C0 Premiums on U. S. bonds 500.00 Bonds, securities, etc 7,577.00 Stock in Federal reserve bank and all other stocks .nou.ou Ranklnir bouse, furniture, fixtures... 14.800.00 Other real estate owned 7.007.88 Due from national banks (not re serve airents) 7.57 Hue from aoDroved reserve acrents. .. 44.215.73 Checks and other cash Items 2,173.01 Notes of other national Danxs. Fractional paper currency, nicKeis and rents 71.88 Lawful money reserve In bank, vl.: . Specie... fiu.aan.iw Trnl-tndnr notes 7.280.00 23.835.00 Redemption fund from U.S. Treas- urer taper cent or circuiauonj.. s.aou.w Total., i.940.7fl LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In Surplus fund -j.uw.uu Undivided profits, less expenses auu National bank notes outstanding.... 4.I00.00 Individual deposits subject to check 8tt.20i.3 llaminii rortlWt.o a of deposit. 5,tc3.U2 Time certificates of deposit payable within 30 days " -M0-'8 Time certificates of deposit payable after notice of 30 days or lonirer. i-.w.ip Deposits of Postal Savliun 2.498.27 Total .. ' .f425.940.7ti State of Nebraska I K , , rvtimt v nf ru. f M T. II. N. Dovey. cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is irue 10 me wi ui my knowledge and belief. . H. N. Dovt. Cashier. Correct Attest: Frank E.Schlateb ti. KNAPP. .. : Directors. Subscribed and sworn. tQ before me this 8tb,-day.t-J-uJi.M4. -l O. Owtk. - I Seal J - nur ruuiw. My commission expires Autrust -J. 1914. Political Announcements All announcements MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE CASH at the following rate: For Con- gressman, $15; State Senator, S10: Representative. $5: for County Officials, $5 each. For Congress. We are authorized to announce the name of Wilber W. Anness of Dunbar, Otoe county, for con gress from ttie rirst congres sional district of Nebraska, sub ject to the will of the republican voters at the primary election on Tuesday, August 18. We are authorized to announce diaries .warsiiau oi tiioe couui rL. i -r . i. 1 1 f y--v i ... i as a canuiuaie ior congress irom tne rirst district, suojeci to me win oi me voters at uie primary election on Tuesday, August 18, 191 i. For Senator. A. r. Sturm, or iseiiawKa, is a candidate for senator from Oloe and Cass counties, subject to the will of the republican voters at the primary election Tuesday primary August 18. We are authorized to announce the name of John Mattes, jr., as a candidate for Senator from Cass fn,i nino Pnnntine snhionf t. ih decision of the demoerativ voters at the primary election on Tues day, August 18, 1914. For Representative M. G. Kime, of Nehawka pre cinct, will be a candidate for member of the lower house of the state legislature, subject to the will of the democratic voters of Cass county at the primary election to be held Tuesday, Aug- USt 18, 1914. We are authorized to announce William H. Puis for Float Rep- resentative (inne and t.ass mini- ties), subject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary election, Tuesday, August 18. For County Judge. tinaries j... cj raves or union is a candidate for the nomination to the ofiice of county judge, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the primary elec- tion, held on Tuesday, August 18, 1 J 1 fl Frank J. Libershal, the present countv clerk, filling said ofiice by appoinlmonf, is a candidal.' for the nomination to said ollice, sub- ject to the decision of the dt nio- cratic voters at the primary elec- tion, held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. John M. Creamer, of Wabash, is a canumate lor couniy cierK, subject lo the decision of the re publican voters of Cass county at the prirnary election held on Tuesday, August 18, 1915. Your support will be appreciated. I am a candidate for counly clerk on the republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election August 18. A. L. Anderson. B. Cm. Wurl announces that he is n candiadte for the office of counly clerk of Cass county, sub ject to the will and wish of the democratic voters of the county at the primary on Tuesday, Au gust 18, 1914. For Register of Deeds. Mont Robb is a candidate for Register of Deeds of Cass coun ty, subject to the decision of the republican voters of the county at the primary election to be held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. Candidate for Treasurer. Major A. Hall is a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the will of the republican voters at the primary to be held on Tues day, August 18, 1914. He will ap preciate the support of all repub licans. For Sheriff. We are authorized to announce F. R. Cunningham, of Nehawka precinct, as a candidate for sheriff of Cass county, subject to the de cision of the republican voters at the primary election August 18, 1914. We are authorized to announce William Dowd, of Salt Creek ffireenwood) precinct, for the ofiice of sheriff of Cass county, ' subject to the will of the demo cratic voters at the primary elec- tion on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. John Wunderlich, of Nehawka precinct, is a candidate for sheriff of Cass county, subject to the de cision of the democratic voters of the county, at ... the primary elec- tiorr tQ"j3e hetd on Tuesday, Aug ust 18, 1914. Carroll D. Quinfon, the present sheriff, is a candidate for the nomination of said office, subject to the decision of Ihe republican voters at the primary election. held on Tuesday, August 18, 191 4 I desire to announce lo the voters of Cass counly that I am a caniddate for the oiliee of sheriff, subject to the wishes of the re publican voters at the coming primary election, and Ihe support of the voters will be appreciated. Hel t Heed. County Commissioner. We are authorized to announce Charles It. Jordan," of Alvo, as a candidate for Commissioner from ,hp Tnirf, ,j,ricf i,ir.ct in n,,. 1 1 decision of the democratic vot at thft prirnary election on Tues- aav .,...-. 18 101. C. E. Heebner, presrnt commis sioner from the Second district, is a candidate for re-election, sub ject to the decision ()f the r,. pubilcan voters at the primarv fc,eclion U) h ho1,1 011 Tuesday, AU3usl 18' 1J1 1 Henry Snoke, of Tipton pre cinct, will be a candidate fop the office of Commissioner from the Third district, subject to the de cision of the democratic voter? i t"e primary election on lues- M-ld vu0ust is, l.Jii We are authorized to announce I). Koesfer of Weeping Water pre cinct as a candidate for commis sioner from fhe Third district. subject to the wishes or the dc- r-ision of the democratic vofers at the primary election Tuesday, August 18 Gets Divorce Decree District .Tuda-.' James T. I? ley has granted the prayer of fhe petition of Louis Simons thai he h,0 p-jVf.n ins freedom from ih. nuptial bonds connecting him with I) ),dja Simons, and a decree to h. effect has been eniei'ed in the dlice of Ihe clerk of the district court. I He case was not com es ed fiv the deiendan and Hie di ll f!ie vorce was grained o grounds of cruellv. Among the latest in tangos, hesitations, cne-stens nnri f.pofn to be rendered at the dance Sat- I iipHau ounninn at r-nilnc' hall txill nJh.e!p Way to Wexico," "Every- MV"y " " ,I,S ine Life," "Across the Great Divde," "" a CI ",uuntdm vv,, ine I mm mmwm m m m m ' neT" Tor. mrs- KiP vanvvinKie wnen K.p vweni Away.- Have your .-.hoi's n-nair d at the uo-to-da e ! ecfric S loe S oie. hj.dlom prices and neat work. So. street. T-S-d&w S2B5sEffiSlSZEa5SS5 M M H f tt!S FrimBiFm In order to Clear Out a lot of Odds and Ends, we quote these Tempting Prices. We offer: 45 Pieces of Wash Goods Figured Nub Crape Embroidered Crape Satin Stripe Crape Corded Crape Jipson Tissue French ginghams All the above 25c merchandise at, per yard. Dress Ginghams and Chambrays 25 pieces 27-in. wide Gingham, at per yard; 8Jjc 20 pieces 32-in. wide Chambray, at per yard, 12J-c 10 pieces good bleached Muslin, at per yard, 7K'c 10 pieces better bleached muslin, at per yard, 8Jic 50 pieces Gingham, 5 yards to the piece, at per piece, 35c Muslin Underwear at Clearance Sale Prices. Ladies' Muslin Pants at 15c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 45c Ladies' Muslin U Skirts, at 49c, 59c, 79c and 93c Children's Muslin Pants, at per pair. 8c, 10c and 12c Children's Muslin Waists, at each, 8c and 10c Children's Muslin U Skirts, each 10c, 19c and 35c Knit Underwear Gentlemen's separate garments, a good lot, at per garni., 25c Our Gentlemen's Union Suits at $1 each is a $1.25 item. Our Ladies' Union Suits at 25c each is a bargain. Our Ladies' Vests at 25c is also a bargain. Ribbons of all Descriptions We give you GO pieces to select from, many G inches wide, at per yard, 25c 50 pair of Ladies' Oxfords and Low Shoes, we offer them to close out at, per pair 79c Our 5c Lace and 10c Embroideries are on display. i! MURDOCH. !VW! ...... Alvin .eil.e Sundaed vulii hi-; parents. Miss Anna Amuwert was home a few days last week. Xurse Meta Neitzel was lni ie over Sunday is if in y. her par-en i s. Hev. llf-aden came Monday viil I'efep Kvcland and familv. .Miss Ida her sisler week. A nnmliei -ipent (heir the beaeh. r.hnrb's Kiyhl mailer Wishiel was near Elinwood a-l. of people from I,. ; I-'otirlh in Lincoln nf. chafer and Kmm. I spent f he l'oiirl h i i maha. !I;u-!-y Icllonald lfnib.'ck iiK'tiUfd Id and I.i v is Lincoln o:ie day last wi-ek. 'Slv. and Mrs. Fd Taylor and - i, I'll 1 1 I.eltoy, spent the l'illlll with relatives In-re. The Misses llnyc, I.ullit' ;.l VA.i Maiier vi-ifed friends ami relatives in Ithaca, l.'i-l week. The two ba-e ball games thai, our In-ys played the I'ourlh at I'.Imwi i id were as fnllows; I'.lin W'M.d v. Murdoi-k, -J to I in Mur diiek's fai'i nine innings: Ivile vs. Munl'irk. 1 lo 0 in T-'agle's faoi seven innings. Mr. Herman Kupke died July ." at her inmie from eaneei- of Ihe sloniaeh. and a- buried July 7 at the (.erinan Lutheran ehurrh. two miles iiMith of town. She leave to mmim her ile.ilh a hus band, ei-ht ehiblreii friends and relatives. and many Energy to Work. Mr. Vladimir Seiuan of Su perior, Wis., wrote us Ihe follow in'' b'lfer: "I received Triner's Ainei-jcan Llixir of Milter W'iiie and musl confess ibat f am ery Weil sfiljsli,,! j(. because it. braces up tin. whole body-and gives a man new energy lo work." The body musl, in order lo be HI. lo Work, J:e perfectly cleaned out and l ivii-1 liened to accept and digest Hi. necessary amount of nouri-hing" food. Lor lhal we wish lo recommend Triner's American Llixir of Miller Wine which works in a natural, pain less and a'j reeable manner. This remedy being composed of medi cinal herbs and excellent red wine, has a beneficial effect upon the digeslive organs, by expelling waste mailer out of tin- body and by giving' new slrenth to ex-hau-le.l organs. Try if in dis eases of he stomach. Ihe Iier and Ihe bowels. At drug stores, .b.s. Triucr, Manufacturer. 1 :::;.'! !.;"! 9 So. Ashland Ae... Chii'.T-o, 111. Lackache will usually yield quickly to Triner's Linimenl, I lie enemy of ain. D S33 17c n a tmi