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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1914)
THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL', PAGE 5. A FRECKLE; Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Those Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles as the prescription othine double strength is guaranteed to remove these ugly spots. t Simply get an ounce of othine double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning1 and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful com plexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. The Journal ads pay. otm i: ok si,r:. In the Matter ot the K.-tate of Henry Stun. 1 'iri-;!M'.l. N"tir is I.th1v frivon II. at in tnr Mi:mte t an onler f Hon J 'ones T. l-'-u ;. ju-l-re "f the I :.ti iut Court o( ".i.-s ''u!'.ty. Nvl'ia-ka. rn:;i!o on tlf . itii u.iy of .".w, l:'14. for the s.ilo of t ! r;i! t-.-tat" h ! inafter i!v.-ci i !-l. t m -r will l.o soM m tin' s-ut!; iloor f t';t- i.Miit l:o'.i.-- in tlx- City of I'latts 1 1 i . : t i . in :ii'l 'our.t, on ti.e M!i ilay of Ai;','iist. at tt-ri o'iIim k a. in., at j.uMio vi-M.lue to ti t- I '-;!iei-t ;!. l..-r for i;i!i, 1.". jr .r.t of t!,- I. ill to l.f vaul at !-., of sale Mini tie bahuue 'n !' l..'fiie coiiiii Tnat i.jii f saio, ti.e foliow i:iir ilfscrilwl real estate t.-w:t: An l:lnii vji'.iil one-lxt;i. ibjfot to th iliiuvr at:.l l.iriif.-ti ;! ri;i!,t of Airati a Htull therein, of the :.( half of tl'y nor tt: west 'juarter of t!on two 1:1. twelve (.1-), Kale thirte.ri i. eontcini:i sevonty-four an.! 7-li0 aeies more or less: ti e east l.alf of l:.e S"Mti:West ouarler of Section two Town.-:. ii twelve Ilium o thirteen i:;, i ta i n : tilt eighty aeies in.,)., or less: ha four i i in ti.e n.rih w t o-iarter of S.-ition tiiit:--s:x ' . Tow nsl:ii toiiteeii ih.i. Kane thirteen ion :a i n : nir tw-nty-s:x ai res more or less; lot thr.-e I :' in the northwe-t iiioiio r f fieetia six ;. Tvn.!.i;' twelve (I'i. llansi- lournii 'Hi, 0:1 taitiinc twenty-two ami 7-"-1"i acres more or less, all in Cass County. Ne-hra-ka. Sai-l sale to remain u;t-n one Lou r. I'ateJ this Z:n '!:iv of .Tune. i:U. c. i.Avi:i:N''i: sti'li., A!min:strator of the Instate of Henry St jil. I . ;isl. 1 U. 1AVVKK, Attorney. 7 - - I wks MiTH I! Tl !!I.l)ITOi;S. sTati; r m.i;!:a.ka, Cass County. In County Court. In the Matter of the lh-late of George V.". Vass. iti eea -e.l. Notice is lierei.v triven to the credit ors of sail ie that I.e.-i :i n crs will ha'l upon claims fi'.l against sai'l ( -tat'. T-efore me. County Jul;4e of a.-s Countv, Nehtaska. at the County Court room in l'a tt -month, in sai.l Countv, on t!:- 7 1 ii i':av of July, 1;'14, ;,n,l tie L'-tli chiy of Jan.iarv. l'.'l". at 1') o'clock a. in.," r-a h r.av for ex ftmiti.' t ion. a.ljr.stmont ami allowance. All ihiims 111:1st he filed in saiil Court on or before sai l hi.-t hour of hearinc Witro ss tnv i nnJ n:ol seal of sahl Cnvniv Court. at I "ia 1 1 sm nti t h. Ne-l"-ak;'. this -?th .hv of Juno. um. (taii Ai.i.i.. '. i.i.i..-' 'o-.;rtv .1 mitre. john M. T.i:vr A. Attorney for Kstate. Minn: to HKiJiTm. STATi: OF NKi'.KASKA, Cass County, fs. In ounty Cimrl. In the M.-itt-r of the Instate of I von S White deceased. T" a!! per-on- infcrfste.1: X'on are 1 er.-!y potitied that there has h.en tiled in tins Curt tio ri"Ht f t!o- admin istrator of ahovo e-'tate, loireth.-r with. 1 is j.-tition for final settlement ar..i list i!"it ion .f the re-'idue of said estate. That a liearlnsr wi'.! to l ad ntmn said rej.ort arl jieti'ion hefore t'is Court at tl e Coort Ho-jso iT1 xYf. C;ty if T "'a h, said Coontv. on the 7 1 hi dav of .Ome. 11. r.t f o'clo, k a. m. AU ohj-ctions theretr.. if any. nvist ).. f:h d on or hefore said day and l our of 1 -a ri n ir. Witness mv hnn.T fiP'1 t!:e sonl of tl;e Countv c:irt of sail County this 1:0th da-.- of June. 10H. SeaI ALLKN' -T. TinTISON". County J u. lire. IIi:m!'K-S SAI.K. State of N'ehraska. County of Cass, r.v virtue -f an order of sale issued by .lames Kol.ertsot,. flerk of the listri. t I'o'irt. witl'in and for Cass county. Ne-hra.-K 1. and to directed. I will on the rTth day of Julv. A. I. liU, at 1 ' lo k a. m. of said day at the south dour of the court house !n said county, sell at puiilif ae-t;ori to ti.e highest l-idder for cash the foilowin" proj.erty. to-wjt: Kractiinal lor N'o. ):ie Hun dred Twelve (lli In Section Nineteen tV.'K in Towr.s'.it" Twelve (12) north, in T:a?ice Fourteen U4. llast of the ftli I'. M. The same leinrr levied upon find taken a the property of W'. S. lirittain. w 1-o-e name is VVnlter S. lirittain: ". W. AVindham. v.hose real name is Wad-- . Wind! am: Mjnnie Windham. William I. Th:rke. Julia T'urke and lo.t.ett V.. Wimi? am. Jr.. defendants, to .-Htisfy a .'ndirnont of p:tid court recov ered hv the IMntt-mout h Iwn snd jniiidirer A s--oein t ion. a cirporation, .la int i T. atraiiist said defendants. I'latt.-moutli, Ne!.., Juno !'. A. I 1011. ' 1. Ql INTftN. Sheriff Cas County. Nebraska. IN Till" l)lTHICT OI T iV TIIK III M l dl' KIIHSK. In Kc-Kstate of luliiali Sciiwab, l)e c eased. MtTICi: )F Nitice is herein- fjiven tl:at in pur suance of an order of Hon. James T. I'.eirley. Judye fvf ti.e Iiistrict Court of Cass Count-,-, Nebra-ka, made on the lirst ilay of June. A. I). i:d4, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter i'-soril-ed. there will tie sold at the south front door of the Court House, sit IMattsmo'ith, Cass County, Nebraska, on tl." 1st day of August. A. I . ll'U, at ten o'clock p.. m , j.t public vendi.e to the highest bidder for cash, the follow Inif de.-'-ribed real estate, to-wit: Lot eislit C). in the Northeast nuar ter fNHv "f the Northwest quarter iXW'ii; lot fifteen K.), in the South east iuarter SI0.) of tl 0 Northwet ouarter l.N'H'); lot twelve (l't. In the Northwest ouarter (NWi of the Southwest Oarter (SW'i): lot eleven 11 in the Southwest quarter (S'i4 1 of the Southwest ouarter SW'i and the Kast l air rK1-.) of the Southwest ciuarter (SV!d, all of Section twenty-ei-i f t2. in Townshin eleven ill) North. ' Hanfife focrKen Hit, Kast th I. M.. in the County of Cass, Nebraska. Said sa'e to remain open one hour. Hated this 1'Otii day of June. A. O. 1fH CHAFU-KS H. SCHWA Tl. execufor of the last will and testament cf Dtii'ah Srh h itprppsrt T.AWLS &. KOBKRTSON. Attorney?. 6-22-awks OF LOCAL INTEREST Some People We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing About Them. I loan's Kidney pills from Tiering A. C.o.'s Druir Stole and they soon relieved me. I am pleased to rec ommend them." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same Mr. Kroehler had. Foster Milburn Co., Props., UulTalo, New York. John Ha.jeck departed this morning for ;onvood and Mal ern, Iowa, (o look alter the in-ttM'st- of his cigars in those places. Mi s. John Ilrady was among l!ie picnickers -oing to .-, Platte this morning, where she will visit for the day. 'Phis is a purely local eent. It took place in Piatt sinout h. Not in Mime faraway place. You are asked to investigate it. Aske.J to believe a citizen's word ; To cditirm a citizen's state ment. Any article that is endorsed at home. I more worthy of coniidenee Thau one you knoiv nothing alo nit, llndocseil l,y unknown people. l."iiis Kroehler. proprietor of hardware store. Kim St.. Platls moutli, says: "Some time ago I had pains in my Lack. I wa so lame that I couldn't sloop. M kidneys were weak. I had a tired, languid feeling all the time and headaches -were common. I got Mi:-.- Kli.abeth IJee-oii departed this morning on te early Jmr liui:foi train for Lincoln, where he will bo the guest of her friend. Miss Iti--er, in that ci! for a few Jays. I'ezema spreads rapidly; itch inir almo-t drives you mad. l-'or piick relief, Dean's Ointment i- wel recommended. Ooc at all store.-. Established 1373 Rcofing OfiREY Wailboard Millions of Squares in use. Tested yeurs. GUARANTEED. Harlap Flexible Cement Uooflng. Asbestos R. Kiting. Century, Surety, Premium Itubber i looting. 0 Selections Wallboard. Buililiiig Paper. rv Kt-quest Cary brands of dealer. THE PHILIP CAREY CO. 1414 O Street, Lincoln, Nebr. Make Your Wants Known Ad v. rt isemer.ts under this heading five n's ;..-r !in- ea li insertion. Six words will be counted as a line and no ad vert isement taken for less than ten eents. POP. SALE - The Mrs. McVicker residence on North Sixth street. For particulars call on Mrs. J. E. Leeslev. p Oli SALE One "-foot cut binder, x good shape. Gallon Kalph Hay nie, telephone No. 3712. C.J3-l0td&V POP. SALE The L F. Switzer nuartel. ttiree miles snnthwesf of Nehawka. For particulars see or write tienry .m. i'o;iarU, .Ndiawka. Netira-ka. pOR SALE Farm ef 121 acres, 5;i miles northeast of Union. 14 acres hay land, 2') acres pasture timber, rest in cultivation: well improved. Price right if taken soon. Address Miss Etta Nickels, Murray. Nebr. COK SALE Improved fn-acre farm. 1' miles north of Nehawka,Ncb Good orchard: buildings all painted and in good repair. Every foot of jr round is tillable. Write or see owner, Otto Schacht. Nehawka, Neb. gs.c,tw 'OR RENT Farm. Inquire of S. O. Cole. MyDard, Neb. ti-S.lnjo-w 'OR SALE (Joed Deering binder, almost new, cheap. Chas Schwab. ;.22w2wks FOR SALE Beautiful Shetland po nies at all times, for the next UK years, unless I die in the meantime. 1 have now an extra tine stallion, the best in the state, for sale Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Oilmour. Plattsmouth, Nebr., II. V. D. No. 1. LOST-Last Saturday evening, about o miles south of Plattsmouth, some motorcycle tools. Finder please notifv The Journal ol'uce. Itd2tw FOlt SALIC Silver cornet, .-plen-did instrument. Long modl. Inquire of DickAvard, IClec hric Shoe Store. Local News From Tuesday's Daily. Attorney C. E. Tell't of Weeping Water was in the city today look ing after some matters of busi ness. Philip Keil and wife and family of Murray came up this morning from their homo t, spend a few hours here looking' after some trading. Mrs. Louis Trimpe of Omaha is in the city making a short isit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. irowu and with her many friends here. James Loughridne of Murray was in the city last evening, coin ing up to attend a meeting of the Masonic lodge, which was held at the Masonic temple last evening1. Miss Helen Jess was a passeng er this morning for Lincoln, where -he will visit for a few days with her school friends in that city before returning home to this city. A. W. White was amonir the business visitors this afternoon in the metropolis, going to that city on the afternoon Rurlinton train. James Anil departed yesterday al'ttHioon for Caspar, Wyoming. where he goes to resume his work in the bridge construction leparlmeiit of tiie Rurliugton near that place. John S. Hall and wife and daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. J. A. Campbell of Clearing county. Pennsylvania, an aunt of .Mrs. Hall, who is her, on a short visit, were pas.-eni-'ors this morning for Omaha, where they will visit for the day. W. C. Morrow of Cleveland. Ohio, who has been hole fof the pa-t few weeks, in company with his wife, i-itiug at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. l..ey. depart ed tiiis morning on N". for his home. Mr.-. Morrow will remain for a more xlendod visit. Ir. o. Saudin was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will attend the meeting being held there of the vetcrinaries of the .-tale. J. P. Falter was among the passengers I his afternoon for the metropolis to spend a few hours looking alter some matters of business. Mi-s Maude Mason of H use. Idaho, is in the city making a visit with her many friond- lor a time. She arrived Friday evening from the west. John Kopia was among the business i-itors in the me tropolis today, going to that -city on the early Burlington train this morning. County Attorney C. 1L Taylor departed this morning1 for Weep ing Water, where he was called to look after some legal matters for the county. Mrs. M. E. Man-peakor departed this omrning1 for Omaha, where she will attend to some matters of business for the day. Mi-ses Emma and Elizabeth Falter departed this morning for Omaha, where they wiil visit for the dav with friends. Mar-h Wiles of Kansas City am) A. L. Wiles, who is located in Arkansas, who have been here for a few days visiting with relatives, departed this morning for their homes in the south. John A. Libershal was a pas senger this afternoon for Omaha, where he will spend a few hours looking after some matters of business in that city. James T'.merson, roadniaster of the Omaha division of the Bur lington, was in the city today looking alter some matters of business for the company. Mi-s Olive Oass was a pas senger this morning f"r Cileu wood, where she will visit for a short time looking after her class in music in that city. Ludwig Pehrig of New Castle, Wyoming, who has been here for a few days visiting with his son, Reinhold Jeh rig and family, de parted hist evening for his home. Mrs. Cecilia Wricht accompanied him to New Castle, where she will visit with relatives for a time. Miss Viola Kirsehstein of Min neapolis, who has been here for the past two weeks visiting at the home of Henry Ofe and wife, de parted this afternoon for Oakdale, Neb., where she will visit for a idiort time with relatives in that place before returning home. C. F. Guthman was among the visitors in the metropolis this morning', going to that city to look after some matters of busi ness for the day. Attorney I). O. Dwyer was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha, where he was called to look after some matters of busi ness for a few hours. I)r. P. F. Brendel of Murray and C. F. Cook of this city were pas sengers this afternoon for Oma ha, where they were called on some business matters for a few hours. Pen P.eckman, road overseer of the Murray district, was in the citv lodav, coming in to meet with the commissioners, but found the meeting had been postponed until Friday. Mi-s Millie Tubbs was a visitor thi- morning in Omaha, where she will spend the day with friends. Misses Blanche and Marie Rob orlsou were passengers this morning for Omaha, whore they will visit for the day with friends in that city. From Wednesday's Dally. Or. O. Saudin was a passenger this morning' for Omaha to at tend the mooting of the veterinary surgeons in that city. Mrs. J. K. Ragoss of I.oui-ville wa- a visitor in this city today and a pleasant culler at this ollice. Miss May Vallery of Mynard has returned to her home, alter an extended visit with Nehawka friends. Mrs. W. F. Fritclnmin returned this afternoon to lor home in South Omaha, after a few days" visit here with relathes. Mrs. Rhoda Ctner and daugh ter. Nellie, were passengers this afternoon for Council Bluffs, where Mrs. Coiner will consult a specialist. Peter Jol.gensoll of Avoi'U motored to this -ity- last evening and was initiated into the mys teries of the Flk-' lodge. Mr. Jofgenson returned home this morning1. While here he was a guest of J. F. McDauiel. Mrs. Jay F. Worb-y of Lincoln, who is in the city visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard, was a passenger this morning- for Omaha, where she will lie the guest of honor at a breakfast given at the Seymore Lake Country club. Mrs. Richard Rhoden and daughter. Miss Beulah. of Fre mont, Neb., who have been visit ing with relatives in different parts of the county for several weeks past, came in yesterday and w ill make a i -i t here at the home of Oeorge W. Rhoden and family. Oeorgo N. LaRue of Union was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters at the court house. Henry Klinger and wife were passengers this morning for the metropolis, where they will visit for the dav with friends. O. C. Hudson and family re turned yesterday from Omaha, where they have been for the jiast few days visiting with rela tives and friends. Mrs. F. B. Shupp and daughter were visitors in Omaha today, go ing to lhat city on the early Bur lington train this morning to spend the day. Mrs. Ward Clark was a pas senger this inorjiing1 to Omaha, accompanying her friend. Miss Emma Ault, that far on her trip to Minnesota. Mrs. O. Hawksworih and Mrs. E. W. Cook were visitors in the metropolis today for a few hour.-, returning on the 1:13 train this aft ernoon. Mrs. F. A. Kirkpatrick of Ne hawka was a passenuer this morning for Omaha. whre she I will visit for the day in that city. Miss Bessie Beres of Omaha, who has been a guest for the past few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Scarbrough, returned this morning to her home in the metropolis. ''Fncle"' Lig Brown this morn ing decided to join the merry makers in Omaha and attend the circus, ami accordingly was a passenger for that citv on the early Burlington train. Dan O Brien, who has been lo-re working in the local Burling ton yards for a few days, departed for (libson this afternoon to re sume his duties as lireman at that place for the Burlington. Oeorge Wall of La Platte was in the city today looking1 after some trading with the merchants. lie reports his brother, I.-an Wall, who was shot by Tony Ilil- on at La Platte the Fourth, as getting along nicelv. Mrs. Agnes Chapman came down last evening from Lincoln, where she is making her home and will visit here for a short time. Mrs. Chapman has recent ly recovered from the effects of a very serious operation at one of the Omaha hospitals and will rest here for a short time. Miss Mary Rosencrans departed la.-t evening1 for Imperial. Neb.. where she will isit her aunt and uncle, Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Raker, or a short time. Henry Robert llendd and rtiomas Walling, jr.. were among the passengers this morning for linaha. where they will attend the circus this aiiernoon. Mrs. Frank Ohm was a pas senger this morning for Omaha. accompanying her friend. Miss Rose Kremla, home for a short visit. Abe Orindle of Tabor, Iowa, last has been here for some time visiting at the home of his daugh ter in thi- city, departed last evening on No. for his home. Miss Emma Ault departed this afternoon for Omaha, where she will visit for a short time before departing for Minnesota, where she will visit for some time in that .-tale with friends. Mrs. Henry Bailey and daugh ter of Alvo. who have been here for the past few days visiting at the home of Mrs. Bailey's sister. Mrs. Fred Kunsmann, returned this morning to her home. Mrs. W. S. Askwith was a pas senger this morning on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where she was called to look after some matters of business for a few hours. IL W. Hyers was down this aft ernoon from his home at Lincoln to spend a short time here look ing after some business matters and shaking hands with his host of old friends. Bert Reed, one of the repub lican candidate for sheriff, in company with Oeorge Kunz. nndored in yesterday afternoon from Elmwood to spend a few hours here looking after some matters in this city. While here Mr. Reed called at the Journal ollice and we found him a most agreeable and pleasant gentleman and greatly enjoyed the short visit with him. Henry Born and wife and son. Leonard, were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will attend the circus there this afternoon. Mrs. W. C. Morrow and niece. Miss Claire Dovey. departed this morning on No. ( for Detroit, Michigan, from where they will travel by boat to Cleveland, Ohio, the home of Mrs. Morrow, and where Miss Dovey will visit for some time. Ludwig Racek departed this morning for Pacilic Junction, where he is engaged in some car penter work for a few days. Mr. Racek has ju-t returned from Abie, Neb., where he spent the Fourth with friends near that place. The Best Medicine in the World. "My little girt had dysentery very'bad. I thought she would die. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy cured her. and I can truthfully say that I think it is the best medicine in the world."' writes Mrs. William Orvis, Clare, Mich. For sale by all dealers. Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain. Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief from Neuralgia or Sciatics. It goes straight to the painful part Soothes the Nerves and Stops the Pain. It is also good for Rheumatism, Sore Throat, Chest pains and Sprains. You don't need to rub it penetrates. Mr. J. R. Swinger, Louisville, Ky., writes: "I suffered with quite a severe Neuralgic Headache for four months without any relief. I used Sloan's Liniment for two or three nights and I haven't suffer ed with my head since." det a bolfle today. Keep in the house all the time for pains and all hurts. 25c, 50c and $1.00, at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all Sores. For croup or sore throat, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two sizes, 2oc and 50c. At all drug stores. Mrs. Harry Simons was a pas senger this morning- for Omaha, where she will make a short visit with relatives. Sperry Ruffner of Omaha was in the city this morning for a few hours looking1 after some busi ness matters and took advantage of the occasion for a visit with Father and Mother Ruffner. Albert pendl, wife and son de parted this morning- for Omaha, where Mr. pendl will consult a specialist in regard to the treat ment of an affliction from which he has been suffering1 for -oine time. B. O. Wurl, one of the candi lales for county clerk, was a passenger Oils morning for Oma ha, where he will look after the interests of his cigar factory In disposing of some of the prod ucts. Mrs. Sarah Young of near Ne hawka came in this morning from her home and was a pas- -enger for the east on No. (i, be ing called to Peoria. Illinois, by the serious illness of her cousin, Miss McFadden in that city. County Clerk Libershal and O. v. Reed, the bridge foreman. made a visit yesterday afternoon out m the vicmitv of Murray to inspect some bride work and at tend to other matters of business. Dr. O. II. (lilmore motored to this city yesterday afternoon from Murray to have some dental work ooked after. Miss Margie Walker accompanied the doctor to visit here for a few hours looking after some trading. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts, Burns, Sores. Mr. K. S. Loper, Marilla. N. Y.. writes: 'T have never had a Cut. Burn. Wound or Sore it would not heal." (Jet a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve today. Keep handy at all times for Burns, Sores, Cuts. Wounds. Prevents Lockjaw. 25c, at your Druggist. C3i7 lr lang Plows " 7 Sl" 1 The advantages of a gang plow is known to all farmers, but all farmers do not know the advantages of us ing John Deere Light Draft Gang Plows. These gangs are now equipped with the famous quick detachable shares, the share that yon can remove by merely taking off one nut. John Deere Plows Are made throughout with high-grade materials and fully guaranteed by The John Deere Plow Co. The fact that there are more of these plows sold than all others com bined is really evidence enough to show that they are doing the work and giving good satisfaction. G. P. EASTWOOD MYNARD. J (Special Correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. Hatched of Mur ray vi.-ited friends in town Sun day. Dr. Fields of Kansas Cily spent the Fourth visiting with W. B. Porter. Erma Oanson of pekin, Illinois, is visiting at the home of W. T. Richardson. Mrs. August Oordcr and Mrs. CJeorge Perry of Plattsmouth visited friends in town Sunday. Albert Stokes and family of Plattsmouth visited with Mr. a;:d Mrs. Henry Johnson Sunday. Mable and Fdtha Ki-er of Fniversity Place are vi-iting at the home of R. L. Prop-t and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorpe spangler of Lincoln spent the Fourth i-it-ing with his mother, brothers and sisters. William Oillispio motored to the metropolis Friday. Mrs. lil- lispie and Miss Muriel Benton ac- ' companying him. Bryan Snyder - has returned home from his school work, and will assist his .father during the summer on the farm. In a few days you can hear the hum of the threshing machine mi all sides, for there is a machine to nearly every job of threshing. Favorable weather has 1 u beiieticial to the farmers in the way of harvesting .-mall grain, and most of the fall wheat is in the .-hock. William Vallery rtnd family of Havelock visited oer Sunday with Henry Kaufman and family. Mr. A'allery and Mr. Kaufman aie br t her-in-law s. Miss Fa porter, who ha- a re sponsible position with Orchard & Wilhelm in Omaha, spent the Fourth with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. porter. Oeorge Lenhoff and family motored in his line Studobaker seven-passenger automobile from Omaha the Fourth and .-pent the day visiting- relatives and friend.-. Earnest Hutchinson is taking care of one of R. L. Propst's seperators and his son, Wayne, has ( barge of the oil tractor. I h are thre-hing at Jo-oph Wili s, two miles north of town. A ino-t enjoyable time was spent the Fourth in the grove of Ed Rummell by members of the U. B. and Methodi-t Sunday schools. Refreshments, game-, social chat and the vanishing1 of well lilled liaskets made up the order of the day. Jacob Rummell of Beaver City. Neb., spent a few days visiting relatives and friends here. We are always glad to see Jake. How ever very sorry his mission was to attend the funeral of his brother, Ooorge, who was killed near Battle Creek, Neb. Guaranteed garden hose 10c and 11c per foot. Call 'phone 400. Warga & Schuldice. A, J '-'1 -