The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 09, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULY S, 1514.
Thsss Pries Reductions
RDrilnninri Qotnrvl oat mnrninri
uuwiiiiiiii, uutuiu.ujr uiumiiifj,
you can buy our finest suits at
clearance prices. They're the most elegant
goods we have, made of the richest materials,
beautifully designed, perfectly tailored. To
get ready for fall goods we make big conces
sions. All spring and summer
Suits, worth up to S1G.50
Sale price
All spring and summer
suits, worth up to $22.50
Sale price
All spring and summer
suits, worth up to $35.00
Sale price
41 O
Panama Hats Saturday
for $2, $8 and $4,
Genuine Jap Panamas,
Worth $3.50 each, in optimo and
telescope shapes, for
Genuine South American
Worth $5.00 each, in optimo and
telescope styles, for
Genuine South American
Finest quality, worth from $0.00 to
. to $8.50, optimo and telescope style
Conrad Wetenkamp Passes Away
at His Home in Eagle After
Long Illness.
Friday evening at h hnme in
Kan!.-. ,; a-k;i. Omrad W'.-I.mj-
ulillli, n!lt nf lllc Ji ilH'i'i' I't'-i-
hnis til I hi we-tiTii part nf th"
'"U!-!y, iiai'd away, ai'ti-r a
iliin's- I'mm In-art ti'inl'Ii'. willi
which In- h;i h""n ad'tclcii (.r
-ars. .Mi. V'!i-nkai!i ha hn-
a pr. ':i Mli-lii
:'.i!i' ill r.;i-
"Hilly ;l 1 : 1 1 a-: (he nl!!i-''-t
l.'-i.thcr ..r l!i ialc William '.-t-
nk;imp i f near Ixuard and ua
au uik-!.. i.f A. A. ami V. S. W'ef
e.ikamp ol I'iali -mmulh precipe.
f.nnrad YVelenkamp w;:.s f ? 1 i
i:i iiain' !'. ii'fiiiaiiy, I-Vhruary
I, is 11. ami after cum!!-- t"
America lucaliil in (Ia cnun'y in
ls". si'ttliiit.- i.ii a In :ni'-1 cail
near J'alc. win ri' lie i, -ided until
i .:;. when he rem. c.J In tnv.n
In make hi li i i : i ' ilui'iriu hU de
clining e::r. iff was a ; u t ty
liaur-c in th" life nf the cnia
muuity in which lie lived a 1 1 I hi
pasinir i deeply refi l l I -, 1 hy a
1 1 1 -1 f friend-; in that eelinn nf
the cm;ury win-re he had lui'.u
resided. He i.'aes a Wlii.tW. one
- i and twn dau-h'er-; t mi-urn
hi- h.
Tin- l'ane'::! va- 1 1 1 1 Snn'Iay.
Ji'lv .!h f r i ; 1 1 liie I. nth-van
j church at l' p. in. and ihe !"!"
(laid to the la-t l.-n- re-d in the
j cumuiim it y when- he ha- made
JhU lii.ine f..!-' reariy hail' a n-n-
1 1 1 of tile Cnl'lliy Were; ".
S. W'el. -nkamp. H" I inward. A. A.
Wefenkamp ami twn .-nn-, Arthur
ami Kimer.
's Semi-Annual Statement
Fiior Jaxuaky 1st, 1914, to June 30th, 1914.
-Tin . 1!IU IIOTI1
Other Funds
to CJeneral
Other Funds
Slate Jenel'a I I lllld
Stale Scln e T Fu ml ......... :
Slate t'iii i i -1 1 1 "ii mi
S:'ie ' a i '!.-!, V Special lri:mi....i
iale .i.rmai -'i.;:nl
S,.:l- Vi-i Iheie I'uml
Slate Schim! l.aiei I'i'in j
Si::!c ScIii-mI I. and 1 1 1 !--t :
Slrtf" Scliui.l l.aad I.ea-e ;
Si a t e U'ii'!l! i! !n. Fli I id ;
( '.i a: i i i v" I e; i e -unI
O-unJy I'' id..- Fund ,
i'.-. illy Snide i'-" 1 1 1 i -1" i'lim! j
i : .ii a i y It. lad Fu ad j
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'. y,: . y Tail l.- l"uui ;
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M. Fritsch, Deputy.
W. K. FOX, County Treasurer.
Tliis innrniiiL- l!a- tlr-t milpnt
id' Ihe !lat!-imai;Ii Arfitjeial Fa
I'iant w.i- turaed cut, and the i-e
Tin- Kennedy A: IcF.rcai-y la j -1:!! i- un- gratify inr ! the - --a!l
ieain nf Omaha will he i he ! :.,! 1 1 nf tlie ccjnnany. as it ia-
Mi-- I.ei:a Hermann cf Mil- .Mi- .Minnie W'aker-ien nf Har
wai.kee. Vi-.. i- in the city fur a ' Ian. Fwa, win. has heen hme fnr
-In :t i-it at th" h.-im- nf Mrs. .1
H. Itcuie lly and Mi-- Julia 1 1
maun. Miss Hermann came fi-nin
iu r Icme tn Omaha in an auln
m dale lt.-lnu-'inir t'. 1 r. and Mrs.
M.-rs ,,f Will i-rt c 11. whe
are i-iti'iir a! Ilie 'ii;'-;enh"rn
heme at A-hlaml.
'1 lie day nf har-h jdiysics is
pi. lie. li ..pie ward mild, i-m-v
iaatif-. lean's lloaulets have
satisfied thciisands. -J7n' at all
llllL' -t' il'es.
lie?t re?uits are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
a -Imrt liiife Iniikinu- after .-nan-niatli-j-s
.f hu-iii".-s. .fpa"ted Ihi
nicrniair I'd' her heme, fi.inir u
Iiu- eailv llu.'linulcn frain.
Inn. n. . Windham ami
attra- tinii here Sunday at the i..;!l
park, and if the P ain plays m ii
u;al fnriu wiii make a ry
lr. !!.: nppnufiii !' 1 r th" J I I S ..
This team has ju-t. ie--eiil!y had
a ccide-i wi'.h Ihe sturz team cf
iiu aiia. and while Ihe h:-eery
e.ined them up.
repre-eafal i cs d
ures tlia.l the;e will always In- a
i::;i supply ..f the he-t cf ic thai
is i.:t.-.-ii!..' t" li-anufai-ture. Th''
Fim-cln. He had h'-en wnrkinu in
the harvest jields in this -eciitui
nf the -fate.
James c.. Unit or. who was
2a!iiered : near (ii'i't iiw 1 July
ith hy Sheriff Ouintnii. was tin--eccjul
man ! face examiuatinn
iiercre tl.'e lmard. lie claimed In
frcin (Ilii'apo. where he had
wi'iki-d in resall-aiiis j 1 - time
he had j.iMMi ia Anierira tinfil in
cai ie we-t iii wmk in Ihe harvol
!i !ds ;an! had lei-n wcikin-r near
Ol'eeawienl I'd' tlie pa-t t'.Vll Weeks
until he l:i'i'v .-IranL:" in his ac
liieis that'd the matter tn i.e
ii"p' iiiil tn the -iu riii'. The man
e i- tur:i'-d mi: lU OH p.aill'l K(.rf:led pc.-ses.-eil cf the idea that
akes fmui the tanks wlu-ie ii i- was pns-essed nf tlie kiinw-
d-e nf a lari:e p.; nf fadd, hut
. t '-eii. ami is a- clear as a crys-
ti!i they km-w that they had in'i-n
up auaiu-t a ' i -iiu' pi'cpn-j
tinu. The Red s. will a!'!-';-
Ihe K. ky M.".- with pleu I y i.f r
and emieacr ,, 1 . : j 1 1 ir h-uue the
haccn l.y defi'ai inir Ihe Omaha
ha-e hail a'--i epa! ica. S.i fai- Ihis
-e;i-cM the t"ailis p!aei here
liae he. -u ati'li'Ilir (lie J.e-1 ill tile
uaiiLiiiiers. .Mi-rs l.ilen ami ,,,,,,.,, H,ijs a!;, (!:,; -imwiu- ma h
Kaiiiryn. wei-f pa ss.-u p er- tin- mvhIK- 1. leased I lie fans, a-
nicrniuir fnr Omaha, where I hey
will jsj fnr je iay with friends
in that city.
Mrs. Charles Oradeviih' and
si;i. F.ddie. were pas-enters this
innrninir fnr Omaha, where she
will -peml Ihe .lay hmkinir afli-r matter- nf huiness in lliat
cil v.
The Flaftsmouth Journal
Big Booster Circulation Campaign
Good for 5 Votes
For M.
District No.. ..
t.WT. g
i.nn PFR fir.RF. hrop mmmi u
J,UuUCreb firms aad wild Und. H-y oU. cUt nilMeiL Nw R.R., SchW nd
Tol f a Churcbe. hrn fuel. Pnta (15 Io $25 Jr sere 10 annual paTinraa I V '"?J
wl or crop each yca-r. Ljlcutioi every I mairf. t rec larea to purchaser.
m i a unrrc urccnnpf B r
slope country Write or see m L H. EJUS CO., 215 Is2s Kdf.,MiMeapoIls, Km.
the players hae wnrke.l hard Id
ictniy and, a.e nil die up tun
nrca.-i'm-. hae played a fast class
nf hae hall.
parried in Louisville Yesterday.
Yesterday af the hnme nf the
hi-iih-'s parents in Ldii-ville nr
i-iiiti'iI the marriage nf Mr. Frank
A. Matzke and Mis. F.i am (Ira-s-rnan.
l'.nth nf Ihe v m t rae! i tr.r
par lies are weil kimwn in tin ir
hnme town, where the u-ivnin is a
very -uci'i'ssful cnr. ! r;:cl nr. win. is
very highly e-teem,.', hy all wlm
kimw !iim. The I. ride is a fnrme;
resident nf Ihis city and reninved
frmn her-e snine llir.-f year's aitu
with In-r- parenls tn Iauisille,
where she has since made her
hnme. The friend- in this city of
the edit raft in ir partfes will he
pleased ! learn f their wedding.
Hotel Inspector Here.
Tmlay P. F. Ackerman nf Lin
I'nla. slate Indel inspeclnr, was in
liie city lnnkinu- over" the different
Indels nf Ihe city. Mr. Arkoniian
has Ihe entire slate tn travel ..ver
and it keeps him iuile husy h.nk
imr nvef the establishments, lie
is a rimst L'-.-nial rent !i-iiian and
has made a larjro numher of
friend mi his trips. While in the
city Mr. Ackerman iravr the Jour
nal ntlicc a nmst pleasant call and
one that was irpeatly enjoyed by
the editd'.
Woman loves a clear rosy com
plexion. Thirdock Blond Bitters
is splendid for purifyinpr the
hloo.l. clearincr the skirr, restoring:
sound digestion. All drufrirists
sell it. Price, S 1 .00.
lal and is ci-rlainly far dilfe'eat
in appear-ance fi-n-n the river ice
thai, is tn -ni:,' extent di-Cidded
hy partifh - in it. hut in tin- arii
ri' ial ice thei-e is m-thini:' nf this
k;;-.d. There v ill h" a day ami
!!'i--lit fnrce al tl.-e plant that will
Innk after the manufacture nf the
ice. and every Imar (here wiil he
f.iur cakes nf ice turn, d out. Tlie
plant has . n fnr the
Ia-t few days hut it re,uir"il "nie
time tn e.f the ice stalled f ree inu
as ii l-eiptires f; fly-two hmrrs he-fni-e
the free i nt;- process is -iart-i
d. hut, alier llti- time the work
nf freezing will In- in couslant np
o i ; 1 1 i n . I he -uccessful coliiidet
i'n of the industry is m-is! t;raii-fyint:-.
as ft ads (o the industries
already here and will furnish em
ployment to a numher- of men in
Innkintr after- tin- wnrkiutr "f the
plant. As sndi as the plant is
runnintr in full force ami capa
city Ihe memi.ers of the company
will he in a po-iiion to supply
nl her tow ns in this -i-ctinn nf the
cnuulr-y wilh the splendid output
nf j heir factory.
The county hoard of insanity
put in quite a husy day yesterday
at which time the had two cases
of mental derangement to come
to their attention and tlie patients
were tuveii an examination before
the hoard. John Mandhys, the
fir-t man. to he broutrht before
the hoard was p-athered up near
I'nion by Ihe marshal of that
place last week, and broutrht here
to be kept in confinement until his
case could be looked after. The
man was a foreigner and not nat
uralized citizen of the United
States, and the finest ion of wheth
er he can bo deported will be dealt
with by the stalo, as the man was
ordered sent to state asylum at
ils location he refused to divulge
to the members of tin lmard. His
case was laid over until com
munication Could be received
fi'nm Fhicatro from friends of the
man Fiat mit:ht Ieermirie what
wniihl I.e done with his case.
Subscribe for the Journal.
C.dinty Forum i-sh in Julius Pitz
was a passenger this rndiiintr for
South Omaha, where he was call
ed to bnk after some business on
i he stock market .
The Journal does job work.
was handled mo-t -uccessfully
and Ihe little fellow is restored to
his family without suiTerinar the
b-a-t injury from the effects of the
Lhile of the do?. The iecoely of
the lit 1 1 o boy will be most pleas
ing news to the many friends of
the family throughout the county.
This mornintr Mrs. Rosa Ilen
nintrs returned from Chieapro, ac
companied by Albei t Schafer, the
little son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Schafer, residing near Cedar
F.reek. who has been at Chicago
for the past few weeks takintr
treatment for the effects of the
bile of a il'i'rS, which was suspect
ed of Iiavintr Ihe rabies. The case
Mr?. William Hunter was a
passenger this inornin? for Oma
ha, where she was called to look
after- some matter s of business in
the metropolis for a few hours.
W. H. Puis and wife and Wil
liam Puis, sr., were in the city
yesterday for a few hours, Mr.
Puis driving in to meet his wife,
who was returning home from
( tmaha.
County Judpre A. J. IJeeson and
County Resrister of Deeds A. J.
Snyder yesterday afternoon
motored to Omaha in the auto of
the .judtre to attend the double
header between Omaha and
Our 1914 Harvest Sale
I 9.14 !3.. 4 ! $19.14 $23, I'll
I I l! 1
We Close
(i p. m.,
J uly and
Tliese are the Harvest Sale prices on MEN'S SUITS
and practically embrace'our entire stock. Don't wait
till they are picked over. Come on, while "coinings"
I'hone your
orders if
you can't
get here.
.Soys Suits..
S1.S5 2.45 2.95 $3.95
Every suit marked in plain figures. Don't miss this chance. This is the
greatest Harvest sale we've ever held and you remember the others.
Strictly limited to 15 days Selling Prices off July 23d at 6 p. m.
Everybody's Store.
You can see the Coolest Hat in town if you
will come to our store,
July 10th