The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 09, 1914, Image 1
mmoutb umral Xeb State Historical Soc 0 VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914. NO. 55. Matte ONCO NG TESTIMONY B E While the Charge of First Degree Murder Was Excessive, Judge Holds Prisoner to District Court in $S,000 Bond. 'I'll.- (.--I iin.iny of Chief of police Haincy was quit'' drawn out. as his examination ye-terday covered sevi ral hours. Attorney Oerinp giving him a severe rak ing lire of que-i ions, lit' stated that Ik- hal came hack to the al'i!) a few minutes a fin In was (o!.i of the trouble hy lonat and found Floyd Richardson there anl placed him under arre.-l. taking- him to joil. ami then cam' hark where he was informed that on.- of the men hal gone down through t!i.' I'uiliii-ton ulway. llf ha. I taken tlie wairoii "f I"iial ami flailed for the river to secure I lie pai'v. ami on tin- way saw Frank Neumann at the City hotel ami t""k him ab-ng on the trip. In reply to the question he stated lie had no warrant for th" arre-t if ;.-.iri:e I!arr. Neumann ha M!-Iii-i up to Hair after the -I Sing at t!ie ri.-r roa.I ami tohl him to drop his pun saying. Von have kill'-d one man and that i enough." and Parr had tait.-.l oil" di.wn the road and wa ahoiif fifteen f.t away when he brought him hack ami they started to where Hunker was lying ! i.-d was flowing from the body. Pan- had assisted in taking rare of Hunker at the scene of th.- ing and accompanied the party to own. riding in the wagon with N'tumann and the in jure. I man. while th.- witness dii'e th.- Imr.-e. The chief stated .n en -s.-v.i!ii inat i m that Uarr had repealeilly .-tat.-d (hat he was going after the li-h at the liver. The team with Neumann and him self had traveled along behind the v;i2u'i in which Parr w n--eat.'d until after they parsed the bridge ea-f of the hall grounds. I.arr was .--at.-l in the hack of the wagon rolling np hi- sleeves, hut what In- aid could not he heard hy the chief. When a-ke,l as to whether he was aide to count the iimney of !ti.'hard-.'n at the jail Itainey -tat.-d that Richard.-on had counted it him-elf and found si.lJ. O.-ring ;;k d him if it was not true that he had counted it and could only find s',.0;?. ami the chief answered m to this ques tion. The chief -lat.-d that he had not heen aide to hear anything that P.arr said on the road from the subway to where they turned south into the road east of the hall park, lie had never had Ilarr offer violence to him before and he did not think that he was under the iutluence of liquor on the day of the shooting. The chief stated his wagon was some twenty or twenty-live feet from llarr when he first called to him that he wanted him. The place of the shooting was south and east of the hall park. Asked as to whether one could pet a view of the scene of the shooting from the old elevator along- the liurlinglon track he stated that it was impos sible from the fact that willow's and weeds obscured the view, lie had pollen out of the wapn on the west side of the road and walked over to the east side of Ilarr's wapon. He Ihoupht the road sloped here slightly toward the south. Ilarr had kicked him while- he w as in I lie wapon. lie did not see Neumann pet out of the wapmi. Ilarr was sitting fac ing I he east. Hunker had told Ilarr to go along with Ihoin, as he was foolish to resist. Officer Neumann testified in the main to Ihe fads as to his having accompanied Chief Rainey on the trip lo Ihe subway. He testified that Barr had said in re ply to the request of the chief to p. with him that he couldn't ar- (Continued on Page 8.) B GAS Married by the County Judge. From Tuesday Dally. Yesterday County Judpe Booson. who was hearing the case of (leorpe Barr, was summoned, as soon as the noon recess of Ihe court was taken, lo the county court l oom, w here he found James L. Fisher of Weeping Water and Miss Bessie Parker of Louisville awaiting his coming to pronounce I hem nran and w ife, w hich he done in his usual impressive manner, and the young couple were en aided to return home in the aft ernoon securely hound in love's silken fetters of matrimony. They were accompanied lo this city by the father of Ihe hride, Ira Park er, of Louisville. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE TO THE BIG T. J. SOKOL TOURNAMENT ID OMAHA Nearly a score of Nehraska towns have asked the Burlinpton and Northwestern roads for spec ial trains to Omaha during the hip Tel Jed Sokol athletic tourna ment. Many towns along- the Schuyler and Wilher lines of the Burlinpton have asked for special train service, as well as Clarkson, Dodge. Howes and Humphrey on the Northwestern. Three thou sand Ted Jed Sokol pennants have heen secured and are heinp dis trihuted to Sokols all river the country. Wilher, Neb., has taken r0( of the pennants and Platts niouth lion. The pennants con tain the Sokol emblem and the words "Na Zdar," which means "poo.I luck." QUITE A COMPLIMENT TC ONE OF PLATTSMOUTH'S TINY LITTLE LADIES Quito an unusual honor has been bestowed Upon one of Ihe handsome and bripht little ladies of this city in the selection of the portrait of Suzanne, the little 5- ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i. H. Falter of this city to adorn the temple of childhood at the Panama-Pacilic exposition at San Francisco next year. The Omaha News of Sunday, in speaking of the selection of Miss Suzzane, ays: Suzzane, the i-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. (ieorpe Falter, Plattsmouth. is the only little stranper in the Omaha group. l'his young woman can scarcely be called a stranper, so well known is her mother's family, the Ioeys of plattsmouth. Her aunt, Alice Dovey, stands at the top of her pifession in the light opera world, having recently had the leadinp- role in the '"Madcap Duchess." Little Suzzane, according to her friends, has the pracious manner usually acquired only by grown- ups. she takes household cares quite seriously and tries to re lieve her mother of many obliga tions. New Baby Boy Arrives. From Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday morning- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. i. Meisinger, near this city, there arrived a most charming little, boy baby who will make his home with them for the next few years until he gets read to establish a home of his own. The little lad and the mother arc petting along nicely, and he is the object of much ad miral ion from the little brother and the proud father. C. C. Wescott was among the business visitors in the metropo lis today for a few hours looking after some matters with the wholesale houses. Miss Alice Thornberg of Sioux City, Iowa, is hi the city and will make a visit, of several weeks at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. August Tarlseh. SLIGHT ATTEMPT TO RESCUE THE NEGRO P Lester Burrows, the Guard, Dis covers Man at the Window, Shoots and a Hasty Re treat Made. From Tuesday's Dally, What may have been a possible attempt of some parties to rescue the negro, Thomas Hilton, from Ihe sleel cell in the new county jail was nipped in the bud last evening by Lester Burrows, who was engaged in watching- at the jail as a guard. The jail is not entirely completed, and while Ihe steel capes will hold the prison ers safely, it is necessary to post a guard in order that someone may not get in ami release them. Mr. Burrows was attracted about 1 o'clock this morning by a noise near one of the windows and saw what seemed to be a man's hand thrust through Ihe open window of the cell room, as though the party was attempting to crawl up and get into the room. Mr. Burrows tired at the hand and then rushed to the window, but the person was not visible at the t ime. Oflicer Fitzpalrick was sum moned to the jail and a search was made for the party who had at tempted to make an entrance to the jail. Just who the parties were is not known, but two negroes woie seen on the streets at an early hour this morning, but it is not known whether or not they were implicated in the mat ter. There was a supposition among many that perhaps the friends of the negro hail supplied him with tools with which he had attempted to dig his way out of the old jail, and came near heinp successful, were behind the at tempted forced entrance of the jail to deliver up the prisoner. Whosoever it was they have evi dently been successful in makinp their getaway and without accom plishing the object of their visit. FUNERAL OF MRS. CATHERINE HAN RAH AN SATURDAY MORNING The funeral of Ihe late Mrs. Catherine Hassett Hanrahan was held Saturday morning from St. John's Roman Catholic church, the body being taken from the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. C. Whelan, to the church. Father M. A. Shine, rector of Ihe church, celebrated the " soloinn requiem high mass of the faith of which the departed lady had been a faithful follower during her life lime. There was a large number of the old friends and neighbors of the departed present at the church to attest their feeling of grief at her passing and to pay their tribute to the memory of this splendid lady, who had been so beloved by them in life. At the close of the services the casket was tenderly borne to the Catholic cemetery west of the city, where it was laid to its last long repost by was laid to its last long repose by the following pall-bearers, old friends of the family: Wiliam Shea, B. B. Daniber, John Schul hof, William M or ley, John Wey rich and Ed Martin. The relatives of the deceaesd lady desire to express their deep est feelinp: of appreciation of the many kindnesses and sympathy shown them at the death of their mother and grandmother and for the floral remembrances at the funeral. I have money to loan on Cass county farms at SVz per cent. T. H. Pollock, Coates Block, Plattsmouth. Spend Most Enjoyable Time. P. E. RulTner and wife of Ibis city spent the Fourth of July in Omaha, and were entertained by their children at the collage of their daughter, Mrs. Roy I)odpe. at Carter lake, and were enabled to see the many pleasing events of the day that were put on at the lake. In the canoe races Horace RufTner was quite successful, carrying off four lii-st and two second prizes, and Ihe young man feels quite well phased at his success in the water sports, as Well as the splendid time enjoyed. All of Ihe children of Mr. and Mrs. RulTner were present to lake part in the pleasures of the day. ARRAIGNED BEFORE JUDGE ARCHER AND FINED 32 AND COSTS From Tuesday's Daily. This morning in Judpe Arch er's court a man giving the name of 1). J. Roberts was arraigned, charged with being dr unk and dis orderly on the streets of the city in violation of the peace and dig nity of the stale of Nebraska and city of Plattsmouth. Tito prison er was forced to confess that perhaps he had been indulging loo heavily in the lb-wing bow!, and when the representative of the law imposed a i:ne of and costs he promptly produced the necessary coin of the realm that insured his freedom and allowed him to go on his way. The man was quite boisterous last evening on the street and was tilled with a wild desire to lift his voice in eloquence so 111 at it could be heard for several Lt cks. and his noise is what got him in bad, as it attracted the attention of the police and resulted in his being escorted to the countv baslilo. SPLENDID SOCIAL TIME AT MANLEY ON THE FOURTH DAY OF JULY A most delightful time was en joyed at the handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Rauth, southwest of Mauley, on the Fourth in honor of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest y. Bergman, of East 'Toledo, Ohio. One of the most delightful feat ures of the day was the sump tuous dinner served at noon to the jolly crowd of guests, and on the festal board there was every thing that could possibly tempt the appetite of an epicurian. Af ter the dinner the company passed the lime most agreeably in vocal and instrumental music and in social conversation until the shadows of evening began to fall, when some very dainty and tempt ing refreshments were served, which greatly aided in making the occasion one of the greatest pleasure. In honor of the spirit of the day the evening was spent in watching the display of beauti ful lireworks of all kinds that at tested the patriotism of the guests present on this most auspicious occasion. It was a late hour when the company departed for their homes, feeling that the day had been one of Ihe rarest enjoyment. Those who were present to participate in the happy event were: Rev. Father W. L. P. Big gins, Mrs. W. D. Higgins, Henry Schwrin, wife and son, Clarence; John Rauth, wife and son, Aaron, and daughter, Anna; Mr. and Mrs, J. Hennings and daughter, Maine; August (ilaubitz, wife and daugh ter, Anna, and son, Frank, of Murdock; Mrs. Rose Kelly of Wabash; Charles Lovell, wife and family, of plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. O. Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.laubitz of Elm wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest V. Bergman of East Toledo,. Ohio: Messrs. Frank Baldwin, Arthur Miller of Manley; Alex Cruishank of Omaha. Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. LODGE ELKS TO MEET IN DENVER Much Interest Manifested in the Meeting and a Number Will At tend From Plattsmouth. There is a great ileal of in terest throughout the country among the members of the Ilenovelent and Protective Order of Elks in the session of Ihe prand lodge of that order which will convene at Denver on July 13fh. and from all sections of the country large delegalions of the "Bills' are preparing to attend the meeting .and enjoy the festivi ties that characterizes the meet ings of the Elks. There are quite a number of the members of the Plattsmouth lodge who intend to be present at the prand lodge, and are looking- forward with great pleasure to the occasion. The citizens of Denver have prepared to make the event one long to be remembered among- the notable gatherings thai have been held there and nothing will be omitted that can add to the entertainment of the visitors. Special trains have already been arranged for from most of the large cities of the countrv and the members of the Omaha lodge will travel to the Colorado ' metropolis over the Union Pacific in a snecial that will be tilled with the members of that wide-nwake lodpe. Denver will certainly be a festival spot during the sessions of the grand lodge and several splendid nai ades will be given by the visiting members of the Elks during their stay in that city. E. J. Richey past exalte. ruler of the local lodge, i-1 the delegate from Platts mouth to the convention, and W. J. Stivight the alternate to the meeting. Those who attend from this city expect to leave Sunday to be present at the opening ses sions nf the convention on Mon ilav. "LADIES' DAY" A MOST DELIGHTFUL EVENT TO ALL THOSE PRESENT One of the deliphtful and suc cessful entertainments of the eason was the Ladies' Day, which was under the auspices of the O. Z. society of the First Presbyterian church, and which was held at the pretty home of Mrs. :. L. Rundstrom yesterday. It was an ideal summer's day and many of the ladies, to whom in vitations had been issued, were in attendance. The young ladies of this splendid organization had prepared an excellent program for the enterlainment of their guests, which was most thorough ly enjoyed by them. Mr. Philip Hudson, an instructor in a school of music of Iowa, rendered a number- of beautiful vocal selec tions. Mr. Hudson has a splen did voice and he was heard with the greatest of pelasure by the laige audience. Misses 'orna Cole and Hazel Dovey contributed a piano duet, Mrs. Wm. Baird a reading. Miss Mafhilde yalley a vocal selection, Miss Emma Cum mins a piano selection and a vocal duet by Miss yallery and Mr. Hudson greatly assisted in mak ing this program a most excel lent and delightful one. Follow ing this program dainty refresh ments were served by the mem bers of the Q. Z. A small admis sion fee of 25 cents had been charged and the young ladies of this society realized a neat sum, which will be placed in the fund for assisting in carrying on the work of the society. Blank books or all kinds at the Journal office. The Journal does job work. GRAND Are Entertained ?t Air Dome. From TYednepclay's Pally. The obi people who make their home at the county intirmary, west of the city, were given a very pleasant treat last evening when Manager Shlaes of Ihe Air Dome invited them to come in and at tend the performance there and witness the excellent show at that amusement place. Superintend ent Tarns brought in a portion of the residents last evening and the rest of Ihe old people will be brought in this evening to take in the show. This certainly shows Ihe proper spirit on the part of Mr. Shlaes and is lo be com mended, as it afforded the old people quite a pleasant time and will long b' remembered most pleasantly by them. THROWN FROM AUTOMO BILE AND SUFFERS A BROKEN ARM From Wednesday's Daily. Last evening Henry Soennich- sen met with quite a painful ac cident that is Ihe cause of his wearing his left, arm in a sling, having had that member broken in being- thrown from an automo bile. He, in company with a num ber of friends, were returning lo this city from Omaha and were running- along the road north of La Platte, when they came onto a wooden culvert that had just re cently been placed in the road there, and which was several inches above the level of the road way. The culvert had been pass ed successfully on the trip into Omaha, but on the way back it was impossible to see the culvert until the machine was right on it. and as Ihe car passed off of the culvert the jar on Ihe machine caused Henry to lie thrown out, alighting on his left side and bruising his face, as well as breaking the left forearm. The force of the fall was such as to cause him lo roll several feet, and this caused the injury to his face. Joe Wheeler, who was in the seat with Henry, was thrown out but suffered no injuries except a few bruises from the fall. After the accident the injured young man was hurried to this city, where medical aid was summoned and the injured member dressed, and while the accident was quite a painful one, Henry can feel for tunate that it was no worse. William Dowd in City. From Tuesday's Dally. William Dowd of Greenwood, one of the democratic candidates for Ihe otlice of sheriff, was in the city today, looking after some business matters and took the oc casion lo look up a number of his friends, and while here called at the Journal office for a short visit. Mr. Dowd reports the crops as be ing line in his part of the county and the farmers too busy to do anything but help in the harvest fields. Did Not Make Any Decision. From Tuesaay's Dany. The gentleman who officiated as tlie umpire on the bases Sun day at the ball park desires to state that in the case of the call ing of Arries out at the home plate he did not have any part, as lie was not watching the play, it being in the province of the other umpire, and that many misunder stood his signal to the first base runner that he was safe to be in tended for Arries at home plate. Charged With Wife Desertion. Yesterday afternoon a com plaint was filed in county court by Mrs. Dahlieske, charging her husband with wife and child abandonment, alleging in her ocmplaint that the husband and father had abandoned his home and family since the 7th day of June, and failed to provide for I heir support. The offense is made a very serious one under the statues of Nebraska. The children of the family consist of five sons, all minor children. NEGRO IN THE SHOOING I ARRAIGNED Tony Hilton, the Colored Man, Bound Over to the District Court Under Bond. From Wednesday's Daily. The preliminary of Tony Hil ton, the colored man who was the principal in Ihe shooting at the Missouri Pacific depot here on the morning of the Fourth, was held this morning at the otlice of Jus tice M. Archer, and as a re-ult of the testimony the man was bound over to the district court on a charge of shooting with the in tent to kill Fled Low. The amount of the bond was fixed at Si, 000, and from all appearances Ihe man will remain in the jail until the case is cal'ed in court al the next term. The state called lo the stand Fred Low, the man who was hot by Hilton, to testify as lo how Ihe affair occurred. He slated that he and a companion were at the platform at the freight depot and as the passenger train came north thev went down Ihe west side of the track, where the I rain was standing and saw the negro in Ihe "blind." Hilton had gotten off the train and asked them for a cigarette, which he had given him, and then asked him for a match, and on the statement of Low that they had none, the negro had called him a liar and a vile name, at which bow reached for the negro lo mix with him, but Hilton steped back and drew' his revolver, shooting three time. The first shot, according to the state ment of Low, entered his right wrist and the second the hip, while the third shot had struck a tin tobacco can that was in his pocket. Hilton was about eight feet away at the time the first shot was fired. He noticed the flash of the weapon as the negro drew it from beneath his sweater and instantly the weapon was dis charged. He was asked on cross examination by Hilton if they were not on the platform, and replied, "No." Fred Coleman, the telegraph operator at the depot, who was on duty at the time of the shoot inp, testified that he saw Low and an other while man and the negro standing at the northwest corner of the depot shortly after the train pulled out. He did not pay any particular attention, to them until he heard a shot fired and saw them about loo yards north of the depot along the track and Low was turning around. He had saw the other two shots fired and the negro had started north on a slight run, while the other two men had came back to Ihe depot. Hilton upon taking the stand stated that he had arrived in this city on Ihe morning of the Fourth of July on the early Missouri Pa cific passenger train and had been told by the conductor lo get off the train or the blind where he was riding. He had asked Low for a cigarette and he had given him the papers and tobacco to make one. Low had then said lo him, "What are you doing here, nigger?" and staled he was an officer and "that we lynch Shines' like you here." lie had then started north along tlie track and Low had fojhuved closely after him and said, "Come back here, nigger, I am an officer and want to lake you to jail and give you the 11-29." He had then taken out his revolver to frighten Low and fired, but did not intend to hit him. He had then continued north alons the track, Irving to reach Omaha, and had met a number of while men whom he accosted and asked I hem if negroes were not tolerated in Plattsmouth, but Ihey did no! know, and he had stated that he would accompany them if Ihey (Continued on Page 2.)