The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 02, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1914. BUSINESS MEN WHO WILL CLOSE STORES AT 6 O'CLOCK P. CASS COUNTY REPUB LICAN CONVENTION jSzitf your JfeAjy PAGE 8. Z3i!lfTSililI "Tomorrow comes, Then let us live today I" Schiller. Why wait until the silver anniversary to replenish the silverware? Today bids you act. Our reliable stock at your service. JOHN W. CRABILL 4 ; V : r l We Close at 12 o'clock July 4 LJ If you want to sell your farm, list it with ine. I have buyers for pool Gas?; county farms. T. II. I'olhM'k, Catf-s hlk., Plattsmouth. Buy your stationery at the Journal office. EVERY LOAD E. J. RICHEY, Plattsmouth, Nebr. Drug Store Mcdies: "A TRAGEDY i. When a druggist makes a mistake in putting up medicine it is not a laughing matter. Error has no place in the pharmacist's vocabulary. We crossed it out of ours at the start. No danger of carrying home the wrong package. Eflauzy Drug Company and we are where? Just Arrived.... New ..SVlid - Summer.. 3ILLIN New Panamas Outing Hats Classy Sailors White Corduroys Priced from... $2 to $5 Ask for Prices on re-Trimming and Alterations. Only Depenclahle Goods. PEASE't look well, eat well, or feel wi'll with impure Ploou. Keep ine blood pure with Unrd'U-k Blood Hitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean, ami iroo.l health is prelfy sure to follow. s?l.(M) a bottle. Letter files at the Journal office. of MATERIAL you buy here means jnst that much good building. Your wife cannot mate good bread with poor flour, neither can you build a good house unless you employ rgood materials. For those ma terials you will find it safe to U come here. For, as we handle only reliable building materials, you stand no chance of getting those you'll be sorry for. OF ERRORS if We, the undersigned, aprroe toj close our places of business at 0 p. in. excepting Saturday and payday nights, through the months of July and August. The early closing will take effect on July 1. (Signed.) E. A. Wurl, J. W. Oabill, K. fl. Dovey & Sou, fi. K. Wescott's Sons, Falter & Thierolf, Joseph Feter, Fanger Department Store, John Frank, 1?. A. MrElwain, Adolph Wesh. Warga & Sell n Id ice, Avard S. McLean. Zurkweiler & Lulz. THE LIGHTING COM PANY HAS INSTALLED ANOTHER ARC LIGHT The electric light company lias started preparations for the in stalling the new electric arc light which was ordered some weeks ago by the city council for the corner of Fifth and Main streets. The liiiht has long been needed there as it is ery dark on this intersection when the lights in the store fronts are put out at night, and the persons coming from the Air Dome or along Fifth street find it very disagreeable, indeed. ! gel along in the dark. With this liuht and II ne moved up from Hichey to Third street it makes the main street of the city much better-appearing than for merly, as well as proves more convenient to the persons travel ing along the street at night. Without a Rival. It is hard to find many prepara tions having no rival, but we can. Willi prme. iioini lo inner meriean Elixir of Hitter Wine, whirh stands alone. It has many imitations, but no real rival which could show the same medicinal qualities. People found this out in a short time and since then re ject the imitations. Triner's American 7lixir of Hitter Wine is a dependable medicine; it quickly cleans out the intestines. frengtliening it at the same time. In many diseases of the stomach, the liver and the intestines it is without, a rival, because its action is mild, painless, without any iliscoiniori. Ai urug siores. .jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 1 3.T3-1 33'.) So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. For stiff muscles and joints, for rheumatism and neuralgia, for swellings and sprains, try Trin er's Liniment. Mrs. S. X. Tyler and children of Lincoln, who have been here for a few days visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marvev. returned to their home in the capital city this afternoon. County J ud '.re JJeeson and Mor gan Waybright returned yester day afternoon in the auto of the judge's from Central City, where they have been looking after some business in court there. They wouhl have returned Tuesday, but ran into a rain storm at Mil ford which made the roads impassable for several hours. Mrs. Jesse L. Hoot of Omaha was in the city today for a few hours, rnniiinir down from tier home to purchase a few supplies lor the household that can be pur chased here in better shape than in iMiiaha markets. William lirantner and grand daughter. Miss Janet Tlrantner, came down this noon from their home at Pender, Neb., to make a short visit here with relatives and friends. Miss Marion Mauzy returned oi i n last evening from Kearney, Xeb., where she had been for a short time visiting with her sis ter. Mrs. T. J. Todd and family in that city. John Ewing came in this morn ing from Hopkins, Missouri, and will make a visit here for a few days with his family at the Clans Speck home. Notice. This being the busy time for farmers and to give them a chance to get their fireworks for Fourth, will keep open, all the day Saturday, July Uh. Simon's Variety Store We offer 50 pairs of ladies and childrens shoes, consisting of all odds and ends of the last year's leave-overs a rare bargain if you find, a fit all go at per pair, $Q 16 I ZUGK17EILER LUT2.. V MRS. HAN RAH AN, A FOR MER PLATTSMOOTH LADY DIES AT GRAND ISLAND A message was received in this city this morning by Mrs. M. Whelan, bringing the sad news of the death of her mother, Mrs. Catherine Anne llanrahan, at the home of her son, John llanrahan, in (iraiid Island. Mrs. llanrahan was a resident of this city for a long period of years and here her husband, Peter llanrahan, passed away in May, 1;(S. and since that time she has resided with her son at Grand Is land, and during the last few years has not been in the best of health. Catherine Anna Hasselt was born near Limerick, Ireland, and when but a young girl came to America, locating at Philadelphia, where she was united in marriaue a few years later to peter llanra han. These worthy people came to Nebraska in 1882, locating at Plattsmouth, where they resided until the death of the husband in 1908. There is left to mourn the death of this good woman one son and one daughter, John llanrahan of (irand Island and Mrs. M. Whelan of this city. The body of Mrs. llanrahan will be brought to this city this even ing on No. 2 and will be taken to the home of the daughter. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 0:30 from St. John's Homan Catholic: church and the interment made in the Catholic cemetery beside the body of the husband. - REV. DUNKLERERGER AND FAMILY DEPART FOR GRAND RAPIDS .Tomorrow Ilev. 1). L. Dunkle berger, wife ami daughter, Ruth, and the baby depart for the east, where Hev. 1 Hinkleberger has ac cepted a call to one of the leading churches of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mrs. Dunkleberger and the children will visit for a time in northern Indiana with rela tives and friends. David will re main here in this city, where he is employed in the Burlington shops, for the present at least. The removal of Hev. Dunkleberg er and family will be very much regretted by a large circle, of friends in this city, who, during their residence here, have learn ed to esteem them very highly. The best wishes of these friends will go with them in their new home. Call telephone No. 400 for guaranteed Garden Hose. Warga & Schuldoice. T. II POLLOCK REAL Fire, Tornado and Auto mobile Insurance Si percent Farm Loans OFFICE. COATES BLOCK. The Republicans of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, are called to meet in delegate convention at. Louis ville, in said county, on Wednes day, July 15, 11)1 S, at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of selecting sixteen delegates to the Repub lican State Convention to be held at Lincoln on July JS, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come be fore it. It is recommended that, at the primary held to select delegates, a member of the county central committee be selected in each ward and precinct subject to the approval of the convention. The primaries for the selection of delegates shall be held on Sat urday, July 11, tiliL at o'clock p. in., at the usual voting place in the several wards and pre cincts. The basis of representation in (his convention shall be one dele gate for each ten votes, or major fraction thereof cast for Grant Martin for attorney general at the general election held in Novem ber. 1012. The number of delegates from the several wards and precincts shall be as follows: Avoea f Center Eight Mile Grove 7 El in wood Greenwood Liberty Louisville Mt. Pleasant Xehawka Plattsmoulh City First ward Second ward Third ward Fourth ward Fifth ward Plattsmouth precinct Rock Mull's 1st 1 i o 13 I i C 13 4 0 r i 10 ii Rock Bluffs 2nd 3 Salt Creek 10 South Bend 7 Stove Creek Tipton Weeping Water precinct ... . . IS 1 3 ... " Weeping Water City First ward 5 Second ward S Third ward 3 It is recommended that there be no proxies admitted to liiis convention, but that the delegates present cast (he entire vole of their respective wards and pre cincts. The candidates for the different county offices are invited to be present and make short talks. All Republicans are invited to attend and get acquainted. No one will be seated as a delegate without proper credentials. C. E. Noyes, Chairman. E. B. Taylor, Secretary. Republican County Central Committee. A FINE IMPROVEMENT FOR PERKINS HOUSE NOW BEING BUILT The steel' work on (he new veranda that is being placed on the front of the Perkins House by John Cory, the proprietor, was completed yesterday and the work of finishing up the job and placing of (he concrete top on the veranda will be started as soon as possible. The veranda stands some seven teen feet above the sidewalk and is supported by sleel piers, while the cross sections are imbedded in the walls of the building itself, making it absolutely safe. It is twenty-two feet wide, covering the entire front of (he office of the building and covers some twenty feet to the edge of the walk. It will add greatly to the appearance of the building and will be found a most pleasant spot on hot days to rest. The hotel building looks very fine with the new addi tion and Mr. Cory is (o be con gratulated on his enterprise in putting on the veranda. Notice. Our store will close at noon on Saturday, July ith. Zuckwciler & Lutz. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J!' "'! j . it i, i . AN egclabL' ?rppsra!i'i for lj. tmg Uic Siu.mL!is ciuuic'i 1 Al.lTlMlll. 1 KCu i i " - . n. m i i ! tm rr;: jiiirt Rf f nnt.-i:n"i,!i!T Y". 'C V 0piisa.Mijrpiun.c norMincraL OT 3i i Alt COTIC. err" JKn;vmint l- tt'ril'f' C';r'r:t'St7r y-'iqneo flam AnerErl Rerady for Cortsnpa tioii . Sour Stomach DUirripn Vcrr-is.rom-ulsiTOS.Fn-cnsb- twssardLoSS OF SlEZR rsrSLnae Si$narjre of TiiE Centaur CoxArr, 5. r.C 'J NEW 1UKK Exact Copy of Vrapper. 1. It. Mt'i.-inp.M- was aiming tin visitors in (he cily strd;:y. ('lining in f loiik after sm!:m matters nf business for a few hours. Miss Mary Ilo.!ly n Xi-braska Cilv is hei-t fr a !' v days. briMLr a in'-t of Conn iy SupiMinteTident Miss Marv K. 1'o-li'r ovei t he r.uirl h. i To Enlm Hooin We are having a few exceptionally good bargains in la dies' Shirt Waists. These waists are all of late design and made of the cew materials in either the all white or flowered designs. Their usual price has ben $1.23 and $1.50, but we are closing them out at $1.00 and S1.19 They will not last long since we have only a few on hand Last week we received a sample shipment of ready-made skirts, in blue, black and white check, and white crepe. You will find these skirts of good quality, and splendid workmanship and style. We should also like to call your attention to the fact that we carry a complete assortment of all-over aprons, house dresses, kimonas, dressing sacques, and children's rompers and dresses. Phone 53 or 54. Ha htva vv u a .V-V?1 fk. .i kJi 'J , j s f-i wJ Bi A m U Das IMM THE DAYLIGHT STORE Our Eolls and Let Our Wagon "Everything For Infants and Children. T ha Kind You Have s Always Bought rm the . Signature TMC CKNTAUH COKMNT, new tor city Wash A. Young v;h a pa--senui'i' tlii Hi"; n inir for nmaha, whei'e in :!; called lo attend to .-ome uiall' i's of iiiiines for a few hours. Charles I'eacock relucned yes- :-(iav from 1 1 i'uin ille. Mi-- I soiiri. wlien he had been for a ! f . v da s i-il iau- wit h relat ive in that, plaee. for Fall Waisfs ! S Kkvj H AT 11 Li - lifd A 1 iso Kri r n iPiA jv m n ra w si u u a 3 ev, ti v m mm mm mm mm m. mm mmmi-m mm m Z2S Bbos Taste Fine! Just Pure Milk. Take Omar's Word For It. And lately, by the bakery door aR:ipe, Came thinint? through the dusk a floury ehapa Hearinf; a vessel in his hand, a nl Ho bid me taste of it; t'was not- tiia grape. We use good pure milk in our mixing. You should Ly all means have us deliver reg ularly our rolls or buns or biscuits. Saves time and fretting at home. It'll please the men folk, madam. Try and see. Stop at Once! ! iv in Af 0 use i For Over Thirty Years ? z m . urn iH. M W 15 . 9 Good To Eat" fl -Ir V A ir