PAGE 4. PLATTSK10UTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1914. Cbc plattsmoutb journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plettemouth. Nebr. Entered at the Postoflice at I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Price; $1.50 Per Year In Advanoe THOUGHT FOR TODAY - It requires a great deal of tart for a woman to make her husband think In i having his own way. j i- Selected. :o: -No need for loafers on the streets now xvith plenty of work in l In- harvest ik'lds at -50 a day and board. :o: The American Society of Thrift seems to be thrifty, all right. It has asked congress fur an appro priation of Sou.OOO. :o: Teddy will light tin hull innnsc I'.ilih-s from Sagamore porch. Iff has been ordered hy his physician to stav at linini' all summer. :o: If you waul lo celebrate in the triM' manner this year, go to Klm o"d on the Fourth, where yon will leceixe a cordial greeting. :o : Tin' Journal ,has no faxorites fr the nomination, but after the primary xxe will have some who will receive its undivided support, as weak as I hat may be. :o: Some doctors are honest enough lo deelare that there are too many surgical operations performed by incompetent surgeons. Nearly eer!.ody has suspected as much. :o: Head Counsel Talbot receixed a magnificent reception by friends in Lincoln on his return from Tol.-dti. There does not seem to ! many iniii"jeuts in the eapi tol city, anway. :o: A Missouri woman, I'l years old. recently married for the eleventh lime. er latest husband is ii ears idd. The niurli mar ried woman made her first matri monial enture when she was IS ears old and since then her weddings have taken place at more i,r es regular intervals. It iMi't stated as to how many of thee husbands are living'. :o: More residences are badly need ed in I'lattsmoutli, and why not organize a company oT our capi talists and erect a few modern four and lierooni cottages? He-ides increasing the population of the city, I hey would bring in a r I rental, and in the course of time be sold for as much or more than they co-t. Why not try it? :o: Hy a vole or 12I lo . i the house, ha voted to reduce Iho mileage of members of congress from :0 rents to cents. As t Ii o railroad fare is actually 2 cents in most of the slates, this will leave the congressmen only 3 cents a mile velvet'' for each mile actually traveled. Some congressmen get more I bail they earn without any mileage at all. -:o:- The Press sees no reason why democratic contemporaries of the Plallsiuouth Journal, for instance, should criticise that newspaper because it lias spoken a good woi d for Mai hew Gcring, a con gressional candidate of opposite faith. Tlur Journal spoke kindly of Wilber Anness and Charles Marshall, and other candidates. M nff is a Cass county man; there is no reason why-lie should not get the kind word from his home newspaper. Nebraska City Press. Always remember, jro. Sweet, that "'lis dogs' delight to bark and bile, for 'tis their nature."'- Speaker Clark has declared for woman suffrage. Who'd a thought it? :o: A safe and sane Fourth should be uppermost in the wind of every sane person. :o: We should be glad that we do not have to apologize to Mexico ami pay $25,000,000. ;o: Many persons do not believe the holding of band concerts in the Air Dome is a success. :o: The ice plant is almost ready for business. Then we will have plenty of nice, clear ice. :o: Cornell has received an anony mous contribution of l no. (ton JJeiug anonymous, it is certainly not from Carnegie or Rockefeller. :o: A Minnesota plow horse was slung to death by bees the other day. It would seem that 4iold Dobbin" was always getting stung in the scheme of life. :o: While .V. V. Johnson was rec ommended for postmaster of Lincoln, Frank Urown gets the appointment. What kind of away is that in doing business? Whose Italian hand did the work? :o: Let's see: if mediation fails, and the embargo is lifted on arms, and watchful waiting is contin ued, we'll be back where we were in April, so far as this Mexican business is concerned. Too much watchful wailing don't pay. :o: Since Dick Melcalfe has entered the race for the democratic nomi nation for governor, the result becomes more perplexing each day. Up to the present time Gov ernor Morehead seems to be by all odds the favorite. :o: You are always assured a good time when you go to Flmwood. Flmwood will have the only big celebration in Cass county on the Fourth of July, and if you desire lo attend Hie people of that hos pitable little city will welcome you with the glad hand. :o: A Kansas City woman accused of "a felony has disappeared, leaving her two lawyers on her bond for 2,5)0. It seems to be a good joke on the lawyers. In stead of getting all her money, the lawyers got what Caleb throwed at the hen. :o: Six wonden-legjred men testified in a Massachusetts suit that the loss of a single leg does not diminish a man's earning- power. The. advantages of an artificial leg are so numerous the defend ant railway company may file a counterclaim for services lo the plaintiff. :o; Democratic Leader Underwood declared in Hie house the other day that there would be no deficit in government finances, and that any predictions of one was a dream based on wishes springing rrom political antagonism. Mr. Underwood was armed with treas ury depart nient figures lo sulT slantiate his claims. :o: The prettiest race in the slate wide primary will be that for the republican nomination for secre tary of slate between Clyde Bar nard and Waile, the present in cumbent, who has already served two terms as secretary and several terms as deputy. Clyde will have the advantage on this account. Third-termers don't fare very well in the slate at large. BEDBUQ AND FLY. The poet has narrated how the bedbug has no wings at all, but gets there just the same, or some such amaranthine sentiment However, the h. b. doesn't arrive with such frequency as in the brave days of old, and may be come an extinct species in time like Populists and wild pigeons Already its race is run to such an extent that the housewife view? its presence on her premises as a disgrace, and disgrace is more lo be avoided than other forms o dirt by the perfectly proper housewives of this wide-spreai world. Which means that tin bedbug is passing, if it hasn't already. Enters now through a small hole in the adjustable creen the common house fly Science has shown us that Hit house lly is infinitely worse than the bedbug or boa constrictor or any other crawling creatures. Tin; muse fly is a menace lo life and icalth as well as peaceful slum ei while the bedbug is merely a full feeder which lets it go at that Swatting crusades may have made ome headway against the hous lly, but the point of extermination for the pest is remotely situated in the unit aim distant iuiure 'erhaps its arrival will be hast- ned when the standing army of ioilsewies come to view a lly as i disgrace, such as the bedbug is now considered. And there is as much or more reason for that oint of view. The lly is a crea ture of tilth, hatched in a dung- lill and scented of the sewer, and ias no right to associate with the esi lanuiies, as H irequenuy oes. Nor with any other fam ilies, if they have a regard for neatness or health, and these two counts should include most of the firesides of Ibis fair land. Let the fly and the bedbug be judged by the same standard that both may perish from the earth, and onl ays be long in the land, or there- ibouts. :o: If the mediators don't hurry up luerla will hae to lly the Coop, r Villa will hae him by the nap f the neck. :o: Light republican candidates for ongress ought lo le enough. Sonie of them will think so after the primary election. :o: The filing of bull moose nomi nation papers grates on I he nerves of republican state caudi- ales like the grating' of a hand aw. :o: Candidates are on the jump and the lucky ones will keep jumping up to the primary. The ones that will win will not let any grass grow under their feel. : : Comforting thought to those who find the June heat oppressive. No matter what happens this uiunier, it is bound to be an im provement oxer last summer. :o: That man Ileaxis of Falls City is going (o cut more of a figure in the republican congressional race than few people think. In Lincoln noxv it is thought the race proper is between Matt (iering and Ileaxis. :o: There is no use to fry to medi ate in the controversy between the deparlnieln of agriculture and Hex. Irl Hicks oxer what causes weather changes. Their defer ences are irreconeiliable. :o: Mr. Jones has been doing mis sionary work as a harvester com pany director for over live years: Who can say how bad it might have behaved but for his gentle but effective influence? :o: The fact that a man will stand in front of the ollice of the Illinois secretary of state fifteen days in order lo file the first petition of candidacy indicates that the posi tion on the ballot is very impor tant in a slate-wide primary. A safe and sane Fourth should be passed all along the line. :o: The mediators simply had to make some kind of a report. :o: It doesn't take a man who knows it all to tell all he knows. :o: Carranza and lluerta talking peace! What do you think of that? :o : Accidents on laud, sea, under ground and in the air swell the day's news. :o: The woman suffragists are kind-hearted. Thev sent a dele gation to wait on the vice presi dent. -:o: Remember, boys, you have no fingers to lose. Then don't hold that lire cracker in your hand loo long-. -:o: Try some other point for the and concerts. The Air Dome won't do. It is not sullicienlly elevated. -:o :- The breach between the cou t it iitional factious in. Mexico appears to be widening. Well, who cares? -::- I'resident Wilson fells Senator lilchcock that, there will be no recess appointments, Oood lor Woodroxv. ;n ; Greece is almost as feverish in picking up a navy as the late Mr. Morgan was in acquiring trolley ines. :o:- l'laltsinoul h merchants are a ilteral class. ;uiil do mil desire lo impose on llieir help. That's the eason they propose to close their stores at (' o'clock in the evening. :o : II is extremely hard lo tell which parly has the advantage oxer the ther in this campaign. Tin- party that selects the best men for the arious places xxill win out, to our notion. It is hinted in Lincoln thai jjgerloti ami Tobey xill pull out f the republican race for con fess before the primary. It may e possible, but we don't believe it. :o: The retirement of a California woman candidate to prepare for icr wedding shows some of the cissibililies in a woman suffrage I ale. :o: Tommy Allen is slated for dis rict attorney, and will be ap- toinled as soon as Chris (irunther s made collector of internal exenue. :o: The way lo spend your Fourth s to repair to some leafy retreat far away from the din," take upplies along and rest in peace and quietude. :o : President Wilson xxill head the i i I naval procession ai me ioim.n pening of the Panama canal. (lood positions will also pe pio- i.Ied for ex-President s 'J'aft and .oosevelt. :o: It doesn't really matter very much xvhat repotls are circulated hunt Ooxernor Morehead, espe ially when it is learned the Hows who are I he originators, he governor's record for Irulh and veracity is above reproach. he best indication of the man's true character Js Jus home career, where fie lias nveu or ihiuj-hu ears. In that lime he has been farmer, merchant, county treas- er, banker, member of the house in- representatives, senator, lieu- o f riant governor and governor It is preposterous to even presume hat a gentleman could serve his mle thusly is a man other than pen uthful and reliable and that his mnor is above reproach. This paper has always been friendly to ( overnor Morehead and xve expect to remain so, having the utmost CO nlidence in him as a public servant and as a private citizen. TAMING WALL STREET. There is one thing that is be coming more and more apparent every day and that is that Wul street is not the ferocious, pre datory giant it once was. Former Iv, at this time of the year, i usually had most of the money that the people all over the conn try had deposited in their loca banks, and when these bank? wanted the money sent back, Wal street declared that it could no spare it. Soon tlie local banks could not furnish the money ti move the crops, and the more per sistent I he local banks were in demanding their money be sent back, the louder Wall street as serted that it did not have it They would, however, 'accommo date" the local banks, whosi prosperity they very much de sired, by sending Ihem cashier's checks as soon as they could get the printing machines started. .Now xvith the biggest crop evel raised in the United Slates lo be marketed, the local banks have no difficulty in furnishing the money and credit to start the crops to moving. If one will recall the not distant past, he xxill see thai con ditions haxe been changed. The west no longer fears a monster that held its prosperity in its grasp. There is an administration in power that would I -1 1 the Wall slreel bankers that the moment they began to pax out anx thing as money except gold, national bank notes, greenbacks, treasury notes and subsidiary silxer, that lliey xvould be prosecuted, and if they did not meet their demand obli gations, a receiver xvould be ap pointed. Under such conditions Wall street has become very tame. The leeth of the western banker do not chatter nor his hair stand on end lest on Sal in-day night he get a telephone messaue that cash payments xxill be suspended on Monday mor ning in New York, lie is experiencing "a new freedom," and like all truly free men. he has courage ami hope. Wall slreel has been lamed. World-llerald. : i : Secretary of the Treasury Mc Adoo is readv to fumi-h farmers xvith plenty of money to moxe tin crops if needed. :o:- It was quite an accident thai checkers drove a lloosier insane. ll:ivm!r e fieckers is one ot the most popular diversions in well regulated asylums. :o : The international peace plan is to provide one navy for eight nations. And if xve spread Josephus Daniels oxer eight na tions as secretary of the navy he will be a more important, ollicial than President Wilson. :o: Having looted and demolished Zacalccas and littered Ihe streets xvith dead, Villa turns round xxilh his army and marches back to Torrcon, abandoning the scene of carnage. The trouble in Mexico is getting to be a wanton war of savages. :o: It has been many years since a national administration has ex perienced such a trying- time as Hie present. You may talk about Mini' Jefferson, Jackson and the immortal Lincoln, and aside from ihe civil war during the Jailer's administration, no occupant of the presidential chair has ever experienced so embarrassing a slate of affairs as President Wil son. Yet at all times and under all circumstances In has proved equal to the emergency. The peo ple of these United Slates should fed proud of such an able man at the head of affairs. Yet there are those who would retard him m ills good intention if they pos- siuiy could. JJUl nit' level neau oi Woodroxv Wilson is far-sighted, and he intends that when this Mexican question is settled it must be settled right as he sees the right. And the great majority of the American people will stand by him to the end. Welch's e AT OUR Or in WEYRICH Red Cross Political Announcements All announcements T.7UST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE CASH at the following rate: For Con gressman, $15; State Senator, $10; Representative, $5; for County Officials, $5 each. For Congress. We are authorized to announce the name of Wilber W. Anness, of Dunbar, Otoe county, for con- ress from the First congres sional district of Nebraska, sub ject to the will of the republican voters at the nriruarv election on fuesday, August 18. We are aulnoried to announce Charles Marshall of Otoe eouniv is a candidate fop congress from the First district, subject to the will of the voters at the primary lection on Tuesday, August 18, 914. For Senator. A. F. Sturm, of Ndiawka, is a candidate for senator from Otoe and Cass counties, subject lo the xv ill of the republican voters at the primary election Tuesday Vugust 18. We are authorized to announce the name of John Mattes, jr., as a andidafe for Senator from Cass md Otoe counties, subject to the decision of the democrativ voters at the primary election on Tues day, August 18, 1914. For Representative. M. G. Kirne, of Nehawka pre cinct, will be a candidate for member of the lower house of the state legislature, subject to the will of the democratic voters of Cass county at the primary election to be held Tuesday, Aug ust 18, 1914. We are authorized to announce William II. Puis for Float Rep resentative (Otoe and Cass coun ties), subject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary election, Tuesday, August 18. For County Judge. Charles I,. Graves of Union is a candidate for the nomination to the oflice of county judge, sub ject lo the decision of the voters at the primary elec tion, held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. For County Clerk. Frank J. Libershal, the present county clerk, filling said ollice by apopintment, is a candidate for the nomination to said office, sub ject to the decision of the demo cratic voters at the primary elec tion, held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. John M. Creamer, of Wabash, is a candidate for- county clerk, subject to the decision of the re publican voters of Cass county at the primary election held on Tuesday, August 18, 1915. Your support will be appreciated. I am a candidate for county clerk on the republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election August 18. A. L. Anderson. H. G. Wurl announces that iie is a camuauie ror me omce oi counlv clerk of Cass county, sub ject lo the xxill and xvish of the democratic voters of the county at the primary on Tuesday, Au gust 18, 1914. For Register of Deeds. Mont Robb is a candidate for Register of Deeds of Cass coun ty, subject to the decision of the Grap Juice FOUNTAIN Bottles & HADRABA, Drug Store republican voters of the county a?, tile primary election to be held on Tuesday, August 18, l'Jl i. Candidate for Treasurer. Major A. Hall is a candidate for bounty Trea-urer. subject to the x'.ill of the republican voters al the primary to be held oji fue- day. Augusi 18. I'M i. He will ap preciate the support of all repub I icans. For Sheriff. We authorized to announce F. It. Cunningham, of Nehawka precinct, as a candidate for slieritf of Cass county, subject to Ihe de cision of the republican voters at Ihe primary election August 18, lid i. We are authorized to announce William Doiid, of Salt Creek (Greenwood precinct, for the ollice of sheriff of Cass county, subject to the will of the demo cratic voters at ihe primary elec tion on Tuesday. August 18, 191 i. John Wundcrlicli, of Xeliawka precinct, is a candidate for sheriir of Cass county, subject to the de cision of the democratic voters of the county at the primary (dec lion to be held on Tuesday, Aug ust 18, 1914. Carroll I). Quinfon, Ihe present sheriff, is a candidate for the nomination of said ollice, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election, held on Tuesday, August 18, 1911. County Commissioner. We are authorized to announce Charles R. Jordan, of AIvo, as a candidate for Commissioner from the Third district, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election on Tues day, August 18, 1914. C. E. Ileebner, present commis sioner from the Second district, is a candidate for re-election, sub ject to the decision of the re publican voters at the primary t'ection lo be held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. Henry Snoke, of Tipton pre cinct, will be a candidate for tho oflice of Commissioner from the Third district, subject to the de cision of the democratic voters at the primary election on Tues day, August 18, 1914. We are authorized to announce D. Koesler of Weeping Waler pr e cinct as a candidate for commis sioner from the Third district, subject to the wishes or the de cision of the democratic voters at the primary election Tuesdav, August 18. I hereby announce my candi dacy for the oflice of county com missioner from the Second com missioner district, subject lo Ihe wishes of the democratic voters at the primary on Tuesday, Aug ust 18. 191 i. Your support xxill be appreciated. F. W. Young. We xvould hale to be a politi cian or the "snake-iu-1 he-grass" x ariely. Down in Kansas Ihey tfny a number or young men have "accepted positions" in the har vest' ileitis. :o:- en a girl comes out in one or those new tomato-red coats, it is hard lo believe her when she saxs she doesn't xxaul her name iu the paper, , ,