The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 02, 1914, Image 1

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Neb State Historical Soc
NO. 53.
George F. Rummell Instantly
Hurled to His Death While
Crossing Railroad Track.
Krom Tuesday's Pally.
The community was profoundly
shucked yesterday afternoon when
a message was received in this
cily announcing' the death in an
automobile accident near Battle
Creek. Nebraska, a station on the
Northwestern railroad, of George
F. Rummell, of Omaha, a former
(lass county man and a son of
Mis. Christina HnnnncII of near
From all that can he learned of
the tragedy Mr. Rummell and a
male companion were t ravelins:
along the road that is crossed by
the Noil hwetern tracks near
Battle Creek, and as their machine
reached the center of the track the
engine evidently died on them and
the nlher man jumped from the
car while Hummel remained in the
seal to be hurled to his deatli as
the train struck the machine. The
name of the man in the car with
Ilummell could not lie learned at
Battle Creek up to last even in sr.
Ilummell. who is survived hy a
widow and two children, was a
salesman in the employ of the
llichey Sand company, with offices
in the Omaha National hank
building, and was covering ter
ritory for the firm at the time of
the accident.
The p;ttt where the accident
occurred is dangerous, in that the
road runs at almost a parallel to
the tracks, and suddenly shoots
directly across. It is believed
that after Ilummell and his com
panion saw the train they opened
up the riiirine and tried to heat
the train across the tracks. The
sudden hurst of speed it is be
lieved, caused the engine to choke
and die on the crossing.
The body of Ilummell is in
charge of the coroner at Battle
Mr. Ilummell is well known
through this county, where his
parents were anions the pioneer
resilient s and where he was born,
and he grew to manhood in this
community, where he has many
warm friends, who will learn with
the deepest sorrow of his untime
ly and tragic death. He was for
several years engaged in the rail
road work, being employed in the
ollices of the company at points
in Iowa, leaving this line of work
several years a?o to enter upon
the duties as traveling rep
resentative of a large sand com
pany, which line of business he
was in at the lime of his death.
Besides the wife and two chil
dren, the aped mother and three
brothers are left to mourn his
death, be in jr. Jacob Rummell, who
resides in the western part of the
state: William and Edward Rum
mell. both of whom reside near
The body will be brought to this
city on the 9:30 Burlington train
this evening and the funeral will
be held firm; the Presbyterian
church tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock. The interment will he
made in Oak Hill cemetery.
Accepts New Position.
Miss Lillian White of this city
has accepted a position as clerk
in the office of Storekeeper E. C.
Hill at the storehouse of the Bur
lington in this city, taking the
place made vacant by' the
resignation of Miss Zelma Tuey.
Miss White is well qualified for
the position and will be found a
most efficient aid in the office of
Mr. Hill. Miss Tuey will enjoy a
rest this summer from the duties
she has been looking after for the
past few years.
Platform Dance.
There will be a platform dance
at the Koukal prove Saturday
evening. July 4th. Good music.
Everybody invited.
Secure Marriage License.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Tli is morning' Jesse E. Reed
aged 31, of Collins, Minnesota
and Miss Mayme Ilonan, aged 30,
of Greenwood, were granted per
mission to wed by the license
clerk at the office of the county
judfre. The wedding ceremony
that is to make these two hearts
as one, will be performed at the
Imme of the bride, near Green
wood, this evening. The bride is
a young lady well known in the lo
cality where she has made her
home for some years past and is
possessed of a large number of
MR. AND MRS. R. 6.
From Tuesdays Da nr.
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. R.
It. Hayes entertained very pleas
antly a number of their friends at
their home on South Fifth street.
I'll o occasion was in the nature of
a picnic supper and the guests
enjoyed themselves to the utmost
in participating in the delights of
the evening. A most tempting
repast had been prepared, to
which the members of the party
lid ample justice and the oc
casion will long be remembered
most pleasantly for the delightful
hospitality shown the guests by
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. Those who
participated in the pleasant event
were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crabill
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
iam Itaird ami son, Robert; E. II.
Wescott and wife and Helen and
E.lgar Wescott, C. E. Wescott, W.
G. Brooks and wife, and Mrs.
saac King, of Superior, Ne-
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon at the
ase ball park two of the teams
composed of the young lads of the
city, the Bohemian Stars and the
Pown Cubs, tangled in a very
spirited contest, which resulted
in the Stars being able to secure
the victory by a score of 15 to 15.
I'he game in the opening innings
ooked very favorable for the
Cubs, but when in the sixth in
ning Pilnev of the Stars knocked
ut a three-bagger with the bases
full it changed the appearance of
the score and at the close brought
the victory to the west siders. The
line-up of the two teams was as
follows :
Stars Kerjie, catcher; Sedlak,
utcherr Clradoville, shortstop;
Pilney, first base; Duda, second
tase; Smith, third base; Wooster,
right field.
Town Cubs Dwyer, Parker,
catch; Egan, Poisall, pitch-right
field; Thomas Kopisekie, first
base; Smith, second base; Poisall,
third base; Palacek, center field.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Major A. Hall of this city today
filed with the county clerk his in
tention to become a candidate for
the office of county treasurer on
the republican ticket at the com
ing primary election. Mr. Hall
has been a life-long resident of
this county and for years was en
gaged in farming, removing to
this city a few years ago, where
he now resides. There has been
only one other filing for this office,
that of County Treasurer Fox,
who seeks re-election to the office
on the democratic ticket, and from
all indications these two gentle
men will make the race before the
voters at the general election on
November 3d, as there has been
no one else mentioned for the
position on either ticket.
Wheat the Best for Years, and
Corn Said to Be 10 Days Ahead
of the Average.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The weekly crop reports from
Nebraska points received by tin
railroads are the most optimistic
of any heretofore issued this year,
all indicating that the yield of
small grain is the largest in the
historv of the state and that the
corn is coming on rapidly, givinp
promise of being a bumper crop
The Burlington's crop report is
made up from data ending last
Saturday night and shows fhat
the wheat harvest is well along
over the entire country south of
the Platte and is in progress
farther north. In the extreme
south part of the state threshing
has commenced and. according to
the report, east of Oxford the
vield is from 25 to 50 bushels per
acre, while west of there and over
branches in northern and western
Kansas, it is turning out from 15
to 25 bushels, the quality.. being
most excellent.
In comparing the condition of
the wheat crop with the average
for ten years, the general super
intendent of the Burlington places
that of the Omaha division at 119;
Lincoln, 101; Wymore, 100, and
McCook at 87 per cent.
Scattering reports of enor
mous yields are reaching the
company s general olhceV'-one
field near Wayne, Kansas, having
weighed out 51 bushels per acre.
In the northwestern section of
Nebraska, up to the Alliance
country,' while the wheat will not
e ready for harvest before the
ast of the week, the yield prom
ses to be immense, the condition
at this time being estimated at
110 per cent, the comparison be
ing made on the basis of a ten-
year average. I tie same condi
tions are said lo maintain far out
into Wyoming.
In many section of Nebraska
corn has been laid by on account
of it having grown to such a
leight that it can no longer be
cultivated. It is nearly ready to
tassel and is said to be ten days
ahead of the season. Over prac
tically all of Nebraska the condi
tion of the crop at, this time is
put at 100 per cent.
The meadows are yielding an
immense quantity of feed for live
stock and the second crop of
alfalfa is about, ready for cutting.
The railroads are all receiving
reports of a scarcity of men for
carrying on the harvest and in
many sections of the state the
ruling daily wage scale is $3 with
board and lodging.
The matter of the erection of a
milding at the Panama-Pacific
exposition to represent the state
of Nebraska has been agitated for
almost a year now and as the time
for the erecting of the building
draws near the boosters for the
proposition have been compelled
to take steps to see what can be
done in the way of raising the
money that will be necessary to
use in the putting up of the build
ing. To overcome this it has been
decided to offer for sale at $1 each
medals that bear on one side the
seal of the state and on the other
the statement as to the purpose
of the work of disposing of these
medals, and here in Plaltsmouth
Misess Florence Cory, Ferris York
and Ella Kennedy have been se
lected as the agents who will sell
the medals for the purpose of
seeing that a suitable Nebraska
building is erected at San Fran
cisco in 1915.
t -
It gives us great pleasure to
present this portrait of our fellow
citizen. Matthew Gering, who is
a candidate for the republican
nomination for congress from tin?
First district.
From Tuesday's Daily.
A very pleasant picnic party
was given on Sunday by the young
adies who are employed by the
Olson Photograph company ofthis
city. The girls had planned the
vent for some time, and when on
Sunday morning they all gathered
at the Burlington depot for the
advance on La Platte, where the
event was to be held, there was no
detail omitted to make the picnic
a splendid success. The pic
nickers had laid in a supply of all
the good things to eat that was
possible to imagine, and as soon
as the train arrived at La Platte
the march was taken up to the
camping grounds along the placid
waters of the St. Mary's, where
preparations were made to spend
the day. The young ladies lost
no time after their arrival in get-
ing into the fullest enjoyment, of
the event and boati;ig, bathing
and games were enjoyed until the
imp when the tempting lunch was
spread in the shade of the trees
and enjoyed by the young ladies,
after which they resumed the
sports of the afternoon and all
eturned home happy as larks, on
the 9:30 Burlington train.
Sunday closed the two weeks of
practice of Company I at target
hooting on the government
practice ground near Plaltsmouth.
I'he grounds having overflowed at
the time of commencement of tin
practice made the camping time
some days longer.
About i5 members of the com
pany took part in the target
hooting. Two officers of the
company have been present all the
time. One of them looked after
matters on the shooting range
and the other superintended the
camping grounds. These officers
ould exchange work with each
other. The members would go
and come from the camp to their
liomes in Glenwood as might be
arranged by the officers. The
average score of the men who took
part will be quite a little above
that required for marksmen. The
requirement of the government is
160 out of 250. Charles T. Binion
was high man of the company. Bis
score is 227 out of a possible 250.
Joy Mickelwait is second with a
score of 222, and Clayton Murphy
third with a score of 220. The
st was made without prelim
inary. Glenwood Tribune.
I have money to loan on Cass
county farms at 5!4 per cent.
T. H. Pollock, Coates blk., Platts-
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
Progressive Methods Are Certain
to Result in Great
There are some things that
most naturally go together; foi
example, good schools, good
churches, and good farming. Bad
farming, poor schools and weak
churches go together. The coun
try that has poor schools and poor
churches is usuallv a country of
poor farmers poor farmers not
in the sense of failure to produce
crops, but failure to make a pro
per use of the crops which they
do produce, in making life worth
living in the country.
When we come to the details of
farming, there are some tilings
that naturally go together. We
have tried, for example, to get
farmers to test and weigh their
milk, to find out what their cows
are doing, to weed out the poor
cows and get good ones in their
places. We have never succeed-
d to any very great extent in get
ing farmers to do this, because
there are certain things that must
go together in order to get the re
sult we aim at. The farmer is not
ikely to improve the milking
pialilies of his herd of cattle un
ess he puts up a silo, so as to
lave proper feed for dairy cows,
fitting up a silo, however, is not
sufficient. He mu L feed the cat
tle a balanced ration. This is not
sufficient unless he has a clean
stable, and even this will not solve
the question unless he has it well
ventilated and lighted. When you
get all these things, you will find
that the poor cow will go out and
he good cow come in. These
things go together.
An eighty-bushel crop of corn
does not come in without some
thing else with it. What, else?
I'liorough cultivation. But that
will not do it alone. We must
have a supply of vegetable mat
ter in the soil, and to get that we
must have a rotation of crops and
grow clover or alfalfa or both. To
et the good out of these we
must have live stock; and to make
ive stock profitable we must have
tetter breeding and better feeding.
fhese things all go together. You
can't have one without the other;
and you can't have any of them
until the farmer has the ideal in
his mind and has determination
o iealize that ideal.
We cannot, get any one good
thing without at the same time
working for other good things
that go with it. If we get some
ad thing, Usually a lot of other
ad things will come with it.
I'liere are certain things, both
ad and good, that go together.
There are certain things that
cannot be obtained by the in-
lividual alone. For example, you
can't get a good school unless
farmers get together. When we
get a good school in the country,
and the children are educated in
the line of farming so as to make
good farmers out of them, as well
as good boys and girls, then na-
urally they will want a good
church. When farmers get to
gether on these lines they will get
together on every other good
thing. The first thing is to get
themselves together, and learn to
understand each other, and to
sympathize with each other, and
to help each other. Then the
other good things will naturally
Mrs. Charles W. Grassman and
children of Alliance, Neb., who
have been here visiting at the
home of Mrs. Grassman's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Batton, de
parted this afternoon for their
a visit here of some two weeks.
Mrs. W. T. Seotten and daugh
ter, Mrs. C. F. Weber and little
daughter were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they
will visit for the day with rela
tives and friends.
Leave for Buffalo, N. Y.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Frank Barcus and James Rishe
leave this afternoon on a most
enjoyable trip to the east, during
which time they will visit at Chi
cago, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and
a short trip up into Canada. They
go as delegates to the ninth na
tional convention of the Fpworth
League, which meets at Buffalo,
and will take advantage of the oc
casion to enjoy the sights. On
lb" return trip they will stop at
Milwaukee for a short time. The
boys were compelled to travel over
different roads as far as Chicago,
bul will meet there and continue
on their trip together.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The members of the Knights
mil Ladies of Security last even
ing held a most pleasant lawn
tarty at the handsome home of
Ion. R. B. Windham and family
m North Sixth street. The com
mittee arranging for ttie event had
seen to it that the lawn was dec
orated in a very pleasing manner
for the occasion by having fes-
oons of Japanese lanterns strung
in different parts of the yard,
which cast a very soft and pleas
ing glow over the jolly crowd
present to attend the event. A
hort informal musical program
was presented during the course
f the evening that was thorough
y enjoyed, and the different per
sons taking part were neartny
applauded for their splendid num.
ers. During the course of the
evening delicious fruit punch, as
well as ice cream and cake, was
served, which added greatly to the
pleasure of all who were fortun
ate enough to be present, and it
was with great regret that they
wended their way homeward feel
ing that the lawn party had been
one of the most pleasant events
leld by the society
The Burlington railway in their
lavelock shops have recently
een experimenting and working
on mechanical stokers, twenty-
live engines already being equip
ped with this new device. The
mechanical stokers up to the
present time have not been a com
plete success, but the Burlington
people feel that it will only be a
short time until it will be an as
sured success and will aid the
firemen a great deal in the heavier
work. Twenty-four of these
twenty-five newly acquired en
gines will be sent east on the Mis
souri river and one to Sheridan,
From Tuesday's Dally.
The city council last evening
leld a short session as a board of
equalization for the property ad
joining the curbing and guttering
district on North Sixth street.
There was considerable objection
from a number of the property
owners on this thoroughfare ove,r
the different amounts levied upon
them, and after hearing a number
of complaints in regard to the
matter of the taxes the council
decided to lake the matter up at
the next regular session, when
the city engineer, who had charge
of the work of placing the stakes
and overseeing the work, will be
lere to meet with the council to
discuss the matter.
The Journal does job work.
Large Concourse of Sympathetic
Friends Pay Last Tribute
to the Departed.
The funeral of the lale George
Ruinniel!, whose tragic death oc
curred Monday afternoon at Bat
tle Creek, Neb., was held yesler-
lay at 3 o'clock at the First Pres
yterian church in this city. The
services were attended by a a-t
number of the old friends, who
filled the church to its capacity
o pav their last tributes of re
spect to the friend who had been
taken from them without warn
ing, and the grief of those friends
were manifested, not only by their
attendance at the last sail tribule
o the memory of the departed.
jut in the wealth of floral tributes
that were laid on the casket.
Rev. H. G. McfJusky, pastor of
the church, had charge of the
ervices and gave a short but very
Duelling sermon, which was tilleij
lfh comfort to the lamily and
friends upon whom grief had laid
its heavy hand. He pointed out
the beauty of the future for tin
true believer and the reunion of
the faithful in the hereafter.
During the services a choir
rendered a number of the old well
loved hymns whose beauty
touches the heart as nothing else
can do, and the soft strains of the
music fell like balm upon the
wounded hearts of the sorrowing
family. At the close of the serv
ices the pall-hearers, J. P. Falter,
W. K. Fox, A. J. Snyder, William
Schmidt mann. IT. F. Goos and
George Snyder, tenderly bore the
body fo the last resting place in
Oak Hill cemetery, where it was
laid to rest beside the father who
bar! preceded the late Mr. Rum
mell some years ago.
Another of the young men born
anil reared in Plat I smoul h. who
have engaged in the railroad busi
ness has advanced to the front, in
the person of B. V. Robbins. of
Denver, Colorado, who has just
been appointed as general freight
agent for the Denver A: Rio
Grande and the Rio Grande Soul h
ern railroads. Mr. Robbins was
born and resided here for many
years, where his parents, the lale
John Robbins and wife, were
among the early residents. He
moved west later and located at
Denver, where he continued his
railroad, career that he started
here in Plattsmoulh. The old
friends and acquaintances of Mr.
Robbins will be pleaded to learn
of his advancement and wish him
still greater advancement in his
career. Mr. Robbins is a brother
of Mrs. W. T. Richardson of My
nard. Will Bo Open Friday Night.
For the benefit of the customers
of the stores of the city which
will close at noon on July 5th, the
merchants have arranged to keep
their places of business open Fri
day evening until the usual Sat
urday night closing hours in
order that those who desire to at
tend to their shopping may do so
without inconvenience.
Watch our windows lor the
standing of the piano contest
ants. II. M. Soennichsen.
Dr. Cm. II. Gilmore, Miss Margie
Walker and Walker Gilmore
motored up from Murray yester
day afternoon to spend a few
hours here looking after some
matters of business.