The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 29, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PLATTSWOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1914. PAGE 4. Cbz plattsmoutb journal Published Semi-Weekly et P I att e mo uth. N e b r. Entered at the Postoffice at IMattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Prloe; S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe WW THOUGHT FOR TODAY. J- Th man of true humor l- all sides of a proposi- J- tiin. Selected. 2 :o:- I$c sure you are ripht before ou throw over the high-speed lever. Have you eut those weeds yet? .Why not? :o : U' your lly-swatter often and keep it handy. :o: The new court house will be done riuht on lime. And presents a line appearance. :o: And U"w C. l Heavis of Falls I'ily may cnler the republican race fur congress. :o : "When I hey read Perkins out thy will have to read ine out, ton," ay Teddy Hoosevelt. . :o: These are hot days and this is Hie time fur hot days. livery corn crop has rot to have its days. T:o: You can now hear the music of the reaper in various parts of the county. The golden harvest is surely uii. :o: The priees for new wheal is pp'le at ." cents. Last year the opening juice was 7(1 cents, 11 cents ni' ie than this year. :o: F.arly cl'-intr is becoming more, the rub' than the cxccplion, cen in the -mailer towns catering to the farmer trade, says the Omaha Trade Exhibit. :o: If "the laborer is worthy of his hire" i a true saying-, why is there so lllUCh sid-tepilltr when the bosses are asked to boost him up a little? Is it because he loves another laborer who has not been one-hair as worthy? Piaitsuioulh is gradually in creasing in population. if we had a few more decent rental houses it would incerase more rapidly. We need twenty-live new resideneos riyht away. New comers arrive daily, and go away, because there is no property to rent. :o: In sections of the counlrv there is talk of twine famine, all on account of the big harvest that ha just begun in the west. Of course the twine trust will jump at every opportunity to raise the price by making it scarce in har vest time. Yet we are told that local dealers have all the twine that will e needed in this imme diate v icinity. :o: Plat I smuul h is one of the best and prettiest towns in the west. Honieseekcrs should come ,and buk over the many nice building lots mi (he hills, where a family man can erf cl a comfortable cot tage, where he and his family could spend Hie balance of their days in peace and happiness. If jou are looking for a pleasant location in the west, don't pass IMattsinoulh. :o:- Most of the newspaper men who have been hovering around Lincoln for the past week seem to be of the opinion that Governor Morehead and Hoss Hammond will be the candidates to head the re publican and democratic state fickels at the general election. We don't know so much about Hammond, but it - a certainty that Governor Morehead will be renominated. From present indications there will be more independent voting1 this year than ever. :o: Wheat prices have taken a tumble. Of course, just as the new crop is coming on the mar ket. :o: If politics were as hot as the weather, there would certainly be something doing; in the political line. :o: How can the suffragettes think they are lilted for citizenship when they know so little about baseball? :o: There is an end to all things, both good and bad, excepting the story that Huerla is going to resign in a day or two. -:o: There are some pretty good men for office in Cass county this year. Dot it is impossible to foretell the result of the primary. :o: A ladies' tailor defends the dress of the American women with great eloquence. It is just possible he is an interested wit ness. :o:- Tho public should go a little slow about accepting all about that California volcano eruption. It may lie only advertising for the San Francisco Panama fair. :o: I n some sections of this state the wheat crop is so heavy that the farmers are attaching gaso line engines to their reapers to run their machines. Why wouldn't the automobile do the business? :o: A man who claims to have made the experiment says a family of live can live on i.80 a week.- This is of very little importance, as there are but very few families of that size these days. :o: An editor makes a few enemies once in awhile because he pos sesses the independence to call a spade a spade. Hut this does not hurt, the newspaper. It simply makes a difference at to "whose ox gets gored." :o:- The Nebraska bankers are de cidedly opposed to the removal of the slate university. And so are the taxpayers in general, who do not believe in voting' a tax upon themselves to gratify the desires of a lot of scheming real estate speculators. ;o:- a Turkish headline the other day. It requires only a rudiment of mathematics to ligure that a dozen wives cost twelve times as much as one wife. :o : 1 1 has long been our notion that the man who reveres the memory of his mother doesn't need to wear a flower in his buttonhole to prove it, and that ledgerdemain with the old Jlag isn't necessarily an indication of patriotism. :o: Money can't buy ancestry, bliss, children, devotion, equality, friendship, gratitude, health, il lusion, joy, kindness, love, mind, nature, originality, peace, quiet, respect, sincerity, lime, under standing, virtue, wisdom or youth. :o: All laxpaers who vole against the removal of the stale univer sity will be voting- for the saving to the taxpayers of the state the great sum of $3,000,000. Or, would they prefer to till the pock ets of a lot of real estate sharks who W'H reap a harvest by the removal? Don't be fooled into voting against your own interests. MORE RUIN. The measure, of our industrial ruin under the Wilson adminis tration was given to and solemnly received by the republican county committee of New York Thursday night, when Congressman Hum phrey of Washington said that business "has decreased $20, 000,000 every day" of his regime, or the trifle of about $0,000,000, 000 down to June 1. The par ticular cause of it all is located by him and by the Mail in a tariff which has "increased imports $2i,938, 113 and cut down exports $112,400,783." At this rale the first full year of the new tariff will show a re duction of $230,000,000 in the foreign trade balance from the year above. As the country s business by the Humphrey figures was nearly wiped out by June 1, nothing- will obviously be left of it by October 1, when the new- tariff will have finished a year of deadly work. But in the liscal year 14J12, on a smaller volume of trade under the Dingley tariff the trade bal ance was cut down by over $ )S0. 000, 000, and we can all re member how the country went to the dos as a necessary conse quence. The trade balance was cut down by over $813.0(10,000 in li0l under the same high tariff, and it is clear from the Humphrey- Mail logic that hot a wheel was left turning throughout the land. The trade balance in the first liscal year of the Payne-Aldrich tariff was cut down $108,000,000 on a smaller trade volume, and by the same logic we can calculate a business decline "every day" of that period of almost, if not quite. 20.000,000. There has evidently been noth ing wor.-e for the country than this democratic tariff, except the two republican tariffs which pre ceded it. New York World. :o : IMattsmouth should make its plans for a safe and sane observ ance. :o : Take it from the candidate, there are a mighty lot uf great principles in this world. :o: The primary date is approach ing, and the nearer the approach the more anxious become the nomination contestants. :o: Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer, has offered to build Detroit a general hospital. The offer involves an expenditure of about $3,000,000. ;u : It is now charged that the Lou-; don militants are drugged in jail. Very likely. Something has to be done to prevent them from burn ing- the jails, even. :o: The insurgent Woodmen don't seem half as mad as they were before the Toledo convention. Maybe they have came to the con clusion that there is not much use now to kick against the pricks. :o : Genuine prosperity in this glorious country of ours can no longer be denied, and the one who attempts it is a bigger fool than Thompson's colt, which crossed the river to get a drink. :u: The biennial announcement of Senator Hurton's opposition to the rivers and harbors bill was delayed by the fact that congress is behind with its work. Ikit everybody expected it. :o: Some candidates may be ad verse to announcing their names in the neyspapcrs, whether be cause of the fee charged or be cause they ar opposed to making public their desires. It always pays to advertise. : o : A scientist has discovered that the grasshopper can jump one hundred limps its length. That's nothing. A vaudeville performer often has to jump from Winnipeg to New Orleans. Don your swatting harnes tnev are comins bv tne minions. :o: Kansas long ago learned the advertising value of queer harvest stories. -:o :- Whv ero to Omaha to be skinned - - - when the Plattsmoutb stores are so handy? :o: Swat the fellow who tells you "it's warm today." Don't you know it as well as he does? :o: The telephone trust has yielded to the demands of the govern ment, but can't bluff central that way. -:o: A great deal of charity Ihat be gins at home is usually too public to walk into the next block. :o: Instead of using your energies trying to stir up trouble, get busy and try to help those who are in trouble. :o:- A portion of the newspaper men have just finished a week of pleasure in Lincoln, and returned to their homes to make up for lost time. ( :- It is estimated that the rural telephone has reduced the per centage of insanity among farm ers' wives. This may balance the insanity caused by city telephones. Teddy Hoosevelt says he will not run for governor of New York. Isn't he the same man who said he would not run for a third term for president, and did? : : A gentleman who was a member of the stale senate at the same time Hon. John Mattes was a member of that body, tohl us in Lincoln the other day that Mr. Mattes is an able man and one of the best parliamentarians in the late. :o : On the other hand, this ham mering of the trusts may be a good thing; the Standard Oil company, which has been ham mered lung and hard, is now sell ing gasoline at If 3-10 cents a gallon anil coal oil is almost as cheap as water in some places but not in IMattsmouth. -:o:- The Kansas City Star has the following pert saying in refer ence to the wheat crop: Chicago's foremost banker, announced that the bumper wheat crop now being harvested will "make business bum." It is feared that the G. O. P. will never forgive Providence for failing lo send droughts and hot winds two years in succession. :o : The heavy expense in handling them in Washington and the transportation are not the only reasons why the distribution of free seeds might be abolished with profit. In a circular letter, one of which reached the Journal, an English llorist is bragging be cause he sidd our government forlfy-four tons oT garden and vegetable seeds. . Four other foreign seed houses, one English, two French and one Dutch, sup plied seeds to this government at good prices to be distributed free for the purposes of lining; up votes. :o:- Speaking of President Wilson's new and acceptable brand of pas teurized war, William Allen While says: He has twisted the tail of the democratic jackass and it ealeth from his hand. He hath manicured the claws of the Tani manyy tiger and put it on a mHk diet. He has banished champagne from diplomacy and grog from the navy and generally pulverized the rum power, wherever his gen tle lingers have touched it. He hath ovanescented the money trust and started to build a government railroad in Alaska, while the whang doodle mournelh for its born. Surely he is either a con jurer or a fool for luck, and the good Lord only knows which, as we go to press. FRENZIED FINANCE. Of coarse bank failures, like any other business failuers, may be entirely honest and legitimate and may come about without any body's fault. Husiness reverses, like colic or cold feel, may come unannounced and nobody be able to explain why they come. Men who do their best and fail, are deserving' of sympathy and they are entitled to a lift from their more fortunate brothers, that they may get up and try again. But men who fail because of crooked anil devious ways in business, can not be condemned or punished too severely. Frenzied finance is a dangerous thing un der any circumstances in the banking business it is a crime. Men who speculate on other peo ple's money are fooling with a firebrand in a powder house. II is merely a matter of good luck if the whole blame shootin' match is not blown into kingdom come. Why men will take such desperate risks is a puzzle that has no solu tion. It would seem that the commonest kind of business brains would tell a man to keep out of the fire. Men are sent to prison every day for having taken undue liberties with other peo ple's money, and yet men keep on trying the same thing over and over, always with the same result. Hankers, above all others, know how extremely dangerous it is to speculate on other people's money, and the level-headed banker discourages such precari ous business. Safety first is the inflexible rule of business of the conservative banker, and none should be recognized by those who handle money that is not their own. Jiiis cnieagi naiiK lauure is an ugly looking affair, and bears the marks uf unclean hands. Three million dollars of worthless securities were not the result of accident or mistake. Money was not loaned to relatives of the bankers without knowledge of the relationship. Bonds and notes of insolvent corporations sired by the bankers themselves, were not left on the doorsteps of the bank by strangers. These bankers must have had criminal knowl edge of the questionable trans actions in which the bank was engaged, and of the insolvency of the bank. And having this knowl edge thev should be made to suffer the penalty provided by the law. The courts do not hesitate to send the chicken thief to prison and place upon him the felon's brand, but all of the chicken thieves in chrisliandom have not purloined so much as have these bankers. A prison term would not restore the money lost, but it would be a wholesome punishment p ss ibly a wholesome warning to others who might be templed. :o: Next Saturday is the date lo shoot firecrackers, but be careful, boys. -:o:- Harvest hands seem fairly well paid to a man who never was a harvest hand. -:o: Combinations may be effected iiinong candidates, but they will prove 'of no assistance n me ofers "catch on." Which they are very apt to do. :o: There seems to be no rise in alchiug and wailing and longer, olhing that is coming our way ems to happen. Coughs and Colds Weakens the System. Continued Coughs, Colds and Bronchial troubles are deperss- imr and weaken the system. Loss of weight, and appetite generally dlovv. Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery today. It will stop your cough. The. first use helos. The best medicine for Stubborn Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Mr. O. II. Brown, Muscatine, Ala., writes: "My wife was sick dur ing the hot summer months and I honestly believe Dr. King's New Discovery saved her life." Good for children. 50c and $1.00, at your Druggist. coming I JULY 7 TO 23 11 c The Sale Event of the Nw Season ABOUT THE WEATHER. The old controversy between the astronomical scientists and the meteorological scientists con cerning the weather has broken out afresh. We can think of no weather more likely to pro voke such a discussion than that which this June has brought us, in defiance alike of the astro nomical and the meteurugical sciioojs of weather science. We are able lo find in a long-range forecast, astronomical in its processes, the forecasting of weather for the early part of this month which has not appeared. And we are aide to find, almost from day to day in the meteor ological reports of the weather bureau, the coming of conditions which do not come. The plain fact appears to be Ihat science, meteorological or astronomical, has learned prac tically nothing more than was learned when Torricelli, 250 years ago, found a way of measuring I he weight and pressure of the almosphere, and called his me chanical device a barometer. A cood barometer can be trusted to ti II us of what is going to happen in a hurry, but usually allowing a margin ot tune lor a partial set ting of our houses in order. At bast, any one finding a storm indicated Jy a oarometer ami failing to act instantly on the hint, would have to be classed with people, who are contemptu ously spoken of as those who can not tumble when a house falls on them. The thermometer can only tell us what is happening, which we already know. The barometer can fell us what is go ing to happen next, and that is always the thing 'we want to find out. As to temperatures, we have had' in this latitude and longitude, changes of 28 degrees in eleven hours this month, which neither (he astronomical nor meteorolog ical scientists had foretold to us. Both of these great scientific Jiin Deere EBB.infdeirs Have the Good Points of all Binders Combined, with the faults Improved or eliminated. The JOHN DEERE BINDER has 25 special features that make it worth while investigating before purchasing any other make. Be your own judge, and do not permit any salesman to tell you that the JOHN DEERE is made up of discarded points from other binders. Call and see for yourself and you will soon see that they are made with the very latest improvements. Do not be hasty in purchasing, for you may regret it later tfiat you had not purchased a JOHN DEERE BINDER. This Bind er is put under the very best kind of guarantee and backed by the John Deere Plow Co., and you know what a guarantee by the John Deere Plow Co." means to you. G. P. EASTWOOD . Standard Binder Twine at Right Prices. schools of thought are, of course, equipped with barometers, but each of them is ambitious to go farther than the barometer can go, and very often they make a bad job of it. The. government weather bureau is of some service for Ho; reason that, by use of the telegraph, it can warn sections of country of something coming to ward I hem and w hich, in tho cour.-e of nature, will reach (hem if it doesn't stop, or change its course. Since. the barometer, lit tle has been done to confute the wisdom of one who said: "The wind bloweth where it listelh and Ihou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it Cometh and whither it goelh." -:o; Villa declares that he will not fake the presidency of Mexico. We don't blame him. :or New York is back on the map again. Teddy Hoosevelt has re turned from Europe. :o: Although he doesn't seem to show very well in finance or poli tics, it may still be said for Wil liam Lorimer that he. doesn't chew, smoke, drink or swear. :o: An Iowa pastor has retired from the pulpit to run for con gress. It eems some limes as though these two were about the only occupations Iowa offers. Hot Weather Tonic and Health Builder. Are you run down Nervous Tired? Is everything you do an effort? Y'ou are not lazy you are sick! Your Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and whole system need a Tonic. A Tonic and Health Builder to drive out the waste matter build you up and renew your strength. Nothing better than Electric Bifters. Start to day. Mrs. James Duncan, Hay nesville, Me., writes: "Com pletely cured me after several doctors gave me up." 50c and M.00, at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts. 1 ' 1 '4