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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1914)
. irii PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1914. I II I!: ! tfi' ! -1 ft I h Your Time ? Be sure and take a o o &DMK hrule as ring-bearer, carrying the vei.ldinpr ring placed in the heart of a large American Jieanty rose. The bride ami party were met af. the wedding bower by the si room and the best man. Mr. John Sindelar, brother of the groom, and stepping before the minister were pronounced man and wife, (he beautiful ring ceremony being used to solemnize the nuptials. Following the ceremony punch and a delicious two-course lunch eon was serveu to i lie ju'niai pari, to which all the company, num bering some 230, did full justice and gathered to wish the young people a long anl happy wedded life and one free from care. Mrs. Sindelar is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. L. IM-opst of Mynard and is a most charming lady who possesses a vast host of friends throughout JUNE WEDDING AT THE ATWODO IE 1 LINCOLN Miss Juliette Atwood of Lincoln and Dr. Elliott Cobb of Harlan, la., Are United in Marriage. The following account of the wedding of Miss Juliette Atwood, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. S. II. Atwood, appears in the Stale Journal of this morning and will the county who will join in wish- be of great interest to the friends ing her much happiness. The of the family in this city, where . 1 I a in 1 1 1 J groom is a prominent voung uent- i ne aiwooii lanniy resided jor so isf f Omaha and a young man manv years: with you, and with it a liberal supply of the reliable Eastman Film; take plenty bring back what you don't use. A few cameras to rent. Red Cross Drug Store Kodak Shop highly respected by all who know him. The bride and groom last even ing motored to Omaha, and tin's morning left for Lake Okoboji, la., where they will spend a short honeymoon, and then return to Omaha where they will make their future home. The out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. R. T. I'ropst and About forty people, including the bridal party and guests, all of whom were relatives, wen present for the marriage of Miss Juliette Wright Atwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel llayne.- Atwood, and Dr. Elliott Cunning ham Cobb of Harlan. la., which took place at noon yesterday at the bride's home, 7i0 South Seventeenth street. The Rev. S. f You can go 'round the world with our Travelers' Goods They are "first-class" and high-class. Some new ideas you will like. Look in our west window. Prices 25c to $25 New Tics every Saturday White Silk Hats, 75c White Duck Pants, $1.25 Our Store will be Closed - at Noon July 4th. SATURDAY SPECIAL Men's Union SllitS Three Kinds 1 Porous weave. 2 Ecru Kin. a 15. V. D. style. All sizes ON SALE SATURDAY, 3 G h C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS EVERYBODY'S STORE ne lr. ! i daughter of Halsfmi. T.yuelle Ma- Mills Haves, rector of the Church MHh il III 1..... l . ir:i..l.,.il i- ir I . . . . w. v inun .tin uiis .uiuim-h i nf 1 in 11 v iMiiitv n 1 cm ri ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF Io.-k. Mr. an. I .Mrs. Mason (,oIIm rt .Jicninod simplicity marked the of I)es MoiiM's. Mahle ami IMna .nut iful appointments. Smilax Kiser of University Hare, Myrtle ,,alnis. Easter lilios and tulle sav, (.aiKins ni .'epui- aier. I.eora an anar ofivrf to the colonial Davis ot Julian. John- ami Atrnes nianj0i with liisrh white column Mn.ieiar oi iioweiis-, .Miss I'ake, jn jh.- living room. The bride's Mrs. Will Truelson. Mrs. Dr. L,vn lvri, ivwofni l,nl Ir-''!! .Hl. ',M " 1 r-' ' ! .'V.. I'upsiey an.l .Mrs. Joiin llamp ot Unt rimmed except hv tulle at the Onuilia. Mrs. h. O. l urlontr of n,.rk aiI(1 nnsr ul(. si,M.Ves. Tt Sleamhoat Sftrilltrs. Colo.. and K.-.w m:i.!.. ,.f n linnw of nrnno flRS. HIGGINS, MANLEY Raymond Cox of Xehraska Citv. US ANOTHER HAPPY E UN WEDDING y ESTER DAT Miss Ednah Lynn Propst and Mr. Joseph Sindelar Married at Mynard Yesterday. One of the mo-,t lieautiful wed dings of Ui M'asmi was soli'inn-i7t-tl yel.'iday afternoon at the palatial home of Mr. and Mrs. HoIm-i t I., prop-t at Mynar d. when tlo ir daughter, Miss Kdnali Lynn Prop-it. wa- uniteil in marriage to Mr. Joseph Sindelar of South i unaha. The IMopst home was lavishly d" orated for the event with beau tiful flowers and preen foliapre throughout the different rooms an.l in the parlor- a larpe arch of roes and smilax bad been erected beneath whirh !ie wedilinir cere mony was performed, and the beautiful Jlowers which were ar ranged most art isl icallv for the occasion left a touch of beauty to the ceremony that il is impossible fo describe. The decorations were in the color scheme of pink and while, while the bridal bower was a lattice of pink and white rambler roses. Preceding the ceremony Miss l.eoia Davis saner very sweelly " I.oye You Truly,' the piano ac companiment being- played by Miss Vera Propst. The wedding march from "Lohengrin" was played by Miss Pike as the bridal parly entered the parlor to take their stations before the minister, the Rev. J. M. Lades of the United I5iclhern church. The bride was preccl"d by the matron of honor. Mrs. C. L. Wiles, charmingly crowned in a costume of jink silk and carrying pink roses, and the bridesmaid. Miss Mayola Propst. sisler of the bride, wore a beau tiful creation of crepe de chine and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The bride, who followed her attendants, was very handsomely gowned in white crepe de meteor vi!h an overdress of rare oriental lnce and wore also a handsome diamond lavalier, the gift of the groom. The long- bridal veil was held in place by sprays of lilies of the valley. She carried a hand some bo.piet nT brides roses. Lit tle Roberta Propst followed the EMPLOYE OF ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT, BURLINGTON SHOPS, IS INJURED WHY SWELTER, when you can come here and get into clothes that will make you laugh at tho hot weather. Featherweight Suits 10 to $30 15. V. I). Union Suits $1 and l.f0 Kxtra Thin Interwoven Sox 2.rc to 3 5c Pure Silk Interwoven Sox 50c Silk Wash Ties 35c, 3 for $1 Ide Hiplex Shirts $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Straw Hats 1 to $3.50 Panama Hats $3 to $8.50 Silk Hats 75c to $1.50 Silk Caps $1 to Si. 25 Silk Shirts (special) $2.50 Mentor Zephyr weight Union Suits. . .$1 up (Same weight Night Shirts $1.25 Full line of traveling goods, for sum mer vacations. New numbers in Matting and Cane Suit Cases from Si. 25 to $5. Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts This morning Uroy Crist, an electrical worker employed in the luii'linulon shops, bad his ri.uht hand burned .ptile severely as the re-ult of having it. come, in con tact wilh two live wires, lie was workiiiir on an electric headlight on .a locomotive in the round house and had two wires which he was wilh when they formed a contact and in an in stant the current had burned the hand of the younir man quite painfully, the palm uf the band receiving the worst burns, lie was also shocked quite a little from the experience, but it is thought that the injury will not prove very serious. wilh watered surface and draped with exquisite art. The bride wa; accompanied bv her sister, Miss Catherine Atwood, as maid of honor, and by her cousin. Mi: Marjorio Asnew of Los Anareles, Cal.. and the groom's sister. Mi: Ceciie ;oii ot llarian, la., a; bridesmaids. The maid of honor was dressed in yellow an.l the two bridesmaids in pink. Edward Cassady. jr.. of Whit mar. Ta., va: best Last even ins- Mrs. J. M. oinlran entertained a few fr iends in for mally at her borne on pearl street in honor of Mrs. V. I . Hiiiirins of Manley. The evening i i- i i il was spenl very neiim iuuy in social conversation as well as Ihe enjoyment of a number of pieas- inr musical numbers. Al a suit able hour a dainty and deliciou.-two-course luncheon was served, which further added to the pleas ures of lli. "nesis. l nose win' wer e present yere: .Mrs. . j . Hijrprin of Manley, Neb.: Miss Mallahan, Miss Mae Murphy. Mis- PERFECT GGNFIDENGE Plattsmouth People Have Goad Reason for Complete Reliance. 1 in you know how To find n lief from backache; To correct dist re-i-dnir urinary ills: To assist w.-ak kidneys? Many people in tin's vicinity know the wav. Iiae used Ioan. Kidney Pills; Have proved I heir worlh in rn.'i'iy tests. Hero's Plat I smouf h testimony. Ih'inkman, Lb'venih Mrs. F. and Pearl sln-ets. ays: "For .-.-vera bothered bv my kidneys. ffen pained intensely ... a . i It man. .n orcnesira uaycu ,Io.,, iiiini,. ,.r ,.io(i,.i.i - i .lid l ai 'i iiiiiuuiiiM "i iiiti1 fi. i ne weuuinc inarcnes anq also a program of music durincr the MRS. A. JL WETENKAMP TAKES DAUGHTER AND SON TO PASTUER INSTITUTE nreaKiasi wnien loiroweu me service. Two banquet tables were arranged for ihe breakfast, with baskets of roses for the center. pieces. The table in the dinin? room had covers for eighteen and the one on the porch covers for twenty. Dr. and Mrs. Cobb will pro al onco fo Sinux City, where they are to make their Jiomc. Dr. Cobb i a member of Siprnia Xn fraternity and his bride is connected wilh Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. J he out-ot-lown pruests were as follows: The groom's parent- Dr. and Mis. E. A. Cobb, Miss Ceciie Cobb and Mrs. Do.limead Harlan, Ta.; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Linn. Mrs. James W Newell, Chi cago; Mr. and Mrs. p., K. Atwood, Cedar Creek, Xeb.; Thomas Evan, St. Josepli, Mo.; F.dward Cassady, jr., W'hiling, la., and the follow ing from Platf smouth : Mrs. C. II. Parmele, grandmother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. T. Tl. Parmel. Mass.; Mrs. Mary Murphy, Mrs. F. fi. Weber of Chicago, 111.: Mrs. Walsh of Kansas City. Mo.; Mrs. Hamlin, Mrs. E. J. Hichey, Mrs. Frank Destor. Miss Carr ie Schul- hof. Miss Minnie (iuthmann, Mrs. Fred Fgenberger, Mrs. T. L. Mur phy ot Omaha. Mrs. Anna 1 n 1 17 mann. Mrs. John Fitrht, M;s Claire Mockenhaupf, Mrs. J. M Vorndran and Miss Rose Yor: Iran. C. C. Parmele. Last evening Mrs. Albert A. W'elenkamp and daughter, Miss irace, and son, (llenn, departed for Chicago, where the boy and girl will enter the Pasteur insti tute in that cilv for treatment for the injuries inflicted on them a few days ago from the bile of a pet wolf at their home near Mynard. The wolf was later killed by Mr. W'elenkamp as it showed signs of being affected with the rabies and the head was sent to Lincoln, bul it was impossible, on account of the fact that the ani mal had been killed by a blow on the head from a club, to fell any- II.- 1 i - i l - - a i i - . . inmg anoui us condition, aim me j no Kensington club was en- fainily was so notified. Tn orderhertained vesterdav afternoon in fo be on the safe side in Ihe mat- a very charming manner at tin :i . i i I. ... ier n was ueciueu io iaue me iionie of Mrs. V. I). Smitli on young people to Chicago for treat- Winters teen Hill and despite the ment, and not run any chances in excessive heat there was a large the matter. attendance of the members of the club present. The spacious lawn was tilled wilh the ladies enjoying Surplus of Food. It is a greal error fo believe fhaf the more we enl the more benefit will the body derive from it. The body can take care only f a limited amount of food. which differs wilh every individu al, an.l the balance goes to waste. This waste matter is poisonou- and passing into Ihe blood it dis tributes its poison to the nervom yslem. It is absolutely neces. sarv to get rid ot it as soon a- some irregularity is noticed in Ihe digestion of food, such as constipation, .jaundice, erucfa- Plal tsmouf li, years I was My back Head aches ami !iv spells Pothered me and my siphl became so badly af fected that I couldn't lead. Doan" Kidney pills were so highly ree immended that I decided to f : y Ihem and go a box af (iering & .. s Drug More, in a short time hey helped me in every way. I im never without j)oan s Knlney Pills on hand." Price fiOc. at all dealers. Don'l simply ask for a kidney reined". ret l).an"s Kidney Pills Ihe ame that .Mrs. Ihinkman had. Foster Milburn Co., Props., IhifValo. Xew York. P. E. O. Notice. Chapter F, P. . (i. Children's day Meeting will be held af. e home of Mrs. C. A. Maw Is. Friday all eriioon al J.-.'io. insfead of at I lie par k. Paul Wohlfarlh was a passenger- fin's a Iter noon t r- Omaha, w here be . ill .-pe::d a f ew h. u rs. Can't Keep It Secret. The splendid work of Cham berlain's Tablets is daily becoming- lllo;-e widely known. No Mich grand remedy for otnaeh and liver troubles has ever been known. For sale bv all dealers. Mi v. F. M. Dniliner and wife were among ihe pas.-cgers this afternoon for Omaha, where they were called on some matters of business. One hundred and twenty-five children will give the operetta, "Cinderella in Flowcrland," at the Permel 2 on Tucsdcy evening. This is the first operetta given entirely by children that has been pre sented in Plattsmouth in fourteen years.. Everybody come. Take Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying thai "rapid eating is slow suicide." If you have formed Ihe habit of ealing too rapidly you are most likely suffering from indices) j,,u or constipation, which will result eventually in serious illness un less corrected. Iigeslion begins in the mouth. Food should be thoroughly maslienled and in salivnfcd. Tio-n when you have a fullm'ss of f!;e stomach or- feel dull and stupid after eating, fake one of Chamberlain's Tablets. .Many severe cases of slomach trouble and constipation have been cured by the ue of these table! s. They are easy to fake and mo-d agreeable in effect. Sold by all dealers. Beware cf 01r.tmer.ts lor Catarrli Ttzt Contain Mercury and daughter. Miss Sarah fL lions, loss of appetite and of Haker. Pollock Parmele. Mr. and strength. Triner's American Mrs. Cieorge Dovey. Mr. and Mrs. F.lixir of Bitter Wine is the rem- IHE KENSINGTON CLUB ENTERTAINED AT THE HOME OF MRS W. 0. SMITH edy you need. It will clean out Ihe body and prevent many a serious sickness. It is very good in troubles of the stomach and the intestines. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 13,.'- 1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. III. After a heavy exercise you should rub your body wilh Trin or s Liniment. anil i-itiii; .t-t 1.-' ti i-ra::;:' ti.i- in vniiTiiiir it t r -1 : ! i Hii- nini'oio nrtii-l'M sli.n:M ni v. r In- iimi! i-m !! fr. in rfl'l-'liil'' i !iv: :..!-, Ji.-y i 11 i.) f t t, -i f,.;.l i,, !' .silj - i;.-iiv'.' ;i f'ni:'. li. Ii':; -!;;!. 'if:,.-; ! J. I -.- v. ; t:i::i:s ! . lry. . : t (.;. .:ct:i:n t!y i: ! t'.i.- ! l "' I :. 1 :vf s . i' t . - !, Pi !::;. .- il: C;:r lt yt-.. i t t,i iii.t" ( '. I.! T "..:. In n-T ; ' '- T !:. l'i . ? : l !; : : . v. . ; ::ri,i'.'...i. .-..i,;i I -i 'r .-.1 ip is tN ;:.-U!.i;- 1 y..:i .ri i w e.a..!!.i fv.:. !0LLOGIC REAL ESTATE Fire, Tornado and Au mobilc Insurance 5 percent Farm Loans OFFICE, COATES BLOCK. Now is the time to get rid of vour rheumatism. Try a Iwenfy- five-cent hot Me of Chamberlain's Liniment an.l see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. Pleasant Birthday Surprise. A very pleasant birthday sur- the cooling breeze from the river prise parlv in honor of the mini- 1111(1 in Peasant social conversa- . It- 11-1 1 1. . versary of Miss Theresa Kelly un unui a suuame umir, win -a Windham was given at iiartield park on t'1 were invited into ine (fining Monday evening that was thor- r-i" to partake of a most deli- oiighly enjoyed by the jolly crowd finus luncheon served in sur- of . veiling la.Iies present. The time roundings in keeping with the was spent in delightful social delightful event. Throughout the conversation as well as the en- -lining room and on the table joyment of a delicious luncheon, vf,ro lovely yellow lilies that add- and at a lale hour the jolly party " a touch of beauty to the scene, adjourned for their homes." Those The hostess was assisted in serv ing and entertaining by Mrs. n. Zucker. As guests of the club Mesdames D. IL Smith, R. M. Shlaes and Val Burkle were present. K. & L. of S. to Give Lawn Social. The members of I'lalte council. K. & L. of S., will lake notice fhaf there will be a lawn social for the members at the home of It. 15. on North Sixth sired Monday evening, June 21). There will be an informal program, and refreshments will be served. It will be an enjoyable occasion. Come. Laura K. Thrasher, President. Andy Moore, Secretary. who were present were: Misses Yerna Hatt, Delia Moore, Jessie Moore, Theresa Kelly, Mamie Speck, Bell Speck, liena Kopp, Pauline Thittery, Marie Jelinek, Lisa Woods and Sophia Chau- laupka. Paul Outland of Omaha re- turned this morning to the Buy your rancy stationery at metropolis after spending a short the Journal office. time here with friends. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J3T o o o ....DO IT NOW.... for every We have Everything Paint Purpose. The If all Paper and Faint Store FRANK GOBELMAN. Riley Hotel Block PLATTSMOUTH ayM!LK'!ig)i..lUAH? PileS FISTULA Pay Aftcr You Are Cured U mm mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform lither or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured. -DR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha.