The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1914.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
mm ot
11 Dianas
m car
Mf IITESLST speaks all sorts of tongues and plays all sorts of parts, even
& that of disinterestedness." La Rochefoucauld was right. Interest
is the ever increasing rolling snowball of money. Interest grows
fat upon what it feeds. Interest is never an idle fellow, but he is best
ESTING FIGURES about what INTEREST WILL DO for the asking.
Wm. Nickel- tran-act. -.i busi-i!'--
in ll:it t-i:i..ut h Friday.
Mr-. .. V. Nickels was a pas-t-'.i-j.t-v
iv o-'iaha Tueday.
K. It. J'.;'" M was a passenger
f.u- IMalNnn u I It Saturday cvimi-
Mrs. Nick Klaurcns and family
v;i. i-itim- in. Mur ray Friday.
Mr-. .Jake Smiiii and Mrs. 11 y
iirt'2z wt'ii' -impping in Nebraska
r.ity Friday.
'arl Alhin was a Nebraska T.ily
i-itir Minday. where ho had
h--i:- n markef.
F. I.. Hii-'di-n was a bu-iness
i-iJ'i- in N-!ua-ka r.ity. where he
had a 'ar of Imc-s on the market.
The David Colo Creamery Co.
pays tho highe-f market price for
butter fat. and tho station is lo
cated at Oidharn"s.
. It. Niok'-I- wont to Omaha
Saturday iimrnimr where ho visit
ed hi- ";!. .. F. Nickels, at tho
S!. .In-eph !io-pilal.
)!!. A. -T. Ilansell and il;ni'--li-tor.
Ka. and Mis. Han-ell's sister.
Mi-- Standi-h. -pent Tuesday in
N bra-ka City, -lumping and v i i t -
m:r fri'-inl-.
Frank Schlie hlemier and Hans
Ciiri-!on-on imdnrcd t South
maha Wedne-day morning to
look altor tho -a!o of fheir .-lock,
wh'fli was ,.n tho market that day.
?.ii- Mil!o Slandish of (i;ir
ii It. Ka-.. i- vi-itiug hoi- sistor,
Mr-. A. J. Han-oll. in Murray.
Mi-- Myrlh- ha- horn leaching in
tho primary -ohool of Audubon,
la.. ami is now on her way liomo
to -pond tho -nmii'or.
Tlio-.- win attondod tho haskot
dinner at Itawka Sunday from
this ji-inity were: '. H. i'ood
and wif.. F. I,. Rhoden and wife,
Tony Kh-in and Mis-; F.I I a Nickels,
S. O. I'ittman and wife, I. .M. Davis
and wio of Murray. Charlos
Wolf.' and wifo and ;. YV.
Look This Over..
Here are a few prices on staple articles from our catalogue:
Lawn Swings. $4.25
Knabe Sewing Machines 13.10
JJIno Flame 3-Hole Oil Stove 4.75
Oak Pedestal Dining Table 10.65
Tapestry Brussels Uxl2 IUigs 10.75
Lace Curtains 3Uc to 1.20
Gold Band 42-piece Dinner Set 2.26
Manure Spreaders 41.50
Steel Sanitary Couch 3.75
Enameled Steel Beeds 2.75
1'eady Mixed House Paint, gallon . . 1.07
Cream Separators 30.50
Wc can refer you to hundreds of satisfied customers. We stand back
of every article with our own personal guarantee. We take
produce as payment on your order. We meet any mail
order price on any article.
Murray, - -
Nick I'riodrioli ami wifo autood
lo maha last Sal unlay.
Hans Chri-lonson shipped a car
of hops to South Omaha Tuosday.
Mi.-s 1.1 1 a M. Niehels w as trans
act jut: business in Lincoln Friday.
C. V. Tigner ami family woro
gimsts of Fd I. each and wifo, near
Charlos 'lienor was looking
alter husinoss in IMaltsmoul h on
Mr. .1. I?. Murphy of Malvern,
fa., was vi-iting frionds at Lewis
ton during this w'ok.
Frank Schlitditomioi- shipped
Ihroo oars of cattlo to tho South
Omaha markol Tuosday evening.
W. i. Hordokor. accompanied
by Jack Chalfant. and H. Hioko
of Union, motored to Omaha Sat
urday. Mrs. . ".. l'.oodokor ami son,
Charlos II.. an xisitin a few days
this week with Mis. Charles fiar
rison. near Union.
Mrs. deorjie l'arks entertained
a company of friends last Thurs
day in honor of her mother's
hirt hday anniversary.
H. 15. Hutehman ami Miss Ida
lloedeker attended tho graduation
exercises of the Omaha hirli
school last Thursday evening.
(1. II. Oilmore and V. Ci.
I'.oidekei- were in IMaltsmoul li a
short time la-t Friday afternoon
on business connected with the
Mis. 'Albert Smith and mother,
Mrs. Mary Wiley, went to Wabash
Tuesday, where they will visit
Mrs. Josephine Timbley, a daugh
ter of Mrs. Wiley.
Harvest will bo in full blast in
a few days. Some oT our farmers
hao already commenced to cut
their wheat. The wheat is a jrnnd
crop this year and everyone is
anxious to pel it cut for fear of
heavy iain and wind, which would
damage il preally.
- Nebraska
School election next Tuesday
even in jr.
A preat many attended the bas
ket dinner at Otterbeine Sunday.
Mesdames S. O. IMtman and O.
A. Davis were shopping in Omaha
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. IMwin
Schomaker, southwest of Murray,
a twelve and one-half pound boy
(Srandma Jenkins. Mrs. Jennie
Jenkins and Col. Jenkins were
visiting at F.ipht Mile Orove Tues
day. Concrete walks are still in order
and those who have them not are
out of fashion, and almost, out of
1 1 w n .
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harbor.
Iivintr on Sam Schwab's place, are
re.joieinir over a little frill, which
arrived Sunday morning.
.Mrs. H. 1). Churchill, accom
panied by her father, .Mr. A. M.
Holmes, are visiting this week
with relatives in Chicago.
Miss Alva Harton and ber
friend, Miss Leora Frans of Fnion,
were visitinfr over Sunday with
Mrs. Stokes and Miss Heck.
Henry Font's new cyclone cave
is finished and it is a daisy. Henry
thinks now that he has the Finest
cave in the county, and he is about
Miss Mary Jamison, who spent
a week here visitinpr her sister,
Mrs. J. F. Hrendel. returned to
her home in Weeping Water on
Huel Virprin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ozro Yirjzin, yas taken to Omaha
Tuesday morning to have his ton
sils removed, and at last reports
the little fellow was doincr nicely.
Miles Standish was up from his
home in Kansas this week to visit
his daughter. Mrs. Ilansell. Miles
seems to bo thriving well, and his
old neighbors ami friends wore
pleased to meet him.
Mr. and Mrs. James Doles Dan-
tiier, living two miles south of
Murray, received a call from the
stork Saturday morninj-'. Mother
and the little jjirl dointr nicely.
Jim is setting up the cigars to
the boys.
John Kiuser is down from
IMaltsmouth this week, pettiir-r
ready to plaster Hert Hoofs new
residence. No one can do any
such work around hero but the
old reliable plasterer.
Uncle Sam I. at la ami his niece,
Miss Neva, motored to the county
seat Tuesdav in Uncle Sam's bifr
new Horjr auto. Jim Holmes went
to see thai Uncle Sam made no
mistakes, and il went to and from
without a bobble.
Miss Cailsloti, the nurse who
has been a finest of Mrs. J. F.
Hrendel for a week, departed for
her home in Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Carlston is very popular in
this community and she has won
that distinction by her attentive
work here.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman,
Pauline Oldham, Albert Young-
and Oeorge Xichles attended the
dance at the ShalVer home. A
laifie crowd was present, and the
Shall'er boys deserve a great deal
of credit for the manner in which
they sii pleasantly entertained the
immense crowd who came and
enjoyed such a pleasant evening.
The ladies of the Library asso
ciation were entertained at the
homo of Pauline Oldham Tuesday
afternoon. A very able paper,
written by Mrs. Melville of Sterl
ing, Neb., was read. The color of
the club was decided upon as be
ing green and gold, and a pink
rose was chosen for the flower.
Refreshments were served to a
large number of the members
J. P. Ciuth, the Omnha archi
tect, was in Murray Tuesday in
conference with the building com
mittee of the new school building.
Mr. (luth is getting out the plans
and specifications for the building
and they will be completed and
sent lo Murray early next week,
when the building will be sTarted
at once. The plans are fine and
Murray will feel proud of the
building when completed.
Uncle ' George Shrader was in
Murray Wednesday, and we were
pleased to take our old friend by
the hand. We told two weeks ago
of Uncle George losing a large
number of hogs from cholera, and
had only one left. And now he
tells us that that one is going to
die. Too bad. We are glad to
see Mr. Shrader get around as
well as he does.
I f any of the readers of tlie
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
tliis vicinity, and will mail
same to this ottice. it will ap
pear under t Ids heading. We
want all news items Euitoic
As a Woman Sees It.
A few of ho points made by
Mrs. .Melville in the paper written
on "Why There Should bo a
Mother on the School Hoard:"
( I i Tho view point of a woman
is different from a man's, so in
interest, of the child, women as
well as men are needed on the
school board. ( J' Heeauso moth
er interest is needed in the man
agemenl of 'ho affairs of Ihe
school. (.! Women more oflen
have tho necessary time o visit
the schools and do tin1 required
work for the best interest of Ihe
school. ( 5 ' The housekeeping
end of school management is of
vital interest to a mother, .-uch
as sanitation, heating, lighting
and ventilation. (.V A woman
on the school board can do much
lo brim:- about a closer co-operation
between patron and the
school. (' r ' Then more than half
of the scholars are -'irls and
about seven-tenths of our in
structing force are women. Thorr
needs to be someone on the school
board who understands the wom
an's side of the problems to pre
sent theni properly. ' Ther
should be someone on the board
lo whom the teachers may
with freedom and talk over Ihe
affairs which they could not talk
of so freely wilh men and who
would understand the girl nature
better than men. ('7 Xalhaniel
Butler of the Chicago university
has said 'T should go so far as lo
feel that no board of education
was properly coii-t it ut ed thai did
not nave m its mcmhorship one
or more of the mothers of the
community." Mr. Delell. th
state superintenlent. says: '"My
experience has been that women
make very ei'irient members on a
school board."
A woman is ineligible Jo vote.
even at a school election, unb
she is a mother and pays taxes.
Harmony should prevail in its
entirety among the parents who
are interested in the construction
of the new school room. Tho
members of Ihe school board wh
started the new building proposi
tion should bo left alone until the
building is completed and ready
for use.
Genial Hilly Hamilton wa:
visiting in Plattsmouth Friday
He has many friends in that cilv
who are always glad to see him
Fee Oldham was visiting his
brother, George Oldham, and sis
tor, Mrs. Dora Moore, in Plat Is
mouth Saturday. He also took
advantage of the opportunity ti
I -1 1 numerous omer lriends in
the city.
Mrs. H. D. Churchill of Kim-
herly, Idaho, came in Thursday t
spend the summer wilh Murray
and Plattsmouth relatives. Mrs
Churchill is a sister of Mrs. W. S
Holmes, Mrs. C. A. Hawls am
James Holmes.
Members of the M. W. A. art
hereby notified to attend a meet
ing of the oider in Murrav on
Saturday night, '-Juno lS. All
members are urgently reipiesled
to be present as there are new
candiales to initiate and other
important business to transact.
Mrs. W. S. Smith and Mrs. Ozro
Virgin entertained the Missionary
society at the home of the latter
Saturday afternoon. A very pleas
ant afternoon was spent and those
present tendered Mesdames Smith
and Virgin a vole of thanks for
the royal manner in which they
were entertained.
Mrs. Sherlev ami two youngest
children of Lincoln came down
last Thursday to assist hoi
brother, H. A. Hoot, in putting up
cherries, and also to enjoy a visit.
Mr. Roofs trees were tilled to
overflowing wilh some of the
largest and finest cherries we
have seen this season.
If the present school directors
building will progress nicely. The
building yill progress nicely. The
present directory is composed of
gentlemen who are hustlers, and
will constantly have their eyes on
the work until the entire building
is completed and ready for use.
Could others do more?
Dr. H. V. Hrendel and bis
brother, Dr. J. F. Hrendel, who is
visiting here from Zionsville, Ta.,
boarded the train here Wednesday
for Avoca, to spend the day wilh
Dr. Will Hrendel, returning home
in the evening via Nehawka, at.
which place they were met by Dr.
J. F. Hrendel, jr., and brought
homo in the auto.
The illustrious Lincoln once
said, "Don't swap horses in the
middle of a stream." This maxim
holds good regarding the hi-ih
school building committee. This
committee has gone through some
diliicult problems in the financing
and plans of construction of our
new school building. There are
more diliicult ipieslions to moot.
One experienced in finance must
be retained upon this board; we
cannot afford to break tile work
ing harmony of the commit ' eo.
F.aeh member is familiar with lii
details of all concerning the con
struction of this building. The
financial section of the committee
has been the nio( strenuous part
to till. There are diliicult situa
tions yet to bo met. Tho writing
of a check for the new school
building is a purile consideration
of the question. A mother on the
choid board is an ideal one. Xo
one muld oppose her at any other
time. Wo are all in favor of the
principles inculcated in the doc
trine of eipial sulTrage and Hi1
clowning- sheaf in the hnrve-t of
political principles will be when
woman's voice in the ail'airs of
this great republic is weighed in
Ihe balance wilh that of man's.
This is not a political issue. Ii
is a good place to use common
reason. Ask one of the building
commiflee and you will find that
they will oppo-e having il- order
Rev. Ililchman, pastor of Ihe
United Presbyterian church in
ihi- village, has presented his
resignation. And there are
rumors that the reverend gentle
man conteinplalos stopping into
double blessedne-s. We don't
pretend to s;v ho v.- much truth
(lu re is in the rumor.
A bright little boy of standard
weight made his advent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwighl
Ser ice. east of Union. (.n Mon
day. Juno -J2. The parents are
very proud of Ihe little fellow.
A surpri-e party wa- given at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fngelkonieir last Sunday in honor
or the lalter's birthday anuier
sary. Mi-s I.eona Durr of Xebraska
City spent Saturday and Sunday
with Mi-s I. aura Puis.
A line barn dance was given at
the Sehaefer brothers farm Satur
day ni-hf. A large crowd was in
at I einlauce.
George. Philip and Fred Ilild.
I.ouie Puis ami George Meisinger
made a business trip lo Lincoln
School meeting Monday night.
Please attend. That means all of
Julius Kngolkomeir is the own
er or a brand new Maxwell auto
mobile. He pureha-ed it through
the agency of Herl Philpof.
For Sale or Rent.
The Herger cottage, consisting
of 0 rooms, and elegantly located
in Murray, is for sale or rent.
For particulars call at the Herder
Colts for Sate.
X'ice pair of 2-year-obl bay
mare colts for sal.e They are
good. Come and see them.
J. M. Holmes, Murray, Xeb.
For Sale.
Two-cylinder Auburn auto, in
fine running order, (food car foi
the money. Will consider some
J. M. Holmes, Murray, Xeb.
of The Plattsmouth Journal,
published Daily and Semi-Weekly
at Plattsmouth, Xeb., required
by the Act of August 21,
Editor, M. A. Hates, Platts
mouth, Neb.
Managing Editor, R. A. Hates,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Husiness Manager, R. A. Bates,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Publisher, R. A. Hates, Platts
mouth. Neb.
Average number of copies of
each issue of this publication
sold or distributed, through the
mails or otherwise, to paid sub
scribers during the six months
preceding the date of this state
ment: Daily 810
Semi-Weekly 1,G00
R. A. HATES, Owner.
Sworn to and subscribed be
fore me this 13lh day of June,
Notary Public.
(My commission expires Feb
ruary 13, 1919.)
if You Contemplate
essence, earn
Oilier Outbuildings
Get an Estimate on Lumber and
worth while to leave you money
We arc here to Please our Patrons
.... Both in Prices and Quality ....
u he mnvrav
F V I IP I i Ml i ii Mill II
The many friends in this ciiv of
C. W. or Walt llalnn-s, as he is
itffli'r knowa 1 1 i in th old
hi'MM". wiil b" pbsiscd o learn of
his advancement, in Ihe pulifical
world at Linndn. having been ap
pointed register of d-''ds for Lan
caster county. Wall is a bright and
talented gentleman and his ap
pointment will give that, county a
-pieimid oilicial. The slate Jour
nal has t'ie following lo say in re
gard to file appointment :
r.harles W. !!o;n!es of Have
lock was Monday morning ap
pointed re-iler of deeds lo (ill the
unexpired? term of William M.
".Union, d'-ceased. Mr. Holmes
has been a deputy in the oilice
-ince the beginnimr of the lerm of
Mr. C.lintou. and while a native of
Plattsmouth, has been a reidenl
of Lancaster" county since the
establishment of the Hurlhr-ton
-hops at llaveloek. He is a gradu
ate of Ihe plattsmouth High
school and was formerly in busi
ness in that cily. Mr. Holmes has
always been aelive in republican
P'dili'-s. and in the olden days
frequently headed the llaveloek
delegates to county convent ios.
He slated after his appointment
Monday morning that he would
nof be a candidate for election.
He has no yet appointed a second
Cures Stubborn, Itchy Skin
"I coulil scratch myself to
pieces," is oflen heard from suf
ferers of Eczema, Tetter, Itch and
similar Skin Eruptions. Don't
Scratch Slop the Itching at
once with Dr. Hobson's Eczema
Ointment. Its first, application
starts healing; Ihe Red, Rough,
Scaly, Itching Skin is soothed by
the Healing and Cooling Medi
cines. Mrs. C. A. Eiufehlt, Rock
Island, 111., after using Dr. Hob
son's Eczema Ointment, writes:
"This is the first time in nine
years I have been free from the
dreadful ailment." Ounranf ccd.
50c, at your Druggist.
Fruits, Fresh and Canned Meats, Canned
Goods, and a general line of
such Goods
We arc here for patronage, and our
effort will be to please our patrons. A
liberal share of patronage is solicited.
Market Prices paid for i hitter, Ejrgs,
l'uultry and all kinds of produce.
Come in and Sec Us
W. S. SMITH, ::
Building a I
Building Material at THE
and see if we don't make it
at home.
mm 00 HENCE
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning fhe court of
Jude M. Archer- yas liibd with a
number of Ihe genuine "hoboe"
who had been rounded up by Hie
police charged with h.iing been
found in a slate of vagrancy ami
also bearing loo heavy a load of
.joy water lhal made jf necessary
for fhe peace of fhe community
lo confine theni in the cily lockup
until Ibis morning". The three
men gave their names as r.harles
loi Ion. Roy Turner ami Ld Wicks.
a::d staled tln-y were traveling"
iivt the country without any
part ic ulrir df f inat ion in view, and
Ihe judge decided lo assist fheui
in t hei r .journey by g ivin:.r t hem I ."i
minutes lo beat i! from Ihe cily
limits. II is unnecessary to slaie
lhaf they los! no time in making
I henis'd es scarce.
Former Cass County !VIan Here.
From Tuesday's Pallv.
Miles Standish. one of the
former ('ass county gentlemen
who have located in Oarneft, Kan
sas, came up yesterday morning
from his southern home o visit
for a time among- the old friends
in Cass county. He js visiting
near Murray wilh his daughler,
Mrs. A. J. Ilansell. for a few days,
and I hen expects to leave for Nor
ton. Kansas, for a visit wilh his
son, Ivor Standish. near that
jdace. He reports Mrs Siandish
very much improved in heallh
and that Ihe prospects are for ex
cellent crops in Ihejr section if
I he count ry.
Do ycu know that the Journal
office carries the finest line of
stationery In tho cfty?
Well Digging and Stump Pulling.
I am prepared to do slump
pulling- on contract and also fo
dig wells, and solicit work in fhis
line. Satisfaction guaranteed in
every instance. T. H. Smilh.
Marshall, Dentist, Coates Block.
Murray, Nebraska