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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1914)
THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, PAGE E. Make Your Wants Known If You Have Anything for Sale, Rent or Want to Buy or Want Help, a Little Ad Will Do the Work. Advrrisemeiits under this liadinr. Five Cents ikt lint-. f-aCu iiiM'rtion. No advertle nit'iit tiikori for less than 1 en CVnts. Ads will be figured at six words to the line. FOR SALE A number of good Hampshire spring boar pigs, at 10 each if taken at once. C. li. Todd, Plattsniouth, Neb. f-l5-4tw POK SALE The G. F. Switzer quarter, three miles southwest of Nehawka. For particulars see or write Henry M. Pollard, Nehawka, Nebraska. Poli SALE-Fine Holstein bull calf, eligible to registry. About two weeks old. Mrs. J. 1'. Tritsch, Platts mouth. Neb. COl SALE Nice pair of two-year- old bay mare colts: they are good. Come and see them. J. M. Holmes, Murray, Nebr. Z4OH SALE Two-cylinder Auburn Auto, in line running order. Good car for the money. Will consider some trade. J. M. Holmes, Murray, Neb. T?OK SALE Farm ef 121 acres, 5,'2' miles northeast of Union. 14 acres hay land. '20 acres pasture timber, rest in cultivation: well improved. Price right if taken soon. Address Miss Etta Nickels, Murray. Nebr. pOll SALE Improved 80-acrc farm, lr miles north of Nehawka, Neb., Good orchard: buildings all painted and in pood repair. Every foot of ground is tillable. Write or see owner, Otto Schacht. Nehasvka, Neb. t'dS-Gtw pOU SALE Oil RENT The Bcrger cottage, consisting of 6 rooms, and elegantly located in Murray. For particulars call at the Uerger hotel. T?OU RENT Farm. Inquire of S. O. Cole, Mynard, Neb. fi-S.lmo-v WANTED A married man, with out children, to work on farm. $40 per month: house furnished: steady job. Must have good reference. II. W. Seeger, Glenwood. Iowa. 6-lS-2tw IF;YoU WANT Your well cleaned call on W. II. Barr. titdtw NOR SALE Good Deering binder, almost new. cheap. Chas Schwab. FOR SALE Beautiful Shetland po nies at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra line stallion, the lcst in the state, for sale Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Gilmour, Plattsniouth, Nebr., R. F. D. No. 1. The chorus of raindrops com posed of tiny boys, and the chorus of sunbeams composed of tiny girls, will be strong features of the operetta at the Parmele on Tuesday evening. Come see the little folks perform. Best result? are secured by ad vertising in the Journal. Always Lead to Better Health. Serious ?ickiie? start in dis orders of (ho stomach, liver and kidneys. The best corrective and preventive is Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. They Purify the Blood pi-event Constipation, keep Liver, Kidneys and Bowels in healthy condition. Give you better health by ridding- the system of fer menting and gassy foods. Fffeet- and mild. 25c, at your Drug- jve :ist. StaO of Ntl.raska. County of Cass. IJv virtue ..I an or.i. r ..f s-nle issued ! .lames Koi.ertson. clerk of the district '..urt. witliin ami for Cass county, .Ne-l.ia-ka a tul to me directed. 1 will on tlie :17th !av of July, A. Ik l&H. at 10 .. i lo. k a. t:i. of said day at Hie soutli d.xr of the court house in said county, pell at puHic auction to the lushest likhler fur cash the following property, i. .-wit: Fractional lot No. One Jlun nvil Twelve (11 in Section Nineteen i lit i in Township Twelve ii2t north, in l:an'se 1'otirtecn (14t, Kast of the 6th j m The same beinar levied upon and taken as t he property of VV. S. I'.rittain, v ! .. real name is Walter S. I'.rittain; VV W. Windham, whose real name is Wade YV. Windham; Minnie Windham. William I.. Huike, Julia Uurke and Kot.ert I!. Windham, .Jr.. defendants, to satis-fv a judgment of said court recov ered 'liv the I'laltsmoiith Loan and Jtiiiidins .Association, a corporation, plaint it:', against said !efendants. I'lattsmouth, Neb., .June ;, A. P. 1914. C. P. QflNTON. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. IN Till-: lUSTKICT CO I I IT K TIIK ( til M l OK CtSS tultlt ASKA. In Ke-Kstule of Delilah Schwab, De ceased. VOTHK OF iAI.M Notice is hereby Riven that in pur-Fiiatit-t: of an order of Hon. James T. j:.-i?Iey, Judsre of the District Court of i'ii.-s Countv, Nebraska, made on the lirst day of June. A. D. 1914. for the ale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at the south hunt door of the Court House, at J 'iattsmotith, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 1st day of August. A. P. 1014. at It-it o'clock a. m., at public vendue to the hiKliest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: I,ot eight (S), in the Northeast quar ter INK1,) of the Northwest ouarter l.N'W4i; lot fifteen (IT.), in the South east quarter SK', I of the Northwest quarter (XW41; lot twelve tl-. in th" Northwest quarter (NWV) of the Sou tli west quarter (SW'i: lot eleven 4 1 in the Southwest quarter (SWUl of the Southwest quarter (SW,4). and 1 lie Kast half i ll- t of the Southwest quarter (SW1;). all of Section twenty- irht C'i. in Township eleven Mil North. Iian;p fourteen (14), Kast th 1". M.. in tl:e County of Cass, Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. Paled this rOth day of June, A. P. 1S14. CJIAKI.KS H. SrinVAIl, executor- of the la-st will and tfjiamoiit ef. Delilah Schwab, deceased IiAYVXS &. ItOCKKTSON. Attorneys. 6-22-owks Alvo Notes Aley T. Kiles went to Murdock Friday. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was in Lin coln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Buyles were in Lincoln Tuesday, A. I. Bird and family spent Sun day with his mother. Mrs. Liza Craig went to Omaha Wednesday to visit her daughter Dell Tyson went to South Bend Monday. Fd Evans and Elmer Barrett went to Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Murley went to Lincoln. Jo'hn Murtey shipped stock on Monday night. Harry Pursell was in Lincoln on business Tuesday. Miss Belle Foreman is attend ing summer school at University Place. C. R. Jordan returned Tuesday morning from Palttsmouth, where he had been on county business. Mrs. V. S. Jordan and daugh ters were Lincoln visitors Thurs day. G. C. Bucknell, wife and daugh ter were Murdock visitors Satur day. George Bucknell of Sterling visited Saturday night and Sun day with home folks. Edit'U- Blessing of the Elmwood Leader-Echo was in Alvo last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Evans went to Omaha Wednesday to attend a wedding. It. L. Bossard of Lincoln is in troducing Wearever aluminum here this yeek. Miss Grayce Elli'dt vi-tted Wednesday with Miss Marie I'routy. Misses Alma Godbey and Marie Prouty were Sunday guests at the h'-me of Miss Nila Slulb-n. C. F. Edwards and family autoed to Wyoming. Neb.. Sunday to visit relat ives. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was visiting her cousin. Miss Eula Wearer, at 8uth Bend Thursday. Fied Wearer of South Bend visited Sunday and Monday with J. A. Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I'routy visited Sunday with Ed. Dalton, near Rokeby. Morgan Maher of Humbolt, Kas., is visiting his sister. Mrs. Dan McCurdy, and other relatives. Bert Crewdson and family of llavelock spent Wednesday with his sister, Mrs. E. Harlan. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Ellison visited Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Knott. Automobile repairs and auto mobiles repaired at Slroemer's automobile agency. Mrs. Lola Shefferf, who has been very ill for several weeks, is improving nicely at this writ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Toland visited from Saturday till Monday with Mr. Toland's brother, Lou, and family. Mrs. Muir of Milford, Neb., carne in Thursday to visit her son, in-. Leonard Muir and fam ily, a few days. She returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Sluthejf of Lincoln returned home with Mrs. H. Moore Friday, remaining until Sunday evening. Mr. Stutheit came down Sunday morning. Miss Grayce Elliott gave a house party last week to her sis ter. Miss Ruth, and the Misses Pearl Weichel and Emma King of Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bates of the Platlsmouth Journal and Mr. and Mrs. MrDonagh were Alvo visitors Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Uplegrove left Thursday for Wellsville, Mo., to visit relatives. They expect to visit several other places before returning. Misses Marie Stroemer and Grayce Bucknell left Monday for Brock, Nob., to attend the district Epworlh League convention being held there this week. Lars Chris Hansen, north of Alvo, died in Lincoln June 22, aged f8 years. He was buried at I lie Greenwood cemetery- Tuesday. June 23. Mr. Hanson in early days was a blacksmith at this place. J. V. Cochran left Sunday for a two weeks vacation, to be spent in Denver, Colo., Kansas City, Kas., and his old home at River ton, la. Mr. Mathis is taking Mr. Cochran's place during his ab sence. Mrs. Albert Ben ling and three children - and nieec, Miss Eva New-sham of Cereseo, Neb., came in Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Albert Myers and family. They returned home on Monday evening. Miss Marie Appleman returned home from Lincoln Thursday morning, accompanied by her friends, the Misses Helen Kirk- patrick and Margaret Tourtelote, and Mr. Farley Young, who visited with her until Sunday evening. Alvo grain market opened Mon- morning at GTe July delivery, (HU: August, and CSc lor July 20, with the result of about 7o,Mi0 bushels being sold to date. With harvest just beginning-, with an expected yield of twenty to thirty bushels per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan of Val paraiso, Neb., who have been visiting their son, Elmer, and family, and daughter, Mrs. J. W Hanks and family, for several days, left Wednesday for their home. They were accompanied by Mr. Hanks and daughter of eastern Kentucky, who have been visiting the former's son, J. W. Hanks and family, for some time, for a few days visit. Mrs. Elmer Harlan accompanied the party to Lincoln. On Tuesday evening of this week the X. L. class of the Metho dist Episcopal Sunday school tendered a very pleasant surprise and farewell reception to Mr. and Mrs. Arion Baldwin, who are soon to move away. Ice cream and cake was served and several amusiuir panics were played. The clas regrets very much to give Mr. Baldwin up as their teacher, and one whose untiring zeal anu in fluence will be greatly felts"" Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin are very highly esteemed in church and Sundav school work and social circles a- well, and will be greatly missed by their many friends. MURDOCK. v (Special Correspondent.) - Eniet Fight master was in Oma ha Monday. Gertrude Schatto is visiting her father and friends this week. Mrs. George Nicklas returned to her home in Omaha Saturday. Mrs. F. ( . Beall and Francis are visiting Frank lb all and family. Leonard Schaf'er was v isit intr his brother a few days laL week. Mrs. Lyda Lawton was visiting her sisters in Lincoln a few days last week. Edna Joehanseu i on the sick lit this week. Hopes are she will be able to be up and around auain. Anna Anigwert was visiting relatives and friends a few days last week. Mrs. Ed Taylor and little son. Veron. were visiting the former's parents a few days la-4 week. Martha Branehle, who has been visiting in Milford and Hastings, returned Tuesday on No. 1 . A number of our residences are getting new coats of paint. They sure look fine. The rest follow suit. Mrs. f. y. McDonald and Irene and Bryan returned Tuesday from their visit with the former's mother at Sfratton. Jessie Rush had the misfortune of scaldin-' both her feet with boiling water last Sunday nitilit. but she is under Dr. I. D. Jones" care and she will be able to get around in a short time. PICKARD APPEARS IN COURT Burnt Detective's Hearing, However Postponed Till July 7. Omaha, June 24. Inability of attor neys to appear caused a postponement of the preliminary hearing In Justice Britt's court of F. M. Pichard. Burns detective, charged with attempted brib ery, and consequently of the sensa tional revelations promised when Pick ard takes the witness stand in his own behalf. Pickard appeared in court in accord ance with the terms of his lond and his hearing was set for July 7. Pickard adhered to his foimer state ment that when he takes the witness stand he will tell the whole truth, let it hurt whom it may. It is said that local rolice officials already have knowledge of a considerable part of the evidence which Pickard will pre sent and that it is of highly sensa tional character. Bucklen.'s Arnica Salve for All Hurts. Coughs and Colds Weaken the System. Continued Coughs, Colds and Bronchial troubles are deperss ing and weaken the system. Loss of weight and appetite generally follow. Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery today. It will stop your cough. The first dose helps. The best medicine for Stubborn Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Mr. O. II. Brown, Muscatine, Ala., writes: "My wife was sick dur ing the hot summer months and I honestly believe Dr. King's New Discovery saved her life.". Good for children. 50c and 61.00, at your Druggist. Local Eews From Tuesday's Paily. Miss Katie Hess was a visitor in the metropolis today, going to that city on the early Burlington train. Mrs. C. L. Jean and Will Jean were passengers this morning for Omaha to visit Mrs. Will Jean at the hospital. Henry Robert lb-mM departed this afternoon for Lincoln, where he will visit, for a few days at the home of his uncle, J. E. Herold and family. Mrs. Guy McMacken was a pas senger this afternoon for Omaha. where she will visit for a few- hours with friends. John Kraeger of near Moray, was in the city today for a few- hours looking after some business matters in the court house. J. F. Clu-ev was a business vis itor in the metropolis to. lay for a few hours going to that city on the early Burlington train. Mrs. Wm. Kivitf. of near Cedar Creek, was among tho. journey ing to Omaha this morning going on the early Burlington train. Attorney C. A. Raw N was a pas senger this afternoon for Oma ha, where he was called to look af ter some business matters for a few hours. Mi'ss Ilattie Hoffman was a pas senger fliis morning lot- Omaha. where she will visit for the day looking after some matters of lusiness. Miss Nellie W.-stb-y. of Brain- nrd. Nebraska. departed lnis morning for her home after a vis it here with friends and relatives in this city. Mrs. E. B. Egenber-ger was a passenger tins morning inp imu.i- ha where she expects to meet he?" n Henry, who is reiurning from Iowa City. Iowa, where he has been attending school. C. V. Staafs came i i last even ing from Lincoln, where he has been attending school of music at the Unversity school of music and win visit nere on- a lime wuu in parents, Mr. and Mrs. George K. Staafs. Mrs. William If. il. Mrs. L. II. Heil and Miss Anna llei! came in this morning from their farm home and were among the visit ors in the metropolis, going on the early Burlington train this morning. G. M. Mark, wife and two daughters motored to this city this morning from their home near Nehawka. and were passen gers on the early Burlington train for Omaha fo spend the day in that city. If had been their in tention fo motor to Omaha but they feared the roads were md in the best of shape and according ly traveled via the Burlington. 1. W. Foster came up this morning- from his home in Union fo visit for a few hours here look ing after some matters of busi ness and to spend a short time with his daughter. County Super intendent. Miss Mary E. Foser. Mrs. Joseph Fetzer and sister, Hrs. E. H. Heitzhausen, of Port land, Oregon, were passenger this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day looking after sonic business matters. Mrs. D. W. Churchill of Kimb erly, Idaho, accompanied by Inn father, A. M. Holmes, or Murray, departed this morning on No. (" for Chicago, where they will visit relatives in that city. Mrs. Wm. Partridge, of near Weeping Water, departed this morning for Omaha to attend to some matters of business, having driven up from her home this morning lo this city. Hot Weather Tonic -and Health Builder. Are you run down Nervous Tired? Is everything you do an effort? You are not lazy you are sick! Your Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and whole system need a Tonic. A Tonic and Health Builder to drive out the waste matter build you up and renew your strength. Nothing better than Electric Bitters. Start to day. Mrs. James Duncan, Hay npsville, Me., writes: '"Com pletely cured me after several doctors gave me up." 50c and $1.00, at your Druggist. WVT- LOU1SV1LLE. Mrs. Edward Sprieck of Stan ton. Neb., is visiting relatives in Cass county. Born, Friday, June to Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. -lied, near Cedar Creek, a girl. '"Uncle"' George Srhoeman was up from I'lattsmouth the fore part of the week visiting relatives. James slander was at Omaha Tuesday, ordering material for the new span on the river wa-'on bridge. We are sorry to report the ill ness of Mrs. J. P. Wood, who has been bedfast for over a week, but who, ;it the last report, was some what better. Mrs. John Goiibr and three children of Plattsniouth pas.-, through town 1 a -1 Saturday, oi their way ! Weeping Water to visit relatives. Mrs. W. C Frampton and her! danphter. Miss Eleanor, of Lin-, coin, left Sundav for Cleveland.! ).. where Mrs. Frampton goe to play ai a .National x.nner I'laver- congress. Thev evoect to be gone two weeks and will visit Niagaras Falls and other poinN of interest in the east. 'I he many friends of Mrs. Clar ence Aekles will be pleased to learn that she is recovering nicely from an operation which she un derwent recently in the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha, ami she will be able fo return home in the near future, she was given a postal card shower last Monday and she was delighted to ln remembered in this manner u it was a com plete surprise to her. The Rey. G. Jung of Tavlor, Tex., who. willi his wife, has been making an extended visit, in Ne braska, will leave m-xt week for home. The Rev. Jung was a caller at the Courier olhie Monday and stated that he expects fo return to Nebraska before bng. on ac corjnt of his wife's health, which has been very poor in the south. Re is expecting a call north and when it coin- he savs he will lose no t i !iu in r urning as they (b !lo like the clinUlt. trv in Texas. nor the conn- NEHAWKA. . George Ingwerson brought Iwo pigs fo town Monday that weighed ' J I' ( pounds. Mrs. Charles Hansen and little daughter are home from an ex tended visit with relatives in Waiisa. George Switzer left Wednesday for Glenwood Springs, Colo., where he will spend the summer with his son. Harry, and family. William Tucker left Tuesday for Alva, okla., where he will spend the next several weeks looking after his wheat crop and visit ing his son. Among the three carloads of baby beef shipped by Sheldon and Dn CI is. Wednesday, were two calves a few days over a year old that weighed 1.020 pounds each. The recent hard rains have done considerable damage to crops. Corn especially has been washed badly. Some fields were replanted the second time, and were taken out worse than even bv the rain Friday night. Those who have eanva ti.. T M HI' : situation say there will be no trouble in raising enough money lo make a go of the new hall proposition. Nehawka may have her faults, but when people get together on anything they put it through. Mr. and Mrs. Chrisvvisser were here Monday from plattsniouth. They brought Zupha to the latter place Saturday and will not be aide fo bring her on home for sev eral weeks. She is recovering solvvly from the effects of her operation a month ago. Jesse Farris, who with his wife was running the boarding house for E. M. Pollard, returned Tues day morning from Kansas City, w here he had followed Mrs. Farris Saturday night, suspecting she had gone there to join a former employee who lost his jobseveraI week ago. Mr. Farris found his fears realized, and when he left Kansas City the guilty pair were in Hie county jail with a serious charge facing them. Bucklen's Cuts. . Arnica 4?alve for CHICHESTER S PILLS THE 1IAMWNI BRAND. y 4 lil-cbco-tcr Diamond ItrndV I'ilis in Krd nd t.old nrtjlhcVVV !r. sc-iicl vith;c lliDbon. Toko no othrr. I'nr '?OTr lruert- Ask-((jr llI. lfE(s.TEB S lUAilONI lifiAVW FII.Lf. for lii year knawnu hcU Safest. A! wv KeiiaOa SOLD BV CRIGGISTS EVERYWHERE 9 mm m EAGLE. Beacon. Miss Ruth Ashwoi th of Lincoln is visiting relatives and friends in and near Eagle. The residence occupied by R. J. Mick was wired for electric lights the fore part of the week. Henry Rentier came up from Wyoming, Neb., Saturday, and visited over Sunday with home folks. .J, S. Dy-art is the proud owner of a new live-passenger F touring car, -uhirh he purcha 1 ed .. i from the Palmyra Auto company last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rbnga and baby motored up from Weeping Wafer Thursday and spent the day at Far .lohn Adams home. The Rev. A. J. Gumni arrived in town Tuesday morning from Bubie, t ives. arrive Jac!, Ida., for a visit with rela Mrs. Gumni expects to i;i a few dav s. I.vei; and family and Mr. j and Mrs. 11. Ya nan 1 ing ha m ; motored ! Thur-da v Broken Bow fe!'ll,.oU for h relatives. Neb.. a few a i wi days visit R. A. McClanahan and, family of Fairbury. Neb., and Mesdames Mollie and Mary Blount of Den ver, Colo., arrived Monday for a few days visit at the home of Mrs. M. E. Brantner. They left here Wednesday afternoon for Platls mouth. where they ill visit rela tives a few days before returning home. Ivan Burdick, Yoris Zinkon and Wes and Lester Wakh drove to Greenwood Tuesday last week, where they launched a row boat on Salf creek at -i o'clock on a fishing expedition. They rowed to Ashland, where they struck the Plalte liver, and then on lo Plattsniouth fo the Missouri river, and then on down to Nebraska City, reaching there Friday after norm. The water was deep and muddy and the fish were scarce, so they sold their boat and re turned home on the train. How ever, they report a good time. WEEPING WATER. Republican. Miss Mildred Day of Elyria, O., arrived Tuesday for a week's visit with her cousin, Frank Day, and wife. Mrs. Emma Lathrop, with her son and daughter, of Chanutc, Kas., arrived last, week to v isit her father, Art Carmichael. Mrs. E. C. Carrick of SrotlsbluiT arrived here last Thursday for a month's visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kennedy. Miss Grace Teegarden went to Crete Saturday to spend a week with her friend. Miss Frances Benton, and attend the Doane commencement. George Switzer of Nehawka passed through on the 10:10 train Wednesday ': route to Glenwood Springs, Colo., to spend the sum mer with bis son, Harry. Mrs. clierrie Johnson and sons. Harvey -and Claire, of Herman. Neb., are visiting- since the lirst of the week at the home of Mrs. Johnson's parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Butler. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Fleming, who has i.,.,,,. ; i w-. 1 1 ; 1 1 u-ii ii i.n,..o,i.,n ;! I I" 1 !1 O II I' HIH ill OH 'll4iw-wi.; V fever the last two weeks, is decid- J"' edlv improved so that the nui-ej Dick Chrisvvisser of the vicinity Miss Carslen of Omaha, was dis-j'f -N"ka was m town last Fi . charged Tuesday and returned tn!'J:lv' -luting lo Ihirlmgton Junc- , , ... . i m i li o; o ' . Jessie lavis was in Omaha on Monday and Tuesday with his son, Fit d. who has been in the hospital eight weeks, and limilly on Tuesday had his right leg am putated at the knee .joint. He stood the operation fine and at last reports was doing nicely. While Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mills were visiting recently in Wyom ing. .Mr. Mills made the acquant anee of a railroad superintendent who informed him that. Weeping Water had sent out one of the brightest young men that worked on the system. The remarks were regarding Curtis Askew. Be I old Mr. Mills of his promotion and of his faithful work. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the. summer months., Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost when needed and is almost certain to be needed be fore the summer is over. It has no superior for the purposes for which it is intended. Buy it now. For sale by all dealers. I"I,I2'' 4. ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. A. John Hoover shipped two c; r- loads of hogs to Nebraska (My this week. Professor and Mrs. Slothov. r returned Friday evening fr in Litchfield, Neb., where they had been visiting Mrs. Slothower's brot hers. Airs. Capwell, who has be-n living in Lincoln the past car, has moved into the William Min i- i . i i :ll -f l i i e-r nou.e anu win iiiukc iimwo u 'her home in the future. ! ... J i lend in the city have received cards announcing the birth of a son on June (" to Mr. and Mis. Gavlonl of Kansas City. M-s. Gavlord was formerly Miss Ber tha Grines. Miss oladys Turner underwent an operation for appendicitis lat Saturday. She is improving-at tae present time and it will be onl a sle i t time until she will have e:i 1 1 1 '-iy recovered. I he case of Lincoln Telephone Co. s. Charles Otiinn, which was fried i:i Justice Neihail's court a few weeks ago, has been traa scripieij to the di;drict court. It will be remembered that the ca-e was won in the justice's court by the company. Joe Capwell and Harry Leber, who have been attending the lrvv school at the state university, have been admitted to the b; r. They have not decided yet just where they will locate fo practi . their profession, but they evp' t to work in Omaha this summer. Miss Marguerite Julch and Mr. Fred Kahle were united in nuv riage Thursday at Lincoln. Mi-s Julch is well known here and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pel -r Julch of this place. Mr. Kah lives near Kearney, Neb., ai d owns a large ranch. After sev eral days visit here I hey left for their new home at Kearney. There will be special equipnie-it on the Missouri Pacific to accom modate those who wish lo atfe: d the Fourth of July celebrtl i tt here. Traveling Passenger Age it Tom Hughes of the Missouri Pa cific says that the company vv 11 put on three or four specials !o accommodate all on the line fro n Lincoln to Union. This is a splendid idea for if will accom modate all who desire to eelebrr'e here and we expect that there w II be a large crowd here that day as all reports are to that effect. UNION. Ledger. Mrs. John Dale of Nehawka came Tuesday and was the puc-t of Mrs. William Porter, south of town. Wilbur Chenovveth of Lincoln made several days' visit here wi h his former schoolmates and oth r young friends. Mrsi T. F. Jameson of Weeping Water came last Saturday for a visit til the J. W. Pittnian home, norf hwest of town. Miss Heath, a trained nurse, who had been taking care of t ie family of Fred Young, return d Monday to her home in Omal.a. Charles Durman, win has been spending a few weeks with Ins son, John, near Murray, and other reiai lv in this county, left. Tues ..... - :f;o:i. Mo., to trv ihe mineral waiei !;o:i, baths and treatment for bene'.il of his rheumatic troubles. William M. Tucker of Nehawl-a, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Wesley Maguey, and 1 er daughter, Miss Doris Magmy, changed cars here Tuesday morn ing, starting to Alva, Okla., to make a visit with relatives, aad Mr. Tucker will also look after the farm lands lhat he owns in that part of the stale. Mr. and Mrs. William Mueller went lo Lincoln on the Wedm day afternoon train to be present at the wedding of their son, Ch-r-ence, and Miss drace Dickenson, which look place at the home of Ihe bride's sister, Mrs. Fra ik Herold, at 8 o'clock that evenii g. The newly-weds departed yeli r day morning for their home in Chinook, Mont. Burr & Roach, the Nebraska City contractors, with their i. sistanls, have been working oil Ihe brick walls for A. L. IVckc-'s new building this week, and Ihe west end of the main street i- a busy corner when the workmen and "rail-birds" are all on defy. "Billy" Mueller and C.eorge Ch: p pell officiate as overseers of ihe "rail-bird" visitors, and they are attentive to business.