The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1914.
'Cbc plattsmouth "Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattemouth, N e b r.
Entered at the PostoRioe at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
Tho best teacher is he -l
J- who arouses in his students -J-
the power of thought. !
:o :-
Why delay lliaf tflimr if you in
tend .. i:.'t int. i the game?
I.;i-t we forget what about a
s;.fe and ane Fourth of July?
Yur ins may nut linil ymi out.
-hut 'ii will ne v lose sight of
:o :
Winn a croaker ci'naks hard
limes, tell hitn h- isn't qualitied
j. jud-e of ui"h matters.
l.arire numbers of farmers in
tli.- city Saturday. The rains hae
j t vM'iilc.l many from putting up
tlnir alfalfa.
:o :
I he tuialia I'.i'f don't like it
. i miii'li . hraii-i- tli.- ih'iim-
rati !a!' committee enjoyed a
si.'ii last Salur-
I "Ii.' Niagara Falls mediators
claim tlu-y 1 1 a s.'.' a safe way out
.r Hit- Mi'xii'an dif.iculty. It is
li.' llnir eyesight won't fail
r.hii-au.i i- gctiiug to !. dread
fu!I oId-la-hine.. A man there
a-ks a .lix.t:1.".' because his wife
-iru.k him es, with a i 11 i n -r
M lif .l.'iii' t.-rat s ..f Nebra-ka arc
in a tail- way to get together, if
Hit- i .a in 1-1 ak.'" policy is
manlaim-d at tin1 I'.olumbu- c.n-
llav you t-ut your weeds yet ?
If you hae not. I it now. r the
city will do it ninl rliarui1 it
a-aiu-t th.- properly ;i lax'-s.
Ami we don't
that doie1.
believe you want
Sotne colix iuoiil.'SS New York
reactionary, disguised, perhaps,
as a London physician, has warn
ed Teddy that he must
not talk, under penalty of losing
his ice.
Matt ;eriir' has numerous re
publican friends in Lincoln who
hae declared their intentions of
support int.' him, and they are re
publicans away up in the counsel
of the parly.
i :o:
Senator La l'ollette is credited
with a s h that makes 3"S
printed pages a record that will
stand until the W isconsin states
man shall have had time 1o
gather himself for another for
nsic outburst.
Inxestisa! im shows that the
Christian forces engaged in tin
seeial Halkan wars were just as
ferocious and murderless as thost
commanded bv pauan ollicers
From eery standpoint war is i
sinful occupation.
If Governor Morehead is not
entitled to a renom inal ion, then
there- never was a chief executive
that was. By precedent, and tin
'spendid record he has made en
lilies him to a renominalion. .No
'matter what he may have said in
jrefcrnce to the matter. He slil
.'possessed the right to respond t.
ithe wishes of thousands of hi
friends in various parts of the
This is nice plowing weather,
ami the farmers are happy.
Plattsmouth is doing her usual
amount of improving this season.
:o :
William Rockefeller is aide to
snipathize with Col. Koosevelt in
the loss of his vote.
Perhaps Carrana forgot all
alum! that armisliee while writ
ing his reply to the mediators.
If some of the Mexican slories
are true, a worse fate might befall
Ihi'Tla than to le bottled up.
If you desire to live in one of
the most pelasant and healthy
little cities in America, make
your home in IMal tsmouth.
Many of the automobile factor
ies are running overtime to sup
ply the demand. If that does not
show prosperity we do not know
in which direction to go to find il.
The merchants of this city
agreed to close their places of
business at noon on the Fourth
of .Inly. It is also in order for
llieju to close at (i o'clock each
evening except Saturday and pay
day nights during the heated
The Journal should hae a
representative at the gathering of
.Nebraska newspaper men in Lin
coln, who seem to lie enjoying a
genuine good time. Hut business
will not permit. But we have al
ways believed in business preced
ing pleasure.
President Wilson don't like to
ee the Haunting of the American
lag by tin-horn jingoes who wish
to attract attention to themseh es.
IMieie is a law which makes il a
lony and was an act of congress,
to ue the American Hag for ad
vertising purposes and every
mother's son who uses "Old
(ilorv' for Hie nuriiose should be
:o: -
We do not candidly believe that
IL L. Metcalfe should have enler-
d the race for governor of N
uaska while yet holding a lucra
tive position under the national
administration. It looks a lillle
too much like "hogging," anil we
elieve a large number of the
democrats of Nebraska will look
at it in the same light.
' :o :
i ne m. . .. insurgents nae
returned from tho Toledo conven
lion. While not feeling very well
oer the manner in which they
were treated, they must submit
or withdraw from the order,
which they are verv apt to do
Look how Champ Clark was treat
ed al the Baltimore convention
Me still stands by the democratic
parly, the same as you will do by
the Modern W imen of America
A. M. Morrisey, private secre
tary to Covernor Morehead, in a
speech before the weekly dinner
of the Lancaster county demo
crats last Saturday in Lincoln de
clared for a modification of the
primary law. His remedy was to
hold only county primaries and at
these elect delegates to a state
convention to name candidates
for office. This paper endorsee
w hat Mr. Morrissey . says, am
adds that had .such laws been in
existence from tin; beginning of
the state-wide primary the demo
crats would be in a more har
monious condition today. No one
is able'to successfully deny this
"Down with bosses'" seems to
be the keynote of republicans as
well as democrats.
:o :
Can you name the biggest
booster in Plattsmouth? And can
you name the hardest knocker?
Speak up!
Harry B. JMeharty defending
women! It certainly makes one
who knows him blush away back
of his ears.
Senator Penrose doubtless hopes
that Teddy will also be troubled
with palsy of the right baud until
after November.
: i :
The American husband is a
blessing to womankind, in the
same way thai Mr. Perkins is a
blessing to the bull moose.
: 1 1 :
The McKinley people arc gel
ting a foothold in Iowa, having
purchased the (ilenwood light
plant, which includes a number of
other smaller towns.
We are not "talkins.' through
our hat" when we say that we
believe Will Maupiu is as com
petent for railway commissioner
as any man in the state.
Those who engage in the some
what popular pastime of kicking
a man when he is dow n w ill derhe
satisfaction from the failure of
the Lorimer banks in Chicago.
:o :
The democrats can easily lind
the "path of peace" if the proper
methods are adopted. And the
meeting i f the stale committee
last Saturday furnished the in
itiatory sleps to d the business.
The Journal notes I hat many of
the towns, both large and small,
are adopting the early closing
bonis during the healed season.
The merchants as a rule close at
"i o'clock in the evening. Will
Plattsmouth merchants be an ex
ception to the rule?
Fourth of July one week from
Salurdav. Plal Isncnil It will nd
clebrale, of course, but the boys
will use plenty of firecrackers and
thei- explosives. In the use of
these they .should be verv can-I
ions. Think of this right now
unl keep on thinking about how
easiiv a disastrous lire can ne
. 1 A 1
pre en ted.
Uncle Sam lias built the canal
tnd practically freed the zone of
leadly diseases and made it blos
som as the rose, but at a terrible
sacrifice of life. Nearly -'Jim
workers on the canal died lroni
accidents and fevers between May
1, 1'H) i, ami .March:!!, lfli. The
total was greater than the mortal
ity in the war of 1S1J and the
Mexican war combined, or the
Spanish -America n war.
:o :
The World-Herald, in com
menting Upon the meeting of the
democratic stale central com
mittee in Lincoln last Saturday,
says: "There was harmony al
Lincoln. There was good feeling.
Nobody tried to punish anybody
else. Nobody tried to humilate
anybody else. Nobody tried to
use power to vent grudges and
promote factionalism. All ele
ments mined in to use power
solely to advance I he cause of
democracy and .summon all wil
ling democrats to the banner. So
let it be at Columbus, and the
democratic party of Nebraska can
confidently face its enemies, be
they united or divided, in Novem
Nowadays a bird in the hat is
worth fifteen or twenty in the
Look the slate over as many
times as you please and you can't
find a healthier town than Plalls-
Ireland's yeomanry have been
slow in getting their lands back.
but the Mexican yeomanry will be
If the feminine craze for slit
skirts and other freakish and im
moral gowns continues, the earth
will soon be in danger of depopu
lation. Men's necks are not made
of rubber.
This paper is opposed to (be
removal of Hie state university.
And why? Because it imposes
upon the people of Nebraska
;,H0ooo in unnecessary taxa
tion. Post yourself on the propo
sition, and see if we are not right
about it.
Adlai V.. Stevenson belonged
to the old school of lawyers, of
politicians, of gentlemen. Con
viction counted for more with him
than expediency; parly loyally for
more than the popular demand of
the moment. He never lost touch
with the movement of his times,
as did many of his contemporar
ies, but he never felt it necessary
10 join in that movement unless
11 represent, .! in"s lifelong princi
ples, lie knew nothing of the
modern art of self-ad ert isemenl ;
yet he served his parly and his
country as congressman and vice
president, and served them well.
His long life brought him few dis
appointments and no discredits,
and with his death an epoch as
well as an individual passes from
the stage.
It is certainly ery pleasing for
even an outsider to note that
church people dwell together in
harmony. 'fin's pleasure was
demonstrated Sunday eve when
Itev. Druliiiger and also Hev. Mc
Clusky, one pastor of the Method
it church and the other pastor of
the Presbyterian, were attending
F.pworlh League union services
al the parly. Ile. Druliiiger re
ceived a message from Madison,
Nebraska, asking him to come and
preach the funeral of a late mem
ber of bis congregation at thai
place, and be had t depart im
'niet! iatel . lie soliciled Rev. Mc
Clusky, Presbyterian, who was
not going to hold any ser ices al
his church, to fill his pulpit, llev-McClu-ky
kindly consented to do
so, which he did so much to the
satisfaction of the congregation
f Hie Methodist church. This is
is it should be with all churches
hat are si riving for the same re
ward in I he great hereafter. We
sav that we are glad to see this
ociabilily among the members
and pastors of the churches, be
cause we can remember when
uch friendliness did not exist,
and then, again, it shows good,
common sense upon the part of
the pastors and members of the
churches, that such good feeling
exists among them. May it con
tinue forever and fotevermore.
M he slate lire warden has been
very timely in warning the (owns
against the promiscuous use of
lire explosives on the Fourth of
Julv. It is up to the parents and
ollicers to use caution on this day.
Plattsmouth welcomes new-
i ;n
comers with open arms .um o
be -lad lo hae up-to-date, re
liable and honest people lo locale
here. ,
:o :
Neither faction r the repub
lican parly desires to claim
(ieorge w. Perkins. Then what
is the poor fellow to do?
Isn't it strange thai some
democrats can scratch the ticket
with impunity, and if you talk of
little giant of Cass county.
A great wheat crop is bein
harvested in Kansas the great
est ever and with the gleaming
of Hie golden grain comes the
usual out-pouring of llapdoodle
from the wheat belt.
"lie's nobody's fool" you hear
people remark .sometimes. But
thev are wrong, livery fellow is
somebody's fool some lime.
Can you name the next United
States marshal ia Nebraska? Not
It was a sight to make the judi
cious grieve when, in Omaha's
"Little Italy" Sunday, Harry B.
Flebarly was put. forward by
woman suffragists as the cham
pion of womanhood lo defend il
against such "enemies" as Father
.Joint Williams of St. Barnabas
Lpiscopal church. n that day
Father Williams was celebrating
his seentynintli birthday after
thirty-seven ears of devoted and
unselfish service as rector of the
little church in Omaha with which
his name will be forever identi
fied. We do not know lo how many
women in their hours of sull'er
ing, of aflliclion, of agony, even
of shame, Harry IMebarty has
acted as mentor, consoler and
friend. But we .Jo know that the
number of women whom Father
Williams has thus befriended i
legion, and that no man ever lived
in Omaha more deserving to be
called blest by the women of
Omaha than this same silver
hailed priest.
We are not familiar with the
record and serices of Harry FIe
iiarly as a preacher of the religion
of Jesns Christ, but we stand
ready to hail him as one whose
name .should lead all the rest if
he can show a record, during the.
term of his ministry, more re
plete wilh courage, with simple
sincerity, wilh 1om ami compas
sion and help for all Cod's crea
tures, than is the record of John
Harry JMehaiMy is in many re
spects a likeable, in some respects
a lovable man. lie has his weak
nesses, perhaps, like the rest, of
us, but we do not choose to search
them out merely because he takes
Hie one side or the other of a
public .juestion. He is endowed
with intelligence. He has the gilt
if e!ouence a very real and
rare elotjuence. il siioui.i not ne
neces.-ary for such a man, in the
advocacv of a cause to charge
that a man like Fd P. Smith op-
poses his cause necause ine
brewers" make him do it, or that
a man like J. dm Williams opposes
it because the rich men oi un
church of Falkland "loree the
ministry io oppose an piaus joi
..I! . 1 f ...
the advancement ol humanity.
Such talk is the veriest rot and
twaddle. No one knows it better'
than Harry Flebarly knows it in
his calmer moments. We have a
very distinct notion, indeed, that
then' aren't brewers enough in all
Christendom to make up Fd P.
Siniih's mind for bun, nor rich
men enougn, wuu an men i n ie s
i ii
and influence combined, to slop
John Williams from giving all the
powers of his mind and heart and
bodv to the cause of humanity as
be has done through all the years
of a life that lias been rich in
service as poor in uoiiais.
it .
Mr. JMeliarly's way is not the
tight way, we say it in all friend
liness, to conduct the light for
r - i I. 'I'l .
w oman sun rage in .enrasKa. j ue
(inestion is big enough to be dis
cussed on its merits. If it is lo
prevail it must be worthy to pre
vail on its merit's. Nothing will
be gained by unfounded and un
charitable attacks on the char
acters and motives of those who
oppose il and who publicly give
their reasons for opposing il.
Especially will nothing be gained
when the attacks take the form
of an impugnment of the intel
lectual integrity of a citizen like
j:d P. Smith or an impeachment
or the honor and sincerity of such
a friend of man and loyal servant
or Cod as Father Williams.
:o: :
One-half of Hie newspapers of
the country thai advocate suf
frage in their papers in their
Invn minds do not believe in it, but
thev think it will make them mi-
popular to io oinerwise. j nat s
what we call cowardice or deceit-
M t I 'I'l. - II
fulness. The independent editor
who speaks his mind freely on all
questions is the man for the peo
Have the Good Points of all Binders Combined, with the
faults Improved or eliminated.
The JOHN DEERE BINDER has 23 special features that
make it worth while investigating before purchasing any other
make. Be vonr own judge, and do not permit any salesman to
tell you that the JOHN DEERE is made up of discarded
points from other binders. Call and see for yourself and
you will soon see that they are made with the very latest
Do not be hasty in purchasing, for you may regret it later that
you had not purchased a JOHN DEERE BINDER. This Bind
er is put under the very best kind of guarantee and backed by
the John Deere Plow Co., and you know what a guarantee
by the John Deere Plow Co. means to you.
Standard Binder Twine at Right Prices.
It has lony been the custom of
certain classes of business men
manufacturers, wholesalers, man
agers of bijr concerns lo adver
tise almo-t exclusively in the
monthly magazines. Various ar
guments have been use.J inxsup
porl of this proccedure, but its
wisdom is finally beiny ques
tioned. A Chicago ajrency which
h;i been making some investiga
tion of the subject reports of a
certain Chicago packing house
which had been tryinir some ex
periments in newspaper adver-li-bm
that the returns were,
immediate. The local manager
fo- the house in a small southern
city reported thus: "In regard to
the Easter campaign advertising
. j i ii i .... i . .
on. tnrouu me local papers.
Ibis advertising has done more
uoo.l for our ham and bacon
business in (iieenville than bill
board aderlisiny or magazine
advertising. II has yone direct
into the home of the consumer.
The publishing of the merchants'
names handling your hams and
bacon has enabled us to round up
about, thirty-six new customers
in the town of flreenville alone.
Our Easter ham and bacon busi
ness for two weeks preceding
Easter amounted to practically
1 5,0im pounds ayainst n,00(
pounds the previous year. It
would seem that a continuation
of the paper advertising would be
the most etTeclive at the present
time." A Texas salesman wrote:
'"'I bis class of advert isinsr does us
fellows in what you miyht call the
rural districts more pood than
any magazine advertising you can
do. II reaches more of the cus
tomers and helps wonderfully
In Effect Daily, Until September 30, 1914
Vacation time is here. The question "Where shall I go this
summer" must be decided now. Let us assist you in forming
your plans by suggesting a number of pleasant and restful
trips that may be made within the limits of your vacation
period. Mountains, sea shore, camping, fishing any diver
sion that will take you away from your cares for awhile and
bring you back with renewed energy to take up your duties.
Standard Road of tbe West
will tell you of a score of pleasant trips, if you will signify that
you desire to take a vacation that is different than any you
have ever taken before.
toward fretting the customers to
use your brand." Such testimony
is to the point and is worth con
sidering. It should need no argu
ment to the intelligent to prosv:
the advantage of the newspaper
over the magazine as an adver
tising medium. The paper reaches
more people in any given locality
and reaches them oflener. A local
paper has a more immediate in
lluence even in its advertising"
pages than a magazine, which is
remote in character and without
the direct personal appeal that is
carried by a home publication. A
similar conclusion was reached
in regard to newspapers by an
investigating committee which re
cently reported to the national
electic light and power convention
at Philadelpiha that even an in
dustry of this sort, which is con
stantly growing and involves
enormous capital.
:.ernor Morehead is great on
visiting with the people. There
is nothing high-toned about tho
governor, and he is just as com
mon as an old shoe and that is
why the common people are al
ways glad to see his smiling
countenance. j
The Nebraska Republican, that
has been started to boom several
republican stand-pat candidates
for stale ollices, keeps heaping
abuse upon Governor Morehead.
Hut the governor knows the fel
lows who manipulate the columns
of the illigitimate bantling-, and
therefore deems their utterances
unworthy of notice. You know
there are usually a few fellows
around Lincoln that try lo get in
on graft deals about election
To Colorado, California,
Yellowstone National
We will also tell you moro about the re
duced round-trip Summer Tourist Kafesj
routes, stop-over privileges, side trips and
givo you other interesting information that
will be of assistance to you. Apply to
W. S. B&SlfiGER, G. P. A.9
Omaha, Nebraska.
state, if he felt like doing so.
much slower.
on your life.