Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1914)
MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1914. PLATTS MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, PAGE 5. COKilNGTO Plathmouth, !!ebr. United Doctors Specialist WILL EE AT THE ..HOTEL RILEY.. Saturday, June 27!h, ONE DAY ONLY Hours 10 ;.. m. to . in. I l.Mii:irkah)e iief.-s of tti-sc tal.'iiied i-liysi-cia:;.-. in t ivaliueiU of chronic dieaso. Offer Their Services Free cf Charge. The I'nitfd tk'Ctors, lict-nst-d by the Siuic of NVhruka. fur the treatment of u- foriai ties and all nervous and chronic disease.-! of men, women and children. otTer to ail who call on this vi-it. consultation, examination and ad vice free, making no charge whatever exc.-pt the actual cost of treatment for the purpose of proving that they have at last diseovi r-d a system and method or treatments that are reasonably sure and certain in their results. Thesi. doctors are anions America s 1 adiiiir lomach and nerve sjiucialits. and ar expert.- in the treatment of chronii- diseases of the blood, liver, stomach. intetin-s. skin, nerves, heart. ;! (. n, kidneys or bladder, rheuma-ti-m, sciatica, diabetes, bed-wett inpr. t ip,' worn., le ulcers, weak luns. and t iio-e at'Iicted with longstanding. il-' p ..-. t ed chronic disea-i-. tliat have baf- ?l- ii t !i- kiil of oth-r physicians, should ii-t fail to call. Deafness has often b en ctu ed in ixty days. Accordinir tt tlu ir y stem no more operati'in for apix-iwiotis, pall stones. t.;ii.ors. goitre, piles, etc. Iy their inetliod tin se ca-e uii jomj'licateil are treated without operation of hypoder mic injection. They were anions the l;rt in America to earn the name of C!o..dh -s Surgeons,'' by doinir away with the knife, with blood and with pair, in the -ucces-ful treatment of thee di-ea-es. If uu have kidney or bladder troiilc ! s brin atwo-eunce bottle of jour urine for chemical analjsls and micro scopic examination. Ven-out and run-down men or voin-n. r.o matter wliat your ailment may be. no matter what yuu have been told, or the experience you have had with ether physician-, settle it forever in jour mind. If your case is incura ble tliej will tell j on so. Consult them i, ; on this visit. It costs jou nothing. Keinember, this free oner is for this visit on! j". Mart ied ladies must dune with their hu-bands and minors with their pa tents. Will Je.tll uiei Iw.i little -..n-;,n.i Mi-. -. ar ;;pen were pus--e-iue.'-, tlii- i.-!. .ruii for i Unaha. !i.-e tliej will i-if willi Mr.-, lean ul the !io-pi!a!. 4- WAPLE GROVE. v l!i nrv r.nelkenieier i-eeeieil a iev e.ial ei;'-':!1.- Sahinlay. Sehufe;- J 5 P ' i 1 1 e i-" l-alM i- ea!'- 1;.!ete.l a;;. I if- a tluv.., lux i it. .. i ! "uk ! ranie. I'.ltaile- ! illelkei-ieiel- i- JiM'I'i- iiiL- an addili n t hi- li"'ne thi w !. in (he way "f a hit-ii'ii ai"l batii room. . . Hi!. I. Alfreil lai'-einer,' an. I Y. II. I'ul- i.iad.- ;i ,i:-ine-- lip tot be e..l!ld -eat I 'ft'lMX . .lake Hii.l wa- a Plat l-tiioiilh vi-ii'.-r I'vi'liy. ('.liar!-'- Ileiren and 'u M;i-n.-ir.' were com!." nt isitr Sa f 1 1 rday. II. A. llan-eii pa--e.l thi-on-li I:. ;-.- !a-t Saluflay il PMilo fit! Mi: rra . A -nipiie parly was ien :il tlo- li,.itie ..! Mr. and Mrs. Charle Ilerieii !a-t Tue-dav- .vniinir in li. ..i..r- of the former"- birlhday an:;ier-ai-y. Thp .Iniirnal ads pay. i tmi; niMiiicT t in kt r tiii; I ill M l 111' I . Mailt K V. Jli I i .. L;t t : of li!ali e 1 1 Willi, le ie.. ea. mitici-: or mm- N"ii.,' i ii.iei'V (.-ivt'ii liiat in pur !' mi e !" I!'.'.. Jiiim T. ;,.C:o. Juli,e f tl.e I'l.-triit Court of VjiniU, N. !-i ; i k . i . i:-.:ilc 'n ! tie lo.-T i'l .l"'ie, A. 1 t. 'r ti e j-iilc of li.t? I.iil PHMtr ii-reillciL:r !.--f.ijl,, i!. lien- wii! he .-o!l il t If- eu 1 1 1 li out .'oor of I iie- I'oiii t 1 louse, al 1 'lii t I 11. on I h. I 'as.- 'oi.rit. Ne l.i'.i - ka, tue 1-1 .:;iy "I August. . I . I'll, al ten i..-k ;i in., ;it i j t ! t- eiinee to iit io:."le -.-l oi'lcl. 1- !'H e.-isli, tl.e lul low lier iii-M e ; t o - I ti a I e:-t;.le. to-wn: ,i I fUlit -. Ill tl'e lU.'ll ler ' Nl. i i 'f i he .V.iriliwcst nuartvr i."V'i i; l"t lilfeen I . in tee Sontl:-.e-t i.iiartei- is-i;';' 't tn- Northwest iii;rt r iNW'i i; Int tw- hc lll'i, in tie Noitl'We-t ii;iiler I N W' 1 1 of tle So'.lt". We'-I (,er iSU 'i i: t"t i li v. :i lIM Hi llje S. ti I 1 1 w'es iit;tt1er I.SV'4 ! the Soini vt-. t M.iiMter iSVC', ami lie Kast half l ! '. ' t of I tie Soil 1 li W .t .i,;e I. r iSW ;.i . iill of H'.tion twent;. - i i I i.'m, in Tii ir !i;; .''i'vi-ii illi N'-rih, l:a;:i;e fonro.n ill). Cast ". t it M . i-i i lie ( .Hint v of Ne!.rasl:a. ;',n'i .sale, to r-m;iMi open oi.o hour, h.i.i .1 tiii- Jem t'i v "f June, A. I. 1 : l i. CM Nl.l.KS Is. S'IIv"Ai:. I'V.' of il.f la. t v. . II iina t-: lamciiL ef De!i!ll r.AWLS BOBEKTs. jN. . ; . Attornc-vr-. 6-22-5wks COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS IMatl-iiiouth, June 15, l'Jl i. Hoard met in regular session. 1'iesent. C. i:. MeebnetvC. It. .Tor i:i:i oinl Julius A. County ('.-mnii--iuers, and Frank J. I.ih-er-hal. County Clerk. Minute? nf i -vious M'ssimis read and rip proei. when the following husi-ties.- was I rail-acted in regular form : A petition received from Chas. I.. Citives anil 1"-' other's askintr to have W. H. I'.anninir nppninfed iiistiee of the peace, within and for Liberty I'rermcl, and appoint ment was made by hoard. Itolid of Itavid Ctmipbell. deputy Io;ii over-e.-r. H. I. No. i, ap- ptieii by ItoJit'il. He-ination of Orlandu TelTt as justice of the peace within .and for Aoea l'leeincf r-ei-eied, and fe-ei:nt ion accepted Jy lio ird. Claim of T. II. I'olb.ek Tor re fund of city tax on lot fi. of east half of -eetjon 7-lJ-li. wa- re fused b leuird. Comity Treasurer ordered to re fund to M. M. Allen -J. amount of lax paid under prote-t aecounl imp! o e'lienl s hain- been re moved lrom -aid premises. I he following claim- were al- ..We. on fhe llelH'tnl fund: Veb.;i-ka I.iuhliticr C.. itas o jail and r.nirt h'll-e s J .sr, Win. SehuMice. work on court h"U-e b"i!er .... 2. !.'! I. I. iut h. (.art pa men) plan-, efc.. county jail ." 1 1 W. C Man-jieaker. I i to e..mmi--j.. ners .... C.oti 1 lie I Ileacim. not ice of Hoard of equaliza tion .sr V.. ;. l"ev Soli, nidse. to Mr-. Sullivan 2Tt . on Julius A. l'iiz. .-alary and mileage ;s. in Hammond A: Stephens. -upi'lies I" r.iiiiily -u J ii i : 1 1 e II lei i J ll.Sl) C. II. Jordan, -alary and mii'eaL-o 'ni.l'.u I.oui-vill. Courier, prinl-iti'- notice-. Hoard of Cqualiznl ion W'e. piui; Water Itepuh I'can. bar dorkef and iiotjc.-s of Hoard of T.ijual iza! ion L'd.i'5 W". C Jenkins k. Co.. mdse to Mr-. Chambers .... ln.nfi l'lmw..od Leader Mciin. n i .) ji-es of ar I of C-juai izat ion .75 S. C. Ci'-ardef. tnd--'. fo Mi-s AfcCinnis War-ira k; Sehuldiee. sup plier to court house . . .50 K!"pp 1'nufini: ,-up-I! ie- and record- to the Cunty C. K. Heeliuer. salary and mileage 5'.). 50 Kb-pp-Harb'tt Co.. freight o 1 1 -11 p p i i e f . 'J 5 H. A. stone, mdse. o Mrs. Tl a rd nock f. .-"5 Nebraska Ho-uiial for In sane, care Harry Kuhuy and 1'. S. l)aivs (17. d5 I tv. Y.. I . ("u ui in in--, insane ca-e, Henry Cerinir alia- II. Cook s.on Ciink 8.00 J. M. I.ejda. -anie ."i.Ou James Hobert sou. same.. 5.50 C. 1. O'linloii. same tI5.i0 '.. I). juinfiri. witness. same 2. 0o F. Mauspeaker. same.... 2.00 C. I . Ouinlon. lioardin'--county pri-oncrs and salary 182. 00 In-. F.. I. Cummins, in ebriate Kussell Hether- in-fon 8.00 J. M. l.eyda. same :.00 James Ipibeil-on. same.. 5.25 C. . Oiiinfon. same .... 5. 75 Ik II. Woilhman. M. I)., cai incr for Lorenzo Hill family '. 00.70 Tiii following claims were al lowed on the Hoad fund uf the County: A. F. Seyberf, work, Hoad Ti-tric .o. 2 . . . 20. JO John Murlev. malei ial for P.oad iMsfricl .o. 0... 08.25 red Hells, road work, hislriet No. 1 1. 1 . f,0 L. J. Walradt. same, Road I ?s rict No. 0 . . . 00 F. V. Hurlhul, same, Hoad I)i-lrict No. r. 12.80 T. A. Hulterfield, same, Hoad Hislrict No. I i .SO Jolin Murtej-, material for H. 1. No. It". 1)8.85 Win. l,eesly. concrete culvert. Dislrief No. 0.. -54-0 i O. W. Fi-her. road work, Il tad District No. 15.. 7.20 Coo. F. Oehle rkimr. same, Hoad District No. 15.. 12.20 J. M. Hoover, same, Hoad District No. 3 D7 .35 H. A. Funke Lumber Co., lumber, R. D. N. 3, . . . 10.10 leo. F. Oehlerkincr, road work, Hoad District No. 15 21.00 It. Kelelliut, .same. It. D. No. 12 31.00 H. A. D.dy, same, Road District No. 0 50.00 A. A. Willi in trer , same, Hoad District No. 15 .. 37.85 Waltir livers, same. Road Di-triet No. 27 10.25 C W. Leach, same. Road District No. 1 i i . 10 John II. Tlusche, same, Road Di-lrict No. 2 . . . 50.00 John H. Ru-te, same, Road District No. 13 3.20 A. I'. Wi lier, same, Road District No. 13 8.0O J. C. Niday. same, Road District No. 11 ii',.80 The followincr claims were al lowed on the road drapin-r fund of the count y. John II. Husche. dra-pintr roads. District No. . . i.50 A. A. Walliniier, same. District No. 15 !).50 The follow imr claims were al lowed on the It rid ire fund of the cunty : L. J. Walradl. bridire work 0.00 John Murley. bridge lum- h-r 225. 10 II. A. Funke Lumber Co.. bridge lumber 2S.80 Monarch FiiLrineeriuir Co.. part payment Oreapolis lti-idue j 000 . 00 Monarch Fnpineerini:' Co.. balance on brid-e. Win- ter-leen Hill 10'..58 Monarch C.o., I'arf payment fdh arch Locust -I reel 1 2t0 . 00 The follow in-jr claim was allow ed on the (''.,' Road fund of t he county : James Miller, bridire and culvert work, Di-trid No. J :: s 2 5 0.5 2 Hoard adjourned to nieef Tues 1., .- T..1 .... , mv . .i iii , . i v i t. FRANK J. LTHFRSIIAL. Curitv Clerk. I'd Humniell wa- in the city Sat urday for a few hours hmkiii"; af ter Iradinir with the mer chants. Ceoi-oe Hudiir arried Saturda o?i No. 2 from Havelock to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Huili'-. Make Your Wants Known If You Have Anything for Sale, Rent or Want to Buy or Want Help, a Little Ad Will Do the Work. A1 f ri-ements mnler tliis liraiiinsr. Five Cents jut line. ea"ii insertion. No aiH ert i-e-ment taken for less t hun TenlVni-. Ads will In- titrun-U ut six words lo tlie line. LTOi: SALE The G. F. Switzer ijuarter, three miles southwest of Nthawka. For particulars see or write Henry M. Pollard, Netuiwka, Nebraska. CU SALF-Fine Ilolsteiabull calf. - eligible, to registry. Atiout two weeks old. Mrs. J. 1'. Trit-ch, 1'latts mouth. Neb. COU SALE Nice pair of two-year- old buy mare colts; they are rood. Come and see them. J. M. Holmes, M urray, Nebr. poll SALK Two-cylinder Auburn Auto, in line running order, (iood car for the money. Will consider some trade. J. M. Holmes, Murray, Neb. pOIl SALE Farm ef 121 acres. nnles northeast of Union, li acres hay land. 20 acres pasture timber, rest in cultivation: well improved, i'rice right if taken soon. Address Miss Etta Nickels, Murray. Nebr. POIl .SALE Improved xO-acre farm, lh miles north of Nehawka.Neb., Good orchard: buildings all painted and in god repair. Every foot of ground is tillable. rite or see owner, Otto Sehacht. Nehawka, Neb. (i-ls-ctw pori SALE Oil RENT The Berger - cottage, consisting of 6 rooms, and elegantly located in Murray. For particulars call at the Uerger hotel. OIl KENT -Farm. Inrjuire of S. O. Cole, Mynard, Neb. ri-H.lmo-w ANTED A married man, with- out children, to work on farm. $40 per month: house furnished; steady jot). Must have good reference. II. W. Seegcr, Glenwood, Jowa. t-l-2tw 01l SALE Good Ueering hinder, almost new, cheap. Chas Schwab. (i.22w2wks LOUSE POWDEBS are many. Lee's is the best hnv Kirct hiraiic nnnnH 0CK 1 ' ' " J I " and a quarter for 25 cts. instead of V ths usual 15 ounces; second fce cause obtainable at most everv 'r, i:iown; third because coitiDlymg J'".;nis5."ullv with the Insecticide La. fr;'-'- '.,'7 Equally (.ood for gron fowls or "Zltiry2 chics, hsoecially fine for setting " hens. You cannot raise chickens oroRta'nlw tmless kept free from lice and you need ! something that is economical and easv to use as well as effective. That's Lee's. Put nn in ronnd sprinkler top cans. 2 size, 25 cts. and 50 cts. Soid bv 1 J 000 delr in U. S. sad Canada. Write tor free poultry boats and a ampfateu. em Local News From Friday's Dallj'. Fred Hesse departed last even ing on No. 2 for St. Louis, where lie will visit for a few days with friends. Frank P. Sheldon of Nehawka was in the city yesterday for a ffv hours, coining in from the west, where lie had been for a few days. Miss Mabel Adams departed this morning for Greshem. Neb., where she will visit for a short time at the home of her brother, Max Adams and family. Mrs. Tim Kahoutek departed yeterday for Jenver, accompany ing Mrs. Joseph Kahoutek to her home in that city and will visit there for several weeks. Mrs. Luke W iles was among the visitors in the metropolis this niornimr for a few hours, going to I hat city n the early Uurlington (rain. Miss Mildred Green came in last evening on No. 2 from Fniversity IMace and will visit here for a slmrt time at the home ,,f her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoeck. G. V. Harris, one of the prom inent farmers of near Fnion, was in the city today for a few hours looking after some business mal lei's and attending to ome mat te's at I he court house. F. G. Rebel of Jii'iiM-r, who willi his wiTe, have 1 n visiting al the home of Mr. and Justus Lil lie, departed this niornimr for his home. Mrs. Rebel will remain for a more extended vi-it. Mrs. Hrure Miller of Peoria. Illinois, who has been here fur the pas) few w eeks visit i i i ir at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heinrich. departed this morning on No. G for her home. Harry F. Select- of imaha, who has been here for a few days visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Y. S. Leete, departed this afternoon for his home. Miss Madeline Green of Fniver sily Place, Neb., and Miss Gretch ii Hoeck of South Omaha are visiting in the citv and will be the gin-sis of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoeck for several days. Mrs. F. P. Harvey of Madi-on Kansas, who has been here visit ing for a short time with relatives. departed this morning for Peoria. Illinois, where she will visit with relatives and friends for a short time. Mrs. a. 1). Hhmt and Mrs. Karl Hlunl of Ienver and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCIanahan of Fairmont, Neli.. are here visiting for a short time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren, as well as with other relatives and friends. John J. Hullery, an old-tinn Pint tsmout li boy. and brother of Gouncilman Frank Hutlery, came down this afternoon from Lincoln for a shorf visit with relatives and old friends here. Mr. Huttery and wife have .just returned from an extended trip through the west. V. If. Thompson, a young man who has been servimr in the Unit ed Stales navy for some years past, came down this morning from his home at Omaha to visit for a few hours wit Ii his friend. Dan O'Hrien, returning home Ihis afternoon, accompanied by Mr. )'Hrien. Judge G. M. SpurJock and wife and sons, Woodson and Hurwell. and Mrs. John H. Pew of Kansas Cily mo In red in this morning from the Spurlock lmme at York, Neb., and are guests at the home of Hon. R. H. Windham and fam ily. From here they will continue on to Kansas City for a visit there at the Inline of Mrs. Pew, a cousin of Mrs. Spurlock. From Saturday's Dall. J. II. Slouthower, of FJmvvood, candidate for the nomination of Cminlv superintendent came in this morning from his home In visit for the day looking after his interests. Jack Chalfant, one of the ener getic young farmers from near Unioii was in the cily today for a few hours visit, en route from his home to Omaha where he will spend tli e doy. Mrs. E. Shubeck and daughter Miss Elsie were among the pas sengers this morning for Omaha where they will spend the day vis iimie busi- ness matters. E. W. Beins and son was a busi ness visitor in the city yesterday and while here paid the Journal ollice a brief call. A. G. Mast of Nehawka was in the city for a few hours today looking after some business mat ters with the merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Heil and daughter, of Cellar Creek, were visitors in the city yesterday and pleasont callers at this ollice. W. H. Heil and sister, Miss Liz zie were in the city today for a few hours looking after some bus iness mailers willi the merchants. R. R. Nickles of the vicinity of Murray, was a passenger (his morning for Omaha, where he will visit for the day looking after some business maters. John McGinnis, ofSoufh Hend. was attending to some important business matters in the city cs terday and made this ollice a very pleasant call. Charles Chriswisser was a pas senger this morning for South Omaha where he is taking treat ment for rhennial im at the san itarium in that city. II. L. Oldham of Murray came up this marning from his home to spend a few hours here with his friends and looking after some matters of business. L. A. Meisinger, wife and sons. Oliver and Civile, were passeng ers Ihis afternoon for Omaha, where I hey will vi-it with relatives at Benson over Sunday. Misses F.stelle F. Swindell and Olyoe Bourke of Weeping Waler came in yesterday to attend the teachers' examinal ion at the office ofe the county superintendent. Miss '., Riene Johnson of Weeping Water is in the city to day attending the teachers' exam ination at the ollice nf. County Superintendent Mary U. Foster. Miss Tillie Ploeger departed this morning n the early train for Omaha, from where she will start on her journey to Reno. Nev ada, where she expects to visit for a time with relatives in that city. W. G. Boedeker. cashier of the Murray Slate Hank, came up Ihi morning from his home and was a passenger on the early Burlington train for Omaha where he will vis it for the day looking after some matters of business. W. W. Hamilton, the genial car penter and contractor, of Murray. was jn the city yesterday after noon for a few hours and found time to call in at the Journal ollice to visit for a short time with (h "old man." Mrs. S. O. Pitman and Mrs. (). A. Davis of Murray returned home Ias evening on No. 2 from Omaha where they were spending the day and were met here by Mr. Pillman. in his Case car to convey them home. W. C. Mnrrnw, of Cleveland. Ohio, arrived in the city Ihis morning and will spend several weeks here visiting al the home of O. C. Dovey and family. Mrs. Morrow has been here for several weeks visiting wilh her sister. Mrs. Dovey. Mrs. Oscar Gapen departed Ihis morning on the earlv train fop Omaha, where he will visil foi the day with her sister. Mrs. W ill Jean a! the hospital in that cily. Mrs. Jean is reported as improv ing nicelv from the effects of her illnes.s and operation for appendi eitis. Wendell Heil, w ife and dauhf er were in the cily yesterday after noon for a few hours and while here made a call at the Journal ollice to look over the different ob jects of interest in this plant. The call nf Mr. Heil and family was much en.jnyed and they will find a heartv welcome here any time. C. IL Frans was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will attend to some matters of business for the day. Mrs. C. E. Martin departed this morning on No. 15 for Lincoln, where she will visit for a few days al the home of her sister. Father William lliggins nf Manley departed this morning for his home, after a short visit here with his friend, Father M. A. Shine. iting and looking after ass The PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL g Big Booster Circulation Campaign APPLICATION BLANK I arn a resident of Cass County or vicinity and wish to enter The Journal Prize Contest. I fully understand the rules and con ditions governing same, which I agree to comply with. . Name Address Town ArcYou likelfe 9 Rr oi mm "He that is stricken blind cannot forget The precious treasure of his eyesight losL If you're near sighted, if your eyes are failing, don't delay. You can't afford to. We are trustworthy and competent opti cians. Repairing too. Prices nht. JOHN W. Ah, Our Pies! When Pie Making Stumped Omar. Myself when young did hungrily frequent Baker and cook and heard soft blandishment About it and about, but evermore Came out by the same door wherein I went. No mysteries about our pies. They're just simple, well baked, juicy pies all kinds tasty and good. The proof of our pies is in the eating. You'll like their homemade taste a specialty of ours. "Mother" has nothing on us as pie makers. Baked For You by Experts! WAGNER' "Everything Good To Eat" Drzig Store MoxJics "UNDER FALSE COLORS" " T There are no imitation goods or drugs in our stock. We don't carry them and won't. Everything, from toothpicks to soda, is genuine. We put up our prescriptions exactly as directed by the doctor. We're not masqueraders. PJlauzy Drug Company rpj I gg FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured W A mild system of "treatment, that cures Piles; Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Ether or other general anasthctie used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book oa Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been pernaaectly cured. . . . DR. TARRY Bee Building Omeha. CRABILL Fit For a King! f ' i k ' ( j s