page 4. PLATTSNIOUTH ' SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1914. Cbe plattsmoutb journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebr. Entered t the Fostoffice at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Price; S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe Matt Goring is in the race now for sure. -or era RAISING FREIGHT RATES. According. to many of the east editors, a raise in railroad Elmwood will have a big time rates will start a boom in busi on the Fourth. Only six weeks till the primary election. :'o : Carranza and Villa have kissed and made up. :o: t'andidales should let their wauls be known in the Journal. :o: It is reported that the board of uwtiital ion is mostly engaged in pla ini: marbles. :o: A combine is nothing more or le than a trust. Have we a trust in Plattsmouth? Only (m wt'fks from today and then cnnu's the lireworks. The I'ourth cmiik's in Saturday. :o: .Mr. Lorimer's bad luck in IIili-s .-eems to follow him into the world of linance. :o: Imagine Teddy's fine scorn at reading that Mr. Bryan's favorite sport is rabbit hunting. :o: Would you like tu know what tin "unwritten law" means? It is anjlhing you want to make it. 4 :o: Nebraska may be forced to go out into the wide, wide world and kidnap a few thousand harvest hands. The news from Mexico is very fluctuating and unreliable. ness that will affect the whole 1 fi'l. J - .. .1 ,;q; country. ine eastern roaus as They do say that lluerla has an an increase that will amount to excellent noker face. ' about $,00() a year. llow K, . .:o: ' mat is to give a noom to nusmess If Andv Carnegie really wants to is hard for the ordinary man to die poor he might undertake the understand. It does not create task of financing Huerta. one dollar of additional wealth, it only transfers from the pockets o Father must now save up the people that much money to i . . ... monev for the necessary expenses the railroad companies and re -:o: i . i. . This week's reduction in the of Fathers' day, ednesday, June unices ine peoples power to pur- I .... I price of jrasoline is a boon to 22. Wonder how many children cnase goous m tne same anioun motor car owners. have thought of this event? that it increases the railroad' I - l-fcj-titi jirwk -1 1 1 j-Iiw-tv Mini if Q I iq I inn 11, UUU I14 UllIJ lllllt 11 1 We all like to be fooled into The plan of the sullragettes ton is necessary mat ine raiiroaus believing that the nice things said Place dynamite bombs in London receive $50,000,000 more a year about us arc true. churches is a poor way "to get then they have been receiving t i v .. t .r I .... . iiw ..c-io :. i ........ i .... ii.. n I even wiiu ine men. iR'Minjiun ' i'w imu nunct on iu ...... .... Koss Hammond's bier boom for churches. will offend nmre women investment ior transporting Hit I.. I .... I ... r i . i.. . overnor seems to nave sronc man men. m oum i im- i-mmu iuul pass i ....... uliinerincr nninnir lln lliinc Hint :o: over tlieir lines, tliat a failure ti r . - - - . . - . - - 1 I I ...ill.,.. 1 ii :.. n. were. President Wilson has virtually ' 1 cinest wmiiu m uie em . . 1. , i . i ......,., 4 1 .. . 1 . . 1.. u.rt :o: won his anti-trust light. Demo- ' i"' W. F. Moran of Nebraska Citv cmlie leaders in the senate have railroad corporations hut to Hie . . - - - - - " ' 1 was elft-ted state president at the begun preparations to put through people themselves. But how tin Eagles' convention this week. :o: at Hastings all trust legislation so that they can get away from Washington next month. -:o: The campaign for congress in the First district is going to be a warm one from now on until after primary. :o: There i one thing certain, if Matthew Oering is nominated and fleeted to congress, the citizens of the First district will know lie is there. :o: Wearing a rose on Fathers' day may help some, but he will still wear socks at 10 cents a pair, while daughter will continue to require the 1.00 kind. :o: The girl who pets the thimble in the wedding cake three succes sive limes in a season should be warned against accepting the first oiler of marriage she receives. :o: II. I.. Metcalfe's sons are to run bis campaign in Nebraska for gov ernor, if the sons can't manage a campaign more successfully than the father, it will be very poorly managed. :o: While traelin' with 700 mem bers of the Salvation army, Roose velt ought to be aide to pick up a few campaign songs. "We'll Roll the old Chariot Along" might make a hit. :o: There are now seen candidates for the republican nomination for congress four in Lincoln, two in f Hoc county and one in Cass. l.y ford of Falls City is the only bull niooser, so far, that has filed. :o: The insurgents seem to have fared very badly at Ihe national convention of the Modern Wood men of America at Toledo, Ohio, this week. But brace up, boys, and take your medicine. :o: By the time a man has waited for his sweetheart until she has put into practice all of Lillian Russe,H"s beauty hints, he is so everlastingly disgusted he would not admire the best lookiug girl on eirth. ; 'V: ; :o:- ' Tne electric device which per mits telephone users to see each other at a distance of several miles is remarkable, but of little 'n. Who want? to wait at the telephone until thp other party Jakes time to primp up? Roosevelt seems to be attract ing some attention in London, but not as much, however, as the window-smashing suffragists. :o : :o: Mr. Simmons, the big hardware manufacturer, of St. Louis, finds Schools Dal.ell. 1,0th nf Lincoln rhere seems to be no let-up on candidates for congress on the republican ticket in the First dis trict. The latest are CrolV Ken nedy and Slate Superintendent of l Hat Preisuent Wilson is some what of a "keen kutter" himself. :o : A man with ?8,500 concealed in his artificial leg died of starvation down in Kansas. An exchange adds that the discovery was made by the undertaker who pulled his leg. :o: Ross Hammond has received orders from Washington to turn the collector's office over to hi: deputy, E. North. Why was it not turned over to a democrat? That's what the democrats of Ne braska would like to know. :o: Whenever a man desires to gel on the good side of a newspaper and get a certain somethin; printed he starts his letter wilh the democratic party. C.ood! something like this: "Knowing 11 is hard to deal wilh such demo- full well that your publication U'rats as Mr. Hearst, as you could AsitJ,. froIU tho 1)ills tliat attract Well, the more the merrier. :o: Senator (I. M. Hitchcock will accept the Journal's thanks for a bound volume of the Congression al Directory of the sixty-third congress and second session. 11 is very valuable for reference, and we were pleased to receive it. :o: Prof. Schleich says that sunset and sunrise are nature's time for sleeping and awakening. Whv do people need so much more sleep in winter than in summer? And how in the world do they manage to sit up in the land of the mid night sun? :o: William R. Hearst withdraws payment of the extra amount is to create a buisness boom is very hard to understand. All the pres sure possible lias been brought and enemies nave been lured t make entries of the most valuable lands, who then turned them over to companies that raised the pric to actual settlers to such a point that it took semi-starvaliou am years of suffering for the actual settler to get a title to the land. It appears that congress is going to stop appropriations for these! irrigation schemes until some method can be devise-d that will cut out these speculators and give the actual settler a chance. Under the! present law the money which comes in from tin. sale1 of lanels is nppn.mrialed to new irrigal ion works or extensions of existing ones, and it would be a pity if the major benefit from the system went to spe-culators. The new settler has trials enough in his pioneer work of preparing a desert place1 and making it into a producing farm without having any additional charge put upon him. There is constantly more and more work coming upon congress has always been a friend of the newer tell where to find him. His common neonle " etc. Bah! boiling will demonstrate the fact :o: Thev amv accuse Governor democrat for many ears, ami the general attention there are hun dreds of other matters, like this irrigation business, that require1 attention. It mav be congression- Morehead of not living up to his party can get along better without I, v.u.aUons ,.xt.cpt for very short iriiniisp to nof run nirain. but thev him than With him. must acknowledge that he lias J -:o:- given the people one of the best When anyone tells you that and most etticient administrations fiovernor Morehead is nol as pep- Xebraska has ever had. That is ular as he was two years ago, just the reason why the people insist tell him he is "talking through that he run again. his hat." The governor has made :o: I many new and sieauiast irieiids Ihe only tremble with the in the state since he became gov- dcnioerats thev refuse to submit crimr. and these are sufficient te boss rule. They are just aslevielence that he has done his terms, will be impossible in the future. World-Herald. :o: Belter by far are hearts broken because they can't marry than hearts broken because ef niar- -:o:- It is said that 'IVeldy's voice is failing- him, but he still retains those emphatic grimances and ges tu res. :o: After swatting the lly, if your free and independent as the self-1 duty, and t the satisfaction ef a e-onslructed bosses are. Tliy big majority of the people. do not object to the proper advice :o: of leaders who are qualified to The. final oassaire of the. meas- 1 v 11 v I z . ..41. ........ 1. . i .... nli-iii.l eao. 111 me language 01 u. u. Ure repealing the 'xemplieui of 1,1111 1S ""L neinunuru 01 iui .njtai, Metcalfe: "What the democrats lolls for American -coastwise ike a rest, and then respond to of Xehraskn need is new lenders." I .0, o n: 1 11. . mh the encore and do senile liieire ...j ........ ... r . . 1 .. .- . . 1 . . 1 1 ....... I .. . .. . . . . . . It-!illiti( .iiiu inn uuss. I ol Her nmmr .mil v To wnifli Ml'Psl- """"'"n- 1 - . 1 1 to: dent Wilson win, in despite ef the :o Clarence K. Barman, present Montr light ami wonderful eiratorv. t he geivernnu'iit belu-ves there' slate food commissioner, has I It is purely a Wilson victory. Any- is a canlolpe corner. .o doubt withdrawn from the race for con-1 thing that bears the semblance to there; is. And sometimes afler the gress in the Fifth district. Just ship subsidy is apt to be kicked ultimate consumer has got away as well hav e done it before he around extensively in this land of I with one of the early varieties he entered. But some edlice-seekers the free, as long as We tod row feeds as though he had swallowed form the idea of holding onto I Wilson is president of the United the whole ceirner what they have until something fclates. :o . .. . ' ... . .. better is insight. Generally ill :o: nr emmse flu. remihlican naoers proves a leap from the "frying Already some of the country would like to have it appear that pan into the lire" for most of the towns are announcing that they Wilson's administration will ruin hangers-on. . a,.e arranging for an "old-fash- the country. This is all bosh and 'O'. I ioroxl" li)i :il ion of Hio Von rfh . f h ev k n nv i f . Tresident Wilselll is Some people assume that a This is Ihe wrong idea. What is loo shrewd for the trust magnates, newspaper has no right to express demanded is a new-fashioneel who have always contreMled the an opinion on candidates. If they Fourth, without peril to life and republican party, and thus they would but stop to think they would limb, with patriotic sports, with have had their own way about learn that a newspaper is edited I song and music, with parades, legislation. But Wood row Wilson by -ones who. have-V -opinions the vvilh speeches, with the reading of has nipped 1 their plans, anel he same as other ' individuals. A I the Declaration of Independence, proposes 1j keep on nipping them calm and unprejudiced analysis of I with plenty to eat, with ice cream, until they cease robbing the com- the subject will furthermore prove lemonade, sarsaprilla pop, and iihui people, let the trust-owned that they have just as much right Jollier drinks which at least par- papers howl as much as they to express their opinion as other tially cheer while they do riot please. The people are with Presi people and the Journal expects to inebriate, tind with a good socia- dent Wilson, and the president assume that right. J ble time for-everybody. I stands by the people. THE OLD FARM HAND. In the good edd days the old farm hand was almost a member of the family. He toiled early am late. In the summer he arose at i o'clock, went out into the field before' breakfast hurriedly, work ed till dinner time, after dinne lime worked till supper time" am after supper time if it was moonlight night he worked unti midnight getting in the crops. He took a personal interest in the affairs, of the family, ate with them, taught the boys to do their work and was an invaluable and cherished friend. He saved his money and very often bought tin adjoining farm and settled down as a good neighbor. But alas, thi type of farm hand has now dis appeared. A young fellow now hikes out into the cemnlry, earns some monev during the vacation; he is of that roving, adventurous class, here today and there to morrow. Otherwise, he is foreigner whom it is difficult to instruct anel impossible to fellow ship with. It is stated that Mis souri alone wants 30,)0o men foi its winter wheat. Where they are to get them is a problem. The old inhabitant of the village used to take his cradle in harve'sl lime and go out and save the crops, but machinery is now displacin him and his union forbids him from engaging in this sort of work, and so we are obligeel to save our crops wit 11 sucn ex pedients as we may. :o: The republican counly conven tion is called to meet m Louisville n Wednesday, July 15, at 11 'clock a. m. :o: The wfse-st people' in Ihe world ire sometimes the easiest fooled n some little thing- that eloe-sn't imount to anything. -:o:- The democratic state central committee enjoye-d a very har monious meeting in Lincoln last Saturday. :o: Keep your boys away from the iv-r and perhaps save them from Irowning. The warm weather will draw them to the "old swim ming hide." :o: Many a man owes achievements in life to a good hard bump that as given him by his critics either riendly or unfriendly. The jolts ave resulle'd as a spur to force more honest anel persistent en- .'aven to win. :o: The third time having failed to 1 the charm Mine. Schuinann e'ink speaks as if she hail rown disceuiraged with mar- d uige. -:o: Paris reports a woman chang ing into a man. 1 bat s not a naiu b. The English suffragettes are Irving to do that almost every da, Willi Utile success. :o: But twei towns in Cass county ave made arrangements to cede- -11 lirate the' great natal day od, however, will be the chief liter of atlraclieui. On Cass County Farms at ZH 0 S2 7 T. H- POLLKf Office Coates Block. Plattsmouth, Nebr. The days are passe'd for the boaster who carries the neunina- tion ef any one candidate around in his pocket. The people are wise to such fellows, and they are awful easy to "catch on." :o: After glancing at some of the love letters presented in this sea- sou's breach of promise suits one does ned wonder that the railroads want more money for carrying the mails. :o: The democratic state conven ion has been fixed for Tuesday, July L'S, anel Columbus selected as the place! for holding the same. It ooks lei us as though a larger city dmuld have been named Omaha ir Lincoln, for instance. :o: The political pot is beginnng to mil. Countv conventions are be ing called 111 tne siaie, and me arty state convent ions are dso called. Then comes the pri-! mary, and after that, look out fer: 1 hoi time then until the election in November. -:o:- w ce -:e:- w r Kaiser Wilhelm says he is rth $70,000,000. This will bablv enable him to struggle along with a little help from the overnnient. :o: Oh, but how the people do hope those mediators will soon get hrough and let them know whether it is to be war or peace. he suspense is almost as trying as the war useii. . -:o: Thev will trv every kind of clu ICi ernes to defeat (iovernor More- ad fed" a renominalion, but it er can be accomplished this p so those who have contract- tin! job had just as well give it The receird that (iovernor Morehead has made will carry him safely through the primary and through the election in No ne line ed up also vember. L tu.. What is the use of the demo ratie candidates getting into a muss among themselves? Aet a it. The successful candielale ex- tects the support of the friends of the defeated caudielates, and this annot be done if this accusing f an opponent is kept up. The eople do not admire any man who lies not campaign wilh fairness, ut it out! :o : The riders tm the democratic ide of the race are about all up, and ready for the word, "do!" It hould be a fair and square con- i'st from the beginning to the end. f it is the defeated candidates au assist in electing their suc essful opponent at the general lection. Harmony is what brings uccess. Bear this in mind as you e along in your electioneering. :o: The government crop report is cralifving. It shows bumper crops all over the country. It is a very happy condition that the stales which had greatest misfor tune with their corn crop last year will have the greatest wheat crop this year. There are, of course, some localities where crop condi tions are far from satisfactory, but the national situation as a whole is extraordinarily good. The harvesting of crops is already creating demand for labor. Busi ness prospects are much brighter. The idea has always been pre valent that ice cream is a luxury, only lit for the strongest stomach, but a leading Boston practioncr declares that it is the best cure for delirium tremens or plain drunk enness. "Take the case of a man who has been on a spree for some time," says the doctor, " and the best cure is give him some suita ble food, thereby saving the stom ach from digesting itself. Ice cream has a cooling effect and the coldness absorbs the heat of the alcholic inflammation. In ice cream we nave tne iat 01 reai cream plus the gelatine, wiiicn acts as a protective layer for the mucous membrane. It absorbs alcohol poison and cools, protects and heals. A drunkard has alcohol in his blood in large quantities when he is on a spree.' When lio gets candy in his stomach at this time he digests it and creates more alcohol out of the sugar. But, strangely enough, this alco hol will serve to dealcoholize the stomach and eventully the sys tem." ,. :o: PERFECT CONFIDENCE Plattsmouth People Have Good Reason for Complete Reliance. Do you know how To find relief from backache; To correct distressing urinary ills: Tei assist weak kidneys? Many people in this vicinity know the way. Have used Doan's Kidney Pills; Have proved their worth in many tests. - Here's Plattsmouth testimony. Mrs. F. S. Brinkman, Eleventh and Pearl streets, Plattsmouth, says: "For several years I was bothered by my kidneys. My back often pained intensely. Head aches and dizzy spells bothered me anel my sight became so badly af fected that I couldn't read. Doan's Kidney pills were so highly rec etnimended that I decided te try them and got a box at Gering 5: Co.'s Drug Store. In a short time they helped me in every way. I am never without Doan's Kidney Pills on hand." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that. Mrs. Brinkman had. Fosler Milburn Co., Props., BufTalo, New York. Miss Eva Peu-ter, accompanied by her gimsls Misses Mildred and Delia Stecker of Omaha, were passengers this morning on t tie early Burlington train for the me tropolis, where Miss Porter will visit for a few days. Letter files at the Journal office. The Plattsmouth Journal Big Booster Circulation Campaign vote coupon VOID AFTER JULY. 4th. Good for 5 Votes Series For' M. TRI3I NEATLY. District No.