The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 18, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8
PAGE S. PLATTSIWOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1914. t Jre You Likemis ? f ,lH!!(yljli!'."!f U !' 1 Jf'' t lit u" TT TWO VESSELS IN COLLISION Kaiser Wilhelm II. and Incemcr Corns Tcgeiiier in Fog. BOTH SHIPS BADLY DAMAGED, "He that is stricken blind cannot forget The precious treasure of his eyesight lost." 3 If you're near sighted, if your eyes are failing, don't delay. You can't afford to. We are trustworthy and competent opti cians. Repairing too. Prices riht. JOHN W. GRABILL MISS HAZEL THEY ENTERTAINS HER SUN DAY SCHOOL GLASS Yeerdav afN-rii'MiM Miss Hazel Tut v i-i t ;t iiii-.l tin iiM'iiilirrs nf her Sunda .-rlii. 1. 1 cJn- ill a inosl delightful manner a! her home mi W'f-f I'.ini lreot. Tin all'air was in nature of a i oYIook luneh n ai!l I In members of Iho class eu.j to lli utnio-t Iho ib' Ii i.tii an.l t . -1 1 1 1 1 ing four-course J I H" ll t- ) served Jy lilt' hostess and the pleasant affair will nl soon be gotten. The table in tin 'lining room was very pretlily ili'ini a t i in erimsoii Rambler r--s ami made a very handsome appe.-.ranee with the happy younc: jM-opIf assembled to take part in tin pleasures of (lit afternoon. Tin cla-s hal Iho pleasure of haxinsr with thorn Rev. anil Mrs. 1". M. I M illiner, who greatly on j.o! nio.-tiiiir witli 1 Tio young people ai:I becoming more pleas antly aoipiaint !. Tin members of (ho ola-s art-: Mioses F.Iiza-l.-th Ib-o-nn. Marion Manzy, Mar pi.' f.hri-iiii-'or. Ri'va Covert, Tan lino L.mir. Freda Saltier. Mario Fvers. Clara Rainoy, Fern Noble. Kafo Allen. Anna Yejvoda. Following- tho luncheon tho young ponplo spent several hours very pleasantly on tho spai'ioiis lawn in games until Iho hour for de parture fir homo. whon. wilh re gret, thoy wended I heir way lio!nowarl, feeling that Iho front ha.l boon a most. doljghl Tul ono. Concrete Work at Cemetery. Tho ooiil raet ing lirm of Peters .v Itiohards now havo a cn-w of men working at tin coni'dory building all kinds of concrete work lhal will ond to boaufify Iho surroundings of tho graves, such as markiiisr posts, fences, walks, and in fact anything that can ho rnado from cement. Now would ho tho linio for all desiring this olass of work dono to oonsult. tho firm of pefors & Richards whilo thoy havo a crow of mon work in? on tho ground, and ran save you some inmicy, as woll as havo tho work dono immodialoly. esti mates on ai! such work will bo cheerfully given on application. Try tho Journal for stationery. FINE BABY GIRL ARRIVES AT THE HOME OF MR. AND MRS. EMIL J. MEISINGEB ill 1 1 i i-f 1 1 1 1 r ;i fi a 1 1:1 1 1- i r m f Iho homo of Mr. and Mrs. I'mil J. MoisiniMT joslorday mornin? is roporlcil. and llio many frionds oi mis osiimanlo youny roupio will rtj:n'f wilh Ihom in thoir troiid fortune. T!io liltlo stian?- r is nl Ui.' iopulation woipul. and hor paronls aro of tho opinion that sho is tin linosl littlo ladv lhal over mado hoc apptranoo in r.ass county, and in this way thoy aro hoarlilv s'Tond.'d bv iirand- l and (irai'dnia Todd, who aro ory proud oi mo lit lit- pian- dauhtor. Tho Journal oxtonds to tho paronls its host wishes for the future welfare of the lilllo ladv. MRS. W. R. BRYAN AND DAUGHTER, LUCILLE RETURN FROM TRIP Persons on Board Grain Carrier Say It Had Virtually Come to Stop and Was Run Down by Liner Big Hole In Side. Southampton. England, June 18. The North (Jernian Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhelm II., which left South aniytcn for New York with l.OoO pas sengers, lies at anchor off Netloy, three miles to the southeast, with big hole in its side amidship, caused by a collision with the Liverpool grain eteamer Incemore, bound from a Black sea port for Antwerp. Tho Incemore, a small-er craft than the German steamer, of 3,000 odd tons is in the dock here with its bows bad ly smashed. The collision occurred in the Eng lish channel, thirteen miles south of the Nab lightship, In a dense fog- Just how it occured and on which vessel lies the responsibility cannot be ascer tained at present. The officers cf the Kaiser Wilhelm II. have permitted uo communication to be held with anyone cn board and they themselves refuse to give out any information. Such scant details as have been ob tained came from the Incemore. That vessel, it is stated by those on board had virtually come to a stop because of t'v dansrer of continuing under way in. autli a thick fog, wnen suddenly there loomed up just ahead cf it the huge bulk of the Kaiser Wilhelm in the act of running them down. Unable to Avoid Collision. Both captains did their best to avert a collision, but the short distance sop arating the two vessels rendered the ii efforts ineffectual, and the Incemore struck the liner on the starboard sidi amidship. The force of the impact crumpled up its own bows and tore a big gap in the Kaiser Wilhelm's side It was the impression of those aboard the Incemore that the hole was entire ly above the water line. The two steamers stood by each other until it was ascertained that neither needed immediate assistance then both started slowly for South ampton. The forcpeak of the Incemore rapid ly filled with water, but the stout bulk head confined it there, and, although so much down by the bows that the propeller was half out of water, it man aged to crawl into port. There it found that the damage to the bows extended for a length of twelve feet and a width of ten feet. A loiter was received yesterday by I'.niiiilv Assessor Y. R. Urvan from his wile, who, in company with Miss Lucille, is at Kirkville. Missouri, where Miss lirvan con- ulle.l Iho specialists there in ro ard lo the injury from which she has been sulieriii'' for the nasi iireo years, ami which has reu lered one of her limbs quite weak. The report of the physi cian was certainly ple;isi;ir to Mr. Inyan and his family, as ho promises ilial Iho injury is per manently cured and thai in a liii time it will bo possible for hor to abandon the use of crutches and resume tho use of her limb. The news was certain ly joyful tidings to tho father ami frionds of Iho lady in Ibis city and I hey will be anxiously await inir the time when she can bo with Ihom nfrain. Tho TJrynn family will leave in a short lime for Colorado, w here I hoy will spend a few weeks resting in the mountains. WRECKED IN LOST HARBOR AH on Board Saved, but Cannery Ship and Cargo Lost. Sewaid. Alaska, June 18. Forty-five men of the crew of the cannery ship l'aramita. which was wrecked in Lost Harbor, arrived here on the steamer Dora and were transferred to the steamer Northwestern, which is taking them to Seattle. i no i-aranuta, wnicn was carrying 170 men and supplies and machinery to the plant of the Bristol Bay Pack ing company, was caught in a gale oft Bierka island, near Unimak Pass, and went on the ro'jks. The vessel was worked off the rocks, but was found tc he sinking and was beached in Lost Harbor. Tho vessel and cargo, valued at $. 000, are a total loss, but all aboard reached shor.-j safely. The Journal advertisers aro do ing the business. flip How to Preserve the Yellow of Lace. Yellow lace is apt to become white if it is washed with soap and water. bo that if the owner of yellow lace wishes to keep it yellow she must be very careful of its cleansing. Cover it first with gasoline, placing it in a covered earthen crock. Shake it about in the gasoline, rubbing soiled spots between the hands. Then cov er the crock and leave it for five or six hours. Be sure that the lace Is quite submerged in the liquid. At the end of this time shake the lace, squeeze it and hang In the open air until quite dry- Then place it on a clean ironing board and dampen a little. Pull it Into shape with your fingers while it Is damp. If It be a lace collar or a wide piece baste it to a thick, damp cloth, stitching each scallop or figure. Then place a thin, damp cloth over it and press with a warm Iron. Drag Store Monies How to Remove Soots From Table Linen. Egg stained table linen should be soak tVI In cold water until almost all twir.x ,f the xt;iin are removed. If placed directly in the boiler the stain wn set. and it will be almost impos sible to remove it. c "UNDER FALSE COLORS" There are no imitation goods or drugs in our stock. We don't carry them and won't. Everything, from toothpicks to soda, is genuine. We put up our prescriptions exactly as directed by the doctor. We're not masqueraders. ?Jauzy Drug Company Can't Keep It Secret. Tho splendid work of Cham berlain's Tablets is daily boconi- inpr more widely known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver troubles has over boon known. For sale bv all dealers- Call telephone No. 400 for guaranteed Garden Hose. Warga & Schuldoice. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE JOURNAL'S BIG BOOSTER SUBSCRIPTION GAiPAIGN Rules of the Contest. Any white man, woman, boy or pirl of good reputation rosidin? in Iho territory of the contest inav become a candidate. Aominations may be made and will be received up to the last day of the contest. Contestants may nominate themselves or be nominated by friends, without cost. There will be two separate districts in which to enter, as do scribed on this nasi'. The candidate who received tho largest V(,li of the entire contest will lie awarded the Overland Tourinjr Car Iho contestant receiving tho second largest vote of the entire con test will receive the SehmoIIer it Mueller I'iano. The three candi dates in each of the two districts receiving t!;v; throe largest number of votes after the two grand prizes are awarded will receive ono of the district prizes. All candidates who enter and work to the em and fail to win one of the prizes will receive iO per cent cash com mission on all subscriptions turned in by tlioni. Every candidate in the contest has an equal chance of winning' either the touring- car or tho piano. Candidates compete only against i lie candidates in their own district lor the district prizes. In the event of a typographical error it is understood that neither Tho Journal or tho Contest Manager shall be hold responsi ble, except to make the necessary correction on discovery of same. Any district havinsr less than two active contestants will be de clared ofl". Voting- will bo by two methods: Coupons clipped from 1111. DAILY AM) iSEMI-WEF.KLY JOURNAL, which will count for live voles each; and by special coupons issued for payments made on subscriptions according- to the published schedule. Those payments must be made in cash to the home ollice of the paper duri:i' the period covered bv the contest, whereupon a special subscription coupon will be issued, pood for number of votes to which each pay ment is entitled. Votes will not bo sold or issued in any other man ner. Special subscription coupons must boar the number corresponding- with tho ledger number on record in the o!lio-, and niut ho countersigned by the Contest Manager or ins assistant. Contest ants are not limited to their own districts in securing votes and sub scriptions, but mav obtain them anywhere. Votes are not I ran s lei - able from one contestant to another. All remittances must be accompanied by subscriber's name and address. All voles issued on subscriptions are pood to the end or the con est and may be polled at the discretion of the candidate or sub criber. Cash must accompany all subscriptions when votes are issued. First publication of names will be made as soon as a suitable number have boon nominated in each district. Noting will com mence Thursdav. June il. and continue until Saturday, August l, at 0 i. in- at which time the contest will close. No emplovo or close relative of an employe of THE JOURNAL can enter tho contest. A board of three responsible business mon will have exclusive control of the ballot bov tho ast lav ol tt:o contest ami inaKo an nouncement of tho result of that day s voting. The Contest. Manager reserves the right to reject any nomina- ion and to pass final judgment upon any question that may arise; not covered by these rules. No statement or promise made by any solicitor, canvasser or "rent vnrvinir from those rules, will be recognized by Till-' OURNAL. , , , , TIM'. .TnrnXAL reserves the right to change the plan or to mat nv additions or alterat ions-to the above conditions that may bo de nied iieeessarv to the interest and welfare of the conlest and ils candidates. . . . ,. , , In accepting- nomination and in castmp votes, an canuiuaie must accept and agree to abide by the above rules and conditions. Old subscribers cannot transfer their subscription to other members of the family and be counted as new subscribers. efore has ame Fashion allowed much ease and comfort as to-day. Every well-dressed woman realizes that the secret of her neat ap pearance lies in the lit of her corset, and we have borne this in mind in selecting; our numbers of American Lady Our stock is complete and wc havo corsets ranging-in price from S1.00 to S3.00. This week wo are hav ing a window display ol a few of our b.-st numbers and wo cordially invite tho ladies to come in and let us show yon the merits of this popular corset. We have just received the latest thing in wide black Patent Leather Belts, and also the new flare 4 collars now worn so much. H. M. SOENNICHSEH, Call Phone S3 or 54 The Daylight Store COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAKE INSPECTION TOUR How Prizes Will Be Awarded. The manner of awardinp prizes is as follows: Tho Overlain! live-passenger touring car, with complete equip ment, will bo awarded to the contestant who secures tho largest number of voles during tho campaign. Tho SHIP Kehmoller & Mueller IMano will bo awarded to the contestant receiving the second largest number of votes during the campaign. , .,, . .. After these grand prizes have boon awarded, there will be three prizes awarded in each of tho districts as follows: . Tin contestant, receiving the highest vote in each district.: re gardless of the vote in any other district, and after the grand prizes have boon awarded, will receive a beautiful diamond ring, purchased from J. W. Crabill of l'lattsmouth, and on display at his store The contestant receiving tho second highest number of voles in raoh district, regardless of the vote in any other district, and alter tho grand prizes have been awarded, will receive an order on one oi lMattsmouth's. largest stores for .?30 worth of merchandise, as thoy I,ia TheCcontestant reeeivinp the third larpest number of voles in each district, regardless of the vote in any other district and after ii... .....i lww.ii nwnnlcil will receive a irobl watch, choice .. i.'i; .... -!iHiinni mux -emenf . purchased irom J. . cianui lMattsnmuth. and on display at his store in this city SPECIAL To assure everyone who enters this campaign o i. ,r.. -o.. V., ;.. o.wi it.mni-t treatment, wo will pav to every con ! . .. ..i... . fin, i vhi remains active until the eioe ot tin . m A Wn m I who mils to win one of the splendid prizes olTered. a cash commission of ten (in) per coin oi in - nmnoy secured and turned into tins omce uunu me i-.ui.iuurli. The county commissioners and County Clerk Libershal. who were out in the county Wednesday ookintr after the bridges that were wa-tieil out or mane impa--able by the heavy rains of the nasi week, found ihal there were many in ery bad shape from tin swollen creeks and streams which Wel e tilled to ON ei-M.nW ill'-' by the recent rains, and which had caused great loss to Iho county by the destruction of the brid'-'es. In most aeses it will !' necessary to place temporary repairs on the bridges until lime is had to put in more permanent repairs. One of the woi-t of the washouts found on the trip was pear (he farm of Wash Yotinir. where it will be necessary to place in a forty-foot span ia order to allow the use of Iho bridge. Mr. Liber--hal also reports that in most places the corn ami wheal are looking nicely, although where corn was planted on tno stoop hillsides it has suffered some what from the washing- by tho rain, but in most eaos the losses will not bo heavv except in the lowlands. Wheal, loo. is looking yerv good, and while some ot it is rusted i! is im! fhouuht lhal Iho bss will be very henvy. as tho rust does not seem o bo of a erv serious kind. Tho wheal ha.rvst will be readv to start upon in this locality in about Ihree weeks, ac cording- to reports, and then Iho farmers will have to puf in sev eral very busy weeks gelling- their crops sateiv stowed awav m the prameries. Big Casket meeting June 21st. There will bo a basket mei-tintr Sunday, June jbl, on the farm of Charles Hales, two miles north of Nehawka and two miles soulh of the Ollerbein U. J!, church. Preaching af IO;;jo a. m. and p. m.; also a baptismal service in the afternoon. Anyone wishing lo bo baptised may do so. Rev. M. O. MeLau'-ihlin, president oT York college, will bo Iho preacher. He is a speaker of power; hear him that day. I'.n'ng your dinner and spend the day wilh us. Rev. J. F. Hod-'os. Nehawka. Neb. For Sale or Rent. The rjergei- cottage, consislinp of t) room, and elegantly located in Murray, is for sale or ronl. For particulars call at tho P.orger hofel The Journal does job work. RIBBONS thev havt FRECKLE FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out ugly Spots How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle- face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it docs give you it. . . a clear complexion me uapciisu is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and pet a beautiful com plexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. He sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold un der puarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Farm for Sale. Farm of 121 acres, 5 miles northeast of Union; 14 acres hay land, 20 acres pasture timber, rest in cultivation; well improvr ed. Price right if taken soon. Address Miss Etta Nickels, Mur ray, iseD. FARM FOR RENT Inquire of S. O. Cole, Mynord, Neb. G-8-lmo-wkIy FINE COUNTRY HOME OF MR. PHILIP RORN WEST OF THE CITY I,. Cm. Larson came in thi morning whore he his boon look ing after the erection of a now residence on tho farm of Philip Horn west of the city. The new home that Mr. Horn is building will bo one of the finest farm homes in that section of the coun ty, and will be finished at a cos of about $5000.00. It is a large spacious structure containing nine rooms, and one of the fea tures that will be greatly appro cialed as well as add to the beauty of the home, is the large porch which extends one hundred feet around tire residence, and will present a striking appearance to the beautiful home when it is completed. Mr. Larson is super vising the erection of the build ing and will see that it is strictly up-to-dafe in every way. Degree of Honor Notice. The Degree of Honor lodge will hold their regular meeting tomor row, Thursday evening. On ac count of the band concert the meeting will be held at 7:30 sharp. All members please take notice. motorcyclists Attention. Tho Platlsmoulh Motorcycle Club will meel Wednesday, slime e Uli. nl 8:00. at tho office of the Platlsmoulh Cycle Co, Sixth and Pearl Sis. All mot orc e I is! s and those inletesled in Plallsmouth and Cass county aro re.piosled to bo presenl. A new lot of Fancy Ribbons for Girdles and Sashes in all the newest patterns and colors. We have placed on the bargain counter a special lot, at per yard Subscribe for the Journal. OiCWEIL LUJZ I Eli Ah, Our Pies? Fit For a Kin! When Pie Making Stumped Omar. did hungrily heard soft Myself when young frequent Baker and cook and blandishment About it and about, but evermore Came out by the same door wherein I went. "J . No mysteries about our pies. They're just simple, well baked, juicy pies all kinds tasty and good. The proof of our pies is in the eating. You'll like their homemade taste a specialty of ours. "Mother" has nothing on us as pie makers. V V 4 A .--!! IN ft J' Baked For You W AGN by Experts! ER.' S "E.erylhing Good To Eat"