The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 18, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1914.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattemouth, N e b r.
EtiuriHi at the lWofflce at rialtsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloe; S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
The go eminent has been call
ed in to help provide emergency
help to harvest the crops. Kan-
ai alone wants iojtuo men for
its winter wheat. This is a re
minder that the problem of find
ing good agricultural labor is a
pressing line and grows more so.
The farm hand has been in the
past a very sturdy and depend
able type. As featured in the
rural dramas, he looked rustic
and stupid. On an average,
though, he had a fair intelligence
and no end of capacity for work,
lb was not very ambitious, but
was gifted with a philosopieal
lemperment. lie and the hired
gii I ate at the fu st and only table
with the family, the food was
; I and abundant, he was sure
of hi- future. As he spent little
fr clothes, and nothing for
amusements, he usually had a
fair savings bank account. A
farmer was remarking the other
d;ty thai this type is. about extinct.
In -lead, he now has to depend
largely ,i roving young fellows.
At th. best they look at farm
work as a mere stepping stone to
something ,lse. The department
f agriculture ought not to look
at this as any mere temporary
problem of harvesting the present
eiops of wheat and corn. It is a
situation that the fanner finds
iii"ie and more dillieult to meet,
and oi;e that ealls for lliougjitful
and practical study.
Harcf will begin in Cass
c. unity next week. 11 is hoped the
rain will let up to let the liclds of
-rain dry out so that the ma.
chines can move along without
any trouble.
The -pecial Lincoln eorres
poitdent of the Omaha Hee seems
lo think that the democratic party
in Nebraska needs a bunch of
mediators. Well, we do not think
the democrats need mediators
nearly so much as the repub
licans d-.
Lincoln is 'petting it in the
neek" pretty badly this season.
The city was Hooded one night
la week and again Sunday morn
ing. We can s mpalhize with the
flooded city, because we hae been
there ourself, but not. in the past
few ears. And perhaps never
President Wilson i not a bluf
fer, and neither can he be whip
ped, lie is as straight as die in
all his work, he understands the
demands of the country and is
doing more for the common peo
ple than any president for sges,
no matter how bud his opponents
may loot their horns.
They certainly hae an old-fa-hioiied
board of education at
leile iiel, Illinois. The time came
for the annual school picnic and
the board was granted a permit
to open a bar. The Ministerial
association of Belleville entered
a protect, but the protest went
unheeded, and the holy cause of
education in Belleville will be.
helped out by the stain of beer.
Cinvcinor oMrehead is a wise
politician. While the other fel
lows are doing the talking he is
sawing wood and saying nothing
The governor is one of the kind
that believes in the old saying-,
"If you can't say anything good
about an opponent, say nothing
In this the governor is right, as
he is in everything else. Ami thai
i-j whv he always comes in lirst
en the home ttretch.
Where will you celebrate
South Bend or Elmwood?
:o :
Durn a man who is always be
lieving that someone is trying1 to
impose on him.
(iovernor Morehead is right at
home among1 the common people,
and he mingles with them at every
given opportunity.
The latest Paris mode is to
discard the stockings. On retlec-
tion you will recall there is little
else to be discarded.
Solomon sent, the sluggard to
study tin ant, but Edison thinks
the inventor could learn more
from the bumblebee.
A Pennsylvania man says he
has invented a gasoline that will
not explode. He is either a great
genius or a great liar.
:o :
Nebraska's crop conditions on
.Tune 1 were rated at til per cent
by the department at Washington.
Stand up for Nebraska.
:o :
Since the Titanic went down the
popular admonition has been:
"Safety first." But safety was lost
in the Empress of Ireland, how
ever. :o:
It is not at all surprising that
there are sixty-three Ohio cream
eries making Swiss cheese. And it
is probably better than the Swiss
make it.
:o :
The various political parties of
New York are probably grateful
I hat William Sulzer has decided
to run for governor as an ind
The mas-es of the democratic
parly are for (Sovernor Morehead.
because he is a peoples' man, and
the people are going to nominate
ami elect him.
Distance undoubtedly lends en
chantment to the militant English
suffragettes. From this safe dis
tance their antics appear really
Mr. (Billie) Sunday may hae to
arrange a benefit for ins choir
leader in order to enabel him to
pay trial si'u,uuu judgment lor
breach of promise.
The "oldest inhabitant" de
clares he cannot recall a season
when we had so much rain in this
section during May and June as
we have had up to the present
There is nothing deficient in
John (i. Maher's oratorical quali
ties, no matter what else may be
said about him. He's a lighter
from away back, and some of his
utterances should make Brother
Charley feel very sick, if he has
any stomach at all.
:o: i
The Cumberland Presbyterian
Meneral Assembly adopted a re
port deploring the prevalent
practice of "sparking" on Sunday
night. They won't gain any young
members by this ask. The custom
of sparking on Sunday night is as.
old as the hills, and all the king's
horses can't stop it.
A graduate from a school of
jniu;jralisin,Avliivt)i'ked -up from
office boy to forenran in a country
shop, wants a job as manager of
a small town weekly, local man on
a small daily, ad or job solicitor,
or the foreinanship on a small
daily plant. Education sure does
make some men versatile.
Any mediation that fails to take
Carranza into account will never
solve tho peace problem for Mexi
co. It seems hardly probable tha
the report that the mediators
feeling that their dignity was be
ing; slighted by the chief of tin
constitutionalist cause, had closet
the door upon Carranza can he
No power can restore peace in
Mexico without pacifying Car
ranza. It would be possible fot
friendly powers to compose the
differences between the Mexican
federal authorities and the Unit
ed Stales, and take steps to pro
vide a new provisional govern
incut for the country, but unless
the eo-operalion of Carranza
secured, it would be a provisional
government that, seems bound to
fall be fore the Carranza anus.
Any such meditation as that
might well be looked upon by the
victorious constitutionalists as an
unwarranted intrusion into the in
ternal affairs of the Mexican re
public by outsiders. It might very
easily turn out that in accepting
the peace oilers of outsiders and
submitting to their decrees the
onstitutionalisls would in the
Tid lose all that, thev have fought
or during the past three years.
It must be apparent to these
mediators that they cannot hope
o compose the internal troubles
f Mexico my dealing with oniy
ne end of the quarrel. Such a
course would simply mean more
war. They can find no way (if en
forcing a peace agreement negoli-
ited with only one combatant in
the current war, and Carranza is
ighl in his contention that the of
er of mediation of the Mexican
internal strife is wholly gratuit
Hence it is evident that no sense
f exalted dignity is going to aid
the mediators in bringing peace
o Mexico. They must be patient
md sometime secure the consent
mil co-operation of the Carran-
zistas or they will find they have
wasted their time and their well
meant efforts.
And to get the co-operation of
arrauza they must assure him
that they propose to relieve Mex
ico no only of Huerla, but of the
ort of government that he has
epresonted. Our own slate de
triment seems to realize this
fact. Lincoln Star.
The Omaha World-Herald of
uesday contained an editorial
leaded, "Retired Fanners." Ami
laimed they are no better than
the landlords of Europe. This is
tu injustice to the retired farm-
rs of Nebraska, most of whom
came to the state when it was
new. 1 hey were tlie hustling
oung farmers, improxed their
loldings, reared boys and girls,
most of whom are now married
ind settled on farm their parents
,'ave them. Most of these retired
farmers are imssibly oast To
ears of age. Alter putting in
two-thirds of their life on farms
and fixing themselves so that they
can spend Hie balance oi tneir
days in comfort and ease, they
hae a perfect right lo retire from
the farm without being de
nounced "as no better than the
landlords of Europe. Plattsmoutb
has a large number of retired
farmers, and they are all splendid
citizens and we are glad to have
them among us.
This is a great campaign year
for Johnson for governor John II
Morehead, John II. Kemp, John (.
Maher and John O. Yeiser. But
the Fremont Tribune, of which
Hoss Hammond is editod, says
that according' to the goose-bone
and other prophets, there'll be. no
John elected governor this year.
It's easy to see who he thinks will
win Hoss Hammond. There is
nothing like keeping a stiff upper
If her affections were alienated
they were not worth the price set
forth in the damage suit.
The recent rains have been
general throughout the entire
New candidates are announcing
themselves every day in the Jour
nal. They know where to get their
money's worth
A friend asks:, "Why is a news
paper like a woman?" Well,
prooamy because every man
should have one of his own and
not borrow, beg or steal his neigh
In view of the frightful ac
cidents that daily occur, it would
seem that auto drivers would
learn to be more cautious. But a
fool and auto never did work lo
gether harnioniouslv
"Safely First" would be a good
motto to paste in the front of the
auto before starting out. It
might be the means of slowing up
when crossing a railroad track,
r een in passing- another auto.
(Seorue W. Berge is about right
when he says: "Metcalfe has been
faxored with not only one but two
important appointments bv the
federal administration ami it
eeins to nie that is enough for
the present."
It looks now as though tin
nil nioosers would capture the
ntire republican party with tin
xceplion of a few old-line lead
ers who io not believe m giving
the partv over to Mr. ltooseve
md his follower
I'rusl busting may proe a life-
saver to many poor people. Ol
course llie ncli mm t care: tnev
lave the money to buy, no matter
now nigh I lie cost ol living
I'here's where vou find President
Wilson ngiii willi the common
We would like to be llie ruling
pirit in England for a short space
of time. The suffragists would
ehae like sensible people or
thev would be run out of the
ountiy at the point of the bayo-
iel. We have great respect for
women of llie right kind, mil
none whatever for the class that
s eternally raising h 11 in Fng
aud. :o
W. II . Puis has tiled for the
ieiiiocratie nomination for float
representative from the counties
f Oloe and Cass. Mr. Puis has
served one term in the legislature
md made good in every way.
u'lly is not an orator, but is an
lonest, upright gentleman, and if
lected will always be found on
the side of right and against
w rong-
The more candidates that come
nil for governor the more people
if Nebraska think how foolish it
o set (iovernor Morehead aside
for a new man. His administra
tion has been all that could pos-
siblv be desired. It has been most
conomieal, energetic and an
lonor to Nebraska. He has dein-
mstrated that a purely business
idniinistrat ion is what, the people
desire, and they do not propose to
swap houses while crossing the
stream," and are willing to "lei
well enough alone." And they
ue going to do it, too.
:o :
(iovernor Morehead is not wor
. . 1 1. i
ryiug- very niucn over me gunei
natorial contest. Well, he don't
need to u Itie people want a gov
. . . . i i -
ernor that has "been tried and
not found wanting" in the faith
ful discharge of his duties. The
fact is the people have watched
the governor's administration
onslantly, and they are for him
ieeauso he has always been right.
le has rendered .. himself very
popular, and we believe he will be
e-nominaled and re-elected. And
we do not believe any other of the
three candidates could do so. If
the democrats are wise they will
unite in nominating Governor
When the crops fail it is hard
to escape adversity. When crops
are such as is now promised it is
equally dillieult to escape pros
perity. This year's harvest is not
a matter of psychology, except
perhaps regarding cotton. Re
garding that Ihe planters are still
doing all in their power to pro
duce scarcity prices by predicting
them, and may yet be disappoint
ed to find how well the abundance
of their yield makes g 1 the
deficiency in price. As regards
other crops prediction is fast
passing into realization as to both
yield and price. The winter wheat
crop is made. Nature's part is
done, and it remains only to har
vest the f:8, 000, (MM) bushels
which are in sight.
An increase oT I 1 i ,noo,ono
bushels above the previous maxi
mum is a sad blow to the pes
simists. Their indignation grows
as they contemplate the excel
lence of the foreign demand at
nrices winch do not collapse as
thev ought in the face of such
incredible abundance. 1 lie rea
son is that world slocks are low.
and all Ihe talent had sold in an
ticipation of the good news, with
the result that I hey advanced
nrices bv overselling. The dis
tress of those who thrive in ad
versity is likely o deepen as the
M'iisnii advances. The spring
wheat Clop will liol be reduced,
as it sometimes is when Ihe win
ter wheat crop is large. On the
contrary, it will be larger than
last year, and will carry the total
wheat crop to near I50.0ii0.0u0
above the maximum. Good
weather for wheat is good for
grass, and the humble hay crop is
no more to be despised than the
hen which lays truly golden eggs.
Last year the hay crop was worth
s7l7. and wheal was
worth only sr, o,mio,0oo. If this
year's hay is worth, say, sjim), more than imo.uoo.uoo
bushels of wheal the figures of
wealth from the soil become daz
zling'. Corn is the biggest cash crop
and the figures regarding it are
md available yet. Oats will be
next to the record, a fact which
assures abundance for breakfast
for both man and beast. With
hay and oats abundant there can
be no natural reason for a short
age in animal products, which
add about a half to the crop prod
ucts of the farms. Last year
farm products approximated !,
ooo, This year it is dol
lars to doughnuts that $10,000,
000,000 will be less than the
farmers' income. Who would rod
be a farmer, with license lo join
associations "not for profit" to
raise prices to the -ultimate con
sumer above these modest
figures? It is unfashionable to
be hopeful these days, but it takes
invincible resolution to resist
such incitements to optimism as
these figures, surpassing all but
immoderate imagination, and
carrying dismay to those hoping
that the worst is yet lo come.
New York Times.
The senate committee has voted
to restore the old mileage, as
many of the member:
of the
house hoped when they voted the
:o :
The trouble with several of the
democratic candidates for gov
ernor they talk entirely loo much.
There i not a parlicle of use in
deriding an opponent, and the
ones who pursue this method may
regret it should either succeed in
gelling the the nomination. Cut
it out, gentlemen.
II is pretty near time for a Tew
of the hangers-on who have re
peatedly been candidates for stale
ollice on the democralie ticket, lo
stand aside and give some of the
others more deserving a chance
lo try their speed. The voters do
not like to see the names of these
professional olTice-seekers on the
ticket every time they go to the
polls to vole the state ticket,
Forget Spark
Porcelain- SUtli PlllgS -
FOR MOTORCYCLES On sale by us,
at 75 cents each. These plugs insure
perfect ignition, and never fail to sat
isfy; cannot e injured by heat or oil;
Send us your order to-day. Give us a
trial, also the Monarch. We are sure
they will please you. Why pay $1 for
spark plugs when we can furnish you
the best Motorcycle plug made for 75c?
...Motorcycles and Bicycles...
Political Announcements
All announcements MUST BE
the following rate: For Con
gressman, $15; State Senator,
S10: Representative, $5: for
County Officials, S5 each.
For Congress.
Wo are authorized lo announce
the name of Wilber W. Anness,
of Dunbar, Oloe county, for con
gross from the l-irst congres
sional district of Nebraska, sub
ject to the will of the republican
voters at the primary election on
Tuesday, August 18.
We are authorized to announce
'harles .Marshall of Otoe count
as a candidate for congress from
Ihe First district, subject lo Ihe
vill of the voters at the primary
election on Tuesday, August IS,
i'Jl i.
For Senator.
A. F. Sturm, 'of Nehawka, is a
candidate for senator1 from Oloe
and ('ass counties, subject lo the
will of Ihe republican voters at
llie primary election Tuesday
August IS.
We are authorized to announce
Ihe name of John Mattes, jr., as a
candidate for Senator from Cass
and Oloe counties, subject to the
decision of Ihe democrat iv voters
at the primary election on Tues
day, August is, l'Jli.
For Representative.
M. (!. Kime, of Nehawka pre
cinct, will be a candidate for
member of the lower house of
the slate legislature, subject lo
Ihe will of the democratic voters
of Cass county at the primary
elect ion to be held Tuesday, Aug
ust 18, 1914.
We are authorized to announce
William II. Puis fur Float Rep
resentative (Otoe and (-ass coun
ties), subject to the will of the
democratic voters at the primary
election, Tuesday, August 18.
For County Judge.
Charles L. (Sraves of Union is a
candidate for the nomination to
the ollice of counly judge, sub
ject to the decision of the
voters at the primary elec
tion, held on Tuesday, August 18,
For County Clerk.
Frank J. Libershal, the present
count j' clerk, tilling said ollice. by
apopinlniont, is a candidate for
the nomination lo said ollice, sub
ject to the decision of the demo
cratic voters at the primary elec
tion, held on Tuesday, August
18, 1914.
John M. Creamer, of Wabash,
Big Booster Circulation Campaign
I am a resident of Cass County or vicinity and wish to enter
The Journal Prize Contest. I fully understand the rules and con
ditions governing same, which I agree to comply with.
- Town.
Plug Troubles!
USE . . .
is a candidate for county clerk,
subject to the decision of the re
publican voters of Cass counly at
lb' primary election held on
Tuesday, August IS, 1 It I 5 . Your
support will be appreciated.
I am a candidate fur counly
clerk on Ihe republican ticket,
siibjecl to Ihe will of the oters ''t
Ihe primary election August IS.
A. L. Anderson.
For Register of Deeds.
Mont Ilobb is a candidate for
Register of Deeds of Cass coun
ty, subject to the decision of the
republican voters of the county
at the primary eleclion to be held
on Tuesday, August 18, 191 i.
For Sheriff.
We are authorized lo announce
F. H. Cunningham, of Nehawka
precinct, as a candidate for sherilT
of Cass county, subject to the de
cision of the republican voters at
the primary election August IS,
We are authorized to announce
William Doud, of Salt Creek
( ireeuwood ) precinct, for the
ollice of sheriff of Cass counly.
subject to the will of the demo
cratic oters at the primary elec
tion on Tuesday, August 18, 191 I.
John Wunderlich, of Nehawka
precinct, is a candidate for sheriff
of Cass county, subject to the de
cision of the democratic voters of
the county at the primary elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, Aug
ust 18, 1914.
Carroll D. Quinlon, the present
sheriff, is a candidale for Ihe
nomination of said ollice, subject
to the decision of Ihe republican
voters at the primary election,
held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914.
County Commissioner.
We are authorized lo announce
Charles R. Jordan, of Alvo, as a
candidale for Commissioner from
the Third district, subject lo the
decision of the democratic voters
at the primary election on Tues
day, August 18, 1914.
C. E. Heebner, present commis
sioner from Ihe Second district, is
a candidate for re-election, sub
ject to the decision of the re
publican voters at the primary
Section to be held on Tuesday,
August 18, 1914.
Henry Snoke, of Tipton pre
cinct, will be a candidale for the
office of Commissioner from the
Third district, subject lo the de
cision of Ihe democratic voters
at the primary election on Tues
day, August 18, 1914.
If you want your well cleaned
call on W. II. Uarr 2lv-(itd