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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1914)
f PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1S14 l'l it r r i lnil. i,-n i -.. I -.. 1 - r...l"S5 1Sir illlll Do - 1 C - T i3 3 K a -' -ALCOHOL. 3fK tXM'. si.T.i!ai;nSi!ieFoctfaaI&gii2 8 r.i'ss nr.d Hret-Ccntahs neiliicr 0pii2iilJrp!uae nortliaaaL OTNAECOTIC. ftrpf Sal- -Jr.- Seed x.'h?tot.L&Xua i Til" ArrrH ci Remedy for Ccmsfir tio:i , Sour Stomach Diarrhoea V.crnis.CoiTV'jIsioiislCT'rnsn- rdcssaulLoss or Sleet. lie Simile Signature cf Tke Cextalu Compass; NEW OKiv For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF KiRS. J. E. JONES, DECEASED CHORLES ZITKA IS FINED FIVE DOLLARS FOP, T!i- f . .1 ! v i ii i- n short bio t:r.:(,!ih-al k . t .-li ..f the life of Mr-. J. '.. .!..;'-. wli...-.- d-alb -!! i l;:y m- vv. in - iau-i'.i i-uch a j.r-.t..ii;:.J -.n f i:ri-f i h r U r- h- .'iiiii.- city, wli'-rt- h' ha !'! t i : - j.nt i i ya! s been a r- i I 1 1 : Mi -. .T i i -- 1i! -t -aw the liht of .iy .I;i:;u;i'-y 2 2. is;.",, at I'.-tt--iiif. lJ--nti- lvanin. an.l ro.-idr-d Jli' T.- h !)! jiai'-nt-. Mr. aiu! Mr -. I li'-ma-'f"i th. fr a miMiixr 'f -ar- until ruciinp v. .--t. v. litT' -I1." v. a- iiKirritMl in I.S't-j !- M:-. .T. V.. .T'Mi. -. a;i'l t hi- iii!i"M tw.i fliihlri'ii w.'i'f jntin Ti h !. t;i.v Mrs. .Tanif- An-, i II' 1 II II III' liii'ia;,i a I i 1 1 t.i nnnirii th pa--iii- f ttii- r-timahU' lady, 'l'h.- !':iHi.-r. '1 ti":n:is Slan-'fi-iiftli. a- -!i a- tw.i J(itih"i-s in Hav'-I-.-k. ai-.. h'ft t. -har.- tin- r : . f ,,r li'T nr.f i;M-ly !--atti. Mr-. .T. .!!-. in h"r j;:it t way. wn mmy ffi-iM ciii r-i i-r u-y hS-nct in t!ii- ci'y. ami h--r pa--in has li.-i !1 till- i.i'l'ii"M "f ' I Ji'LTI't't ain.'P'r til" stiany fri.'mis ii. havo v.ath'il li':- l.rav.- st run a ! lur ii n all tlio loner ninnlh- f h'-r ill!! k'i"i!)Lr that t ! i -n wa- . itah!'-. Th- furi'-i al will h. Jul. I I MMHirr-MW arfTnr.i,n ff'rn lh.- !ato h.iiiM' at I'ifti and Marblo -1 r t - at 2 'tV!ick. I.a-t ovt-nin' th v . 1 : - w'if sr.?niiMn.,l i 'Tit t Hi' w--t mv f lh.- rity whrn- tlliarl.'- Ziika was iej.irt'l l'l ' u- I'.v the -iad siilf wiapi"-. in i"c; an! th.' ii'sidtnts ..f thai -.(ion !--irt 'l i:rt'atly W have hi:n i cmio.'.1 to a '!a''" whfPi' lii rouhl r'-l :no! ctun fi .i tahly. Th.- pohVo on tliir arrival found C.harh-- wa sufT'rin2 fr-ini too :'riat a of ".joy vai-i' and o-foitc liini to I hi' rify pji-on hTt' in' was !-riv- n lod-'i::r and thi- niornin: mad' fii- n iTnranci' at tin- hmhI of Jndv' Archt-r. m afior iM-niinir Hip ' idi-in-' in Hn ra dfHd-'d lhat it was iv-r.-ssary f . i- f.har!.'1 lo part with s." and t!n- -.- of tho fase to -aii-fy violation of tli. jo-aco and ordinanff- of r lit- rity and H:- d'-ft-ndnnt rnr:kin2r -at isfaHorv arranirf mt'n! for 1 1 -'f I h'mt-nt of the sanu was ro-la-t'd frora custody. riny, sdl or F.xfhan?p Plaits mouth proporty. Worth the nionov. Clydo H. Fuller. Phone 4i0 J. 5-ll-tfd&w- Residence for Sale. The Mrs. McYicker residence property on North Sixth street is offered for sale. For particulars call on Mrs. J. E. Leesley. 4" O. Sand in, D. V. M., 4- graduate of the Kansas City J- Veterinary College, is per- manently located in Plafls mouth. Calls answered J day or night. 'Phone 255. 4 4 Office 600 Main. TWO SPANS OF THE LOUISViLLE BRIDGE GOME DOWN TO 0REAP0L1S From Tuesday's Dally This morinnir tlie remains of the t -pans of t he :-k lrid-:' at I.oui-ill' v, hi.di w. : .- wa.-ln-'i out Sunday .'x.-uinu- l-.,!-.'d aaint th." liurlin'-ion an.l Mi--..iiri Pacific nrid.-s at )!; landed and the owners of the hrids-'e at Loiii-ville. if they de -ire. can recover the same. 1 !i" railroad bridges, a- w.di n I lie auto and waei l.rid-' here have l".-n .-ry foi-tunat.- in respect "! from the hiti wate:-. Xb! water Sunday v;i up to the floor of the wa'-on h!-iil-e. Ieit Hie cri-i-in the hih water se.-m to have pas-ed witliout -.-rious loss to either of the brides. The b.- fiom tlm hih wajer in life coinity i .juite .'i.'n-ive. a- tliere are .piite a numbc:- of lu-id-'"- lhat it iil lie neces-ary fo repl;i'-e with new ones oep t!ie d i ti eri-n i -ii'.-am-. and thi moi-nin'-r county co-iimis-io i, r- and I'm1 brid-e contractor. accompanied bv;ily r.lerk I.iber-hal. diove out to look over he -ihiation in. n yard to lh" replacing of the wa-In-d-out Iridic- with m'o (c,i.'s a oon a- the money i available r t that pur$.-". The icjiot!- from th" su rround i ;i cour.tics "!! Ilic -aiiie -bry of storm liamape. OELZELL PILES IN THE FIRS St3le Superintend:) to Gontssl JorGonjressionalfioniination. SIXTH CANGIDATE TO ENTER. Elliott Files For State Superintendent. Food Commissioner Withdraws From P.ace For Congress Maguire Files For Renominstion In First. Lincoln, Juno 18. State Superin tendent James K. Velz-.U v. iii not l.e a caml'iiate ior r noniinativiii ior that ol fi;e, but filcJ for the Ii.'i-o.lI; noml fcjitu.a for congress in the First dis trict. Mr. De!zc!I is the sixth candidate to file lor the 11; publican iioraination for that olace in this district. Thoe al ready filed are Crav, ford Kennedy, Frank K. Edgerton. (Icorae E. Tobey and .James E. IVizdl cf Lincoln and Withar W. Anr.oss of Dunbar and Chanes C. Marshall of X. t.r; a C-iy. Gus Johnson Improving nicely. Tin conditio ..f ;-,;- John-on. who some months air.. -ufTered a fraffure of his liip in an accident at tlie shops. js clti-!'- abniL.' :;i-.' ly. a?id i i:ov aide t- -it u; I'1!' sh iT'f p"!-i'"'.s af'er over -: .. ('-. con tine;!!cn t lo hi- bed. '!"h" in jury i- :! I in a! e:u in line -liape ami it i- Ihou-'hl fhrd th- patient will in a few weeks b" aide use lii li:.;b to m"e aT-' iind on. and md -utYev any .! i'oi rnilv fi'oiti tb.e re-ul! of the accident a- -o oM.n results i'-om an in.iui-y f ilii- jri ture. X"v- of hi- i ' ur- enien t i cert :i;nly pba-i!:cr to the many friend- of Mr. dn-o;i and !! are'iu-!;- await i!: r tin iim" when he will be abb' !o he up and a; ou!,d. WHAT? Some a nee. WHF..V? Next Saturday i.:hl. wtifp.t:? T. J. Sokol Hall. Holly's r die-t ra. Wuf Sed. Farm for Gale. The ",. . Swil'fr qunrfer. three miles soulhwe-f of Xe hal;n. I'.r particular's ( or write Henrv M. p.dlard, Xehawka, Xeb. Social Dance. To lie civen I.y the T. J. Sofcoi at their hall on pearl street, Sat urday ii iirlit . .Tune -jo. I'M;, , missin'i: (JenN. 70f - ladies, free. Musi,- hy Ibdly's oj-clie-tra. P.est of oiib r maintained. Beautiful Shetland Pontes for sale at all times. Tor the next tOO years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine stallion, the best in the state, for sale. Well broke for botb harness and saddle. Wrn. Gilmour, Plattsmouth. Neb. R. F. D. No. 1. It is also said that ex -ii-ri:i" Z. S. Brnn-on of Lincoln may get in the ir.'-e and the name cf Dev. F. S. S:c-in has also been connected with the nom ination. Another filing vas that of Deputy State Su:riat'. mlcnt Ilolnrtt I. Elliott ft.:- the ReLub'ican nomination for i state superintendent. Caaru-s Eudt-n of Crefton has filed for tae Republican non:::iation for the state senate to represnt the coantics oi Knox and Ce;ar. Metcalfe's Soys to Boost For Father. Richard L. Mctca!ie, .Jr.. arrived in Lincoln and viil Lave th:'rs:e of the pri;aary of his father fio:a no v." on un- jtil the primary is over. loiter in the campaiprn ae u.i re jom.-n by ms t'.vo Irotheis. Daeb-r and Yh.odo:e, who will assist in the campaign, ijichard. or I as he is known, -wli! open head qua:: is in Aurora, vvhih- Duller will have cliarae of the Omaha headquar ters. Theodore will as-Kt in other places as lie is needed. Harman Withdraws From Race. Carrying out his ir.tcauon at the time he filed for the Democratic nomi nation for con press to withdraw if rome man he considered stronger Fhould get in the rare. Clarence E. Ilarman. slate food, dairy and oil in spector, withdrew from th" rate. Maguire Gets In Race. The filing of John A. Maguire for the Democratic nomination for con frt i in tlie First district was rec rived Ly the secretary of state. Mr. Maguire Is filling hi.-, third term in congress fiom the First district. W. P.. Price has also filed for the nomination. No State Piano Tuner. T. D. Smith of Norfolk wants to know of the state auditor if there is fcii.h an office in the state as stale pi iao tuner. He w rites the auditor that John W. Evans and his son have L- -rt advertising in Norfolk that they Loci a. license from the state as official riar.o tuners and he wants to know what authority they have for such rrp r dentation. The auditor has written Mr. Smith that the statutes provide for lots of offices, but somehow the legislature nrgp-ctcd to create the of 11 co of official piano tuner. Kimball Company Appeals. The T. L. Kimball company has ap jica'ed from a judgment S'-t ured in tlie Douglas courty district court by E. L. C. I lii more for damages sustained to his wheat field by reason of hogs be- I j. ;i-iiin io u:t" ueiviHiaiii. L'if:iivi:;g iiiio the field sed destroying tho wheat, which had been cut and was in the fh:ek. He set his damages at $C44.2". on 1".9 bushel?. The jury gave him a judgment for $22 and the defendant appeals. Asks Trust Reports. The state auditor's Gf!ic" is sending out Hanks to the twelve trust com panies dong business in this state for a report of their condition at the close of business June 30. EDITORS WOULD PLAY BALL South Platte Quill Pushers Laying For North River Scribes. Hastings, Neb., June IS. Those world's series games between the Giants and the Athletics will have nothing on the battle which the editors of Nebraska will wage in Lincoln Sat urday for the trans-PIatte baseball championship. The confMct will be cne of the feat ures of the annual convention of the Nebraska State Press association and w ill be foucht by teams under the lead ership of J. C. Elliott of West Point and Adam P.i cede of Hastings. Elliott has kept his war plans carefully con cealed, but enough is known of the material available for the South Platte team to make it certain that it will take some nighty good ball players to plant the pennant north of the river. There is not a rosition on the South Platte tram that has not a half dozen or more candidates. One of the try cuts is the man who taught Sam Craw ford the game. Another editcr claims to have had -experience with the Sox. NEBRASKA! SLAIN NEW MEXICO Ralph McConns!! ol Omaiia Shot Down at Tularosa. Omaha, June IS. While riding horseback v. ith his nui"-year-old caurhter, on their way to an Indian reservation several miles out of Tula rosa. N. M., Ralph W. Connell, former Omaha boy and son of the well known attorney here, was shot from his sad die and instantly hilled by a man named Porter, who was embittered to wards the lawyer because of a water rights feud which has been in progress there for yeers. Porter got away, but his wiie and a mar. named Ially were arrested. A reward has been ottered for tho arrest of Porter. "It must have grown out cf the lc-r.g standing suit coneerning the water liht of that section," said W. J. Cou ncil, father of the young man, after he received the telegram. "I can't imag ine what was the trouble except that some desperado, incensed over the water right controversy, must have cone- the deed." The watt r right case was argued by W. J. Connell only a few weeks ago in New Mexico. The case is now in tho supreme court of New Mexico and briefs have been fled there. Young Connell and many of the older settlers have been tah'r.g; water for years from the Tularosa river for irrigation pur poses. Some years ago a new company in and sought to take the water of the river. This led to legal contro vtrsy, which has been pending some ears. Yoirg Connell went to New Mexico for his health and was operating a cat tie and chicken ranch. Here are a Liue of Implements that You will Need, Farm nerl Prettv Soon, IF NOT RIGHT NOW ! Haying Tools Deering and McCormick Mowers. Come m and see the latest Deering I have had a large run on these mowers. Cultivators Reduced prices on all riding cultivators Binders Do not fail to see the latest improved Deering and McCormick binders. Cushman Binder Engine To be attached to binder for heavy grain on wet ground, Buggies Keys Bros., Moon Bros , Sechler, Rock Island. Reduced prices on Velie Buggies. Harness and Nets A complete line of heavy and light harness; also fly nets and lap dusters. Uecring Standard Binder Twine " -eta- JOHN G The Implement Man. Plattsmouth, Nebr. FAIRCHILD DAY AT DOANE College Celebrates Fortieth Anrdver. sary of Favorite Professor. Crete, Neb., June IS. A large inter est in the commencement season this Keck centered about the celebration of Processor A. B. Fairchild's forty years of service with and for Doane college. Mr. Fairchild came here in December, 17-1, a young man just out of college. The institution with which he con nected himself was then well started on its third year and was doing largely aeademy grade work, but the college department was in evolution. The four college classes staged a Fairchild pageant in the grove. This was a representation of the beginning cf the college, showing its growth up to the present day, making prominent the part of Mr. Fairchild in the work. Trades For Horse With False Teeth. Falls City, Neb., June IS. Deputy Sheriff McFarland was in Salem this week, where he headed off some horse traders who were wanted by the sher iff at Seneca, Kan. The traders made a dicker with a boy named Jones, who Lai a blind mare, and gave $13 boot, for a mare that had false teeth. The boy took the mare home and thought he had made a fine trade until he fed her corn, and the plaster of paris teeth broke in two. and then it was not able to ,at. The traders were turned over to the Kansas officer. EAGLES NAME OFFICERS Convention at Hastings Considering Chanre In Laws. Hastings, Neb., June IS. Following a busy morning session the Eagles or the Nebraska aerie, in a parade a mile long, marcned to the bail park, whore they witnessed the Hastings-Columbus Stato league game. A special meeting was held to con sider amendments to the constitutlcn -riving the state officers, instead of the state aerie, the right to select the an nua! place of meeting, and reducing the number of delegates to the na tional conventions. Tlie following have been nominated for state offices: President, W. F. .Moran: vice presidents, A. D. White, H. E. Sievers; chaplain. J. B. Jandro, J. W. McKissick; secretary, R. E. Lan dis; treasurer, J. II. Lolimann, M. II. Avery; conductor. E. F. Sweeney; in ner guard. C. M. Hedglin. George Short; outside g!iard. Conrad Schmidt; trustees. Tony Constanz, G. R. Gamble, C. Christensen. TYLER BELT IS PROMOTED Vice President and General Manager of Big Telephone Group. Omaha. June IS. W. P. T. Belt of this city has been made vice president and general manager of the northwest ern group of the Bell Telephone com panies, which includes the Nebraska. Zowa and northwestern telephone com panies, operating in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and North and South Da kota. The headquarters of this group is in Omaha-. A. A. Lowman, plant superintendent of the Northwestern Telephone Ex change company at Minneapolis, will succeed Mr. Bvit as general plant su perintendent. Shoots Housekeeper's Husband. Madison, Neb., June 18. Albert Kurpegewit. living six miles west of Madison, shot William Camricks, a stranger who v.-as about to enter his house through an open window. Sev cial shots were fired from a rifle, one bullet entering Camricks' back. Cam ricks then disappeared in the darkness rnd Kurpegewit telephoned Sheriff Smith, who met the wounded man re turning to Madison. Kurpegewit'a housekeeper is Camricks wife. Gage Farmer Has Early Harvest. Beatrice, Neb., June 18. J. D. Nor man is probably the first man in Gage county to harvest his wheat. He cut ten acres near his home In Glenover. He reports that the grain is very heavy and will, yield about thirty bushels to the acre. S hasttc srrvAGE edge (CANNOT RAVSL) ILASTIC RIB (east on anb holds up sock FEINFORCED RIB JOINT LmuwuuiuiauLiiliuuuiiiiii - I M $ MO EQUAJ- FOR WEAR j 1 8' !douels TO PREVENT ' &x i ' X S xv -e4-- ; PREVENTS BREAKING &.LADDEJUK'C) FINE GAUZE TEXTUREV 5 ILK-LISLE THREAD (COOL AND SIGHTLY PERMANENT BRILLIANT SILK-LUSTRE STRIOirSAMTARY CYE THROUGHOUT 'JSNUG ANKLE" FIT (NSVER'BACS" EITHER BLFORE OR AFTER LAUNDCRtNGy tlO WRINKLES ANYWHERE RTTV?CRCE3 AGAINST SHOE RU ENTIRE FOOT PROTECTED AGAINST. WEAR "DECAUSE of a patented ma chine, owned and controlled by the Interwoven Hosiery Co., used exclusively in tlie knitting of Interwoven hosiery it is the only seamless sock that fits snugly around the instep and ankle. Tliere are no seams to hurt the feet or to break open. They are reinforced in such a manner that the wear ing qualities of the Interwoven are many times improved over other brands. A Half Hose of Perfect Satisfaction. Prices 25c, 35c and 50c. Champagne, Taupe and White very new shades and selling fast. Stetson Hats Manhattan j Shirts C. II. Fuller and wife were ita.s- I.. A. DiflVndorf, Mi.s Agatha sonirers (his nioi ninp: f"r Omaha. .Imes and Robert Jones were p:i- where they will visit for the day senprers this nioininp- for Omaha, 'M.kinp: after s.;no matters of where they will visit for tlie day business. willi friends. Splendid Pasture Fine Holstein Bull Calf for horses, calves and cows. North for sale; clierible to rofristry. of town. For particulars tele- About 2 weeks old. Mrs. J. I ;!ioti,. 2022. Trilsch, Plattsmouth, Xeb. Wedding stationery at the Wedding stationery at the Journal office. Journal office. The Shirt With a Real ...GUARANTEE... &-V Ve A 3 - i ! Our Shirt Business is expanding, be cause we offer greater values. Shirt wearers appreciate the beautiful patterns, the fine workmanship and the exclusive features found in Ferguson-McKinney make shirts; the popular prices also appeal to them. See our new patterns. SOc to S2.00 Falter & Thierolf PLATSMOUTH, NEB.