The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 15, 1914, SECTION ONE, Page PAGE 8, Image 8
S . -' 1 PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1914. 4 r , . . ki r "He that is stricken blind cannot forget The precious treasure of his eyesight lost. If you're near sighted, if your eyes are failing, don't delay. You can't afford to. We are trustworthy and competent opti cians. Repairing too. Prices riht. JOHN W. One O'clock Bridge Luncheon. A very pleasant 1 o'clock bridge luncheon was j-r i x 1 1 al the charm in tr home tf Mrs. T. Ode Sat urday afternoon ly Misses Yeina anl Lillian Ode in honor of Mrs. W. C. Mrrv f Cleveland. Ohio. h. is here visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. ( . C. Doyey. The Ode home was very prettily decorated with red Rambler roses place ttiiii littit the rooms of the lifiie aiii which a.ddd a very arti-tie totieh to the delightful gat herinir. The ladies, some six teen ill Illllllltel. pa-e, the time m-l pleasantly in the of miction l.ri.lire until a suitable hour.' when a very tempting aiul l.-li-j..u t hree. course luncheon was erv-tl by the hostesses, that wa thoroughly enjoyed by the guests present. Cures Stubborn, Itchy Skin Troubles. "I could scratch myself to pieces," is often heard from suf ferers of Eczema. Tetter, Itch an.J similar Skin Eruptions. Don't Scratch Slop the Itching1 at once with Dr. Ilobson's Eczema Ointment. Its first application starts healing: the Red. Rough. Scaly. Itching Skin is soothe. 1 by the Healing and Cooling Medi cines. Mrs. C. A. Einfeblt. Rock I-land. III., after using Dr. Ilob son's r.i'zrina Ointment, writes: '"This is the first time in nine years I have been free from the dreadful ailment." fiuaranlced. r'c, at your Druggist. Big Basket Meeting June 21st. There will be a basket meeting Sun. lay. .Tune 2 1st, on the farm of Cliarles Hates, two miles north of Nehawka and two miles south of the otterbein I II. church. Preaching at a. m. and 2 p. in.: also a baptismal service in the afternoon. Anyone wishing to be baptised may do so. Rev. M. O. McLaughlin, president of York college, will be the preacher, lie a speaker of power; hear him that day. Uring your dinner and spend the day with us. Rev. J. F. Hedges, Xehawka, Neb. CHICHESTER S PILLS I.adica Auk ynr Urgf .lot fnc Illla in Ii-l ami ,oil metallic' !', KilM itl Iilue K il. boa. lraarlt- An I 4'IIKm.TFI' yeaxiknwn ay Bet. Safest. Always Ke'.ia! le io n oinrr. 1-1Y or tdiip SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Drug Store Monies: I "UNDER FALSE COLORS1 There are no imitation goods or drugs in our stock. We don't carry them and won't. Everything, from toothpicks to soda, is genuine. We put up our prescriptions exactly as directed by the doctor. We're not masqueraders. Mauzy Drug Company CRABI1LL, t - . . 4 WEEPING WATER. 4 Republican. Tom Akeson, notrheast of town, had a cow killed by lightning in the pasture Friday night, but fortunately had it insured. Mr. and Mrs. Wash ltullis de parted last week for Wisconsin and Canada, where they will spend the summer months visiting rela I ives. The Misses Henrietta Hutler and Carrie Marshall returned Sat urday evening from Ames, Iowa, where they have been attending school. Harold Tllaikie departed for Cashfier, Washington, Tuesday morning where he will visit his" uncle I.. E. Calkin. If the climate agrees with him he will prolong his stay indefinitely. I. W. Te.'jrM-den and daughter. te. returned Tuesday inorn- irir from I bur visit in Indiana. Ike reports crop- good, although the corn is r.ot as far along as here on account of the amount of rain there. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wengcr, son ard daughter, of Wayland. Iowa, were visiting tbeir cousins, the Rich brotherr. and their families, si veral days the first of the week. They were traveling by auto and were en rout" to Colorado with visits along the way. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lines bade good-bye to friends at Weeping Water Tuesday morning and de parted for Mrs. Lines' home in New York state, where they, will spend the summer. On their way they will stop at Cleveland for an over Sunday visit al the home of Mrs. Hazel Jameson Love. Mrs. Hyron liakrr departed on Monday morning for Toledo, Ohio, to visit her husband, who is carpentering there. She will visit relatives and return with her husband in a few weeks, as soon as he can finish the work he has on hand. She was accompanied as far as Omaha by her son, Rob ert. William McCain of Pown, Okla., was in town Tuesday calling on old-time friends. Hillie was one of the young1 men of this com munity i0 years aso. He looks as natural walking- with Hank Hubbard as if he had always lived bere. Tfe is visifinz his sister, Mrs. John Hall, of Elmwood. Tho Journal does joh work. ( c& ) I E. SUNDAY SCHOOL OBSERVES CHILDREN'S DAY Tho Churoh Handsomely Decorat ed and the Program Render ed With Great Skill. Last evening the Methodist Sunday school in this observ ed in a splendid manner Chil dren's clay, and one of the most interesting and pleasing pro grams that has ever been given in the church was carried out by the voting- people. In honor of the event the church was very handsomely decorated, the plat for-: l in- beautiful with large palms and vases of roes and the flowers of the season, while sus pended from the arch of III church were two large silk Ameri can Hags, not only showing tin pirit of patriotism taught in the school, but honoring the flag day as well. The back of the church, . .a Ml ... . as well as tne large piuars, were verv peauiniiiiy arraugeu won .... ! ... i :u. asparagus greens, interspersed with red crimson ramblers that made the auditorium of tin church a most beaut ful sight to the eye. and with the excellent program made the occasion one thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience present. On the platform was sealed the Sundav school choir of twenty- five young ladies, all garbed in white, who added greatly to the splendid music furnished. The program consisted of songs. luets and choiuses. as well as a number of dialogues, and one of the most pleasing numbers given was mat or lime .miss i-.ieanor McCarthy. who seated, on the da! form in a rocking chair, with ier doll, gave a lullaby song that arried the audience by storm ind they broke into applause at ts conclusion. The whole program was of ex client quality and the line work f the children of the primary and junior grades showed the careful raining that they had been given y ine commmee in -cnarge oi the affair. The splendid success f the entertainment is largely lue to the work done bv Miss Fer- is York. Mrs. E. C. Hill and Miss Violet Freest, who had charge of the instruction of the children and demonstrates the excellence f the large Sunday school of this hurch in taking up so earnestly the work laid out for them. COMPANY I, I. fJ. G.. OF GLENW000, HERE FOR A FEW DAYS Yesterday morning, according o schedule, the members of Com pany I, Iowa National Ouaid, of lenwood, arrived in this city. Owing to the extremely heavy ;iins that prevailed early Sunday morning it was necessary for the ioys to come over by train instead if carrying out their tirst inten ion of "hiking" from the Mills ounty metropolis. The company. afler their arrival, at once formed in marching order and paraded up Main street for several blocks, ounfer marching to the llurling- o;i 'P ! and thee.f- out to Jhe i!le range, where camp was pilrh d and preparations made for the w oik of shooting, I he members f the company are a nice appear ing bunch of young men and pre sented a very fine appearance narching up the street. There vill be several of them that will ie compelled to return home in a 'ew lavs. but all will be here to take part in the shooting- on the ange for a few days at. least. Returns Home From School. This morning James Jelinek returned home to this city from Washington, I). C, where he had been attending a school for the deaf in that city. He has pro gressed rapidly in I he school w ork in the capital city and li is suc cess is the source of great pleas ure to his family and friends in this city. James graduated last year from the school for the deaf in Omaha, being one of the most talented members of the class, and in his studies has shown great advancement. Do you know that the Journal office carries the finest line of stationery In the city? RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE JOURNAL'S DIG BOOSTER SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN Rules of the Contest. Any white man, woman, boy or girl of good reputation residing in the territory of the contest may become a candidate. Nominations may be made and will be received up to the last day of the contest. Contestants may nominate themselves or be nominated by friends, without cost. There will be two separate districts in which to enter, as de scribed on this page. The candidate who received the largest vote of the entire contest will be awarded the Overland Touring; Car. The contestant receiving the second largest, vote of the entire con test will receive the Schmoller & Mueller Piano. The three candi dates in each of the two districts receiving the three largest number of votes after the two grand prizes the district prizes. All candidates who enter and work to the end and fail to win one of the prizes will receive 10 per (wnt cash com mission on all subscriptions turned in by them. Every candidate in the contest either the touring car or tne piano. Candidates compete only against the candidates in their own district for the district prizes. In the event of a typographical error it is understood that neither The Journal or the Contest Manager shall be held responsi ble, except to make the necessary correction on discovery of same. Any district having- less than two active contestants will be de clared olT. Voting- will be bv two methods: Coupons clipped from THE DAILY AX!) SEMI-WEEKLY JOUHXAL, which will count for live votes each; anfl by special coupons issued for payments made on subscriptions according to the published schedule. These payments must be made in cash to the home otlice of the paper during- the period covered by the contest, whereupon a special subscription coupon will be issued, good for number of votes to which each pay ment is entitled. Votes will not be sold or issued in any other man lier. Special subscription coupons must bear the number cor lespontling with the ledger number on record in the olliee, and must be countersigned by the Contest Manager or his assistant. Contest ants are not limited to their own districts in securing votes and sub scriptions, but may obtain them anywhere. Votes are not transfer able from one contestant to another. All remittances must be accompanied by subscriber's name and address. All votes issued on subscriptions are good to the end of the con test and may be polled at the discretion of the candidate or sub scriber. Cash must accompany all subscriptions when votes are issued. First publication of names will be made as soon as a suitable number have been nominated in each district. Voting will com mence Thursday. June 11, and continue until Saturday, August 1, at 10 p. in., at which time the contest will close. No emplove or close relative of an employe of THE JOURNAL can enter the contest. A board of three responsible control of the ballot box the last day of the contest and make an nouncement of the result of that day's voting. The Contest Manager reserves tion and to pass iinal judgment not covered by ttiese rules. No statement or promise made agent, varying; from these rules, JOURNAL. THE JOURNAL reserves the any additions or alterations in ine aoove conditions inai may ne de cided necessary to the interest and welfare of the contest and its candidates. In aecepiinp nomination ami . - i i must accept and agree to aniue ny Old subscribers cannot transfer their subscription to other members of the family and be counted as new subscribers. How Prizes Will Be Awarded. The manner of awarding prizes is as follows: The Overland live-passenger fourincr car, with complete equip ment, will he awarded to the contestant who secures the largest mmiher of votes during the campaign. The 500 Sclmioller & .Mueller contestant receiving- the second largest number of votes during the campaign. After these grand prizes have prizes awarded in each of the districts as follows: The contestant receiving tne gardless of the vote in any other have been awarded, will receive a from J. W. Crahill of Plat tsmout h. The contestant receiving the rach district, regardless of the vote in any other district, and alter the grand prizes have been awarded, will receive an order on one of IMattsmouth's largest stores for 30 worth of merchandise, as they may select. The contestant receiving the each district, regardless of the vote in any other district, and after the grand prizes have been awarded, will receive a gold watch, choice of Klgin'or Waltham movement, purchased from J. V. Crahill, lMattsmouth, and on display at his store in this city. SPKCIAL To assure everyone absolutely fair and impartial treatment, we will pay to every con testant, who enters and who remains active until the close of the campaign and who fails to win one . a cash commission oi ten ( mj per secured and turned into tins otlice MRS. WILL JEAN GETTING ALONG yERY WELL AT HOSPITAL IN OMAHA The many friends of Mrs. Will Jean in Ibis city will be pleased to learn hat this lady is getting along nicely at the hospital in Omaha, where she was operated on a few days ago, for appendi citis, and thai the brightest hopes are now entertained for her re covery from the effects of the malady. The case of Mrs. Jean was a very severe one, as periton itis had developed and for several days her condition was very grave, but it is now thought that she will recover in good shape, as all indications point to that happy outcome of the case. Mr. Jean was a passenger this morn ing for the metropolis, where he will spend the day with his wife at the hospital. Cherries for Sale. Cherries are now ready for de livery. .$2.00 per bushel. J. C. Petersen, 'Phone No. 3iG. G-13-tfd Girls Wanted. " Two girls are wanted at the Perkins House immediately, for general work. are awarded will receive one of lias an equal chance of winning business men will have exclusive the right to reject any nomina upon any question that may arise, by any solicitor, canvasser or will be recognized by 1I1L right to change the plan or to make in casting- votes, all candidates i i i .. . i . ine anove ruies ami conuu ions. - Piano will le awarded io ine been awarded, there win ne inree highest vole in eacn uimuci,: i e- district, and after the grand prizes beaut uul diamond ring, purchased and on display at Ins store. second highest number of votes m . .... third largest number oi votes in who enters tins campaign oi of the splendid prizes ottered, a i 1 1 . . . 1 . I . . I . 111.... cent oi me money which mey iwie during the campaign. Shako Off Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold bv all dealers. Hose Reels, Calmps, Nozzles, Springlers and Washers. Call 'phone 400. Warga & Schuldice. USE THIS BLANK FOR MAKING NOMINATIONS. FILL OUT AS DIRECTED AND SEND TO THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER, PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOR 500 VOTES Date 1914 CAMPAIGN MANAGER, THE PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL I Nominate Street Town or R. F. D Contest District No As a Candidate in The Journal Prize Contest. Signed Address This Nomination Counts 500 Votes. Not over three nomination blanks will be credited to each contestant. The nominator's name will not be divulged until after the contest and only then at their request. - Ah, Our Pies ! When Pie Making Stumped Omar. Myself when young did hungrily frequent Baker and cook and heard soft blandishment About it and about, but evermore Came out by the same door wherein I went. No mysteries about our pies. They're just simple, well baked, juicy pies all kinds tasty and good. The proof of our pies is in the eating. You'll like their homemade taste a specialty of ours. "Mother" has nothing on us as pie makers. Baked For You W AGN "Everything DELIGHTFUL KENSING TON AT THE HOME OF S. 0. C. DOVEY From Saturday's Dalis. Yesterday afternoon the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dovey was the scene of a most delightful gathering, t he o -cas ion being a ken.-inuton given by .Mrs. Dnev in honor of Mrs. V. ('. Morrow of Cleveland, Ohio, a guest at t 1m Doyev home. The ladi'-s, some thirty in number, spent the after noon very pieasanlly in Hie mak ing of dainty n iiework and in pleasant social conversation that made the hours pass very swiftly. At an appropriate hour a very tempting- three-course luncheon was served, w hich added- great ly to the pleasures of the afternoon and the delight of the ladies at the gracious hospitality shown them, and it was with great regret that they departed from the scene of such a pleasant t ime. Children's Day at Manley. A large crowd attended the Children's day program given al the 1'iiion church in Manley Sun day night. Key. and Mrs. Lam bert, from Weeping Water, were present and gae an inleresting talk on home and foreign mis sions. The church was beautiful ly decorated with (lowers. The children performed their parts very successfully. Their super intendent, Mrs. J. L Miller. to show her gratitude of the efforts put forth by the children treated each scholar to a sack of candy, which was appreciated by all. A missionary collection was taken at the close of the program. Those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Wiles and daughter, Ocrieva: Mr. Kmbury ami family, from Sunnyside, and Mrs. S. Hec tor and Alma liranson of Weep ing Water. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Fit For a King! i . Good To Eat" Greenwood Young Lady Married. Saturday afternoon County Judge A. J. Heeon wa. called up on to issue a marriage license lo Paul L. Simmon, of Ashland. Clark county, Kansas, and Mi-s Dorothy Dyer, of Oreenwood. The wedding was performed yes terday at the home of the parent of the bride mar On-enw I. The groom is a ranchman re!d- near Ashland, while the bride is a teacher of the ehoos near ireenwood and a vouii'-: !:! " highly esteemed by ail who hae the pleasure of her acquaintance. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIR CULATION, ETC., of The lMattsmouth Journal, published Daily and Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb., required by the Act of August 25, UHL'. Editor, M. A. Hales, Platts mouth, Neb. Managing Editor, R. A. P.ates, Plattsmouth. Neb. Jhisincss Manager, R. A. Hales, Plattsmouth, Neb. Publisher, R. A. Hates, lMatts mouth, Neb. Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid sub scribers during the ix months preceding the date of this state ment: Daily R10 Semi-Weekly i,C,00 R. A. DATES, Owner. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this l.'ilh day of June. 1!)1 i. (Seal) .THOM. WALL INC, Notary Public. (My commission expires I'eh ruary' 13, 19 ID.) Hot Weather Tonic and Health Builder. Are you run down Nervous Tired? Is everything you do an effort? You are not lazy you are sick! Your Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and whole system need a Tonic. A' Tonic and Health Huilder to drive out the waste mailer build you up and renew your strength. Nothing belter than Electric Hitters. Start to day. Mrs. James Duncan, Hay nesville, Me., writes: "Com pletely cured me after several doctors gave me up." 50c and 81.00, at your Druggist. . by Experts! ER'S r I 1 1 t in