The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 15, 1914, SECTION ONE, Page PAGE 7, Image 7
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. e. 'si WHY YOU SHOULD ENTER CAMPAIGN, AND HOW TO WIN PRIZE Changing Your Luck From Bad To Good With Some Very Practical Hints On How To Win LACK OF EXPERIENCE NO DRAWBACK Any One Who Is Willing To Use Ciood American Push and Energy Can Have A Prize Education and Ex perience Count Nothing Here 1 Manx 'if the candidates in Tin Journal's r Campaign haxc 1 f 1 1 1 I- 1 grasped tli- significance i. t!i. r."i xote i 11 I- which wa .;!:(. i Saturday night. All tha! i- I- ' 1 1 1 ! 1 1 for each aiiil e IV candidate to r-c-i,. I i i I 1 1 1 i t of tin--- valuable c!r;i -ts is l a paid-i;i-adx am- m-w iiitr: ij.l i. .it to Tin' Daily Journal i . . f . . r- '. p. in. Saturday. .Imn go. Tli -i iiri'i of your ;iist siib may be tic start l' siic Win, ran i' ll ? Win!.- tin- nam.-- ..f tlx- .lis ii:t i'-t-l i,!-- ar- being removed Mi.- 1 1 t ir nominations as fa-l n " --sibl' : v' nominee-, are l" in' ; i I I -. I daily ami more -r-,. sur- t" i r i Many ar- .ju-t . i 1 1 1 i i i it t" realize tin- alu- of the award-. It is seldom tlial a ii'-w :i'T offers such a splendid i-t f prics fr f all i-;f!i -. and i! is i!.. I at all surprising that many ar' strixiug to 1"- among tlo- fortunate. It is a fail- ti.-M with !a"is ai.l the b's hustl ers will win. The r.mio -!fa "t-- f"!- the first iifv -!il'-! i i! t.. Tin- Daily Journal will I..- given in a.!.liti"n to th'- regular schedule of votes pul.i i-ti'-'l. That m-a:is tli;it n i r 1 1 r f subscript i"ii will I"- worth exactly T.noo "ti'. only "lie of th'-- extra vote!"t- will h- is sued t- a candidate, oiiit- a num ber t!t"-- already nominated have alr-alv enlisted n th the hanni i- i i i -1 ih.'l I h'- Journal's Great 15' --y Campaign, ami ai'f actively a-g e.j in inli-t in'-- Hnir Ifi' iiil- ami acquaintances in their l.'l!alf. "On with (lie ti.i-;i i-n !"' i- tin ? "f -;t' ti "f tin- districts an.l th- intr: c-tfil ..m - w:I! 1 1 1 I with great success in what limy will liml I" ! a ih-l !:! f i fa--inat in-' ta-k. Voles lta.- i i coming into Tin- J"i:rnal 'I'ir.- .-X'-i- jiM''- th!"t h'- wa- i : f in U"'- a'ni will h' ali'iw I" m umiilat- un til W.-In. lay ni-ht. wh'-n th" lli-rt I ': i i ; 1 1 c"!:i ! will hi- mail ami !!: r -1 1 1 1 aM-h-.l t th- nam.--t.f th.- ilill'-: ul . -i : ! -t .!!. in Mm ari"ii- iii-1 i'i-f -. hat i-i'im-niin-f. tin- "tin- i- .it: I -tartin-' ami il will hf ! a.l;! ' n thai .ill ha an i:al t-ham-'- Iak- th.- h'al. -n a Inaml n-w ii'tinim-f. Tin (ul .-taut s ;i!'i: limlinir out that tin- h--t ami iuirk--t way t liml u is hy ii-i s"iial i-iiu-st "1 th'-ir Ifi'-mls t" ri-m-w th-ir suh sri ij't i"a t" Tin Uaily or '-ini-Wn-kly Jurnal : or if they art- ii"t taking tin- pa-r mw, t.j jiu the r"iilt'iili-l family if cut' in w rraih'r.-. Itusiin'ss iii-ii ami "tln-rs ar still sp'-akiur lamlihly of what tln-y i-onsiI-r a praisi-woithy -lit -ii i i-- "ii tin' part of Tin' Journal in "!l "rinir iu-h a sjiUmi iil It t "f i-i.-s. Tin- -xtMit. ami aluahh' uatur' of 111' ivwanls whifh has tMMi plaiin-l for tin-J.-ntiial'- winnrr i fully ap pifr ial 'l hy tlnni, h.-nr- th-ir niin-l.-.l f- linir of uiiri-t' ami .oiini.'ai i"i:. 1 to ih-ar r;nl-r. i-ali' what tb-- wiunin'-:" of on' of th' urami pri.'s im-an-? Can you ant ifipatt- tin- ph-a-uri's ami joy to h' i ii-l from an aut "inohil at lhi linit- of ar, wh-n all na-tur- i at its h--t. Can ymi ii-ali-that ft-'-limr of owm-r-hip in tin fsfsji .i of oiii- of tin- h--t pianos that i i".v can huy. ami th- many ph-asant ,ninus to lTi-.l through it for- loth oui- !!' ami frit inl-. h n Ih- -tat-m-nt inail' h Tin Journal that tin'-', im lmliu l!n- four li-trict pri-s. ar- to !' fr--. it im-aut ju.-t what it sahl. Tin- awards arv-to i'pi--nt our most hh'-ral w i.h's in f cry par I ii-ular. V'l-- ami uhrripl ions ar- h--i'ur ror-i-.i at Tht- Journal ollir at any tiim-. Kv-ry ramli-ial or iali'iilimr i-amlilal- is iuvit-! t" call, 'phoiu' or w r il t Ii- "am pa iun Manaimr on any iu'sti.n that limy ii" "tit fully umii'lslaml. If yo;j want to .!.; woith whih- to fhanp:f your lurk. ' I in !"h' Journal Campaign to 'lay. Th.- Journal ollVrs ou tin opportunity to inak- niou'v fa-li-r I !: a 1 1 you cv-r lil h-fori'. Thi Journal will pay ou well ami in proportion to your ffforts. You can h- slcatiy ptillinu' p-oplc win ar' really 'aloinir t ti i ujr " if you will -ml in our nomination hlaiik piopci h lilh.1 out and r-t down to 1'u-im-ss today. DISTRICT NO. 1 City of Plattsmouih At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. .Air-, r-yi.-i ll'-ad lo'ld Mi-- Mali-- I)onm-lly irt0 Air-. I "rank Ooh.lman 15U0 t. 1'. M . Inulimr lD'Mi Mir-s i!'-i-l ltmo i s loro(h Itritl 10i) Mr. ;'.. I.. Farh-y liMM) Mr. Mike M' i-iiiu. r Onu Mr. !. f.oln.r 5fK Mr. Carl Sattl-r OtiO Mr. J"- Ihh. r Sou Mr. Jesse I. t ry 5m Mi. A. I-:. ia-- 500 Mr. Major Aiin-s 500 Miss Paula iP.e.s Mis- I lia iiniau 500 Miss Madeline Miner 500 Miss lMua I'et.r-ou 500 Mr. Ciaren It al 500 Miss T .rente White 500 Mr. Frank Ue.-tor 500 Mr. II. M. Shla.-s 500 c''- I- i Ik 500 Mis.s Mary Donat 500 Miss Teressa li,""r'. 500 Mi-s Verna Ode 500 Mr.-. Anna lirilt 500 Mr. Clayton 15. osem-rails .' 500 Miss Marie Jeh-m-k 500 Mr. Jolin Xeitzel 500 Mr. M. S. Briggs 500 DISTRICT NO. 2. Outside The City of Plattsmouth. At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Mi Mi Mi Mr Mr Mr Mi Mi Mr Mr Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi: Mi Mi: Mi Mi: Mi: Mi' Mi W". A. Mi Mi Mi Mr M r Mr Mr Mi Mi: Mi Mi: M r Mi- Mr. Mis. Mr. Mr. Mis: Mis: Mis: Mis Mis: Mr. Mr. PLATTSMOUTH, R. F. D. ss Craee II. Nulling- ss Josie Kiser ss Mildred Fee . F.d Tri t sch '. Walter JJyers . Joe Whf-eler . II. K, Uecker . Will Hummel . John Meisintzer, jr . C. F. l'eacock . Henry llirz. Jr . Albert Wile's MURRAY, NEB. ss Pauline Oldham ss pearl MiHeynohls ss Faura Puis ss 1 5a i ley -s Trudie Foiig- . J. I . llardhart -s Ftta Nickels . M. ".. Churchill s Clara Young MYNARD, NEB. . iKviulit l'rop-t -s Fva Porter . Wayne Propt s liuenita Porter -s Anna Snyder -s Nelly Hrown -s I leella Venner . Flnier Weteukanip . F.d C. Hummel EAGLE J. Fat roni Mis Mis Mis Mr. Mis lev Mrs Mi Mis Mr. Trimble NEHAWKA, NEB . F.rne-I Schoinaker" -s Jem-tie Vounir . otto Schwartz . Harold Whitemau .... . Flmer McHeynolds .... . Mat !$ee . Fred Ah rends ;s Alma o-t s F.dria St oil . F.Iba Iii'il-"ii -s Fdith o-t s Sophia Fleshinan .... s Hhoda Wunderlich . . s Norma Trotter . F"ell Massie . Alvin McH'yii"lds MAN LEY NEB. I.eo Tighe Jennie Carper Virgil Miller Clyde Jenkins Clara Jenkins j Olga Voirler ; lra Carper Allies Tishe s Allies OTIrien Floyd Hockwll A. H. Williams GREENWOOD, NEB. s Alma Wiedeinan s I'd ii a Carr s lister Vant A. M. Walradt s F.d it h How ard . A. C. Foreman . C. F. M.-irlbut s Mayme Iloham s Fsler Anderson L. C. Marvin ELMWOOD, NEB. Miss Iai-y Fan-rhorst Mr. Heiirv llaes Miss I.otti,. Lean Mr. Sid James Miss Mable Stout AVOCA Mi-s El-ie opp ALVO, NEB. Mi-s Marie proutv Mrs. Fuella Stout V. S. Jordou Mrs. Hud (Jroe Mrs. J. A. Shaffer Mr. F. K. Cok .Mr. J. V. Cochran Mr. C. F. Hosenow Miss Mabel Ie Stout LOUISVILLE, NEB. Miss Imrothv ;roui Mr. Victor Sheridan Fee Mr. Win. Thomas Prof. A. ('.. Cash LOUISVILLE, R. F. D.- Miss Mable Word Miss Martha Stohlman ... Miss F.m ma Gakeineier . . . PACIFIC JUNCTION, IOWA. Miss Elizabeth Teinpletou Miss Anna Co re o ran Mr. F. H. McFaimhlin Mr. Fred Mendenhall Mr. Ton i Martin CEDAR CREEK J. W. Hessenflow '. Walter Snyder Miss Certrude Meisinger J. W. Kcil WABASH August HrunsfebH Miss Audra Itrown Paul Gohrey Oscar MeDunald John Jackman Miss Rose Amgwert .' 1500 1500 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 5oo 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 50O 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 5O0 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 500 500 500 500. 500 500 500 500 500 1500 500 500 500 500 1000 1500 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Announcement is made of a special offer for one week that should interest every candidate or intending candidate, as it points the way to a splendid start in the race. Every candidate who brings or sends to this office before 'J p. m. Saturday, June 20, one new subscription to the Daily Jour nal will be entitled to a special ballot for 5,000 votes, in addi tion to the ballot called for in the schedule, or 7,000 votes in all. Remember that this offer applies only to a new subscrip tion for one year to the daily, and but one of these will be is sued to each contestant. Everyone who has been named and contemplates being an active contestant should avail them selves at once of the advantage contained in this special in troductory offer. rne new subscript ion for a year to the Daily Journal is easy to obtain, and the 7,000 votes will give a v handsome start to the contest. Local News Mis Mis Mrs Mr. Mis Mis Mis Mis Mis Mis Mis Mis Mi- Mis Mis Mr. Mr. Mrs Mrs Mis M r. Mr. M r. Mis Mis Mis Mrs WABASH, R. F. D. Grace Erhardt UNION, NEB. s Ruth Garrison Fannie Eikenhary Fes He Everet t s Alice O'Donnell s Pearl Hramblett UNION, R. F. D. s Pearl Lew is , MURDOCH s Jessie Hush s Ella Bauer s I.eata McDonald s Grace Gust in s Helen Mooiiey SOUTH BEND s Eula Weaver WEEPING WATER s Kat herine Ralston . . . s Elizabeth Reed J. T. Crozier D. M. Johnson O. V. Boone . Olie Murley s Hart Fred Kleitsch Chas. B. Andrus Henry Crozier WEEPING WATER R. s Edith Johnson s Leon a Switzer s Bertha Miller . II. E. Heil F. D. 500 10(10 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Coughs and Colds Weaken the System. Continued Roughs, Odds and Bronchial troubles are deperss- imr ami weaken the system. Loss of weight and appetite generally follow. Get a 50c bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery today. It will stop your couirh. I he Iirst dose helps. The best medicine for Stubborn Coughs. Odds and all Throat and LuiigL-.-TruubLes.. Mr. O. H. Brown, Muscatine. Ala., writes: "Mv wife was sick dur ing the hot summer mouths and I honestly believe Dr. King's New Discovery saved her life." Good for children. 50c and 1.00, at your Druggist. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, ior the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine stallion, tne best in the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Gilmour, Plattsmouth, Neb. R. F. D. No. 1. 1Go Acres of Land. Will trade 160 acres of land iu Perkins county for Plattsmouth property. W. R. Bryan. l16-d&w Fine Holstein Bull Calf for sab-; eligible to registry. About 2 weeks old. Mrs. J. p. Tnl.-cli. Plattsmouth, JVeb. 30.000 VOICES And Many Are the Voice of Platts - mouth People. Thirty thousand oice What a grand chorus! And that's the number of American men and women w ho -are. jiublicly.. praising. Doan's Kidney Pills for relief from backache, kidney and bladder ills. They say it. to friends. They tell it in the home papers. Platts mouth people are in this chorus. Here'- a Plattsmouth case; Benjamin Brooks, Main street, Plattsmouth. says: "I had a se vere attack of kidney complaint, brought on by a bad cold. At times the pain extended from my back and hips into my shoulders. I couldn't net. about and was laid up for two weeks. My head ached for hours at a time. I had dizzy pells, during which my sight blurred. After using two boxes of Doan's Kidney' Pills, procured at Gerinir v. Co.'s drug store. I re gained my health." Price 50c. at all tb-ab-rs. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doaii's Kidney pills the same that Mr. Brooks had. Fosler- Milburn Co., Props, Buffalo, N. Y O. K. Reed, foreman of the Monarch Eugiiiering Co.. of their work iu this city, was visitor over Sunday with his family at Falls City. Fred G. Egenberger and son. Charles, were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will isit for the day looking af ter some matters of business. Bucklen's Arnica talve for Cuts. For Sale or Trade. Edison moving picture machine complete with model B. gas out lit and i' big reels: all in first-class condition. Is equipped for travel ing purposes. I'. C. Ripple, sr., Plattsmouth, Neb. Can't Keep It Secret. The splendid work of Cham berlain's Tablets is daily becom iug more widely known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver troubles has ever been known. For sale by all dealers. Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. The Plattsmouth Journal Big Booster Circulation Campaign VOTE COUPON VOID AFTER JUNE 27th. Good for 5 Votes Series B For M. District No. TRIM NEATLY. From Monday's Daily. V. H. Tritsch was a Platts mouth visitor Saturday and made this office a brief call. Charles Herron of Murray was a visitor in this city Saturday and a pleasant caller at this office. J. F. Clugy departed this morn ing for Chalco, Neb., w here he w ill attend to some matters of busi ness for the day. .Miss Blanche B.-1I of near Ash land, was here oer Sunday being the guest of Miss Verna and Lil lian Cole in this city. Miss Lillian Hobson returned to her duties at Woodbine, Iwa. tin's morning, after a short isit here with relatixes and friends. James Terry berry of Cedar Creek was attending to business matters in this city Saturday and gave this ohice a brief call. William Hoover and wife of Omaha were Sunday vi-itois in this city being fru'sls at the liine of Mr. and Mrs. V. 1'. Ro-cncans. Everett Wiles was among Ih' passengers this morning for Omaha, where he was called to look after some matters of busi ness for t he day. George I'ilzpatrick ami daugh ter Miss Ada. from near Murray, were in the city la-l Saturday for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. .1. A. Moray, of I'niver.ily Place Nebraska, is in tlx city for secr al days looking after the interest of (he Pi-esby t er ia u orphanage which is operated by th" church. Mrs. H. E. Andrews ami little daughter of Sioux City , low a. ar-visiting- at I In- home of the form er's mother. Mrs. s. E. Kerr. Ted Leonard relurmd l the Metropolis this morning art-r an oxer tMinday jsjt her.- at I In borne of his parents Mr. ami Mrs. V. V. Leonard. James Hunter, .jr.. of Gibson, was a isjfor here yesterday at the home of his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. R. Hunler. coining down n the belated morning Burling ton train. Charles Vorndran of the j inily of Murray xas a xisjlor in this fitx- Salurdav and a pleasant alh-r at this ollice. While here ie had his name enrolled on the Plattsmouth Journal list. .Mrs. E. H. Wescott departed this morning for Omaha where she a luncheon , to be given at the Coiiulrv Club for the state oflicers of Ihe I). A. t. and a few inxited guests. our friend, Frank Finkle. one f tin; reliable stamlbys of the Journal at Union, was in the city Saturday, and l-t the light of his genial countenance beam in upon this ollice for a few moments. John Ewing. xvife and family- arrived this morning from Hop kins, Missouri, xx here they make their home, ami will enjoy a short visit her' at the honx of Mrs. Exving's mother, Mrs. Clans Snort x - ... Misses Cecelia, Nellie an. I Ex a Greer of Omaha xvere oxer Sun dav xisilors in the city. b-ing guests of Misses Christeiie and Mathilda Soeuniehsen. and this morning- returned to their home in t he metropolis. Dr. H. J. Winneli of Lincoln, formerly a member of the Stale Railway Commission was hi the city Salurdav afternoon and exe niiig looking after some business mailers and xxhile here xxas a guest at the Hotel Riley. Counly Surxeyoi- Fr-.I Patter son xxas a passenger this morn ing for Greeuxvood, xx here he xxas called to look after stum- county business. His daughter, EPie. ac companied him as far as Omaha, where she xx ill x isit with relatives. George Slander and daughters, Sylvia and Lois, and Miss Edna Tulene were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they go to visit Hugh Slander at the hospital, where he is recovering from an operation for ap pendicil is. F. R. Cunningham, one of the republican candidates for the ollice of sheriff, and Jhon White man, one of the lixe ones from Nehawka, came up Saturday exen ing and visited here with friends. John also attended the big- A. O. U. W. meeting. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ex-cry family without except ion should keep this preparation at hand during the hot xxeallo-r of the summer months. Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is worth many limes its cost when needed ami is almost, certain to be needed be fore the summer is over.. It has no superior for the purposes for which it is intended. Buy it noxv. For sale by all dealers. Smoke "Keno" cigars. - ; ,