The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 15, 1914, SECTION ONE, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1314. PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. HOW IT L AROUND THE CITY OF VERA CRUZ An Interesting Letters From a Former Plattsmouth Boy to His Sister. The following very interesting It tier in regard to the actual eou.Jitioiis in Vera Cruz, Mexico, has been received here by Mrs. Anthony Nesladek, from her brother", Walter Haines, a former I'ialtj-mouth boy, who is at prcs eiirwith the signal corps in the warlike southern republic. Mr. Haines is well remembered here, alth..uj-'h it has been several years .-:nce h. removed from this city. The b tter is one that tells freely tin- actual conditions that pie vail there: Vera Cruz, Mexico, May 31. Hear Siter Your kind letter r- ad and was ylad all were well. This war is turning out to be a j ke, frm the way things look to K:4 soldiers and sailors. It is about the same as it was when v.. landed here, only things are i, i as they should be according t. the naties' point of view, as tl ey don't savy this eb-aning-up I ,'oVess; they are all being vac- luated and imule to clean up in fiieral. I suppose that this is as loan as this city ever was and eer will lie. I am stationed about two miles from the terminal l; -a biuarlers and in one of the Waters-pierce Oil Co.'s otlices; tl e headquarters of the Fourth ii. fantry are here and this is half a mile from one of their outposts. Suppose you folks hear a dozen different reports ami all kinds of lumors that are not true, and it will always be that way, but the only way to get the right of it is be right on the job. Our wire k is installed on a passenger cnai li and we run through the federal lines every day. twice in tr forenoon and in the after noon, niakinir the trip out to the gip in the traek where they have it torn up, and bring back the iefu-'ees who come down from th- city on the Mexican railroad. The; train proceeds through the li with a white flag and we are i:-'t mole-ted by them. The navy has four hydro's here and they do the scouting. We have all our outposts and the trenches all fixed up and I don't think all the Mexicans in the country could trke one of them. The -poor devils do-fl want to fihf they are made to. They are starving, and I look for them to come in and give up any time now, as the rebs are pressing them a little closer very day. and will sooner or 1 : f or lrive them in. It sure is a strange state of affairs, and that I think we will be a biur time try ing to straighten out, if we ever do. Say, Sis, if you will read what Jack London has to say in Collar's Weekly the 23d of this month, entitled "With l-'unston's Men." I think that you will have it pretty straight, as he has put it down right. The pictures of his. and the line-up he gives is about as correct as you can get it. so get a copy of it, if you have pot already one. Yes. if. is cer tainly a mixed-up affair and I gues it will be some time before we will be back o the states, at least that's my opinion of it. Well. I will mail you a copy of today's Herald ami you can see where they allowed the fierman ship Ypiranga to unload those arms at Puerto, Mexico, that means encouragement to Hue rta's men, but from all reports as to their way of lighting they will waste nine out of ten cartridges before they make a hit. The men are very anxious to do something or go back home; I bey all holler, "War is li I," and I guess it is. I will send you a few postals of the prison, San Juan De I'lloa, soon. It was a si'-rht to see awful, but it is all cleaned up now and thousands go to see it all the time. (Jive my regards to (hc4 folks and write soon, as we like to hear from our homes. It takes the mail 3fi hours to come from Gal veston to this port; the destroy ers carry it for us. You ought to get this about the rth of June. I.ove lo all. (iood-bye. Your brother. Waller H. Haines. Co. I)., Signal Corps, Los-CoCos Sla., Mexico. Farm for Sale. The Ct. F. Switzer quarter, three mile southwest of Ne hawka. For particulars see or write Henry M. Pollard, Nehawka, Neb. HENRY COOK OF UNION -IS CHARGED WITH BEING OF UNSOUND MIND Last evening Constable O. W. Clark arrived in the city bringing with him Henry Cook, a stranger, who claims to be from South Omaha, and who for the past week has been staying in the vi cinity of Union. The man is evidently decidedly off in the up per story and his stories of his being pursued by large crowds of men who threatened his life greatly frightened the residents at the farm of Mrs. A. J. Ander son, where the man was working for a few days. The trouble was first noticed when he reported having seen a large number of men crawling under the fence in the pasture at the Anderson farm, and an investigation was made, but no men were found, and Mr. Clark was summoned, and to him the man related a harrowing story of how the farm was sur rounded by armed men, hiding behind bushes and generally an noying him. The county attorney was notified of the situation and advised that the man be brought here, where the authorities could look after the case ami see that he was placed where he could not harm himself or anyone else. DAVID G. WHITE, PLATTS MOUTH BOY. PROMOTED. GOES TO WASHINGTON Word has been received that .Mr. and Mrs. David G. White of Missoula, Mont., will arrived in Lincoln the last of this month en route for Washington, I. C Mr. While being transferred from the U. S. forest service district head quarters at Missoula to the gov ernment headquarters at Wash ington. Both Mr. and Mrs. White are well known here. Mrs." While was formerly Miss Gertrude Mc Kinjey of Crete, and their wedding will be remembered by many as one of the social events of last winter. Mr. White has numerous friends here who will be glad lo congratulate him upon his pro motion and success. He is a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and' a graduate and post-graduate of the state uni versity. They will also visit at both Crete and Plattsmouth before leaving Nebraska. State Journal. The success of Mr. White in his chosen field will be the source of great pleasure to his friends here, where he was born and reared to manhood, and those knowing his splendid qualifications realize that he is eminently qualified to till any position to which he may be called upon lo take up in the for est rv service. WOODMEN DEPART FOR TOLEDO TO ENGAGE IN ANOTHER BATTLE ROYAL From Saturday's Dally. This afternoon John Cory de parted for Omaha, where he will join the other members of the "insurgent" Woodmen who will leave at (5 o'clock over the North western en route to Toledo, where they will attend the head camp of the Modern Woodmen of America, which will convene there Tues day. At the recent convention at Hastings, which was controlled by the insurgents, Mr. Cory was selected as the delegate from the First congressional district by the convention, while the Talbot or stand-pat delegates, who boiled the convention, picked Henry H. Goring as their representative from the First district. Hoth of these gentlemen are members of Cass camp of this city. Dr. E. W. Cook, state medical director of the Modern Woodmen will also be in attendance at the Toledo camp and left yesterday for that place, where the head officers are ar ranging the details of the camp and preparing for the work of organizing. The victory at the camp is claimed- by bolh the sf and-patters and insurgents, but the figures submitted seem to favor the .Talbot wing of the lodge. Residence for Sale. Two-story brick on Main and 8th streets, contains 8 rooms, not including bath room and closets. Beautifully located and modern fixtures. Two and a half lots, with trees, barn and out houses. For further particulars address Silas Long, 648 N. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb. '4-8-lmo-d&w INSTANT DEATH OF NYE READING WELL KNOWN IN PLATTSMOUTH From Saturday's Daily. The news of the death of I. X. or Nye Heading as he was better known here, was received in this city yesterday. Mr. Heading, who was a foreman of a paint gang of the Burlington, was struck near Chaleo Thursday evening by Burlington train No. 12 and in stantly killed. From what details of the accident that could be re ceived it seems that Reading was endeavoring to get his handcar off the track when he was struck by the onrushing passenger train and killed. Be was well known here, as he resided at Pacific Junction with a married daugh ter, who, together with a son and two other daughters, is left to mourn his loss. He was about ir years of age. The matter of the accident, is being investigated by Ihe Burlington. FINE CASS COUNTY CATTLE ON KANSAS CITY MARKET Some very fine western cattle were marketed at Kansas City last week, being shipped from the vi cinity of Murray, this county, ami they brought Ihe lop prices on Ihe market, as they were exception ally fine stock and in the best of condition. The shippers were W. J. Philpot, who hail two loads. 1. 511 pounds, and averaging S.7 per hundred; J. A. Brown, one load, 1, 5 55 pounds average, at !?8.83, and J. W. Philpol, one load, l,i70 pounds average, at sS.811. These cattle were pur chased in Wyoming and proved good gainers, adding upwards of 500 pounds in less than six mouths. This certainly speaks well for the cattle that are fatten ed by the Cass county shippers and the owners of the slock are well pleased with the showing made. BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION ENJOY A VERY LIVELY SESSION From Saturday's Dally. The county commissioners, sitting as a board of equalization, yesterday had a very lively ses sion in looking over the various claims presenled to them for con sideration. City Attorney Tidd, appearing' before the board, asked that the assessment of the Ne braska Lighting company be in creased $7,000 on the valuation returned to the assessor; the Lincoln Telegraph & Telephone Co.. $25,000 over their returns, and the Plattsmouth Water Co., $5,000 increase over the figures given in. This is to cover the improvements and valuation which it is alleged should be tax ed against the corporations. The city attorney also asked that the land east of the depot, on which Thomas Stokes is located, be stricken from the tax list of the county, as the City of Platts mouth claims title to the land that Mr. Stokes has settled on and which has been in controversy for the past, two or three vears be tween the city ami Mr. Stokes. The board decided o set Mondav. June 22, as the day on which to hear the different claims and the commissioners will find that they have a very lively session in pros pect. D. A. R. MEET AT TUEY HOME AND HAVE AN ENJOYABLE TIME From Friday's Dally. The members of Fonlanello Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution last evening met at the home of Misses Zclma, Alice and Hazel Tuey for I heir last regular business meeting of the year. The rooms were very pretty with decorations of Hags and roses of the season, and made a very handsome, scene. The plans for the coming year's work was talked over by the members of the society and quite a number of new members are. in prospect to unite with the chapter in the future. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served very tempting and delicious refreshments thai brought to a close a very pleasant and profitable evening for the ladies. 23 A new lot of Fancy Ribbons for Girdles and Sashes in all the newest patterns and colors. We have placed on the bargain counter a special lot, at per yard ZUGKIVESLER & LUTZ Local News From Friday's Dally. Perry Marsh came in last even ing on No. 2 from Wyoming where he is engaged in the ranch ing business, and will visit her with his family. Misses Anna and Martha lliatt of Sidney, Iowa, ae in the city for a short visit at the home of their sister, Mrs. Frank R. (jobel man and family. Philip II i I I . Alfred Causmei and W. II. Puis motored in this morning from their homes am spent the day here looking aflei some matters of business. John ;. Hermann returned Ihi afternoon to his home at Ienvei after being here in attendance at the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Jennings Seivers departed this afternoon for Owatonua Minn., where she will visit with relatives. Mr. Seiveis accom panied her as -far as Omaha on her journey. Frank Raker, who has been visiting in Lincoln with friends and relatives, came in last even ing on No. 2 in company with W. K. Rosencrans, and will be a guest at the Rosencrans' home for a few days. Mr. ami Mrs. lid Fox of Water loo, Iowa, who have been visiting the la tier's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Haynie, in this city, depart ed for Chicago Wednesday even ing, where they will visit, the par ents of Mr. Fox for a lime. John Whilcmau came up last evening from his home at Ne hawka to look after some matter of business, and was a passenger this morning', in company with J It. Barton, the genial A. (). U. W deputy, for Omaha to spend a few hours. Rev. H. CI. McClusky and wife returned this morninsr from Parksville, Mo., where they at tended Ihe commencement exer cises of Park college, where Miss Maurine Hm'ties. a sister of Mr McClusky graduated. Miss Hughes accompanied I hem home for a short visit. Mrs. Carl Neilson of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metzaschies of Plainview, Neb., who have been here for a few days as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohm, departed this morning for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Metzs ehies are on their honeymoon and are spending a week or so visiting with relaljes; en route home they will slop at Wisner for a short visit. Waller Haynie of Norburg, Iowa, who has been visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haynie, returned to his home yesterday morning. He vvas ac companied by his two sisters, Mrs. Sleinhaus of Cordon, Neb., and Mjss Viola Hayiiie of this city, who will visit at Norburg for a lime. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury - aa mercury will mirdy ili-stroy tho t.nm of pmrll liiHl cnliijiii'tcly tlernno tin' vholt hysti?iu wlim fiiuTiiitf U tl:rouj;h t tit uiUfouN biirfuccx. Surli irtli-lin plioulil never be used except m preserl '. I'm from rejutiilile physicians, an the dutuuKt. they vv.Ii di 1h leu fold to the exl J uti can puw. i!er!ve Iroui them. Uull"s Catarrh Ciin u;;;riur.;ct!t:-ed .y 1'. J. Cheney & Co.. Tulodo. O.. vn: tauis i n inereury, U'l ! tuk''ii Inlemuliy, i-ting illreetly upon t!i? Mftl und nmeoutt nnr farcj ,f nystrm. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure ! Fii.-e j-ni. pet th" penulne. It N tJker. t rn: lv r, mid" i:i T leli. Chlo. Py I". J ". r il C.i. T. stim.n!ul fic t .m i : r -r. t. rne, rr bcttie. 'T k.' . r-.c:;y rillj i"ur caatlcttioa. Local News From Saturday's Daily. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All Hurts. IW. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Examination free. J. L. Ithoden. of Table Rock, arrived in the city last evening to attend the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. Nancy H. Ithoden, which was held this morning. Miss Anna Mickelwait of ("Hen wood, Iowa, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. II. A. Sharp, in this city for a few days, returned home this afternoon. Mrs. Edward Sprieck, of Stan ton, Nebraska, arrived in the city last evening and will make a visit for a short time at the home of her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McNurliil. Genuine Fletcher's Castoria this week only at 19c. Gering Co., the Spot Cash Family Drug gists. 'Phone 38. Mrs. Frank Raker and ilttl daughter June arrived here yes where thev had been visiting am were, joined by Mr. Raker, and wil make a short visit at the home Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Rosencrans. Editor '. E. (Iraves of the Union Eeilger came up last evening lo spend a few hours here with his friends and in attending to mat ters at the com I house. C. l Valb ry droe in this aft ernoon from his farm home to spend a few hours here looking after some business matters. Oscar Xaar, one t)f the sub stantial young farmers of the vi cinity of South Mend, was in tin city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busines? as well as visiting with friends. Eiltle Misses Hildreth am Heulah liayliss of Watson, Mo. arrived in this citv Thursdav for a visit at the home of Mr. am Mrs. Itrady. The little Misse.- Uayless made the trip by them selves and Mrs. Itrady met them at Pacilie Junction. Mrs. J. II. IJoonslha. of Sioux ('itv, who has been visiting- with relatives and friends here, depart ed this morning for her home, be ing accompanied bv her sister Mrs. Homer lilack. who will make a short visit in Sioux City at Hit home of her sister. Hon. John Mattes, Jr., J. C Hurr and (Jus Young, three of the lead ing residents and genial gentle men from Nebraska City, were in the city yesterday for a few hours. being called here by business mat ters, and found time lo drop in on the Journal for a short call. Has His Toe Mashed. From FrMay's Iaily. August Hesse, who is employed in the store department of the Hurlington as a platform worker, on Wednesday had the misfortune to meet with quite a severe ac cident trial will inconvenience him for a short time. He was working loading some timbers, and while doing this one of con siderable size fell and struck him on the foot, mashing one of the toes quite severely. Take Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicide. If you have formed the habit of eating too rapidly you are most likely suffering fronu indigestion or constipation, which will result eventually in serious illness nn less corrected. Ingestion begins in the mouth. Food should be thoroughly masticated and in salivated. Then when you have a fullness of Ihe stomach 'or feel dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets Many severe cases of stomach trouble and constipation have been cured bv the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agreeable in ciTcct. Sold by all dealers. Returns Home From Hospital. Fmm Friday's Dally. East evening Theodore Eister returned home from Omaha, where he underwent an operation last Saturday for an affliction of his eye, and which has proven most successful in every way, and the young man is feeling very well after the painful operation. II was necessary to remove the eye, which has been sightless for some time. liny, Sell or Exchange Platts mouth property. Worth the money. Clyde IE Fuller. Phone 440 J. 5-li-tfd&w X. AV i a V. -7ytli V Tirr X F tZf W 1 ZM " Winter or Summer on dull days or bright indoors or out you can Kodaks are so simple, a child can operate; So efficient there is no limit to results And always ready for use on the instant. That is the KODAK way of it. Daylight loading and unloading No dark room needed for any of the work. WEYRICH a HADRABA, The Red Cross Drug Store. Mi On Cass County Farm Lands at 5M NO DELAYS Loans can be closed in ten days from date of application. T. H. POLLOCK, Office, Coates Block, The PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL Big Booster Circulation Campaign APPLICATION BLANK I am a resident cf Cass County or vicinity and wish to enter The Journal Prize Contest. I fully understand the rules and con ditions governing same, which I agree to comply with. Name. Address . Town Stetson flats E JrTi i 1 1 TriT i tv i is y i ii i i i mi i r i i mm fl 1 W Lowney's Candies, Kodaks. 222 Plattsmouth, Nebr. 07 O "SlipsOn.and - Off And it's the only garment of its kind that does. Others have to be put on over feet like underwear. Reallv two garments in one Soft Negligee Shirt, with tails turned into drawers. Closed Crotch closed back." Buttons all the way down front then down both legs. Ide'Bipless: $150 and ufi See them in our east window. Manhattan Shirts