The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 15, 1914, SECTION ONE, Image 1

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Neb State Historical Soc
vol. xxxm.
NO. 48.
f 5) .tts
Everything Points to an Early
Completion of the Plant in
This City.
IIalt-niouihs newe-l industry,
the artificial ice plant, is rapidly
iu ai -i 1 1 ir completion. ;i 1 1 I from all
prospects, by .July 1 the factory
will be able to -tarl business i.i
the manufacturing of ice that will
1 r tin i :y finest quality pos
sible ! fiiul aiivwln'i-c. The fac
tory i equipped with the ry
I rt t - i imp"' machinery a::d
tlx gent IfiiM-n who have li -n be
hind tli'' ir i" -it i t 1 have spared
nn outlay of money in making 1 he
plant one tf the best i:i tlii state.
The power for running the nia
4 liiu'-ix will li- supplied ly a lar-e
Meitz crude "il engine,
which wa- in-tailed at a cost nf
mihh1 s.'J.ono. ami has be.-u placed
in tin- smith part of 1 1 1 - factory
building, wle-re a!! the machinery
..f tin- plant will in- installed.
Thi- engine will operate tin
machine, another large ami ex
pensive piece of mach iiwry cost
ing in the I't'i-lib' rli! ! of sev
eral thousand dollars. In thi
infill i- a! located tli'' pipe-
that will r;iirv the ammonia u-ed
in tin- freejug pmce-s. as well as
a large air compressor.
Before the wafer tint j use,!
in Ihe manufact ur f tin' ice
passes in! it the af-rr f.-eezmg
tanks if will 1 rim through a
tn' k where it is cooled arnl made
ready for u-e in the making of
the i. e. aii.l when turned into the
large vat will in a few minutes be
fi' en in tine shape and ready to
To the north nf the room 11-ed
for the manufacture of the jco i-
the -tore r where a supply
will lie kept on hrr.d for u-e in
the cold -t e-;ii.'e depart Iiient . Mile
al-o i- located the loading room,
from which the ice ran he !. ailed
from -hute into wagon- and a!-o
the railroad cars r.n the siding
for -hipnii nt to other points. The
cold -tora - room- are provided
with the Stevens" patent air-tight
donrs that will -hut out all lmt
air from the ..ufside and pre-erve
the temperature of the looms at
-U' h a d''LTee as will preserve the
troods stored there. , small erifry
Ita- been huilt adjoining the cold
storage room, where the goods
are unpiaded and then the eniry
door c jiefoj-e tli" one leading
into the cold storage depart pwrit
is opened. Throughout these
i-oom pate:!t cork lining fia- heen
used to -hut out the heal, ami
this, with concrete floors ar-d the
rootim.' of the huildinpr. which is
of a patent a-l"'sos composition,
injures it J. ein:r almost .eifecllv
nir ticrht.
Tlie huildin i- a -idendid ad
dition o the city and one over
which every citizen should feel
P'-oud. am the company erecting
it lias 1 een risht o;j the joh in
-eeimr that eerthin2r was done
in fir-t-cla-s shape. Messrs. j.
If. McATaken and r.ard Kunsrnann.
two of the promoters, have heen
constantly at the Imildinz lookinir
after its enn-truction. and the
contract, whicli is crivr-n to Mr.
McMaken. will l.o fulfilled to Ihe
letter, and of the most sub
stantial lnn'Mincs possilde to p
cure will o i-eadv in a very few
days. The hrick work is h'-insr
lone by Emil Walter- and liis
force of men. while Tom Tsner is
looking after the carpenter work
on Hif luildin-r.
0;i the exterior of the buildinjr
n larire concreti- oil tank has
been placed beneath the surface,
which will hold a carload of the
crude nil used in the running: of
the encrinc.
Hampshire Boars for Sale.
A number of tr,HMj Hampshire
sprinpr boar piirs for sale at stO.on
each if taken at once. C. R. Todd.
Ilatt.snuuth. Neb. rtoiiw
Wall Paper, Paints. Glass. Pic
ture Framing. Frank Gobelman
Keys Found at Dunbar.
From Friday's Daily.
This morninir the firm of C E.
Wescott's Sons received a pack
age of keys which had one of their
patent ta".s on them "and which
had been mailed from Dunbar,
Nebraska, wlif-re they had been
found by I.. M. Shubcrt, of Coun
cil liluli's, Iowa, a 1 ravelin- man.
The key tau bore the number 2)'.S
had been mailed from Dunbar,
and proved to be the propertv of
.1. J. Shireman, a traveling repre
sentative of M. E. Smith it Co., of
Omaha, who doubtless has been
mourning their loss for some time
as the kes bore evidence of hav-
iuir laid out in damp weather.
Mr. Shireman will be in the city
today oi- tomorrow- and will find
his lonir lost keys all ready for
There probably could not have
bet n a s-otiuer and better fitted
man selected for ihe position of
cjimlidaie for state senator on the
democratic ticket than Hon. John
Mattes, jr. The gentleman stands
prominent a- one of the best post
ed men in public affairs in the
state. He has been a trusted
ollice-hobler, for city and enmity,
and lias never betrayed the trust
imposed upon him. lie was mayor
of this Hty and as such was a
trusted oHice-holder, for a mem
ber of the legislature he was al
ways con-ervintr lite best in
terests of thf people. The News
feels confident there is nnt a vnter
in this senatorial district that
does not feel he a man in every
way !o be trusted and suited for
the position. He has r.n opposi
tion for the nomination for the
office of slate senator and it is no
thought he will nave much np
riositjori when it comes to the
"-- i. .11 this fall. The people of
all parties and political faith of
this county have heartily endors
ed liis candidacy and feel flint a
le tter r more efficient candidate
for the otlice muld not have been
chosen. Mr. Mattes js highly
educated, a most efficient par
liamentarian and well versed in
laws and the makinsr of the same,
and what is best suited for the
best interest i nf the whole pen-
pie. Nebraska City News.
From Friday's Daily.
This mornini; I'red Rice, nne of
the employes in the Durlinton
liei-h car department, met with
a e?y painful accident that will
place lu'ni oil" of duty for a few
lav- at least. He. with his nart-
m-r. were enira.eed in hanirinu- a
break staff on a box car, when, in
some manner a brake wheel fell
from the roof of the car and
cauchl I'red in the back of the
head, inflicting a severe cut, as
well as raisimr several larpe
sized bumps on his head. As soon
as possible the in.juried man
hastened In the office of the com
pany surgeon, where the injuries
were dressed and he was made as
comfortable as possible, and it is
int thought there will lie any very
serious results from the in.jury
beyond the loss of smne time from
his work.
J. If. Crook, of Kansas City, a
member nf the Monarch Ensi
lieerintr Co., that lias charge nf
the county bridge work is in the
city today to consult with the
cniniuissji mers.
4- O. Sandin, D. V. M.,
J prraduate of the Kansas City
J Veterinary College, is per-
4 manently located in Platts-"
mouth. Calls answered
day or night. 'Phone 255.
& Office GOG Main.
li. E. BIBLE
Representatives of the Young
Men's Bible Class Spend Even
ing at Murray.
From Friday's Dal'.r.
T.asl evening a number nf the
members of the Young Men's
Iwble class nf the Metlmdist
church, in response to an invita
tion from Rev. Hulehman. pastor
of the Presbyterian church at
Murray, drove down In that place
tn participate in a banquet that
had been arranged fnr by the pns-
tir. Rev. llutchman has or
ganized the men nf his church in
to an adult bible class and desir
ed to hear from the members nf
the Plattsmouth class, which ha
been so successful in the work
ings of the ( lass here. At first it
was the intention of the members
to make the trip in an auto, but
the rain prevented this, and it
was necessary to travel in a car
riage to the neighboring little
city. The representatives from
Plattsmouth found the usual
warm hospitable welcome that
has made the good people of
Murray famous awaiting them
and the evenincr spent there will
lonr be very - pleasant ly remem
bered by every one nf the boys in
attendance. The ladies nf the
church had prepared a mnst
tempting three-enurse banquet in
the church and the class from
Murray and the visitors proceed
ed to do full justice tn the "many
tempting dainties prepared for
them by the ladies. Following
the banquet a conference was held
on the conducting nf the work nf
the class and several nf Ihe party
frnm this city gave an nut line nf
their work here. Two very pleas
ing vocal numbers were given by
Don C. York nf this city. Those
comprising the party from this
city were: James Rishel. presi
dent: Jesse p. perry, secretary:
E. II. Wcscntt. teacher - of the
class here, and Tnn C. York, nne
nf the members nf the class. The
party, after an enjoyable evenin-r
in Murray, readied home near the
nvdnight hour.
Twn more candidates have
entered the field for the August
primary and will seek the suffrage
nf the voters at the eleetim and
aiding in completing the list of
offices to be filled. County Treas
urer W. K. Fox has decided that
he will be a candidate for re-election
In the office that he has filled
fnr the past term, and asks that
his name be placed on the demo
cratic ballot for the treasurer
ship. He has iiad considerable
experience in this line, having
entered the office in 11)03 as clerk
under V. D. Wheeler, and after
servincr four years in that posi
linn was appointed deputy under
F. E. Schlater in 1907, serving
for four years in this capacity,
and was elected treasurer in the
fall of ioi 1.
William II. Puis, who was a
representative from Cass county
in the legislature fmrn 1010 to
1912. has decided to again seek
the honor of representing his
constituents in that body and has
Held for the office of represent
ative from the Eighth district,
composed of Cass and Otoe coun
ties. Mr. Puis, who is known
from one section of the county to
the other as "Pilly," is a bright,
genial young man and one who is
faithful to the best interests of
his people all the time and a man
in whom they can place t lie most
implicit confidence of safeguard
ing the interests of the taxpayers.
ITe was born and reared in this
county and is a progressive young
'farmer of Mt. Pleasant precinct.
Railroad Officials in the City.
The storms and high water
the past few nays has caused a
great deal of uneasiness in the
railroad circles and many official
were here vesterday and todav to
look over the situation here and
in the vicinity of the platte river
nridcres. Division Superintend
ent J. F. Russ, Roadma-ter Y. F.
Kirk and O. Rucker of the Falls
City division of the Missouri Pa
cific were here yesterday, and to
day Division Superintendent F. R.
Mullen. Roadmaster James Emer
son and Master Carpenter A. F.
Iledengren nf the Iturlinglon were
here tn ok over the situation.
T. II. Pollock, who for the past
year bas been engaged in the
automobile business in (he city
of Omaha, has clnsed nut his bus
iness in that city and again de
cided to make his business head
quarters in Plattsmouth. lie lias
opened up an nfiice j; the Cnates
block and will be in a position t
look after his business interests
in a better manner than before. He
will still handle ami retain the
agency for I lie Detroiter and the
Resral automobiles and will look
after the business from this city
insfead of Omaha, and having his
home here he finds that it will be
much more convenient for him
self and family here in Platts
mouth. Mr. Pollock will also en
gage in the real estate, insurance
and farm loon business here.
The decision of Mr. Pollock to lo
cale here will be very pleasimr to
his friends here an', to Ihe busi
ness of the city, as he has always
been an active fitrure in the Com
mercial club and in the boosting of
any proposition that might prove
of benefit to the city in any way.
The fact that the Pollock family
will continue to make their home
here is very pleasing news to their
many friends, as it was feared
that they might decide to remove
to the metropolis, and now that
they are to remain, it is indeed
most gratifying.
From Friday's Dally.
Charles ITriek i nursinc a
very sore right hand as the result
of an accident that befell him
several days ago while he was en
gaged in some work in the rear of
the Fricke store room on Sixth
street. lie was engaged in rip
ping some boards for the making
of window frames, and was work
ing with a power saw when his
foot slipped and be started to fall
and in doincr so stuck out his
hand to catch the table on which
the saw was placed, and struck
the saw instead of the table with
the result that his thumb and two
fingers of his right hand were
quit' severely lacerated by the
teeth of the saw. The injured
member was dressed but is quite
painful and Charley will be com
pelled to carry his hand in band
age for some time. The accident
will be greatly regretted by the
many friends of Mr. Ulrich. but
they feel thankful that he did not
lose anv of the fingers of the hand
from the result of the accident.
Mrs. Alf. Nickles. of near Mur
ray, was in the city for a few
hours last Saturday enroute home
from Omaha where she had been
to visit her husband who is taking
treatment in the hospital there
for rheumatism. She reports
Mr. Xickles as receiving little
benefit from the treatment up to
the present" time, but, they still
have hopes of his gaining his for
mer health.
Mrs. Ed Sprieck of Stanton. Ne
braska, who has been here for a
few days visiting at the home of
her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John McNurlin, departed this
morning for her home.
High Water in the Platte and Mis.
souri Rivers Foods the Low
lands in This Vicinity.
As the climax to the week of
heavy rains that has prevailed
throughout Nebraska the high
water yesterday swept down upon
this section of the country, in
llieting a great deal of damage tn
crops and for a time menacing
the bridges over the Platte at
Oreapolis. Together with the
water caused by the rainfall,
there was a four-foot raise in the
Missouri river, and this added to
the water from the Platte yester
dav afternoon transformed the
bottoms east of the Burlington
depot into a good sized lake.
The water in the Platte has
been raising for several days, but
there was no particular fear felt
that it would reach dangerous
proportions, and even yesterady
morning the land on the sand bar
showed very little signs of flood
ing, but by i o'clock in the after-
nnon the swnllen streams had
emptied themselves down on what
had been a few hours before fer
tile cornfields, and in a few Imurs
the water stood some four feet on
the Stnkes farm east nf the depot
and made it necessary for Mr.
Stnkes to remove his household
goods to this city for safety.
On the pollock farm near the
water works the water stood sev
eral feet, deep and from all indica
tions there will be little of the
corn nr potatoes left there, and
the hard work of the tenants on
the Pollock place and Mr. Stnkes
will be wiped nut. The railroad
oflicials became greatly worried
during the day over the develop
ments at the bridges over the
Platte and a force of. men was
dispatched there to do what was
possible to prevent the tracks be
ing washed nut, but toward mid
night the waters began to recede
and the immediate danger to the
bridges passed by without doing
any damage.
The flood water covered the
Platte bottom for miles and many
acres ff corn planted by the farm
ers fnr several miles west were
under water. From Cullom there
are reports of much loss to the
growing crops and there the river
iias the appearanev of a vast lake,
having overfinwed over the bot
tom. Ashland is reported to have
suffered greatly from having Salt
Creek backed up and overflowing
into the lowlands, and the rifle
range there, we are informed, was
several feet under water. Yes
terday the high water in Salt
Creek made it impossible to get
from the Burlington station to
the business part of the city.
The rifle range here suffered
only a small portion, being affect
ed by the water, and this will soon
subside, as this morning the wa
fer began to recede. One of the
heaviest losers by the high wa
ter will be George Slander, re
siding west of the city, who has
fifty acres of corn under water on
the Platte bottom and an equal
amount which was flooded by Four
Mile creek.
Parties coming in this morning
from the south report that Ne
braska City was visited this
morning by a terrific downpour
and four inches of rain is report
ed to have fallen, doing great
damage to crops and flooding the
lowlands there.
Pure Bred Pigs for Sale.
I have 30 or more Duroc-Jersey
pigs about 8 weeks old that I w-ill
sell during June. Pedigrees fur
nished. Prices range, from $10 to
$15 apiece. No male pigs sold
after July 1st. Stock can be seen
anv day at my place at Mynard.
Neb. W. B. Porter.
Clayton Rosencrans was an
over Sunday visitor with friends
in Nehawka.
1 A R A I V
Daughter at H. E. Heil Home.
From Saturday's Dariy.
The. home nf Henry E. Ifeil an
wife, near Cedar Creek, was glad
dened at an early lmur yesterday
mnrning by the arrival nf a line
new daughter, who arrived with
Ihe intention of making her home
with them for the coming years
The advent of the new Miss Heil
was the occasion of great rejoic
ing", as this is the first child in
the family, and both the father
and mother are very proud of the
new arrival, but their pleasure is
small compared with that of
Grandpa Stephen Jochin over the
The following is a short bio
graphical sketch of the late Geo.
V. Yass, who-e funeral was held
here last Sundav afternoon.
George W. Yass was born on
March 21, 1SG5, in Kenawa coun
ty. West Yirginia, arid when but
a small child came west with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
F. Yass, who located in Platts
mouth, and received his education
in the public schools of this city.
Wishing to become a jeweler and
liking that work he decided to
earn the trade and become an ex
pert watch maker, and when but
10 vears obi he went to Blair and
tpened a store of his own in that
ritv. but later came back to
Plattsmouth and entered into a
partnership with II. M. Gault un
der the name of Gault & Yass, and
the firm was soon the largest of
the kind in the city. A number of
vears afterwards he went tn Kan
sas City, where he was fnreman in
a large jewelry manufacturing es
tablishment. Be worked there
until the death nf his brother
Robert, when he decided to go
west to make his future home and
ocated at Seattle, where he re
mained until his death on April
3rd. George in early life united
with the Presbyterian church and
was quite a devoted member of
that faith.
From Frtday'8 Dally.
The passengers who assembled
yesterday afternoon at the Bur-
ington station when the north-
ound train, due here at 1:58. ar
rived, were treated to an unusual
it of excitement that for a time
served to make things quite
merry in the vicinity of the depot.
man by the name of Roberts, a
stranger, had purchased a ticket.
and when the train stopped at
tempted to step on board and was
stopped by the brakeman. whom,
it is claimed, refused him pas
sage, alleging that he was in
toxicated. Here, it is claimed by
the railroad men, the man used
violent language toward the
irakeman, as well as Alex Biszan,
the yard policeman, who had come
up and gotten into the contro-
versv. Alter a srmn session oi
rag-chewing the man got on the
train, and entering a car sat down
and the other passengers claim he
was perfectly peaceable. Tn a few
econds Biszan came into the car
and requested that the man get
off the train, which he refused to
io, claiming he was not intoxicat
ed. The twn men got into another
controversy, and from what per
sons in the car state, Alex struck
lim with a "billy" that lie was
carrying, lhis aroused the man
and he proceeded to hand several
good licks to the form of the
guardian of the company's prop
erty, who withdrew from the
scene of the trouble and the man
continued on his way to Omaha,
remaining on the train. He, how
ever, secured the names of sev
eral parties on the train, who ex
pressed themselves as favoring
lis side of the case. Both the
H-akeman and Mr. Biszan claim
the man used foul and abusive
anguage toward them when they
first attempted to stop his getting
on the train.
About Twenty-six Candidates In-
itiated, and Large Number of
Outsiders Here.
Saturday evening nne nf the
largest meetings that has been
held in the city by the Ancient
Order nf United Workmen was
he!. at ttie hall to take into the
rdcr a large class nf candidate-.
and there were some twenty-six
ynunsr men ready tn undergo the
initiation necessary t become a
Workman. The four- lolg"S of
this citv met together in session
and had on the plea-ant occa-ion
irand Master Workman A. M.
Walling of avid City present to
ake charge nf the work nf put
ting the cla-s through. Mr. Wal
limr arrived in the city Saturday
afternoon, and in the eenjng- was
at the A. O. U. W. hall to meet the
ditTerent members and a--is jI(
gathering into the fold of the
splendid class that the members
of the different lodges and Deputy
Barton had succeeded in gather
ing together for presentation to
the ma-ter workman for nota
tion. The campaign had been
carried on in real earnest by the
membership of the order, and as
a result of the work of the mem
bers the cla-s Saturday evening
was the object of much delight to
the older members. The oc
casion was one tilled with much
pleasure, both tn the old and new
members of the order and the
beautiful ritual work of the nrder,
as exemplified by the officers in
charge, made a most impresie
lesson to the new candidates.
After the work of putting the
candidates through the mill the
members of the order had the
pleasure of having a few remarks
from Grand Master Workman
Walling in which the adantages
of the nrder were pointed nut. and
the address thoroughly inspired
t he members in their work for this,
splendid order. At the conclusion
of the business session the mem
bers were invited to the main hall,
where a delicious luncheon had
been prepared and was served by
the ladies, and this feature added
greatly to the pleasure of cery
nne taking part in the gathering.
The work of Deputy J. R. Bar
ton in this city lias proven most
valuable to the order and ha re
sulted in a large increase nf the
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon some forty
members nf Yesta Chapter, East
ern Star, of Omaha, came down to
visit fnr a few hours at the Ma
sonic Home, and their vi-it was
an occasion of the greatest en
joyment to the members nf the
family at the Home. The ladies
had intended to enjny the day in
picnicking-, but the stormy weath
er would not permit nf this, and
the picnic dinner was served in
the dining room of the Home and
was most heartily enjojed by all
who were present. The visitors
brought with them several talent
ed musicians, and during the aft
ernoon a most pleasing concert
was given by Mr. and Mrs. Theme
and daughter and Will Herington,
as well as Walter Graham, a tal
ented vocalist. The occasion
happened to be the birthday of
Mr. Askwilh, superintendent nf
the Home, and he was presented
with a very handsome token by
the visitors in honor of the eent.
Mr. Askwith is a former worthy
patron of Yesta chapter, to which
lie and Mrs. Askwith belong, and
the gift from the old friends was
much appreciated. The party re
turned to Omaha at 4:50 on the
Missouri Pacific.