PAQK 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1914. W , w lil 'J , RODEGAARD SKINNED THE JALL TEAM Horrible Slaughter of the Visit ors Gives the Red Sox the Game, 21 to 0. No eye to watch and no tongue to wound us. All earth forgot and all heaven around us." J Happiness begins with the engagement ring. It ought never to end with the wed ding ring. We have all kinds of rings for all kinds of folks. Quality high, prices low. JOHN W. CRABILL can The Plaffsmoutli Journal Big Booster Circulation Campaign VOTE COUPON VOID AFTER JUNE 20th. Good for 5 Votes For M. District No. Trim neatly and hold until the ballot box is in place, which will be within a few days. i Series j 4 i Yesterday aflrniimn (hero wn inile a pomlly nuinhcr of ! hi "fails" iissnnhlcil on the !oc;i olt o witness what proved to in a, v citable swat test on lln part of ihe pel Sov, and Ihe play ers proceeiletl Id fallen Iheir Jat- titr-r a eraires al I he expense i I ln visit incr represenlal i es of Ihe l r I ;i :i i ! ( aowus, .iml al times llii' i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1, of tin1 local lioys was very rue, as Hii-y slamiiii'.l tile hall lo all pails of the lot, re- u-ai.lhss of tin' farf thai the visitors were thoroughly tireil out willi thi'ir exertions in al- fi'iuiitinir lo slop lhi slau-1 1 1 e: ai'd al Ihe close of I in curtain on flu' pitiful Ira.-i'ilv the scot,' was J I Jo u in fax or of I he lied Sow I i k - was in excel !en ! on'm al all linns, and whenever tin' .jew iters ook"d Ihe least ihlllU "roils he would tan liiein out with ease. The hostilities opened in Ihe Url. wiien l.eai. ihe I r - T man up. rapped one of the slants ot voiiiiir .Mr. Ilenil inmirer oxer ;ecoml h.i-e for ;i .safety. ;uid whin lie reached that position hd no time in i;et I in-.r to I lie econd sack. loWCil. xx as acrilice down I'arrioll. who fid. hie to place a lli'-' the 1 ii ird hase line In x a - and xx 1 1 i ! i I s'. I.i al xvas aide to illltll. till' Corpulent 'lit thrown out a! core; :. second i'l', Was at once aide o net Ihe combination that xvas RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE JOURNAL'S RIG BOOSTER SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN Rules of the Contest. Any while man, woman, hoy or p-irl of prooil reputation residing in Nip Iprrilorv of Nip contest niav l)ecoinp a candidate. .Voni inal ions may he made and will be received up to the last, day ol the contest. (lonlestants may nominate themselves or he nominated 1 friends, ilhoiil cost. in ii' will he two separate iiisiricis in wtncii lo enter, as de scribed on this pane. The candidate who received the largest ole of (he entire contest will be awarded the Overland Touriuy i'.ar. The contestant receiving; Ihe .second largest, vote of the entire coo lest will receive the Schntoller A; .Mueller I'iauo. The three candi dates in each of the two districts receivinu: Ihe three largest, numhei of voles alter Ihe txxo annul pries arc awarded will receive one of the district prizes. All candidates who enter and work to the end and fail lo win one of the prizes will receive In per cent cash com mission on all subscript ions turned in by liiein. Ilxery candidate in the contest has an eoual chance of winnincr eiiher the louriii--' car or Ihe piano. ( 'a nd idal compete unlv apaiiisl Hie candidates in Iheir own district for the district prizes. In the event of a tvpoLM'aphical error it is understood that neither The .lourrial or the Contest. Manager -.hall be held reponsi- oc, except i, make I lie necessary correction on discovery ol same. Ativ district haviny less than two active contestants xvill he de clared oil. Votinir xill be bx- txvo methods: Coupons ( lipped from Till! 1A1LY AM) SKMI-WI'KKLY .lorilXAL. which xvill count for live voles each: and by special coupons issued for oaxmeuts made on subscriptions according lo the published schedule. These pax incuts must be made in cash lo Ihe home ollice of the pap -r duriuu' the period covered by Ihe contest, whereupon a special subscription (oupon will he issued, pood jor niiiiiiiiT ol voies to xxlncti each pay ment is entitled. Votes xvill no be sold or issued in any other man ner. Special subscription coupons must bear the number cor lespoiidiiiLr with the ledger number on record in the oihVe. and must couiit"rsi-Med by the Conlest .Man iter or bis assistant. C.ontesl n.ts are not limited to their oxvn districts in securing votes and sub scriptions, but max- obtain Iheni anxxvhere. Notes are not traiisler- ;:!-'e from one contestant to another. All remittances must be accompanied by subscriber's name and address. All Null's issued on subscriptions are pood lo Ihe end of the con test and max lie polled at Ihe discretion of the candidate or sub scriber. Cash must accompany all subscriptions when voles are issued. First publication of names xvill be made as soon as a suitable number have been nominated in each district. Voting xvill coin- Air-U si 1 , a I loritNAi. You will tlnd tne most complete line of stationery m the city ol Plattsmouth at the Journal oflica The finest line of box paper, visiting and calling cards. Subscribe for the Journal. Shirt Waists SALE We offer White Waists in the newest style and fab rics, 15 different numbers to select from, at prices from $1.25 to $3 EACH. We also offer a lot of odd waists at a bargain price; they go at, each 79c, 89c, 98c. YAGHT YANiHE RUNS AWAY m!i RESOLUTE Turns Tables on Bristol Boal in Fourth Reca. Rye, X. Y., Jsmo 8. Tlie yacht Vaniiie turned the tallies on the llc.-o lute in th" ioiinh Long Is'and smi.. race, sailed r.iMtr tne a a ?i-:c.-s ot tr.ei Larchinont V:.cht club ov; r a tri::Ti zular coun-o. xvir.nir.r' l.v five minute: and fiity-txvo soco:id.s in cl:tj;.sed time v;ho xvas back in Ihe harm As tlie Var.itie give.i the i:e ul'ite i.i cstimat'd allcxvr.ncc- ever twenty nin? and tlu. o r:.i:a; '( rs raih-s third of thiee minutes ::n! twelve sorontls the margin wa 1 c-lieved to have beer two minut; ? an l forty se( ends. Al ;hou?;h sar.ed in light to mod- rat- xvinds. xvhich xvere yoir.exvhat ur.cer taia at times tlie race was a lam 1 ten than the contest Tuesday, xvhici was regarded as more or less of ? teiii'-' lianncil out I'X- Mie Xisnois. and by the tin:,- they bad tie- hall he xas on second, as his drive I t!i bTt iiai'deii was ind handled iiuickly enough; Herdd Mien made a single; .Ici!aubx. the xvar -carred xeferau. who fo! foxvi d llerold al bat. x;s able to ' part of his form in the way of the ball and walked to first, but xvas not alloxxed to remain there lonir. as Mason fanned one to .short that the liehb-r .ju-.Icd. and In xvas safe, and he'-e Ihe indulged in .some decid edly rank jdaxi'ir. the shortstop. to head o!V Smith at third from coii:!i:. Ihrexv home, and had i! I been for the L:rand stand his heaxe xvould nroiinldx- liaxe imtic 'vejal uii:es. hut as it xxiis sniilii md IleiobI both romped home xvilh Ixvo moie tallies. L. Smith. S VI'-. lenlay. lined up on one of the Hrodeaaard cirxes. lacinir it at xher-e Ihe baseman seemed at s.-a xxhat to do xvith it. but finally decided o throw home. which he done, and fxo more cores ity McC.auley and Mason came over the pan. Neitel xvas li-o able to ncofialc a safe one from the collection i,f (he Ihor- Zuckweiler Lutz.... iiuhf, iwm which iiia aiiuie xvon i.xiouiiiy uemoraiieu jewelers, .. ana iu'i.'-iihi. i piaciuir ii in rmm neiu. ami on which L Sniilh came home Tlie ...,J(. ..,,. ., Mwe,.s hl s thorou'-hlv fired out ouds. race xvas ir.ore of a procession t when the r.e-.ohite led the Vr.niile ir i'"s now inoioumiix iiri'ii o o m i iiiiiiiiiir. iieciiieii 11 can a i...ti - . .... tho second rree Wednpsrhiy, xvhich thr M!" ' "n '"s nil lo IJrisfol liont xvon hy e!?v;n rcor.ds. -uo. isiop c;ni2lit ,eiie at third The yachts xvill lie overhauled dur base, and Ileal ended Mm atrony ins the next three days in ireparr.tion by sinking out. for tho threo open sea contests thi-: In tile second act of the til Me meuce Thursday. June I 1. and continue unlil Saturday lo p. in., al xxhich time the contest xvill close. No emplove or close relative of an eu.idoye of TIM can enler the c m t eet . A board of three responsible business men xxill have exclusive (iilrol of the ballot box the last day of the contest ;11id make an nouncement of the result of that dax's otinir. The r.onlesl Manager reserves Ihe riht lo rejecl any nomina tion and to pass tinal .jud.smcnl upon any question that may arise, not covered by these rules. No .statement or promise made by any solicitor, canvasser or .vtrent. vaixim,' from these rules, xvill be recounicd by Tlil". Jnl'ltXAI." Till-: .l iI'ltXAI. reserves the riuht to chancre the plan or to make anv additions or alterations L Ihe above condition thai max be de cided necessary to Ihe interest and welfare of the contest, and its candidates. In accept incr nomination and in castincr votes, all candidates must accept and acrree to abide by Ihe above rules and conditions. 3 t t i i i i i 4 N ( i i Relief for Busy Mothers.... We now have ready-made (Dresses for Children, in several styles, and at prices ranging from 35c to 1.25 These are good values and well worth your consideration. It is always a pleas ure to show you our goods whether you buy or not. Phones 53 and 54 81 i Ra La n u tin THE DAYLIGHT STORE sq mr ntf ny r ALMOST FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Auto Turns Turtle, and Wonder Is That Occupants Were Not Instantly Killed. How Prises Be Awarded. The manner of axxardincr prizes is as follows: The Overland tlx e-nasencrer totirincr car. xvith complete equip ment, xvill be axxariled lo Ihe contestant xxho .secures (he larcresl number of voles dui incr the campai-u. The s',un Schinoller .Muelb-r IMano xvill be awarded to tin contestant receivincr the second lar'-c-st number of votes durincr the campaign. , , .,, , .. After these cri-and prizes have been awarded, there will be three i i oil. i: . r .1 1 . awarded in earn oi me nisii-ieis :i omh-s. 'ia , .,o I ii I i-..eei in" flie h i h e s I xote in each district.: re- eprdless ,r the vole in anv other district, and after the errand pne: have been awarded, will receive a beautiful diamond riucr, purchase! fr i t xx- Crnl.ill of P I a It s in 01 1 1 1 1 . and on display at his store. Tile contestant receivincr the second highest number of voles in .liwtriet i-et.oirilless o I" the voli' in anv other di-ti'K'!. and allei n',.. .r,..,twi i.i'icc leive heeii nxxarded. xvill recvii' an order on one o ni-.n...,...! h' Iro eest stores for s:',!) xvorlli of lueri'hanilise. as thi'V in'iv 1 iW I ' 'Ihe cimleslant receivincr the third larcrest number of votes in ...w.i. .nii-iei i-eir.-i idlest of the vide in anv other district, and allei tin- errand prizes have been axvanled. xvill receive a crobl xvalch. choie. of l'.lcrin or Wallham nioveiiieut. purchased li oin J. W . (aalnll lMatlsnioutb, ami n display at his store in this city siii'i'i r To as.siire exerxone xxho enters this campaign n, ..i. .i.a.- r.,;.. .nwl inoeiil ial tVealment. we xxi I pav to every con- ill-si i ii i ii uu: .ii.-. . . . - .. teslanl who i nters and xxho remains active until Ihe close of lln campaicrn and xxho fails to xxin one f the splendid prizes oilered. ; cash cmnmission of ten (t " ''"l "f the money which they havi secured ami tuinel inlo Ibis ollice durincr the campaign. week olf Poruly Htxik. Watch our windows for the standing of the piano contest ants. H. M. Soennichsen. PI f Drag Store Mo-Vies: "SAVED BY A NECK" G ? This little sketch is amusing. But it would not be very funny if you bought bichloride of mercury tablets from us and took them by mistake. Mis takes don't mix with our way of doing business. 5 Play safe. Let us put up your medicine. CHauzy Drug Company drama IMallsmoiilh proceeded b hancr several oilier- larcre (diunks of plooni on Ihe hopes of tjie visitors. lUrrioll otiened the in- nincr xvilh a little hit to the pilcher. xviu'eh be xvas able lo held and retire the runner al lirsf (). miilh xvas hit. by ' the pitcher; llerold xvas more lucky ami crol, a safely tlirouirh si-conil ami when Ali-Cauley rapped one to short Smith came home; Mason xvas bit by the pitcher jn tryincr t 'locale tin plale. nrnl took first; 1.. Smith was on a fly lo second, that for n xxonilec xvas handled hy the baseman. At this lime lccr llerold proceeded lo Ihroxv a scare in the visitors by slealincr home on them while lln third baseman xvas exaiiiiniucr Ihe all. Xeilzel semired a safelv lo left, field that brouubt in Mason md Mi-('auley, and he came home on tin' hit of liki-. Tleal retired the side by foulinpr out lo the catcher. Tin-re was nolhincr furl her lo mcr in tin' scorincr line until the seventh, when pike placed a safely in Ihe shortstop teiritorv; Heal hit safely lo left, but xvas jlaler caught a second base; lar rioll secured a safetx- :m.l w:i followed bv C. Smitli. xxho struck "ill. huf llerold xvas passed lo Hirst. Pike scored at Ibis I ime on a Ihroxv lo cnlch him. and Mc C.auley, with a Ixvo bacrc;i'r adib-il .i . :i ...1 1 . ., . 1 1 (. 1 1 1 in jo j lie lurnioii aioi i"'mipim parriolL and Ib-robl. Mason tin ished the innincr by llyincr out l shortstop. In the eighth innincr Ihe Red So- diciilcd ti take a few more -.cores lo add to their b-ad in the name, when I.. Smith hit safely lo third, and on Ihe thn.xv xvas saTe at lirsl; Neitzel xvas rcliri-il. sec ond to lirst; Pike xvas abb' lo place a safety to second, on which "Sniilh came over xvilh a tally: 15eal xvas walked to lirsl; Iarriott hit, to pilcher and xvas safe on a wild Ihroxv to first, and on this misplay Pike ami Smith recrislcred al the place. C. Sniilh xvas in croud trip in bis turn ami rapped one lo the h'Tt crarden, xvhich brouciht in Heal ami Par riot t; llerold secured a safe one to center and both he ami Smith scored on Ihe hi! of McC.auley to Ihe lei! held fence. Mason ended the acrony by knockincr a 11. v t second base. This closed Ihe scorincr, as the Omaha buys were unable lo save themselves from a shutout, anil lln' fans wended I heir way home ward, rejoieincr over Ihe success of the micihly Red Sox. The line up of the two teams xvas as fol loxvs ; ' llrodecraard Crowns Heinlz encrcr, pilcher; ISerland, catcher; l.ce, lirsl ; Helton, .second; Hillon, shortstop; parinenler, third; center Landers. b-rt; Conklin Johnson, ripht. Red Soy Pike, pitcher; Neit zel. catcher; McCauley. lirsl; C Sniilh. second; Parrioll, short Ib'iobl, Ihird: Mason, left; Ileal, center; I.. Smith, ricrht. Card of Thanks. To the kind neighbors ami friends xxho so kindly crave Iheii aid and sympathy durincr the ill ness' and death of our beloved wife and mother, we do tendei our heartfelt thanks. J. I., llrown and family. Hot Weather Tonic and Health Builder. Are you run doxvn Nervous- Tired? Is evcrylhincr you do an effort? You are not lazy you are sick! Your Slomaeh, l.iver Kidnevs, and whole system need a Tonic. A Tonic ami Ileallh Ibiibler lo drive out Ihe wash' mailer build you up and .renew your slrencrlh. Nolhincr better than Klertric Hitters. Start to day. Mrs. James Duncan, liny nesville, Me., writes: "Com pletely cured me after several doctors frave me up." $1.00, at your Drucrcrist. 50c ami Motorcycle for Sale. In excellent condition, good as new. Uigr, powerful 2-cylinder, developing 7-10 II. P. Need the money. Must sell at once. See Kd Steinhauer at Journal ollice. The Journal does job work. . There xvas a crn-a! deal of ex citement created nerc aturday exeniner by the report thai sev eral persons xx ere killed in an au!o accident ii"ar the home of Will T. Adams, s.-ulh of this city. Parlies xx ere sen! out to ascer tain the t fill 1 1 of the runior, and on their arrival there found the car, xxhich xvas a ii-hf machine, mi the side of the road, xvheie it had turned turlle. and extracted from the machine William (Jar ens and Henry llarless, txxo of Ihe occupanis of the car, and for a lime it was thou-rht that Ihey xxi re seerely injured, as they were limp ami seeml almost lifeless. The men were hurried lo the ollice of a physician in this city for an examination as to fh-n'r in.'uries. and if xxas found that the men xvere not injured be vond a few bruisess. Iml xvei'e ile- i I 1 siiffermcr from an oxi-r ac- 'uiiuilal ion of liipioivs of xarimis kinds, and on one of the men two hollies of whisky xvere found, while from the condition of their crnrmenls it xvas evident that several other bottles had been broken, as Ibex were saturated with the booze and pieces of glass betrayed the fact of the broken bottles. The two men xvere taken to a hotel, hexing lo be carried from Ihe doctor's oflice lo Ihe r-.ulomobile thai conveyed them to Ihe Perkins house, where 1 hex were loilcred over night. It seems from all that can be learned from Hie two injured men that they. in company xvilh "Kdcrar Morion and another man. had come up from Union in the car of Mr. Morton, ami started for home about 7:.-b, and xxle u they readied tin load near Ihe Adams' place had gotten out o ope - ide where the loose iliit xxa. and xvhile Irving- to get the madine back in the road had one of Ihe front x heels broken, and Ibis ca used the car to I u rn turlle and Ihroxv them out. It is staled by lll".-'e who xvere lirsl o tlie se.'-io of thi' accident that Morion, who xv a - drixincr. and bis companion were perfectly sober. They re turned to their homes the same "xeniiicr. xvhile the other Ixvo men remained here to res! up from their- strenuous joy ride. AM of Ihe parlies arc from the vicinity of I iii'Hi, xvilh the exception of llarless, who says his home is at Caspar. Wyoming, and he xvas back on a vi-it In his old friends in Liberty nrecimd. II is certain ly fortunate for the parly that they were jo killed hy the a- cidellt. as it could easily have re sulted in their instant ib-alh. HON. E. M. POLLARD AUTOS UP FROM NEHAWKA Hon. T. M. Pollard, accom panied by his little son. were in I lie city today for a fex- Ii mii s xi-itincr xxith friends and in look ing after some lusines.-- allairs at the court bouse. Mr. Pollard, since his retirement, from con gress, has licvoled himself to bis farm at Nehaxxka, and here the most up-to-dafe methods have been applied xvilh great success, and the apple orchards of Mr. Pollard are famous throughout the west. Mr. Pollard still keeps a keen interest in the public af fairs and bis most able tilling of I lie position in congress shows that he is a man alive to Ihe in terests of his constituents. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Musical Burlesque Brand New Show EVERY WKSK Clean. Clasty Entertainment. Everybody Goes: Ask Anjbody. LACItS' CIWl KATINEE DAILY DON'T GO HOME SAYING I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY Only Real Bakery In Town! r ; - ' J : .a .:. Choosing a Baker's Doztm With Omar. - Ah, choose the niost for what you yet may spend Before you, too, into the street de scend, Street after street acd other streets to search, Bans bread, sans cake, sans baker and sans end! KlvvVV.Vrs s-. ' f "V j - Our Make the most of us. Finest bread, cakes and pies made clean, baked clean, sold clean. Why not patronize such a bakeshop as ours light, airy, sanitary? We would welcome you as a regular customer. Phone us. Deliveries made promptly. Customers Are Satisfied! WAGNER' "Everything Good To Eat"