The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 08, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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- '?." f
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1314.
Visitors Entertained in Most Hos
pitable Manner and Excellent
Program Rendered.
From Saturday's Daily.
Ye-ter.biy . 'afii-rnooii f M Hie
Jir-f tine- the doors f the b-auti-f
1 1 1 Ji'.riK- of lMatl-nT'iith Lodge
."'. I'i'.K u '! opeeii to Hit pub
lic of t f i city for a:i inspect
i.f the hand-ofue building that js
to h.'ii--. the members of the
onl.-r in the future. While I li
l'j:;.? ha' not ."received near all
til.- f ; 1 1-r ; r ! l r that will 1"' used in
th.- I . i 1 -1 1 r : . they fell that tin
lain mab -viMl wft-ks ago a-
th.- opening" day should be kepi,
.iad (In- opening- day fur sur
j,a ! Hi" expectations of the
cm: ui i! - it! charge of the event
iii point of numbers that wore
pr'--eiit. n w. !1 as the h autiful
appearance after the furniture
tha't ha. I arriv-d lia.l been place. 1
in tfie building.
Tin- is undoubtedly tfje hand
,..Ii(.t t it i c 1 1 1 re of its kind in
the n'lv an.
"1 tll'Te are
f. wJowns
thai can b'-a-t 'if a more beauti-j number. "Wise I.HHe L-vp," he
rn I -t n;.t uie than that of ttit-in assisted by Miss Cummins al
!..,!-.. lore, and the menders of the piano. The .selection of Miss
lb- ord.-r ran f.e) proud of t he i Cat herine povey, "Who'll IJuy My
splendid u::d-! faking that t !i --y j Favi mler?" was one or the nm4
!u' e so-.v c. .!i-!!ii;i:at d in t he few i plea.sjupr on the program of the
n-r:M!is s:;;.-e fhe nroposjt j.,n of I afternoon. Miss Iocy was ac
!;e v.- horn- launched by a J -o-nparii"d by her sister. Mrs.
f-w ti- i !-. of the h.di.'e a .a d j ( ; i " ' rtre II. Falter, on the piano,
which was eagerly taken up and! Mi's. Falter also favored the
put th;o-:'h bv the united effort -; audience with a very dillirulf and
of the members of the order. Iji-autiful number on the piano,
y.-sterda, in honor of I he even! j "To the Sprinsr," by (ireisr. Mrs.
,,f ;,e-!i:!''. as well as the It. ;. Rawls, one of the talented
patriotic ami uplifting- purposes ! il,.id-i of the city. ira e as the
f the !;. !. i . F.. a ur-af American uuinber on th- program.
i!;.- sn-i .-id.-d the -
o;:d il -. -. r of lb.- leaiiliful por. h
!T:a or-ia'.ieid s th- front of U
va :jr
!i i s
i'-. less-ae. appreci-
lit.-d (.. the ful!"sj cteif. as it a --'in from J. II. Kulms. .one
of -'Je- ! iv- - ire', of the oialer, t o
th- l:..!fs.M.,t:l!, !,!:. .
i.;vtf-f.Vsf TR'T-'dse-'b uJ
f;v.;r r 1 lo e tin' public a
-a- i oa! ' euf ei I aj menf p.
Il-e ivaMJ ef that is so cha ract .-r-Jslic
. f the l-ilks. anil this tli-v
-uecr ed"d in most admirably, and
of th- s.-vera! hundred persons
who pa--, d throu-'h the buihiin-r
froMi the li 'iirs of J fo 7 p. m. all
;e im' s hearty in their praise
of the ;i! niann-r in which lliev
had b ! tr.-ale.J by their ho-t
of the plat f smoiilh I :i k . ' On
eiderinir the dub lioii-e the quests
W'le fleeted by a commiltet
front -the b(!-e. which took (diar ir.
of them ' and. ecoi e.I them
(hroii-h the different rooms of
the buildintr.
The lilit intr system of tlu
building is of the most com-
ro- ie and the building, foinmit tee.
ha- -ejerled lkhls that are cer
tainly of th.. latest pattern and
1 hurmonie well with the
beautifully decorated rooms. On
enterinir the reading room at the
south of the en! ratiee hall one is
struck by the beautiful manner
in which eery detail of the room
has been arr.i:-e. and I here has
been nothintr o ci t ha!
Would t:o to add to the comfort of
the club member. -WTitinir tables
are placed in one corner of the
room, which js separated from
the main reading room by an ar
rantremeiit of paneling in dark
mis-biji wood that makes, a parti
tion some tle feet h it'll between
the lo sections of lb- room ami
ies the brolliers who desire to
write an opporlunily to do so in
luie'and uiltiout beint' disturb
ed. , I-u the-main readincr room a
tai. and handsome library table
is laden with, the latest offerings
fiN'm the woi! I's current literat
ure and h u t: e v c i n f o r t a b 1 e , h ' aj 1 1 r
ncl ;rs furnif h; ;u-luos,t comfort
able place in which 'to enjoy a
fuw .tiiinules- in rest and rerea
t itui in r eading; The here, as
iii all the rooms, is furnished by
t fie .drop jh syt- -vh ich .'re fleet . the
lithf..ack in softened tmies on
the ja'i soik oecripv jp y: Ihe'roOjn.
Thv billiai .1 and pool room has
I hre-tti ne 1 aides and a fine as
sori men!, of cues, whicli makes
f hee'pas! imes a most perfect d"
li'hl fo t heiieinbe.i hVjdeliuIij
in'the sport!'K'' drop' lights
ai e uspei4i ' tt er- lh- tables
vvliicli permils v eryone. toplaj
vvllll. Vn ioyipt'Tt. a4ll-'hV'Jd-s
. irnj''- m a iu -'t- tn vvitch th e n n m
hie been decorated makes if a
plafcVfhst ViH l-rrC'T- tie jm;sf
popular in t1) 'L'jiihliriS': ."
'I Iio rani room in the past por
tion, of the building is one of the
i:nziet places in the whole build
ing, an. one that will be utillizcd
hy the members, as it is cool ami
coin fort able.
The -TiVts, aTler their inic
t'ioii of the first floor were taken
to the second floor of the build
ing, where, in the dining room,
Cery delicious Truit punch was
-ei ve. by a bevy of charming lit
tle maids. From here one was
taken into the main hall, where a
most d.'Ii'-'ht fill musical program
was given by the talented musi
cians of the city, to which the de
lighted auditors listened for sev
eral hours with the greatest of
pleasure. The Holly orchestra
ar six instrumental numbers
that were of the latest and highest
standard, and as usual, was most
thoroughly enjoyed. Miss T5ar
bara Clement u'ave as her offering
on the program "The Kerry
Dance" in a very sweet voice that
added great beauty to the music,
being accompanied n the piano
by Miss Dorothy I'.rift in a linish
ed manner that reflected great
credit upon this talented young
lady. Mis Mathilde Valb-ry, one
of the favorite vocalists of the
city, sang in a charming maimer
a selection frorn "The Firefly."
"(Wan nia Mia." and was forced to
respond to an encore, diviner "Just
a Filth' Smile From You." Miss
Valb'ry was accompanied by Miss
Kmina Cummins in her usual
pleasing manner. Miss Eupheinia
Richardson sang in a very ie-
. light ful manner a. most charming
"The Sprintf Is Here," in her
iiial chnrmintr manner, and won
; ; ? r 1 1 approval ot tiie 1 1 li i !
. - i
anuiericc. in- i''o''ram was wen
choseri UI;d the talrnti d arti-ts
trtkin-' p'u-t added greatly toward
makinsr the occasion one of the
tff: real ;s t of pleasure to the ijL
ors from the public and t!ie mem
bers of- the'U. p.'O. F... vho will
cherish the ocasjon of yesterday
;.s one of the most notable in the
history of the order in this city.
The day was filled throughout
with rejojeintr from the members
of the lode over Hie Conipleti.i
of the new buildintr, which ha
been loner the object of the mem
hers to ac.piire for their own. Tin
I" Iff was further delighted es
ierday when James K. I'ollock
exalted rub-r, received the fob
lowintr telegram :
)aenport, la., June r.
James K. pollock, i:alf.-d Rub-r
Fraternal felicitations and con
tral ulal ions from i:;o,Mio niem-
bej-s and l..'Jir lodges to I lie mem
bers of Rlaltsmouth b'd'-re upnn
the i(edicat ion of the new bono
!o the rand principles of F!k-
dom. Reeref cannot be wilh von
today. Fred C. Robinson.
Cram! Secretary.
At the close of the public re
ception at 7 oYolck the club
house was thoroughly cleaned
and placed in readiness fur (In
fraud ball that was to sjenali.i
the formal npiTiiiif of the build
intr by the lodt'e members, and the
occasion was one that will bmtr be
a pb-asant, memory fo the laifi
number of Flks and I In-i r families
and Uliests. The ball was opened
at ! o'clock, as the strains of tin
fraud march, played by (he llo
orchestra, floated through the ball
room, and the delightful pleas
ures of I he dance w as opened by
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clemen! and
Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt
maun, who .-d the fraud march
and were followed Ihloiifh Ihe
graceful fly ii res of the dance by
some fifty couples. The scene
was one of surpassing- beauty,
with the dark evening costumes
of the fcutleineu enchanced bv
the elcfanl costumes of the ladies
ami Ihe r-Muit was iimloubtedtv
oire of Ihe most elaborate that
has taken place in the city for
years. .The program of ihe ball
included the latest dances, such
as Ihe tanpo, Iieilr.t ion, ca.dle
walk and one-step, and Ihe strains
of the delightful music was re
sponded to most readily by the
del itrhled dancers.
The larfe and commodious
fVorrh of the building was utilized
by the -dancers to rest between
the. different numbers of (be pro
f r.-ijii , and-the fenlleme'n and
lailies foutul tliis a most delight
ful retreat fo enjoy the cool
brefjKv luririK' the jnlermissibus.
tWn.e tc. dance was in proffro$'s
fruit punch was served in the
dininu- room by a number of
charmin? little misses and the
tempting refreshment was much
enjoyed by the merry dancers.
Thor" were present at the bit'!
many out-of-town guests, in
cluding members from South
IJend, Indiana, Norfolk, Nebraska
City, Weeping" Wafer, Omaha.
Junction City, Kansas, and (lien
wood, Iowa.
The. completion of the building
gives to the members of No. Ta'J a
home where they can find perfect
enjoyment and the realization of
the principals that dominates the
15. 1. O. V.. oril-r throughout ihe
world, and will find f real coinrort
in the beautiful building that is a
credit fo the city, as well as a
monument to the fi-eat order
erecting- it. 'Ihe buildintr com
mittee of the lodge, consisting of
J. 1. Falter, Dr. J. S. I.iiugston
and former postmaster II. A.
Schneider, labored lontr and hard
in looking' after the ei-ecljon. and
while the last named member of
the coinimffee has remoed from
the city before tin completion of
the buiblintr. In was a hard work
er while here for Ihe eii-clion of
the builidntr. and these gentlemen,
as we as every member of the
Plaltsmoiifh b'.l're. are to be con
gratulated on the finishing of the
great, work they had planned.
This evening the Flks will hold
a ".-lag" at Ihe club Ionise and a
largo numb.-r of visiting- brothers
f'-om mil in the state is looked
for, as well as a number from the
countv. who were detained ley Mo
ram from attending last evening.
Fr.-ni t u r.lay's I:il!y.
I.asf evening a most del itrht ful
(i oY!oc!; family dinue- party was
given at the (o ii h ne .
North Sixrh t i as f;.!-e.eM to
C.i'.n.-ul I'onard Kiutiinuer an 1
Mr. Pet. r V. ah!, w.'.o h i ! --. n
gr.-st- at thi- !e-jdta!i!e home fot-
the past fe , weeks. The m ,'. -
was one thoroughly cn,j.yed
wiih th- u-ua! delightful ho-
fdtaiity that is eharact erist ie of
th' Ceri'u: hor.,,..- but th" dium :
v;;s tinged with i-etrref ::t Ihe ap
proaching departure of these two
genllemeu. who have been making
visit to 1 1 1 .- i i-
Ann rica for some mouths, and
who sail for (ieriuruiy on Ihe
Princess C cilia, from New York
on the 1 Tdh. The Holly o.-rhe-l t ;1
was sfatio;ed in flu- .arlor of
the home and during- the dinner
render-. -d several very beautiful
selections thai were highly
ed. This morning the two dis
tinguished visitors, aciunpanied
by Mr. F.rnest pfeirfer of o.d
wein, Iowa, departed for Cedar
Falls, Iowa, for a short visj be
fore returning to New York, where
they will take passage j-,,,. home
IL R. Cering'. Matthew (b-ring and
Miss Barbara Cering ami Mrs
Henry llerohl accompanied flu
party as far as Omaha on their
From Saturday's Daily.
The Helpers of Ihe Christian
church held their regular meeting
Wednesday afternoon and wen
delight fully eiilerlained by Mes.
dames picked and A. (i. lloowe
H the hon f Mrs. Picket I. Then
weie a large number of Ihe mem
bers and their friends in attend
ance. I lie usual business session
was held, roll-call being- respond
ed fo wilh mission sub.iecLs. Dm
ing the afternoon Mesdanies Ibd
lowell nnd C. M. Fosfer gave some
readings and Mrs. Fugeno Selz a
number of vocal selections, which
were greatly enjoyed by those
present. At the proper time a
dainty luncheon was
served by Ihe ho-Jesses, which
was likewise Ihoioughlv relished.
An hour or so was devoted to
social conv ei sal ion, si itching on
iainly Taney work and other
amusements, and then the guests
dispersed, declaring Ihe hostesses
pb-ndid enlei tainers.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson Enjoy
tho Event Sunday, Surrounded
Ey Their Children and
The f:ii!ii! r.-union at the home
of J. W. Johnson and wife yester
day in bono.- ,,f the forty-ninth
anniversary of the 'marriage of
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson was a most
enjoyable occasion lo tile guest
of honor, as well as the children
gathered under the parental roof.
Thoe who were present were;
Jay Johnson and oldest son. of SI.
Joetdi. Mo.: J. F. Johnson and
family of Omaha. Frank Johnson
and family f Weeping Wale-,
Al-ie Johnson and family of Lin
coln, and Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Chapman of Lincoln. Mrs. Chap
man was form.-rly Miss Ruth
I'.special i iterest was gieu the
afl'air by fhe ..,!.. ries of early his
tory of this locality buig In-Tore
I he war. Mr. .b.i in son having laud
ed her.' March 17. IS.'iT, coming
from L'-e-burg. Ohio, at which
ph'.ce he was b 'in January to.
!.'!.". Crossing- the Missouri river
at Rocky I'oi'd Ih.-y found an In
dian ramp a! what is now known
as Happy lb-How, vh"re (lie In
dians were living off caltle and
horses whose carcasses had been
placed th'-re during the winter,
having eii-hed in the cold
v.-afher it being" th" cold, si
winter and deepesl snow ever
known in this country before or
-ince. The next day. v.iih several
of his boy co ions, who walk
ed across the fale of Iowa with
bim. th'-y w.-.:t out in Ihe neitih
bo'Iioo.l !-;:gbf Mib Oroe and
' '! u ;i cl a :
s. At about this t in,.
irisf north of I'aciib-
ct:.- Cit
Jueclion. n a s iieing boomed, and
M". Jol.'!is.:i puf in I'.'ii' ide!-ab!"
time in th'1 neighborhood. SI.
Mar-v's. ;u.-t a little farther up the
river, was a'so a thriving" place,
.'if long sj-w-e taken bv tiie river.
D'e :o-t st,i i .g- 1 ti..,k a trip
w : 1 he ri er- into Kan.-'
and di'Ti
'I'errif ory, Arkansa.-
.l,ack iulo Mis-.u;ri. settling- ju-!
east of what is Kansas Ci!y. and
at (hat lime called West port
Lan-bng. This takes on.- to the
peri".! jus! m fore (be ciil war
wh"ii filings were Ind ihroughou!
Kansas and the border wa.r was
practica!l" on. Mr. Johnson
found fhat this, was a particularly
warm spot for him and .-si ia!l
so wln-n I hey discovered he w as
from Ohio in fact he feels sure
he was on the list to have a rough
experience, as many a man in fbaf
locality who came from the norfh
has never been heard of since. A
Dan Carnenler. who seemed to
control tin- local situation, O. IC.'d
Mr. Johnson's presence with the
resull lhaf be worked al his hade
as a blacksmith for some lime
without further trouble, buf the
Nebraska call was fi, si rung and
Mr. Johnson returned ami made
a Irip lo the Rocky mountains by
ox team. At thai lime bulfalo
covered fhe plains by thousands.
During all Ihis lime there was a
"girl on a while horse'' who
herded cattle in Ihe Missouri bot
toms close lo SI. Marv's whom
was on Mr. Johnson's mind, he
having" seen her when he first
lauded here, and on reluming
from Ihe west ' in IK! he made
farther jutpiires, with Ihe resull
that the wedding day was "set" to
come off when he should return
home from fhe war. Afler four
long years of the terrible conllicl
Mr. Johnson returned and started
a blacksmith shop where Ihe Muf
linglon passenger slation now
slands, and on Ihe sfh day of June.
t8nr. was married to Mary Jane
llenloii. "Ihe girl on the while
horsf'." Mrs. Johnson was an ex
pert in Ihe art of ho'-seback rid
ing", having- taken several prizes
in early days.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have
lived here con! iiiuously, and wilh
Ihe exception of Hie death of a
laughter, Fmma, -'a years ago.
Iheie has md beep a ib-alh in Ihe
A lot of early interest ing his
tory in which Ihese worthy people
hail a pari must of necessity be
oniilled op account of space, such
s the making of the silk Hag for
the First Nebraska regiment dur
ing fhe war by th" ladies of
Platlsmoulh. Mrs. Simpson, Mrs.
Moses Dodge and Mrs. Uurwell
were the ntheers of the organiza-
ion, and Mrs. O. F. Johnson, who
I A full
Line U
j of the l
1 New
I Bangkok 3j
I Straws
The 1 . M
9 Coolest M
Hat I
j Made M
H Vic.W"
till 2rt-af tffceWSiiT Mik
owned the only sewing machine in
Plat Ismoiifh. made the Hag. The
pr.-se il ation was made on Win
!eisteen Hill and Captain R. R.
Livingston .the al.- Dr. R. R.
I.i iiigsjon responded. One of
the men of the regiment knelt and
look an oalh never to surrender
the (lag.
As sheritV in LSi'.T Mr. Johnson
had many exciting experiences.
;is t he c. hi !ity at thai I inn w as lil I
ed with mai-y desperate no-n and
a gr a! many horse Ihiexes.
This happy event was also the
tirst time in twenly-tive years that
all of the chiblr.-n "f the family
have been at home at one lime
and the ot casjon was one enjoyed
to Ihe utmosl. H will depart for
th'-i:- homes tomorrow and hope
fo join in ceb-Ju-at i :ig the iifti-'th
anniv ersai v next year.
The following- announcement of
(lie engagement of M : lib-n
Pierce of San Ji.-rnarfiuo, Cali
fornia, will lie of grei! inh-re's!
here, as the young man is a
grandson of Mr. and Ms. Fred
lieygt r. form.!- residents of this
city, and he is w.-ll known to a
numb.-r of the residenfs hero;
Mr. and Mrs. . II. Hrown of
!.VN Pacitic street, announce Ihe
eagagemeu! of their dauhl.-r.
Marie, and Cb-n Pierce of San
J'e'l uaidilio. N" date for the wed
ding has I u set. Mr. Pierce is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge S.
Pierce i," Fifth street, well known
residents, and is a nafive son of
the city. He is an elecl ri'eian. and
both he and Ihe pretly bri lelobe
will have the good wishes of very
many friends. Miss l!rowu has
lived in San Hernardino for Ihe
pas several years, having come
from Toiieka. Kas., with her par
en!s, her tafler being Ihe well
known Saul a Fe engineer. Fur
ther announcement of the wed
ding dale will be awaifed wilh in
terest bv her friend..
The penmanship and arl ex
hibit of Ihe Plrdlsmoutii public
schools, which for Ihe last week
has been given in Ihe room in Ihe
Hole Riley block, closed Salurday
a I I ernoou, ami it was undoubted
ly the best thai has been given
here. The work of Ihe pupils from
Ihe second grade o Ihe High
-hoo! has shown a wonderful jm
procmenl since Ihe exhibition
last year and the wisdom of (he
board of edurrlion in securing
Miss Marie Kaufnianu as an in
structor in Ihe penmanslrip
course has clearly been proven.
The students at the opening of
Ihe leini . furnished specimens of
t heir wril ing be Tore stai ting in on
the penmamhip course, and this
-hows clearly how much they
have proi-iessed during the year.
There is noihiug in the school
thai is of more alue lo the young
man or woman than thai of pen
manship, and Ihe result of their
work Ihis year is certainly flat
tering", but lo really appreciate
Ihe progress made one should
have seen the exhibition.
The art. depart ment should also
be proud of I heir show ing', as the
work of the young people, in the
different grades is much improved
t F you have
i mm
- - - "
, MT, .nifl iWjy
and the drawings of he pupils are
very artistic and shows fhe care
ful training lln-y have been given
by Miss Flbm Windham, the art
instructor, who has b.'.-n unceas
ing in her eti'orts for Ihe educa
tion of Ihe young" people along
Ibis line of work. In the penman
ship d'-parlinenl Miss Kaull'iininn
Will select Ihe Iies .specimens to
semi lo fhe slate fair at Lincoln
Ibis fall. The iust ruetor also
ascribes much of fhe succi-s.s of
file Work to (he assist;, uei- of e
teachers in fh" different grades.
R. L. JM-opst, Ihe i-iit rprisin-'
Mynard resident, has established
a recrd for the dclhery of grain
at the Mynard market. Re just
recently sold to W. F. Oiih-sjue
his last year's crop of grain ami
on Thursday delixe'red if to the
elevator. He had the grain haul
ed to market with the assistance
of his fraction engine in .0U
biishel lots, ami made short work"
of the LVJim bushels which be. had
to il.-lier. Mr. Propsf slates lhaf
this is an easy way of gelling the
t-rain to market, bul that, the
bridges oer which Ihe load pass
ed had lo sland quife a train.
Can't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work of Cham
berlain's Tablets js daily becom
ing more widely known. No such
grand remedy for slomaeh and
liver (roubles has ever been
known. For sale bv all dealers.
Hot Weather Demands
that You get into
Cool, Comfortable Clothes....
'Iy'E'RE ready for you with B.
V. D. -Athletic, loose-fitting
Underwear. Stow a few extra
suits into your bureau drawer for good measure.
They'll come in mighty handy for a change be
tween sun-up and sun-down after a tramp
after a dance after brisk play at the nets or on
the diamond. When you get home from a day's
hard work and want to feel refreshed, cool' off
with a "shower" and a clean suit of B. V. D.
Here for $1.00 and S1.50 per suit.
New light-weight silk ties made
in flowing end four-in-hand shapes. A new bow
called the "Windsorette" to be one of the popu
lar ties for this summer. 50c each.
Drop in any day we'll show you
lots of things that will add to your comfoit dur
ing the summer.
rfaffez &UC'Zt& Manhattan
'een keeping your eye to
-5- the peep-hole of Fashion you know
this that the leader of the grand
march of Summer Clothes is the new
Palm Beach Cloth, We simply want
you to see them they will make their
own appeal to your good judgment.
Prices, $9 to $15
Other summerish things silk shirts,
silk sox, silk hats, wash ties, bathing
Everybody's Store.
Frem I-'rMav's ailv.
Last eeniug- Johnnie I.ep.-.-k.
the little nyear-oId gram'-on !'
John Rollt -r of fbi city, was bii
ten by a log' iielougjng t a m igli-l.oi-
of file Rollers, and tin- raiiim
inllicted tpiite a painful wound on
the cheek of (he 1 i t t boV, who
was hurried by his graudpar. ;!
to (he otlice of surgeon, where
the injury was iliv.-s.'il, and il i
thougbt tlo-re will be m seri"U'ls from the attaek of the ,-.
The little ln.y has be.-n here fr m
his home al South Omaha, making
a v isit with his grandparent. ;md
last f vim! ing v hen his grandfather
started for a m i-'h!or's to secrre
a scythe with w h i . ! i to cul some
VVeetls Ihe boy 1 1 i i I 1 to follow,
and accordingly went to the home
of the neighbor where there were
some little puppies with which he
waultil to plav, and this ju-ovoked
Ihe old !"-', who sjtrang" on the
bo and bit him before anything
could be done to prevent if. Til''
little boy is feeling m serious ef
fects from the injury, and as flu-dog-
was apparently perfectly free
from all signs of fhe rabies it is
nt-thought then wilt be any un
usual development s.
Residence for Sale.
Two-story brick on Main and
Pfh flreets; contains 8 rooms,
not including bath room and
closets. T5eautifully located and
modern fixtures. Two and a half
lots, with trees, barn and out
houses. For furl her particulars
address Silas Long, G18 X. 2Gth
St., Lincoln, Neb.