The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914.
To Alfred D. Jones. A. 1). Joins, I. V.
Hardy. J. V. llanly, John J. AlK'l.
Jolm I. Alien. Kben S. Wheeler, K. S.
Wlifeler. and tlie unknown heirs and
devisees of Jtliamar Pi Us bury. Ue
itased: You und eaeli of you will take notice
that on the 7th day of May. 1514. Maud
li. Fuller hied her jtitin in the li-trit-t
t'ourt of Cass County, Nebraska,
ntrainst you and each of you, the
object and prayer of which are that
f ho may be adjudped the owner in fee
pimple of lots four (4), five (5 and
Fix C, of block fifty-four (54), in the
City of J'lattsmouth, Nebraska, freed
from all -laims of an estate or interest
therein of said defendants, and each of
them and all persons claiming by,
throuprh. or under them be perpetually
enjoined from claiming or assertinc
any risht. title, interest, or right of
ponsssion in and to said premises
adverse to the rip-lit, title, interest, or
rlRht of possession of this plaintiff,
her heirs or assigns, and from inter
fering in any manner with the quiet
and peaceful enjoyment of naid prem
ises by said plaintiff: arid that a cer
tain real estate mortpaire for said lands,
recorded in book 10. at pa pre 415 4. of the
mortgage records of Cass County, Ne
braska, from Sam'l. M. Chapman and
wife, Atrnes I.. to Ithamar Piilsbury.
1 e canceled and satisfied of record,
and the clouds thereby cast upon the
plaintiff's title removed, and for such
other relief as euity may require.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the I'ind day of June. li14,
and in failinsr so to do your default
will be entered therein and the allega
tions of the said petition taken to be
By A. G. COT.K.
Her Attorney.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Henry
Stull. lecased.
oitni'ii t snow cArsK.
Tiiis cause cHine on for hearinc upon
the K'tition of C. Lawrence istull. ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry
Stull. deceased, pravinu for a license
to sell an undivided one-sixth, subject
to the dower and homestead risht of
Atratha Stull therein of the following
renl estate to-wit:
Tlie east half of the northwest quar
ter of section two. township twelve,
ransre thirteen. containing 74 and
S7-l0 acres: the east half of the
southwest quarter of section two.
township twelve, ranee thirteen, con
taining vft acres: lot four in the north
west quarter of section thirty-six,
township twelve, ratine thirteen, con
taining " acres, and lot three in the
r.orthwest quarter of section six. town
ship twelve, ranee fourteen, containing
and 7T.-100 acres, all in Cass County.
Nebraska: or a sufh lent amount of the
same to f.rine the sum of $2,191.31. with
interest, for the payments of debts al
lowed acains-t said estate and costs of
administration, there not beins suf
ficient personal property to pay said
debts and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested in said estate appear
Hefore ni" on the 2Jnd dav of June.
114 at th hour of 0 o'clock a. m.. at
tlie Office of the Clerk of said Court, at
IMattsm.Mith. NVbiaska. to show cause
whr a license should not le granted to
said administrator to sell so much of
the above des-ried real estate of said
deceased a mav be necessary to pay
aid debt arkd expenses. It is further
ordered that tl is order to show cause
be published for four successive weeks
prior to said dav of henrins? in the
plattvmouth Semi-AVeeUlv Journal,
published at Plattsmont h. Nebraska.
Uated this 7th dav of Mav. 1914.
Judge of the District Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Alvaro
A Fi: h. Deceased.
To 11 Persons Interested in the Instate
..f Alvaro A. Fish. Deceased:
You are Iterebv notified that on tlie
"rtth dav of May." A. D. 1M4. Krnest H.
Kih filed his petition in this court, al
leirirc amou-rT other things that Alvaro
V Fi'h a resident of Cass County.
Nebraska, departed this life in said
Countv on the -1'th day of April. 1014,
leaving an estate to be administered;
that he died seized of no real estate,
and died possessed of personal prop
ertv not exceed inir tlie sum of
$::.f, that he left him surviving as
bis orilv hirs at law. Fannie Z. ;uile
of ; r t-cnw ofd. Nebraska, and Krnest
II Fish of Hebron. Nebraska, and
asking that letters of administration
l,e jSitd to Fannie K. (Juile.
An order arrant inu the prayer of said
petition, and tindinu that the above
named arc the only heirs at law of
said d. -ceased, and issuing letters of
administration to Fannie K. Guile will
i ........1 .... f 1... 1tli .lv ..f Ttmfi
1914. unless objections thereto are filed
I or ix lore saia uaie.
Fy the Court.
Countv Judire.
postmaster ). C. Morgan has
just received information from
Hit department if labor at Washing-
which stairs that 11m author
ities i.f Oklahoma have desired
the ih'jiarlnient to assist them in
providing uieii t aid in the
carrying on of the wheat harvest
in that stale, ami for this pur
pose it is desired to have from
IJ.oiiO to iu.uoo men sent to thai
Male from the adjoining territory.
The wages oll'ercd range from si
to sj.r,i per day, with hoard. To
further tlie handling of the men
the stale will open free employ
ment agencies at Oklahoma City,
r.nid. Aha, Woodward and Fred
eriek. The harvest there is con
siderahly in advance of that of
the more northern states of the
wheat holt, as the Kansas and Ne
braska holds will not he ready for
about a month for the gathering
of the golden grain, and by that
time the hands tan begiii to drift
north to. follow the harvesting
Buckleu's Arnica Salve for All
ODUUUiCrc5 farm and wild Und. Ucmrj soil. cUy wlwuL N'aar R.iL. Schoala and
, 1 T" r,l,n() Churthea. Cbrp furl. Pnraa SIS to $ 25 mm 10 aaawl parmasa
XOXtD L3KOI3 or $ crop each year. Excuruoru evrry Tuesday. Free fare ta purchaterm.
slope countryOCRI Write w see Tie A. L K1AS CO., 21S Indna Bldr.,MiBBapoIis, Mian.
Contract for Armory Let.
Tlie building coininiloe of the
(ilenwood Armory company last
Friday let the contract for the
construction of the building.
Some slight modifications were
made in the former plans and
then the bids were near to the
contemplated outlay. The firm
securing the contract is Peters &
Richards of Plattsniouth, and the
contract price is 17,927.31).
There were three other bids made
after the changes were made in
the plans. The firm of Peters &
Kichards is the one which erected
the latest new building at the In
stitution. Some of the material
is already on hand and work will
begin at once. (ilenwood Tribune.
From "Wednesday's DaCy.
Two bums this morning created
some excitement for the public by
their actions. The men, who
were not in the least prcposcsing,
visited a number of the business
houses in the lower part of Main
street and were ordered out of
Holly's clothing store and Mc
Dauiel's saloon, and after this
wended their way to the Henrich
restaurant, where they proceeded
to make themselves very annoy
ing, and lo-re Chief of police
Ilainey captured. them and
escorted them to jail. On their
person was found a large veal
loaf, as well as a pound of tea.
anil this was later identified as
having been taken from the store
of Halt & Son. but had not been
missed until the chief started out
to find where it had come from.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Yesterday It. C. Wood of Chari
ton, Iowa, arrived in the city to
assume the position of manager
of the Nebraska Lighting com
pany here. Mr. Wond will take
the place mad" vacant by the
resignation of W. T. Svvcozey,
who has for tlie past several
months been filling the position.
The departure of Mr. Swee.ey
and wife will be greatly regretted
by a large circle of friends who
have made their acquaintance
since their residence in our midst,
as b.dh Mr. and Mrs. Sweczey are
most genial and pleasant people,
and Mr. Sweezey has aided great
ly in the work of building up the
lighting system in this city and
putting it in good shape, and it
is with regret the patrons of the
company see him leave. Mr.
Wood comes here with the high
est of recommendations as a
manager of public utilities of this
kind, and will moe his family
here at once to lake up his duties
and make this his future home.
From Tuesday's Daily.
This morning a complaint was
tiled in Justice Archer's court by
the county attorney, on informa
tion from the village board of
Flmwood. against John Stokes,
known also as "Mink," a farmer
of that locality, who is charged
with being drunk and lighting in
that place yesterday afternoon.
From the reports it seems that
Stokes "lit up" with liquor, and
coming down the streets of Elm
wood, where he saw Charles West
sitting, and he proceeded to make
a pass at him, but it seems from
the information from that lo
cality that he certainly made a
mistake' in picking on the "man
to tangle with, as be received the
worst of the battle and was plac
ed in a state of wreck as a result
of his action in getting into the
mix-up. Stokes will be brought
to this, ejty for arraignment on
the charge today, if possible.
Secures Mad Stone for Use.
Jacob Mason of this city has a
mad stone in his possession that
he has just secured from Robert
Fitch, residing south of this city,
and the stone is claimed to be one
of the best in this part of the
country in treating cases of per
sons bitten by animals affected
with rabies. Mr. Mason is
anxious to allow the use of the
stone in any case where it is
needed, and anyone who is de
sirous of taking treatment can
secure the use of the stone for
this purpose.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Fred Weidinan and bride, who
were here yesterday and today
visiting at the home of Mr. Weid
man's mother, Mrs. Weid
man, departed this afternoon for
their future home at Plainview,
Neb., where Mr. Weidinan has
recently purchased a half interest
in a large hardware store. The
young people were married Mon
day at Joy, fivlt., at the home of
the bride's parents, and at once
started on a short wedding trip.
The bride was formerly Miss Lot
lie Roberts, and is a young lady
highly esteemed by a large circle
of friends in the locality where
she has resided. The i in was
born and reared in this city and
is a splendid young man in every
way and his friends hor were
greatly pleased to hear of his
good fortune and to meet his
charming helpmate.
Frum Wednesday's Pally.
Yeslexrday afternoon the ladies
of the Woman's Relief Corps were
entertained in a most charming
manner at the home of Mrs. I.or-
etta Ault in the south part of the
city, and the mooting was quite
largely attended by the members
of the society, there being some
thirty-five present to take part in
the pleasures ol tlie occasion.
The home was decorated very
tastily with the beautiful sum
mer roses and American Hags,
which made a very pretty scene
for the gathering of this patriotic
order. A short informal program
was gien during tlie aft 'inoon
by the different talented members
of the society who wer present.
and this served to add greatly to
the pleasures of the event. At a
suitable hour very dainty and
tempting reiresimienis were
served by the hostess, who was
assisted in entertaining by Mes
dames Jacks and Purdy. it was
late in the afternoon when the
ladies departed for their homes,
feeling that the occasion had
been one of more than usual
pleasure to all in attendance.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The sheriff was called out to
Ashland this morning to in
vestigate a case that had been re
ported to him, and it is not known
whether it will develop into a
case of kidnapping or not. It
seems that yesterday Mrs. Miller,
a lady at Louisville, sent her
joung daughter out to Cireen
wood, where she was supposed to
visit therewith her sisters in that
place. On the same train from
Louisville also went Fliner
Young, a young man well known
in that locality, and on the ar
rival of the train at (Jreenwood
the couide alighted, but did not
show up at the home of the sis
ter, and this aroused suspicion
and the authorities were notified
to look into the matter and see
what was wrong. A search was
made for the girl, and finally
they located her and Young near
the Platte river, where they had
gone walking, and the man was
taken in charge, ponding the ar
rival of the sheriff to look into
the case. The girl is about IT
years old, while the man is some
few years older. Just what will
develop in the rase is not known
until the sheriff investigates the
case and reports to the county
Alvo Notes
Henry Thomas, was in Lincoln
Jesse llardnoek was a Lincoln
visitor Friday.
Miss Flo llovles returned Sat
urday from Lincoln.
The stores will close at 7 pi nu,
commencing June 15.
Miss Marie Appleman came in
from Lincoln Saturday.
John Foreman was a capital
city visitor Saturday.
Noel Foreman was a passeng
er for Lincoln Friday.
IJob Hamilton and brother
went to Lincoln Friday.
Alfred Stroemer was in Wa
bash Saturday and Sunday.
John Muitey shipped hogs and
cattle to South Omaha Monday.
Mrs. A. I. Bird and children
drove to Waverly lecoralion day.
Pink Yenner of Eagle took No.
18 from here to Omaha Monday.
Horn. June I, l'Ji i. to Mr. and
Mrs Orville Quellhorsl, a daugh
ter. C. R. Jordan went lo Plaits
mouth Monday on county busi
ness. Mrs. Harry Slulheit of Lincoln
spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. II.
Henry Roslofsz of Flmwood
was in town Monday, en route to
Orville Ingwerson and Ray
Clark were in Flmw 1 Saturday
Miss Orayce Hailey attended
the alumni banquet Saturday
oven ing.
Herman Stroemer and Harry
Parsell autoed to Eagle Saturday
John Wolfe went to Havelock
Monday to visit his son. Sehuvler
and family.
The Misses fjrayee and Cecil
Newkirk were shopping- in Lin
coln Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Wolfe of
Havelock were here Saturday
visiting- relatives.
Lafe Mullen ami Albert Toland
returned from Chappell. Neb., tin
latter part of last week.
Mrs. Pringle of Red 1 ak. Iowa.
came in Monday evening- to visit
her daughter. Mrs. Ed Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Rav Parsell and
children visited Sunday with Mr
and Mrs. Harry Parsell and ehil
Joe Sophlin and wife and John
Yaoger of Omaha spent Saturdrry
and Sunday wit fi Mr', and Mrs.
William Yaeger.
The Misses Alia Finch. T?'1I
Foreman and Yerl Linch returned
Fridav from school duties at
University Place.
William Fptegrove came in
Wednesday evening from perry
fowa to spend a couple of weeks
with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpat
rick left Tuesdav on No. 13 for
Portland, Oregon, where I hey will
spend the summer.'';-
The Dalla Tan Delia base ball
team of Lincoln played Alvo's
first nine here Saturday. The
former won tlie game bv a snore
of t to n.
Harry Yiekers returned to
Omaha Saturday, after visiting
I wo weeks with relatives and
friends here and at Eagle ami
John Itarton, deputy grand
master of the A. O. U. W. of Lin
coln, was in town Monday, and
took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Shaffer.
Mrs. Clara Prouty and children
came down Tuesday to spend the
summer with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Skiles. Mrs. Skiles is
improving in health.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Keuhn. accom
panied by the Misses Orpha Mul
len and Alfa Linch. attended the
alumni banquet given by the
Flmwood High school Saturday
Charles F. Rosenow attended
the rural carriers convention at
Weeping- Water Saturday, and
was elected vice president of I he
Cass County Rural Carriers' as
sociation. Ed Parsell of Lincoln visited
his cousin, Harry Parsall, last
Saturday, and also spent some
time at the cemetery decorating
and otherwise caring -for his
mother's grave.
There was a reunion of the
Paul Frohlich family on Decora
lion day at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Charles Ibieknell.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. John Robotham and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Itoyles.
Paul Frohlich and sjin, Oeorgo.
of Lincoln, and Ceorge Ihicknoll
of Sterling, Neb.
A la.v liver leads to chronic
dyspepsia and - constipation
weakens' the whole system. Doan's
Regulets ' 25c per box) act mi'.dly
on the liver and bowels. At all
drug stores, '
. . i . V
.Mamie. Uuukei
was in town
Mary.. .Mx Hugh -spoilt
with Luella Sawyer..
Sam Crall and family
Saturday in Ashland. - -
Josephine Kartell was a pas
senger to Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kitrell
spent Saturday in Louisville.
Mrs. Charley Itrown was a pas
senger to Louisville Tuesday.
Eula Weaver was a passenger
to Omaha Thursday morning-.
Miss Zimmerman is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Ross Davis.
Mr. Facklor of Springfield is
visiling ai ine nyron J mm nome.
Roy Chapman and family wore
passengers to Ashland Friday
A number of the folks
here spent Sunday at tin
Misses Jessie. Sadie
Ermal Dill were in Lincoln Sat
urday. Yirgil Kitrell was in Plaits
mouth on C, F. .y. O. business
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fountain
came in from Iowa to attend the
McOinuis funeral.
James Keegan of Fairmoiif
spent Monday with his daughter,
Mrs. Arch Towle.
Ross Dill and wife are the
proud parents of a baby girl,
born to them May L'O.
Oeorge Campbell and family, of
near Millard, spent the last part
of the week visiting relatives
Fred Everelt and daughter.
Yiola. came in from Iowa to spend
Tuesday at Sam Long's, and also
to allend the Medium's funeral.
There w ill bo a-dance in Ihe M.
A. hall Saturday niht. June
fi. The music will be furnished
by the famous Jacobs' orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. McDonald
and family, were passengers lo
Oreenwoo.l Saturday night. Mrs.
McDonald will visit her sister in
Kansas before she returns home.
Fridav being- the last day of
school, the teachers, Lovell Mas
sie and Lucy Mullertz. gave a pic
nic and program. There was a
large crowd present and all en
joyed the program.
. There was a meeting held in
the M. W. A. hall for Ihe purpose
df arranging- for a 'Fourth of
July celebration 'to be hold' at
Smith IJend. II was decided that
the citizens of South Ilond would
give an old-time celebration.
Everybody invited.
Mrs. Hello McfJinnis passed
away Sunday morning at 3
o'clock, after suffering for nearly
throe years. She spent most of
her life al South llond and was
past. rt years of ago. She leaves
to mourn her loss a husband, two
sons and two brothers. The fun
eral was held at the MoC-innis
home Tuesday at l' o'clock.- She
was laid away in the South Bend
cemetery. The Degree of Honor
ladies of Lincoln helped conduct
the services. The funeral was
largely attended by the sorrowing
friends and relatives.
J (Special Correspondent.)
. JLtAmZ?-. M'-
Miss E. Yiola Everett, who has
been clerking in Orrsvvold. fowa,
for'lhe past live months, retucn
ed to Murdock Monday, where
she expects to take up her old
position in the new store. We
are glad to see her back.
Charley Sehafcr spent Sunday
in Manley.
W. F. Hove of Ihe brick laying'
force returned to his home in
Omaha Wednesday; .
Miss Yelma Niceuonger of
Piekrell, Neb., was the guest of
Fern Williamson the past week.
Anna Amgwert was home for a
few days' visit last week.
Murle Oilli'spie was an Omaha
passenger Thursday.
We overlooked the fact that
the Hornbook Brothers left last
week for their vacation. They
expect to visit Oklahoma, Mis
siouri and Colorado. '
Mr. Fred Everett . of Elli-d,
Iowa, was Murdock visitor the
first of tlie week.
Mrs. W. O. 'Oillesjiie and Miss
Everelt wen1 Omaha shoppers
Thursday and Friday.
'Leata McDonald is visiting in
Mrs. Jerry. Mellu-h and chil
dren are visiting rn ' Lincoln.
Murdock schools: closed 'Fri
day. . . : ." ; "' t -
Graduation e.rcises were held
in the air.- dome Fridav evening.
The graduates were: Oraee' Jus
t-in. Jim Mills and Boulter.
The .'speech given by profv-O. H.
Yenner was enjoyed by young and
Miss Sutherland returned to
her home in Oram! Island Satur
Miss Edwards left Saturday
niorn'ing for Weeping Waler,
where she expects to i i t a few
friends before returning to her
home in Alexandria, Neb.
Miss Ruby Leigh of Fnadilla i
visiling at the home of Fern Wil-
lia mson.
Yerna Eisenhut left Saturday
for Crand Island, where she ex-
pects to spend a week at the
Sutherland 'home.
Mr. Everett and daughter,
Yiola. were South Bend visitors
The Keystone ball team of Lin
coln crossed bals with the Mur
dock boys Sunday. The score
was 3 to in favor of Murdock.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tilsou and
Mrs. John Durman were Ne
braska Cily vi-ifors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rariuond Beck
spent Saturday with relatives at
John Durman is now able to be
up and around a little, with the
use of crutches.
A large crowd from this locality
were county seat visitors last
Sat urday.
A barn dance was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Tritscli Saturday night, which
was largely attended.
Ouile a number of relatives
and friends spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. p. A. Ilild.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Meising
er and family and Rev. Julius
rfeilblier were the guests of Mi",
and Mrs. August Engelkemeier
Mr. and Mis. Louie Puis, Mr.
and Mrs. Adam Hild and Mrs.
Henry Horn spent Sunday aflei
no'ou in itmaha with Henry Horn
at the Immanue hospital.
R. C. Bailey and William Troop
made a business trip to Omaha
Sehafer Brothers shipped fat
cattle to the Kansas City market
Mrs. Madge Noel b-ff Tuesday
for .i few months' visit with rela
tives in Oregon.
August Engelkemeier is build
ing a line new cave this week.1'
Carpenters begin Monday on
the fine large barn of Mrs.
Sehafer. Baxter Smith of plaits.
mouth is doing the work.
The Maple Orovc Thresher
company held its meeting- Mon
day nii:lit and elected the follow
ing officers: President. v. It.
Puis: secretary-treasurer, Alfred
fianisenier; manager, L. 1
From Wednesday's Daily.
A most delightful 7 o'clock
dinner parly was given last even
ing in the handsome dining room
of the Hotel Riley by Rev. F. M
Drulinor and wife for the min
isters of the different churches of
the cily ami their wives, and the
occasion was one of the most de
lightful thai has taken place al
the Riley for some time. The
dinner, which was of four
courses, was most dainty and
served in a charming manner and
was thoroughly enjoyed by tin
guests of the evening. Handsomi
bouquets of carnations were
used in the decorations of Bil
lable most effectively. Following
the dinner the company was
entertained iu the parlors of the
hotel and spent several hours
most' pleasantly in getting ac
quainted with each other, as Ihe
guests have all recently accepted
calls to this cily, and enjoyed
greatly the hospitality of Rev.
Druliner, the d an in point of
service of the minister here, and
his charming- wife. Those composing-
the party wore: Rev. '.
M. Druliner ami wife. Rev. II. C
McClusky and wife, Rev. W. S.
Lecle and wife, Rev. A. (i. Hollo
well and wife.
Rev. J. H. Sieger and wife were
invited, but were unable to be
Tor Infants and Children.
Hie Kind Yen Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Political Announcements
All announcements MUST BE
the following rate: For Con
gressman, $15; State Senator,
S10; Representative, $5; for
County Officials, S5 each.
For State Senator.
We ate authorized to announce
the name of John Mattes, jr., as a
candidate for Senator from Cass
and Otoe counties, subject to the
decision of the democrat iv voters
at the primary lection mi Tues
day, August 18, l'Jii.
For Representative.
M. C. Kime. of Nchawka pre
cinct, will bo a candidate for
member of the lower house (.f
the state legislature, subject lo
the will of the democratic voters
of Cass county at the primary
election to be held Tuesday, Aug
ust 18, 1914. ,
Commissioner Third District.
Henry Snoke, ,f Tipton pre
cinct, will be a candidate for the
oHiee of Commissioner from the
Third district, subject to the de
cision of the democratic voters
at the primary election on Tues
day, August 18. l'Ji i.
For Sheriffff.
John Wunderlich. of Nehawka
precinct, is a candidate for sheriff
of Cass county, subject to the de
cision of the democratic voters of
the county al Ihe primary elec
tion lo be held on Tuesday, Aug
ust 18, llH i.
For Register of Deeds.
Mont Robb is a candidate for
Register of Deeds i.f Cass coun
ty, subject to the decision of the
republican voters of the county
at the primary cleclion to be held
on Tuesday, August 18, 11)1 -i.
County Commissioner.
We are authorized to announce
Charles R. Jordan, of Alvo, a a
candidate for Commissioner from
the 'I bird di-driet. subject to Ihe
decision of the democratic voters
at the primary election on Tues
day, August 18, 111! i.
For Commissioner Second
C. E. Heebner, present commis
sioner from the above district, is
1 candidate for re-election, sub
ject lo the decision of the re
puhilcau voters at the primary
election to be held on Tuesday,
August 18, I'M i.
For Sheriff.
Carroll . Ouinlon. the present
do-riff. i a candidate for the
nominal ion of said otliee, subject
lo the decision of the republican
voters al the primary election,
held on Tuesday, August 18, 11I 5.
For County Clerk.
Frank J. Liber.-hal, the present
county clerk, lilling said otliee by
apopinlment. is a candidale for
the nomination to said ollice, sub
ject to the decision oT the demo
cratic voters at the primary elec
tion, held on Tuesday, August
18, llil i.
For County Judge.
Charles L. (leaves of Union is a
candidate for the Humiliation to
the office of counly judge, sub
ject to Ihe decision of Ihe
voters at the primary clec
lion, held on Tuesday, August 18,
ID! i.
Coughs and Colds Weaken tho
Continued Coughs, Colds and
Hronchial troubles are deperss
ing and weaken the svstom. Loss
of vvcight and appetite generally
Tollow. (Jet a DOc bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery today. It
will slop your cough. The tirsl
dose helps. The be-t medicine
for Stubborn Coughs, Colds and
all Throat and Lung Troubles.
Mr. O. H. llrown. Muscat inc. Ala.,
writes; "My wife was sick dur
ing the hot summer months and
I honestly believe Dr. King's New
Discovery saved her life." Cood
for children. 50c and 1.0(1, at
your Druggist.
1Gu Acres of Land.
Will trade I GO acres of Iai.d in
Perkins county for I'lattsmouth
property. W. R. Dryad.
O. Sandin, D. V. M.,
graduate of the Kansas City -J-
Veterinary College, is per- 4
J- rnanently located in l'latls- 4
mouth. Calls answered !-
5 day or night. 'Phone 255.
Oflice 60G Main. 4"
.. T. .T..t....VehThT.iT.