The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
t PAGE 4. PLJLTTSHOUTH 3EKII-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914. XZbz plattsmoutb journal Published Sem l-W eekly at Plattemouth. Nebr. Etwrt-J xi the r.jt,to3Ice at I'lattsmouUi. NotraV. as mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Price: S1.50 Per Year in Advenoe CONGRESS SHOULD GO HOME. A soon a tin .-t-uatf has re gained the national honor from pawn and its own independence fr-:n the shipping trust, it gr.-s., should aljurn anil go home. 'llir senators and congressmen haw 1 n so bng in Washington that they arc entirely out of 1- u h with America. This has !:! dearly ii.ivii by 1 1 absurd l of I. ;1 I all-'tt-', Bristovv. anil 4"ummiii lighting th-ir own i!"tit'i'r!-!'s ) t li w'rr.iMjt i's si.e f railroad discrimination. Oeigr -- sh-uld go home. It does 1 1 t fiiiw anything ah ut t f i - ir-iit state of public ' I-ini.-Ti. It nut know any thing aliit thi' present condition "f business. If it- committees ever sought i:if'rii;a'i' :i "ii public questions toy have ii-. w become si i r'jvli -. by partisanship a- t blind Hi in t anything imt tlnir vri bigoted views. Iiiilh'-.- t:u-t l'-i-!ati"ii is i;t- d'-d. That we kii"v. I xi:id i.f I -:-iai that i ::ed-d o-r.-ro-- rj...-- u . . t ki:w. i'.i::-i knw tlif conditions that p'-rtaiii'd two years a-". Tin-y have utterly no coneep of t F j - c-nditi'Mi that pertain- ("day. 'I he c-'ij i:r---i!i.-n should go h'-i'i.- to find oi;t what i - going o;i an. I what i- h..-7ii' thought, and th n a- many of them a arc re !!. should r-a---inhIf next winter anil nact a law to treat bu-in. condition- a- th"y exist today. Chicago Tribune. :o: A bumper apple crop j pre dicted in southeast Nebraska. :o: What next? I'-coration and and '.'nmn riccmcnt have pa.--.-d. :o: Candid af - f..r cn-rc-s on 1 1 Prospects for cioji has pulled prices. :o:- aa enormous down wheat FUTURE DECORATION DAY. Tlie spirit of Decoration day exercises, held -May 30 throughout the northern states in honor uf the heroic dead, has vastly thanked of recent years. Once there was the glamor of crowds, a stalwart parade of former soldiers, an enthusiastic feather ings of citizenship. The depletion o'f the ranks of the veterans bv ueatn gives cacti rcciirriii? Dec oration day a deeper note of. sad ness. The spirit of sectional triumph and bitterness has, The mediators will probahly disagree un the question of in demnity. At some stage in the game of war somebody always insists upon being' paid. :o: . CENSORSHIP OF FILMS. ah doubt I lit loppv that is urg- iii ir me House committee on education to recoinimnd the pas sage of a bill that would provide for federal censorship of motion The Lincoln Herald savs: "If picture lilms is composed of Governor Morehead receives tht I l-iyh-ininded persons, actuated nomination they will have to get h' tnc loftiest motives. They a llyintr machine to beat him to urge upon the committee the fact it." Well, lie nomination. will sure get the :o:- The only way to keep Teildy out of politics would be to abolish politic-, or banish TedJy. :o: The io- eminent is tryin'-r to supple-- tiie Indian dance-, some f which are as bud as the tango. :o: A .e Yoik phy-ician ha in- ente, J a harmle-s bichloride, but there js not likely to be any demand. :o: A man mu?t have a mean dis-po-iti.-n to try to beat another at f a nomination on the pro gressive ticket in .Missouri. :o: I"b Fitz.-iiiiiiioiis, who is be iiii.' .-md for divorce, may con sider himself eli-'ible to the class with I)e'olf Hopper, Nat Good win and Lillian Hussell. :o: The -reat cutest to increase I fie suh-criptioa H-t of the Jour nal will soon be on. see the mairiiilicent prizes oilered. in cluding one of those line 0er land automobile. :o: Teddy should hasten to Oregon, where the registration of repub licans js ixte n limes that "f the progressives. and more than double that of the democrats and pi . .pressiv es combined. :o: Ima-'iue Zapata, Villa and Obrcgou settling down to the placid par-aits of piping peace; iiiiauine all this, we repeat, and it will demonstrate that you have a u-Teat littb imagination. :o: John i. Maher has written an olehr caustic attack on W. J. for which all arc thankful. Jtut I Hryan and Urothcr Charley, such in the place of the sturdy march- articles are md calculated to gain !ers of twenty years ago, there is votes from Mr. Bryan's bat a fragment left who usually friends, and perhaps he does not proceed to the cemeteries in car- expect any. If t'.ol. Maher could ria-'es and automobiles. The! run as well as he can write, he surviving soldiers earnestly en-pv"uld lead them a merry chase. treat their townspeople in irivel :o:- inese commemorative exercises the large. Hut too often the veterans seem to have passed from the center i me stage, me young- While the friends of Governor support of dignified assemb-1 Morhend in Cass county .lid not want to see him withdraw from the congressional race, they be lieve that he was right in doing er generation know of their deeds so and again run for governor, only through dull history boks. The great demand for his candi Ball games and outdoor life dacy again for re-election was draw the" crowds, while these greater than many supposed, and L patriotic services are commonly it is generally believed now that md well attended. Similarly the his party will be a unit for him at observance of the various Mem- the general election oriai nays of me southern states I :o: take on a deeper note of pathos in reference to Governor More- each car. All who admire the head s declaration to run f that there are now 18,000 motion! picture theaters in the Unitedl States with an average attendance .! . ....... ; . . . aany oi ii,u(ioTooo persons, manv of whom are children. That only clean and whole-nine lilms should ie eunme.i io a miscellaneous i . . assembly, m winch there are yoathtal spectators, with plastic minds ami immature characters, goes without saying. If the cen sorship could be restricted to the elimination f immoral ami hurt ful pictures. the wisdom of its esiaiiu.-nnieui count noj, je .pies- tioned. Hat the human equation cannot be ignored. experience with censorship, p-xlending back J i - io remote nines' ami covering many lands, has demonstrated: that oilicial power feeds on it-elf I I ... i i :. i i .t -. . aim ni-nii) noes no iie-naie inudge anything that dis pleases it. The acti'-n of petty po-tal oilicials and of a few li brary boards has demonstrated. even m our ow u country and in 5ct as JlJUIullI For Infants and Children. ALCOHOL. 3 PER f-vvT AVgefabkrYcpsrarrmErAs sLuila riir the Yoci an-JRrga tug Uic Sioaacls alBcr i -So ncss nni IfesuCcntaLns ecjodt Opitmi lorphbe ncrSacral Not Xab cotic. f,Tf-r?xit - . iTewr. ADcrfect Remedy for Dmsflr tlon , Sour StomadiDtarriaa Voriasfom'alskrasJoTrislj- ncss and LOSS orSLEEP. i Tile Centauh Compau; NEW YOKK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the -, Signature $ of oar own time, on what whimiscal "'' a grounds some r.f the most heroism shown in the civil war second term, isn't it natural fr will wish to see the exercises in any person to change his mind? honor of the blue and the gray How many people in the world continued after the last veterans have never changed their mind? have gone. Hut in a few years We would like to ..( the color of there will be few or none who feel the hair of the fellow that has directly responsible f-r carrying not. Anyone has a right to change on the work. In some towns his mind when he thinks it right various churches and societies to do so. The matter has weigh have already organized to observe d upon Governor Morchead's this occasion in place of the vet- mind for many weeks, and as he era ns who have gone. Graves of has always been right on matters federal "and confederate dead that have came before him during alike are decorated. Honor is his present administration, we done to all who made these sacri- cannot help but believe he is Jice- of the past, and a similar right on the matter of his run- spun oi seii-uevoiion in iuuire i iimtr again. -2320 Guaranteed under the hood ar Exact Copy of Wrapper. J III! II III U n U In Use For Over Thirty Years 18) 1R1U ft THt cnwTAua totiwT. facta voaa crrr meritorious books and works of art may be placed under the oili cial ban. Among Americans one of the most prized possessions is free doni to speak and write, subject to the laws of the land holding a person responsible for what he lias sai..i or puniisiieii. it carin as a result of an age-old straggb c I - ... . liom present appearances here will be an even dozen re publican candidates out for gov ernor before the primary election :o: It is apparent that Sleuth Hums and his men are not niooth enough to go up against ....1. I r il. ii wiiii i.muiiis oi inougni. .aen ! i,..r. i.-.i.i..,., .i. ...i . . eumiiiaii ai:u me imiana rotted ill jaiN ami mounted .-caf- -lmin ,.,:, lion urged. Certainly Ieeoration day should not be sulTlTeied to lapse as the two armies depart on their long journey and there need to be some observance other than those This eounlry, at least need md at lhe -aI- Irk. worry aleuit its army oilicers :o: resigning' in large numbers. Senators and representative Here a commission is a good job cannot be blamed for attending get her wit h a few henchmen cat- fobJs and stood at burning stakes in its behalf. It is too rich a heritage. c-ting too much Hood, and tears, to be surrendered to an oilicial. even though he be elect ed by the people. Xo matter what 11M.M . :i r ii. I 1. . uiie u i- uue mat tue nemo- high may be urged for crals of Nebraska are in a serious the establishment of a censorship 1 1 re. 1 i e.l M 1 ei 1 1 I 1 1 ! Vn - i . i I I .. i. i . . --- . ...... ... ,,r Uow. nagraui mav le the caa-e for them being that way, ailv,.s sought to be corrected. ..... . . ... i when a little ring at Lincoln tries in..,-,. :o:- :o:- o:;e get- a glimp.-e of what a ternble thing war is by rellect- ing that possibly as many Ameri cans have been killed in Mexico as have met their deaths in this country in automobile accidents. :o: It. L. Metcalfe was not long in republican fi.-k-t are -till multi-plving-. IMal t-n:outh remembered tin old -oidi'-r- remarkably well this li'-coratiou day. :o: It remains f.-r Thomas a. Ivli son to blame cigarettes fr luo-t of the trouble in Mexico. :o: lake good care of your com mon -en-er bos. Some day it will be worth more than pur. : : The timely rains are making the wh.-at li-Id- dap then- hands and corn lields laugh with joy. :o : The season is at hand when ity folks begin to long for a sight of their relatives on the farm. . :o: Teddy Roosevelt's enthu-ia-m for Mr. J'inchot of Pennsylvania vill not assist his cause much in some of the western states. :o : Saturday was an ideal iJeeora tion day, and everybody turned oat to ob-eive the time-honored event. :o: Most men who are out of touch with the political .situation are taking good care of their families. The corn crop is booming in every section of ('ass county, and the farmers feel rejoiced over the prospects. : : If there is any virtue in media tion the Mexican delegates are anxious for prompt action at Nia gara Tails. Immediate mediation is their battle cry. liuding out the true situation in is an ever-present danger Nebraska, and as he fol.l io ,an me anairs of me parly in (hat a censor will become arid-LIiaI friend their own sellisll manner, and to- fiaiv io Ihe exercise of lii r.ower .....ii... . I 1 he possibilities of the motion Ho. . i. .. ... .,..... ; ...... ..... ..i .... . :i . I : .. - . . I 1 ... I , .. . I ...!.. .1. I. . . . ... . . . , to. i-.o . w. is hoi .11- moil me w, ii nor marries money, "m .on.-s us n-ug .is me usii- lereu nere ami mere, to io meir picture are immense both in th and the limited supply of heir- i'i-'"ii team is doing well. It is dirty work, they are determined wav esses makes that impossible' for ' m-ve experience to all the home to have their own way or bu-t the the majority. fans to have them win. party wide open. This they have -o. -o. almost complete,! now, and ir printed page and nobody can esli- So much faalt has been found! And now comes State Supcrin- they do not check their mad JMate the fai'-rearliing eiFect that with Secretary Hryan recently lendent of Schools Ialel! and career, thev w ill finish t he job b Itepata- ponent hamn himself, when Maff a per- the other dav in the cause of the fued in iitic party was n together oii"-sidcd, either." :o: Matthew tiering has many re ...... it. impiesse man me publican and democratic friends in ('ass county who will support him if he concludes to run for llri1 ilnilv Iiriiilni'in" iim f I i . . nrn; n . -i. i . - ... - u .... - - is ii. will nt:i l.i rii- .... ... i -.... ....... Tt.-.r.. ...... ....- o. .i.e. ...:.ii.-. a . .. ... i.i i . . i i.i i . l.... iie.jii.-iu s wine- wains to run lor trie renuli ican line tune election aay ions ,... :in,i r,, ..;(;,,.,, I I t pread whiskers are not being I nomination for congress in the around. They believe people h, ..... i i tlMI.-ed as lliUCh as thev deserve. I'ilsf di-tifef nv i.i. .!..- KnO... I shoiil.l inte :is Imp' :is Ho of entertainment, and educa tion. In many respects the lilms are iiior. No objection to Huerta run ning for president should be raised, provided the election ma chinery is in proper hands. :o: The theory of the attraction of opposUcs is illustrated by the marriage at Albany, . Y., of he timi. pound fat woman in a side show to the I' dwarf. :o: Huerta, who must be eliminat ed, seems a little better than Vil la, who is in turn, superior to Zapata. The Mexican outlook is a helva prospect, regardless of developments at Niagra Falls and points north. :or- 4 We for are disposed to blame them 'em on, while the track is hot. the watchful waiting policy :o: i t. . i . i i i I e uie.uei owners are un eresieo goes before the I ide with his 1 1 it 1 1 1 ' I ' t.otii.u;..:.,,. 4 1. . ........ i . v : . r I . . ' 111 '""""""""r i 1 i'iii.k en "i di atorv, of winch he is proficient. uo as they hi.j them. JJul the their places and in holding the r ii.. i i: - . ... .....sses oi o c 1 1 1 oi i .1 1 1 c p.n . , gno. i w 1 1 1 o i t h e i r pa t v ii s . par. Nehawka -News: The editor of retiablicans. in Ihe .sev-lhave alwavs oimosed i-iiir rn le. I .... i - i i.i ...... n... n.I..,inp.. ,. , - I - s..,- Ui,u in. ui.ui.-i.-. s i,:iimt- n:lsiil iioieli v-m 1 1 1 I - .. ...V.V.. who are candidates and this year of i'Jii will see the attended by their children are paU,y for Ross Hammond in hi . senate must envy little cotorie up at Lincoln Hat- reputable. Oilicers of the law candidacy for overiior It nonentity congressman at Wash- the ease with which Penrose got tened out completely unless they should see that exhibilors of im- jut uch mgion 11 1,111 j'rice should get the the nomination in Pennsylvania, blow their horns to dilTerent moral and degradin i'-mioi. 1 uuc nomination or COIl-l Willie I'mcliot Ins .-n I iniisie ...I.. i.f 1. 1 ... -, .... - .t---..-. I 1 I V I I I 1 the "immaculate" :o: or anything else you can think of. . :o: . It will open the eyes of the Those eral states fr the U. goeruor. 11 is pap-suckers as this g pictures areLreek who has put the parly on the ... 11 vrl..l. prosccuieij. 11 me hum. Il looks like en..n-'li of -.ess. e mu-l sa. Ill Iioilol' oi I sii oriorteil I.i- Ho. " u-ul-iln" I I 1 : 1... . .1 I.. - .. -- -- .......uu.uiv .w. 1' laws iii.m.ijuaie no these lellows have been turned -ui. 1'iite, as l() ahinty he is tfar leddy. H. I.. Metcalfe made a talk in should be amended. Hut there down to -ive the .v.l 1 hint supeii..r to me rellow who simply :o: Omaha the t.ther day, and we does md seem to be any imminent 1 1 I I 1 1 .. 1.. .1 . 1 1 I !;... . . f 1. . I . I : . . I t I I . .: 1. 4.1. -i - ,, - .. I r r 1 . i il .il I ... .. ... .... - i.j 1 1 IMiiuil'ilt OI IIOIOIII I .111111111 li:i: If III Till Kii- I I ll. II'J.III 111 f..IIi:iTl-s lll.ll I l t i.iim 11 h I ll-...i ,1 ill' f I T- I ....... .V ... .... n.v-c .. .... ...o . -.viu .ovii uuiu ii.- i rnMi me tone or some 01 our .ovn his seat III Congress, and I Hammond who en-moo.- r...ln..l ..i-v- well ..-llisfie.l wifli i In. I ... 1 .... . . . ,.r ....,....,.1.;,. ;.. ...1 I. ,,- - 1 ' ' v--""- 1 ..... - v .... tei"!'.. ."ii 01 . ... 11 .-.I. .-ou ... no- repumican exchanges lloss Ham mat Is ail. I Ihe reimli! ienn Tioinoinl inti for I eoiiil i I ii nf tlie 1 1.. 1 1 1 1 1:1 1 ie I ...... .. ....1;...- ... r ;.r.. 1.. ... . . . I - ......... 1 1 11 M miu is inn, going io nave a o: - I governor, and threatens to rim nartv in Nebraska, and the man- free inf il n t i. m s ....... .i 1.1. . 1.. n. .. . .... . ' I l'- '"H-uuiiij; as ne UIUU.IU m ihe political situation in Ne- for governo r again himself. Ross ner they are "cutting and slash- :o: would for the nomination for .. . -.n..o uooosi n.tu nener uo someuiing 10 pacny nig one anoiiier, or worus 10 .u independent oil company governor And neither is Th irlev Wet'p. When you the Venegance of Ihe ir:ile evllhaf elTect. Ilick Melcal fe under- I loi- )..... el. -mi-. ..I of e ii n i n .- I 1 . ... 1 . :.. 1..-. , overnor. Islands the inside of the little charges. This is good fortune, refary of stat :o: 1 . 1 1 1 1 a i e a n g e i s l"ok at some politicians in both parties, some of whom have worked their way well up to the on the dt 001 e in I . - . . .. I . . .. ... I cotorie at Lincoln, aim couni pos- but md eipial to tlie good loriune eratic ticket 1: - .ir ..-i. .. I - . . ... . ... I xne me inspection committee simy open me eyes 01 me masses 01 being "dissolv ed. ' gettin- fire.l of inn .n.-i,.,. I, .11,,..... . I . . . . I I . . . j ..V . . .!-, an.j neiioia me tactics used that attended the state lire mar- of the democratic party of the :o: thp lime I 1 I I w ny t. iem, you wonder what sort of shall to this city were highly state if he those to do so. Mr. Ross Hammond held onto the moral liber they are made of. It pleased with tin. And still a republican is draw ing postmaster's salary in the Lincoln postoiiice, and the "Log gerheads" at Washington d-aft seem to care a contental cent what the common democrats think about it, either. Still a gentleman was recommended for the position two months ago. :o: The last state legislature pro vided by the statue for the observ ance of the "Pioneer's Memorial lay," the second Sunday in June each year. This year it ernes on Jane li, and the oilicers of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers association and of tlie State His torical society are anxious for its general observance throughout the state. The law provides: "That the second Sunday in June in each year shall be known as Pioneers Memorial Ikiy and the same shall be set apart for hold ing suitable exorcists in the schools and churches of the state, and when possible in the ceme teries and over the graves of de parted pioneers, and that th present inhabitants snd future general i, o.n tuay x.t forcel th spirit and the acaieven.e-.ts of the demo-jineu and women who se'.f'e-.i these The people are i plains and pr.unes and eUM. sh all led the institutions wh:ch we now enjo . 1. 1: I r t 1 1 t 1 cleanliness 01 1 .neicaiie, 111 speaKing 01 me con- collector s oince as long as m 11 ........ 1 . 1 1 l" 1e -'u-ue that there the town and the fire protection, dition of affairs in Nebraska, had thought it was healthy to do so. is no conscience left. They say Plattsmouth is the this to say: "I have been here Hut his successor has not been " :o- cleanest city they have visited, less than forty-eight hours and I appointed yet, and it is hard to Mr. Hryun thinks of going on Let us keep the reputation we have seen more butcher knives tell when he will be mavbe not tin- Chautauqua circuit this sea- have gained. than I thought were in the world, until after tin- adjournment of -on. well, what if he does? Has :o: There is more hatred among Ne- the senate. he not as good a right as Taft's It will be found when the vole braska democrats than in all the wuoie tamnei nan.' that isn t it, at the state primary is summed West Virginia feuds. And the No man can offer any good c.- but it will ghe the republican up that tiovernor Morehead has trouble is not a difference of cuse for the democrats of Ne- papers an opportunity to blow made a great number of new principles. : It is all personal, braska being split, up the back the their bazoos, becaase it is Hryan. friends, simply because he has There is bitter personal feeling way they are. The leaders are Anyone else occupying a similar conducted an administration of among the leaders. When the responsible for tin- condition of po-ilion could cut the chautau- which the democrats and repub- rank and lile of Nebraska demo- affairs, and the only way to rem- qua caper and you would not licans feel proud. And no one crats come to realize this, they edy matters, .as R. S. Metcalfe 1 - lear a chirp from any of them, can say that it has not been will speak out and choose new says, "Is for new leaders to as- NoW, ain't that a fact? economical. leaders for Ihemselves" some Ihe nartv reins." The PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL Big Booster Circulation Campaign APPLICATION BLANK tl Vf.C4!w VIV vtWnity ana h ,0 eater i- ou"iUU 1 ": . uiy mweruuu! tortile und ditions govermui same, which 1 Uiirwlo ixvnrty- uti Name oca- sX V ' - V