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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1914)
PAGE 3. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914. Would Yoj ILike to ins; ft i BK 1 H A. unve The Flattsmouth Journai Announce hundreds of Dollars in Awards to Energetic IVlen and Women of Flattsmouth and ass ou'niy for the Purpose o- r ? ? Mow a. 0 A. I I On Thursday, June 11, The Journal vili start a great circulation campaign to continue for a period of seven weeks, closing Saturday, August 1- Elegant awards, especially selected, have been purchased for this event and wi!I be distributed among the men and women cf Flattsmouth and vicinity. If you would appreciate the ownership of an Overland car or one of the other valuable awards, Here is Your Opportunity. Study the conditions careful'y. Ccnd Jrs your own nomination or that of a friend. Call, write or phone the Campaign Manager for additional information. The outlay of prizes is the greatest ever offered in this part of Nebraska, and includes a $1,000 1914 Model 79 Overland Touring Car, 5-passenger; a 400 Schmolicr &. Mueller Piano and six other awards of merit. Cass county has been divided into two districts, and in all, eight prizes will be awarded. In addition to the above a cash commission of 10 per cent, will be given to all contestants who do not win one of the eight prizes. The plans and rules will be laund cn page 3. The division of territory and awards are given below. ijJ VA gg .ifegx!.,- : - - - jjr a it v rirsf urano i I i III - ir . aiaj-jn " ? '7 :rJj the Capita! Prize and wsll bo awsrdsd the ecnSeots?it v tv 7 r. r: Th Fsmoiss verEand S1 ,000 Touring Car, 1914 Model, Fully Equipped, electric lights purchased from Bauer's Garage, is Secures the most votes during the campaign. an i 1 n 13 r,r tC23 In mVr that full c-rlit n.ay b- fdv,n tl. in the ,,,:utry. as -l as in 11k- Cilj-of Iat:r,,j:th ii!f v: , hav. .livi,!,, t e Irrnlnry two for sepanit' prizes ior tiit- dislricts, v. hi-;; via :nvani."t io uk iisuuui- mnr.-i m u.uivi.- . w.- & -. this aiiiiomu-einiit. anil liave arranged livided the territory into two districts as outlined in another part of prizes have been awarded. "i f 2 J-Karet Diamond Rins j ... . l T,o );,:. -':Lnt .iniiir." tht- liiuh-:. in each Uistrict after ! th.- LTiiiiii i iz.-. h:ivc ii'-f n awari'ni will rcCf-ive a hfuutji'u! j pi. i''-'y i" X;i -'-f i:imorul l irir. The tiian'omU o-U-rt-d are intlt.-ed boaatjful I t 54 H7- V ' f "etiw. P'-rft-ct in color and in (uality and are mounu-u lu a I :,'. - , ... , 9 O, LTpvIi-a Orr U'.'ld 'li:V;in i:uunti:ir. lauLf or frent s. Tliov hav.- lfi-n seltctcu from tlu- tii-k of one of ihf l.-."d-:r.!Z i:uTrtri hv J. A. Crahill. for Tin- .!o;jrr.;il. Within :i f.-u (i.t;.s th.-y wi'i! be .: !!;. lay at .!. A. ("rabiU's store where he- will he pleaded to show th :n to any one interested. '" - : - t in e:ieh district i.wara.--... wid ;-.-c--ive an or- C ' :i 1 - ;i c: Hie i'.e ! - in "1 u:e 111 i n.i-ni-jaiii s " j"i;i.s cruer v 1 1 1 t:;tih'.e y-.K to eoo-i iiitM"-...vt.-r.t cf thirty d-'.ii: :-s in :!o as you rmiy s. l.-c. T!.ey w i x. 1 inei rdo every thhi-j in the tlf!:. s sHm-... is a.-. lt 'i 1 a i ' . i rt y ih'ars n; p-iu to y; I A Tip on How to Win. Nnl tirnHy. rt't-r rendu... .ill nitwif TIN : .? i J " H A ,S i: r- i ' . .11 .!i'-iti- iii -1 1 -1 - !ln i-: i 1 1 1 ! i: I i : i :i; wl w i " The !ir-t ill!!!!: : (m el :!''! Vi.i!- r.UMie 1. ';: n h ie h w : i i h- i t tier p;i . . i ! i i 1 i : rei-ejpl it -;i Ue i; "A 1 i I feeei . i Mil 1' i - '' 1 i ' i ' r i i : ir i : 1 -1 i-l i- "eS. !-t y--!'.! ;;! in )! r ie.-. ;:ul nte . vi:. nud re-nie ! ..e f'( ; ;ip.d' l:d, ei i-i - i : i : r - 1 1 ! e : i , . ! n ami Vm wild, i.i: rci ! ;si ri.. if . p ! ' i 1 1 ! ! " ' i.. -. :!::!- i . ; " 1 : 1 !!."; i i 1 - . iii' i : v -. .::: i I t 'i:t N n't e.i ".) I order olIeir. vend ill the l'..ll:,e cf -;ile n lielji. I'l I.'!',.!- V, ie !! y "i V- i; Get an Earlv Start. I f y. oi n in t er. i in (iii-; prie rnruiuiin ;io ! wan! , i t M-iti- .lie ;ind af e Vi mi ih-ire , , '. 1 -a. ' ! I the (:.::;.:-u . t ;i rl i I ri'-l t. up a;ni i:( ;i ' ! t ! :. i : 1 1 . i witli the I op call up hv ti'kp! write '.; si e e- f j. e; s. A I IV f 1 . 1 1 1 i - i -s ;:!'! Maiia-'f will i-eei-ie prfm.pj at i en I i. 1 1. Special Opportunity Offer. In order thai each m 'id ida; e iua ui-t a uii-e e,ni !..;' i !o r;iiiiji;ii!i we will i:ie aeh eiMite-taoi a:i e!ra "!e ; i uon.i fer .".Otni ote- ttl the lil'-t Hew eUl iv llhl ' ip! if lu.-i;e,j u, !..' 1". sat urday. June l'i'. secona X" ... 4 4 1 i VA 1 Et-5H 2. Elgin or Waltharn Gold Watches The contestant stand in jr third lu-jhest in eaeh district after the errand prizes have been awarded will receive the choice of an Kljrin or Waltharn rold watch, ladies' or rent'. The watches are too well known to need any introduction here. They are twenty year fruaranteed cases of rare design. These watch. s were purchased for The .lournal from J. A. t'rabill. They will he on display there in a few days and all interested are invited to call and inspect them. f . - V - '.Mr-,:.' i :. -v--'--- - -,V;Vi - Ji-- T- j,-i,.i,-r. ........... . --,erv 1 l ; - ....? .T'-i -.'. "--- - L r'r'-.-j- ---'" r-:-,;:?t'"ii , , S . . . ... . . ... - . v .... : j The Division of Territory. The territory included in thi- campaign !;as .,th t i i.h-d inlo two di-tric!-. as follows: District fto. One. Includes all of the City ,,f 1'la 1 1 sue hi ! h. District No. Two. Includes all of r.a-s C.-Mnity Mui-ile Jhe ciiy limiU ..' I I : inotith. inclti'liirr I'acitic Junction. ('andidales arc not re-lricled (o flieir own di-tii s iii -eciiiii. subscript ions. l,ut may obtain them anywhere mi eat Mi. How to Secure Votes coup..n will ho printed in each issue of 'IMF. HAII.'i AM' SFMI-WT'.r.KI.Y .l(I II.NAI.. which will entitle the holder to the mini- 1 m" nies printed on tin f ice. r.a-h payments on ub-cri id i mi s t l..dh Till! DII.Y and SKMI-WF.FKI.Y .! )l II.NAI, otc will be alheA i .! in Mie follow inir propMi l ions : JCU3NAL SUESCRIPTION VOTE SCEDULE. Months Ji.e Year . Two Ye. I!S Th! ee e;r Rules and Regulation of Contest on Page 8 Art Style "D," $400 Schmolier & filueller Piano is the second Capital Prize and will go to the con testant who secures the second largest vote during the campaign. J our e;ir Five Years Six Months . line Year . . Two Years . Three Years Four Years . Five Yeai- . 'i . r is. on " r O The Evening Journal by Wail .ft 2 . n 'i.Otl 8.O0 1 2 . (' Id. no 2 . no Votes on Votes on Old Subs. New Subs. 'lUU SUM 1.H.UI -J.noo I' i.r(iMI n. mm 7. mui I I. no i ltl.OOtl L'll.llllil Votes on Votes on Old Subs. New Sub?. :pii coo 7.rn l.r.on l.K7."i .'i.T.'.i' :t.:t 7 r t.7r,u ."i.jr.n to.r.iKi 7. ."nil l.'i.i'ii'i ail. Votes on Votes cn Old Subs. New Subs. ::i:i ', on sou 7rd l.r.oo l.iiuil 2. nun l.sno :!.iwmi i., Year 1 iwo Years '1 ii'ee Years .; FMir Year- I-' i . . e:i r . 4 . i" Upon payment of arreages votes will be allowed at the scheduled rats on old subscriptions. Nominations "Ui be made at once. A blank will he found below which will entitle the contestant to 300 votes. Nm( more than three nominating ballots will count for any "lie candidate. Rules and Regulations of Contest on Page 8. Call, Phone, or writs The Campaign Manager, The Flattsmouth journal, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 7 4. '4 V I X X x V 4 4 X 1 X A, X A. V A. 74 V x x I X V X X X V a. 4 X I V x