The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Date 1914
I Nominate
Town or R. F. D Contest District No
As a Candidate in The Journal Prize Contest.
Signed Address
This Nomination Counts 500 Votes. Not over three nomination blanks will be credited to each
contestant. The nominator's name will not be divulged until after the contest and only then at
their request.
M;ui!i Koss Wallace Roberts
lift I ! known a "I loss' was
born 1'ebruary 1, 1872, three
miles ea-t of Thurman. Iowa, ami
departed this life by his own hanl
by taking two ounces of carbolic
acid. n Tuesday evening. May
mJC. l'.'li. i'i his loom at his
father's home in-ar Thurman. The
fniKial was held Wednesday at
2 o"i b k an tin1 interment made
in the Thurman cemetery.
J).,-;- -p.-nt the greater j. ait of
his lilt- in Iowa and Nebraska.
When i i j i t a yonni.' man In- unif
'J with tin Christian church. He
was married on April 2 1. liKin.
to Mi-s J. Uraves. and to
this union was born two daugh
ters. Alma. au:ed 12. and Char-iotti-.
ayd S. Ims was w.-II
known in this city, bavin:.' r'-id'd
here for i-fia years. bfiir' em
pbed by the ISurlingtou for smin'
tli years. Besides his wife
and two little daughters. he
leaves an a-'ed father and mother.
tie 1 -rs ami one brother, Mor
gan Hoberts. ,.f ttijs city.
. Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank the dear friends
for their kindne-s shown u in llie
deatli of th" dear husband and
fattier, and especially do I wish to
Hi ink Mr. and Mrs. Nelson .lean
for tin- beautiful Moral iMiiem
braure. May bd ble-s Ihem all.
Mi-. l.e- Roberts and
Tamil v.
Always Lead to Better Health.
NTi'iii' si kne-s -tart in dis
orders of the stomach, liver and
kidneys. The n -t roi i ecl i e and
preentie is Dr. Kind's New Life
Pills. They Purify the ;..,h
Pr ent l',n!il ipal ion, keep I.iver.
Kidneys and Dowels in healthy
rondition. lie nii heller health
b riddill-' I he system of fer
ment inr and iras.-y foods. MtTeet
ie and mild. .1e, at oiir Drug
gist. Good Man Wanted.
No booe lighter or rigarellc.
fiend, for general farm work. Ap
ply at this olliee.
....We Refer
ihey re tiere!
We are sorry to have kept our patrons wait
ing for these Famous Hose, but the unusual
demand caused the mill to be greatly over
sold. We have a GO-dozen case here now,
and we advise you to come early even then
as they will go fast.
Saturday Special:
Ties Four in Hands each
10c 5
Moves His Tailor Shop.
.lames Sochor, the tailor, who
has for some time past occupied
rooms in (he Rockwood building
as a tailor shop, has removed his
place of business to the room on
lower Main street which was for
merly occupied by W. P. Cook as
a barber shop, and here Jim will
continue to look after the in
terests of his customers with all
his ability.
For any itchiness of the skin,
for skin rashes, chap, rumples,
eh'., try Doan's Ointment. 5c at
all drug stores.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Don C. York and wife are rejoicing-
over the new" addition to
their family that arrived last
evening in the shape of a line new
ten-pound miii and heir. The lit
tle man made his appearance
about 1 o'clock and lie is the
object of much admiration from
not only his proud parents, but
his other relatives as well. The
mother and little son are doing
n iccly . and Don is undoubtedly
the happiest man in the city to
day. It is the sincere wish of the
many friends that the little one
may proe a joy and comfort to
his parents in their obi ape.
Arrival of a New Daughter.
On Tuesday cxening a line new
daughter arried at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will 1 1 i iz, near
Cedar Creek, and Hie litlle daugh
ter is one of the linest in the land
and is the object of a great deal
of admiration and affection from
her relatives. 1'he little one and
mother are doing nicely and Hie
father is about as proud as it is
possible .o be. The new daugh
ter has occasioned rejoicing not
only in Hie Mir family, but in the
Meisinger family as well, as Mrs.
llirz was formerly Miss Cora
Mejs in;-rer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. i. (I. Meisinger.
Try a sack of Forest Hose flour
Your money refunded if not satis
to Our....
Men's Silk
Mix Wash
for 50c
5 "sfip
If Not, Why Not? Let Majority of
Business Men of Plattsmouth
Say Yes or No.
'the near approach of the
Fourth of July has ci.used many
in Hie cily who are interested lo
raise the question as to whether
we are to celebrate the glorious
Fourth or not in JMattsmouth this
year. Last year there was an ef
fort made on the part of some to
start the ball to rolling, but it,
like tin; fall festival, went glim
mering. If a success is to be
mad. of a celebration, now is the
time to start and every eil'ort
should be made to see what can
be done in the way of securing'
attractions and amusements if
the day is to be celebrated. Then
were large numbers of the farniei
resident of the county disap
pointed last year in the failure to
celebrate, as they would rather
by far come to JMattsmouth than
any town in the county, and feel
u'eepiy that they were not a Hord
ed the chance of spending their
Fourth here, where they could
visit with their friends and hae
a good time.
The success of everv eelebra-
tion held here in the last twenty
years has clearly shown that
I'lattsmoiith is the one place in
the county that can draw the
crowds all Hie time, although this
is in no way disparging to the
smaller towns in the county that
hae shown their enterprise 1"
holding celebrations in Hie past
few years, when otherwise the
great natal day would have slip
ped by without recognition by
pulil i. celebrations. the ciliens think over the
proposition and try and arrange a
celebration that will furnish
amusement for our own people
ami aiso ior me residents oi me
county who may desire to come
here to celebrate.
From "Wednesday's iJaily.
Yesterday the delivery team
belonging to tin; linn of A. !.
liaeh indulged in quite a lively
spin down Lincoln avenue, and
as a result Farl Hyde, the driver
and Karl JJrittain, who was riding
with him, are quite stiff and sore
as the result of falling from the
waon. The team was coining
alonjr the alley near the residence
of John YVynii, when the wupm
struck a rut in tin; road and the
jar caused an empty gasoline can
which was in the back of the wa
pon to fall out and this frighten
ed the team, which started to run
down toward Lincoln avenue,
where they turned north and
started for the business part of
the city. Ynun? Uriltain fell out
of the seat down between the
tongue and the wami and was
badly bruised and cut and il re
quired the services of a surgeon
to fix him up. The driver, Karl
llde, sustained, no serious in
juries beyond a severe shaking up
and several minor bruises. The
team continued their llijrht down
Lincoln avenue until they reached
Third street, where they ran into
lie yard at the lMnpIe home and
were stopped there.
The Journal Man Visits the Thriv
ing Little City and Meets
Numerous Friends.
A few days ajro the Journal
man made a lillle trip oer to the
central part of the county, and
while beintr near Hie greatest
base ball center of Cass county,
the litlle town of Mauley, we of
course stopp.ed there for a few
moments' visit with the genial
business men of thai little village
in size, but jireat when it conies
to the national e.nnie of base ball.
At the present lime .Mauley has
a reat lead in the Cass County
league, and from all appearances
they are jzoin to keep it. The
people of Mauley and the entire
surrounding territory are very
enthusiastic over their ball team
and they have a ri.uht to be, for
Ihey have certainly been playing
a fast jraine all season.
While there we had the pleas
ure of meetiiifx a number of the
Journal's piml friends in that
locality, amontr whom were V. J.
Hau, the genial banker: John
Tif-'he. the retired rain man. and
his son, Lee. who is a member of
the srrain firm of Tiphe & Bourke,
doiuy business at the old stand
established by John Tihe many
years apt. Here we found busi
ness as of old, with the younger
Tinhe busy receiving pram, but
just a few moments time for a
brief visit.
Then. Harm, thw leading mer
chant of Mauley, was also at his
usual place of business, and
while not, er busy at thai time,
he reports a trood trade, and
everything around Manley look
ing exceptionally rood. Manley is
located in one of the mos( pros
perous and progressive farming
communil ies-in all the preal slate
f Nebraska.
There will be a -''inline base
ball contest in this little village on
next Sunday, at which time the
Manley team will cross bats with
Kaj-'le, two of the strongest teams
in the Cass County league, and
there is sure some pame looked
forward fo. The fans will all be
out on that day. and an excep
tionally la rye attendance is look
ed for.
From Wednesday's Dally.
A most dc iiHitful ualheriny
occurred Monday ecnintr at tin
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. CrooJ,
in the south part of the city, when
Hie manv friends of Mrs. Crook
yalhered to assist her in the cele
bration of her liltielh birthday
anniversary. The friends gather
ed early in the evening at the C
M. Milliners home, and provided
with ample provisions for the oc
casion, moved onto the Crook
home and completely took the
yuesl of honor by storm, as she
was not aware of the pleasant
time in store for her. After Mrs.
Crook had recovered from the
full effect of the surprise she
entered thoroughly into the spirit
of the event and made the quests
feel entirely at home in the en
joyment of the delightful hos
pilalitv of the occasion. Music
and social conversation served to
pass the time away in a most
pb-asiny manner, and it was with
reyret that they departed for
their homes, feel in. v: that it had
been a most chai-miny occasion,
and wishing Mrs. Crook many
happy returns of the day and
many more happy birthdays. A
most delicious luncheon at an
appropriate hour added yreatly
to the pleasures of the evening
and was most thoroughly enjoyed
by all who were present.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Kvery family without exception
should keep this preparation at
hand durinjr the hot weather of
the summer months. Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy is worth many
limes ils cost when needed and is
almost certain to be needed be
fore the fummef is over. It has
no superior for the purposes for
which it is intended. Buy it now.
For aale by all dealers.
Frank Best and August Harte
Want Action in Moorhead Suit.
Greuber of Thayer County Declares
That It Will Be Difficult to Get Men
Enough to Do Work This Summer.
Omaha Road is Sued.
Lincoln, June 4. Frank C. Best and
August C. Harte, county commission
rrs of Douglas county, have filed in
Jhe Sriipreme c ourt a motion to advance
the case brought by them against liar
ley G. Aloorhead, election commission
er of Dougtaa county, claiming that a
question of public interest is involved
whether the terms of office of Hest and
Harte shall be shortened by reason of
the provisions of section lDoo of the
Kevised Statutes, which provides that
in counties, under township organiza
tion, having live commissioners, thre:
shall he elected in 11)14 and each four
years thereafter.
They set out that Election Coinmis
Bioner Aloorhead is unlawfully receiv
ing and filing nomination papers from
persons who seek the nomination for
the cilices held by them, as representa
tives of the Third and Fifth districts
notwithstanding the offices will not ex
pire until the first Tuesday in Janu
ary, lfllfi, and ask for action of the
court before July IS, l'JH4, or the liti
gation will be useless.
Scouting for Harvest Hands.
"William Greuber of Thayer county
was at the office of the commissioner
of labor discussing the proposition of
harvest hands for the coming harvest
Mr. Greuber is of the opinion it will
be hard work to get sufficient help for
the harvest on account of the yh!d be
ing so great. He says that small grain
will be exceedingly heavy in and
around his section of the country and
that corn is looking fine, most of it
already having been plowed the first
Mr. Greuber was a member of the
last house of representatives as a
Democrat, but this year has filed for
the senate for the Fifteenth district
com nosed of Thayer and Jefferson
counties, represented In the last ses
Plon by John Heasty of Fairbury.
Horticulturists Install New Officers
The board of directors of the Xe
braska State Horticultural society
met at the Undell hotel. The new offi
cers who were elected at the annual
meeting of the society last January
took their offices, as follows: Presi
dent. J. A. Yager of Fremont; first vice
president. E. M- Pollard of Nehawka;
second vice president, Jacob Hess of
Omaha; treasurer, Peter Youngers, Jr.,
of Geneva; directors, W. A. Harrison
of York, O. A. Marshall of Arlington
and Val Keyscr of Nebraska City, bee
retary' J. R. Duncan, whose term ex
pired June 1, was unanimously re
elected for the ensuing year.
Omaha Road Is Sued.
The Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul
and Omaha railway has appealed from
a judgment secured in the district
court of Douglas, county in the amount
of $G.3fl by Henry H. Payne, for neg
lect to deliver a bunch of thirty-two
cattle, shipped from Luther to South
Omaha, a distance of 137 miles, in the
time usually needed for shipments of
that kind. It is alleged that there
was delay of seventeen Jiours in the
time of delive ry, which caused the cat
tie to shrink in weight sufficient to
make a loss to the shipper.
Insurance on Stock.
Can. the live stock exchange of
South Omaha charge 10 cents per car
insurance on stock after it is unloaded
at the yards? That question has been
put up to the railway commission by
shippers of the state. The coinmis
sioii itself is puzzled as to its rights in
the matter. The attorney general has
been asked to give his opinion.
O'Neal Makes Filing.
J. M. O'Neal of Lincoln has filed for
the nomination for state auditor on
tho Republican ticket. Mr. O'Neal is
a traveling salesman and was a candi
date for the nomination for the same
o'fice at the time Congressman Barton
was nominated as auditor.
Kennedy Completes Filing.
John j. Kennedy sent in his filing
as a candidate for congress In the Sec
ond district. Mr. Kennedy has served
In congress before, but was defeated
by present Senator Hitchcock a lew
years, ago.
Liquor Dealers Select Norfolk.
Grand Island, Neb., June 4. The" Ne
braska Liquor Iealers' association
came to a close with an entertainment
program. Norfolk was chosen for the
next convention. The resolutions pro
vide that the association shall not par
ticipate in politics and recommend
Eteps to be taken looking1 to the sup
pression of holdup or blackmail litiga
tion. Stech May File for Superintendent.
David City, Neb., June 4. It is ru
mored here that Professor T. C. Stech,
Edperintendent of. the David City
schools, will be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for superintend
ent of public instruction.
Thomas Andrews, Sr., Is Dead.
Cambridge, Neb., June 4. Thomas
Andrews, Sr.. died of pneumonia. He
was an old settler, wealthy and a fine
stock breeder.
FaoDcy IPacasoDSn-
a a a
Short-Sleeve Raglan Coat
Skirt with Russian Tunic. You
can see Coat Pattern 7039 and
Skirt Pattern 7035 in the Butterick
Fashion Sheet for July. Call at
our Pattern Department for your
copy FREE.
..E. G. D0VEY & SON..
Ji.-ath Satuniay al'liTinin ter
minated the life f Mrs. ltebeea
Watsnii, one of the :in'il ladies
making their home at the county
farm. west of this cily, and
brought to a close a life, whose
lat years had been shadowed by
the unfaithful conduct of her
children, and her reduction from
comparative ease In that of Jein
dependent upon others. Her con
dition made it such that it was
found necessary to send her to
the county inlirmary about iie
years a-'o, and since that time she
has resided there. Mrs. Wafson
was a iralivo of Ireland, beini:
b-.rn there April 1SJ8, and
came to this counlry when a
yninr woman, and here her hus
band and herself succeeded in
acquiriiifr a niro farm in Otoe
county, near Avoca. After the
death of the husband Mrs. Wat
son lost the farm by having1 it
sold, and was Mien compelled lo
reside with friends in that sec
tion of the country until her ad
vancing years marie it impossible
lo longer keep her there and she
was brought to Ibis city to make
her home at the farm. She leaves
one son, wnosc residence is un
The Only THIN Sock
That Really Wears
THIN, gauzy, transparent
c i. i.i t i. , 4- r
oucivs uicii ivcep uui ui
the darning bag longer than
any others you ever wore. Toe and
heel INTERWOVEN, sole and ankle
REINFORCED. Wear-resisting fab
ric at EVERY point. That is why
socks bearing the name
are the only THIN socks that really
wear. The Interwoven feature is
simply PRE-DARNING. It extends
the life of Interwoven Socks long
past the time of the first and sec
ond darns in other socks. Yet,
they cost you no more 25c, 35c
and 50 c.
New shades white, taupe and
Children's Parasols at 18c to $1.25
Ladies Parasols $1.00 to $5.00
Ladies Tan and Black Embroidered
Hose, 50c quality, 33c pair:
Children's Socks, in plain and fancy
colors, 15c and 25c the pair:
Muslin Underwear
Corset Covers, 20c. 25c and up.
Crepe Gowns, 89c and $1.00 each.
Crepe Petticoats, at $1.00.
Combination Suits, $1.00 and $1.50.
Children's Union Princess Slips, 50c
75c and $1.00,
Children's Drawers, 12c, 25c and
50c pair.
Children's Gowns, 50c, G5c, and 75c
Men's Underwear
Shirts and Drawers, 50c.
Men's Union Suits, 50c and $1.00.
Men's Socks, Silk Lisle and Silk
Plaited, in black, tan and gray, at
25c and 35c pair.
known, as he has not been here
for some years. The body was
taken to Avoca Sunday, where the
funeral was held, and which was
attended by a large number of old
Take Plenty . of Time to Eat.
There is a saying that "rapid
eating is slow suicide." If you
have formed the habit of eating
loo rapidly yuu are most likely
suffering from indigestion or
constipation, which will result
eventually in serious illness un
less corrected. Digestion begins
in the mouth. Food should be
thoroughly masticated and in
salivated. Then when you have a
fullness of the stomach or feel
dull and stupid after eating-, take
one of Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many severe cases of stomach
trouble and constipation have
been cured by the use of these
tablets. They are easy to lake
and most agreeable in eH'cct. Sold
by all dealers.
Social at Lewiston Church.
The Lewiston (ilee club will
hold a strawberry shortcake and
ice cream social at the Lewiston
church Saturday evening, June
Ot Ii. Everybody invited.
Arnica salve for