PLATTSRIOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, WAY 2S, 1914. " WHAT 0iMG,g - - - - -- - - m a it t I 4 'How much the wife is dearer than the bride' This is true when love is true. Cj Let her value your wedding gift even more as wife than bride. Ve help you select gifts that will bear the test of years. JOHN W. GRABILL c0E!e FLATTSFfiOUTH M COMMITS SHOE AT TABOR, IOWA ' ': -'!:' ! il:g iti the home . 1 In- ::i -. in Tabor, l..a. iii.- i. i' .-!' . W. JP'h- i - 1 - . - i ; i -i . i 1 1 in Ihe a ! i ., .i i. I;:- !'. an ! r -1 t bailie . !: ,. h I .! i ' ! : i i in ! j if ; ii ;,! ill i ; ! i i ! s -1 h K'h i.r.! n:::oV man had ,-wai-!.! i:i i i i it - j . . : : I - t : - -. Mr. J.. - - . !,.au "J' nbot-l 30 ' a d a je.-i.hnt I !!::- i-, i .-nine 1 (in I! ' '..!!'. h : v.a- -1 j j f J il a ;i i!-;i-f .i 1 I x i-'iiil waon 'if !.-; .. A. . The r;,!M' f.v In- j .. - !i I j ail i ! ''if i1 to !'ani i '. i i : a - In- I , a - 1 1 a ' i s ! i ; .':'. i '.- with his w i !' in the I. -1 ! a ! ' : ! Ii.- and 1 li y were . ! I : ! !ni- at (li- tini" !' Hi.- !!. a- .M- wax in Oina- l.i. i,ii- h- 1 1 : i l.i-cii v.itli Jus j.'.,.!- !! IIm- !a-l J'v . k-. I : - I In- ar.-tit - ainl hi.- vif- ai,,( i ii.Mii si. !; !i;.'.i - :i licol Imt. 't . : , I'.- . ..-1-1 tit IK. IJIfl hi" tit,; ini.-! Tin- funt-i a! will . - h !( . Tali-a- this afti in. .on i t . i 1 1 1 . i ; t jiia.!.- in if cf-ui- . ! I ; 1 1 ! i . f j , ! a ' . Graduating Exercises June 5th. III.- .;;Mli .'i:nl.' pla'luat ill: . Ii . . - V.lil In' i I -1 ' 1 ill the H'HI u i . i il i..iial eh il eli ;it Weeping Wai. r ii- t 1'i-iilav, June f,th. in of I Inn -'iiy . June 'jth, as pi i'.M-lv a II lion need. I'.eiy illVlleiJ. Banks Closed Saturday. alMiiii lnin:r ! iia I ion day the Ul ,ji I - lie. I hi. lit.- of the rity vi-li I., lul.-iiii all llo ir palion lltil Ih.-il d-ior- will he -!ose. dlil U t t lie e,t He day. 1 he hank of Ca-s r.otml y. ln-l National I'.ank. 1" l.i 1 1 -1 ie u I h Stale Hank. Try 0 ur Tasty Cakes All Kinds! , y f t t Makes You Hungry to See 'Em WACSNER "Everything Good To Eat" . lie, ... ,;t I :Wf .,'.vi i ZV F. A. Raker in Town. Mr. ami Mis. J'. A. Hak.-r and lilt!.- .iauphti-r. Jinn'. 1 r m Im iol. . b.. w'io in tin' rity v's t ria. U' -ts at tin Innn- f Mr. an. I Mr-. W. K. Hi.--:vi ans, and ii'Iai ti'ij this morning fir Oma ha, (irttna ami tlnr points, v. Ijfii' t!j-y havr- r'!aliHs ami lri.-mls. an.i will ri'tuin Jkm fiJ a. f.'w tlayV iit hf'r' j turning homo. Thi-y ai-f taking s-r,-al w.'i-k-' viit with lelativs aix frioml-i in TinniHroiis points, i innk liM'1 in Klinw"i for sv frr. yr-ars. whf'ij In1 was n-cj-ntly mai! -arri-r. hut jnv(i to Imp-rial ah'-ut 1'otir yi-ars a?o. wlit-ic hi' has made his ioini en joying health ami prosperity in e! .-eiise of the term. Coughed for Three Years. "I am a lover of your godsend lo humanity and science. Your medicine, J)r. Kind's New I)i.s coery, cured my couh of three years' standing," says Jennie Flr-inming, of New over, Ohio. Have you an annoying cough? Is it stuhhorn and won't yield to treatment? Oef a 50c bottle of Ir King's New Hiscoverv today. What it did for Jennie Klemming it will do for you, no matter how stuhhorn or chronic a cough may he. It stops a cough ami stops throat and lung trouble. Relief or money back. COc and 1.00 at your Druggist. The dancing season is grow ing short and those who desire to take the fullest advantage of it should be cn hand Saturday even ing to attend the grand ball to be given at the M. W. A. hall. A good time Is assurred to all. You will find tne moat complete line of fitationery in the city of Plattsmouth at the Journal ollcft. The finest line of box paper, visiting and calling card. Bond & Lillard Highest (Irad Hourbon on earth, for sale only al Kd Donat's Plattsmouth. A Slice From Omar's Cake. Come, eat your All and in the fire of Bpring Your winter morsel of denial fling. The bird of time has but a little way To flutter, and the bird la on the wing. Make friends with our cakes. They have the home made quality that you like. Made of best eggs and purest materials. One of our layer cakes, for instance, adds to the joy of living just tops off a meal to perfection. Orange cakes, sponge cakes, plain cakes, chocolate cakes, raisin cakes, crullers, lady fingers, etc. all fine. LUCILLE LOVE THE GIRL OF MYSTERY Synopsis of the First and Second Series Third Series at the Air Dome Friday Night. The opening drama in the "Lu cille" series, in which the prin cipal characters are established, and in which '-Lucille" under takes a hazardous mission in an hydroplane to save the honor of her lather and the man she loves. Hugo Loubeijue and Sumpter Love are cadets at West point. Both Jove the -ame woman. Lou heejue is expelled from the in--tilution for theft from his fellow cadets. The principal witness against him is Cadet Love, who as a Jesuit of Loubeque's downfall, wins the woman for the hand of whom both were rivals. Loubeque mms apart his life to avenge himself UpUl L"e. e carefully educates himself to the end oT making his reetige more certain and dire. Knowing that Loe will some day become an oilicer in the army, he lays his plans in that direction. e becomes an international spy, a broker in national secrets, lie work upon tin plat; that no country i greater than its small est secret. After a lapse of many years Love is a general in the I.'. S. army, stationed in Manila. He has an only daughter. Lucille, who is engaged to marry Lieu tenant iib-on. The butler in the Loe hooiischobj is a cracksman in the employ of Loubequo. After watching- the movements of Loe for years, Loubeque de cides that the time for action has trrived. (ieneral Love receives from Washington a set of documents; f the utmost diplomatic import- tnce and the contents of which! must be kept in the strictest se recy. As his aide. Lieutenant Oil.son locks them in the safe, al the instigation of Loubeque, the jutler steals the paper. The ion..r of (ieneral Love is threat ned and he informs (iibson to otisider himself under arrest until the papers are returned. Lucille take up a telephone receiwr that morning to liud that the wires are crossed. She oer- hears a conversation between Loube.pje and hi accomplice in which the spy admits that the documents are in his possession, and that he intends leaving Ma nila on the steam-hip I'mpress at once. Lucille decides on the spot that she will regain possession of the documents if she has to fol low Loubeipje lo the ends of the th earth. She at once realizes that her only chance of leaching the Lmpress before it puts we to sea, is through the aid of thi goernment aviator, (Jibson's rival for her hand. The aviator lends his assistance. She springs into the hydroplane and in a moment later is skipping oer the waters in the wake of the Lmpress. Little does Hugo Loubeque dream that his Nemesis is above his head and ready to land by his side as he contemplates that the last great stroke in his plan for revenge is nearing completion. Series No. 2. The second story of Ibis series opens when Lucille dcscrls I he hydroplane in the open ocean and make a sensational landing upon the steamship. Then, Ihe first lime, Louheipie becomes aware that his program of re venge is being interfered with. The moment he sees the girls he is struck by her resemblance to his llrsi love, who in reality was Lucille's mother. Loubeque's tirst move aloanl lh ship is lo have sent out an unsigned wireless message to the effect I hat (ieneral Love and not his aide, proved a traitor by sell ing the diplomatic secrels. Afler the message is sent out, and lo prevent further communications with the ship, Loubeque disar ranges the wireless apparatus. In doing so he causes an explosion in which he is injured. Lucille realizes that her op portunity has arrived, and she volunteers M nure him. Her services are accepted. She is soon on friendly terms willi Ihe international spy, but seek as she will the hiding place of the docu menls remains mystery. Fortune, however, favors her. A fierce lire breaks nut in the hold of tin; ship. Lucille is with Shirt Waists SALE We offer White Waists in the newest style and fab rics, 15 different numbers to select from, at prices from $1.25 to $3 EACH. We also offer a lot of odd waists at a bargain price; they go at, each 79c, 89c, 98c. Ziickweiler ..&, Lutz.... Loubeque in his stale room when the impending disaster is an nounced. With the tirst shock of the news the spy's first thought is of the valuable documents and his startled glance toward a desk reveals to Lucille the hiding place of the stolen papers. Lou beque leave the room for an in stant, and the next instant Lu cille f:nds the papers and thrusts t hem in her bosom. The lire in the hold is now- burning fiercely, and all hope for the ship i lost. Ihe lifeboats are lowered ami the rule of "women first" is adhered to. Realizing that he must desert tin ship at once the spy rushes to hi cabin only to find the naners gone. He then realizes that his late nurse is no other than Lucille I.oc, daughter of his deadliest enemy. He dashes to the ship's rail just in time to see the boat in which Lucille is seat ed, lowered into the angry sea. "Well played. Mis Love," he cries, "but I am afraid you will have to return the papers." No soon does Lucille s boat touch the water than it is capsiz ed and all the women occupants are left to the mercy of the waves. The burning ship listing al most to the water's edge, the ocean spotted with the dying" and dead, Lucille grasps a floating timber and clings to it until she o.-es consciousness. When she regains her senses she -finds herself upon a long stretch of beach: a castaway tip- on one of fhe South Sea Islands. See the third series at the Air Dome Friday night. Attention, High School Students and Grade Children! The High school chorus will rehearse at the theater Friday afternoon at L'r.'hl. The grade children from the first to the eighth grades inclusive will re hearse at 4 o'clock. This will be the final rehearsal for the Mem orial day music, and all are asked to attend. Mrs. Mae Morgan, Direclor. Farm fop Sale. Farm of 121 acres, 5 miles northeast of Union; 14 acres hay land, 20 acres pasture timber, rest in cultivation; well improv ed. Price right if taken soon. Address Miss Etta Nickels, Mur ray, Neb. Farm for Sale. The (I. F, Switzer quarter, three miles southwest, of Ne hawka. For particulars see or write Henry M. Bollard, Nehawka, Neb. WANTFD TO BUY 15 or 20 calves, 2 to 3 days old. J. P. Falter. 5-11-tfd Easy Money FOB SCHOOL TEACHERS DURING VACATION Our low price, easy selling accident policy offers pleas ant and profitable employ ment. Write us for terms, giving references. COLUMBIA LIFE INS. CO. Fremont, Nebr. - . - ... THE LOUISVILLE POTTERY IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE FOR LOUISVILLE On Tuesday of this week a Journal representative made a brief visit in the thriving little city of Louisville, meeting quite a number of the business and pro fessional men and visiting many of fhe enterprising and prosper ous business houses in what can trulhfully be termed one of, if not, the best towns of its size in eastern Nebraska. Louisville is a progressive little city in every way. It has advanced very rapid ly during the past few years, many new business houses and residences have been erected, but among the busy places all the time the Louisville pottery Works takes the lead. Here is where we spent the most interesting few moments of our time in that city. This institution i doing more to advertise Louisville than any other within its borders. While the products of thi concern i entirely confined to the flower pot, the very high quality of the same places them in great de mand wherever they have been introduced, and the entire output the plant is sold as fast as they- can be manufactured, which is way up into the many thou sand every day. The pots are being sold in car load lots, and are finding sale in Omaha, Kansas City. Council Muffs and other cities of the middle west where there are lo cated florists and hot house of any mignitude. ami are pro nounced by them all to be the very best pottery work in the lam!. The natural clay in the Louisville hill, which is a beauti ful led. combined with an excel lent and up-to-date plant and workmen that know their busi ness, this plant is sure turning out a finished piece of poffery that i a beauty, one that has been in demand from the start. and under the able management of Mr. Kahler there is still great er success for the Louisville pot tery in vears fit come. The Journal has always had a reat many friends in Louisville. with whom it is a pleasure to spend a few hours. The busi ness men are progressive and up-to-date in every way, the farmers are prosperous and liberal, and the city ami community is jus.t what this class of people can make it. an ideal place to live. Gets a Very Severe Fall. Yesterday afternoon while Oco. A. Kall'enberger was engaged in some work trimming trees at his home on High School Hill he met with an accident that will lay him up for a few days at least. Mr. Kaffenberger was mounted on a ladder and cutting ofT branches from a tree, when one of the branches, in falling', struck the stepladder and it was knocker! from beneath Mr. Kaffenberger, throwing him to the ground with great force, and as a result of the fall he received s"everal severe bruises that made the services of a physician necessary to treat. It is to be hoped that he will not sustain any serious injuries as the result of the accident. Here for a Short Visit. The friends of Mrs. S. L. Thomas of Long Ueach, Califor nia, are enjoying very much a visit from that estimable lady, who is here for a week's stay in this city. Mrs. Thomas has been at Malvern, Iowa, looking after some business matters there and took "the opportunity to pay a visit to the old home, where she and her genial husband. Senator Thomas, resided for so many years. The Thomas family has made their home in California for the past few years and greatly like the climate in that country. Residence for Sale. Two-story brick on Main and 8th streets, contains 8 rooms, not including bath room and closets. Beautifully located and modern fixtures. Two and a half lots, with trees, barn and out houses. For further particulars address Silas Long, 648 N. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb. 4-8-1 rno-d&w 16u ac res of Land. Will trade 160 acres of land iu Perkins county for Plattsmouth property. ' W. R. Bryan. l16-d&w Buy, Sell or Exchange Platts mouth property. Worth the money. Clyde II. Fuller. Phone 440 J. 5-li-tfd&w The Journal does job work.: $M Timely fefl : Prices:. A We can show you styles trimmed in such as usually sell Ask for Prices on Re-trimming- and Alterations. Only dependable goods. EcncnA PEASE FRECKLE FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful com plexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold un der guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Certainly Deserves Much Praise. The two plays given by the senior class at the Parmele thea ter on, Monday evening-, which have attracted such a large amount of praise for the work of the persons taking part,,,an,d which showed such careful train ing, owes a great deal of their excellence to the splendid work of instruction given the young people by Mrs. George H. Falter, who, owing to the serious illne? of her mother, Mrs. O. L Dovey, assisted in the work of instruc tion. The splendid performances certainly speaks well for the work of Mrs. Falter, who devoted a great deal of time to the boys and girls. Indigestion? Can't Eat? No Appetite? A treatment of Electric Bitters increases your appetite; stops indigestion; you can eat everything. A real spring tonic for liver, kidney and stomach troubles. Cleanses your whole system and you feel fine. Electric Hitters did more for Mr. T. D. Peeble's stomach troubles than any medicine he ever tried. 2et a bottle today. 50c and $1.00, at your Druggist. Motorcycle for Sale. In excellent condition, good as new. Big, powerful 2-cyIinder, developing 7-10 H. P. Need the money. Must sell at once. See Ed Steinhauer at Journal office. Drug Si ore Monies: x i a i I "EGYPTIAN LOVE LETTER" 'j ill You don't have to write on clay tablets nowadays. , Instead you. use pen and ink and fine paper, with j j: Uncle Sam your servant for a song.; Let us bc'i i your stationery servant We Ye well trained and T can "deliver the goods' 'at right prices. . l; Mauzy. Orug OBTmipaiw.. FOR -. .r- MEMORIAL DAY MILLINERY values in becoming Sailor flowers. Ribbon, or drapes, from $3,50 to $5.00, at $2.85 GET READY For SUMMER Hot weather we&Vens and makes hena lazy. It also retard growth of young birdi nnleta you tue Poultry : Regulator This wonderful remedy purifies' th blood, keepa the liver right and aids growth, digestion and egg- production. Pkg: tSe, 60c.; li lb. pail tS.SO Prttts Pcwdeiwd Lin Killer is tbe mt paw- , erf ai ituectinde for poultry ndplKnu ufat and mwt economical. 'jc and &0c. befuae utiatitutea; uuuat ua Pratta. 6 Satisfaction Caraatel or Money Back Ct fratu 160 vaw futUtry Boo ior Sale by J. V. EGENBERGER, Plattsmouth WOLFF & AULT, Cedar Creek. 4515. ... A Strange Fatigue. Without any preinom'fion and without any previous :syirrp4m we. feel sometimes a strange, sudden fatigue, the:-.qajusf of which we are aCa, los, to explain. Tlje most common cause of it is the-so-called auto-intoxk-ation, indigestion, in which cerf a in" pn re ticles of food remain in life body, fermenting and deeomposfngj-' In sueli a case you need hIp at once1. We wish to recommend j ou Tiinl er!s American Elixir of Bittep Wine, which will, tfnickjy.arivfr out of the body' aij'rinfiifcested waste matter. Your fatigue will give room to enerp.-rn'tnfpy,'a'ili merits of the stomach, 'the bowels and the liver whereat ..thorough cleaning out -is tteckirf, this remedy,- gives a speedV- relief At drug stores. Jos Triner Manu facturer, 1333-1339 ;& Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Incdidents you .should have Trfhef's" Lini ment on hand,' It is to be recoiii mended in sprains, swellings, stiffness of the joints, ete. Girls Wanted. , , Two girls are; wanted", "fai ihe Perkins House - immediately, j"for general work. - ; l- - l- . Wanted. , A man to bore or-drg well.' Write p. O. Box 490, Plattsmouth,! Neb. , , . 5 5-25-2t4 i ? v r