The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 28, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People
YOUNG people, this is meant for you. Don't laugh at fate. Prepare
now for the "rainy day," when life is not all rosy sunshine. Save
your pennies now. WORK, WORK, WORK! SAVE, SAVE,
SAVE! This picture may change your whole life if you give it
EARNEST THOUGHT for just five minutes. Concentrate your mind
on it. Suppose you RESOLVE to be one of the few who will REALLY
Mrs. Guy Kiser is quite ill at
this writing.
Many fields of corn am ready
fr the plow.
l,"iek Klaumns was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Ymirifi's new home is al
most ready for occupancy.
The bank will be closet! next
Saturday Dec orat hm day.
Mr. and Mrs. (ilen Perry's lit
tle 5-year-old daughter is quite
Sec Clen TViedeker at the hank
and have your wheat crop insur
ed. Carl, the infant son of George
Parks and wife, is seriously ill at
this writ in?.
Nick Kleaurens and family
wen guests of Carl Nickels and
wife Sunday. 0
Minford ..v. Creamer had a car
of hogs on the Sunt li Omaha mar
ket Saturday.
Guy Stokes was a Plattsmouth
visitor Friday, adding pleasure
Willi business.
The I.ewiston Glee club are
getting ready for a social. Listen
for the date later.
Corn was washed pretty badly
in many fields west of Murray by
the gully-washing- rain Tuesday
niuht. Much f it will have to be
The wheat is in finer shape in
Ibis section than it was ever
known to be at this time of the
year. It will be ready fo harvest
before the Fourth of July.
The merchants are somewhat
annoyed at the manner in which
the M. I. are running- their local
freight train every other day.
This is certainly poor freight
Gas lights are being installed
in the Baker & Nickels' hardware
store and B. A. Root's drug- store
this week. These firms certainly
believe in having plenty of light.
It would be well for some of the
others to do likewise.
Busy as Bees
The Farmers are busy,
And so are their wives;
Nevertheless customers are thicker
Than bees in their hives
At the One-Price-to-AII
Store of . .
Murray, - - - Nebraska
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Lee Nickels was delivering cWrn
to the Murrav elevator Wednes
Mrs. Charles Swab was attend
ing to business matters in Oma
ha Wednesday.
Wallace Philpot shipped two
cars of cattle to the South Oma
ha market Tuesday.
WANTEDA good old range
by the ladies of the K. N. K.; do
nation or will buy.
Mrs. Chas. Sans and Mrs. Ar
thur Crunk were Plattsmouth
visitors Saturday afternoon.
Etta M. Niekels was transact
ing business in Union Saturday.
Mrs. E. R. Queen was a Platts
mouth visitor Friday.
Our old friend, A. M. Holmes,
has not been feeling very well for
a few days. We trust he will im
prove in a short time.
Mrs. L. I). Hiatt went to Platts
mouth Tuesday evening and
spent the night with her parents,
returning home the next morn
ing. I). Shrader went up to Platts
mouth Monday evening to look
after some business matters, and
took in the class play Monday
Vera Tacket, Opha Baker and
Lorene Chambers came home
from Plattsmouth Wednesday
morning, where they have been
attending High school.
Mrs. Ona Lawton, formerly
Miss Ona Young, bought of Uncle
Sam Latta this week three lots
north of Rex Young's residence,
which are among the beautiful
residence lots in that part of
Earl Tany spent last Sunday
with his wife at the hospital in
Omaha. Mrs. Tany, formerly Miss
Edith LaRue, recently had an
operation performed for ap
pendicitis, and her husband re
ports that she is getting along
nicely, and will be able to return
home in a few dqys.
Chas. Swab had a car of hogs
on the South Omaha market
F. L. Rhoden and Creed Harris
are driving a brand new Ford the
last few days.
Walter Sans and wife and Ted
Barrows and wife spent Sunday
with Chas. Garrison and family.
The David Cole Creamery Co.
pays the highest market price for
butter fat, and the station is lo
cated at Oldham's.
Robert Good is having a fine
new porch added to his residence
this week. Wm. Hamilton, the
Murray artist, is doing the w'ork.
Mrs. Geo. Parks and her moth
er, Mrs. Mary. Wiley, will give a
picnic for the K. N. K. ladies on
Thursday, June i.' . Every man,
woman and child are cordially in
vited to come to the pjenic. Fill
your baskets and come. Come!
Come !
Now is the proper time to in
sure your wheat crop. Glen
Boedeker, at the Murray State
bank, represents one of the best
companies in the land, and it is
getting to be a great thing to in
sure these crops in all wheat sec
tions. Try it.
The residence part of Murray,
on the north side, is having a
much needed improvement made
in the way df cement walks,
commencing at Chas. Boedeker's,
the Presbyterian and Christian
parsonages, Glen Boedeker's and
Chas. Carroll's. Nearly a solid
block of fine sidewalks.
One evening last week Mr. and
Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
Holmes gave 35 of their friends a
treat in the way of a picnic. It
was given in honor of Arthur
Holmes, who left for Chicag-o the
next morning. The spread was
elegant and everyone voted the
evening a grand success.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Miller of
Plainview, Neb., are visiting Mrs.
Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Edmunds. It has been some
time since Mrs. Miller has been
here and her friends were de
lighted to see her. Mr. Miller de
parted for home Tuesday morn
ing, leaving Mrs. Miller here for
a longer visit.
J. W. Holmes sold a fine GO
horse-power Burg automobile to
Uncle Sam Latta this week. It
is one of the finest cars made by
the Burg people, and Uncle Sam
will have the pleasure now of
gliding over the country in a $2,-
600 automobile. Some people are
apt to think Uncle Sam is getting
gay in his old age.
The meeting held at the Lewis-
ton church last Thursday was
well attended and an elegant din
ner was served to the workers
The cemetery was cleaned up
nicely- and also the grounds
around the church. The Lewis-
ton Glee club and the K. N. K
ladies want to extend thanks for
the assistance off neighbors.
Little Misses Margie and Marie
Shrader were 12 years old last
Monday. Thev went out to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Creamer, former neighbors of the
Shrader family, on Saturday,
where they spent Sunday and
Monday, and they were greatly
assisted by the Creamer family
in remembering the twelfth an
niversary of the twin ladies.
We were pleased to see Mrs. A
L. Baker around again, after her
serious illness. During her sick
ness she was cared for by Miss
Mabel Cole of Omaha, one of the
most proficient nurses in the
state, and Mr. and Mrs. Baker
praise Miss Cole very highly, and
much is due to her carefulness in
attending to Mrs. Baker that that
lady recovered in as slrort a time
as possible.
Well Digging and Stump Pulling.
I am prepared to do stump
pulling on contract and also to
dig wells, and solicit work in this
line. Satisfaction guaranteed in
every instance. T. B. Smith.
Fop Sale op Rent.
The Berger cottage, consisting
of .G rooms, and elegantly located
in Murray, is for sale or rent.
For particulars call at the Berger
Cure for Stomach Disorders.
Disorders of the stomach may
be avoided by the use of Chem
berlain's Tablets. Many very re
markable cures have been effect
ed by these tablets. Sold by all
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
vent or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
; want all news items Editor
Library Notes.
The regular library meetings
closed for the summer months
Tuesday evening. The library
rooms would ' not accommodate
the large crowd that attended.
Two very entertaining features of
the evening were a solo by Airs.
Dick Pitman and a quartet com
posed of Mesdames E. S. Tutt and
Fred Ramge and Messrs. L. I).
Hiatt and O. A. Davis.
Arrangements were made lo
hold two outdoor musicals dur
ing the summer. The first one
will be close to the middle of
June at the home of Lloyd Gapen.
Mrs. Gapen and Mrs. S. O. Pit
man will arrange the program
and entertainment, and half of
the members of the association
are expected to assist them in
their undertaking.
Librarians for the month of
June: Saturday, June 0, Mrs.
Bert Root; Saturday, June 13,
Mrs. Frank Marler; Saturday,
June 20, Mrs. V. A. Kennedy; Sat
urday, June 27, Mrs. William
Surprised on Her Birthday.
Miss Marie Davis was 18 years
of age on Saturday last, and her
mother gave her somewhat of a
surprise by inviting in a number
of her voung friends to a Mav day
parly in honor of the event. Miss
Marie is the daughter o'f Air. and
Mrs. Meek Davis, west of Murray,
and this fine home was a scene of
much merriment on the date of
this happv event. Almost fifty of
Miss Marie's young friends were
present, and it is needless to add
that all enjoyed the happy oc
casion. They whiled the time
away . in different pleasantries
and plenty of the delicacies of the
season were supplied by the good
mother. The Journal surely
wishes that the charming daugh
ter oi Air. and Airs. Davis may
live to enjoy many more such oc
casions. She no doubt will re
member the May day party given
in her honor many years, as wil
also her guests.
A Narrow Escape.
About the noon hour Tuesday
M. G. Churchill's auto and John
Jenkins' motorcycle collided on
the street, and it is indeed for
lunate that' neither of the partie
were injured. John was com in:
from the 'north down onto Alain
street, while Alack was going in
the direction that John was com
ing from. It seems that John
was just turning the corner, as
both were coming and going, anc
both turned to the right in an ef
fort to get out of the road of the
other's way, and hence the col
lision. No one perhaps can tel
who was to blame for the col
Iision, and it would be folly to
really blame it on either. They
both should feel thankful that
neither was killed or badly in
jured. Both machines were con
siderably injured, and it is a safe
bet that they both won't try to
pass on the same side next time
School Grades.
All the pupils of the eighth
grade of the Alurray school pass
ed the final county examination
The following are the pupils
names and average grades: Afae
Loughridge, 9J.5 per cent; Naomi
Adams, 9i.l per cent; Oliver
Gapen, 01.9 per cent; Isabe
Shrader, 90.1 per cent. We give
Naomi Adams' grade because she
took the most part of her eighth
grade work under Miss Pollard.
The eighth grade will go to
Weeping Water June ith to their
commencement. Miss Pollard
will join them at Nehawka. Alae
Loughridge will take part in the
commencement exercises by giv
ing a piano solo.
School Meeting.
A meeting was held at the
scho'ol house Monday evening
for the district to vote on whether
or not they should sell or retain
the old building. The motion
was made to keep the old build
ing until the new one was com
pleted for school purposes this
fall, then to sell it and put the
money received into the building
fund. The motion was carried,
4 to 1. The new building is ex
pected to be started at once and
pushed to c'ompletition by fall.
Arnica Salve for
The Journal advertisers are do-
ng the business.
Fine Time at Homer Shrader's.
The East Rock Bluffs Whist
club met at the home of Mr. and
Airs. Homer Shrader, three miles
east of Alurray, last Friday night,
and about all the members an
swered roll call, and then the fun
began in the usual manner of
playing whist and other amuse
ments. Air. and Airs. Shrader
were untiring in their efTorts to
make the visit of the club as
pleasant as possible, and from all
reports they succeeded in doing
so admirably. This club is of the
right short to have a good time if
the opportunity is afforded, and
they surely had no kick coming
on this occasion, and they did not
take their departure until they
unanimously voted Homer and his
estimable lady first-class enter
tainers. Still Doing the Business.
Baker & Nickels are certainly
in business up to their eyes. They
have, for the entire season, been
selling machinery and hardware
riirht. and left. and since the
farmers have caught onto the fact
that they can buy machinery and
hardware as cheap in Alurray as
can be bought elsewhere they
don't pretend to go elsewhere for
what they want. And then, again,
Arthur and Ge'orge are nice gen
tlemen to trade with, and they
keep the goods.
Jake Hilil sold his fat cattle to
Jake Tritsch .Monday.
George llild made a business
trip to Omaha Alonday.
The Oxford school gave a fine
nicnie last Friday, which was
largely attended.
Air. and Mrs. Louie Puis spent
Sunday with Air. and Airs. Wil
liam Gilmour.
Air. and Airs. Alfred Gansemer
and Air. ami Airs. Otto Puis were
the truesls of Air. and Airs. Will
Philpot Sunday.
Air. and Airs. William Puis and
Air. and Airs. P. A. llild spent
Sunday at the home of Air. and
Airs. Fred Engelkemeier at
Air. ami Airs. Charles llerren.
Air. and Airs. W. II. Puis and
William Wohlfarth motored to
the home of Air. and Airs. Paul
Ottens, near Elmwood, Sunday
and spent the day.
Henry Engelkemeier and family
August Engelkemeier and family.
Adam Kraeger and family and
Air. and Airs. George Engelke
meier spent Sunday with friends
near Syracuse. Neb. They made
the trip via automobile.
Quite a number were Lincoln
visitors Friday from this locality,
among them being Jake, George
anl Philip Hild, William, Louie
and Will Puis, Adam and Otto
Schafer, Ed Gansemer, Air. and
Airs. William Philpot and son, Al
bert, Lewis Young and Ad Boed-
Boys Bathing in Blue River at Beatrice
Discover Rifled Sack.
Fairbury, Neb., May 2S. That
thieves stele several sacks of United
States mail that were taken off the
Rocky Mountain Limited train en route
from Denver to Chicago, to be trans
ferred to a southbound passenger train
'or delivery to Burlington railroad
mail train No. 14 at Endieott, Neb..
about April 2D, rifled the sacks, taking
all the money and then sinking the
mail pouches in the Little Blue river
near the mill dam, was brought to
light when several boys bathing in the
river discovered a sack containing
dozens of bundles of letters.
The moistened mailing slips still
bore the name of Mail Clerk Lowell
E. Moore, trains Nos. 13 and 14, St.
Joseph and Oxford. The letters wera
from Colorado, New Mexico and Kan
sas points and the bulk of them were
for Beatrice and vicinity.
The letters were postmarked April
23 and 24 and it is supposed the sacks
were stolen off a truck in Fafrbury dur
ing the night and then taken to the
river, rifled of contents and buried.
Postmaster Shelley forwarded th
packages to United States postal au
thorities at Kansas City for disposition.
Beatrice Man Dies of Auto Injuries.
St. Louis, May 28 R. J. Jackeman,
seventy-five years old, of Beatrice,
Neb., who was struck and run over by
an automobile on Lindell boulevard,
died at St. Luke's hospital three hours
after the accident. The machine was
owned and driven by Charles J. Boehm,
who was accompanied by his wife.
Accounts Must Be Settled.
There are still a great many
accounts due the estate of Aug
ust Gorder that we must insist
upon being setteld at once. This
notice is final, and ir same is not
paid within, a reasoname time,
thA accounts will be placed in
other hands for collection.
, Fred Gorder,
Are You Going to Build
This Season?
If you are, be sure and let
The Murray Lumberman
Figure with you on what you need in lumber
and other building material in general.
He will save you time and trouble.
Mr. Kikendall is an up-to-date
The Murray Lumberman
C. E. Wescott and grandson,
Mason Wescott, departed last
evening for Chicago, where they
will take in the sights of the
Windy City for a short time. Air.
Wescott takes advantage, of his
visit back from California to
take a swing around the circle.
J. F. WolfT and J. R. Murphy
came in this morning from Cedar
Creek and Air. Wolff departed on
the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where he will visit for a
few hours looking after some
matters of business.
Airs. W. E. Zimbeck of Boone,
Iowa, who has been here visiting
with her sister. Airs. Charles
Hartford and family, for the past
few days, departed this morning
for her home in Iowa.
W. E. Alartin and wife of Lin
coln, who have been here visit
ing at the home of Airs. Martin's
sister, Airs. Val Burkel and fam
ily, departed this morning for
their home.
Samuel Kline of the vicinity of
Cedar Creek was a visitor in this
city today and a pleasant caller
at this olTice.
Airs. Tom Ryan of Nebraska
City, who has been here' visiting
at the home of Air. and Mrs.
Henry Boeck, departed this after
noon for her home.
F. E. Kaufman and family re
turned this morning to their
home at Lincoln, after a short
visit at tne itenry ivauimaun
home sotuh of this city.
f. G. Aleisinger and wife were
anion? the passengers this morn
ing for Omaha, where they were
called to look after some busi
ness matters for a few hours.
Airs. Oscar Larson of Sabefha,
Kansas, who is visiting with
relatives and friends in this city,
i i i . i . . . . : . . . . v,i o
ueparieo uisi u cuui on
for Peru, where she will visit
with Aliss Esther Larson.
Airs. Bennett Chriswisser and
little grandson, Carl, were pas-
Fruits. Fresh and Canned Meats, Canned
Goods, and a general line of
such Goods
We are here for patronage, and our
effort will be to please our patrons. A
liberal share of patronage is solicited.. 3
Market Pricea paid for Butter, Eggs,"
Poultry and all kinds of produce.
Come in and See Us
W. S. SMITH, ::
scngers this morning for Omaha
to visit at flie hospital with the
little granddaughter of Airs.
William Morley, postmaster of
Avoca, and II. F. Maseman, one
of the leading citizens of that
place, were in the city for a few
hours today attending to some
matters at the court house.
Aliss Celia Palasek returned fo
Omaha this morning, after being
here in attendance at the
graduating- exercises of the High
school, where his sister, Aliss
Pauline, was numbered among
the graduates.
Airs. William Alorrow, who for
years resided near Alurray. in
this county, came in last evening
from her home al Seward, Ne
braska, and will visit here among
fhe old friends and neighbors in
this county for a week.
S. W. Orton, Charles Andrus
and Dr. J. B. Hungale of Weeping
Waler came in this morning
from their homes to look after
some matters in fhe county court,
in which they were interested, be
intr called here as witnesses.
Airs. Robert Stanaford and Aliss
Daisy Stanaford of Lincoln, who
have been here for a few days
visiting at fhe home of Mr. and
Airs. Jake Jones, returned this
afternoon to their home.
Airs. Aitthony Nesdlak, accom
panied by her guest, Aliss Ellen
Nesdlak, of Hiawatha, Kansas,
were passengers this afternoon
for Omaha, where fhey will visit
for a few hours.
Most Prompt and Effectual Cure
for Bad Colds.
When you have a bad cold you
want a remedy that will not rmly
give relief, but effect a prompt
and permanent cure, a remedy
that is pleasant to fake, a remedy
that contains nothing injurious.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
meets all tliese requirements. It
acts on nature's plan, relieves the
lungs, aids expectoration, opens
the secretions and restores the
system to a healthy condition.
This remedy has a world-wide
sale and use, and can always be
depended upon. Sold by all deal
Murray, Nebraska