THURSDAY, MAY 2S, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. TRIBUTE TO "THE VANISHED ID VANISHING The Address of Rev. F. M. Dru liner at Memorial Services Sunday. Mr. Chairman, Members of the flrarid Army of the Republic ami f t li o Woman's Relief Corps, ami I'.-l..w Citizens: I am oppressed willi a sense .if the impropriety of ullerintr words iin Ibis oc casion. If silence is ever golden, it mut be n ueh an occasion as fbis. when the nation halls the win els of industry ami com im"! . ami a individuals, we are a-ked lo si ami in thought be id the saiTwl mounds of 3S(i, con of our country's defenders, wlios,. lives were more significant than speech, and whose death was a poem, the music of which can never be sun. sr. When Alliens was in the full flush of its glory the bones of citizens who died abroad in the service o'f their country were taken home to be buried in the Ceramicus. A day was appointed when all civil and military opera lion were discnnl inued. and on that day the funeral rites were celebrated. All citizens were ex peeled to join in the services in honor of the dead. One of the noblest, orat ions of antiquity, at tributed to Pericles, was delivered on an occasion of this kind. In this Athenian custom is found the nearest historical parallel to our Memorial day; and Athens, in its solictiude for the bodies of the soldier dead has been surpassed only by Uie Ameri can republic, other nations, both ancient .and modern, have de lighted to construct ornate and costly monuments and mauso leums and other: .memorials in honor of their great generals and admirals, but America alone has thought it worth while to mark the p-raves nf those who died in the ranks the men who bore the brunt of the battle without, hope of fame or expectation of reward. Tn keepinsr the graves oT its com mon soldiers green and placing thereon each year a tribute of flowers in token of remembrance, and in the millions of dollars dis bursed to widows and disabled soldiers, our country has well disproven the slander that re publics are ungrateful . Louis Kossuth, the eloquent Hungarian exile, standing on Bunker Hill, pointed to Ihe monu ment and said: "My voice shrinks from Ihe task to mingle with the awful pathos of that majestic orator. Silent like the grave, and yet melodious like the song of im mortality u;n Ihe lips of cher ubim a senseless, cold granite, and yet warm with inspiration like a patriot's heart immovable like the past and yet stirring like the future which never slops j) looks like a prophet and speaks like an oracle. And thus jl speaks: 'The day I commemor ate is the rod with which the hand of the Lord has opened the well of liberty. Its waters will flow: every new drop of martyr blood will increase the tide. Des pots may dam its flood, but never slop it. The higher the dam the higher the tide. It will overflow or break through. Bow, adore, hope. Such are the words that come to my ears, and I bow, I adore, I hope.' " The nation has again come to the day when the living decorate the graves of her soldiers and recite the story 'f her patriotism and review Ihe sources of her real greatness, to preserve which, it is sweet even to die. The great ness of the deeds of a man is measured by the greatness of the consequences o'f his acts. And by this measure we see how great are those who preserved "the republic and transmitted her to the future, puissant, beneath her shield succoring every noble trait and capacity. When Ihe Greeks discussed Marathon, they drew in vivid colors the greatness of the Oreek nation in every par ticular. Would we discuss Cet tysburpr or Appomattox, we must picture what the republic, both before and since those bloody events, has done. Wars are re lated to the history which pre cedes and follows them, and in the light of which history these wars are justified or condemned. Judged by this standard, how much we owe our soldier dead; what did they not achieve? They established freedom and gave it in strength to the world. But yesterday they gave it to Ihe re mole slands of the seas. All our soldier dead, Washington, and firanl and Lee and Jackson, are remembered in these decorated graves on .Memorial iay, ior m them Washington and Mrant are justified and Lee and Jackson made possible. Our hearts go out, loo, to those who will lav flowers on Ihe graves beneath which the soldiers in gray are sleeping. They, too, fought for a faith, and for the final settlement were necessary contestants. Never were there braver men. They were foomen brother, worthy of your steel. Old fllory. flying full from her mast in the sunlight yonder againsi the blue sky, is their heritage today, as well as ours. Beneath Ihe dome of the nation's capital in Wash ington, the swords of ("J rant and Lee may well hang side beside. Memorial day. On that day, while we cover the graves of Ihe soldiers with flowers, let us re mind ourselves for what it was all our soldiers died, what prin ciples alone can justify the price they paid wehn they opened their hearts to death, what, our own tasks and honor are to prepetuate that for which they surrendered their lives. I know of nothing more ap propriate on this occasion than to inquire what brought these men here; what hish motive led them lo condense life into an hour, and lo crown that hour by joyfully welcoming1 death? Let us con sider. For nearly fifty years no spot in any 'of those slates had been the scene of battle. Thirty mil lions of "people had an army of less than ten thousand men. The faith of our people in the stability and permanence of their institu tions was like their faith in the eternal course of nature, peace, liberty and- personal security were blessings as common ana universaly as sunshine and show ers and fruitful seasons; and all sprang from a single source, the old American principle thai all , i i- i: owe uue sumnission ami oneui ence to the lawfully expressed will of the majority; against this principle, the whole weight of the rebellion was thrown. lis over throw would have brought such rum as migni ioiiow in me pnjsi cal universe if the power of gravitation were destroyed. The nation was summoned to arm bv everv high motive which can insrtire men: two centuries of freedom had made its people un fit for despotism. They must save their government, or miser ably perish. As a flash of lightening in a midnight tempet reveals fh abvsmal horrors of the sea. so did the flash of the first crun above Fort Sumpler dis close the awful abyss into which rebellion was readv to plunge ;i rhe heavens were suddenly black- Fierce eagles of war flew across the lurid clouds. The awful storm rolled thunders along the sky. Reverberating, they shoo the Atlantic coast and the banks of the Mississippi. They crashed over Antietam, Vicksburg1 and Cold Harbor. Forked lightnings played among the clouds around Lookout mountan. Fire ran upon the ground in Kentucky and Ten- mssee, and Virginia swamps ami rivers were turned to blood. It was Ihe nation's midnight. The death angel was abroad with un sheathed sword. There was a great cry in the land for there was not a house among half a million where there was not one dead. In a moment, the fire was light ed in twenty million hearts. In a moment we were the most warlike nation on earth. In a moment we were not, merely a people with an army we were a people in arms. The nation was in column not all at front, but all in ar ray. Four years the storm raced. The iron hail rattled incessantly, prostrating armed men, and crushing woman's tender heart. It was a deluge of blood. The greatest battle of the greatest war was Gettysburg; somehow or another we have all come lo believe that God was in the fire, smoke and conllier. of that battle; that His hand stayed IMckett's advance, broke the southern columns in their masterly charge and saved the union. That last grand charge of Lee's at Gettysburg- will be long remembered by mankind. It broke the heart of the south, left a multitude of little children fatherless, garbed a multitude of wives in widow's weeds, and sent a host of mothers mourning to the grave; for after the smoke had cleared away, that battlefield was covered with fathers and sons and husbands, who were cold and still in death. It was on Ihe afternoon of the third day - that the memorable charge was made; after two ami one-half days of as' hard fighting as ever look place among men. Le?, with the desperation .if tie- feat and with the - courage of victory, concentrated hi- forces into one grand charge and hurled it like a thunderbolt into Jie very heart of the enemy. Re chose for his main point of attack that position of the battlefield between Little Round Top and Ziegb-r's Grove, which was held by Han cock's division. He arranged bis artillery alone the edire of the woods and on the crown of lh" bills so thai he could sweep the whole union front and at the same time hold under cover his own charging troops. ,- had formed his line of bailie and draarged his artillery into posi tion, without revealing to Mead and bis staff a single hntlntiou or a single gun. A great genera! was Robert F. Lee. His whole army was concealed behind breast works, stone fences, and King along the edge of the woods. resting on Iheir guns, wailing fr the order "lo charge." Thousands of dead covered the hattelliehl everywhere. The cries of the wounded, dying in their agony, were heard on every side, blood ran down every hillside in streamlets. The sun was literal ly baking Ihe earth, at. ino de grees in Ihe shade. There was scarcely a breath of air anywhere, not a leaf on the frees moved. There had not been a single shot tired on either side since 10 o'clock in the morning. A calm like that which precedes the slorm, prevailed everywhere. Those southern soldiers, like bloodhounds lugging at their leashes, were chafing for the order "lo charge." Suddenly two shots rang out that startled both armies. 'Twas the signal for the charge. Those shots wer e followed by a murder ous roar of southern artillery I hat swept the whole 'northern ranks. Bui what is that slir and commotion beyond the clouds of cannon smoke lifting? Look! ' I is a battalion in action, a hun dred batlallions. thousands of men on the march; Lee's whole . i i t army on I he run charging me northern lines. Hancock's di- vision is wailing uns cnarge won gun to shoulder and finger lo trigger. The general's order ndls along the ranks, "Wait till they reach the fence." There comes Lee's army, the flower and glory of the south. With Pick ett's division leading on. closer and closer the ranks are forming, swifter- and swifter the lines are moving. 1 he oMicers rn gray passing- up and down the front. are quietly giving their order- On they come, nearer and nearer that stone fence, and now tin have reached it and are mounting it. Hancock's voice rings out, "Ready! Aim! Fire!" Ten thou sand hammers crash, ten thou sand sounds break, ten thousand bullets fly; they plow their way into southern hearts, they tear great gaps in southern lines,, I hey mow- down southern ranks, Thev windrow the living inlo lines of dead, but the southern soldiers leap over these wind rows, they close up Iheir front and the whole army fairly leaps forward and charges straight, in lo northern ranks anil northern hearts; but Ihe boys in blue fight them back and beat, them down. T"p and forward they come, the boys in gray. Ah, brave soldiers arc these sons of the soulh. Now we see Ihe two armies clashed in battle, the two lines locked in arms, the two fronts fighting to the death. They have bad their bul lei charge; they have had their bayonet charge, and now they are fighting in a mighty hand-to-hand conflict. Back ami across, to and fro, up and down that field, bolh lines fight and struggle and rock and reel. Yes, they are fighting some now. They are fighting in the grip o'f death. They are fighting for the gleam of victory. They are lighting with all the power of their being, and till they fight. The angels of God looking over the battlements of Heaven are holding their breath, and still the army of the blue and the armv of the grav are fighting, until at last the whole southern line rock and reels and staggers and breaks and falls, beaten down by the army of the blue and Ihe God of righteous ness; and the stars still shine and the winds sing on, for on that day the Union was saved. I love to believe that no heroic sacrifice, is ever lost: that char acters of men are molded and in spired by what Iheir fathers have done; that treasured up in American souls are all the uncon scious influences of the great leeds of the Anglo-Saxon race from Agincourt ,to Bunker Hill. Could these men be silent in 18(1; these, whose ancestors had felt the inspiration of battle on every field where civilization vear Read their answer in the green turf that covers their ashes. T'ach for himself gather ed up the cherished purposes of life its aims and ambitions, its dearest affections, and flung all with life itself, into the scale of battle. From Ihe martyr presi dent to the humidest private soldier in Ihe rank.-, we glean the spirit of devotion. II is related thai General Sher man,, while marching through Georgia, suspected a that a cer tain mountain pass was Covered by Ihe batteries of the enemy, who were concealed on the ..flier side. The general called io an engineer and told him to run bis engine through the gap, and to whistle along (lie way. The brave fellow", without a shadow of fear, sprang lo his engine, ami, as he opened the throttle, turned and called out, "General, remember I have a wife and four children in Ohio." The engine puflY'l, the whistle came shrill, and many a prayer followed, and many a -silent tear was shed for the brave comrade. The thunder and roar of the enemies' artillery tilled the air, but the whistle blew loud and long. Again the thunder, again the whistle. The mingled noise reverbraled ami rolled down the mountain side amid the cheers of the waiting army. At length the sound of the whistle died away; il coubl no longer be heard. Hearts Ih robbed and -faces blanched amid the painful suspense. After an inlerval the distant shrill blast of the whistle again pierced the air. Cheer after cheer greeted the sound. Nearer and nearer il is borne until Ihe engine swept back Ihorugh the gap. and back to the. Union lines, all battered and scarfed. The engineer, with begrimed face, and with marks of the conflict, swung down from his cab, and, turning palled his engine, spying, "Good girl; good girl!" A messenger from Gen eral Sherman approached and placed in the hand of the en gineer a check for r00.00.j "What's that?" "By order of General Sherman.-sir." "Take if b;ick.' I cannot ,l;:ke it. Thafi spoils the whole thing. I gve my life to my 'country;-jn Ihe begin-, ning of the war. an. I do yo'u sup"-; pose I would sell it for S .-,00. Oft j or!;.i'Uo.mii. .'in'i-iii . rjiiej -man was seen approaching,; " lie inquired of the engineer if no re ward would be acceptable. Said this unknown hero, "Yes, Gen eral, will yon pei u! a message and tell that woman- in Ohio that I love, that her husband did his duty. Thai's Ml." General Sherman immediately made out a certificate of honor, with his name attached, and this was for warded to President iLncoln, and with his .signal ure added, tin paper was forwarded to the vvifi id" the immortal engineer. You are iusflv . proud of the leaders you followed. General Grant had been represented in Ihe south as a monster of blood thirsty cruelty, who spared in his march neither unprotected wom en nor helpless children. One day on (tie march lo Richmond a plainly dressed, unassuming oliicer, with some members of his stall", stopped for refreshments at a stalely home, whose surround ings had been somewhat marred by the ravages of war. A mother, a refined lady with several chil dren, and one servant, were the only occupants of Ihe house, all the rest having fled at the ap proach of the Union army. The officer assured Ihe family of their safety and quieted their fears. While the meal was being pre. pared the officer quietly and kind ly won the children to him. He look Ihe youngest in his arms, and another upon, his knee, and fondled them, telling them, with evident emotion, of the loved ones he had left at home, and how he longed to see them and be with them once more. To the mother he spoke encouragingly of the re turn of peace, and hopefully of the restoration of her household to the enjoyment of their do mestic life. The mother, struck with his tenderness and candor, stood with tearful eyes, forget ting the soldier, and seeing before her only the brave father, With his strong love, his warm sym pathies, and his longing affection. When dinner was over, and the officers were about lo depart, a guard was stationed at the house to protect the family from the fruslon. "You have been very kind to us and I am grateful to you," said the tauy lo the otl:eer, "and I wish you could remain until the army has passed, for we fear the coming of your com mander-in-chief, General Grant." The plain office replied: "I as sure you that you have nothing to fear. I am General Grant." Then said the lady, "my fears have wronged you, and I offer my apology. An army with such a commander of such greatness of heart cannot be conquered. A cause defended )y men who so love their- homes and little ones deserves to succeed. The cause of the Confederacy is lost." Ap pomattox was not far off and that army did succeed. As the years roll by and history gathers up the fragments of war incidents, which, together, make the annals complete, you rejoice in the part, you look in the great struggle. To a trusted friend who visited him during the dark flays of the civil war. President Lincoln said with emotion: "I do not doubt, I never doubled for a moment, that our country would finally come through safe and undivided. But do not misunderstand me. I do not know how it can be. I do not rely on the patriotism of our peo ple, though no people have rallied around their king as ours have rallied around me. I do not trust in e braverv and devotion of the boys in blue. God never gave queror such an given me. V.r God belss them! a prince or con army as he has yet do I rely on the skill and loyally of our gen erals, although I believe we have the best generals in the world at the head of our armies. But Ihe God of our fathers, who raised up this country to be a refuge and the asylum of the oppressed and downtrodden of all-nations, will not let it perish now. I may not live lo see il." arTd he added after a pause. "I do not expect to see if, but God will bring us through safe." To some Ibis service is a time for memory and tears. The heart is filled with longing, the eves are blinded, as we scatter Ihe pure, fresh blossoms, of our homage upon the departed loved ones. Undoubtedly there is a place for social and fraternal orders, if such organizations be auxiliaries to noble life; if these agencies restore hope lo Ihe dis couraged, inspire noble aspira lions; if they develop the finer sensibilities of the soul and eradicate coarseness; then. thev" s ion M ca for i a the manhood with which we have been blessed by birth, education am environment. As I understand your prin ciples, unity, charily and tem perance, and friendship, nothing could be nobler in a secular or ganization. Let me say that your efficiency in minsfering in charity and temperance will depend upon your own personal character and experience. Character is all in all in the battle of life. You can not minster in charily unless you have charity in your character. You cannot be temperate unle selfcnntrol permeates all Ihe violations, motives and actions of your life. An order or organiza lion will never be higher nor bet ter than the average character of the individual members. Friend shin is the one word which de ludes a purely spiritual passion. No. man is poor who has a friend. No. man is rich who lacks om These soldiers of peace have not lived in vain. Their deeds also live, after them. Great have been the victories oi peace, and we give them homage today in flowers. Soldiers of the Union. I have now- discahrged the duty you as signed me. We bring you grati tude and congratulations; grati tude for arduous and illusfrou services; congratulations mat a kind Providence mercifully spared your lives for some good purpose A thousand fell at your isde and len thousand at your right hand. but He covered you with His feathers. Through-the iron hail stones He brought you safe, to greet your loved ones, and to re ceive the plaudits of your fellow citizens, and to enjoy the pros perity of the commonwealth. Each of yoxi wears the honored title, "A Soldier of the Union." Soon you will be gathered to your fathers; such - memorial services as these will prepetuate your honor. Words are but leaves, deeds are the'f ruits. If in our memorials we halt at these formal tributes of the lips, they are as withered flowers, indeed. If we would bring forth fruits, we must re produce in our lives that spirit of devotion which animated the ranks and raised above self-interest and party interest the weal of the nation. Our liberties will then be perpetuated, our coun try's honor exalted and that ban ner whose, uroau stripes anu bright stars have been trans planted from the firmament of heaven lo earth shall ever unfurl unsullied in every clime. Done are the toils and the weari some marches. For Sains relay A lot of good Brooms, are Ladies Fine Lawn Waists, worth 25 cents go at 19 39 Men's Good Soft Collared Children's Dresses, good Shirts, at goods and nicely made, 39 19 Done is the summons o'f bugle and drum, Softly and sweetly the sky over arches, Sheltering a land where re bellion is dumb. Dark were the days of the coun try's derangement, Sad were the hours when the conflict was on, But through the gloom of fra ternal eslrangment God sent his light, and we wel come the dawn. O'er the expanse of our mighty dominions. Sweeping- away to Ihe utter most parts, Peace, the wide-flying, on untir ing pinions, Bringeth her message of joy to our hearts. Out of the blood of a conflict frat ernal, Out of the dust and dimness of death. Burst, into blossoms of glory eternal Flowers that sweeten the world with their breath. ' Flowers of charity, peace and de votion Bloom in the hearts that are empty of strife; Love that is boundless and broad as the ocean Leaps into beauty and fullness of life. So with Ihe singing of peans and chora Is, And with the flag flashing high in the sun. Place on the graves of our heroes the laurels Which their unfaltering valor has won. BENEDICTION. Here's to the men who wore the blue; Here's to the men who proved so ALCOHOL 3 PEH VEST. CITlff.l.'inA IhoTif-rf tiiiUicStoniaaiiiCo'clsaf ins twee nnrl Doct CnTit.-itncnoilhw Opiuni-Morphiae norliacraL SiOT IV AH C OTIC. Jlmtpkut &tdm Mxhtlle&ts jlniuSetA Jkiwrrmint , HiCarioadtSua SufT iutUma Tlarcr. "wo Ctnm-wh rtiorrhnn Vorras.CoITVuls'Mmsc'Eslr ncssmidLoss or Sleep. r&cSiniile Signatureof he Centaur Compass; IIl-M Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'is SMI) : urn -- - - : - if !., ik.-i7rTf :m iiii I i t U II II II II II II PCI Warsif y Sfon t rue, "Mill battle's roar and shrieking shell, On weary march, in prison's hell Their souls aflame with patriotic zeal. They suffered for the common weal; They washed away Ihe blackening stain Of slavery, from our vast domain; They bore Ihe flag on manv a field. Their hearts its royal balllo shield; And when tlieir mighty work was done, The flag, without a missing star. In splendor o'er our country shown. May blessings rest on heads so gray; May flowers brighten and strew the way; May a grateful country their memory keep, And the obi flag guard their last long sleep. Child Cross? Feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish,- J1-tless child, with coaled tongue, pale, doesn't sleep; eats sometimes very lit fie, then again ravenously; stomach sour; breath fetid; pains in stom ach, with diarrhea; grinds teeth while asleep, and si a its up with terror all suggest a Work Killer something that expels worms, and almost every child has them. Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed. Get a box today. Start at once, you won't have to coax, as Kicka poo Worm Killer is a candy con fection. Expels the worms, the cause of your child's trouble. 25c at your Druggist. FOREST HOSE Best flour on the market. Sold by all leading dealers. 3 For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years mil Tm ciitui mnn, ic o crrr. US 3 llifflS U mum