The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY, WAY 25, 1914.
bi nTTtnniiTU cBHf.urrKi v .inimNii
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CJ "How much the wife is dearer than the
bride." This is true when love is true.
J Let her value your wedding gift even
more as wife than bride. We help you
select gifts that will bear the test of years.
See Us For Graduation Gifts
Paul Wohlfarth Taken Sick.
From Friday's Daily:
Y-.terday l'aul Wohlfarth was
taken quilt violently ill at hi?
Ii mit in this city and it was
inffary to summon a physician
ti his bedside and an exainina
tioii of his t-ast' showed that he
was apparently suffering from an
attack tf appendieil is. Ht was
at once ordered packed in ice to
check the inllaniinat in aiiil to
await developments in the cast
a to whether an operation would
be necessary or not. The illness
of Paul will be the source of
mucli regret to his host of friends
here. anl they will anxiously
await favorable reports from his
Dull Feeling Swollen Hands and
Feet Due to Kidney Trouble.
Your kidneys need help when
your hands and feet thicken, swell
up. and you feel dull and slug
gish. Take Foley Kidney Pills.
They are tonic, stimulating and
strengthening anil restore your
Kidneys to healthy normal action.
Try l hem. Fur sale hy all drug
its. Receives a Very Fine Gift.
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday a large and complete
chest of -diver was receiveil here
liy C K. Wescott as a remem
brance from his old friends who
have supplied his store with goods
durintr the 3T years he has
lieen in business. The chest of
silver einhraces all manner of
silverware and is a most valuable
Try the Journal for stationery.
... For Infants and Children.
:Hi8 Kind Yea Have Always Bought
t Bears the
Signature of
Try Our Tasty Cakes All Kinds!
t A,..
r '
i . ' ' . 1
I -
f - r
f -v Z
" " ' i
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il1W1ii'Tr' Hi ' ji
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L, .' ' ' If
Makes You Hungry to See 'Em
"Everything Good To Eat"
The news of the wedding of a
former Cass county young lady
has jut been received here by
relatives, the ceremony taking
place in (Jermany. The bride is
Miss Amelia Metzger, a daughter
of Mrs. Mary Metzger, of near
Cedar Creek, ami the wedding
ceremony was performed at Ulm,
Germany, on Thursday, May 21.
The groom is Mr. Edmund Meyer,
a wealthy implement manufactur
er of Ulm. and there the couple
will make their future homo. Miss
Metzger is a most charming lady
ami possessed of a host of friemls
in this city and vicinity, who will
learn of her marriage with great
pleasure and extend to her their
heartiest best wishes for the hap
piness and prosperity of the new
ly wedded couple. Miss Metzger
was a student at the ts
moulh schools for a number of
years anl graduated from the
-chord in the class of 11)01, and
later attended the slate university
at Lincoln. She departed for
F.urope about a year ago to visit
the points of interest on the con
tinent, and while there met her
future husband, and their ro
mance culminated in the wedding
at Ulm on the 7th.
Keep Bowel Movement Regular.
Dr. King's New Life Pills keep
stomach, liver ami kidneys in
healthy condition. Rid the body
of poisons and waste. Improve
your complexion by Hushing the
liver and kidneys. "I got more
relief from fine box of Dr. King's
New Life Pills than any medicine
I ever tried," says C. E. Hatfield,
if Chicago, III. 25c at your
A Slice From Omar's Cake.
Come, eat your fill and in the fire
of spring
Your winter mor3el of denial fling.
The bird of time has but a little
To flutter, and the bird is on the
Make friends with our
cakes. They have the home
made quality that you like.
Made of best eggs and
purest materials.
One of our layer cakes, for
instance, adds to the joy of
living just tops off a meal
to perfection.
Orange cakes, sponge cakes,
plain cakes, chocolate cakes,
raisin cakes, crullers, lady
fingers, etc. all fine.
Road Overseer Coon F. Vallery
Has a Right to Feed Proud
of the Good Roads.
Through the courtesy of Major
Hall, one of Cass county's great
est good roads enthusiasts, the
Journal man was given a lively
auto ride out to the west end of
Plattsmouth precinct. Saturday
morning, passing over the main
traveled road leading to Louis
ville. The trip was made for the
purpose of looking at the road on
which Road Overseer Coon F
allery, Commissioner Juliu
Pitz and Henry Hirz, jr., are doing
sonic mighty good work. Mr. Val
lery is at work with his team,
plows and scrapers, and has one
assistant, employing the same
methods, while Commissioner
Pitz is at the steering wheel of
the big grader, and Henry- Hirz,
jr., pulling the same with his
leavy traction engine, and for
four days' work we must say that
hese four men have been doing
some fast grading.
The grading was commenced at
the extreme west end of the pre
cinct, and when completed will
extent! right up to the Platts
mouth city limits. The dirt is
eing graded to the center, leav
ing a good deep gutter at each
side, being made wider where
needed, hills taken off to some
extent, and the low places filled
in. Where the road winds to the
north across Four Mile creek, the
oad will be. straightened, the two
mall wootlen structure bridges
will be removed, and one perman
ent concrete bridge placed in the
center, filling in all the other ap-
troaches, making a straight line
rom hill top to hill fop, entirely
liminating this dangerous point
across tne creek notioni. inis is
certainlv one of the best loca
tions for one of the numerous
oncrete bridges that the com
missioners will place in during
the coming summer', which we
understand is something like
thirty in all.
This piece of road is about six
miles in length, ami handled as
it has been, the expense will be
ery light, which we suppose will
e paid out of the eommission-
rs' road fund, at least this is Mr.
Vallery's wishes, as he has a great
deal more work that he wants to
do in his district this summer.
Through the efforts of good roads
commissioners and good roads
overseers Cass county will soon
rank at the top on the good roads
proposition. It will pay other
road overseers to go over this
piece of road and then follow
tj it.
Howard Mitchell, a son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Mitchell, of
Omaha, formerly of this city, was
villed last evening at 0 o'clock in
Kansas City, Missouri, in a street
car accident. The news of the
death was telegraphed to the par
ents at Omaha, but no particulars
as to the accident have as yet
een learned. The mother of the
young man arrived here this aft
ernoon to make arrangements for
the funeral, as the body will ar
rive here tomorrow morning and
he funeral be held at the home
of Mrs. Elizabeth Travis at 2
o'clock, conducted by Rev. George
Mitchell of Courtland, Neb., and
interment made in the family lot
at Oak Hill.
Howard Mitchell was born in
this city 2G years ago, and re
ceived his education in the public
schools here, where his parents
resided until their removal to
Omaha some ten years gao. He
was engaged in business in Kan
sas City, where he had been for
the past few years, and was un
married. The body will be ac
companied to this city by his
brother, Samuel Mitchell, who
resides in Kansas City. To the
sorrow-stricken parents and
brothers and sisters the deepest
sympathy of the old friends
lere will be extended in the loss
of the son and brother, who is
cut down in the springtime of his
Curtain Nets
Lace Curtains
We are showing 40 different
patterns of Curtain Nets rang
ing in price from
15c to SI per yard
These are all exclusive pat
terns of the newest designs in
white Arabian ivory and ecru.
Also a full stock of Lace Cur
tainsa direct-from-the-fac-tory
shipment at prices from
50c to $5 per pair
We also offer a lot of odd cur
tains at a large discount.
A message was received here
this afternoon from Des Moines,
Iowa, announcing the death in
that city this morning of Mrs.
George V. Colvin, a sister of Mrs.
Rebecca Kennedy and Mrs. Ras
mus Peterson of this city. The
leceased lady had been in poor
lealth for some time ami death
came as the result of a stroke of
apoplexy. She was quite well ad
vanced in years, being 78 years
old. The body of this worthy
ady will be brought to this city
tomorrow morning and will be
aken to the home of her sister,
Mrs. Peterson. Announcement of
the time for the funeral will be
given tomorrow.
A seven anil one-half-pound
boy arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Latrom Thursday
morning of this week.
Guy Adams is limping around
with the aid of crutches, having
just recently cut a deep gash in
his right foot with a disc.
Dr. V. E. Ragan, wife anil
baby of Hebron, Neb., are visiting
at the home of the doctor's sister,
Mrs. V. P. Yoho and family.
Sanders Vanlandingham and
wife of Davey visited over Sun
day at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vanlanding
ham. We understand that Dr. Mc
Candless of Waverly has rented
rooms at the hotel at this place
and will open up an oflice about
June 1st.
Wm. Knapton, who is at a Lin
coln hospital having his 4iand
treated, is slowly improving and
hopes to be able to return home
in a week or so.
Mr. and Mrs. IT. L. Sealtergood,
who have been visiting the past
three weeks with relatives at
Napa and San Francisco, Cali
fornia, returned home last Satur
day. Dave Stall accompanied
While playing in a swing at
the school grounds the first of
the week Orr Hobson fell in such
a manner as In injure his hip
quite severely. Under the care of
a physician he is getting along
Invitations are out, announcing
the marriage of Ula Fair ITeebner
to Jesse West lake Wednesday
evening, June 3, at 8 o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ITeebner, Ne
ll awka, Neb.
Girls Wanted.
Two girls are wanted at, the
Perkins House immediately, for
general work.
State ft Ohio. City of Toledo. Lncas Count?.
Frank J. Cboney niakea oath that he i aenloc
fartn?r of tbe firm of J. C'hnejr & Co., do
ng buxlneas In the City of Toledo, County and
(Uate aforenald. and that aald firm will pay
each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure,
Sworn to before tne and subscribed in my
presence, this Cth day of December, A. D., 188&
Seal. A. W. GLEASOX.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and
acts directly uKn the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Send tor testimonials,
F. J. CnENET & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c. -Take
Hall's Family rills for constipation.
Boosters Overwhelm Bourgeois
Team of Omaha by a Score of
24 to 0 Yesterday.
The advent of the Bourgeois
base ball team of Omaha at the
Uooslep park yesterday afternoon
was an experience that the play
ers of that team will not stum
forget, as before three innings
were over they were overwhelmed
by the deluge of hits made off the
delivery of HotTer, their t wirier,
and the rest of the team was even
worse than the pitcher, as they
were unable to stop the ball when
knocked to them, and when they
succeeded in getting' their hands
on it could not tell what to do
with it anil wildly threw the ball
around the diamond, allowing the
Boosters to trot around the bases
at will, and the close of the
tragedy it was found that the re
sult was 2i to 0 in favor of the
Plattsmouth boys, and tire char
acter of ball played by the visit
ors may be judged by the score.
In the first inning the Boosters
secured six runs, ami every mem
ber of the team hatted once ami
Beal, the of the list came up
twice to face the visitors in this
inning, anil they were certainly a
thonuighly demoralized organiza
tion and had evidently no busi
ness o try and play base ball, al
though they were a very pleasant
bunch of young fellows and were
fully aware of their inability to
play the game as it should be.
The inability of the visitors to
connect with the ball caused tin
locals to fatten their stolen base
record, and McCauley added to his
laurels by stealing home while
the pitcher was deliverintr the
ball to the batter, anil to accom
modate his steal the catcher
dropped the ball. The game was
long drawn out anil to add to the
weariness of the contest the dust
swept down in clouds inlo the
grandstand and made it decidedly
uncomfortable for the spectators
who were present to witness the
The only really sensational
feature of the game was a catch
made in the seventh inning by
Mason in left field, when be an
nexed one of the drives of the
visitors, making a long run for it
and nailing it with one hand. Pike
who was on the mound for the
Boosters, was in the best of form
and had the visitors under con
trol at all stages of the game,
and as a result they never grew
in the least dangerous. The line
up of the teams was as follows:
Bourgeois. Boosters.
Lang catcher Neitzel
Hoffer pitcher Pike
F. Krejci.. . first base . .McCauley
Hopkins., second base ....Smith
Worlaml... Shorstop . ..Parriott
J. Krejci.. third base . ...Heroh
Stark right field . ...Arrie?
Henbrush.. . center Beal
Risley left Mason
The following taken form the
Red Lodge, Montana. I'iekel, will
he of much interest here, as it
contains in formation of Henry
Madsen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Madsen of this eity, and
who sinee leaving here has en
gaged in business in that state:
The furniture and fixtures of
the Cilohe cafe, closed last week
by the Fromherg Slate bank un
der foreclosure of chat tie mort
gage, were sold under execution
Wednesday by Sheriff W. If. CSebn
and were bid in by the bank for
Henry Madsen, the pioneer
restaurant man and proprietor of
the lunch counter, has secured a
lease on the cafe building from
Charles Akin and will open an
up-to-date eating house therein
as soon as the new furniture and
fixtures ordered by him from the
eastern factory arrive.
The . interior of the building
will be renovated and fixed up in
first-class condition. Mr. Madsen
has ordered a 30-foot lunch
counter and revolving stools and
expects to open his new eating
house in about 30. days. lie will
call it "Hank's Place."
WV'WVWV V '-V w w - -
T T T7
We have just received a very fine line
of Imported Hand-made Baskets. You
can find baskets suitable for any and
all purposes.
Bread Baskets, Fruit Baskets.
Fern Baskets, Work Baskets.
It will pay you to look at our west
window, where they are now on dis
play. It may be that you will find
the very basket that you have been
looking for so long.
Boston's Noted Beauty Specialist Mrs. E. LEWIS.
TJic S&joJUL Store
CP Tli"'! sat
Free Facial Massages,
Free Personal Beauty Advice.
MRS. LEWIS is representing one of the largest Toilet
Requisite manufacturers in the United States, and it is
with much pleasure, on our part to have the opportunity of
offering the ladies of l'lattsmouth the free services of such
an expert Beauty Specialist. Appointments made in your
ov:i home by telephone.
F. & CO.
Sole Distributors for Harmony Toilet Requisites,
Plattsmouth, Tho Q&caJUL Storm
Phone No. 106
Plattsmouth Readers Are Learn
ing the Way.
It's the little kidney ills
The lame, weak or aching
The unnoticed urinary dis
orders That may lead to dropsy and
IUight's disease.
When the kidneys are weak,
Help them with I loan's Kidney
A remedy especially for weak
Doan's have been used in kid
nev troubles for r years.
Endorsed by 30, nop people
endorsed by citizens of this lo
cality. . William flilmour, farmer, four
miles south of Plat tsmouth, says:
"One of my family had been suf
fering intensely from lameness
in the back. She got no relief
until she began using Doan's
Kidney Pills. They did more to
relieve these troubles than any
thing else that had previously
been taken."
Price r0c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
set Doan's Kidney Pills the
Drug Si ore Monies:
You don't have to write on clay tablets nowadays.
Instead you use pen and ink and fine paper, with
Uncle Sam your servant for a song. Let us be
your stationery servant. We're well trained and
can "deliver the goods" at right prices.
Mauzy Drug Company
Phone No. 10G
same that Mr. CJilmour recom
mends. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props, Buffalo, X. Y.
New Baby Boy at Steger Home.
The home of Rev. and Mrs. J.
If. Steger was visited Saturday
evening by the stork, who left in
their charge a bouncing new baby
boy, who will make his home with
them in the future. The little
man is a fine and handsome lad
and his arrival was the source of
a great ' deal of pleasure to the
parents, who were proud and de
lighted over the new addition Jo
the family. The mother and liltle
son are both doing nicely and the
father is just about as proud as it
is possible for anyone to be. The
best wishes of the many friends
will be extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Steger on the arrival of the new
heir, with the heartiest, best
wishes for his future welfare.
Residence for Sale.
Two-story brick on Main and
8th streets, contains 8 rooms,
not including bath room and
closets. Beautifully located and
modern fixtures. Two and a half
lots, with trees, barn and out
houses. For further particulars
address Silas Long, 648 N. 2Gth
St., Lincoln, Neb.