The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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MONDAY, MAY 25, 1914.
Cbc pfattotnoMtb journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattemouth, N e b r.
Entered at the l'ostoflice at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Price: S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
REVISING DIVORCE LAWS. Cass county eypended $28,7U0
While thero is an unknown last year for roads and $22,207
percentage of the population that for bridges.
looks upon liberal divorce laws as :o:-
a blessing instead of an evil, the The man who says that politics
ft. . i - rt 4 1,,. 1 . i : I .. i i i
0n..iL iihus ui me population I ari! ma very inucn compncaiou
lakes a different view The nuiii-liii Nebraska 1 iocn'1 Iriwivv vnrv
..... . v... - "- . m m ..
ber of divorces in the United much about the condition of af- lifldJOriiy 01 1111111311 rdlllliy r3SS
Males is greater in proportion to fairs.
I me population man any other -;o:-
country except Japan, there be-
In days gone by the "dude" and
the Tube"' represented two of the
extremes of life. Today the dude
i idill with us, a useless piece of
of rubbish. but the rube has
pa.-sed into the history of men. A
lew years ago no publication of
general circulation was consider
ed complete without a caricature
of the rube fanner. He was gen
erally portrayed in patched over
alls luek into cowhide bots with
heels looking It ini in the face,
spike-tailed whiskers and shaggy
bair. an old straw hat, with hair
slicking through the crown, and a
facial expression of the utmost.
a-toiii.-hiiient or imbecility. Hi;
one gallus completed the picture
Hut where is the ruhe todav? He
is on the farm, in the shops, tin
.-tores, the factories: he is high
m the professions and -his voice
i heard in the halls of congress;
he di-peiises justice from the
judicial bench and represents his
country in foreign climes;, he is
digi-iiii: tin- wealth from the
bowels of the earth, and search
ing the In aveiis for the worlds of
the unknown. In a few ears in
tellect, honesty and dogged de
termination have carried him to
highest seats of the mighty. And
while some of the Tubes" have
left the soil in search of wider
li'-M-, others hae remained on
the farm the one class of people
upon whom all the world depends
and without which the pie of
the earth would cease to exist,
lb- still owns his farm, but it is
paid for, i well slocked, and the
latest improved machinery is
ee where in evidence. The
"Tube" .f the farm is dressed in
epen-ie clothing- of the latest
sensible pattern, drives his own
As the democratic candidate
ing an annual average here of 73 for senator conies from Otoe
Hon. John Mattes now has a divorces to the 100,000 popula- county, the candidate for float
clear Held for senator, so far asjtion, while Japan has 215. Aus- representative should come from
Otoe county is concerned. tria has only 1, Ireland less than Cass county. Fair nlav. bovs.
o: 1, England and Wales 2, the Ger- :o:
mm 1 1 I 1 1 I . . I
ji everynouy in coiorauo is tu man empire 15, France 23. Swed- War has been declared on the
Through Life as if Asleep.
no disarmed let us nope mat me en 8, and Switzerland 32. The tight and shadow skirts that
tirst move will not be to lake the grounds for divorce in this coun- "cover everything and conceal
glittering prospectuses away try range from one in New York, nothing." Hut it must be pre-
from the real estate agents. in the District of Columbia and. sumed that Damn Fashion will he
- practically, in North Carolina to enough like the stubborn Huerta
In case the United States de- fourteen in New Hampshire, to hold out for a season or two
cities upon a policy of uuiversal South Carolina permits no di- longer.
Iienee !ln nr'linncrii citcrriwlo I li i I I l ll riM. i
..vt, ..... , .-upP. .1 '""MMiur tiu iin. x ne i mi nations i . n -
.... i i
llie goernm.'iit turn the big can- proposed by the bar committee The man who wrecked the Car-I
nous up on end and use them for are in effect in some of the states, negie Trust enmpanv has been
.sil3. I Vhft Imp fliov Imvn imnrovrl run I nil pi !wl hv 1 1 1 irocnrmn. if Vni-
.o. unions is a mailer of dispute. iork, without having- served a
Assistant Attorney General There are few subjects that day in prison. Many of New
Kdgerlon has entered the race appear to defy all rules to the de- York's bright young gunmen no
for the republican nomination I gree that divorce does. There doubt realize their mistake in not
for congress. The First district are no more rigid divorce laws taking up finance.
: 1 1 t I . . . -111. 1 1 - m r
win surety nave a suuiciency oilman mat 01 xsew lorn, yet ill :o:
republican candidates after a never occurs to the country to 1 he plan for the submission of sians 5:14
while, if they keen on coming; look upon New York as a do-1 a nation-wide nrohibit ion amend.
i - i
:o :
Petitions are being circulated conditions in South Carolina, shuffle, and should be. Every
. I a . .. I...
in some parts of the state to
I'russia. wim ont
Gome Asleep In Death Others Asleep
In Ignorance and Superstition Still
Others Asleep In f Worldliness Some
Christians Half Asleep The Awak-
I ening of the Soul Mental Eyes Open-
the child In sympathetic terms those
thoughts which It is so ready to receive
from any one ill whom it has confl
One groat difficulty, the rastor de
clared, seems to be that children lose
confidence in those whom they find to
he deceitful. Kven if the person has
never deceived the child. It soon finds
out whether he deceives other people
or practises falsehood in any way; and
as a result of that knowledge the child
mind is perverted. It loses faith in
others, and imbibes that saraedls
honesty of purpose find thought. The
speaker also deplored the fact that
some parents seem to think it wise and
proper to teach children to take advan
tage of somebody else, and even to lib
a little, in order to furtber present in
forests. This, ho declared, is a serious
Those who awaken to n sense of re
sponsibility to their Creator should
arise from tho dead condition as far
Ing to See Things In a New Light
The Light of the World The Sun of 3 possible, the Pastor holds. He re
Riohtniiiu.o. Di.'r.. a:u ui-,i: I minded his hearers that when one first
9 - --w w -wuW ivmiii J
In His Beams Will Dispel Darkness.
On the Atlantis,
May 24. Pastor
It u s s e 1 1, whose
Photo - Drama of
Creation Is awak
ening new zeal In
the study of the
Word of God
everywhere it is
be ins presented.
preached today
from the text,
"Awake, thou that
eleepest, and arise
Kir fi ftL
awakens in the morning, there is a
mental freshness which is Invariably
lost If ono turns over and falls asleep
So the moment of the soul's awaken
in?? is a favorable moment of which to
take advantage. Hut if the soul lias no
encouragement at that critical moment
It may drop off to sleep again. All who
are awake should do all In their power
to encourage those who have Just
awakened, that these may rise from
the dead world ami bo separate from
conditions around them.
"Christ Shall Give Theo Light."
The speaker declared that merely to
awake to a realization of one's eondl
inestic Eden.
from the deadand tlon, merely to arise from the dead
Christ shall give theo light." Pphe- condition of the human race as respects
higher tilings. Is not to be a Christian.
The Pastor Introduced his theme " "lle Christ gave the light which en-
abled us to see. first of nil tlml- th
.w.;.vl.vo..- . ..... ....... t i. ii. .1 "c vuo-vi.uuuu lu iimj.nuj - - " .
.-.e.e.r...s .... ..v. o i-M,,,,, sen u3 jiuuso,,, of imujanitv nre not awake: that thev t sin is tieatn, i.ut the gift of
found grounds for criticism of seems to have been lost in the seem to be nassimr through life in n God ls eternal life through Hie He-
huffle. and should be Every Kearny state; that as a rule they xre 'r ie novyly awakened must
. v , . ilfi.(fl 0t,rtll. i ttL-cr .n uum us lut'ir Jiansom-s:icnno
.i . .. . I a . I luniUK UiVUi. lUt: llUliliaiiL! L" I
wneie mere is no divorce at all.liaie lias llie power to enact a r r nf ni,nf n luiuu, niust lay hold upon Ilim. before thev
I 1 u.wauiii..-. I . ... . .
omnibus" nndiibition law for the i-milmt .if what to eat and drink, what to wear. m'li uo consiuercu christians.
I I ... PncfAn TtirL-All i ii..
cause for divorce in addition to its own people. Every state has-"-? " '"Ar, U do: sto . ,"t "Z
, . i i nuicu, ept-uus ii3 Liuic miuKing aooui I 1 -
iiuee speciuu grounds, nas yel me same power lo adopt woman these things rather than about the -03 or unacrstnc:ing opened. The
shown a deerensn in the number suirraire. Th.-iiv enon.Oi thlucs that nertain to find, to iri iviii step is to recognize that we are all
and His ways, and to the everlasting
life of the futurn.
rest of the world has shown an There may be sonic good in- Then tlm itor romtn.i.,,1 i,ta n.T.
abolish the ollice of county as
sessor. There is nothing to the
ollice but the salary. The pre
cinct assessors do most of the
work, and the work imposed upon nf divorces granted, while all the
the county assessor can just as
well be done bv the county clerk increase. The manner of en- tenuous among those democrats ence how this state of mental inactlvi-
:o: forcement of the law and thehvbo want Governor Morehead to 17 , ,3 . Drouut a bo.ut- Wiethe
i , i uuu ju t;t"rai may ue sain ro be
Hill price gives the congres- aiuiuue 01 society to- niu again ior governor, but the asleep, In one sense of the word it is
I i . I t ... I 1 rr a .
sional raei. :i rosv- Iin ;. i,ijaru uivnrceil persons appear to lanuiiariiy of that celebrated utau- J-nus me Apostie ueciares or the
favor. He claims "there are but liave ,,,,,Ie inuoncc than the let- Italian hand does not look good HLLil. V.L.l
I . I ..ww.-w. wuww JVA Jiu.. iLT t llUli: KSL 111
icr ol me statute. It is question- to us. Consequently we would is under the sentenco of death passed o.i
I . . . - . I " "
two dark spots one in Pawnee
county and one in Plattsniouth.
able whether the provision forU'mition the governor to make
When the vole at the primary is rt',lia,riage "with consent of the baste slowly in the direction of
upon Father Adam because of his dis
obedience to the Divine command
sinners and to accept Christ as our Pe-
deemer from the curse of sin and death.
Those who take this step are shown
tiie second step that of consecration.
Unless that step is taken, the light will
not shine much more clearly for that
individual. Those who take each step
as soon as it is clearly seen will go on
from grace to grace, from knowledge to
knowledge; for "the path of the just is
as tho light which sbineth more
more unto the perfect day." So
the people of God who Lave escaped
from the bondage of sin and death, and
have come into Christ as New Crea
tures, have become overcharged with
worldly cares, and thus may figura
tively be said to have fallen asleep
again. The sleepy ones will not be
of the Kingdom class, he declared, tit.
Paul says that the true Church are nut
of those who are asleep, but ere chil
dren of the Day; and therefore they
are to remain awake and be sober,
looking for tho great salvation which
ls to bo brought unto them at the Sec
ond Comiug"bf our Lord.
Those of tho Church who go to sleep
now are those who are overcharged
with tho cares of this world and with
tho deceitfulness of riches whether by
intermarrying and thus having the
world brought so close to them that
they are overcomo by Its influence; or
whether by business entanglements or
alliances or partnerships, or what not,
that may be unfavorable to their spir
itual Interests nnd their consecration
to God. After one has become thor
oughly awake, and has become a mem
ber of the Po:ly of Christ, there is
great danger that such a one may be
come overcharged with worldly tares
nnd the deceitfulness of riches. One
may get the dec-eltfulness of riches
without having the riches; for the ef
fort to get the riches may develop the
The Awakening of the World.
The Pastor then discussed his text
from the standpoint of the future. At
the beginning of the New Day of
Christ the world will be asleep some
in death, others in Ignorance and su
perstition. Put the tumult of the Time
of Trouble, with which the .Scriptures
everywhere declare the change of dis
pensation will be accompanied, will
certainly awaken the majority of those
who are not in their graves. Some are
awakening now; later, the whole world
will awake, and Christ will give them
Tho thousand years of the Messianic
Kingdom will be a time of rising from
the dead. Not merely those who are
in their graves will arise, but all who
are living at the time of the establish
ment of the Kingdom will be awak
ened, before the awakening of those
In tho tomb. When awake both classes
will begin to rise out of sin and death
conditions, trying to get a little higher
and more awake. In order that they
may receive some of tho blessings of
that glorious time.
The Scriptures declare that at that
time the Suu of PigLteousness Christ
and the glorified Church will arise
with healing in its beams. Then the
poor world, that have been in sorrow,
pain, crying and dying, afllicted of the
Devil for six thousand years, will be-
aut'nitliile, owns .-dock in banks,
and puts his surplus wealth out
at iutere.-t on long-time mort
gages. His -ons and daughters
are in the .-ehools. the colleges.
the universities, and he and hi-
wile enjoy lile us the most in
dependent and carefre' mortals
on earth. Haiti tunes conic and
go. but they do not bother tin
"rube-' of today. He has enough
and to spare, and his scientific
met h. of farming are yearly
adding- to 1ms store nf wealth.
The "rube'' of yesterday is the
oinj. Mili-lantial citizen of to
day the bulwark behind which a
numbly nation rests in security.
While Nebraska fared quit
badly in the selection of regional
bank. il has secured two of the
reserve hanks ,,,u. at (jmaha and
one at Lincoln.
I.e.-. I we Torgel is Hill price
Hiil in the race for congress- He
doesn't eem in J,e bustling very
much. Mavbe he thinks it is use
less, as he don't stand any show,
Strangers who come to this
city remark as to the beauty of
the Elks' temple on North Sixth
street. It undoubtedly is a beauty
and may it be a joy to its mem
bers forever.
Governor Morehead uses excel
lent judgment when be consults
bis own mind in regard lo run
ning fr governor again, lie has
been in politics long enough to
know that it does not take very
much urging to get some fellows
to sign a petition, and that the
schemers w1k waul him out of
the way in the congressional race
will resort to everything within
counted, our friend, price, will
liud there arc numerous other
Mark spots" be hadn't counted
Champ Clark will be a candid-
ale again for congress in tin
-Multi .Missouri district. No man
V.H.. in congress nas as
many friends in his district as
Champ has in the Ninth Missouri
IN' is a man who never goes back
n his friends, and that is on
reason he retains the friendship
of the democrats in his district.
Champ is a politician, but he i
not one on the hypocritical order.
Teddy says he is in favor of tin
new parly. ho would have
thought when Roosevelt was
lecled president in lUOi that he
would be guilty of an effort to
disrupt the party that made him
what he is? Hut that's the rule
r ruin policy of leaders in both
parties. Teddy made Taft and
then turned around and defeated
him for re-election because he
Y'!l!.ljl I.. 1... 1 . 1 . .
......... a lw iuesiueni again
himself. There are others, how
ever, in the same boat wilh Teddy,
but not in the same parly.
The gubernatorial light in the
democratic parly is exciting con
siderably more interest than one
not posted might suppose, and
from present indications there is
a posibilily that bad feeling is
likely to result at the general
election lo such an extent that
the man who secures the nom
ination will be defeated. George
W. Herge proposes to remain in
the race until after the primary,
and the same can be said of
Charley Hryan, who is simply
awaiting to see what Governor
Morehead intends to do. This is
llie true situation right now. Un
der such circumstances a reg
ular Kilkenny fight must occur
If it were possible for Governor
Morehead to be the only can
didate we are ready to say 'amen"
to his running, but otherwise the
Journal would advise the gover-
tlieir power to accomplish their
object. We again caution the nor to "tread lightly" in that di
governor to look out for breakers. J reclion.
ty, all mankind, shared with them the
penalty, "Dying, thou shalt die." Gen
esis 2:17. margin.
But this death sentence that was
in 11 a... I - J t -
coun wouiu do sausiaciorv. consenting io run again lor gov-
sucn consent could readily be se- U'i nor
eureu in an ex pane proceeding. :o:
About its only value would be to One of the initiative proposals passed upon all has been changed, the
furnish more work for lawyers, on which Californians must pass slieaker asserted, to bo a sentence of
x- , , ., .ir . , m ,,4,. , ... , ,. , . sleep, from which there Is to be an
Nor would the "friend of the at this falls election would pro- awakening. God foreknew the fall of
court" be able fo make nior fh.nn llibit anv emnlover nermil t iir man. and nurDOSed to redeem the hn-
. r i .... i ..." . . man familv from rieith in tho Titvino Then wo were merely looking toward
a lierfimef orv invent i"n ..... f.... I n tiv link- 1. i .... . i ... ....... t uiuu uunj iiumueaiu. an tne unine J
then. In order to nroirress one must
I t:ltf tllrt Kffn of fill! ri.ncr' tni fill i ... j. ... .-,
first parents sinned, and their poster!- the lord. I f r.ikT,,T V lu'ueemer
... . I- 1'Oro. lor deliverance from tlu nownt- n
I V.
tan. For the thousand years of the
Next the Pastor pointed out the mis- -Messianic Kingdom the Devil will be
take which many of us have made In l'uliUJ and hure no power to deceive
the past. We did not really know tn? I'eor,e- The true light will then
what it is to be a Christian. We do t,luuc ouc anu tne darkness of su
not become Christians, members of the T , uuu -Suora"ee will be scat-
P.ody of Christ, when first we awake
or when first we arise froin the dead.
in i.i,iii1mvi1i1.iiI , wuu muiiij irum aeatu. an tue uivine , " . "
in ills tinpioim nt tot prnmm vns Dm T.rimh nf fiwi Christianity, merely getting the soul
i o ice. .irornevs for non-resi work over eight hours a dav. llie cinin fm u.r.irn h awake to see the possibility of liar
" - V- I . fcV- VtV IUV lUUUUllLlll VI IUU "
dent defendants in practice gen- farmers are not enthusiastic over -'or,J- Therefore, because God had "ny with God and escape from the
- I I -
purposed the redemption and restitu
erallv look- i,n.. lh.",. .,-.;f Ih,- me:...,-.- :,..l ii... ,urHW'ca lUL reueml
' 1 v" ulTU,m- ' "" " tlon of humanity by an awakening
ment as a formality. Hut the k'"ilby domestics are vainly try- from death. Ho always speaks of death
court itself might by cross-ex- ing to devise a schedule lo m as a slceP. when communicating with
animation of a complainant in a snch a law.
default case often ascertain that :o:
the whereabouts of a construe- The rural route carries will
lively served defendant is really meet in Weeping Water on 1 eco tUo awakening of some of the world in
thoso who believe.
The Awakening of the Soul.
Proceeding to his text, the Pastor
discussed his theme in three divisions:
the present time, tho awakening of the
Christian, and the future awakening
known. The fact that a divorce rat ion day to discuss matters of
fraudulently obtained is not a di- interest to themselves. Every of the world during the Messianic
voice at all is not known to many carrier in Cass county should Kcizn. To all who come to tho Lord.
. . i uu vJV,v-t4&-V4. vuuu: .i li iitt: it 11V 11
a condition for make it a point to attend. As they began to think of snbiects un-
Which a Certain tvoe of !.iwver Saturday. May :m i :i holid.-iv- if thoucht of before the hiuher thimrs.
is much to blame. There arc hives them all an opportunity' iLSC -,crtailinr to fll ,Hi the worM
I 1 1 rr nm T r tr flint IT run enmn mil
lO'l in? r 1 a . I .. 1 1 . 1 a ..I
.o...,j uuux-s, io pe. corrected, but aueiiu, ami mey cannot benelit been steeped in sin and degradation
whether the evil may be checked themselves any more than bv at- others had lived merely for the pres
by multiplication of rules or in- tending this convention.
crease of court machinery i
j vj
World's Trial Future.
Tho Pastor then drew a soul-lusplr-ing
picture of future conditions as fig
uratively show n in the Scriptures. Tho
New Age will not bring in full light
all at once. The great Sun of Pight
eousness Christ and the glorified
Church will have a gradual rising,
like the natural sun. Gradually its
rays will dispel the darkness and
clouds; gradually the light of day will
increase. During tLo thousand years
the world will be rising gradually from
the dead. It will require the entire
period of a thousand years to accom
plish the resurrection of tho world,
now dead in trespasses and sins.
The Pastor strengthened his argu
ment with a description of the per
sonal test which God will bring to
each member of the restored race at
tho close of the Messianic Peign, when
Christ will have delivered up the King-
ent and seemed never to think about
anything except the trivial affairs of
everyday life. Put somehow they be
gan to realize that they were sinners
and that there was a sentence against
them. Perhaps they got the right
The congressmen may buckle
down to their lessons, now that
they have been promised a re
cess on July 10. Why not on the
glorious Fourth?
Teddy no more than lands at
Oyster Hay when he jumps right
mto the political wh.rl. George slruct hil cilI
W . Perkins gets right in the game
also. This doesn't look very
mucn like sidetracking the bull riMfl ,M1, ,viI
moose party.
Governor Morehead has never
been defeated yet for any posi
tion to which he has aspired, and view, that this sentence was one of
we believe "if l, r,.n f..,. death; but more likely they got the
gross he will be nominated uiul otprnai tnrmpnt
elected hands down. Everyone Then the Pastor showed that the ma
knows he has made a .spiOIUiid Jority of children reach this Important
crisis between the ages of twelve and
governor, and with his experience fifteen years. At that period there is
in public affairs he will fill the a great change in human nature; and
bill .,u .-.., ..r therefore it is a most advantageous
o iee- . f tb f f sniritu:ll Krowlh
lion, and no one will have to in- to spring up in those who have reach
ed the age of responsibility. The
speaker here dwelt upon the duties of
parents and teachers who have control
We can learn a lesson from of the voung at this Important stage of
son, a lesson in development While he fully believes
in Uie liupoixaiice ui uuhiih,, h uiuu
In the nurture and admonition of the
patience for one thing, but a bi
ger lesson in keeping an open L.ord from the very beginning of its
existence, yet he holds that both par
s ii ii I Ii i ii 1- i ti rr
O out i-iiinniiip 1, l.,M
nave we iorgotten the days I mind and doin
tl-ti n. .. . . 1 I a - I
,JUI iwrciauiers lought for down a straight line. Wilson niprt with children at this most favor
freedom, and that their posterity says he lets anyone teach him. nble time for opening their mental eyes
".iSl,t cjs; Ufe. liberty an,! the If another ma.. has a belter idea jSr.SSS
liuisuit of happiness? Have we than be has Wilson takes it for of the present life to the higher things
forgotten the Declaration of In- his own and puts it to use. What pertaining to the life to come.
"Arise From the Dead."
Tim Pastor next pointed out the falla
cy of the belief that the "young must
aow their wild oats." and expressed re
gret that even Christian parents seem
t "be imbued with this false idea.
Those who sow wild oats, he main
tained, will reap wild oats: for -"whatsoever
a man soweth, that shall he also
reap." according to the Scriptures. Ills
thought is that from the beginning of
its existence the child mind should be
kept near the Divine standard. The
parents should be able to express to
.i i ...... . i
utifuueui-e signed by those brave an admirable scheme. Why be
Patriots who signed that declara- stubborn with your ideas when
tion, and have we forgotten the someone else has a better one,
meanm- of that great document? an idea that will make you hap-
seems so; when wo forget the pier and keep you out of trouble.
glorious Fourth of July, that day The president is giving us some-
)f all others that should be re- thing to follow, lessons in pali-
menibered by every true Ameri- ence, straight thinking, and ap-
can. The Fourth of July is the propriating- any idea that comes
day to display our patriotism, and along, discarding our own when
C t S tlO it . I f hp. n pv nn Pc enile nc holfop
condemnation upon the world. As St.
Paul declares, there is condemnation
upon all except those who are In Christ
Jesus. Put from the moment wo get
into Christ we lose the condemnation
of death that came upon the race be
cuuse of Adam's disobedience. Then
v.e are individually on trial for life.
The first trial for life everlasting was
given to rather Adam, the Pastor said.
Adam failed to pass the test, and thus
Lrouglrt condemnation upon all his pos
terity the world of mankind. It Is n
point in law that a man under con
demnation for a capital offense cannot
Le condemned again unless first freed
from the previous condemnation. As
u juee, uwiiMuu nu temeiiceu iu uo in unto the Father, and mankind
Heath by uod s Law, "Dying, thou will have been left to themselves,
shalt die." Since all humanity is un- Those wjio have learned really to love
der this condemnation no one can have the right and to hate the wrong will
an Individual trial through Christ un- be ready for such a test; those who
til first he has gotten free from that have not developed such a character
condemnation which is the penalty of will not be ready.
Adam's sin. So the mere awakening The nature of this test we may not
to a realization of our condition does yet know definitely, the Pastor said,
not give any one a second trial for life. In the Ilevelation it is represented as
Arising from the condition of sin and the loosing of Satan, to go forth to de
degradation and trying to live an hon- ceive the whole world of restored hu
est, decent life would not mean that inanity. Everybody who has any sym
one had passed into trial again. pa thy whatever with evil will "be de-
. , -r i m ceived into taking the wrong course.
Church Only on Trial Now. iiio i i . . .
. , , r Doubtless those w ho have reached per-
Then the Pastor demonstrated from foction of J)ature wouH
Scripture that only the Church class take that courso if tm,v rt.aIizca t,;Jt
are now on trial for life, and that the lt woud brlng deat,; upon t,Ln).
world is not on trial at all, but is "dead therefore thev w ould dodge the wrong
in trespasses and sins." The world's course merely for fear of the conse-
j.ulgment lies iu tho future. The quences. p.iit God is not pleased to
Church's judgment has been progress- -ive life everlasting to those who
Ing for nearly nineteen hundred years. Would morel v dod;? the non-iite ..f
The first to be tried was the Head of wrong doing. Only those who love
the Church our Lord and Savior Jesus right as He loves right will receive the
Christ, lie was found worthy and vas boon of life.
glorified. The Apostles were tried, and In conclusion, the Pastor showed
throughout the Gospel Age the Individ- those who fail to pass the final test
ual members of the Church have been will be destroyed in the Second Death,
tried. Soon the trial of the Church And that this action on God's part will
will have been finished, the last not be unjust or unkind. Mankind
member will have passed beyond the were born without life rights, and God
eil and entered into the joys of his has not promised them eternal life.
Lord. l"e blessings of the Incoming Age
Those begotten of the Holy Spirit are all of Free Grace. All of His
are now on trial for life on the spirit blessings must be appreciated from
plane. All thus on trial will fall into the standpoint of right "and w rong.
one of three classes. One of these -Ihose who fail to learn tho prlnci-
lasses will get the highest place the Pies of righteousness will not be ac-
Divine nature as members of the ceptable with God. either now or in
L.oyal Priesthood. Another will get a the future. God seeketh such as wor-
lower place on the spirit plane, as ship Him in spirit and in truth, such
members of tho Great Company the as love righteousness and hate iiilqui-
anti-typical Levites. The third class ty injustice. Christ Is to be the
will not get life on any plane. This great Light-giver to mankind "the
class will probably not bo large, the true Light that lightcth every man
speaker thought. that conieth into the world." Happy
Applying his t.-xt to the Church, the are all they who receive that Light
Pastor said that he was not sure but now!
Ciat many professed followers of "Awake, my soul, stretch every ncrvo
Christ are asleep. In the context the And i're.s -with vigor on:
Aoestle seems to imply that some Of A heavenly rnce demands thy icaL
And an Immortal crown."