The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    JVTONDAY, MAY 25, 1914.
Cass County, ss.
in 'on nt v Court.
In the Matttr of tiie Estate of William
LfUuy, Dftt-aseu.
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of suid uri-eued that healings will
be had upon claims fild again, t said
-talf, before me. County .Indite of
Cats Count v, NVt-ru. ka. at the County
Court room' in i'lalts-mouth, in said
Countv. on the 2::rd day of May IS 14.
rnd on the 14 th day of November, 1K14.
at 10 o'clock a. m.. eacli day for ex
a id ina t ion. adliistnient and allowance.
All claims must )e filed in said Court
on or before s-aid !ast hour of liearlnsr.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
Countv Ouri. at I'lattsnioutli. N-l.ra-ka.
this day of Apiil, A. L.
Count v Judge.
mitici-: ok ii v i. m:tti.i:mi:nt.
Iu ln- County Court ot Couuly,
to ll pei:s ns interested ix
Von v ill take notice that on t!i ?th
.lav of Ma'', 1!'14. .Jacob U. llenucii.
-.,le tMT-vivit!? exccut'T of the estate
of I'orneliu-; I'.niT'-n. deceased, and
. dministralor of th- tate of Cric tje
H..imi, .1. -ceased, tiiod reports of his
accounts, acts and doinii in each of
aid estates and his petitions for final lenient thereof. pray in a? for an
(,n!.r discharirinK him from his said
l.earlnsr on so id report-- and peti
tions will l.e had on the 1st day of
.Inne, l 1 4 . at !' o'clock in the fore
no.,., or as soon thereafter as the
srttne' can he heard. at the County
'..iirt Koom in the Co-irt House in the
Citv of 1'lattstnonth. t'ass County, Ne
braska, at whiih time anl idai-e all
objections, if any filed to said reports
and accounts, will be heard and ion-
Si ieled.
If no objections are filed to said re
ports and 'accounts on or before said
last hour set for hearing, the praver
of said petitions mav be prranted and
said estates settled and the Executor
.-mi Administrator thereof, discharged
from Ids trusts as prayed.
Kate: Mav !'th, I'M 4.
liV THE Citl'IiT:
County Judjre.
Attorney for Estates.
To Alfred 1 . Jones. A. 1 . Jones, I. V .
Ilardv. J. V. Hardv. Join J. Abel.
John I. Abell. El.en S. Wheeler, E. S.
Wheeler, and the unknown heirs and
devisees of Ithamar l'illsbury, de
ceased :
You and each of vou will take notice on the 7th day of May. l'.14. Maud
H. Fuller tiled her petition in the 1'is
trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
atrninst you and each of you, the
ohlect and prayer of which are that
she mav be adjudtred the owner in fee
simple of lots four 4. rive 5 and
six ;. of block fifty-four f.4. in the
City of I'lattsinouth. Nebraska, freed
from all claims of an estate or interest
therein of said defendants, and each of
them and all persons claiming by.
through, or under them be perpetually
en joined from claiming or assertintr
anv riirht, title, interest, or risrht of
j.ossession in and to said premises
adverse to the riirht, title, interest, or
riirht of possession of this plaintiff,
her heirs or assiirns. and from rnter
ferinir in any manner, with the quiet
and peaceful enjoyment of said prem
ises by said plaintiff: and that a cer
tain real e-tatemorttrasre for said lands,
recorded in book 1"). at pace 4:14. of the
mortuaice records of Cass County, Ne
braska, from Sam'!. M. Chapman and
wife. Asrnes P., to Ithamar Eillsbury.
be canceled and satisfied of record,
and the clouds thereby cost upon the
plaintiff's title removed, and for such
other relief as equity may require1.
Vou and each of vou are required to
answer said petition on or before
Mondav. the 2md day of June. IVIA,
and in failinsr so to do your default
will be entered therein anil the allega
tions of the said petition taken to be
r.v A. G. COLE.
Her Attorney.
The County Hoard of Equal iza.
tkji will set for t lie purpose of
equalizing the assessment of
Cas County for the year 191 J, in
the Commissioners' chamber at
the Court House, in Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, beginning Tuesday,
June iith, 191 I, at 8 o'clock a. ni.,
and continue from dav to day till
noon on Saturday, June, 10th,
All claims for equalization
must bf tiled on or before noon of
Friday. June 12th. 101 L
County Clerk
Local News
Do you know that the Journal
office carries the finest line of
stationery In the city?
of the
Bank of Murdock
Of Murdock, Neb., Incorporated in the
State of Nebraska, at the close of
business, May 10th, 1914.
Loans and discount
c veril rafts
Hanking houe. furniture and fixtures
Other real etate
Current expenses, taxes and interest
Cash items
tue from nat'l and state
hanks 52ti.--2.T3
Checks and items of ex
change 42 3-
Currency 2.-." in)
(iold coin 41(1 00
Mlver, nickels and cents. 7M 31 42
1CW.M5 12
4.000 00
514 13
?143.T7T 43
Capital stork paid in ?1.".000 po
Surplus fund tioO 00
I'ndivided profits T71 2ti I
individual dejiosits subject
to c heck 61.1.772 70
Time- certificates of dei'sits iU5..":i." p".
Cashier's checks outstanding.!. 1:5 ll)-12'.432 m"
leiositor"s sruaranty fund tCl 33
. . .?! 43.775 45
Tot al .
. County of Cass t
I. II. A. Ouihniann. Cashier of the above
iiUive statement is a correct and true copy of tt'opol is, where be was called on
the reion maue to me t ate nuuum:.' ttoaru
II. A. (jI'THMANN. Cashier.
From Friday's Dally.
Attorney C. is. Polk returned
this morning: to Lincoln, after be
ing here in attendance at the
Wescott. banquek.
L. A. Meisinger, wife and fam
ily were in the city today to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Fred Molden-
J. E. Wiles and wife motored
over to the vicinity of Glenwood
iat even in lt to visit friends, re
turning home this morning.
Monte Slreight was in the city
today for a few hours between
trains visit in"; bis parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. M. treiyht.
John Gauer of near Cedar
Creek was here today for a few
hours attending to some busi
ness matters with the merchants.
Mrs. Fred Spanpler and Mrs.
Luke Wiles were in Omaha today
for a few hours lookinjr after
some business, relurninar home
on No. 2i.
Charles M. Murphy and son,
James, and Mr. Ed Sheehan of
'eei)intr Water were in the city
today for a few hours lookinpr af
ter business matters, and while
here were pleasant callers at the
Journal office.
Tlennett Chriswisser, wife and
little prandson, Carl, were pas
sengers this morninpr for Omaha,
where they will visit for the day
with their pranddaushter at the
Presbyterian hospital, where she
is recoverinp; from an attack of
appendicil is.
A. F. Nickels and wife of Mur
ray were passengers this morn
inir for Omaha, where Mr. Nickels
will consult a specialist in regard
to bis rheumatism, from which he
has been suffer inpr for some time.
They were accompanied by Ir. P..
F. Prendel of Murray.
1. C. West of Nehawka was a
viitor here over nipht and this
morninif dejiarted for the me
V. Wolf, director.
Henry A. Tool, director.
SuhscriUnl and sworn to U-fore me this 21st
day of May 1 vl 4.
Jekkv E. McIIrciii. Notary l'uhlic
Seal My commission expires Marc h 5. lirjo
or THE
some mailers 01 nusiness.
Mrs. Glen Rhoden of Murray
was anion?: the passengers thi
morninfr for Omaha, where she
will visit for the day with friends
and looking- after business mat
t ers.
j thi: ui-iTiticT on itT of cass
coi vi i . m:hic .ka.
In the Matter of the Estate of Henry
Stllll. Peoeased.
ni(ii:it to snow ci"sn.
This cause came on for hearintr upon
the petition of C. Lawrence St nil. ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry
Mull, deceased, prnyinir for a license
to sell an undivided one-sixth, subject
to tie dower and homestead riirht of
Acrntha Mull therein of the following
real estate to-wit:
The east half of the northwest quar
ter of section two. township twelve,
rnntre thirteen, contrMninsr 74 and
7-1"0 acres: the ea-t half of the
southwest cpiarter of section two.
township twelve, ranire thirteen, con
taining acres: lot four in the north
west quarter of section thirty-six,
township twelve, ranee thirteen, con
taining -f. acres. ond lot three in the
northwest quarter of section six. town
ship twelve, ranire fourteen, containing
VI and 7."-lt0 acres, all in Cass County.
Nebraska: or a sufficient amount of the
some to bring- the sum of $2,101.31. with
interest, for the nayments of debts al
lowed acainst sa:d estate- and costs of
administration. there not beinir suf
ficient personal property to nay said
debts and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested in said estate appear
before me on the 32nd day of June.
1P14. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m , at
the office of the Clerk of said Court, at
1'lattsmouth. Nebraska, to show cause
whv a license should not be pranted to
paid administrator to sell so much of
the above described real estate of said
deceased as may tie necessary to pay
paid debts and expenses. It is further
ordered that this order to show cause
he published for four successive weeks
prior to said dav of hearing in the
1'lattsmouth Pemi-Weeklv Journal,
published at Flattsmouth. Nebraska.
Fated this 7th dav of Mav. F14.
Judpre of the District Court.
in tiii: coi tv coi iit of thi:
till MV OK CSS. !KHIlSK.
In the Matter of the Estate of Alvaro
A Fish, Ieceased.
To All I'ersons Interested in the Estate
of Alvaro A. Fish, leceased:
You are hereby notified that on the
?0th dav of May. A. I .. E'14, Ernest II.
Fish tiled his petition in this court, al
lec:in!r among: other thinirs that Alvaro
A. Fish, a resident of Cass County.
Nebraska, departed this life in said
County on the 2!th day of April. 1914,
lcavinir an estate to be administered:
that he died seized of no real estate,
and died possessed of personal prop
ertv, not exceeding the sum of
$3,071.18; that he left him surviving as
his only heirs at law, Fannie K. Guile
of Greenwood. Nebraska, and Ernest
II. Fish of Hebron, Nebraska, and
askinp that letters of administration
te issued to Fannie E. Guile.
An order jrrantinir the prayer of said
petition, and findincr that the above
named are the only heirs at law of
said deceased, and issuinir letters of
administratioTto Fannie K. Guile will
be entered otrtlip l'.th day of June.
1914. unless objections thereto are filed
on or before said date.
F.y the Court.
County Judpe.
"" K-2r.-3wks
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
Charter No. .173
IncorjHjrated in the State of Nebraska.
cloe of business May 10, 1U14.
at the
Loans and discounts S7C.-55 0
verdrafts CI - 10
Haukinsr house, furniture and fixtures ".so0 00
Current eiienscs. taxes and interest
imi.l 215 9
Iue ?nm national and state
banks ?I2.r!77 4-
Curren.-y 1 .til 4 UO
Gold coin ."-' in'
Silver, nickels and cents 'ZU .'i'.'-l 4.741 S
Farm fop Sale.
Farm of 121 acres, 54 miles
northeast of Union; 14 acres hay
land, 20 acres pasture timber,
rest in cultivation: well improv
ed. Price right if taken soon.
Address Miss Etta Nickels, Mur
ray, Neb.
?i po
5.0410 (Hi
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
I ndivided profits
ndi vidual dejiosits subject to
check S4s,4'A-, cK
Iiemand cert ificates of deposit 4:14 70
Time certilicates of dcKit . .i.ti2-" 7!
Cashier's checks outstanding. 1. 1 39!Ti 14
Ieiositors"ruaranty fund J00 14
Total ? M.i30 07
State or Nebraska. J ....
County of Ca-s. f I. W. G. Boedeker.
cashier of the above named bank, do liereby
swear that thc alnwe statement is a correct
and true copy of the retnirt made to the Stale
hanking lioard. W. G. Holokkek. Cashier.
... ( 1'Rfti L. N i'tz.m an. I'irector,
Atiesv.- w HoEin.KKiu I'irector.
Siilscri)H-d and sworn to iefore rue this 20th I was a pleasant
dayof Ma.y 1914 J. M. I'ai.mkk. ' 1
Notary 1'ubiic
Plattsmouth State Bank
of riattsmouth, Nebraska
Charter No. 70
Inconxirated in the state of Nebraska, at the
close of business. May 10. 1914.
Loans and discounts 3 190.400 00
Overdrafts 1M 17
lionds. securities, judgements, claims
' 2.705 30
Itankintr house.furniturc and fixtures 1.479 00
lieai estate oiner man imukliie
Currc-nt expenses, taxes and inWrest
Cash items
Due from national and state hanks. .
Checks and items of exchange
Gold coin
Silver, nickels and cents
From Saturday's Dall.
I m C. KhouVn of Murray wa
in the citv veslrnlav for a f'v
hours looking aflrr some inaltoi
of husiness.
A. II. Fornofl and wife of near
C'-dar Creek were in the city to-
lay for a few hours looking aftt
ime traiJinjr with the merchants
Editor C. L. .O raves of Up
l"n Lon Ledger was in the oily las
evening and this morninfr visiting
with his friends, who are lej-'ioi
Charles LIrich was a passencr-
er l II is inornin; lor iiienwomi
where he was called to look aflei
some husiness matters for a few
Charles Chriswisser of Ne
hawka departed this inorninp; for
Omaha to visit for the dav with
his little daughter at the I'reshy-
lerian hospital in that oily.
Iavid Hawksworth of Detroit,
.Miehifran, oame m last evening
md will visit here for a short
lime with his mother, Mrs. D.
Hawksworth and oilier relaliv
F. A. Slohlnian of Louisville
was attending to husiness nial
ters and visitinj? friends in this
oitv vesterday. While here h
caller at thi
Mrs. William Ileil and daugh
ters, Misses Anna and Helen,
came in this morninsr from their
htnie near this oily and departed
for Omaha, where they will visit
for the day.
Charles Lundpren and wife of
Stromshurcr, Neb., who have been
here for a few days visit inpr at the
home of their daughter, Mrs.
Herbert Davidson and family, de
parted this morninc: for their
II. F. Kropp and son, Ernest, J.
P. Stoll and Henry F. Sloll, all
from Nehawka, were Platts-
10,100 00 ,vi,.iifVi x-ii if npc fnrlnv dpivi'n rr nn
lll 'HI II l.'ll' L l.'.t, 111 1 I llip UJ'
3.74s 30 from their home for a brief slav
2"..:7 a; with county seat frienus. 3ir
Kropp found time to pay the
:on oo Journal oflice a brief call
1 t u. li I
j-raiiK 3icAurnn 01 j-itrni JMiie
3J5-J.959 95
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
I, ndivided profits.
550.000 00
. 3.01 Hi 00
drove precinct was in the city to
day for a few hours visiting with
his friends here, and of course
called on the Journal office for a
Individual deposits subject to check. 91. "279 90 I s"Ciai MSll, WHICH was mUCll 0n-
Jiemana certificates ni deposit 2.40-2 ti nvnr
Time cert ificates of deposit 107.1 13 t;u I J '
Certified chccks Non Mr. and Mrs. Ed dust in of Elm-
Hills Payable None ... , , r , ,
Depositor's iruararitr fund i.xto n nn"l and Mr. and Mrs. deorpre
State or Nebraska, i .
259,959 95
Wallinper of South Bend motored
CorxTT ok Cass f !
to this city this morning
I.J. M. Eoirts, tend to business matters.
to at-Mr.
casiueroi cue aoove namea oanK. UO tieretiy I 1 1 ., iu: i. - -
swear that the attove statement is a correct
ctuiiiKer maue mis omce a Drier
and true copy of the report made to the State I call
lUnkim? Board. .1 M KllkFliT
, - . Cashier. Bert Chrissinprer and familv of
iitmi J 1' n. rtrwiLL, nirscior. r;n t 4: i j . .l.
f J. II. Becker. Director. .iciciiiu duniuun inotcjieu io inis
Sul)scrif)ed and sworn to before me this 23rd
day of May 1914. B, B. Windham.
Notary l'ublic.
Seal My commission expires Oct. 19. iyi5.
Pacific Junction motored
city this morninp; with R. J. Sel
lers and spent the day at the N.
W. Chrissinerer home.
H is. js mb i II
Get Thh Tlh migM 1
Hupmobile owners and there are tens of thousands of them will
have no other car, because the Hupmobile gives them complete
satisfaction at a lesser cost !
That's the Hupmobile story summed up and boiled down a car
that's never out of commission, and a car that costs less when
it's in commission.
wo MnMs
When we speak of lesser cost we mean all-around lesser cost
upkeep, repairs, tire mileage, gasoline and oil mileage and
depreciation when you come to sell the car at second hand.
But let us drive home just one point today the repair cost indicated
by a canvass of all the repair parts ever sold by this company.
Assuming an average of even 5,000 miles per car per year
which, of course, is ridiculously low the average cost comes to
the absurd figure of 2.7 mills per mile.
As a matter of fact, Hupmobile repair cost unquestionably averages 'way below
2 mills per mile and any owner you talk to will tell you that his total cost is one
of the least of his troubles and the service he gets, one of the greatest of his joys.
Go to the Hup dealer and let him tell you the delightful details cf a story we
can only outline here!
upp Motor Car Company, Detroit
Dealers, Plattsmouth, Nebr.
From Monday's Daily.
Ed F. Belts, the assessor of
Tipton, precinct, oame in this
morning to lile his report with
Countv Assessor W. R. Bryan.
Ed dansemer of the vicinity of
Nehawka was attending- to busi
ness mailers in this city today,
and made this office a brief call.
Mrs. Thomas South of dlen-
wood was here over Sunday for a
short visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Barney Wampler and family.
C. E. Metzger and family
motored up last evening from
their home near Mynard to attend
the services at the Presbyterian
France Ballanee of Glenwood
visited hee with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Ballanee, over
Sunday, returning to the Iowa
city this morning.
A. L. Cassidy and wife and son,
Earl, returned this morning from
Missouri, where they have been
for a few days visiting- with rela
tives in the northern part of that
S. P. Randall, who is at pres
ent in charge of the business
college at Red Oak, Iowa, came
over yesterday and visited with
his friends in this city, returning
to the Iowa city this morning.
Mrs. S. L. Thomas of Long
Beach, California, is visiting rela
tives and friends in this vicinity
nnrl Tnvcx
i"va . , , . , rrx- y
T. Frank Wiles and family of
Omaha arrived in the city Satur
day evening on No. 2 and visited
here over Sunday at the home of
Mr. Wiles' parents. Captain and
Mrs. Isaac Wiles.
It. E. roster and lamiiy, ac
companied by Miss Mary Foster,
motored to this city yesterday
afternoon from their home near
Union and visiled at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Larson, the
parents of Mrs. It. E. Foster.
Mrs. llenrv Sampson of
Wichita, Kansas, who has been
here visiting at the home of her
brother, N. W. Chrissinger and
family, for a few days, departed
this morning for Pes Moines,
Iowa, for a visit with relatives.
County Attorney C. II. Taylor
departed yesterday for Nelson,
Neb., where he was called on some
professional business for a short
Jerry Mcllugh, wife and little
son of Murdock were over Sun
day visitors in this city at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. John Sneed and two chil
dren and her mother, Mrs. Gar
rison, of Sioux City, are here for
a time visiting with relatives in
this city.
.Mrs. A. F. Seybert of Cullom
was in the city today visiting
with her relatives and attending
to some shopping; with the differ
ent merchants.
Miss Iva Seybert of Louisville
came down to this city this morn
ing for a visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John McNurlin and to
attend the class play.
Mrs. Oscar Gapen and daugh
ter, Miss Elsie, were passengers
this morning for Omaha, where
they will visit for the day looking
after business matters.
Ed McMaken, wife and daugh
ter, Elizabeth, arrived Saturday
from Sheridan, Wyoming, and
visited here with relatives for a
few days. They will depart to
morrow for their home.
Leonard Pfeiffer of Oelwein,
Iowa, a nephew of Consul L.
Kluftinger, arrived in the city
yesterday for a short visit with
his uncle at the Gering home.
Herr Kluftinger is enjoying- a
short visit in the United States
on a vacation from his duties as
representative of the German
government at Bologna, Italy.
A Stubborn Cough Is Wearing and
Letting a . stubborn cough
"hang on" in the spring is risky.
Foley's Honey & Tar Compound
heals raw inflamed surfaces in
the throat and bronchial tubes
makes sore, weak spots sound
and whole stops stubborn, tear
ing coughs. Refuse substitutes.
For sale by all lruggists.
Helps Kidney and Bladder Trou
ble Everybody Satisfied.
Everywhere people are taxing
Foley Kidney Pills, and are so
satisfied they urge others to take
them also. A. T. Kelly, Mcintosh,
Ala., says: "I recommend them
to all who suffer from kidney
troubles and backache, for they
are fine." Best thing you can
take for backache, weak back and
rheumatism. For sale by all
Percheron Stallion, Major.
. I will stand my Percheron stal
lion, Major (G2187). at the farm
of J. II. Meisinger, 2 miles south
of Cedar Creek, from Monday
morning to Wednesday evening
of each week, and the balance of
the time during the season at my
home. Henry Jochim.
WW tVttv
for Ice Cream, Soft Drinks,
Fine Candies and Fruits.
Always fresh. Everybody
come and see us when in
S. J. REAMES, Prop.
Cedar Creek, Neb.
4-30 4wksw