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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1914)
m Bl (ITTSPiniITU r Mi.iAirriri v .lOtfBM AI THURSDAY, 1914. Saicli Repairing Our CJ We're expert surgeons to sick watches and clocks. We positively guarantee our repairing. You need not fear to trust us with the most costly timepiece. CJ We charge very low prices for the best workmanship. See Us For Graduation Gifts . JOHN W. GRABIILIL Boys Out on Parole. The three young boys, Ernest Verhue, Arthur Harness and Frank Marsh, aged 9, 12 and 10 years, respectively, were arraign ed this morning before Judge Iteeson, charged with stealing brass and copper from the West ern Machine and Foundry Go. After giving the matter con sideration the judge decided that instead of sending them to the state reformatory at Kearney, he would release the boys on parole for thirty days, pending good be havior. This case is unusual for the extreme youth of the culpits and their apparent incorrigibility. Departs for Home. Dr. J. A. Fogerty of Xeola, Iowa, and Dr. F. I). Caldwell of Bancroft, Neb., were in the city this morning, and had the dis tinguished honor of being in troduced to the reportqr for the Journal by our mutual friend Mr. Ed Schulhof. These gentlemen were in the Glenwood Institution for the Feeble Minded at the time Mr. Schulhof was conductor of music there, and Dr. Caldwell is quite well known here. Dr. Cald well and wife, nee Miss Lillian Kauble, of this city, departed this afternoon for their home at Bancroft. THE S. T. I. CONTEST AT THE M. W. A. HALL TUESDAY EVENING Messrs. Frank and Albert Schuldice, Claus Jess and Wil liam Fritchman of this city were so well pleased with Allman Bros.' carnival that they paid a visit to South Omaha yesterday evening and took in the performance in that city. They report that the carnival company seems to be having a continuation of the suc cess which marked their visit to this city. Heorge A. Davis of Lincoln is stopping at the Riley hotel. Mr. Davis represents the Metropoli tan Life Insurance Co. here. The S. T. I. essay contest, which was given under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at the Modern Woodman hall Tuesday evening, was one of the most suc cessful events of its kind ever given and the different numbers proved most entertaining. The reward of the prizes were as fol lows : Seventh Grade First prize, Elva Hartford; second prize, Ruth Clark, Marie Baldwin; honorable mention, Ruth Godwin. Sixth Grade First prize, Joyce Rundstrom; second prize, Janet Bajeck, Roscoe Hill. Fifth Grade First prize, Thel ma Olson, Clara Mae Morgan; second prize, Margaret Martin, Raymond Rebal; honorable men tion, Clara Trilety, Jesse Rey nolds, Mason Wescott, Gretchen Pein, Adolph Halas, Ralph Rau son. Dean Douglass and Alice Pollock. The essays dealt with the sub ject of temperance and were de livered in a very able manner by the young people who were se lected from the different grades of the city schools. We wish to thank the teachers who have made the essay contest a success, the judges for time and careful work, and also those who participated in the progra'(i, making an enjoyable evening for all present. W. C. T. U. KENSINGTON GLOB SPEND ENJOYABLE AFTERNOON AT L. B. EGENBERGER HOME The Kensington club wa entertained yesterday afternoon at the cosy home of Mrs. L. B Egenberger on lower Main street in the usual charming manner that' always characterizes the entertainments 'of the 'hostess The house was decorated very tastily in the flowers of the sea son, making a very beautiful ap pearance. The dining room was a scene of great beauty,' as the table, sparkling with china and silver, was crowned by a large floral center piece and with the delicious three-course luncheon made this room one of the mos attractive in the home. Mrs Egenberger was assisted in serv ing by Misses Opal Fitzgerald and Theresa Droge. As a guesl of the occasion, Mrs. H. R Xeitzel of Boise, Idaho, was pres ent. Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be pre pared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your drug gist sells it. 25c and 50c. Our Fine Bread Goes Furthest ! Hot from Omar's Oven. And, as the cook baked, those who stood before The counter shouted: "Open then the door! You know how little time we have to stay And, once departed, may demand no more." Our fine, sweet and whole some bread is well worth waiting for. But you don't have to wait. Our baking is done in large quantities and at regular hours. Let us deliver to you. Be gin now. The children love our bread. , - ' f- x- A g - " ' ; , : r . v-: ', There's Quality In Every Crumb ! W A G . N EL EL ' . ' L 'Everything Good To Eat" Return From Hastings. Messrs. William Starkjohn and Frank Neumann of this city re turned this morning on Uurling- on train No. G from Hastings, Neb., where they have been for the past few days attending the state convention of the Sons of Ierman. They report that they lad a most enjoyable and in structive lime at the convention, n spite of the fact that the weather was somewhat inclement, n fact it rained nearly every day Iowever, the delegates from this city did not. allow that fact to nterfere much with their enjoy ment, especially in view of the fact that in the contest which was on at the convention in regard to the proposed increase in rates for the coming year, our dele gates were lined up on the "in surgent" side, and succeeded in carrying their point by a single vote. Although this is a narrow margin it is still very effective and the delegates are well pleased. Special Policeman Out Today. The mayor has Special Police man William Gravett out today with a shotgun , looking up the matter of the stray dogs which infest our city. Mr. Gravett in formed us this morning that he had already diminished the can ine population to the extent of six of its number,, and was on the lookout for more. This is strictly according to Hoyle, and the hon orale mayor's prononciamento orable mayor's pronunciamento which appeared in the Journal Saturday, May 30, all rural route carriers, are requested to. attend a convention' in Weeping Water. Every carrier in Cass county should be present, if it is possible for him to do so, as many matters of interest will be discussed. The rural routes lave become a matter of busi ness, and the matter of organiza- ion keeps them in closer touch with one another. As Decoration day is a holiday it gives every carrier an opportunity of attend. ng without losing any time, and will prove very advantageous to anyone who puis in his appear ance at 'Weeping Water and meets with his comrades in busi ness. Mrs. Dwyer Shows Improvement. The many friends of Mrs. D. O. Dwyer will be pleased to learn that this estimable lady is feeling much improved and her condition is such that her physician and family feel much more pleased than for the past few days. Mrs. Dwyer was quite low on Friday and Saturday, suffering from what seemed an attack of blood poison, and for a time she was quite critically ill, but has since rallied in fine shape and now seems 'out of danger. A Full Fledged Mason Now. Last evening at Nehawka Jack M. Patterson had conferred upon him the final degree in the Ma sonic fraternity. Those in at tendance from Plaltsmouth were: Michael Hild, James M. Robert son, William A. Robertson, Rob ert Sherwood, R. Glen Rawis, Lynn O. Minor and Emil J. Wey- nch, all going down by way of automobiles. A very enjoyable time is reported and a great many were in attendance. Messrs. Count Leonard Kluft inger, Matthew Gering and Peter Wahl, nephew of Count Klufting er, were passengers for Omaha on the early train this morning. T. II, Seagraves, who is now stationary engineer for the Kim ball l a uidry Co. at Waterloo. Iowa, is ?pending thj week visit ing at th home of bis mother and other relatives and friends. Eddie Todd, residing west of town, 'informs us today that he has completed a deal whereby he becomes the owner of a fine new Studebaker automobile, electric lighted and thoroughly modern, and up-to-the-minute in every respect. We congratulate Mr. Todd. A flower for every lady and gentleman dancer; will be given away at the Carnation ball on Saturday evening at Coates' hall. Qiven by the Cosmopolitan club. Curtain Nets AND Lace Curtains We are showing 40 different patterns of Curtain Nets rang ing in price from 15c to SI per yard These are all exclusive pat terns of the' newest designs in white Arabian ivory and ecru. Also a full stock of Lace Cur tainsa direct-from-the-fac-tory shipment at prices from 50c to $5 per pair We also offer a lot of odd cur tains at a large discount. ZUGKWEILER a LUTZ RURAL ROUTE CARRIERS TO MEET IN WEEPING WATER DECORATION DAY ' The Piccadilly it's "English" tan or black $5 and $6 READY To Wear No "breaking in"-you'll have comfort when you put your feet in FLORSHEIM "Natural Shape" r oxfords they're cool, because Skeleton Lined. The style and shape you like best can be had in a Florsheim. CALL AND SEE US! FETZER'S : Shoe.. Store.. PLATTSNIOUTH MOTORGYCL STS ORGANIZE CLUB The Motorcycle Enthusiasts in I the City Meet and Organize for Their Own Benefit. Last eveninff a meeting of the motorcycle enthusiasts of this city was held at the oflice of the Plaltsmouth Cycle Co., at Sixth and Pearl streets, for the purpose of orpranizin and electing oflicers for the ensuing year. Fred Daw son was chosen president and Kdprar Steinhauer, secretary. Outside of the selection of offi cers and effecting' an organiza tion, nothing- of importance was done. However, there will be an other meeting held next Wednes day evening, May 27, at the same place, when it is desired that all the motorcyclists of this citv and surrounding territory be present. Everyone interested in motor cycles is invited to be there and a large attendance is desired, as the boys wish to push this club along- and make it a success. The object of this organization will be to promote interest in touring, road races and hill-climbing con tests and the sport in general, and it is also hoped that the club will be able to curtail some of the abuses of the rights of the high way which are at present so a gravaling. Scheduled club runs, or closed contests will always insure a club member good company, or com petitive sport for which he mav plan beforehand, while tho rider who is not a member will be bar red from entering. It is the plan of the club to lave Sunday or week-end runs occasionally to the surrounding owns. Those who desire a make motorcycling a clean and enter taining sport should attend the next meeting of the club next Wednesdav evening at 8 o'clock. at the office of the Plattsmouth Cycle Co., corner Sixth and Pearl streets, Plattsmouth. We have just received a ,very fine line of Imported Hand-made Baskets. You can find baskets suitable for any and all purposes. Bread Baskets, Fruit Baskets, Fern Baskets, Work Baskets. It will pay you to look at our west window, where they are now on dis play. It may be that you will find the very basket that you have been looking for so long. V CUi UUUVJ nn lid THE DAYLIGHT STORE IMPROVEMENTS AT THE GEM THEATRE, FOR COMFORT OF PATRONS A very much appreciated im provement has been made in the Ciem theater in this city in the installation . of a large 2 i-inch exhaust fan that will be used to purify the air in the auditorium of the theater, as the fan will carry 5,000 cubic feet a minute and will assure that there will al ways be a constant supply of pure, fresh air in the room and do awav with the inconvenience so often found of a close, warm room when it is filled with a large crowd of persons. The fan wa installed for Mr. Shlaes by the firm of Warga & Schuldice, who have the contract for the placing of a number of fans in the dif ferent business houses of the city during- the coming: . season. MRS. J. IV. GAMBLE PBMIUEIII III THE MENDELSSOHN CHOIR A WELGOM E FOR ALL DURING WESCOTT WEE There Are Many Interesting Wlo- mentoes of Former Days in Plattsmouth. Child Cross?, Feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish, listless child, with coated tongue, pale, doesn't sleep; eats sometimes very little, then again ravenously; stomach sour; breath fetid; pains in stom ach, with diarrhea; grinds teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror- all suggest a Work Killer something that expels worms, and almost every child has them. Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed. Get a box today. Start at once. you won't have to coax, as Kicka poo Worm Killer is a candy con fection. Expels the worms, the cause of your child's trouble. 25c at your Druggist. The Journal does job work. From Wednesday's Dally. Among the singers who have taken part in the festival of music at the Omaha auditorium, which was held Monday and Tuesday by the Mendelssohn choir of Omaha, under the direc tion of Thomas J. Kelley, in as sociation with the Chicago Sym phony orchestra, was Mrs. J. W. Gamble, formerly of this city. Mrs. Gamble is gifted, as every one here knows, with a splendid voice, and has taken advantage of the occasion to enlist in this splendid musical organization, and derives as much benefit as possible from the instruction of Prof. Kelley. This musical event was one of the largest ever held in Omaha and has been pro nounced one of the greatest triuniphs ever scored by the choir. ' The Symphony orchestra is the same as was presided over by the late Theodore Thomas, and is under the direction of Frederick Stock, the famous con ductor, known tjie world over. CARNATION BALL. j ine annual carnation nan J of the Cosmopolitan club J I will be given on Saturday evening at Coates hall. Everyone invited. Flowers for the ladies and gentle- men. Music by the Holly orchestra. 'NufT said. 4 5 4 -H-H-H H-M"I"I"M"MM- There 'are many articles relat-' ng to the early history of Platts mouth on exhibition this week in the show windows at C. E. Wes-J ott's Sons store that arb of great interest both to citizens nd strangers. There are framed etures of Plaltsmouth's street; and buildings: pictures of places nd prominent men taken as long ago as 1870, and from that time wn to 1880. There are a number of election ballots giving e names of office-holders and spirants for office of the long ast. Some of these are still liv- ir in Plattsmouth. some have moved awav and many are dead. here is an exhibit of rare coins covering a period from 18 40 to e present time. One exhibit which reflects rticular credit upon the house Wescott is a coat and hat sold the elder Wescott to a custom- 34 years ago. The coat is till in excellent condition and of quality of material difficult to et in these degenerate days. 'hp Wescott trade mark that Quality Counts" is amply prified bv this exhibit. There are also in the windows pictures f the old B. & M. band, the old lattsmouth ball team and many fhpr interesting- things that laim the attention of passers- Pi th a th pa of by er ..Commencement Dresses.. Special values at by The anniversary; week for the escott brothers is being filled th many pleasant episodes and 11 long be remembered as a priod of erood feeling and re newed friendships.'. wi w n Do you know that the Journal office carries the finest line or statisnory In tha city? "Wifewt Wink ftp -TO 50 Commencement i s not complete without one of these smart and attractive cos tumes, just received. in Voiles, Crepes, etc. All these garments are very closely priced and represent unusually good values as you will appreciate when you inspect them. A wide variety of Patterns, Colors and Designs to choose from. FANGER'S DEPARTMENT STORE V. ZUCKER, Manager. J STHE HOUSE OF GUARANTEED VALUES. I V r i s n