The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 11, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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MONDAY, MAY 11, 1914.
Cans County, ys.
lit 'un- Court.
In tbA Matter of tl:- Ktiale of John M.
Johnson, lieceaseiJ.
Notice is herel.v piven to the creuit
nrs 'if vai.l (icecaspU that lifarinss whl
le had non claims lili-il uguinst said
.'tali-. Itl'oie me. County Jii'lSe of
'as? Count v, Xelwa.'ka. at the County
Co, ut ro.Hii in IMattsimmtli. in said
Count v. on the loth day of .May, 1S14,
Jit:d on the 17t!i day of November, 1H14.
sit H o'clji k a. in., each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must he filed in said court
on or I t fore said last hour of hearinsr.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at I'la 1 1 smoiit h, N'
I 1:1: ka. this l.'.th day of April. A. J.
alij-n- j. r.i:i:ox.
Count v Jutlice.
OAI.VIX II. TAYU)Ii, Attorney.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Kstate of "v illiam
T.eddv, 1 eit:i -I'll.
Notice is I.crehv Riven to the credit
or. - of siil ileceased that I.taiinirs will
t.e lad upon claims tiled against said
stat-. me. County .lii'lue ol
Cuss Countv, NVhni-'ka. at the County
c.,nrt rn"Pi" in I "la 1 1 smoii t h. in said
Countv. on the 2"rd tlay of May 1114.
.-:!.! on the ;Mth day or Novemhcr. 1114.
:.t 10 (m lock a. m.. each day f'r x.
s tninat ion. adjustment and allowance.
.M! claims ni'ist he tiled in said Court
cti hefore said la-t hour of hearing.
Witness mv iiarid and seal of said
Countv Court. at I'iattsmout h, .Nf
1 !, this "th dny of April, A. I .
''i'v-,.;,!, au.kx J. m:i:sox.
Countv Judie.
f'ALVIX II. TAYLor., Attornev.
iv tiii: DiTitifT ciii iiT or tiii:
tin it or c. M.imisKA.
In l:- Kstate of Delilah Schwab. De-f-ased.
Aj. plication of Charles K.
S !iwab. i:ecutor, for License to
,eil l:al Kstate:
This cause came on for hearinsr upon
the petition of Charles K. Schwab, ex
e. i;tT of the last will and testament
:nd estate of l-lilah Schwab, de
ceived, pravinij for a license to sell
the following described real f state.
s?1f.i,t to the lease thereon to James
M. Woo: ward from March 1, 1M4, to
March 1. J:ir.. to-wit:
l.ot eiirht l, in the Northeast
c;;i rter i.N'K'i l of the Northwest
cj .arter i: Lot fifteen (lr. in
the Southeast Quarter i.Si:!4 t of the
N-ir t h v.cst Quarter (NV, i; Lot
twelve 1L' in the Northwest tjuar
ter iNW', of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW4: Lot eleven ill I in the
Soithwest Quarter SYl4) of the
Southwest Quarter ISW',1, and the
Last half i:'- of the Southwest
Quarter ISW1,"), a'.! of Section twen-tv-f!u't:t
:JS. i:i Township eleven
Uli "North. Lanire fourteen 14
Kast 'ith I". M., in the County of
"ass. Nebraska,
for tie pa vine nt of debts allowed
ai;:,:nt said estate, ost of adminis
tcation ;tr.d epcne of these ptuceed
inirs. r.d to carry out the provisions
of ihe last wiil and testament of said
Ieli!ah S liwab. in respeet to the
shares civt-n to tlie ura ndda u i;hters of
i-riMl .le.-.-ased. the children of one An
drew Sr-hwab. deceased: there not be-ii.-:
sufficient ;ersonuI property to j.ay
s-ai-J .'el.ts and expense, and to carry
out the provisions of said last will and
testament in i-espcct to the shares tie
vised and bequeathed to said trrand-
all persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me -it tl e office f the
Clerk of the i'istrbt Court in the
'.,-.:rt in I'lattsmouth. Cass
countv, Nebenska. on the l'-tli lay of
May. A. 1 . l'.'l I. at !' o'clock a. m. to
show cause wl.v a license shorhl not
be i; ran ted to sail executor to sell the
above des ri! il real state to pay said
del. is and expense to carry out the
pro. isions of the last will and testa
ment of said deceased in respect to the
stares of the said pranddausrhters of
said deceased, children of one Andrew
Schwab, deceased.
I'ated this 4th il.iv of Anrih T"14.
Judire District Court.
It is hereby ordered that the above to show cause be published in
the I'alttsmotith Journal, a newspaper
published and of ireneial circulation
in the Connt v of Cass, Nebraska, for
four si)eesivo weeks.
Dated this 4th dav of April. 114.
Judtre District Court.
To Ilenrv A. l'arsons. trustee. The
Northwestern Ibnd and Trust Com
pany, a corporation, Martin Cain, the
unknown heirs or devisees of Mar
tin tViin. deceased Letitia M. Younjr.
the unknown hrs or devisees of
Letitia M. Yoimcr. deceased, Letitia
M. l'otteni-er. the unknown lieirs or
devisees of Letitia M. I'ottenier, de
ceased. Letitia M. l'otenirer. the un
known heirs or d"vi--(es of Letitia
M. I'otent-'er, deceased, Sanford I'ot-tin','f-r,
the unknown heirs or de-vis-cs
of Sanford I'ottentrer, de
ceased. Sanford l'otensrcr. the un
known heirs or devisees of Sanford
I'otencer. deceased. James Mc.Mahon.
the unknown heirs or devisees of
James McMahon. deceased. James Y.
McMahan. the unknown heirs or de
visees of James W. McMahan, de
ceased :
You are herebv notified that, upon
the -oth dav of "March. 1914. August
"Wend?, as plaintiff, tiled a petition in
the District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
i to obtain a decree of court quietinir
the title to the west half of the south
west quarter (AVU of SWU of Sec
tion twentv-four 24), also the north
west quarter INWU) of Section twen-tv-five
r. all in Township eleven
m. North. Itanire ten 10. Kast of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in the
County of Cass, State of Nebraska, as
acainst you. and eali of you. and as
airain anv and all persons claiminic. or
to claim, by. through or under you. or
anv of you, and for such other relief
as mav "be just and equitable,
i You are further notified that you are
reouired to answer said petition on or
; before the Sth dav of June. 1914.
i Dated this 20th day of April. 1914.
Al'ill'ST WKNDT, l'laintiff.
Yi By WM. C. liAMSE Y.
! His Attorney.
In ti e Matter of the Kstate of Henry
Stull. Deceased.
Tliis cause came on for hearing tirion
the petition of C. lwrcme Stall, ad
ministrator of the estate of Ilenry
Stull. deceased, pray ins for a license?
to sell an undivided one-sixth, subject
to the dower anil homestead ritrht of
Airatha Stull therein of the following
real estate to-wit:
The east half of the northwest quar
ter of section two. township twelve,
ranse thirteen, containing 74 and
S7-100 acres: the east half of the
sonthwest quarter of section two,
township twelve, ransre thirteen, con
taining SO acres: lot four in the north
west quarter of section thirty-six,
township twelve, ransre thirteen, con
taining 26 acres, and lot three in the
northwest quarter of section six. town
ship twelve, ransre fourteen, containing
22 and 75-100 acres, all in Cass County,
Nebraska: or a sufficient amount of the
same to brinfr the sum of $2,191.31. with
interest, for the payments of debts al
lowed apainst said estate and costs of
administration, there not beiner suf
ficient personal property to iiay said
debts and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested In said estate appear
before me on the 22nd day of June.
1914. nt the hour of 9 o'clock a. m.. at
the office of the Clerk of said Court, at
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, to show cause
whv a license should not be jrranted to
said administrator to sell so much of
the above described real, estate of said
dec-eased as may tie necessary to pay
said debts and expenses. It is further
ordered that this order to show cause
be published ror tour successive weeks
prior to sata nay or ncanng in me
I'lattsmouth emi- eeKiy journal.
published at Plattsmout h. Nebraska.
Judere of the District Court.
: 5-7-4wks
lu the Cuuuly Court of ( Couut',
G 1 il KT.1 1 : H KNC1 KN,
You will take notice that on the Dth
dav of Mav. 1914. Jacob H. HenReli.
sole surviving executor of the estate
of Cornelius I'.enj;en. deceased, and
Administrator of the estate ot Orietjc
I'.enjrcn. deceased, tiled reports of his
accounts, acts and dointr in each of
said estates and l is petitions for final
settlement thereof. piayintr for an
order disci'.aisrins him from his said
A hearinir on said reports and peti
tions will be had on the 1st day of
June, 1911. at o'clock in the lore-
noon, or as soon thereafter as the
same can be heard, at the County
Court Loom in the Court House in the
City of I'lattsmouth. Cass County, Ne
braska, at which time and place all
objections, if any tiled to said reports
and accounts, will be heard and con
If tio objections are filed to said re
ports ami accounts on or before said
last hour set lor learmir. the prayer
of said petitions may be granted and
said states settled and the Kxeculor
and Administrator thereof, dischariied
from his trusts as prayed.
Date; Mav I'll,, 1914.
County Judge.
Attorney for Instates.
To Alfred I . Jones, A. D. Jones. I. V.
Jfardv. J. V. John .1. Abel.
John I. A bell. Kbeii S. Wheeler, K. S.
"Wheeler, and the unknown heirs and
ib-visees of lthamar I'illshury, de
ceased :
You and each of you will take notice
that on the 7th day i f May. 1911. Maud
H. I-'uller tiled her petition in the Dis
trict Court of 'ass County, Nebraska,
a-rainst. vou and each of you, the
object and prayer of which are that
she nviy he adjudged the owner in fet
simple of lots four 14 1. five (Til and
six Mil, of block lifty-four (T.-D, in the
City of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, 1 reed
from all claims of an estate or interest
therein of said defendants, and each of
them ami all persons claiming by
through, or under them be perpetually
enjoined from claiming or asserting
any right, title, interest, or right ot
possession in and to said premises
adverse to the right, title, interest, or
right of possession of this plaintiff.
her loirs or assigns, and 1 rom inter
fering in any manner with the quiet
and peaceful enjoyment of said prem
ises by said plaintitt: and that a cer
tain real s: a t e morf ga ge for said lands,
recorded ir; book 1 0, at page 4:!4, of the
mortgage records of Cass County, Ne
braska, from Sam'l. M. Chapman and
wife. AtMies D., to lthamar I 'i 1 Is hit ry.
bo canceled and satisfied of record,
and the clouds thereby cast upon the
pieintit'f's title removed, atel for such
other relief as euuitv mav require.
You and eac'i of vou-are required t
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 2nd day of June. 1 i 1 4 .
:;nd in failing so to do your default
will be entered therein and the allega
tions of the said petition taken to be
1 'hunt i.T.
r.y a. :. ci lk.
Her Attornev.
Loca! rews
From Saturday's Daily
in. Sc h i i t - it i i -1- f (a-ilar Creek
was atler.ii;r.: In Jm-iuoss mat
Iits ia I his cily.
J. If. Meisiiitror of Odar Creok
was a vi. i I or in this cilv Imlav
ami iii:il' lliis olTico a brief call
Attornev C A. Ha wis was in
Wt'opinp: Water yelerlay fur a
few hours fakin- some doposi
lions, reliirninu" home on the aft
ernoon Missouri Pacific.
Miss Clrace peao will depart
this afternoon for her home at
Michigan City, Indiana, after a
short visit here at the home of
her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.
William Ballanee.
Leo J. Mayfield and wife of the
Louisville Courier, and two sons,
accompanied by Howard Jack-
man, motored over this morning
from their homo to look after
some matters at the court house.
Miss Maltie Larson departed
last veninir for Peru, where she
will visit with her sister, Miss
Esther, at that place for a few
Prof. IL S. Austin departed
lal eveninir on No. 2 for Peru,
where lie was called to look after
his class in voice culture at the
stat normal.
Mrs. W. M. TJrissey and daugh
ter, Marie, were visiting in fllon
wiiod today, lioinp: pruesls at the
home of W. V. Crahill and wife,
near that cily.
Henry A. Ciulhmann and As
sessor Sclimiilf of Murdock were
in the cily yesterday afternoon
for a few hours looking- after
some matters at the court
Zachery Taylor of Washington,
I). C, a special representative of
Ihe department of commerce,
was in the city yesterday looking
after some matters in connec
tion with the compiling- of
figures on the wealth of the
country. He will be hero for
several days looking- up data.
W. II. Marks ami C. L. f! raves
of Union came up last evening on
the Missouri Pacific, and Charley
did not try to make a flyinpr leap
at the train this time, hut was
there and boarded it as soon as
it stopped.
Mrs. Julia Thomas departed
this mornin? on the early Bur
lington train for DeWitt, Neb.,
where she will make an extended
visit there with relatives and
The Boosters Are Downed Again
by Score of 10 to 3, Which
Is Very Bad.
In a frame filled with errors
and bonehead plays on the pari
of the home learn, Plattsmout li
was defeated yesterday afternoon
at the Booster park. This time
Ihe Towneuds of Omaha were
piloting- the steam roller, and a
steam roller it sure was, for at
the end of (he Contest the score
Stl I' M I ltl to :i in favor of the
Joe Pike, who was on the
mound for the locals, was do
serving of a victory and would
have had one but for the errors
that were piled up behind him by
his teammates, and his pitching
was good in every way and had it
not been for the ".jinks' that
seemed to hover oyer the lloosl-
ers in their fielding- they could
easily have gotten away with the
The Town sends secured one
-core in the second, when Krug-h-r
was safe on McCaulcy's error
and Penny secured a life-saver
on Salsburg's niufi". t
fumbled Hollander's roller. Mc
Cauley unified Salsburg's throw
to first and Penney scored. Pike
at last became mad and struck
the next two men out.
Plaltsnioulh got busy in their
half of tht second, and with three
good clean blows by Mason.
Neitzel and Pike, couplet! with an
error, scored three runs.
The game was going our way
until the lilirst of Ihe sixth, when
Penney ami Krugler walked and
scored on Hollander's double.
From then on the locals seemed
to go to pieces, and after the
smoke cleared away the visitors
had scored live runs. The same
stunt was pulled off in the eighth
innincr, when, on two hits the
visitors annexed four more
scores to add f their list.
The pitchers, Pike for the
Boosters ami Mcfluii'e for the
Townsends, both threw a good
game, as the visitors mound
artist retired twelve of the Boost
ers and eleven of the Townsend's
fanned the air on the slants of
Pike. I'ollowing is the tabulated
score of the game:
AB. It. H. (I. A. E.
Plalz. ob 1 0 1 0 0
Hanson, cf . .. r 0 1 2 0 0
Minikus, L'h. . 5 0 1 ' 2 o
Krugler lb... 1 1 r, 0 n
Penney ss... i 0 10 1
Hollander If.. .12 10 0 o
McCowan, rf. 5 2 10 0 o
Coe. c i 0 1 11 2 1
Mefluire, p.. 3 2 0 0 2 0
Total 3i 10 5 25 0 2
AB. R. TL O. A. E.
Ileal, cf 4 0 2 10 0
Parriotl, ss.. 3 0 o 1 3 1
llerold, 3b... 3 0 10 10
McCauley, lb. 0 0 8 0 2
Mason, IT i 1 1 0 0 0
Neitzel, c 5 1 111 0 2
Pike, p I 1 1 0 2 0
Salsburg, 2b.. 2 0 o 0 1 1
Ault, rf 3 0 0 0 1 2
Bar.lwell, rf.. 1 0 0 0 ,1 0
Total 30 3 5 27 9 3
Feel Dull and Sluggish? Start
Your Liver to Working!
Tt beats all how quickly Foley
Cathartic Tablets liven your liver,
overcome constipation make
you feel lively and active again. J.
L. McKnight, Ft. Worth, Texas,
says: "My disagreeable symp
toms were entirely removed by
the thorough cleansing Foley
Cathartic Tablets gave me."
They're a wonder. For sale by
all druggists.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, ior the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, the best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm, Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. I.
16u Acres of Land.
Will trade 160 acres of land iu
Perkins county for Plattsmouth
property. W. R. Bryan.
Blank books or all kinds at the
Journal office.
Death of Little Child.
Yesterday morning Charles
Allan, the little 2-months-obl
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc
Iianiel, passed away at the home
of his parents, after an illness of
a few days, Ihe little fellow suf
fering from heart trouble, and it.
is a sad blow to the parents to
lose their little one after he has
been with them only a few weeks.
Tile little babe was born March
'.! !i and w as one day oyer two
months' old when he was called
to his Maker.
Some time last night one of
Ihe bunk cars occupied by John
Murphy, which was stationed in
the upper yards, near the Bur
lington station, was entered by
some party or parlies, and as a
result that, gentleman is some 8
poorer than he was before. The
car is occupied ly the einloyes of
the pile driving outfit of the Bur
lington 1 hat has been stationed
here for the past few days, and
Mr. Murphy occupies one of the
cars as a residence. He retired
last evening at his usual hour,
and was soon wrapped in slum
ber ami was greatly surprised to
find on awakening thai his
trousers, containing his valua
bles had been taken from under
his pillow during the nicht ami
the jiockelbook lorn open, the
money taken out and the pocket
book itself thrown on the floor of
the car. Owing to the fact that
the entrance of the intruder into
the car was not noticed by any of
the persons sleeping in the car it
is thought that they were prob
ably chloroformed. The identify
of the parties committing the
robbery was not ascertained, but
it is thought by the authorities
to have been some of the people
that alwavs follow in the wake of
circuses and carnival companies
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Lee Ullery
of lied Oak, Iowa, was here to in
spect the government building in
this cily, Mr. Ullery being tin
government inspector for this
district, and he desired to see
how the work of fixing up tin
lawn and the placing of the con
crete retaining wall at the south
end of the lot was progressing.
The work ftf sodding the govern
ment lot has been held back a
great deal by the fact that the
wall was not completed, owing to
the rejection by the government
of the stone and rock used in its
construction, anil it will be
necessary to do the work over in
order to comply with the specifi
cations of the government, but
the new stone and rock has been
examined and approved by the
authorities in charge of the work
and it will be only a short time
now until work will be resumed
on the wall. The addition of the
sod to the lot will add greatly to
the appearance of the surround
ings of the handsome building,
and Mr. Collins, the contractor
on Ihe job. is all ready to resume
work on the sodding as soon as
the other work is cleared out of
the way.
A Stubborn Cough Is Wearing and
Letting a stubborn cough
"hang on" in the spring is risky.
Foley's Honey & Tar Compound
heals raw inflamed surfaces in
the throat and bronchial tubes
makes sore, weak spots sound
and whole stops stubborn, tear
ing coughs. Refuse substitutes.
For sale bv all Iruggists.
Wedding stationery at the
Journal office.
The Best Flour
on the Market
ti "" -
The Idea of Adevrtising the City
Through Means of Moving
Pictures Is a Good One.
A propoition has several limes
been before Ihe Commercial club
and citizens here to have moving
pictures taken of the cily and the
principal points of interest here,
including the Burlington shops
and the exceptionally beautiful
residence section of the city, but
they have not been taken up and
grasped in the manner that they
should. Manager Shlaes of the
(Jem theater has had an offer
from one of the Omaha film
houses to come here and take
different views of the city if the
different business men and citi
zens would all join in taking a
number of feel of film each that
would pay them for the trouble
of coming down here to look the
mailer up ami for having the
views taken. Hy this means an
excellent manner of advertising
the city and its advantages could
be secured at comparatively little
cost to anyone, as the price
would be divided among all the
different parties having space on
the film and the different towns
throughout the west could be
shown the great natural beauty
and advantages with which this
city has been blessed and the
value of this cannot begin to be
estimated in securing the atten
tion of those scattered through
out this section of the west who
are looking for a location for a
home or who desire to engage in
business enterprises.
The matter of getting the films
exhibited would be an easy one,
as almost any picture show man
ager would be glad of the oppor
tunity to exhibit these pictures,
showing one of the most beauti
ful towns in the west, with its
great natural beauty in the hills
crowned with the foliage of na
ture and filled with the homes of
refinement and culture, as well
as the different business houses
and factories that are rapidly
coniing to the front.
This question is one that
should not be passed by without
some effort, being made to see if
it is not possible to secure
enough persons to subscribe for
space on the film to insure it be
ing made, and then displayed in
different motion picture theaters
as an advertisement of the best
little citv in the west.
Entertained at VanHorn Home.
The Helpers of Ihe Christian
church wero very pleasantly
entertained at the beautiful home
of Mrs. II. G. VanHorn on Thurs
day afternoon, May 7, this being
their regular meeting. There
was a large number of the ladies
and their friends in attendance,
although the threatening weath
er kept some at home, he house
had been prettily decorated for
the occasion with both white and
blue lilacs and lovely house
plants. A delightful feature of
the afternoon's entertainment
was an excellent, program, the
numbers on the program being
interspersed with selections on
ihe phonograph by II. G. Van-
Horn. At the proper time a de
licious luncheon was provided by
the hostess, she being assisted
in serving by Mesdaines M. S.
Uriggs and C. M. Manners. At a
lale hour all dispersed, very much
indebted to the hostess for the
delightful afternoon they had en
Most Children's Diseases Start
With a Cold.
Restlessness, feverishness, an
inflamed throat and spasmodic
cough, maybe whooping cough,
is starting in. Give Foley's Honey
and Tar promptly. It helps the
children so very much, and Mrs.
Shipps, Raymondsville, Mo., says:
"I got fine results from it and it
is a great medicine for whooping
cousrh." For sale by all drug-
Accounts Must Be Settled.
There are still a great many
accounts due the estate of Aug
ust Gorder that we must insist
uDon beinsr setteld at once. This
notice is final, and if same is not
paid within a reasonable time,
the accounts will be placed in
other hands for collection.
Fred Gorder,
mm m
Il 4 II ff I
From Friday's Dally.
J. P. Falter and Philip Thier-
olf, the representatives of the
Plattsmouth Commercial club at
the state meeting of the associa
tion of Commercial clubs, re
turned last evening from the ses-
ions of the clubs at Grand Is
land. They report the meetings
as being the best that the state
association has ever held and the
discussion of the different sub
jects of interest to the club was
much enjoyed and filled with a
great deal of profit to the dele
gates in attendance at the ses
sions of the organization. Mr.
Falter was a member of the
resolutions committee of the con
vention that reported the differ
ent resolutions passed by the
convention. The city of Grand
Island .and their Commercial club
exerted themselves to the utmost
to provide a royal time for the
visiting delegates, and from the
statements made by our rep
resentatives they certainly did the
job up right. The convention
will meet nexl year at Lincoln in
February, at the time when the
state legislature will be in session
in order to attempt to secure the
passage of certain measures in
which they are interested.
Mrs. M. Shepherdson and son
were among the passengers tin's
morning for Omaha, where they
go to have the eyes of the young
man treated by Dr. Gifford.
Children Cry
The Kind Ton nave Always
in use lor over UO years,
STZTI -i i , i r-i f
n i x x. in ffii'O
m, f I III II f n
ana has been made under his per
' sonal supervision since its infancy.
T'CccU; Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeit?, Imitations and ' Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other .Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fev irishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
tBears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
EE the very unusual
lvalues we show now in Spring
suits at $15, $17, $20 and $25.
The latest models are
here natural shape sack suits, no
padding, patch pockets; regular two
and three button effects, flat lapels,
cut with regular shoulders, trousers
medium full. All new late models,
stylish patterns, colors, weaves.
We have all-year-round
weights, Spring weights, Summer
weights. Suit prices $12.50 to $30.
Here are gabardines,
slip-ons, general utility coats, for rain
or shine, for automobiling or dusty
going $3.75 to $15.
From Saturday's Dally.
George H. olive, who for a
number of years was the pro
prietor and editor of the Weep
ing Wafer Republican and later
postmaster at that place under
President Taft, has decided that
he cannot longer resist the
fascinations of the newspaper
game and has again embarked in
the craft by purchasing a half
interest in the Columbus (Neb.)
Journal, and will at once get into
the harness in the newspaper
work. Mr. Olive is a bright
journalist and the people of
Columbus will find that they will
have a good man in their com
munity to assist in Ihe advance
ment of the town through th
columns of his paper. The Olive
family will leave their home at
Weeping Water in a few days to
take up their future residence at
Columbus, and while their re
moval from that city is greatly
regretted by their friends, they
carry with them to their new
home the best wishes for a most
happy and prosperous future.
Mrs. Olive is a sister of Mrs.
John Leyda of Ibis cily.
Petition for Sale of Land.
From Friday's Daily.
An order granting C. Lawrence
Stull, administrator of the estate
of Henry Stull, deceased, permis
sion to sell an undivided one
sixth interest in Ihe Stull lands
north of this cily for the benefit
of the heirs was filed yesterday in
the office of the county clerk.
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
lias bornothe signature of
Signature of