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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1914)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL- MONDAY, MAY 11. ' 191- PAGE 2. NEXT WEEK Tuesday May 19th to Saturday May 23 we will celebrate our RULES IDE By THE FOOD THE NEEDS OF THE ROADS NGEHEBAL The Good Roads Problem Is One That Needs Looking After. coine 4 C. E. MEMBERS' OF TOE P. E. 0. HOLD F I'fum Saturday':! Iaily. . 'Hi.- ladies of Chapter F of the I I'. ., wi'i c entertained yes terday afternoon in a most manner at tin haud Ik i i i of Mis. Gertrude .Morgan, on North Sixth street, and I lie oi-caiMi being Lin an nual ir i t lay, there were a !ai-rf number . pre.-ent to tab I'arl in tin? pleasures of tin' aft- Tnoi.n. Mrs. Frederick W. I.i-hnhoir of Omaha vva present I" meet with tin- ladies aiiil gave a very interest ing talk on the .-l.jri-ls ami aims .of the I F. O. sj-li't-JiMoil, which was thorough ly appreciaf t bv tin' members. anI the address touched mi the -uh.i. - l !. ar to tin- hearts of the Tt'-t::I:t ;s of (his splendid ord'r. The afternoon was given over largely to "millinery," anI the hostesses of the day ifmiushed tin- uv-ts with maLerial which they wi'ic requested to use in the making of hats, and .some very arlis I it creations were con structed by tin' ladies, ami there m:s much pleasure derived in the makiiia: of' these artistic specimens of headgear. Delicious Watch II MEETING Jewelry and Silverware at Gering & Co., -Next Saturday, May 16th- if 'Sec Thursday Night's Paper. 1679 1914 This will be an occasion unusual and extraordinary. AVe do not intend to make of it a Sale event but rather, a time for ettin better acquainted. We want to meet the many new people who have lately come to IMatts and vicinity and we want to renew the old acquaintances of 35 years of business life in this community. We have prepared a program covering 5 business days from Tuesday May ll'th to Saturday May 23 and each day will be devoted to some special feature. We want you to come in and see us during these our business birth days, just for acquaintance sake. We shall be hosts you are our guests. Our founder and father Mr. C. K. Wescott of Los Angeles, Cala., will be present and glad to meet old and new friends.' See announcement for program also watch this space. WESCOTTS EVERYBODY'S STORE reTre-diincnt s were siTi il hi. a suitable hour, which added ureal ly n Ihe pleasures of the day, ami the ladies departed for their homes feeling that il. was a splendid occ;1ion for tin' society ami one whose pleasantness would no siion be forced leu. FINE ELECTRIC SIGN IS PLACED OVER THE MANNERS' GARAGE The garage of llarve Manners on lower Main .-Irei I has, just had .placed in Ihe front", of the building one of the lim-sl electric signs ever seen in the city and one of the largest. The sign, which hears the Ieganil, "(i;ir age," has a large hlaek auto niohile placed on a led back ground that can he seen nicely in the daytime and at night the sign is illuminated hy a patent lighting- device of Mr. Manner's on which he lias 1 ern working for the past few months. This new lighting method consists' of a series of lights, operating in order that ' is constantly making and breaking, and it makes a most pleas in)!' appearance, to the eye ami" i a revelation in the methods used in the making- of electric .signs. Mr. Maimers has certainly gotten a good tiling in for Our Announcement of Big Sale of mm 9 m u 2 SO BRANCH l-frJT! stores S V SONS Ihe making of Ihese igns ami will eoiitinue io work fop the further development of Ihe i---,1-ein. Returns From Trip to Ashland. From Satur?ay"a Pally. Charles r.pairier returned Ihi Jiiojuiug from -shland, wheil' li !iad hecn for the pa.-l few day viiling with, his . .siler, Mrs Susie Young, who has been ipiit' ill. but is now showing signs of ! ii i ico eini n I . Mr. ' r.reamer also paid a short visil at Ihe home of his brother. Lincoln l!rr;iiiH'!', who resiib's near Jreenwooil, and he reports Ihe condition of Un fa!! wheal in thai b-calily as be iiiLr excellenl, as a great deal fartlur advanced than i.i lliis part of the counly. Farm for Sale. 1)02 acres, nneiialf miles north of M. J. deio. For par ticulars see J. W. F.lliolf. 'i-10-tfvkly Helps Kidney and Bladder Trou ble Everybody Satisfied. F.verywhere people are taxing I'oley Kidney Iills, and are so sali-lied I hey ii!"g"e ethers to take I hem also. . T. Kelly, Mclnlosh. Ala., says: "I recommend them to ail who suffer from kid'iey I roubles and backache, for they .'.re fine." Ucsl, lliinu you can take for backache, weak back and rheumatism. For sale by all !rugis! s. 300-312 BROWN BLOCK Omaha. Ned. Food Commissioner Ties "Can" on Dogs and Cats in Kitchens and Dining Rooms. Slate Food Commissioner I far man, who is a candidate for con gress, has started his clean f 1 campaign, but md his political campaign, by issuing- an order prohibiting the presence of cats or iogs m any kiiciicm, Hilling room, bakery, meat market or dlier place where food is pro- lueed or prepared. He has also prohibited the smoking of cigar ettes, pipes or eiai's in any kitchen, bakery, meal mnrke!, or oilier lood producing es;aIUsii- neul. il is believed that these orders Will P-.e mm llie vole ni all Ihe eal and dor living and lo haceo molvimr people working in food producing p!aee. but it may lielp Mi-. Harmon's standing with the women's elubs house wives who desire to purchase food that is md contaminated. The followirur clean food com manilnienls were prepared by Mr. Ilarman : All articles of food miiH a.l all limes be ecurely protected from Mies, dii-l, dirl and all other- con taminal ion. The term "food" meaus'aud in cludes all articles ued for fond, drink, eon feel ion, or coin! ime;il . whether simple, mixed or com pound. The r'olhimr and person of iho-e who come in contact with, or handle food, must e clean al all limes, and such persons niu! wa-h their hands thoroughly be fore beriniiin-r work each day. and after handling- any article which is unclean. No iersin who is afllic'ed with any eonra'-itous or inleriious ill ease slli'll ! allowed hi Wolk II! any estnidK-'iiuicni totui is cooked. served, prepared, pro cured or - ilist ribiil cd." . N'eiiber s!ia!I any person or persons b aIlow'd to sleep in any sucl place. spilling on Moors, walls or utensil- is posit iely pr ohibiled Cuspidors mu-l be pi'ovided an Ihe same -hall be emptied am cleaned daily. foml produeimr or dis tribuliiiu- e-lah!ishmeul durin the lly si a-ou shall have all door windows and oilier opening pro perly screened. The doors, walls and ceilings of every sm'h plaei ruiisi al all t ones .( Kept, m a cbau and sanitary condition. AM utensils, implements, ma chinery and equipment, used in handling, cuttuur. mixing, can ning and preparing food products mus be clean and kept clean al all limes. I.vrv toilet ami wash room musl. be properly ventilated am kepf, clean. All wash rooms musl he supplied with soap, running water and clean towels, in older thai all employes can properly observe Ihe provisions of this law. Refuse, dirl and all oilier wasle and unwholesome products musl be removed daily. Frisnnitary conditions will bt deemed o eis in any food estab lishment where proper precau lions are md taken for Ihe ex termination of rats and mice, cockroaches or vermin. . J lie presence n cats or dogs is positively prohibited in any kitchen, dining room, bakery, meat market or oilier place when food is produced or prepared. Unwholesome condition will b deemed to exist in auy kitchen, bakery, meal market, or olhei food-producing e slab I ishmcnl s where Ihe smoking- of cigars, pipes or cigarettes is permitted, and Ihe ,-aine is positively pro hibited. Yale Motorcyclo for Sale. Fully equipped and good as new. Inquire at the Journal ollice. die of bowel XX trouble more B . . .... . n it..,, p . ' . m t. i m. -J. y esiimutedthntof V$2S '1 every KJOOcblcks zone users raiie. u.-.uaily, 0Cr6 cf chicks fcatclicd. K LenTi07.or!iS kce; tr.e bowels reeuiir. prevents diarrhoea froni'oveidrinWir.2 of water; from eating tnasty or spoiled food, etc It shoulJ be civta 'n drir.kfr.g w.iier twite a week from the day they are hatched. It sl;-s ihe Joss. Kvery chick thnt die cum la.!l imu r. o profit from the rett.' Every ctucl nvet wJ lixa cuat o a baitle jf Germuzono. One size 01U7. J3eU, atdealct'sor pcstptld. For-Sale by F. G. Fricke 5s Co. TIip following very liniely ar ticle on Ihe good roads question appears in tin issue of Wallace's Farmer of Ibis week and the a vice thai it gives on this subject, so vital to the welfare of an community, should be kept in mind and Ihe lessons Inught by il put. into practice in improving Ihe roads throughout the coun try: We were over in Illinois Ihe oilier dav, and the papers were full of 1 roads talk, for if was (iood Roads Iay, and ioernor Dunne turned the lirst shovelful of dirt for some good roads movement. l was road dragging day. The paper had pictures of the Illinois woman who won the prize for road dragging. In fact, the daily papers in Chicago seem to have just discovered that there is such a:rr 'implement, as the road drag, and f ah I nine-lent lis of the roads for the next lifleen or twenty years musl be kept in re pair by its use, and thai il can be done at an expense of from sj to S") a mile per annum. This leads us to repeal. Some things I hat we have been saying for about thirty years mi the sub ject of good roads; The only thing that makes roads bad is water uncontrolled. Wider is the mos( accommodating thing in the world. It will run off. if you -;ive it a chance. There are I wo kinds of water that affect loads tlie under water, that is. water under the roadbed or alongside of it. and the upper water, or Ihe wale i' that falls from above. Therefore, if you will first tile so that the under waler can run o(T when it appears, grade the road, and keep it rounded up so lhal Ihe upper waler will have a chance lo run off. you cannot help bill, have a good dirt road most of Ihe year. ISefore 'making a road of this kind, there should be a survey. Where lo follow the sectional lines you would have lo go up a sleep hill. Von should Hot do s(1. ini! go around it. buying- the right -oT-way around it. instead of going up and down the hill, ff I here are si reams o be cross, ed. I here must be culver t s and bridges, and these should be of cement and permanent. II is utter folly lo build a bridge with any other material than cement and steel. If a road is once surveyed aid graded, il can be kepf in condi tion by the road drag, provide farmers know how to use it What is the use of the road drag anyway? Simply to till up ruts and holes, and gradually drag a little more dirl lo the renter, so I hat the water can run off inb the ditch or either' side. Tn a lime like Ihe present, when then has been no rain to make nils Ihe roads are good. There is m belter road in a drv time than the dirt road properly roumlet up. If is smooth ; il is oval; il is solid: it is elastic more so than any brick or stone road can be and a better road most 'of tin year than you can possibly inaki out of anv of these materials. If is more easily constructed am maintained. 1 here are times ui Hie year when it is not possible lo make a good road out of dirt; but (his time will be shortened up at both em s 11 everv lime me roau drying otf after a wet spell, it b dragged, so that the water may run off, Ihe sun shine on it. and Ihe winds blow over it. To drag a road when it is dry or dusty, as sonic farmers do, is a profana tion of both the road and lh I rag. Xine-lenlhs of the roads in Ihe prairie country innsi ne tiui roads. To talk of any other kind . , ... . 1 .. .1 1 1 ... .... : . . 1 1 1 01 roau, excepi wnere 1 ni-ie i heavy hauling lhal must be done ;il all limes of the year, is pure . 1 1 .1 :ii . 1 nonsense. , nrrcK roau win co-i from fourteen to sixteen thou sand dollars a mile; a macadam road 'from live to ten thousand. Hrick roads have md been in use long enough lo determine the osl of maintenance; but a niaca lamied road of limestone will ost a hundred dollars a mile ach year to keep il. in ord-?r, '.hile the cosj of maintenance with the road drag is not over jfSaTO Complete Line WMM IttlfL $ ss gpgEim - roar Facts, and not claims, back ujx the Detroiter. The big fact the one that means everything to you in your search into automobile values is this: A record covering the twelve monthsgfrom January, 1913, to January, 19M, and embracing every car in operation (not a chosen few) shows that The Tfioitsands of Deiroitcrs now in use average only 3.81 per year or repair par is. T. H. Pollock Auto Co., 'ZI' H Detroiter. The big fact the one that H Plattsmouth Phone No. 1. Xotw il list anding . all thai the prophets ami iOomolers of good I'oads may say, nine-tenths of Ihe roads in the prairie counlry must be dirt loads at least dur ing Ihe lifetime of the pie.-eill generation. Therefore, it is most important. that. farmers learn how to use Ihe drag, and iheri use it. This is Ihe sum and sub si mice of what we have been teaching on this subject for o" years. Of course, in and near the cities and on main mads be! ween cities, where there must b" heavy hauling' all I be year around, hard roads are a neees sity..; These should be btlill, md hy the fanners alone, but by the cities as well, which are equally intereleil with (lie farmers in obtaining- and maintaining roads that can be ued eyery day in the year. Relieves Bladder Distress and Weakness. Trergula;, painful bladder weaknesses disappear when the kidneys are strong and healthful ly active. Take Foley Kidney lulls for that burning, scalding sensation irregular, painful ac tion heavy, core feeling and bladder distress. Yu will like their Ionic restorative elfecl Ihe relief from pain quick good results. Contain no harmful drugs. Try thein. For sale by all druggists. O. Sandin, D. V. M., graduate of the Kansas City Veterinary College, is per manently located in Platts mouth. Calls answered day or night. 'Phone 255. Office COG Main. PUBLIC Mammoth Jacks & Big Stallions COLUMBUS, NEBR., JUNE 4th This nation has been forced to take a step in connection with Mexico which it cannot retrace. As there is no reasonable head to the Mexican nation it makes the situation sodiflicult that it would be impossible to withdraw until the whole of Mexico has been subdued. This will undoubtedly require from 10 to 20 years. Our Government with its :irmy invading a foreign country will he obliged to purchase thousands of mules for military equipment. Good mules were never so .scare ami never have commanded such high prices as at the present time, and if there are not more, mules growi? bv our people our Government will be obliged to go to foreign countries for a portion of iU equipment. We should not make this necussarv. Let us raise more mules. Iam offering jacks strongly bred in tin-'cUSTt'K i;OUllBON FALCON, STAKLIG UT and IUAGO. families. These jacks are bred to produce the most desirable mules that can lie grown. 1 also have a nice line of linuly finished, long-neck, lugh-headed, half Spanish jacks, sired by jacks imported from Spain. These jacks are. making the best cross for heavy draft mares that can be had. Come and buy a jack. Mule raising will be the most profitable industry that a farmer or stock man can follow for the next lo or bo years. 1 will sell a car load of these jacks and a car load of big slallions at COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, ON JUNE 4th All who anticipate attending this sale kindly write me for sale catalogues at once. Please come a day before the. sale so as to look the stock all over and get thoroughly acquainted with it. Will also bo making daily sales at my farm. W. L. DeC LOW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Omaha Douglas 6292 REV. PERRY GETS INTO MUCH TROUBLE WITH "BOOZE" I'nmi I-ii:;iys! Iiully. Abraham .M. lerry, formerly a preacher in aiious Nebraska lowns, was arraigned in Justice Sleens' court yeslerday after noon on a charge of giving liquor to John II. lirnwri, a Lancaster county prisoner employed on the county farm south of Lincoln. .Mr. Per ry asserted his innocence and said that he would secure counsel. The case was continued to 1 p. m. today and his bond liv ed at C:.'!0i), which be could not furni.-h. Ife was sent to the county jail lo await trial. Slate Journal. Mr. Perry is well 't known throughout this counly, as he was tor a number- of years minister at one of the Klmwooi) churches and also was located at Ashland, but of late years has no) deoled a great deal of time to Ihe miii islery. and his friends have been compelled quite often to come to his relief. FOREST HOSE Best lour on the market. Sold by all leading dealers. Dull Feeling Swollen Hands and Feet Duo to Kidney Trouble. Your kidneys need help when your hands ami feet thicken, swell up, and you fed dull and slug gish. 'Pake Foley Kidney Pills. They are tonic, stimulating and sircngthening and restore your kidneys to healthy normal action. Try them. For sale, by all drug gists. SALE OF five dollars a mile per annum.