The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 11, 1914, Image 1

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PicL Slalc Historical Soo
VOL. XXXlll.
NO. 38.
Born Juno 10, 18.15, imai
Slylos i 1 1 . Ilondrieks county. In-
liana. )ni at p. in. on
WV.In.'s.Iay, April "., l'Jli, at his
Imiiif in Union, Nob., aped ?S
years, in months ami li) ilays.
In t!i' death of George (Inr-
rison this county loses one of tin'
pioneer scllhTs ami one of its
best citizens, well known
throughout this part, of (ho slate.
Mr. Garrison's death was not al
together unexpected, as his con
dition for a few weeks was such
as to lead to the belief that ho
coulil not recover, lie had been
in his usual health until about
six weeks afro, when a sudden at
tack of heart failure caused him
to collapse and he was found
prostrate on the floor and help
less. At. times thereafter he
seemed to rally, only to suffer a
relapse ami loss of strength,
gradually growing weaker until
he was called at the time above
-staled. The funeral seuvices were
held at 11 o'clock last Friday
forenoon in the Baptist church,
whore a largo number of his
pioneer friends and neighbors
and others were present to pay
their last respects to their de
parted friend. Rev. A. Tay
lor, his pastor, preached a dis
course that covered the events of
the loner and useful life of the
deceased, and all were impressed
by the manner in which Rev. Tay
lor presented the truths regard
in t: the exemplary life of this bo
loved and honored citizen. Inter-
;-v'' ficr-W
George W: Garrison.
inent was miple in the cemetery
northeast of I his- village, and the
honorary pall , bearers were . Goo.
X. UaRue M,i IK Shoemaker John
Pearlsb y. Jas. W. Taylor, I). W.
Foster and J., 15. Davis, all being:
old-time friends uf the deceased.
The active pall bearers were W.
F. McCamillv'T. W. Swan, W. B.
Banning, E. li. Chapman,- II. M.
Frans and II. A. Chileotl;
George W.: iarrison was one of
the old settlers, who came to this
slate and county when if was but
lilllo developed, ho having located
nor the place of his death in May,
IH.ll). lie prow to manhood in his
native stale and later located in
Illinois, and was married Aufrust
i, 1855, to Miss Aim Amelia New
Ion, whoso death occurred July.
25, 18ii. They were the parents
of six children, of whom three
died in infancy, those surviving
boinfr Alonzo D. Garrison of Deer
Trail, Colo.; Charles V. Garrison,
residing near Union, .and Mrs.
Luella Pittman, wife of Charles
L. Pittman, of Kimborlv, Idaho.
The deceased w as-fast married on
June 10, 1902. to Mrs. N. J. Barr
of Seymour,' Iovva,. who survives
him and resides in this village.
Mr. Garrison -was one of llie de
fenders of i he "pioneer - homes
against the Indians durinfr the
war, serving faithfully as a num
ber of the Second "Nebraska regi
ment, and?after peace 'had been
restored he returned Iiome and
onfrafred in the work of developing
and improving this part of the
county, and his -industry and
honesty were rewarded by-the -accumulation
of many acres of , the
best land. v In . lhe year 1890 he
retired from .active farm work
and built a nice and comfortable
home here in .town, where." he be
came one of., the useful . ami in
fluential citizens. He was. always
active in religious affairs, having
been a very devout member of the
church for many years, and his
influence was always for the net-
torment of the community in
which no lived so many years,
uiviiifr liberally but in a quiet way
to the support of the religious
cause. The death of this esti
mable old gentleman is mourned,
not only by the relatives, and old-
time friends, but also by th
younfrer people for whom he al
ways had a few words of cheer
and encouragement. Union
Former PlattsmOuth Lady Passes
Away at Her Home in
Freeman, Missouri.
From Friday's Daily.
Miss Carrie Adams has just re
turned from Freeman, Mo., where
ho was called by the death of her
ister, Mrs. James Bennett, on
Saturday, April L'5. The deceased
lady was well known in this city
and county, whore for a great
many years she resided with her
parents, pioneers of Cass county.
and the friends of the family will
refrret frreally the death of this
most estimable lady. Miss Adams
remained in Missouri to attend
the funeral, which was held on
Monday, April 27.
Celcstine Adams was born at
Spencer. Indiana, in l.n, ami
was the eldest daughter or Mi'.
and Mrs. J. O. Adams, who when
Miss Celostine was only 13 years
of age, decided In move .westward
with Mie flow- of emigration, and
the. family linally located in Cass
county, .settling on a farm near
Mattsnuuit h in d8J3.and here for
a long period of years, the Adams
family made their hme, and here
the. daughter was reared io wo ni
hilhood and ' received her school
education, later attending the
fate university at Lincoln, which
was then in its infancy.
,Afler loavinfr the university
Miss Adams tauf-'ht in the schools
of lhe county for a number of
years with' nliTeh success, or until
ior marriatre on Aufrust 12, 187-1,
o Mr. Janies . Bennett, then a
resident of this locality, and here
Mr. and Mrs. Ttennolt made their
ionic for the ehsuinpr ten years,
removing in 1884 to inursion
county and takinpr up .farinms
iioai4' Pender, where they met with
proat success, and they continued
ma"ke that place their home
until 189'. when they removed to
Cass county, Missouri, locating
neat- the town of Freeman, where
tbev have since made their home
iiu'l where the husband passed
away about- five years afro.
Several months apo Mrs. Ben
nett was afflicted with stomach
trouble and . her condition
pradually prow worse until death
came to her relief. Mrs. Bennett
was a lifolonp; . member of the
Presbyterian church. Four sons
ami one dauphter are left to
mourn the. loss of the mother, as
follows: Frank Bennett, Orion
Bennett, William Bennett, all of
Freeman ; Percy Bennett, profes
sor of horticulture at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin : Mrs". Grace
Berry of Sapulpa, Okla.; one son
died several years apo. Mrs.
Bennett was also the sister of
Mrs. O. C. Dovey and Miss Carrie
Adams of this, city, and the
friends of the family throuphout
the county extends to the relatives
their deepest, sympathy in their
loss of a good, kind mother, sis
ter and friend.
Ti. Ci. Todd and little son of
Union motored to this city Sat
urday' for a visit with county seat
friends ami to attend to business
matters. They made tin's office a
brief call.
For Sale.
100 bu. millet seed at $1.00 per
lu. Inquire-of Ed Worl, 7 miles
south of Plattsmouth and 4 miles
northeast, of Murray.
Churches and Citizens in General
United in Observation of
Mothers' Day.
Yesterday, throuphout- the dif
ferent church of the city, love
for mother and honor and respect
for motherhood were the I heme
of the sermons at Iho different
places of worship, and the day
was observed in a manner never
before seen in this city by every
one, and the display of flowers in
honor o,f mother was exceptional
ly larpe and the supply secured
from the florists here and from
Omaha was soon exhausted, the
sale of the flowers here boinp- the
iarpost in the history of the city.
The fact that the day had been
adopted as a national holiday by
conpress and President nson
v t
was c'onveved in a messape 10
Postmaster Morpan from the
treasury department, which
instructed him, as the custodian
of the public buildinp- here, to see
that the Stars and Stripes floated
to the breeze on this day in honor
to mother. The postmaster or
dered the now flap recently pur
chased displayed on the flapslafT
at the buildinp- in honor of tie'
day. Those who could took ad
vantape of the day to spend it.
with their mothers, and those
less forfunale paid their silent
tributes by the display of flowers
and in attendinp- the services at
the churches in honor of the day.
At the First Presbyterian
church the hour for the meeting
of the Brotherhood was taken on
iv an address by M. S. Bripps.
who look for his subject "lhe
Cuttinp- Edpo," and the address
was a rare treat from an intel
lectual standpoint, and those who
were fortunate enouph to hoar it
were proat I v pleased with the
splendid talk. The morninp wor
ship hours was devoted to a spec
ial sermon on the subject of "The
Ideal Mother," and the pastor.
lev. II. G. McClusky, pave a most
eloquent sermon on this subject
and paid a plowinp tribute to the
pood women who have made the
nation what it is today, and their
influence for pood in the lives of
those with whom they come in
The Methodist church also
observed the day by a sermon at
(he morning1 hour by Rev. Dru-
iner on the observation of the
day, and his remarks were preat-
y inspiring to his conprepat ion
in lifting them to a realization of
the object of the day and its in
spiration to pay tribute to the
mothers of the land.
The evening" hour at the
Methodist church was occupied
with the rendition of a program
ty the members 'of the Junior
League, and it was one of the
most enjoyable ever given in the
church and the members, some
eighty in number, took part in
the program, w'hich consisted of
recitations and musical num
bers, in which the young people
acquitted themselves with great
credit. Mrs. F. R. Gobelman,
who had charge of the program,
had certainly gotten the young
people together in fine shape on
the different numbers, and the
manner in which it was carried
out was most pleasing- to the
large audience.
The Young Men's Bible class
also had special observance of
the day in the address of At
torney C. A. Rawls, as well as a
bass Jennings Seivers,
entitled, "Tell Mother I'll be
There." The address of Mr.
Rawls .was along; the line of a
historical review of womanhood
and motherhood in the history of
the world. tracing- his subject
back to the ancient Greeks and
Romans and up to the present
time, and closed his remarks with
one of the most eloquent appeals
for mothers that it has ever been
our privilege to here, as follows:
Mother, the sweetest word that
language knows; the word first
prattled mi our infant lips; the
one last murmured through the
expiring1 breath; the word that
meant s to us a world of love and
sympathy unrestrained; it means
tenderness, patience, forgiveness
Our mother's love has knitted
and welded every cell and fiber of
our being so closely. to her that
she has become inexpressibly
dear to us. That love has come to
us in sorrow and shared with us
our prief. Tn gladness it is ever
present inspiring tenderness ami
gratitude, and pointing- toward
higher and nobler aspirations.
There is none other like it. II is
divine God-like. Our mother's
love is the golden thread that
links and closely binds the past
and present and assures us of an
11 n t All !!...
emiiess luiure. .n i.iiroupii our
lives thai love has held our faces
toward the stars, and at the end
beckons on to eternal plory. It
is purer and more beautiful than
the fragrant bloom gentler than
the evening zephyr brighter
than the sunlight's rays more
valuable than gold and rubies, or
of all the wealth of all Iho ages
more lasting than time, and I love
to believe that it will be carried
with us into eternity to bless us
On Its Way Back From Platts
mouth and Will Go to
The cartoon of Spencer, the
famous cartoonist of the World
Herald, which was for some time
on exhibition at the office of W.
K. Rosencrans, and which was the
original drawing1 for the famous
"John Barleycorn" carbion,
seems to have prut ten a nation
wide, reputation, as the following
from the World-Herald
hows. The cartoon drawing1 was
for several days in the possession
of County Assessor Bryan and
was the object of much admira
tion from the different visitors at
the court house:
The Spencer cartoon, portray
ing "John Barleycorn" walking
the plank at the command of Sec
retary I)aniels of the navy, has
become quite famous. And there
by hands an interesting1 tale.
Soon after the cartoon was drawn
and appeared in the World-IIer-ald
it attracted the attention of
W. E. Rosencrans, a prominent
Elk and business. man of Platts
mouth. He made a trip to Oma
ha to secure the original draw
ing:. Mr. Spencer, the World
llerald cartoonist, happened to
lie out of his den when Mr. Rosen
crans called and one of the
editorial force look the liberty to
give the cartoon to Mr. Rosen
crans, he wishing to have it
framed and hung in the new Elks
home at Plattsmouth.
That ended act one, but not the
story. A few days later came a
request from Secretary Daniels,
Washington, I). C, for the origin
al cartoon. Mr. Spencer could
not locate ,it and the man who
gave it away had temporarily for
gotten doing so. Then ttiere ap
peared an item in the World
Herald telling of Secretary Dan
iel's request. A son of Mr. Rosen
cran's read the item and at once
wrote that he was sending1 the
cartoon back to Mr. Spencer. He
explained that he had swiped the
cartoon from his father and pre
sented it to W. R. Bryan, county
assessor of Cass county, who ad
mired it very much, he being in
favor of Secretary Daniel's action
in doing away with mess wine.
The cartoon has arrived back
in Omaha and will go forward to
Secretary Daniels.
Hedge Posts for Sale.
2,000 hedge posts of all sizes,
also 300 split bur oak posts for
sale. For prices and terms tele
phone or call at the farm known
as the Levi Churchill farm, four
miles east of Murray.
E. R. Queen.
North Platte to Be the Gathering
Place of the "Bills"
Next Week.
The second annual convention
of lhe Nebraska Stale Association
of Elks will bo hold at North
Platte next Tuesday and Wed
nesday, and the Xorth Piatt"?
members and citizens have made
elaborate preparations for enter
taining their visitors. There will
bo a barbecue, smoker, grand ball,
wild west sports, automobile rides
and a baseball game between
Iho North Platte and Grand Island
teams. The entertainment com
mittee will not be allowed to
absorb all of the time of the dele
pates, as there is much important
business to transact, one of the
principal things being1 making
arrangements for attending the
grand lodge and reunion to be
held in Denver in July. Nebraska
Elks expect to go to Colorado in
proat numbers. There will be a
special train out, of Omaha and
many will go by automobile over
the Oinaha-Eincoln-Denver route.
Officers will also be elected and
the palce for the next meeting se
lected. The meeting1 last year
was hold in Lincoln and it is ex
pected the next one will go to
Omaha. State associations of
Elks now exist in practically
every state in the union and it is
expected they will wield a strong
influence in the grand lodge this
year, though they have never
been heretofore recognized. .
The delegates from Platts
mouth.J.odge No. 739 are T. H.
Pollock, O. W. ciement and E. J.
Riehey, and they will"ee that the
Plattsmouth lodge is represented
in the proper manner at the
gathering of the B. P. O. E.
All of the lodges in fheslate
are members of the state as
sociation, they being1 located at
Omaha, Lincoln, Plattsmouth,
Falls City, Beatrice, Fairbury,
Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney,
York, Norfolk. Alliance, North
Platte, Columbus and Fremont.
Clarence Tubbs died in Hot
Springs, S. D., April 22, 1914,
aged 35 years, 8 months and C
days, and the body was brought
to this city for interment.
Clarence Tubbs was born in
Murray, Cass county, Nebraska,
June 10, 1878, and grew to-manhood
in this locality and received
his education there and at the
schools in Plattsmouth, and later
engaged in farming: in this coun
ty until his removal to Hot
Springs, S. D., where he was en
praped in the ranching1 business
up to the time of his death.
The funeral of this excellent
young1 man was held at the U. B.
church, south of this city, the
services being conducted by the
Rev. J. M. Tades, and the inter
ment was made in the Horning
cemetery. He leaves to mourn
his loss, father, mother, brother
and four sisters.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank our many
friends for their help and kind
ness in our hour of grief and
bereavement in the loss of our
beloved son and brother.
Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Tubbs
and Family.
Automobile Owners!
I have just employed a me
chanic who is an expert on self
starter magnetos, etc. Bring
in your car if you have any trou
ble. All kinds of repairing so
licited. Smith's Garage, Plattsmouth.
Flower Sale Successful.
The ladies of St. Mary's Guih
of ttio Eoisconal church con
ducted a most successful carna
tion sale on Saturday and over
1.000 of the beautiful flowers
were disposed of to bo used in
the observation of Mothers' Day,
and the ladies feel very grateful
to their friends for the generous
patronage afforded them by the
citizens in securing the flower
The Guild ladies are hard work
ers in the cause of the church
and there were few persons on
Main street that did not pur
chase one of the beautiful tokens
of the day.
Possibility That He Might Con-
sent If Request Becomes
If the intense feeling amongst
democrats of Nebraska that Gov
ernor Morehead should consent
to become a candidate for re-
lection to the governorship
crystalizes into a . concrete de
mand of state-wide proportions,
would he refuse?
That Governor Morehead
would, under certain conditions,
slen to the call of his party, is
believed by close friends of the
executive, says the Lincoln Star.
For weeks there has been a
tremendous pressure brought to
bear upon the governor that he
consent to stand for re-election.
This demand has come in the
shape of letters and personal in
terviews. Democrats from every
sect ion. of the state have called
at the. executive office and im
plored the governor to step into
the race for the welfare of the
state and the good of the party.
n fact, this condition has exist
ed for months, but has become
acute during the past few days.
To these importunities the
governor has listened, but has
given out little that was en
couraging, lie nas tola nis
friends that he was not a can
didate for re-election; that if he
were to remain in politics, he
would prefer to represent his
district in congress and had an
nounced that he would try for
hat office. Be did not think that
io should permit himself to run
or the governorship.
It has been pointed out to the
governor that the people of the
state trusted him and believed
implicitly that he did not seek the
office again, but at the same time
the people were satisfied with his
administration; they trusted him
and the welfare of the state and
the party demanded that he re
main in office and carry on the
businesslike administration the
state had experienced so far dur
ing his term The rank and file
of the party recognized that he
was in no sense a factional
eader, but on the contrary had
the respect and confidence o'f all
The pressure upon the gov
ernor that he permit his name to
be used in connection with an
other term became especially
acute during during the past few-
days and a number of prominent
democrats called on him Satur
day. The question was put tb him
in this form:
"Will you accept if a demand
is made from different parts of
the state that convinces you be
yond a doubt that the wish that
you cnler the race is state-wide
and represents a majority of
your party?"
The governor replied:
"I must be fully convinced that
such a demand exists. I would
not permit my name to be used
under any other circumstances."
Eggs for hatching from S. C.
Rhode Island Reds, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Extra choice mat-
ings, $2.00 and $3.00 per 15.
A. O. Ramge.
Located on Chicago Avenue, and
Biggest Company Ever in
The great Allman shows that.
are to be here for a week with
their carnival company, arrived
in the city, yesterday over the
Burlington from Council Bluffs,
and at once started to unload,
only to be confronted with great
difficulties as la a place on which
they might set up the large num
ber of feature attractions with
which their company is equipped.
It had been the intention of the
committee to locale the shows on
either the, old brick yard or lhe
land on (he river bottoms near
the depot, but there was a great
Irawback in the fact that the
wagons of the company were too
arge to pass through the sub
way under the Burlington tracks
and the brick yard grounds were
not near large enough to hold the
number of shows carried by. the
Allman company, and for several
lours it seemed that the show
would be compelled to reload and
leave the city.
All efforts to get the use of the
streets in the business part, of lhe
city where some benefit might be
derived by the merchants, were
fruitless, and despite the fact
that this is the best appearing
company that ever came here, it
seemed that it was an impos
sibility to-get, them located, but
the c'ommittee and lhe manage
ment of the company finally ue
ceeded in securing1 a plot of
ground on Chicago avenue be
longing to the F. M. Richey
estate, and preparations verr
commenced at once to move the
property of the Allman company
to this location and to set up the
The Allman company is all
that has been claimed for it and
the management of the show,
which is composed of the most
perfect gentlemen, have collected
an aggregation of high grade
shows and acts that will be well
wort'h attending.
The flue military band which is
carried by the company gave a
short concert on Main street Ihis
noon, and that this is a thorough
ly musical organization was
demonstrated by the excellent
manner in which they gave lhe
concert. It would certainly have
been a shame if the company had
been compelled to leave the city
after the expense of coming here,
and it is unfortunate for the
business interests of the city that
they could not be located closer
to the central part of town, al
though the company will see that
their entertainments will be up
to their usual high standard.
There were some twenty cars
in the special train of the com
pany and It is a clean, up-to-date
show in every way. The carnival
will not be able to get under way
in good shape until tomorrow,
when they will be open Io the
public, provided they are left un
molested, as they should be.
Butter Fat Wanted.
The undersigned manager of
the Lincoln Pure Butter Co., at
this station, is paying the highest
price for butter fat, as de
termined by the government Bab
cock test. We are also paying the
highest market price at all times
for all yinds of produce and
poultry. Call and see me before
disposing of your produce.
Fred Dawson,
Lincoln Pure Butter Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Farm for Sale.
Farm of 121 acres, 5j miles
northeast of Union; 14 acres hay
land, 20 acres pasture timber,
rest in cultivation; well improv
ed. Price right if taken soon.
Address Miss Etta Nickels, Mur
ray, Neb.