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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1914)
1 THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1914. PLATTSR10UTH 8ERII-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. D THEE8 'I 1 AT 1 O O' DIM D)Af MAY f Bp aod comiDiniyes untU sold reoairdlle 3 of cost it valyeX Special purchase of Mid-Summer IKIafs just received and will be sold in two lots from to 4c to H- sm d Ladies' Up-to-Date Coats, in all colors, worth up to $10.00, During this sale Ladies' Cloaks in Tango and the latest colors, worth $28.50, will go during this sale at 5.98 14.75 1.98 2.19 S-7S Ladies' Jackets from 98c to $1.50 Ladies House Dresses for Ladies' Afternoon Dresses, (big assortment) worth $3.50, will be sold at $8.00 Dresses in the latest materials and styles, during this sale at $3.75 and The Latest Styles in Wool and Washable Skirts just received and will be sold at a very low price. One lot of Skirts from Missouri Valley purchase, O ACZ. rliiFmrt tK!c cola o- Qr QIKQonH dm mV uuiiug luia ou ik ai itiV viuu ujiu . ... ........ ... .... Misses' and Children's Dresses in white and colors from 48c to Ladies' Waists, up-to-date, just received, in silks and washable materials, 48c to. . Muslin Underwear just received a very fine line from 19c to 1.98 3.45 1.89 Men and Young Men's Suits, up-to-date, at Men al Young Men's Swell Suits, sold regular up to $18.50, during this sale Our highest priced Suits that sold regular at $28.50, in two lots $13.50 and Men's Slip-on Raincoats, worth up to $7.00, during this sale $16.50 Raincoats will be sold at Boy's Suits, the latest styles and colors $1.98, $2.89, $3.98, up to $6.50 Men's Blue Serge Suits during this sale Men's fine make pants a very fine assortment to select from, worth up to $3 at Men's Trousers, made of fine worsted, all new patterns, worth up to $3.50, at.. $3.50 Men's up-to-date Straw Hats, go during this sale at A big assortment of Suit Cases, swell, sold during this sale at 4. 9.50 12.50 4.95 9.75 5.45 3.95 1.48 1.98 am Overalls and Jackets 45c $1.00 best grade Overalls at 89c Men's Working Shirts, former price 50c, now 42c Men's Summer Underwear, Bal- brigan and Porosknit, 19 and 39c Men's Hats 95c, $1.29, $1.79 and $1.98 Men's Pants 79c Men's Sox in different colors, worth up to 20c, now 7 c 35c Lisle Hose at 1 8c Men's White Hondkerchiefs 4c Red and Blue Handkerchiefe 4c Men's Dress Shirts! 75c dress shirts in broken sizes 25c Dress Shirts with Military collars 45c $1.50 men's very fine dress shirts 95c Men's fine dress shirts, worth"85c 49c $1.50 pleated shirts 79c Gorsels Latest model corsets, also Madam May Corsets, worth from 75c to 5.00 during this sale will go at 43c, 79c, 90c and up to $3-45 Laces and Embroideries 7c Lace and Embroideries 3c 12c " 44 . 44 .44 . 5c 18c " .--. 9c 25c 44 uui; timi uuu Paper Safety Pins, or bunch of hair pins Best grade of Apron Ginghams 7c 14c 21c Hair nets, with elastic, yi worth 10c, sale price Boy's blouses, Worth 35c Olp sale price 35c curtain goods, 36 inch "I A wide, yd. Girl's muslin night gowns 35c Children's gingham rompers 38c Paper of pins or hooks and eyes lc Ladies7 fast color hose black or gray, sale price 9c Samples of heavy bath Q towels, 19c, 12c, and Ladies union suits, lace OO trimmed, sale price... mtOQ Ladies' slip-on rain coats Q Q sale price Ladies' Misses and Children's Shoes and Oxfords Ladies' Dress Shoes Gun Metal, Velour, Vici, button or lace, worth from 2.59 up to 4.50, on Sale at $1.59, $1.89, $1.98, $2.39, $2.98 Misses and Children's Shoes worth from 50c up to 2.50 during thts sale will go at 20c, 39c, 79c, 90c, $1.29, $1.39, $198 Men's and Boys Shoes Men's Shoes worth 2.50, during this sale at from $1.48 to $1.79 $3.00 values.'. . - at 82.19 $3.50 values at $2.75) 4.00 values. . - at $2.98 4.50 values at $3.79 Boys' dress and high top shoes with two buckles, worth 2.50 up to 2.85, during this sale $1.93 to $2.28 65c Ladies' large size aprons, used as house dreses, Q three-quarter sleeve J2JC Ladies' Handkerchiefs 2c Barber Towels . -v. 3c Men's 35c neckwear sale price 22c Coats machine thread silk thread, sxxol .... 3k Unbleached muslin, dur- Q ing this sale, 10 yds for Three piece suit, apron QQ I skirt and can JOi I Waists and petticoats, mostly white, wortli 85c "Window shades, worth 10 35c, for Curtain rods . . . . 8c Ladies' house dress, apron style button all the way down, made of good percale, light audlJQ dark colors, worth 1.00 OOC Dry Goods, Muslin, Sheet ing and Linen Unbleached and bleach- Cr ed Muslin 12c Muslin, bleached, Q per yard 15c Fine Mnslin and Cam- Q brie, yd 9-4 Unbleached OA Sheeting 9-4 Best Grade bleached OO Sheeting. Sheets, 72x90 Ijg Good Muslin Pillow 1fjr Slips, each 1UL 12c Toweling, Q bleached 90c bleached Table Cloth, yd OUC $1.00 Pure Linen Table nC Cloth, yd C Yard-wide Percale, short Q lengths, worth 15c, per yd Vaisfs and Peilicoafs $1.50 and $2.00 beautiful Waist in crepe voile and sheer lawn, all newest in QC styles, on bargain table at 27JC Silk Messaline and fine Shadow Lace Waists, worth $5.50 QQ all in one lot, each Silk Messaline Petticoats, worth up to $3.50 at $1.89 V. ZU.CKEC3, Manager. tor The Home of Guaranteed Values