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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1914)
I AGS 4. PLATT3K10UTH SEtt!-WEEKLY JOURTJAL. Cbc plattsmoutb journal Published 8emhW0ekly et Plettmouth. Nebr. Entered at the I'ostofUce tt PUttsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publither Subscription Prloe; S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe HYPOCRISY. Hypocrisy, the feigning- what one is not, especially in religion, is the most despicable thin? in the world. The hypemte is the most hated man in society, whether in religion or govern in'iit. When religious and gov ernmental hypocrisy are com bined in one man, as in the case of Rockefeller, the indignation of mankind becomes almost uni ersal. Professing to be a fol lower of Christ and forming a combination that is in direct op position to everything that Christ taught, he also professes adher ence to principles in government which all his life he has defied. He say. that he believes in the freedom of contract, and that every man .-hou'd be free to work for such wages and for such per sons or corporations as he pl-as-s. He knows that he has formed a combination that makes that impossible. The man must work for him at the wages that he, Rockefeller, fixes and the man has nothing- to say in regard to the amount that lie ?diall receive. If a farmer hires a man, they talk over the matter and come to an agreement. Rockefeller never holds a conversation with a man about wages. The amount is lixeil by him and the man has nothing to say about the matter. Rockefeller forms an or ganization which controls an im mense field of natural resources. He fixes the rate of wages and the price of the product. No one else has anything to say about the mntter. Kvery one knows that forty per cent of stock, voted en block, will control any great corporation. Miuiy of them are controlled with a far less amount. When he asserts that he is only a minority stockholder and tries to escape responsibility in that manner, it is pure hypocrisy. These Colorado mines are only a part of the great organipation known as Standard Oil, beside a part of the great organization of the United Slates, if combined in one, would be but a pigmy to a giant. To talk about lighting for a "principle" under such con ditions is a height to which hypocrisy seldom before reached. World-Herald. :o: The republican of Lincoln and Lancaster county must be hard pressed for an organ when they accept a six-column, four page paper as such. Those who edit this gem of a newspaper must be ashamed of this bantl ing, as no names appear as edit ors. ' Such sheets are always for the purpose of driving it into some fellows in whom they do not cherish the fondest love, and they assume this plan of venting their spite. Hut intelligent read ers do not take to reading such haberdash as therein printed with any idea that they are perusing the truth. :o:- Among; the lawyers at the Lan easier county bar, Price's can didacy for congress does not hardly rise to the dignity of a full Hedged joke. "Hill" is a good scout in his way, but he should noL over estimate himself nor take himself too seriously. This district has already been afflicted with loo many lightweight in dogress. Lincoln Herald. J :o: Why not call them the X. Y. V. mediators, instead oT A. li. C.I The only difference one begin at the head and the other at the tail end of the alphabet. The new jail is looming; up in great shape. :o : fireens and corn bread why there's nothing belter. :o: The carnival next Monday, May 11, for the entire week. :o: Leave the dandelions alone and they will kill themselves. :o: There are times when popular government isn't so dad-blamed popular. :o: The paper hangers and decor ators are working- early and late these days. :o: As the pastures come up we may expect the price of milk to come down. :o: It is the man who fails, who contend that an honest man stands no sJiow. :o:- Xext Sunday is Mothers' Day. Don't forget your dear old moth er, dead or alive. :o: And now comes Senator Heasfy of I-'airbury and wants the repub lican nomination for governor. :o: Ross Hammond seems to be a "b-etle"' to much of a stand-palter to get the bull moose support for governor. :o: The weather for the past week has been enough to provoke an other series of backbone of win ter pargraphs. :o: While the federal game law is very broad in its scope, it does not prohibit candidates hunting voles before the primary. :o : Plallsmouth has no mechanics out of work. They are all busy. I'hat shows what the town is do ing' in the building line. :o : Since Secretary Daniels issued his celebrated order to the navy, our monster battleships should feel right at home when they go into dry docks for repairs. :o; When the South American re publics get through with their job in Mexican troubles their might proffer their pood offices to settle the butcher business out-in Colorado. :o: The person who fails to per ceive mat there is a great in crease in the business of Platls- mouth over two and three years ago, is certainly not a very close observer. Hut it is so, neverthe less, and besides Plattsmoulh has greatly increased in popula tion. A united action on the part of the business interests is what "talks so loud." :o: The Allman Brothers' carnival company, which begins an en gagement in Plattsmoulh next Monday, is one of the largest ag gregations of its character in the United States. It far surpasses anything; in the carnival line that has ever appeared in this city. The train which carries this great company consists of L'O sixty foot cars. Ther will be three free entertainments, ami a whole raft of ilher side-shows. The big band of 20 pieces is alone worth coming many miles to hear. Don't fail to come and see this big; show, and be sure and bring the children. Remember the date Monday, May 11, and every day and night of the entire week. WHAT ARE YOU WORTH? What would you be worth if vou should lose all of your worldly possessions? Did you ever take an invoice of the avail able assets that you possess, apart from what the world calls property? In other words, what of value have you in the way of character, of conscience, of brain, of s'oul, that enemies could not rob you of, and that misfor tune could not take awav from you in a proceeding m iiinK- ruptcy? If you have no assets such as these, then you ought to have a receiver appointed for your ruined life and for your wasted opportunities. Not so very long; ago a man of wealth met with unexpected business re verses and financial loss. une bright morning he awoke to find himself without a shilling that he could call his own. The ac cumulated savings of a lifetime had disappeared over night, and had not so much as said goodby is they Hew away. The sun came up in the morning shining as jrightly as it had ever shone, but o this unfortunate man the leavens looked mighty glo'omy and uninviting-. His one thought and his sole ambition in life had een to acquire riches and pile up wealth so that he might be nvied by all of his neighbors. To a large extent his ambition lad been abundantly gratified, md from time to time he had tin down his barn and built greater, like the rich man in the well-known parable. The sor- ovv a!I disappointment of this man was keener man one can imagine, put me mmg mat nun inn most was the financial dis grace that would follow the loss of his fortune, lie felt that he could never again lift up his head and look the world squarely in fhe face. The fact came home to him that he had accumulated only such assets as financial misfortune might rob - him of. When he lost his property he had lost all that might commend him fo the world, anl all that com manded the respect of his neigh bors and his friend-. This man had never given thought for a moment to the questionable methods that he had often em ployed in acquiring1 wealth. He had never lost a wink of sleep over the hardships that he bad inflicted upon others. The grind ing of the poor had never grated upon his ears, and the deception and fraud that he had practiced, and the hard bargains that he had driven, were forgotten as soon as over. He had given his soul, if he ever had a soul, in ex change for wealth. While he held fhe price in his hands and could hold it up to excite the envy of his neighbors, he was satisfied and apparently happy. The blood and tears that stained much of his money detracted nothing fiVrn its value, but the loss of this money appeared to him as a disgrace that he could never overcome. When he lost his wealth he lost alb that he had. He had long ago sold his soul, his sense of right and justice, his conscience and his character. He realized that he was now so poor and so worl bless that he was mere waste and that the whole world would join in throwing- him into the scrap-heap. A man is mighty poor who possesses noth ing; but money. :o: We have been calling on the farmers to drag; Ihe roads, and several farmers have informed the Journal that the roads south from Mynard and west from that place are in fine condition through the efforts of the farm ers along the line, right to the city, and then they begin to. get bad, and now they demand that we "jack up" the city authorities on the matter and have them do their part of the work. It looks very queer that after the farmers have done their part the city re mains negligent on their part. Either the Mexican war should be,, finished before Nebraska's wheat harvest begins, or it should be deferred until afler the gathering; of the bumper crop is out of the way. :o: The farmers want the people of Plattsmoulh to do what they are doing every day drag the streets. And it's no more than right mat the street commission er pets busy on the outer edges :o: This is the prettiest time of the year, when the hills and val leys are covered with wild bowers. Flower hunting; parties are numerous and many beautiful bouquets adorn the mantles of many homes. :o: Everything- that the women are wearing this spring- pertains lo yellow, and this may be the means of affording great protect ion to the dandelions on the lawn, as they will probably de mand that the lawn harmonize with their hose. :o: One of the stand-pat organs of tin slate si ill contends that the republican national committee did not take the presidential nomination from Roosevelt. W have thought all along- that was a fact. Hut the moosers are still fighting it out on that line. ' :o: The race for senator in Oloe county promises to be a very lively one. John Mattes, the democratic candidate, is a run ner front away back, and his ex perience as a campaigner is very great. There is no reason why ie should not beat Hartling, as he is no shrewder politician than his father was twenty-five years ago, when John defeated him. John' Mattes will make an able member of the senate. :o: Daniel E. Sickles, the grim old warrior, ends a stormy life at the ape of HU yearg. We can remem ber very dislincllv when a boy of 17 years when he killed Philip Dai Ion Key, district attorney for the District of Columbia, for the betrayal of his wife. This in cident created a great slir throughout tin; country. He was one of the greatest generals in the army, and bst a leg at (!et Ijsburg and became a national hero. :o: The little cotrie of Nebraska newspaper men who met as the "Democratic Newspaper Men of Nebraska." a few days ago, have ot themselves into a rumpus over the resolutions passed in secret session. It turns out now that there really was only twenty-five newspaper men present, including those in Lincoln. So this meetinp should be consider ed as not in the least a true rep resentation of the democratic newspapers of Nebraska, so it does not make any particular dif ference who they endorsed or who I hey didn't indorse. They are not Ihe "whole cheese" by a long shot. :o: The democrats of Nebraska, as they stand now, are about on an equal footing- with the repub licans so far as organization is concerned. Hut by the "simple twist of the wrist" of those fel lows at Washington, in giving the democracy of Nebraska what is coming- to it, a different phase could be put on the situation. The democrats of other stales are not placed in the same situation as they are in Nebraska. A -very few fellows control the dishing out of the federal patronage that belongs to Nebraska the masses of the party are not taken into consideration at all, but they are expected to furnish the votes at the next election. "Logger heads" are poor politicians, and never won anything- at politics or anything else, but they can do a whole lot of injury when once let loose. THE MEAT SUPPLY. Does anybody know anythin about the meat question? Many of our eastern farmers are con sidering; some lines of meat pro duction and they are making in uuiries into the prospects. Per haps the question most frequent, ly asked is whether the rest o the world will ship enough meat to this country lo reduce the price materially. Probably not very soon, because the world as a whole is short of meat. Ulti mately the world will produce more meats, as it always pro duces more of anything- after a time of high prices. Our mar ket will get. large quantities of foreign beef in the future when ever it is higher than the Hritish market and only then. Nobody should go into meat production with the expectation that prices will be high all the time. lie should take up Ihe business with the intention of mastering- it and sticking to it, confident that h will witness no disastrous low- levels as in the pa-it, but pre pared for an occasional year of disappointment. Another ques tion frequently asked is whether meat production will be material ly increased in Ibis country during- the next few years. Certain ly it will. The rcecjpls of veals shows that calves are being kept to raise. The demand for pure bred cattle was never broader or belter. The cattle country is be ing enlarged by cleaning tip tiek territory in the south, by restor ing cattle lo eastern farms ami by restocking- the western lauds that were formerly free range. The persistent fight against hog cholera is hound to have its ef fect. Sheep men find thai they are not completely bunted afler all and the decline of our flocks has been checked. Everv thing points to greater no-at produe- tion as is natural alter a permu of pood prices. Whether the oilier and equally important fac tor, the consumption, will keep pace with it we do not know-. Probably not equal pace at any rate. :o: Ross Hammond, a radical re publican, is slill drawing the salary of .l,0in a year as col lector of internal revenue, and Sizer, the same kind oi a repuu- lican, is drawing an -equal salary as postmaster uu .wi. onlv are these fellows drawing alaries that democrats should be enjoying, but there are numer- ous ouicr positions in wiutu democrats of Nebraska should be placed, where republicans are drawing the pay. And all on ac count -of the "loggerheads at Washington. It's a shame thai such a state of affairs exists, but it is a fact just the same. :o: There is always criticism of the men in aulhorily when, there is war or the prospect of war. This may always be expected. But in all fairness, there is no ground for complaint of the way Presi dent Wilson lias handled mis mailer. He has always wanted peace and still maintains that this country ought to be friendly to the Mexican people as a whole. It is the dictator he is after, and naturally wants to maintain the respect and dignity of litis na tion while he is after the scalp of the usurper, lie has undoubted ly the moral support of a large majority of the people of this country. :o: Sackett of (lage county seems to be a favorite for the republican nomination for governor, but he is considerably handicapped in playing' "good Lord and good devil" to both factions of the party. The bull moosers will ac cept him as a candidate, but not if he has anything to do with the standpatters. And there it goes. :o: ' The correspondent who used lo keep us advised as lo the slate of Abdul Hamid's health appears to have left for Mexico. 1 "See Will Tr xx juu till l tX x vv xuiaiiuic, mtiijii xjuha w , m Avery cultivator, See Will Richardson jj If you want a Caiiton (P fe O) or Emerson plow, ' See Will Richardson If you want a Disc Harrow or Pulverizer, See Will Richardson If you want an Acme or Emerson Standard mower, See Will Richardson If you want an Acme or Emerson sulky rake See Will Richardson If you want a farm Gusliman Engine, Sec Will Richardson If you want aii Associated or a Field Engine, Sec Will Richardson g If you want Corrugated 0 If you want a Gade Steel Hog Hack, See Will Richardson If you want a Gade Steel Gate, See Will Richardson If you want a Metal Wheel Truck or Wagon Box See Will Richardson If you want an Iowa Cream Separator See Will Richardson If you want a Meadows Power Washer See Will Richardson If you want a Buggy or Carriage See Will Richardson If you want anything See Will Richardson MYNARD, Vou have such an excellent memory you may recall me name of the republican candidate for vice president in :o: The preponderance of children ill.t'iidiug the motion picture hows alfords the chief argument in favor of ofiicial censorship. :o: When we remember that Colo rado is a civilized state it is hard to believe the stories published about the mining- war in progress there. :o: SlilI hunting" in this day ami age never got a candidate very much for slate or county office. The democratic voters of Cass county are already onto the scheme and don't intend lo be fooled. :o: A 10-year obi girl down in Mis souri lias confessed to having set lire to four buildings within four weeks. While Ihe girl ought lo be punished for it, she should be sent lo England lo re-enforce Sylva Parkhurst and the cham pionship team of destroyers. International Harvester Manure Spreaders Tie II! C Line GRAIN AND KAY MACHINES BTao'ers, Reapers ' Header. Mowers Rtkes. SUckers Hay Leaders HT Presses CORN MACHPIES Planters, Pickers Bmdrt, Csltirstors Ensilage Cutter SbeUers, Shredders 1ULAGE Pet. Sprit z-Teeta, end Duk liarrews CoJ'-Wati-rs GENERAL LIKE Oil aod Gal Eat, we Oil Tractors Maaare Spreaders Craw Separators Farm Wajous Motor Trackj Tbreakers Craia Drills Feed Griodcrs K-nif Grinder kjiiider Tarioe InlernationalHaiTcster Council Bluffs CLuapita Deering BcCorauci 22C Richardson Hoofing, See Will Richardson Mi The voters of Nebraska arc not going- to be deceived in voting for candidates for state offices on the part of the democrats at the Aug ust primaries. They do not pro pose lo be hoodwinked into vding for some candidates they know have formed a combine and will endeavor to carry out their ne farious scheme to nominate a ring ticket from the office of gov ernor down. The democratic vot ers are catching' on to the maneuvers of the little ring up at Lincoln, and they will be in readi ness to sit down on it at the polls in August. Mark that! :o: Senator Kenyon of Iowa thinks the Rockefeller foundation fund is intended to build up an invisi ble government. We would like to know what you would call it now? He is the whole thing- in every move he makes to control. :o: When a serious crisis comes in national affairs there are usually as many different posi tions taken in congress as there are congressmen. INTERNATIONAL Harvester ma A nure spreaders have a score of good features in their construction. Each one is the result of careful field experiment. An I H C spreader is low enough for easy loading, yet it has plenty of clearance underneath. The rear axle is well under the load, rear wheels have wide rims and Z-shaped lugs, insuring good traction un der all conditions. Frame," wheels, and all driving parts are of steel. Apron tension is adjusted by a simple device. Winding of the beater is prevented by large diameter, and beater teeth are strong, square and chisel-pointed. - International manure spreaders are built in several styles and sizes, low or high, endless or return apron, tor small farms or Urge. Examination will show sturdmess of construction in every detail. Repairs, if ever needed, may always be had of the local dealer. Examine International spreaders at the dealer's. We will tell you who sella theia, and wo will send you interesting catalogues. Company of America mm la. . miw.cket Otfcorae 1 s