The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 07, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1914. -Vi
Casg County, ss.
In County Coart.
In the Matter of tlie Kstate of John M.
Johnson, Deceased.
Notion is hereby given to the credit
ors of sai-.t deceased that hearings will
Iff ha'l upon claims filed asainst paid
estate, before me. County Julsre of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in i'lattsmouth. in saiil
County, on the Itttli luy of May, 114,
and on the 17th clay of November, lH,
at o'clock a. m., each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must ? tiled in said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at I'lattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 15th day of April, A. I).
County Judge.
xotick to citnmToits.
Cass County, ss.
In County Coart.
In the Matter of the Kstate of William
Leddy, Defeased.
Notice is hereby priven to the credit
ors of said deceased that heariners will
be had upon claims filed against said
estate, before n;e. County Judsre of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in i'laltsmouth. in said
County, on the 2::rd day of May 1914.
and on the L'tth day of November. 1914,
fit 10 o'clock a. in., each day for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said Court
on or before said last hour of liearintr.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this L' day of April. A. J).
Cnuntv Judge.
C'Ol'XTV. XKI!ltAK .
In the Matter of the Guardianship of
George Dwyer, Leona Dwyer, I)e
Korest I)wyer, Edward Dwyer and
Elmer Dwyer, Minors.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of James T. Begley.
Judge of the District Court of Cass
Count v, Nebraska, made on the 12th
day of March. 1914. for the sale of
real estate hereinafter described, there
will be sold at the front door of the
Court House in Plattsmouth. Nebraska,
on th 9th day of May. 1914, at 11
o'clock a. m., at put-lie vendue to the
Mchest bidder for cash the undivided
two-fifteenths interest in and to the
following described real estate to-wit:
Lots ?, and 4. in Block 52. in the City
of I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska-
Said sale will be open one
Dted this 3rd dav of April. 1914.
As Guardian of George Dwyer,
Leona Dwyer, De Forest Dwyer.
Edward Dwyer and Elmer
Dwyer, Minors.
In Re Estate of Delilah Schwab, De
ceased. Application of Charies E.
Schwab, Executor, for License to
Sell Real Estate:
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Charles E. Schwab, ex
ecutor of the last will and testament
and estate of Delilah Schwab, de
ceased, praying for a license to sell
the following described real estate,
subject to the lease thereon to James
M. Woo! ward from March 1, 1914, to
March 1, 191... to-wit:
Lot eitfht S). in the Northeast
Quarter NEV of the Northwest
Ouarter (NJ..i: Lot nrteen (!: in
the Southeast Quarter ISK1) of the
Northwest Quarter N Vk : Lot
twelve 12 in the Northwest Quar
ter (N'W'i) of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW4; Lot eleven (11) in the
Southwest Quarter (SWVj) of the
Southwest Quarter (SW'4;. and the
East half HZ1) of the Southwest
Quarter (SW1). all of Section twen
ty-eight (2S, in Township eleven
11 North. lianee fourteen 14
East 6th P. M., in the County of
Cass. Nebraska.
for the payment of debts allowed
against said estate, cost of adminis
tration and expense of these proceed
ings, and to carry out the provisions
of the last wiii and testament of paid
Delilah Schwab. in respect to the
shares given to the granddaughters of
said decepsed. t!ie children of one An
drew Schwab, deceased: there not be
ins: sufficient personal property to pay
said debts and expense, and to carry
out the provisions of said last will ana
testament in respect to the shares de
vised and bequeathed to said grand
all persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me at the office of the
Clerk of the District Court in the
Court House in I'lattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, on the ICth day of
May. A. D. 1914. at 9 o clock a. m. to
show cause why a license should not
be granted to said executor to sell the
above described real estate to pay said
debts and expense to carry out the
provisions of the last will and testa
ment of said deceased in respect to the
shares of the paid granddaughters of
said deceased, children of one Andrew
Schwab, deceased.
Dated this 4th dav of Anril. 1914.
Judge District Court.
It Is hereby ordered that the above
order to show cause be published in
the l'alttsmouth Journal, a newspaper
published and of general circulation
in the County of Cass, Nebraska, for
four successive weeks.
Dated this 4th dav of April. 1914.
Judge District Court.
To Henry A. Pearsons. trustee. The
Northwestern Bond and Trust Com
pany, a corporation, Martin Cain, the
unknown heirs or devisees of Mar
tin Cain, deceased. Letitia M. Young,
the unknown heirs or devisees of
Letitia M. Young, deceased, Letitia
M. I'ottenger, the unknown heirs or
devisees of Letitia M. Pottenger, de
ceased, Letitia M. Potenger, the un
known heirs or devisees of Letitia
M. Potenser, deceased, Sanford I'ot
tenger, the unknown heirs or de
visees of Sanford Pottenger, de
ceased, Sanford Potenger, the un
known heirs or devisees of Sanford
Potenger. deceased. James McMahon.
. the unknown heirs or devisees of
James McMahon, deceased, James W.
McMahan, the unknown heirs or de
visees of James W. McMahan, de
ceased :
You are hereby notified that, upon
the 20th day of March. 1914, August
Wendt. as plaintiff, filed a petition in
the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quieting
the title to the west half of the south
west quarter fW4 of SW4 of Sec
tion twenty-four (24), also the north
west quarter of Section twen-tv-tir
125).' . all in Township eleven
til). . North. Range ten (10). East of
the sixtn t'rincipai .Meridian, in tne
County of Cass. State of Nebraska, as
against you, and each of you. and as
again any and all persons claiming, or
to claim, by, through or under you. or
anv of you, and for such other relief
as "may be just and eoultable.
You are further notified that you are
reouired to answer said petition on or
before the Sth day of June. 1914.
Dated this 20th day of April, 1914.
AUGUST WENDT. Plaintiff.
His Attorney.
Deautlful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, ior the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, tne best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
t, XVm. Gilmour,
I V Plattsmouth. Neb.
bZi& a4 J- lJ' flH
fng the business.
The Journal advertisers are do-
In the Matter of the Estate of Henry
Stujl. Deceased.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of C. Lawrence Stull, ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry
Stull. deceased, praying? for a license
to sell an undivided one-sixth, subject
to the dower and homestead right of
Agatha Stull therein of the following
real estate to-wit:
The east half of the northwest quar
ter of section two. township twelve,
range thirteen, containing 74 and
Jw-100 acres; the east half of the
southwest quarter of section two.
township twelve, range thirteen, con
taining acres: lot four in the north
west quarter of section thirty-six,
township twelve, range thirteen, con
taining 26 acres, and lot three in the
northwest quarter of section six. town
ship twelve, range fourteen, containing
22 and 7;.-100 acres, all in Cass County.
Nebraska: or a sufficient amount of the
same to bring the sum of $2,191.31, with
interest, for the payments of debts al
lowed asrainst said estate and costs of
administration, there not being suf-
ticient personal property to pay said
debts and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me on the 22nd day of June,
1914. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at
the office of the Clerk of said Court, at
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, to show cause
why a license should not be granted to
said administrator to sell so much of
the above described real estate of said
deceased as may be necessary to pay
said debts and expenses. It is further
ordered that this order to show cause
be published for four successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing in the
Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal,
published at Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Dated this 7th dav of Ma v. 1914.
Judge of the District Court.
T.-7-4 wks
Local News
From Tuesday' Daily.
Janii's Ilivett of Lincoln was
here today looking after some
business for the Uurlington.
Will Jean was amonpr the busi
ness visitors in the metropolis
this morning, going- to that city
on the early Hurlington train.
J. X. Jordan was a passenger
this afternoon for the metropolis
to spend a few hours.
J. C. Xidav of Union, the road
overseer of Liberty precinct, was
in the city today looking after
some matters of business.
L. I). Hiatt and wife of Murray
came hp last evening- from their
hom ami were passengers on the
early Burlington train for Oma
ha, where they will visit for the
Countv Commissioner C. R
Jordan arrived last evening from
Alvo to attend the meeting of the
county commissioners this morn-
ills' at the court house.
Max Fritchmeyer and wife were
anion? the passengers this morn
ing on the early Burlington train
for Omaha, where they wre call
ed to look after some matters of
business for the day.
Mrs. Nancy J. Garrison, Charles
V. Garrison and Mrs. E. P. Pitt
man of Union were here today at
tending- to some matters in the
countv court.
George II. Becker departed last
evening on No. 2 for Bloomfield,
Missouri, where he goes to visit
for a short time with relatives
and friends.
Sam Long- of ?outh Bend was
in the city vesterdav for a few
hours attending- to some business
matters with the business men
Mrs. Mont Robb departed this
noon for Union, where she will
visit her son, Hugh Robb and
family, on the farm near that
Mrs. Atha Delanev and Mi-
George Garrison of Union were
visitors in this city today and
made this office a brief call.
C. L. Milenz of Wahoo, fhe
manufacturer of the celebratei
"Forest Rose" flour, was in the
city yesterday afternoon for a few-
hours looking: after the sale of
this fine flour.
J. M. Meisinger was in the city
yesterday for a few hours look
ing after some matters of busi
ness with the different merchants
for a few hours.
Mrs. Charles Ilerold of Pekin,
Illinois, who has been visiting
her mother and sister, as well as
other relatives, departed this
morning- in company with her
sister, Mrs. John Lutz, for Oma
ha. Mirs Ferris York returned last
evening on No. 2 from the west
ern pat of the stale, where she
has been teaching- school, and
will spend the summer vacation
here at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. York.
Mrs. Maurice Katleman of
Sioux City. Iowa, is in the city for
a short visit at the home of her
sister, Mrs. V. Zucker and family.
Mr. Katleman was a visitor here
over Sunday, departing: yesterday
afternoon for his home in the
Iowa city.
John Cory departed today for
Hastings, Neb., where he goes to
represent Cass county Modern
Woodmen at the state convention
as a delegate from one of the
conventions held here last month.
Mr. Cory's associates on the
delegation will be Hon. W. B.
Banning: and L. A. Tyson.
From Wednesday' Pri7.
O. A. Davis of Murray was here
today for a few hours looking af
ter some business matters in the
C. S. Aldrich of Ulmwood was
in the city yesterday for a few
hours attending- to some matters
at the court house.
Mrs. O. C. Nystrom of Omaha
arrived last evening- and will visit
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gust Johnson, for a few
L. J. Mayfield of the Louisville
Courier was here for a short
time yesterday afternoon attending-
to some matters with the
county commissioners.
Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray
was in the city today for a few
hours, where he was called to
look after some matters at. the
court house.
Father M. A. Shine departed
tin's morning for Falls City,
where he will spend a few hours
looking1 after some matters for
the church there.
Mrs. W. R. Fry of Council
Bluffs was in the city for a few
hours yesterday visiting with her
mother, Mrs. R. W. Ford, being
en route home from Caspar,
Wyoming", where she was for a
time visiting with her son.
Mrs. E. II. Wescott and chil
dren, Edgar and Helen, were pas
sengers this morning' for Su
perior, Neb., where they go to
visit at the home of Mrs. Isaac
King- for a few days.
L. A. Meisinger and family
came in yesterday afternoon from
their farm home and visited here
for several hours looking" after
some trading and visiting- with
A. M. Searl and Grovernor
Knapp departed last evening- on
No. 2 for Montieello, Arkansas,
where thev g to look over some
land interests near that place.
Mrs. William Ballance and
niece, Miss Pease, of Michigan
City, Indiana, who is a guest at
the Ballance home for a few
days, departed this morning- for
Lincoln, where they will visit for
a time with relatives.
Glenn Hewitt and wife of
Greenleaf, Kansas, who have
been in Omaha visiting with rela
tives and friends, arrived last
evening on No. 2 and will visit at
the home of Mr. Hewitt's grand
mother. Mrs. B. Hemple, and
aunt, Miss Teresa Hemple.
Mrs. J. M. Fades came in this
morning- 'from her home south of
this city and was a passenger on
the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where she will visit with
relatives for the day.
Mrs. J. W. Chapman and little
niece, of Lincoln, who have been
here visiting for a few days, de
parted this morning" for their
home in the stale capital.
From Thursday's Daily.
G. p. Eastwood was a business
visitor in the metropolis today
going to that city on the early
Burlington train.
Dr. E. W. Cook and A. L. Tidd
returned this morning from
Hastings, where they were in at
tendance at the state convention
of the Modern Woodmen held in
that city yesterday.
E. F. Grybisky departed this
morning for Omaha, where he
will engage in business in the
future. The friends of Mr. Gryb
isky will be pleased to learn that
he will be located so near that he
can occasionally drop down to
visit in this city.
Clans Boelel, the veteran dray
man, departed this morning for
Omaha, where he will look after
the purchase of a new wagon for
his dray line.
R. C. Bailey of Maple Grove
came in this morning- from his
home and was a passenger on the
early Burlington train for Oma
ha, where he will spend the day
looking after some items of busi
ness. Mrs. Nellie Bulger of Omaha
came down this afternoon for a
visit at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard.
Mrs. E. J. Scott departed this
morning 'for Glenwood, where
she will visit her daughter, Mrs.
Lee, in that city for a short time.
E. F. Finch and wife were pas
sengers this morning- for Omaha.
where they will visit for the day
attending- to some business mat
ters. You may need an
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office for
COL. Mil. DU
the Weeping Water Auctioneer
Careful Attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable
ted Crest
fc3 .V'r
A regular 50c value this
week only
This vriting paper is of an excep
tionally high grade stock.
The initial is one of suroassind
beauty, executed in gold and a sepia
lint, neatly aie stamped m tne up
per left corner of the sheet.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Sheriff Quinton and County At
torney Taylor were passengers
this afternoon for Omaha, where
they were called on county busi
ness. Arthur Eastwood returned this
morning- from Hastings, Neb.,
where he had been for a short
time visiting with relatives and
Miss Seva Johnson came down
from Omaha this afternoon on
No. 2 i and will visit here with her
father, Gust. Johnson and wife,
for a short time.
Mrs. W. W. Glenn of Wymore
and little daughter, who have
been here visiting at. the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. II ill, departed
this morning for their home.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Murray
was in the city today for a few
hours, en route from his home to
the metropolis, where he was
called to look after some items of
John Corv returned this morn
ing on No. G from Hasting?
where he was in attendance at
the Modern Woodman convention.
being one of the delegates from
this county to the meeting.
Ed Ripple, wife and son, of
Madison, Oklahoma, arrived thi
morning on the early .Missouri
Pacific and will visit here for a
time at the home of Clans Boetel
and wife, and may decide to make
their home in this city.
Miss Alma Holly returned last
evening; from Avoca, where she
has been engaged for the past
season in teaching school, and
will visit here for the coining
vacation at. the home of her par
ents, Mr. and' Mrs. William Holly.
Mrs. E. T. Hilton of Omaha is
here making a short visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mc
Maken and family.
J. P. Rainey of near Murray
was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some matters
of business with merchants.
Ilenrv Inhelder of Cedar Creek
was attending to some busines
matters in this city today, and
while here made this office a brief
County Commissioner C. R
Jordan returned to his home at
Alvo this morning", after being
here in attendance at the meeting
of the board of county commis
sioners. Health a Factor in Success.
The largest factor contributing
to a man's success is undoubtedly
health. It has been observed that
a man is seldom sick when his
bowels are regular he is never
well when they are constipated.
For constipation you will find
nothing- quite so good as Cham
berlain's Tablets. They not only
move fhe bowels, but improve the
appetite and strengthen the di
gestion. They are sold by all
Vitax! ?..... ?.r?-!-!-!- -V--TTTT.t?i
for Ice Cream, Soft Drinks,
Fine Candies and Fruits.
Always fresh. Everybody
come and see us when in
8. J. REAMES, Prop.
Cedar Creek, Neb.
4-30 4wks-w
From Wednesday's Dally.
The board of county commis
sioners last evening held a short
session with the members of the
treets, alleys and bridges com
mittee of the city council relative
to the matter of the bridges on
Locust street that the countv is
to put, in this spring. It is the
desire of the councilmen to have
a six-foot concrete culvert of the
same character as placed by fhe
Burlington at the shop yards in
stalled on Locust street, instead
of the bridges as first thought of
by the county. The desire of the
city to have these culverts in
stalled is so that they can in the
future, if it is desired, place a
continuation of the culverts
down the old creek bed and per
mit the filling- in of the creek. If
the county places in bridges it
will do awav with the idea of the
sewer out Washington avenue for
some time, but with the culverts
the city could easily add a little
each year until the whole creek
was filled in. The commission
ers are willing- to allow the cul
verts to be put in instead of the
bridges, but desire to have fhe
county cleared of all damages
that might occur from overflows
if the small six-foot culverts
were placed in. The matter will
be taken up by the council Mon
day night at their meeting".
From Tuesday's Dally,
Yesterday afternoon while Will
Fox was engaged in placing some
electrical fixtures in the new-
Elks' club house on North Sixth
street he met with a very painful
accident as a result of which he
is wearing" both wrists in band
ages. He was standing on a step
ladder fixing some wiring, when
the ladder brok? without warning
and he was thrown to the boor in
such a manner as to sprain both
wrists, and the left arm will have
to be carriel in a sling- for a few
days, and while the right writ
is not so serious, still it. is quite
painful and he will not be able to
use it for several days at least,
and will enjoy an enforced vaca
tion from his work.
Accounts Must Be Settled.
There are still a great many
accounts due the estate of Aug
ust Gorder that we must insist
upon being- setleld at once. This
notice is final, and if same is not
paid within a reasonable time,
the accounts will be placed in
other hands for collection.
Fred Gorder,
S Mm Sprig Camiwlt
r -i
May 11-16 Flatismotistlhi May 11-16
Allrnan Bros. Big American Shows
10 High Class Attractions 10
Bigger and Better Than a Circus
3 Big Free Attractions 3
20 Piece Concert Band Gives Free Concerts Daily
The Biggest Amusement Enterprise That
Has Ever Visited Plattsmouth
Children Cry
The Kind You IlaYe Always
in use for over SO years,
ana lias been maao unaer nis per
rVf t sonal supervision since its infancy.
T-cbccJuM; Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but
lM.eriments that trifle with and endanger the health o
Infants and Children Experience against lIxieriinen.U
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Urops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys IVorais
nnd allays rev :rishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief ol Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
) Bears the
S7$f sSVrSi . ST.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Mrs. Allison Improving.
Mrs. Mary D. Allison, who for
tho past few days has been suf
fering greatly from an attack of
fhe grippe, is showing- signs of
improvement and her friends
will he greatly pleased to learn of
her improvement in health. Her
daughter, Mrs. John R. Pierson.
of Union, is here in attendance at
h'r mother's bedside.
From Tuesday' Dally.
The many friends of Mrs.
George E. Dovey will be pleased
to learn that she is showing signs
of improvement in her condition,
which gives her family much joy,
as for sevearl days it was not
known whether she would re
cover from the stroke of
paralysis from which she was
sufTerinc. but now it is thought
thai she will soon be able to be
up and around again. This news
will be most pleasing tn fhe host
of friends of this worthy lady,
who have greatly missed her pres
ence from their midst and they
have anxiously been awaiting
some favorable word from her
for Fletcher's
Bonglit, and which lias been
lias borne the signature ot
Signature of
Returns From Hospital.
From Tuesday's Dally.
II. R. Neitzel, who for the past
three weeks has been in one of
the Omaha hospitals taking treat
ment and undergoing: an opera
tion for an ailment from which
he has been suffering for some
years, came in this noon on .
2 5, and Mrs. Neitzel, who has jut
recovered from an operation for
appendicitis at Immanuel hos
pital, will return this evening.
Roth Mr. and Mrs. Neitzel are
feeling very much improve.! in
Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch!
Scratch! Scratch! The more you
scratch, the worse the itch. Try
Doan's Ointment. For eczema,
anv skin itching. 50c a box.
The Journal ads pay.
Stat of Ohio. City of Toledo, tnoai ronnty. .
Frank 1. Cheney makes oath that be la aeDl
partner of tue firm of F. J. Clu-iiey Sc. Co.. do
ing busings in tlie City of Toledo. County and
Ptate aforesaid, and that oaid tirm will pay
the iram of ONE nt'MREI 1M7IXAUS tat
each and every case of C.-itarrb that cannot b
cured by the use of Iiall a Catarrh Cure o
fworn to before me and abscr!bed In my'
presence, thla Oth day of LecembT, A. V.. lSMj.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cn-e Is taken Internally and
acta direvtly uKn the MuoU and mueou sur
faces of the uyateiu. Send for testimonials
F. J. CnENEY & CO., Toledo. 0.
Sold by all Pnigjrists. T5c.
Take Hall 'a Family Pilla for constipation.