The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 07, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1914.
You will soon need a nice pair of Dress Shoes. We
would like to show you our line before you decide. Our Stock of Gentlemens Dress
and Work Shoes LOOK WELL and WEAR WELL.
tTT' ., : Bring Your Repairs. THE ELECTRIC SHOE ST0O3E South 6th St. Plattsmouth
i i iT1 A"r 1 K."
To admire, to lore, to regret, w to
live, sai l u great writer. Do not let the
regret be brought oil by a cough or cold,
vrbich if treated when it first appeared
would have easily been controlled. Allen's
Congo. Balsam brings welcomed relief in such
cases. Contains no harmful ingredients.
25c., 50c and $1.01) Lotties at all dealers.
f Keep Jt Trt andyj
H comm. nuthuie Is more sst'ful than 1 1 tf D
I (ntRBT DAMS') V f
' H
Automobile Owners!
I have just employed a me
chanic who is an expert on self
starter magnetos, etc. liring
in your car if you have any trou
ble. All kinds of repairing so
licited. Smith's Garage, Plattsmouth.
4-18-1 wkd-1 mowkly
Harsh physics react, weaken
the bowels, will lead to chronic
constipation. I Man's Regulets
operate easily. 25C a box at all
Try the Journal for stationery.
We are desirous of se
curing the name of every
person now living who
traded with "C. E. Wescott
The Boss Clothier," in the
year 1879. Will you please
call at the store or send us
the name by mail?
Rugs, Axminster Carpets and Rugs, Ingrain Carpets, Matting,
Linoleum, Inlaid and the Printed. Bissels Carpet Sweepers,
Elgin Vaccum and Sweepers combined. Quadrioleum
in 6ft. width, looks like Linoleum, wears twice as
long. 5 patterns to choose from, 50c sq. yd.
Odds and .
ends in
at a Special
Dress Crepes 27in. 32in. at 1 8, 25, SO, 3Se.
40in. Crepes at per yd. 50, SO, 75c, S1 , 2.50
Embroidery Crepe Voile 40in., at per yard. -
We are also showing a beautiful line of Shadow and Oriental Lace
Flouncins in 12in. 18in. and 27in. widths at. ..35, 50, 60, 75c, $1 and up
Something new the Emb-Argandic Flouncings beautiful patterns.
The -members of the Christian
church of this city for some time
have had in contemplation the
erection of a parsonage here for
their minister on the church
property on Locust street, and
witli that idea in view they have
had a committee, consisting of
Major Hall, M. S. Hriggs and
Thomas Wiles, out looking over
the matter, and a suitable design
for the new parsonage. The com
mittee visited the residence
erected by the members of the
church at Murray and the design
of that cottage greatly impressed
them and they heartily entered
into the campaign to secure the
adoption of the plan for the erec
tion of a new home for the min
ister of the church stationed in
this city. At a meeting of the
official board of the church, held
at the church last evening the re
port of the committee was adopt
ed and the members of the com
mittee discharged, only to be re
appointed as one to take up the
work of getting the plans ready
for the new parsonage, as soon
as possible, and it is expected
that inside of a week they will be
able to have something tangiable
to work on in the way of plans
and specifications. The erection
oT a new home by the members of
this church will add greatly to
the appearance of their property
and provide a residence that will
lu suited lo Ihe needs of the. min
ister. The committee has in view
the erection of a six-room cot
tagebungalo and will work out
their plans accordingly.
A Stunning SuTer Frock
ONE "of the many inexpensive
smart designs from The But-
terick Fashion Sheet for June. We
have a copy of the Fashion Sheet
waiting for you at our Butterick
Pattern Department
Redmen's Carnival Queen Contest
The following is how the young
ladies stand in the, Itednien's Car
nival Queen contest. Judging
from the way the contest has
started and the interest tin; young
ladies have taken in it, the Ited
men's Carnival Gmcen contest
will be one of the most interest
ing voting contests that has ever
taken place in IMaltsmoul h. Next
count of votes at l) a. m Friday:
Florence Cory 280
Mable Hrown 107
Laura Socher 08
Lillian Hartwick -45
Clara Yandy 7
Ella Neumann 20
Small Rainfall Last Night.
Last evening about 10 o'clock
there was quite a little shower of
rain for about half an hour and
the downfall of the dampness was
quite strenuous for a few min
utes and resulted in a large num
ber of auto drivers and their pas
sengers or guests getting well
soaked, as most of them had
taken advantage of Ihe pleasant
evening to take short trips out
into the country, ami were ac
cordingly not prepared for the
rain. The downpour, however,
was of short duration, and then
Ihe breaking clouds disclosed the
bright old moon.
The Journal does job work.
O. Sand in, D. V. M.,
graduate of the Kansas City
Yeterinary College, is per
manently located in Platts- S
mouth. Calls answered !
dav or night. 'Phone 255.
Office GOG Main.
W e still have
a good as
sortment of
Scrims in
White, Ivory
and Eccu, plain
and fancy at
!2j? 15, 19, 25,
35 and up.
The Patrons Should Be Well
Pleased With Outcome of the
Present Term.
The following is "the report for
the Plattsmouth city schools. as
submitted to the school board by
Superintendent W. G. Brooks for
the month of April The lirst
column of ligures is the enroll
ment, the second belonging and
the third the percentage:
Teacher .
A. O. Eggenberger.
Hazel Tuey i3
Elizabeth Kerr .... 51
Amelia Martens.... i5
Mattie Larson .... iO
Teresa llemple .... 38
Ycrna Cole '. 11
Clara Weyrich .... 8
Pearl Staats -i0
Mae Morgan 10
Anna Jleisel 35
Clare Dovey 31
Crete JJrigg's '. 37
Chrislene Hansen .. i5
Mario lliber 30
Nettie Hawkswortii.. i3
Yesla Douglass 50
Alpha Peterson ... 57
Hazel Dovey iO
Nellie Carlson 5 0
Delia Tatlsrh 25
Hilda Parwick .... 5(5
Anna Kopia 21
38 J2
il i
35 1)1
3i 88
3i U5
30 1)3
30 Ji
3 5 91
3 i
2i 97
39 90
18 93
... l,08i 931 97
The present., 'month marks the
cbsc of the school year and lh
members of the senior class art
busily enframed in the preparation
for tin' graduation exercises am
the closing events of their 1 1 ij-rli
school career. The commence
ment this year will be held at tin
l'armele theater on Wednesday
evening", May 27th, and the ad
dress to the class is to be de.
livered by Superintendent J. H
Dev.Midire of the Council lilulT-
High school, one of the leading
educators of the west. For tin
commencement the board has de
cided to make the admission prie
10 cents, in order that it may
just defray the expenses of tin
theater and to allow all to attem
the exercises.
The class plays will be given at
the theater oh Monday evening.
May 251 li, and consists of two
Plays. "A Kentucky Hell" and "A
Commanding position." both
pleasing" comedies, and the young1
people lakincr the different char
acters are working hard on their
respective parts.
The junior reception which
they will lender the class of 191 i
will be held on Friday, May 22.
and the class sermon delivered at
the Presbyterian church on Sun
day evening by 11 ev. F. M. Dru
liner. The schools will close for
the year on Friday, May 29th.
C. R. Hhoden was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where
he was called on some business
matters for the day.
J. M. Roberts was a passenger
this morning- for Omaha, where
he was called to look after some
matters of business in that city.
deorgre K. Dovey was a pas
enjrer this afternoon for Omaha,
where he was called to look after
some matters of business in that
Ci. F. S. Burton departed last
evening on No. 2 for Iowa, where
he will attend 'lo some business
flatters al different points in that
llei'nrieh Jasper was a pas
enirer this inorninp: for Omaha,
where be was called to look after
some business matters for a few
Miss F.llen Windham was a
passenirer mis morning io,
Omaha, where she will 'visit f-r
the day attending: to her school
Benefit a Great Success.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The benefit given last evening
at the Gem theater by the mem
bers of the Woodman Circle was
a most successful affair and the
theater was crowded for two 'per
formances by a large crowd of
well pleased patrons, and the re
sult of Ihe efforts of the ladies in
securing such excellent pictures
was very pleasing. The ladies f
Ihe lodge. had been quite busy for
the past few days in disposing of
the tickets for the event and there
was a large number sold to the
friends of the order and the lodge
members feel very grateful to the
public for their generous patron
age and extend to those who
patronized them their hearty
thanks. As a result of the benefit
the ladies will receive quite a
neat sum.
From Wednesday's Pally.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies
of St. Mary's Ouild were enter
tained in a most charming' man
ner at the pleasant home of Mrs.
R. M. Shlaes on Vine street, and
the event was one filled with
much pleasure to the ladies, and
also with profit to the society, as
they all came prepared to enter
into. the business of the meeting
with enthusiasm and to complete
the arrangements for their an
nual Mothers' Day sale of carna
tions, which the society has con
ducted for the past few years
with such success. The ladies
will have 1,000 carnations here
Saturday, which they will dispose
of to all who may desire them,
selling- the single flowers at 10
cents each and sf.00 a dozen,
which will give everyone an op
portunity lo secure these beauti
ful emblems of the dav at a most
reasonable price. The ladies, af
ter the close of the business ses
sion, devoted a short time to (heir
fancy work and social conversa
tion until an appropriate hour,
when a most elaborate luncheon
was served by the hostess, assist
ed by Mrs. V. Zueker, and the
ladies were delighted with the
gracious hospitality afforded
them, and nu departing" voted the
occasion one of the most delight
ful that the society has enjoyed
fop some time. There was a very
large attendance of the member
ship present tn take part in the
pleasures of the evening-.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The barber shop of . P. Cook,
who for the past thirty years has
been engaged in the barber bus
ness in this city, has just been
increased to a two-chair shop,
(leorge Edwards of Leon, Iowa
having" been secured by Mr. Cook
as an assistant ana io iook aner
the rapidly increasing" trade o'C
the shop. Mr. Edwards comes
. 1, i ,i .t
very iiigniy recommenueu auu
will prove a most valuable addi
tion to the establishment, as he
a young" man who understands
fully the needs of (he patrons and
will strive to give them the best
of service. As to Mr. Cook it is
unnecessary to slate his quali
fications, as the public of Platts
mouth is well aware of his ability
in the barber business. The shop
will also have a line new mirror
olaccd in it as soon as it arrives,
laving been ordered from Chi
cago, ami wnen tins is piaceu in
the establishment it will be ready
accommodate all those who
wish the best possible service.
- Percheron Stallion, Major.
I will stand my Percheron stat
ion. Major (02187), at the farm
if J. H. Meisinser, 2 miles south
of Cedar Creek, from Monday
morning" to Wednesday evening
of each week, and the balance of
he time during" tho season at. my
tome. Henry Joelum.
It is quite noticeable where
when the street sweeper comes
along to rather up ihe dirt the
fact is that quite a good deal is
left along- the street near the
curl), where the broom of (he
sweeper fails to reach it, and this
naturally raises the question as
to how this could be remedied. If
the persons whose property is cm
Main street would adopt the plan
that has been tried with much
success by a few of the merchants
that of sweeping out a few feet
from the curb each time so that
the sweeper could grather up Iho
dirt without difficulty and it
gives the street a much better ap
pearance than if the dirt was al
lowed to accumulate there. This
matter has been mentioned a
great many timeson the street
and there has been several who
have made efiorts to remedy the
difficulty and assist the street
cleaning: department, but a great
majority have neglected to do
their part by sweeping" the dirt
out a few feet from the curb each
morning' in order that the ap
pearance of their places of busi
ness and the streets in general
might be improved. Such a move
as this would be an easy matter
and it would aid vastly in keeping
the streets clean.
The ladies of the Woman's Re
lief Corps were entertained yes
terday in a most delightful man
ner at the handsome home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. McMaken, in the
north part of the city, by Mes
dames McMcMaken, Eva Recce
and H. C. Miller as the hostesses
and these ladies, who are with
out equal in the role of enter
tainers, certainly gave the ladies
of the Corps a most enjoyable af
ternoon. For the occasion the
house was decorated most beauti
fully in lilacs, both while and
purple, and their beautiful colors
and delicate perfume made the
scene one of exceptional charm.
During- the afternoon (he guests
were treated to a most enjoyable
program, consisting- of instru
mental numbers by Joseph Mc
Maken, jr., and Miss Honor Sey
bert. as well as (wo very thor
oughly enjoyed reading's by Mrs.
Allen J. Ueeson, and these mini-
Fashions Latest Fancies
j So popular in the East, trimmed with White Wings,
t white Uowers and AVhite Kibbon.
For summer wear of filmy materials, so much iu de
mand by particular dressers.
Yes, we are ph1Mii the
few earlier hatn left at low
prices, but we have been
so busy BUpilying custom
ers with tlto new numbern
at such reasonable prices,
we have not had time to
advertise our bargains.
a if you want
mellow whiskey, oraer
hers were greatly appreciated by
the company, who were present in
quite large numbers. The after
noon of rare enjoyment was
brought to a close by the serving;
of a most delicious two-course
luncheon by (he hostesses, and
this feature of the day aided
greatly in making" (he occasion
one of the most delightful that
this society has held Tor some
lime, and the members feel grate
ful for the splendid time afforded
Mrs. John Cleveland of Omaha
is in Ihe city for a short visit at
the home of her motehr, Mrs.
George Schoeman and family.
songer this
F. Ault was a pas
afternoon on No. 23
for Omaha, where he was called
to look, after some business mai
lers for a few hours in that city.
Leonard Meisinger ami sisler,
Miss Laura, were passengers this
morning- for Omaha, where they
will visit for the day attending; to
some matters of business.
2 cylinder 7-10 H.P. Good as
New. Fully equipped. A Fast
"Big Twin". And a Bargain.
Write for Particulars and Price
H. . Steinhauer
Plattsmouth Nebraska
' man if you want the finest
old, mellow whiskey, order 1
p In 50 years Its equal hasn't
been found.
yf-.iVrl:... , - ,-, , .,1-...-, -A
BatWJi i - I'll m. &
work in the metropolis.
The Journal does job work.