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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1914)
1914. PAQE G. PLATTSIYTOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, MAY 4, mhm Motocgcte A PIONEER OF LIBERTY PRECINCT PASSED AWAY WEDNESDAY NIGHT is the only machine with an international reputation In 1913 the Indian went through every kind of test that could pos sibly be devised for a motorcycle. The Indian made a clean sweep of the National 250-mile Road Race for strictly stock machines held at Elgin, III. Indian riders finished 1-2-3-4-5 out of a field of fifty two starters mounted on all prominent makes of American machines. In the great endurance run of 441 miles across the desert from San Diego, Cal., to Phoeoix, Ariz., over boulder strewn mountain trails and trackless sand wastes, Indian riders finished first, second and fourth, against a field of 19 experienoed riders mounted on the most representative American machines. Official time shows the winning Indian to have arrived four hours ahead of the first ma chine of any other make. Dig events in England, Scotland, Ireland, Prance, Germany and India were also won by the Indian. The Indian is continually in com petition throughout the world continually being put to the test. Indian "power, speed and dura bility are known factors. They are demonstrated often they are relied upon often they win al most invariably ! Let us demonstrate the international Indian to you R. and J. Sturm Indian Motor Cycle Agents Cass County Nchawka, Neb. Anxious to Help Uncle Sam. From Saturaay's Dally. -a rl Tekotter, aged 1 1 vcars, of lMattsinoulh. picked up at the I'ni'ii station by Oliirer I'rank William. to whom In haI ntin !; iin-,J of loii.Lr hi purse ami s 1 i. was detained Friday evening al police h-aliiiarti'i -s, whih' I lit police in--lit:at'.. A telegram lo tlw hoy's parents at Platls niouih revealed Hint he had run away from home witli the convic tion that he would be admitted to the army, ami sent to the front to subdue Mexico. His parents in structed the police to send him ho:nc on the next train, ami he would receive all tin; war In wanted. ( hnaha Bee. AFTER TRUFFLES" BENT DOWN IN OTOE COUNTY GO TO SANFOHD'S PLACE fop Ice Cream, Soft Drinks. Fine Camlies and Fruits. Always fresh. Eerbody come and see us when in town. S. J. REAMES, Prop. r.. d:u- Cre-k. Neb. i-.IO iwk-w From Friday's Daily. This morning briuht and early County Judge Allen J. Heeson brought out his faithful Ford automobile, and loading it up with a good supply of gasoline and provisions for the journey, gathered up Postmaster I). C. Morgan ami Cashier H. N. Dovey f the First National hank and the parly took up their wav for Wyoming, in Otoe county, for the stated purpose of securing ail the specimens of the Iruflle fam ily that I hey could lay hands on. The party left fully equipped for the expedition and their friends arc looking forward with great pleasure to enjoying a rare feast of these toothsome delicacies Paints. Gering & Co. Frank Konfrst and his force of workmen departed this morning for Pacific Junction, where they go (o complete a .joh of carpenter work in that place. From Friday's Dally. On Wednesday night at his home in Union, George W. Gar rison, one of the leading pioneer residents of Liberty precinct, passed away, alter having suffer ed for several weeks with an ill ness due principally to heart trouhle, as he had for several years oecn anlicicd with 111 is malady. Mr. Garrison was 79 years of age, having heen born in Indiana in 183H, and came t Cass county in 1S31), and settle in Liberty precinct, where lie ha become one of the most extensiv land owners in that section, anr his acres of land there are some of (he linesf in that section. Th funeral of (his worthy man wa hell this morning at the Baptis rhurrlj in Union, and the inter ment male in Hie cenieserv near that place. LOOK AT THE ARRAY OF FISHERMEN WHO WILL APPLY THEIR AVOCATION From Saturday's Dally. The past month has been quite a lively one in Hie county clerk. . office here in the issuing of fish ing ami hunting licenses, as quit a number of our people have de sired to start out to catch tin elusive inhabitants of the Platte ami Missouri rivers and it has ept quite a steady run on (he lit tie slips of paper that entitle the owners to Hie right to hunt and fish in Cass county. During the past month the lollowmg have secured licenses: J. C. McCrary, Fa Platte; X. C. Ilalmes, Weeping Water; J. R. Stanley, Cedar "reek: W. I). Jones, Joseph Mc- !arlhy. Gus Swanson, Richard 'lenient, W. P. Cook, Angelo Salerno. Piatt sinouth ; M. G. Churchill. Murray; I"). L. Amiek, Mynard; A. Hanson, Cedar Creek; nton Kenienda. E. A. Dellarty, I,. Finch, A. C. Bartlett, John rhierolf, Mike Palmiere, Toni Camilleri. A. O. Fggenberger. E. Plaft and D. Ward Clark. With this array of fishermen it will ertainly pay the fish to be wary or they will lie snagged and con- igned to (he frying pan. Paints. Gering & Co. WW O. Sandin. D. V. M graduate of the Kansas City Veterinary College, is per manently located in Platts mouth. Calls answered day or night. 'Phone 255. Office GOG Main. 4. Motors Out to Havelock. From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday morning Jess Perry and mother, Mrs. E. B. Perry, and Mrs. Albert Funk motored out to Havelock, where they visited for the day and from where Mrs. Funk departed for Bradshaw, Neb., where she will make a visit (here with her husband, who is engaged in bridge work near that place. The trip was one much enjoyed and the parly reports the roads as being in good sahpe over the route traveled and that the crops look fine and that the wheat in this county will be immense from all indications. The trip was made in live hours and Jesse feels thai it. was one much en joved. as the dav was iresh am bracing. MARSHALL SEYBERT GOMES DOWN FROM LOUIS VILLE WITH TWO PRISONERS From Friday's Daily. C. M. Seybert of I.ouisvilb came in this morning from hi home, bringing' with him Mik Morion and John Overlander, twi prisoners, whom he captured yes- ferdav at that place. The men yesterday afternoon about r o'clock entered the store of W. F Diers in Louisville and one of tin men engaged the clerk m con versation, while the other one proceeded to "lift" five pairs of pants, which he concealed 1e neath a raincoat he was wearing-. and after a short conversation the men departed, and if was then discovered that the pants were missing' from the store and the marshal was notified, and he at once started out to discover the location of (he articles of wear ing apparel. The men were found near Hie river and were requested y Marshal Sevbert to allow themselves to be searched, and the missing articles were then found. The men were brought tack to Louisville and confined in the jail there over night, and this morning the marshal brought the men to this city to be ar raigned by the eountv attornev. Paints. Gering & Co. Automobile Owners! I have just '"employed a me chanic who is an expert on self- starter magnetos, etc. Tiring in your car n you nave any trou ble. All kinds of repairing so- icited. Smith's Garage, Piatt smouth. i-18-1 wkd-i mow kly Accounts Must Be Settled. There are still a great many accounts due the estate of Aug ust Gorder that we must insist upon being setteld at once. This notice is final, and if same is not paid within a reasonable time, the accounts will be placed in other hands for collection. Fred Gorder, Administrator. fiff I I i r 'Z'S' HlRSH-WlCKW! RE-CO'8 . r ' c. htm r in i The Overflowing Measure of quality in our New Spring suits has won a ready welcome for them among the best dressers of this community. You'll he surprised when you see the New Standard of value in these new clothes. Quality Line Others S5 to $15. $20 to Styleplus $17. Accept our invitation to come a'looking. c. V .La. 117 escoii s EVERYBODY'S STORE 'OOS The Dates for Our 35th Anniversary are May 19 to 23. Announcements later MURRAY YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED NEB. CITY From Saturday's Daily Wilikuii II. V. Hire, 21, son oT .Mrs. James Hire, of Murray, and a young farmer, and Miss Ethel M. Dili, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l!en.jaiiiin Dill, residing near I he same place, came to this city yes terday afternoon and were mar- riel by Judge A. A. Hirhof. They i 1 were arrom pan inl lv several relatives and returned Iioiih' la-t evening-. Nebraska City News. Hoth of I lie new ly w edded peo ple are among the most popular of the young people of near Mur ray and the groom is a. very in dustrious young farmer, living a few miles southwest of the vil lage, and is very highly esteeme. )y all who know him, while tin ride, who was born and rearei o womanhood in that locality, is me of the most charming of girls and w ill receive I lie best wishes f a large circle of friends on her new-found happiness. She is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs Vndrew Dill of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hire will make their home near .Murray. RTarried by County Judge. From Friday's Daily. Yesterday County Jmiue Alb'.'i J. Heeson was railed up"ii to per form the ceremony that united for life the heails and foilunes of Thomas A. Marland of Parilie Junction, Iowa, and Miss Birdie V. Johnson of Tliurman. Iowa. The judge responded graciou.-ly to the reuuest of the vouii'-r o -o- pie to have the matrimonial knot prepared and performed the wed ding" ceremony with all Hi" di ir mly and beauty that has dis tinguished his weddinus. Fol lowing the weddinir I he newly weds departed on the afternoon train for Alvo, where they expect to reside in I he fut u re. CHARLEY GRAVES OF THE UNION LEDGER HAS A CLOSE CALL From Saturday's Ye- erday Daily, afternoon wh Wall Paper. Gering & Co. THE SHERWOOD CASE SETTLED BY JUDGE BEGLEY IN THE DISTRICT COURT Er.- z-::,::z II I VA 'Hi t "V " vw'yr nriJc i tt r-,- -1 , --.r wrVNat ii 'tt . if 1 I: I IP ! : till t i- i! i i j j j '( I j Stetson t j i Hats C i : . Your Satisfaction is a Responsibility that we assume as a part of our dealings with you; we want you to feel that this is the best, the safest and pleasantest kind of a place in which to buy. The spirit of the store requires of us all you require and more; you must have satis faction above all; money is refunded as cheerfully as we accept it. Come and see our wonderful showing of new spring suits latest patterns, smart new models, prices $12.50, $15, $17, $20, $25 and $30. mmm The New Collar Styles, Fairmont, Criterion, Caxton, and Drayton are here in all sizes 14 to lG-V, see them in our west window. New Shirt styles in a great variety of latest fabrics, plain bosoms or pleated, soft cuffs or starch edprices $1.00 to $3.50 Manhattan Shirts Si m m I E i'' m I i If l i From Saturday's va.tY. The case of Nellie Sherwood vs. "Iionias II. Sherwood, which oc cupied the attention of the dis- riet court at its last session, was i train broupht up yesterday aft rnoon at 1:30, when the mailer was reopened m order lo take up or imai setiieineni anu io uis- xiso oi ine (luesuou 01 ine custody of the minor daughter of the couple which the father sousrht to pet custody of. The court has been looking into the matter for the past week or two and announced that it would hear the claims of the parents in the matter. It was arranged between the two parties and the court that the little jrirl shall be placed iu some convent in the second judi cial district, where the court can keep control over her and where she can be educated in a manner aprceable to both the parents. The court also ordered that the father pay for the care of the child in such institution, al thouplit the mother had ex pressed a willingness to pay for the child's care. The court also ordered that the defendant pay the costs in the case. JAY -WEINGARTEN, FORMERLY OF THIS CITY BECOMES A LAWYER THE SPIES HOME THE SCENE OF A JOLLY MAY DAY PARTY I :har e es J Jraves, the editor of nion Ledger, was ready to lo this city t attend to business matters tie came meeting- with an accident would have terminated his From Saturday's Daily., Last evening the pretty home of .Miss Marie Louise Spie. presi dent of the Jolly Seven club, was the scene of a very pleasant social affair, when the members 01 ine joiiy Steven nun ueiiiMii- fully entertained a number of their friends of this city and Murray at a May day party. For the occasion the spacious parlors of the Spies home had been hand somely decorated i'l club colors, pink and trreen. In the diuiutr room the table was made most attractive witli decorations of pink flowers and foliatre. A numb"r of rallies had been plan ned for the amusement of the company and these look place on the lawn. In the strife for the eandv, Walter Hamilton made the most strenuous effort and landed the prize. Vocal and instrumen tal music was another pleasiiiir feature of the eveisinu's enter tainment, and was trreatly enjoy ed by all. A dainty two-course luncheon was served by Mrs. V. ". Moore and Miss llermia Spies. At a late hour they departed for their homes, dedarinir the Jolly Seven splendid entertainers. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of ?6 I he I c Ulle s o 1 1 ! e near earthly career. He was wailintr on the platform ;(t I "j i j :i fr I he north-hound pas-en", .j- irain No. !!.' on the Mi's-onri Pacilic, and the Irain, after jiuiliu up to the platform to lake mi the pa sen'-ei-s, backed down to the wa ter tank, and Mr. Craves, think in ir thai they would a-rain stop at the dep"t. did not fet (.n the Irain. but when the train started out it. was roiier at a very lively rale of speed, ami incumbered a lie was, lie made a futile ".rab at one of the vestibule doors as it passed and was hurled back and it was only a stroke of irood for tune that he was not killed, as he fell almost under (lie wheels of the fast movii:;r train, and it was truly a most' fortunate thine; that he fell as he did, or he would cer tainly have been pround to pieces. After the train had passed tli" genial editor "athered himself up and started up to his office, when lie encountered (he truffle hunt party of .Tudv.e Tieeson. reiurnimr to Plaltsmouf h, and they brou'-ht. him mi to this city in the automobile. Daughter nt E. C. Earner Home. Frem S;iturlay'5 Daily. Thi morning the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.ail C. l'.ar.n- w.k gladdened by the arrival tliere of a line little daughter, who made her appearance al an early hour. The Utile lady received a liearly welcome from Hie proud ami happy parents. beinu' the first child in the family, and they are ready to vouch that she is about the finest little lady in the land and their happiness is most com plete. The tilth' one is of I tie regulation weight and size and is the best and sweetest little lady in the land in the opinion of her admirinp: relal ives. Adolpli Ithode came down lasf eveirintr from Omaha and visit. d here for the day with his mother and brother in this city. Wall Paper. Gering &. Co. From Saturday's Dally. Among the praduates of the Creiphton college law school which appeared in the Omaha papers of yesterday appears the name of Jay Wingarten, who was for some time a resident of this city, being employed as a stenog rapher by Attorney Byron Clark, and on the appointment of that gentleman as Burlington attor ney at Omaha he accompanied him there and took up the study of lawTand has completed his course in school. Mr. Weingarten is a very bright young man and possessed of marked ability along this line of Work and will be heard from in the future in his We have just received a car load of Mammoth Pearl V. TABLE POTATOES Ho mi a Per Bushel & m ri a a g m TP m i t 1 : ' i i 1 t-l V v-1 I- f f h chosen profession. TKE DAYLIGHT STORE Paints. Gering & Co. t H-T -i'' i"