The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 04, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MAY 4, 1914.
Cass County, ss.
lu County Court.
In ihf- Matter of tin- Kstate of John M.
Judnson, I -ceased.
Notict- is ht-reby jiven to tlie credit
ors of said .1ceael that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
e.-tate, before me. Count v Judpe of
Cass County. Nebraska, at the Countv
Court room in I'lattsmoutli. in said
County, on the lfctti day of May, 114.
and on the 17th day of November, li14.
at y o'clock a. m.. each dav for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
AM claims must be tlied in said court
on or Iwfurf said last hour of hearinir.
Witness my Land and seal of .said
Cj.ii.iv Court, at I'lattsmouth, Ne
braska, this l'.tli day of April. A. 1.
Co lint v Jutltre.
CALVIN II. TAYLOR, Attorney. "
OTICi: TO ( KI'.DIltlltS.
stati: ok ni;bkaska.
Cass County, ss.
In Count y Court.
In the Matter of the Kstate of William
I.idy. 1 t:tset.
Notice is hereby sriven to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had iiin claims tiled against said
--tate. bt fore me. County Judir ,f
ass County, Nebiaska. at the Co.mtv
'-.u:t room in riattsmonth. in said
County, on the LMrd dav of May 1H1-J.
;.:.J the L'4t!i day of November, 14.
at 10 o'clock a. m.. each dav for ex
aniination. adjustment and allowance.
Ai! claims n:ist te tiled in said Court
ri or before said last ho:r of iiearinir.
Witness mv ha?d and seal of said
Coanty ourt. at I'lattsmouth. Ne-br;.-ka.
this j.'.th day of April. A. U.
1 1 4
S. all ALLKX J. r.HEON.
Count v Judirp.
CALVIN II. TAYLOr:, Attornev.
u t. i:imtK t.
In thr Matt"r of the t iua rdiansh Ip of
Oeortre Owyer. Leona Invyer. Ie
Forest Ivver, Kdward Dwyer and
Klmer I'wyer. Minors.
Notice is hereby iriven that in pur of an or.l-r of James T. llesrlev.
Jude of the listrict Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, made on the Uth
day of March. i:14. for the sale of
real estate hereinafter described, there
will be sold at the front door of the
Court House in I'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
on the t-th day of May, 1!14. at 11
o'clock a. m.. at public vendue to the
highest bidder for cash the undivided
two-tifteent h. interest in and to the
following described real estate to-wit:
Lots .1 ami 4. in Block r.i'. in the City
of I'lattsmouth. Cass County. Ne
braska. Said sale will be open one
iMtc-d this "rd dav of April. 1914.
A? Guardian of Oeorire Invyer,
Leona Owyer. Ie Forest I'wyer.
Kdward 'invyer and Klmer
lawyer. Minors.
i tiii: ihti:ict on ht or the
( iti Tt ok cii. m:hkskv.
In Be Kstate of 1'elilah S hwab, de
ceased. Application of Charles K.
S'hwab, i:xe:itor, fur License to
Sell Heal Kstate:
lllthhlt TO SHOW CAl'SE.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Charles K. Schwab, ex
ecutor of tt.e last will and testament
and estate of Oe'.ilah Schwab, de
leased, praying for a license to sell
the following described real estate,
subject to the lease thereon to James
M. W'ooiward from March 1. 1IU4. to
March 1. UM.1. to-wit:
Lot eisl t cm, in the Northeast
Quarter N K 1 i of the Northwest
Quarter iNW1.,: Lot fifteen i 1 in
the Southeast Quarter iSKl4 I of the
Northwest Quarter h i; Lot
twelve ll' in the Northwest Quar
ter i XW i of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW'4: Lot eleven 11 in the
Southwest Quarter SV4) of the
Southwest Quarter SW'4). and the
Kast half ii-;i-. ) of the Southwest
Quarter iSW'4 . al! of Section twen
tv-eitrht CM. in Township eleven
1 1 North. i'.ance fourteen (14
Kast fitii P. M., in the County of
C ass. Nebraska.
for the payment of debts allowed
nirainst said estate, cost of adminis
tration and expense of these proceed
lnc. and to carry out the provisions
or the lust will and testament of saiu
leinah Schwab. in respect to the
shares civen to the trra nddau chtcrs of
said deceased, the children of one An-
!rew Sf'iwab. deceased: there not be-
intr sufficient personal property to pay
said debts and expense, and to carry
out the provisions of said last will and
testamor.t in respect to the shares de
vised and bequeathed to said grand
ch Mdren.
all persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me at the office of the
'lerk of the Pistrict court in the
Court House in I'lattsmouth, Cass
Countv. Nebraska, on the lfith day of
Mav. A. I. 1914. at i o'clock a. m. to
show cause why a license should not
he granted to said executor to sell t!:e
ihnvp AfFcri bed real estate to pav said
debts and expense to carry out the
provisions of the last will and testa
ment of said deceased in respect to the
shares of the said erranddausrhters
saifl deceased, children of one Andrew
Schwab, deceased.
Iated this 4th dav of April. 1914
Judare Idstrict Court
It is herebv ordered that the above
order to show cause be published in
the I'altfsmouth Journal, a newspaper
published and of senernl circulation
in tlie Countv of Cass, Nebraska, for
four successive weeks.
Oated this 4th dav of April. 1914.
Judpe District Court.
OTICE to dkfex d vts.
To Henry A. Pearsons. trustee. The
Northwestern Bond and Trust Com
pany, a corporation, Martin Cain, the
unknown heirs or devisees of Mar
tin Cain, deceased. Letitia M. Youns,
the unknown heirs or devisees of
Letitia M. Younir. deceased, Letitia
M. I'ottentrer, the unknown heirs or
devisees of Letitia M. I'ottenerer. de
ceased, Letitia M. l'otenser, the un
known heirs or devisees of Letitia
M. Botensrer, deceased, Sanford I'ot
tenerer, the unknown heirs or de
visees of Sanford I'otteng'er, de
ceased. Sanford I'otencer, the un
known heirs or devisees of Sanford
I'otentrer. deceased. James McMahon.
the unknown heirs or devisees of
James McMahon, deceased, James YV.
Mc.Mahan. the unknown heirs or de
visees of James W. McMahan, de
ceased :
You are herebv notified that, upon
the UOth dav of March. 1914. Aucust
YVendt. as plaintiff, filed a petition in
the Oistrict C'ourt of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court uuietinff
the title to the west half of the south
west ouarter (YVi- of SW4 of Sec
tion twenty-four 24), also the north
. west quarter NV'4) of Section twen-tv-flve
inro. all in Township eleven
(11). North. Ranee ten M0, East of
the Sixth I'rincinal Meridian, in the
County of Cass, state of Nebraska, as
apainst you. and each of you, and as
acain any and all persons claiming, or
to claim, by, through or under you, or
any of you. and for such other relief
as may be just and eoultable.
You are further notified that you are
reouired to answer said petition on or
before the th day of June. 1914.
Dated this 20th dav of April. 1914.
His Attorney.
Why It Suit? Particular People.
Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound is prompt and effective for
coughs, cold, croup hoarseness,
bronchial coughs and throat
troubles. Thomas Yerron, Han
cock, Mich., writes: "Foley's
Honey and Tar quickly relieves
tickling throat and stops the
cough with no bad after effect."
It contains no opiates and is pure.
That's why it suits particular
people. For sale by all druggists.
Ry Jones, thf Missouri 1'aeific
agent- at Kagle, was here Sunday
making a vi-ii with his aunt, Mrs.
Dave LaJluc and familv.
Mrs. .d..lph Mu.'INt ,,f Elm-
wihm! was hci' WVttnosdav mak-
intr a visit with -r sister, Mrs.
William Muller and family.
I. V. Foster and It. I. Stine.
iiiemlM-rs 1 f the M'hiHil board.
were 111 Lincoln last at unlay
looking after matters pertaining
to the welfare of our Schools.
John Clarence, jr., departed last
Friday morning for Upton, Wvo..
intending to- .pend some time see
ing that part of the couniiy. but
i-; not decided as to whether he
will locate there or in another
U. S. Bain and wife of Tonka
wa, Okla., who have been here
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ed
ward Young, went to Xehawka on
the Monday evening train lo make
a visit with another dau-hter.
Mrs. Max Schafer.
Mrs. i. s. F.ain, mother of Mrs.
Ed Young, went to Omaha last
week for the purpose of having
her eyes treated by a specialist,
anl returned here with some as
surance that the treatment will
result in permanent improvement
of her eyes.
J. II. Huston of Crawfordsville,
bwa. arrived here last Friday to
make a visit with his son. Dr. I.
F. Huston and wife. Fortunate
ly he arrived in time to take in
the first ball game of the season,
and we know of no "fan" here
who enjoys the national game
more than he.
C. I. St. John and daughter.
Miss Yiolet. of Xehawka, were
visitors in this village last Fri
day morning, and while here Miss
St. John closed a contract where
by she will be one of the teachers
in the Union schools the coming
year, and her record in school
work i- proof of the wisdom of
the board in securing her
A pair of Murray "Jims"
Holmes and Louchridge landed
in this town from the l-'rit) Hyer
Tuesday, trying to get home from
I'lattsmouth. and as the afore
said Hyer does not make a stop at
Murray the two gentlemen had to
transfer here and double back to
Murray by slow freight, but they
had the pleasure of making a
visit with friends here while wait
ing the chance to get back to
their home town.
Mrs. Mary pool was a passeng
er to Lincoln Tuesday to take ear
treatment of a specialist.
Mrs. Arthur Laker of Murray
came over todav for a visit at the
Torrence Fleming- home.
Mrs. J. V. Lrendel of Murray is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. F. Jameson today.
William Sollers of Ciothenburg
was visiting his sister, Mrs. John
V. Rugha and family Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Miss Olga Xeitzel, who is pri
mary teacher at Havelock. was the
guest of her friend, Miss Floy
Canaday. last week, and while
here she visited the primary de
partment of our public schools.
Mrs. Hen Miller, who was on
her way from Chicago to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Cherry, was taken sick in Omaha
and was taken to the hospital,
where she was operated on for
appendicit is.
The friends nf Miss Lora Mc
Donald will be pleased to know
that she has been re-elecfed in
the Edgar school at an increase in
salary of -5 per month, which
makes her salary SG3 per month
Miss Yerlie Hates, who has been
in poor health for some time, was
taken to the Rarney hospital at
Lincoln Wednesday morning,
where she will undergo an opera
tion Saturday morning. She was
accompanied by her father, John
Hates, and Dr. Welch.
Louis Dunkak of Fairfax, S.
T)., was in town Monday after
noon, going from here to Avoca.
He was looking after some busi
ness matters. He asys they like
their new home in Dakota very
well and are very busy now with
their farm work.
Corrugated Roofing.
Before placing your orders
elsewhere, get my prices. I know
I can save you money.
Will Richardson.
Mi s. Louis Meiers of Cal iforn ia.
Mo., visited here Ibis week with
her niece. Mrs. Rachel Noyes.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Maylield and
son, Claude, of South Omaha,
visited relatives in Louisville over
Attornev II. O. Palmer of
Omaha, who has just returned
from a tri; to (he Pacific coast,
isited his father-, E. Palmer. Hie
first of the Week.
Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald of
Omaha, who. recently returned
from a two months" stay in Texas
and Mexico, came down Sunday
for a xi'sit with her mother. Mrs.
II. TeodoTski.
Mr. and Mrs. n. j. Tangeman.
Miss Nora and Coil Tanneman
and Orandfat her Diers of Orelna.
spent Sunday with W. F. Diers,
and helped him to celebrate his
17th birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Oabe pribble is ju-t in re
ceipt of a letter from her si.n.
John Wablron. of MoiTatt, Colo.,
announcing the birth of a little
daughter, who was L' days old at
t he t ime of wr iting.
Lan-dlord Drake of the Hotel
Drake, met with a painful acci
dent Monday. He was standing
on a stepladder when it -avc away
with him and in falling injured
his right limit at the ankle joint.
He will be laid up for some time.
W. H. Otlie. father of Mrs.
Oeo. Noyes. died at his home in
Wabash Wednesday night of heart
failure. The funeral occurred
Friday and was attended by a
number of friends and relatives
from this place. Mr. Otlie was a
former residence of Louisi!Ic.
Supt. O'Brien of the state fish
hatcher ies was in town Wednes
day. He stated that he would
plant a good bunch of speckled
perch, nappies and bass in the
lakes on this side of the river, but
in ca-e there was any more dyna
miting done the -late would with
draw all efi'orls to keep the pond
st 1 cked.
Dave Wet left Monday evening
for Pierre and other- South Dakota
points on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Bain, parents
Mr s. M. J. Shafer. are here from
Oklahoma visiting theic daughter
and family.
C. 11. Irby, who has been farming-
with Oeorge Hugh', has sold
lit to the latter and will leav
soon for his home in West Yir
ginia. Charley St. John, who had hi-
hand so badly injured with a saw
last week, i getting along nicely.
He will probably not have to part
with any of his fingers.
DwjgJit Cooley, who works for
O. E. Young, had his collar1 bone
broken last Thursday, all because
of his inability to stick to the
hurricane deck of an unruly
horse. Dr. Thomas fixed him up
and he i. getting along nicely.
This paper went to press a day-
early last week and the stork
slipped in and left two babies in
the community Thursday. Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Bates drew a girl,
and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ketelhut a
boy. All of the par-ties concerned
are well and exceedingly happy-
over the result.
John Wunderlich has filed for
sheriff, subject lo the will of the
democratic party, and if he should
lie so fortunate as to be elected
the people of Cass county will
have an official they can be proud
of. John is well known over the
county and has a host of friends
who will do their best for him.
Russell Stratton was out buggy
riding Friday evening and while
fn the streets of Avoca was back
ed into by an automobile. He and
his lady friend were thrown out,
the buggy demolished and the
team ran away, being captured 5
miles south of there the next
morning. .o one was seriously
hurt and the owner of the car,
who lives at Weeping Water, has
agreed to make good all damages.
Give Comfort to Stout Persons.
A good wholesome cathartic
that has a stimulating effect on
Ihe stomach, liver and bowels is
Foley Cathartic Tablets. Thor
oughly cleansing in action, they
keep you regular with ho griping
and no unpleasant after effects.
They remove that gassy distended
feeling so uncomfortable to stout
persons. For sale by all drug
gists. Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
ted Crest
A regular 50c value this
week only
This vriting paper is of an excep
tionally high grade stock.
The initial is one of surpassing
beauty, executed in gold and a sepia
tint, neatly die stamped in the up
per left corner of the sheet.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
T7v IR&ieaJZJL Storm
Phone 186 Phone
We are glad to report that Wm.
Knapton is much improved at this
writ ing.
Mr s. J. W. Harrell left Tuesday
for .Neligh. Neb., for an extended
isit with her sister.
Ben Lehman came down from
Dodge, Neb.. Salurday and isited
until Tuesday with his parents.
Neil Foreman, who was
seriously injured a couple of
weeks ago by being kicked by a
horse, is able to be up and
an nind.
Warren Trumble departed for
San Francisco, California. Wed
nesday morning to enter the Unit
ed States naval training school.
Mrs. Eugene Setz of Platts-
niouth visited the fore part of th
week at the home of her- parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Yanlanding-
Mr. .'inl .Mrs. m. JUaans. who
reside south of town, are rejoic
ing over Ihe arrival of a boy at
I heir- home. Wednesday. April :."..
I. E. Carper arrived Sunday
veriing from Pittsburg, Califor
nia. . He returned to see his moth
er, Mrs. Agnes Carper. This is
Ihe first time Mr. Carper has been
east for over twentv vears.
In a few days C. S. Trumble will
move his fixtures into one of the
neatest and cleanest bar rooms
in this part of the slate, the in
terior of the old restaurant building-,
which he purchased a few-
weeks ago. has under gone a com
plete and pleasing change.
Farm for Sale.
Farm of 121 acres, 5V2 miles
northeast of Union; 14 acres hay
land, 20 acres pasture timber,
rest in cultivation: well improv
ed. Price right if taken soon.
Address Miss Ella Nickels, Mur
ray, Neb.
For Women
Like Silk Hosiery, lav
ender top in black only,
AVe rec o m m e n d this
stocking for service ;price
35c50c per pair
35c per pair wood fiber
silk, fine guage, good
weight, with re-inforced
heel, toes and soles. No
seems to hurt. Black,
white and tan. 3 pairs
Guaranteed Phoenix silk
hosiery for ladies ,n tan,
black and white at 75c
to $1.00 per pair. You
will never look for any
thing else after wearing
the Phoenix.
1 llj-HL
It?;.." '
Mrs. Adolph v Mueller returned
Wednesday evening from an ex
tended visit at Cedar Rapids and
other points in low a.
(ius Brockhage and W. M.
Broekelman of (iivcnw 1 were in
town visiting friends and looking
after business. They fonner!
lived here.
Prof. C. p. Re nolds and wife
arrived in the city Sunday morn
ing from Lane, Kas., on a visit at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lislmi.
Mrs. Reniiold is a sister of Dr.
List on. , . .
Mr-. D. B. Lake of Auburn, Neb..
who has been visit jn with friends
:t Union, arrived in the city the
latter part of last week and is
isit ing w ith her many friends
Dola Buskirk and son expect to
moe soon lo llo't county, where
they will enfer the hay and s,,r;
raisin-- business. They will drive
across country and take with them
about forty head of callb to stock
up with.
J. W. Baker from here shipped
a carload of broom corn to Oma
ha this week. The coin was in
tine shape and was a sight quite
unusual here. We anticipate thai
he r-eceied a good price for this
broom corn.
A. P. Mussclman of AIvo, who
last Week wrecked the old Method
ist church building-, is contracting
and building-. He say he has a
number- of contracts ahead ind
that in his opinion this will be a
splendid year for building.
J. T. Morford. who runs a feed
store and cream station here, was
taken quite sjck lat Saturday and
it was thought for a time that he
was threatened with fever. Mr.
Brittell has 1 n looking- after the
store. At the present fi;::e he i
much improved.
Dr. Trenholm has n rooster
that is a bad on. Last Saturday
lie attacked pis Youngest sop.
Charles, and spurred him quite
badly in the face. The little fel
low has a long scratch on Ihe
nose made by the spur-. Had it
struck him in the eye ii mighl
have proven severe. Mr. Tren
holm succeeded in conquering th
unruly rooster and placing him
back in Ihe pen.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the deal
was closeil whereby Harry Nev-
ruon becomes the sole owner of
Ihe Plaltsinouth Bottling Works
buying- out the interest of his
par tner. Henry Jess, who will r
tire from the firm and the busi
ness will be conducted bv Mr.
Newman in the future. Tin
Plattsmouth bottling works has
a well established reputation for
the manufacture of the very best
of soft drinks on the market and
have always . had a very largt
trade throughout. the entir
county and their customers have
always found a ready sale foi
Ihe output of the factory. Th
opening of the hot summer
weather will create a great de
mand for lire pop and other
drinks manufactured by the bot
tling works. and Mr. Newman
will exert himself to the utmost
to see that the trade is satisfied
The experience that the new-
owner has had in the business i?
a guarantee that he will be abb
to deliver the goods in the lines
handled by the company in the
same able manner as has been
the policy of the concern in the
past. The works are located in
the Boeck building on South
Sixth street, which was purchas
ed a short time ago by Messrs
Newman and Jess.
Children's Diseases Very
Whooping cough is about
everywhere. Measles and scarlet
fever almost as bad. Use Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for in
flamed throats and coughing.
Mrs. I. C. Hostler, Grand Island,
Neb., says: "My three children
had severe attacks of whooping
cough, and a very few doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar gave great
relief." For sale by all druggists.
Hedge Posts for Sale.
2,000 hedge posts of all sizes,
also 300 split bur oak posts for
sale. For prices and terms tele
phone or call at the farm known
as the Levi Churchill farm, four
miles east of Murray.
E. R. Queen.
, ?
r OAST! 1 1 ft
r - - - 1
A cSetaLle PreparalioriforAs
similatiiiS ihcFcadamlRciJtia
C Lig tlie S lomadis amLBowcls af
Promotes Digesftondferfii
ness and Restrontains nciltitr
Opiimx-Moqjhiiic norliocraL
finnpkiit Sued1
jliisf Setd
Apcrfect Remedy forConsflp
tioa , Sour Stomach Dlarrtion
rjesgcralLoss or Sleep.
rSbiitc Signature of
Tee Centauh Compass;
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
From Friday's Daily.
Ye-ferday afternoon shorily
aflt-r 5 o'clock. a Frank Itouka
eek was driving down North
Fourth sti'e-f on hU way to the
r.urlinaton h" meet his
father, the motorcycle ridden by
Frt-d Dawson passed the horse
and busriry and the animal, which
U usually very docile, broke into
a run. and when they reached the
coiner .f Fourth and Main
street the horse was running- at
break-neck speed, although the
driver was doing bis utmost to
hold it back, and be manair.'d to
hold the horse straight in the
street, but as the buggy turned
into Henri street toward Ihe old
jail it was completely turned over
and the driver hurled out onto
the ground, while the animal,
tearing himself loose from the
bugsry, siarled on down Pearl
street, but was stopped by some
of the men returning from the
.hops. and a number of them ran
to the rescue of Frank, righting
the buggy and helping him up
from the ground where he had
been thrown. The driver was not
injured creatly. except for a
scratch on his face, although he
was quite badly shaken up. and
having- only been out of the hos
pital a week or so. received quite
a shock from the runaway. The
buggy was not damaged to any
extent and the only loss sustained
was to the harness, which were
torn in several places.
16u Meres of Land.
Will trade 1G0 acres of land iu
Perkins county for Plattsmouth
property. W. R. Bryan.
u WaJ i
Get into the dairy business on your own farm. I can put you in
touch with the owners of fine prairie lands of rich soil, from 300 to 400
miles west of Omaha, which can be bought on very easy terms at from
$15 to $40 per acre. You are sure to make money by modern dairy
practice, because the silo is the solution of the dairy problem and feed
crops are heavy on these lands. If you haven't money at first to build
a silo, dig one. Good farmers with proper equipment and feed can secure
cows on time.
These owners make these special terms to dairy farmers, because
they know that a good dairy farmer
farming and will soon clean up his
fit right in and round out the profits.
amoung improved farms in established communities.
Give me your name; let me help
mm 1
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the v,
Signature A$
For Over
Thirty Years
TM crTu eonMtit. ni o crrr
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of
Those Ugly Spots.
There's no longer the slightest
need of feeling ashamed of your
freckles, as the prescription
o thine double strength is
guaranteed to remove these
ugly spots.
Simply get an ounce- of othine
double strength from any
druggist and apply a little of it
night, and morning and you
should soon see that even the
worst frecklo have begun to dis
appear, while the lighter ones
have vanished entirely. It is
seldom that more than an ounce
is needed to completely clear the
skin and gain a beautiful com
plexion. lie sure to ask for the double
strength othine as this is sold
under guarantee of money hack
if it fails to remove freckles.
Farm for Sale.
00 1-' acres, one-half miles
north of M. P. depot. For par
ticulars see J. W. Elliott.
You may need an
and we want to inform vou
that dates can be made
at this office for
GOL. ot. on
the Weeping Water Auctioneer
Careful Attention to Public
Rates are Reasonable
will make money by corn-dairy
obligations. Then hogs and poultry
These 160-acre tracts are located
you become the owner of a dairy
farm, no matter whether you want to buy one on
easy terms in Nebeaska or Eastern Colorado, or
whether you want to homestead a 320acre tract
in Wyoming.
Aes't Immigration Ag-ent
I0O4 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.