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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1914)
PAGE S. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914. i i amuu I n obnii wh w w w i i i WMMMMWMMMWWMMM " I - ' . I 1 U !m We have just received a car load of Mammoth Pearl LATE SEED Per Bushel Dm SOEHHIGHSEH THE DAYLIGHT STORE DISTRICT CONVENTIONS OF THE CASS COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOLS Look to Your Plumbing. You know what happens in a house in which the plumbing is in poor conidtion everybody in the house is liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perforin the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should bo kepi in first-class condition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion, take Chamberlain's Tablets and you are certain to pet quick relief. For sale by all dealers. The German Homo will be the scene of another very pleasant 'dance on next Saturday evening, and if you enjoy a real jolly time -at a dance you will be on hand to take part in the pleasures of the j occasion. ANOTHER CASE BALL Buy your stationery at the Journal office. HOSIERY For Women Like Silk Hosiery, lav ender top in black only, AVe ree ommend this stocking for service:price 35c--50cper pair 35c per pair wood fiber silk, fine guage, good weight, with re-in forced heel, toes and soles. So seems to hurt. Black, white and tan. 3 pairs $1.00. Guaranteed Phoenix silk hosiery for ladies ,n tan, black and white at 75c to Si. 00 per pair. You will never look for any thing else after wearing the Phoenix. ZUGKWEILEB 8 LUTZ I'lallsmoulh is to have a sec ond base ball (cam to represent liM in in I he sporlinjr world, as a number of the young' men of the city held a meeting last evening anil perfected the urbanization of their team by the election of the ollicers for the season. Robert Mc(!raw Ames was selected as the manager of the team, and F.ugene Tinker Mauer as the captain, who will assign the different players to their positions. The team has some very promising ball players in it and will be able to do busi ness with any team in their class, and arrangements will be made at once to line np a number of conlests wit li outside teams and the boys are confident thai they will be able to pive a gond ac count of themselves on the dia mond this season. The team will have two pood pitchers, as well as a pood fielding and battinp team, and there will be somethinp doinsr when they pot ready to start the season. The team will probably try to arrange a practice tame with the Boosters some time this week if the weather will permit, which will pive them a pood insight into the fine art of ball pi ay in p. There will be a dance given on next Saturday evening at the Ger man Home, to which everybody is cordially invited to bo present and have a good time. Good music will be furnished to the dancers. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All Sores. State ft OUo. City of Toledo. Lnona Conotr. . Frank J. Cheney u.ikes oath tbut be U senior rartiu r of tlie firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do In Imsim-vx in the City of Toledo. County and State afurosaiil. and thnt nald lirm wt'.I py the Bum of oXK HUNDRED DMLLAKS for eaeh and every rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, e FRANK J. CnENEY. Sworn in before me and nhscribetl In my presence, this Oth Uay cf December, A. D., 1SS6. Seal. A. W. GL3ASOX. Notary Iublic. nail's Catarrh Ca-e U taken lntornallv anij acts directly upon the M.xhI and mnons sur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by sll P?icflti, 75c. Take Hall's Family rillj for eonstlpaUon. SBssszBsssxesasssBzzaBSSB-: XE3f We have just received some choice Canna, Calddiom and Tub e Rose Bulbs If you are going to plant any bulbs. We would like to have you place your order early so we may be able to obtain any kind you may want and have them here for you when the time comes to plant them. EASTWOOD The district conventions of tin Cass County Sunday School as sociation will be held in the dif ferent districts in the county on 3Iav 0. 7 and 8. and a large at tendance of the Sunday schoo workers is being looked forwan to. The first district will' meet at Murray on Wednesday. May (" and will be in charge of Superin tendent J. P. Perry of this city The second district, will meet at Avoca on Thursday, May 7, am will be in charge of Superintend ent Mrs. Weslev Davis of Weep ing Water, while the third district meets on riruay, May w, ai j-.agu Willi tne simerinienueni. .uiss Xora Eveland, in charge. The af teruoon sessions of these meet ings will be devoted to the dis cussion of departmental work and its advancement, while Hie even ing meetings will be devoted to addresses along the line of Sun- day school work of the county This association is inter-denom inational and all the Sunday schools of the" county are invited to be represented at the meet ings, which promise to be of more than usual interest. BRASS COLLARS OF BURLINGTON ON THEIR SPRING INSPECTION TOUR A special train of some four coaches passed through this city last evening about 5 o'clock from the east over the Burlington, con veying president u. .Miner oi tnai ii'hoad, together with his party of ollicials from the Chicago headquarters of the company, and a number of the ollicials of the lines west of the Missouri river. Cenei-al Manager lloblrege, den- raal Superintendent I,. B. Allen and Division Superintendent V. H. Mullen came down from Omaha on tne special car oi ;ur. Alien, which was attached to No. 2. and which joined the party of the president at Pacific Junction. Mr. this city, as bad been expected they would, as owing to the late ness of the hour, it was desired reach Omaha as soon as pos ible, and many of the citizens here who had expected to have a view of the gentleman who con trols the destinies of the Burling ton were very much disappointed. as the special did not stop here. The president is engaged in the annual sprintr trip over the lines west to inspect ttie improvements made and to see what others are needed. The trip will cover about a week or ten days and then the eastern ollicials will return to the headquarters at Chicago. HERE TO VISIT HER GRANDPARENTS WHILE HUSBAND IS IN THE ARMY Mrs. A. Q. Ross of Fort Leav nworth, Kansas, has arrived in this city and will visit here at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Seiver. for some time, while her husband is absent with the American army in Mexico. Mr. Ross is a wire less operator for the signal corps and was formerly stationed at Fort Omaha, where he was mar ried there about five months ago to his wife, then Miss Oertrude Ray, and the young couple, short ly after their marriage, were transferred to the Kansas post, and from there the husband was ent to the front on the outbreak of the trouble with the southern republic. The friends here of Mrs. Ross were very much pleased to see her and In learn that she is to be with them for a. short time at least during the absence of her husband at the front. MONT ROBB A CANDIDATE FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS From Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon Mont Robb, proprietor of the Hotel Riley of this city, filed his inten tion with the county clerk to be come a candidate for the office of register of deeds on the repub lican ticket at the coming primary election. Mi. Robb is well known throughout the county, having been engaged in farming near Union and was also for a number of years located at Murray, where he was engaged in the grain busi ness, and also had charge of the elevator at Mvnard, and with his long residence in the county has made many friends, as he is a most genial gentleman and one who is uniformly courteous to all with whom he comes in con tact. Mr. Robb was also steward of the slate penitentiary under the administration of (lovernor Aldrich and has been engaged in the hotel business since that lime at different places, coming here several months ago to take charge of the Riley hotel here. He is cer tainly a most pleasant gentleman to meet and his friends are numerous in Cass county. Yellow Complexion. I nose w nose complexion urns yellow are indeed unhappy; they are usually the viol mis of jaun dice. This sickness has different auses, but is. as a rule, accom panied py constipation. J ne latient is usually very weak and morose. A very goo(j remeoy is rriner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine, because it quickly cleans lit the body and expels undigest d particles of food. It strenglh ns the weakened parts, making them able to perform their work. In diseases of the stomach, the iver and the bowels it often gives l very quick relief. It creates a natural appetite and aids diges- ion; it relieves constipation, even of old standing. Use it in loss of appetite, bodily weakness, con stipation. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 133.T-i;ir?o Ashland Ave., Chicago, III.' If fui feel pain in your throat, best, back or in your limbs, re member Triner's Liniment. If on suffer often with such pains eep a bottle of this liniment al ways at hand. EMBERS OF SAINT LUKE'S PARISH ELECTS OFFICERS FUR YEAR From Wednesday's Daily. The members of St. Luke's parish of tins oily last evening ield their annual parish meeting it the church to hear the reports of the different church otlicials or the year, and for the purpose f the election of the members of I lie vestry for the ensuing year. So well pleased were the member of the parish over the splendid service given them by the present members of the vestry that they were re-elected to their offices for the ensuing year. They are as ollows: Senior warden, George odge: junior warden. Dr. T. P. ,ivingslon: treasurer, Carl G. "rieke; secretary, C. W. Baylor; . m rmi I vestryman, J. ti. inrasner. me church has just secured a new rector. Rev. W. S. Leete, and he was present last evening at me meeting to meet with the vestry, anil all greatly enjoyed the pleas ure of having this most pleasant gentleman with them. You'll find us ready this season with the largest showing ol new styles in Spring suits we've ever offered. Every good pattern shown by the best high grade clothes makers, can be found in our spring lines. New blues, new grays, new browns and many of the neat hair line effects in black and white and other good combinations. New patch pocket models made with roll fronts, besides all regular 2 and 3 button models. Prices $12.50 to $30.00. See Our Windows For Style Pointers. Stetson Hats t Manhattan Shirts STEPS ON A RUSTY NAIL WHICH PENETRATES THE FOOT ABOUT AN INCH Yesterday as George Ford was walking in the yard at his home on South Third street he was so unfortunate as to meet with a very painful accident that may prove most serious for him. . He stepped op a rusty nail that was lying turned point upward on the ground and it penetrated the 'flesh on the bottom of the foot ' for about an inch and made a most painful injury. The wound was dressed and the victim will spend & few days awaiting to see if serious results develop, and will then return to Rock Springs. Wyoming-, where he is located at present. GUS JOHNSON, INSPEC TOR IN THE FREIGHT CAR DEPT. FRACTURES THIGH For Rent. M. E. parsonage, at Mynard. A family without small children prefered. For particulars inquire of Grant Wetenkamp, Mynard, or phone 2220. 16u acres of Land. Will trade 100 acres of land ii Perkins county for Plattsmoutb property. W. H. Bryan. l-lG-d&w After a hearty meal take Doan's Regulets and assist your stomach, liver and bowels. Regu lets are a 'mild laxative. 25c at all stores. This morning about 0 o'clock Gust Johnson, employed as an inspector in the freight car de partment of the Hurlington shop here, met with an accident that will confine him to his room for several weeks. He was climbing onto a box car and reached up to catch hold of the running board, only to find that it was not fast ened down, and he fell back onto the ground, a distance of some fifteen feet, doubling one of his lower limbs up and inflicting a most serious fracture of the right thigh bone below the hip. As soon as the accident occurred fellow workmen of Mr. Johnson ran to his assistance and attempted to aid him, but it was seen that the leg was in bad shape and he was at once hurried to the office of the company physician, where he was looked after and then taken to his home, where the injured man was made as comfortable as the pain ful nature of the injury would permit. Mr. Johnson is quite a short chunky built man and the fall from the height that he did might have even resulted more seriously than it did, although at that it will be many weeks before he is able to be up and around the bouse, and several more be fore he is able to resume his duties at the shops. Many ills come from impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty digestion, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters is recommended for strengthening stomach, bowels and liver ami purifying" the blood. CDSHMAN ENGINE Now is the time to place your order for a Farm Cushman Engine. Last year the factory was com pelled to turn down hun dreds of orders received at harvest time. TOE FARM CUSHMAN EN GINK will not on'13' do what any of equal horse power will do, but will operate your binder as well. Can use it 365 days a year. One party to whom I sold Cushman last year voluntarily told rue he considered it saved him at least fifty dollars by giving him two teams to continue his corn plow ing. For further particulars call up W. T. Richardson Mynard, Neb. Buy your stationery at the Journal office. 5 We are desirous of se J curing the name of every f" person now living who 2 traded with "C. E. Wescolt The Boss Clothier," in the year 1879. .Will you please s call at the store or send us j the name by mail? 2- C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS. H4 Mrs. August Pein III. From "Wednesday's Pally. The many friends of Mrs. Aug ust Pein in this city will be great- y shocked to learn that this most timable lady is lying quite low at her home in this city, suffering from an attack of gall stones, and icr condition is such as to great- y alarm her family and friends, who for the past few days have eon constantly at her bedside in their endeavors to assist her to recover from the illness rrom which she is suffering. It is to be hoped that this lady will be able to rally and soon be up and around again. Residence for Sale. Two-story brick on Main and 8th streets, contains 8 rooms, not including bath room and closets. Beautifully located and modern fixtures. Two and a half lots, with trees, barn and out houses. For further particulars address Silas Long, G48 N. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb. -' 4-8-lmo-d&w (R. G. DOVEY l SON) Rugs, Axminster Carpet, Ingrain Carpet, Matting and Linoleum Just a few Velvet Brussels Rugs, 27x54, special $1 .29 Westop Mil 1) am is a guaranteed Rain Coat for 3 years. For ladies and children, caps to match prices $3.48 up to $9.00 Umbrellas!!! Just received an extraordinary fine lot of Umbrellas. Black, children's 50c Black, large size,.. 50c to $3.00 Two qualities of SilK, detachable handles.. ....$1.50 to $3.50 Muslin Underwear and Night Gowns Gowns at 50, 75, 85, and up to $3.50. Combination Suits Draw ers and Corset covers $1 .50 up to $3.50 Children's Drawers, Plain and Knick erbockers . . . . . AZlo and 25c Misses and Ladies Drawers. , . . .25c Men's Summer Knit Underwear Short Sleeves and ankle lengths. Boys summer Underwear "Mesh" short sleeves and knee length. .25c Ladies and Gents Silk, and Silk Lisle Hosiery The Gordon Dye speaks for it self in quality. r it i A Bucklen's Hurts. Arnica Salve for All f