The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 30, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914.
Alvo Plotes
Mrs. Tiniberlin was in Lincoln
Tuesday. -
Mrs. Will Casey was in Lincoln
lat Thursday.
AN'X J.iiii-s of S-mlh Head was
in town Moii'lay. - '
C. II. Jordan wa in Lincoln on
business Moinlay.
(Iforr' rro.'ltt-li hati business
in Lincoln Monday.
P. J. Linch was in Lincoln on
business Monday.
Mrs. Ed Evans was at Line In
Thursday of last wo;k.
Clifl" Applcman was a caller at
the capital city Monday.
YV. S. Jordan was in the capi
tal city on business Monday.
Verb Linch spent Saturday and
Sunday r.l home from school.'
S. C Ioyles va" in I'latls
nnuith Thursday and Eri.lay.
Mrs. C. H. Kir kp.itrirk was a
pnstensvr to Lincoln Tuslny.
Mi-s. Ma:t Nickle and children
weif fardinir in Lincoln Tuesday.
Rev. and Mrs. Murselman and
son were trading- at Lincoln Mon
day. Ed Ca-oy was in South Omaha
isitinir his parents Thursday and
J. II. Stroemer, Hairy I'arsell
and J. A. Shaffer auloed to Ash
land Sunday.
Mr. Rogers of the state farm
Knn! Sunday with his friend.
Sumner Hall.
Mis Aln:a ri di"-y spent Sun
day and Monday with her friend.
Marjory Hall.
Mis-; Marjorie Cair spent Sat
urday Sunday with her par
ents at Eau'le.
Mrs. William Ca-ey was in
Liiicidn Wednesday to have den
ial w.rk dope.
Mr. and Mrs. Orion Habhvin
were in Lincoln and University
P.r.ce Monday.
Mr. and Mrr. Sain Ca-hner
spent Sunday with Walter Ifard-
rior-k and family.
Mrs. Applebersr of Alliance h
vi-itinc- her daus-'iter, Mrs. Ja-.
II. Forennui. jr.
Fred Snoeker of Lincoln visitetl
r.t the S!i"oeiner home from Fri
day until Sunday.
Mr. Oertie IoIes of Lincoln
visited relatives here from Thurs
day till Saturday.
John Murtey was in Omaha on
business from Thursday until
Saturday Mi business.
S. C Hoyles shipped cattle to
South Omaha Tuesday, acconi
panyin;jr the shipment.
John. Murtey was in C.Iay F.en
t. r a few days last week looking
after hi- j..;ines interests.
Mi-s Ebra l!oles -pint Sat
urday and Sunday with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. ryl.-.-.
Feed your youn:? and obi chix
cbai-eoal and bron mixed. 1 part
charcoal to 2 parts bran, as a dry
S. C. Doylrs and Harley Wolfe
were in TMaltsmonih on business
Friday, pertaining to th. Eteller
Mr. and Mr, (ieorpre C.uryea
and son, Clarence, and family
auloed to Lincoln Sunday to visit
Mrs. Nervia Kindt and son.
Trvin, returned from Kearney,
h.. Friilay and will reside here
in the future.
Miss Alma Oodbey entertained
at dinner Tuesday the Misses
Vera and Marie Prouty and
S h ia
The Misses Helel and IMiih
Foreman came jn Salunlay frmn
Fniversity i'lace, where, they are
attending school.
Ed IJobbitf and family of Lin
coln visited over Sunday with Mrs.
P.'ibbilt's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
(1. P. Foreman, sr.
Adam Meisinirer, from near
Mynard, was a Piattsmouth visit
or last Saturday, visiting with
county ?eat friends.
Alex Skiles of University Place
came in Wednesday for a day's
visit with relatives. Mrs. Jskiles
is reported some belter.
O. P. Foreman and sons left
Tuesday -morninir with their cat
tle, which they pasture in Seward
county durinp" the summer.
A. L Hird and family visited
Sunday with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Arthur
Friend, Miss Marie Bird remained
to ep'Mid Ihe week with her aunl.
Miss Dorothy Manners and her
friend, Emily fJifTiu.'of Unie!-sity
place, came down Saturday and
visited over Sunday with Mrs.
Rudolph Kuehn.
James Orove and dau-rhfer,
Mrs. Joe Bird, relurped from
Minnesota last Friday, where Ihey
were visit iucr-Mr. and Mr. John
Hanson, Dan drove anil James
drove jr., for few weeks.
The Alvo Dramatic club pre
sented their play, "Hill,- 'the
Coachman," at dreenwood Satur
day even in? to a Inrere and ap
ju'ciative . audience. Anion?
others goin? from here were Mr.
The bcanty and virtue of -women
are superior to the virtue and beauty of
men, but no one can be beautiful when
in the throes of a deep-seated hacking
cough or cold. Nothing will bring greater
relief than Allen's Cough Balsam. Sold for
over half a century. Endorsed by those
who use it. 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles.
A Few
The Jatnes IT. Dixon, Hector "St.
Junes and lion. Canon of Christ Church
Caihedral, Montreal, writes : "I'erroit ma
to Btnd you a few lines to strongly recom
mend Perky Davis' Paixkiixkh. I have
used it with satisfaction for thirty-nve
yearn. It is a preparation which deserves
full public confidence."
Painkiller g"p
UIIIHIIIWI Bowel Complaint
and Mrs. It. A. Stone, Mr. and Mrs
Orion Baldwin, Will Sutton, Al
fred Stroemer, John Skinner, Mr
and Mrs. Ed Evans, Joe and Noel
Foreman and Lee l'routy.
Mrs. E. W. Sch lei fert went I
Omaha Thursday, where she i
akin? treatment by a specialist.
Louis Sumner, the old-time
carpenter, is in town renewing
old acquaintances, lie resides in
II. 5. Fun ion of Iienkelnian "i
assisting Superintendent O'Urien
at the fisheries during the sprin?
planting of fish.
Mrs. Ragoss and daughter
Miss Hulda, have returned from ;
six weeks' visit in Iowa with th
former's daughter, Mrs. Edwan
The home of Ernest Pautseh
has been quarantined. Miss Lydia
having contracted diphtheria. At
time of going to press she is re
ported as iretting along nicely.
Mrs. John Ahl. who underwent
a surgical operation in an Omaha
hospital a week au'o. is reported
getting along nicely and her many
Louisville 'friends tru-l she will
soon be able to return home.
Assessor John Oroup has been
busy in town this week rounding
up the taxpayers to get a line on
the extent of their wealth. He
says he finds some very poor
folks, but none who are willing to
turn to the county for aid.
Rev. Tlalsen Luthern. minister
at Wi'sner, died of pneumonia
W eitnesdav. ihe remains were
brought here for burial Friday,
Ihe funeral being held s.t the Her
man Lutheran church near Mur
dock. Deceased was a brother-
in-law of Win. Stohlman and wa
quite well known here.
The matrimonial market took
on new life Friday and Louisville
furnished the material. Raymond
'Oypi Teodorski and Miss ITilder
Loberg went to Omaha, where
thev secured license and were
married. Both of these young
people are well known, having
lived here about all their lives
Will and Louie l'uls, Alfred
(iauesnieier, Herman Engeike
nieir and Tom Smith made a busi
ness trip to Weeping Water Sat
urday evening.
Mr. ami Mrs. Ben Noel spent
Saturday evening with relatives
in Weeping Water.
John Ihirmond is getting along
nicely at this writing.
Will and Louie Puis shelled
corn last Friday and Saturday.
Schafer Bros did the shelling.
Ouile a number of relatives
were tiie guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W illiam l'uls Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Iuls and
Mr. and .Mrs. W. II. Puis spent
Sunday al the home of Mr., and
Mrs. Charles Herren.
The' Pleasant Hill .school at
tended the picnic at the Eight Mile
(i!-oe school Tuesday afternoon.
. Sehafer Bros, and John Urist
shipped hogs to South Omaha
Will Philpot left -Saturday for
his ranch in Logan county for a
few weeks' stay.
P. A. Hild and James Tigner
shelled corn Wednesday.
Percheron Stallion, Major.
I will stand my percheron stal
lion, Major (G2187;, a! the farm
of J. Jf. Meisinger, 2 miles south
oT Cedar Creek, from Monday
inorninq--! Jto Wednesday evening
of each'-week, and the, balance of
the time during the season at my
home. Henry; Jochim.
L. II. Ileil and wife, from nar
Mynard, were Piattsmouth visit
ors last Saturday.
The Proof Is Here the Same as
For those who seek relief from
kidney backache, ' weak kidneys,
bladder ills, Doan's Kidney Pills
offer hope of relief and the proof
is here in Piattsmouth,-the same
as everywhere. Piattsmouth
people have used Doan's and
Piattsmouth people recommend
Doan's, the kidney remedy used
in America for fifty years. Why
suffer? Why run the risk of
dangerous kidney ills fatal
Bright's disease? Here's Piatts
mouth proof. Investigate it.
Jonathan Hatt, general store
keeper, iii Main St., Piatts
mouth, Neb., says: "I consider
Doan's Kidney Pills a very good
remedy for backache and other
kidney troubles. They have
proven their value to me. Others
of my family have also tried
Doan's Pills, procured at Gering
& Co.'s Drug Store. They think
just as much of them as I do."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn ' Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
fur the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
s (Special Correspondent.)
Lewis Ilornbeck was an Omaha
visitor Monday.
W. O.Tiillespie was an Omaha
visitor Monday.
I. O. lfornbcck visited with his
sister in Lincoln Saturday.
William Rush was a Lincoln
visitor Tuesday between trains.
Miss Daisy Halka Su'idayed
with her parents near South
Nurse Anna Amgwerl was
home for a short visit willi rela
t ives and friends.
The Brau'chle sisters, Mariha
and Selma. were Lincoln visitors
Saturday between trains.
Mrs. George Nicklas, who has
been visiting her husband the
past month, returned to her home
Edna Joehansen. who has been
visiting with relatives in Man
ning, iiwa, returned home Tues
day evening.
Ball game Sunday, May.3, Mur
doek vs. Lincoln Cleaning and Dye
Works team. Game called at 3 p.
m. Admission loc.
The bricklayers have finished
(he new store and II. A. Guth
man's cellar and started to work
on Carl SchlaphofT's new resi
dence Wednesday.
Harry Gillespie took Catherine
Tool lo Elmwood Sunday to Dr.
Neely to have her arm tended to.
The small bone that was broken
is improving right along.
Found a Cure for Rheumatism.
"I suffered with rheumatism
for two years and could not get
my right hand to my mouth for
that .length of time," writes Lee
L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa. "I
suffered terrible pain so I could
not sleep or lie still at night. Five
years ago I began using Cham
berlain's Liniment and in two
months I was well and have not
For sale by all dru
Poverty Ball Saturday.
On Saturday evening the Cos
mopolitan club will give a
Poverty ball at Coates' hall and
prizes will be given to the most
poverty stricken appearing lady
and gentleman. Those who de
sire may appear m their "glad
rags," but the prizes go to the
most destitute appearing. Get
out your old duds and be sure
and attend.
Spring Laxativo and Blood
Flush out the accumulated
waste and poisons of the winter
months; cleans your stomach,
liver and kidneys of all impuri
ties. Take Dr. King's New Life
Pills; nothing better for purify
ing the blood. Mild, non-griping
laxative. Cures .. constipation;
makes you feel fine. Take no
other. 25c, at your Druggist.
County Attorney Taylor ; de
parted last evening for Pacific
Junction, where he was called lo
ook after some legal matters for
i few hours.
' Otr-aha's Fur
Clrtn. Ct2SjEnteriain-:rt. Evsrvhwl? Sops: Ask
ftavboii, LaCl.a C!Vc WATA'CS DAILY
Local News
From Thursday's DallyT
; George M. Hild and wife were
passengers this morning for
Omaha, where they will visit for
the day with friends
John C. Hansell of Union came
up this morning from his home
in Liberty precinct aud rpent sev
eral hours here attending to mat
ters at the "court house.
Henry Jochim, one of the enter
prising young farmers of Louis
ville precinct, was in the city to
day for a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
M. E. Manspeaker departed this
morning for Hot Springs, S. D.,
where he was called by the illness
of his brother in that place and
will be gone for about a week.
L. G. Larson departed this
morning on No. 6 for Glenwood,
where he was called lo look after
some contracting work that is to
be done there in the near future.
Frank Beal came in this after
noon from Lincoln, where lie is
employed by the Burlington, and
will make a short visit here with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M.
Henry Horn and wife came in
Ibis morning from their homo
near Cedar Creek and were pas
sengers on the early Burlington
train for the metropolis to spend
the day.
Mrs. J. A. Enb'i'g of Omaha,
who has been here for a few days
visiting with her mother. Mrs. L,
C. Anderson, returned this morn
ing o her home in the metropolis
on No. 15.
Frank Marshall, who for the
past ffw months ha b- en making
his home at Santa Monica, Cali
fornia, came in this morning on
No. 0 and will visit here with his
parents for some time.
Miss Etta Nickels ,,f Murray
VPs a passenger this morning for
Omaha, where she goes spend
a few days visiting and looking
after some matters' in connection
with her Spirella corset agency.
and those who were in the store are satisfied that this is one of the greatest Sales that they have ever attended
and if you want to varify this statement ask your neighbor, but so far it was only a drop in the bucket. We
are constantly pulling out goods from drawers shelves and cases and putting them on counters at prices that
S will make anyone buy even though they don't need it
for our workman.
Mens $1.00 Over
alls, best make
Mens work
made blue,
3 o'clock Saturday
will sell No 1 Galv.
tubs at
Childrens rompers,
a great washing
saver, at
Mens fancy soxs'
regular 19c seller,
Something you all
need. Blue Overall
Demin 22oz. goes
Laces -
5e Lace and
10c " "
15c " "
25c " . "
50c " "
Silk Waists
Saturday from 2 to 3 p. m.
we sell all of our ladies silk
waists at
3qt. granite coffee j)ot Window shades light 30c granite dish pan 15c Flour Sieves 14qt. dish pans, new Clothes Pins, btst
absolutely guaranteed and olive green A 1 granite IXX tin shipment, IXX tin grade per doz.
19c 18c 15c Bo 10c 1ic
WUIDC For Saturday we place on Sale all of our buggy whips, not in J in WHTPQ
W iliro one worth less than 15c and up to 50c, gees Saturday at .1Ui dIlu li"" If Oir U
-Mrs.-O. M. Streight came down
this' afternoon from Omaha, ac
companying her sister, Mivs, J. W.
Sage, home for a short visit here.
Henry Eikenherry and dai:gh
ter. Miss Anna, were passengers
this morning for Omaha, where
Miss Eikenherry will take treat
ment at the hospital.
.Mrs. a. E. Sloan of Caspar,
Wyoming, who has been here
visiting at the home of her niece,
Mrs. W. A. Robertson, departed
this afternoon for her home.
William DelesDernier, the
genial Elmwood attorney, was in
the city today looking after some
matters at the court house and
meeting his friends, who are
legion in this city.
Clears Complexion Removes
Skin Blemishes.
Why go through life embar
rasscd and disfigured with piin-j
pies, eruptions, blackheads, red
rough skin, or suffering the tor
tures of Eczema, itch, tetter, salt
rheum? Just ask your Druggist
for Dr. llobson's Eczema Oint
ment. Follow the simple sug
gestions and your skin worries
are over. Mild, soothing, elective.
Excellent for babies and delicate,
tender skin. Stops chapping.
Relief or money back. 50c, at
vour Druggist.
Jesce Perry Able to Ee Out.
Jesse Perry, the barber, who
has been confined to his home for
the past several days with an at
tack of acute stomach trouble,
has so far recovered as to be back
on tlnv job today, and although
still weak, is feeling a little im
proved over his condition of a few
days ago, all of which will be very
pleasing news lo his host of
friends in the city.
Everybody's friend Dr. Thom
as' Ecleclic Oil, the great house
hold remedy for toothache, ear
ache, sore throat, cuts, bruises,
scalds. Sold at all drug stores.
l'5c and 50c.
T. H. Pollock and wife were
passengers this morning for the
met ropol is. where Mr. Pollock
goes to look after his business
interests and Mrs. Pollock to visit
for the dav with friends.
Shirt well
black, tan
Mens Hose Support
er Sun, Boston, Paris
Ladies hats worth up to $6
and $7, your choice any of
them at
Ladies Skirts
. . 5c
Misses $2 skirt,
" 3 " .
Ladies 5 " .
7 " .
All of our dry goods must be Closed Out! Articles too num
erous to mention but you can save from 1c to SOc a yard.
Shoes Shoes
Our shoes must be closed
out and closed quick as we
are not going to handle shoes
when we remodel. Our stock
is not large but a good many,
will fit the whole family.
C."'-V? .V ; - v '
g at the home of John Kaffenberger, Jr., on the old John
Bauer farm 1 mile nortn and one-half mile west of the
German Lutheran church, on Monday's and Tuesday's
of each week, tiie'balance of the season at my home, 4
miles south of the German Lutheran church.
KOPRIN. was foaled April J3, 1910; bred by M. Journet, department of
Sarthe. Sire: Neptune (Olil), bv Duchesnay (37117), bv Vol tare (.50257)
by Pourquoi Pas (J0S9), by Bon Espoir (213), by Brilliant (1S99), (756), by
a Coco II. (714), by Vieux Chaslin (713),
Jean Jjelilane (iJ'.n
Dam: Sauvage (G7847) bv Rivarol 41329 (52544), by Besigoe (19602), by
Brilliant III. 11116 (2919), by Fenelon 26S2, (38), bv Brilliant 1271 (755),
bv Brilliant 1S99 (756 1, by Coco 11, (714), bv Vieux Chaslin (713), by Coco
(712), bv Mignon (715), bv .Jean LcBlanc (739)
2nd Dam: M argot (53556), by Besigue (19602), by Brilliant III, 11116
(2919), bv Fenelon 2682 (38), bv Brilliant 1271 (755), by Brilliant 1S99 (756)
by Coco II, (714) by Vieux Chaslin (713), by Coco, (712), by Mignon (715),
by Jean LeBianc (739).
3d Dam: Margot (23564), by Sansonnet (4350), by Vieux Decide (4509),
belonging to M. Vinault.
4th Dam: Chaton, belonging to M. Esnault.
TERMS: $15.00 to insure colt to stand up and suck. E'arties disusing
of mares or removing from locality, service fee becomes due and must be
paid immediately. Care will bu taken to prevent accidents, but will not
be responsible should any occur.
One of the events of the season
will be the "Poverty Bnl!" given
Saturday evening at Coates' hall
by the Cosmopolitain club, - Re
member the date ani be there, as
a geed time is in store for all.
Gccd music of the latest variety
will be furnished.
Mrs. John Bauer, jr., and
children were passengers
morning for Omaha, where
will visit for the day.
DR. E- R. TARRY 240
just now, but we must close it
Mens summer Under
wear, Balbrigan or
19 and 39c
Mens Hats, black,
brown or gray
Mens Clothing
Mens $2 pants 98c
Boys suits 1.69
Youths suits 4.95
Mens Worsted suit 5. 8 5
All Wool serge suit8. 45
A quanity of corsets
usually sold at $1 and
1.25, go Saturday . . 69c
Shoes - Shoes
Mens work and dress shoes
all sizes and grades in black
or tan. all worth S3 up to $5
during this sale. .. .$2.35
Ladies shoes, any pair in
the house ... ... .1.98
Koprin is a black import
ported Percheron, weighs
1950 pounds, and is 4 yrs
old, and stands highly
among his clas3 of horses.
He was inspected this
spring by the state in
spector and is sound in
every way. I have dec
ided to stand Koprin
by Coco (712), by Mignoa (715), by
Old-Fashioned Dance Saturday.
The Improved Order of Red
men have arranged to hold an
other of" their old-fashioned
dances on Saturday evening, May
2, at their hall on lower Main
street. A line time is in store for
:.ll those v ho attend and the
members of the order are looking
forward to the event with the
most pleasant expectations.
The Journal does job work.
Ho Monsyjill Cured
Fistula and All Rectal Dlaaasaa curad with
out tna knife. Permanent cures sju&ranteed.
Write for Free Illustrated bock on Rectal
DUecses and testimonials of hundreds ef
cured patients in Nebraska and Iowa.
Bee BIdg.. Omaha, Neb.
out at once to make room
Mens Caps, spring
styles, all colors
A snap, GO yds. of
Turkey red table
cloth. 35c seller at
Good quality Cotton
Crash toweling
Children hose sup
porters worth 15c,
IX tin water pail
10 qurt